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Habitat specialists form tight relationships with their host habitat and are able to make microscale decisions when selecting final habitat locations. The obligate coral-dwelling fish, Gobiodon histrio, is thought to make habitat choices based on the coloration and structural characteristics of Acropora nasuta, their preferred coral host. Yet, most studies on the habitat preference of G. histrio have been conducted on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef with no understanding if geographic differences in preferences exist. Here, we tested the habitat preference of G. histrio toward A. nasuta on the reefs of Kadavu and Tavewa Islands, Fiji. First, to assess the natural distribution, belt transect surveys of all acroporid corals were conducted. Transects indicated that, while G. histrio is most frequently found in A. nasuta over other acroporid corals, the coral’s structural characteristics rather than the coral’s color variation were the preferred characteristic. In contrast, the Australian G. histrio have been found to be more frequent in blue A. nasuta opposed to the brown color variation, suggesting a geographic difference in habitat preferences among the species. In addition, we conducted two in situ behavioral field experiments to determine whether G. histrio would (1) move from dead A. nasuta to a live brown or blue A. nasuta and (2) preferentially select between the brown- or blue-colored A. nasuta when placed on a dead A. nasuta. The results of the in situ experiments support the finding that Fijian G. histrio does not discriminate between A. nasuta using color but uses only structural morphologies to guide its habitat selection process. Habitat selection is a complex process, and microscale habitat preferences within a species can vary between geographic locations. This study sheds light on the need to expand research findings to incorporate large geographic regions when attempting to understand the preferences of coral reef symbionts.


The high occurrence of social monogamy in birds has led to questions about partner fidelity, or the perennial nature of monogamy from one breeding season to another. Despite the evolutionary advantages of partner fidelity, divorce occurs among 95% of bird species. We aimed to describe patterns of divorce and partner fidelity in five seabird species breeding in Arctic and Antarctic regions and investigated the influence of breeding status on pair bond maintenance. For four out of the five species considered, we observed low divorce rates (respectively 1.9%, 3.3%, 2.5%, and 0.0% for Brünnich''s guillemot, glaucous gull, Antarctic petrel, and south polar skua), while the divorce rate was much higher (19.1%) for the black‐legged kittiwake. For kittiwakes, the divorce rate was lower for pairs that managed to raise their chick to 15 days of age, while the effect of breeding success on divorce in the four other species could not be tested due to the rareness of divorce events. Our results emphasize the potentially large temporal (interannual) variations that should be taken into account in understanding divorce and partner fidelity in seabirds.  相似文献   

Synopsis We confirmed both-ways sex change in the coral-dwelling gobies Gobiodon micropus, G. oculolineatus, G. quinquestrigatus and G. rivulatus rivulatus by mate-removal experiment in the field and by the aquarium experiment of keeping two consexual fish in a coral. Eight species of Gobiodon were found in Acropora corals on the reef flat of Sesoko Island, Okinawa, southern Japan. The 4 species mentioned above bred in monogamous pairs composed of a male and a female matched by size, and the male took care of eggs deposited on the coral branch. In G. quinquestrigatus and G. rivulatus rivulatus males were larger than females in newly formed pairs, and females grew faster than their mates until breeding. The growth-rate advantage in females seems to be the major factor in the evolution of female to male sex change. The gobies strongly depended on host corals, but they moved between the corals after mate loss or coral death to form new pairs. This provides opportunities for the evolution of male to female sex change; the ability to change sex in both directions reduces the frequency of risky movement between host corals to form new pairs. These conditions are very similar to those reported in the both-ways sex change of another coral-dwelling goby Paragobiodon echinocephalus.  相似文献   

The size-advantage model predicts the evolution of sex changeif the relative reproductive success of the sexes changes withsize or age. In the goby (Paragobiodon echinocephalus) the largesttwo fish, a male and a female matched by size, breed monogamouslyin each host coral. Because the female fecundity and male abilityof egg care increase with body size in a similar way, no size-fecundityadvantage exists. However, we found both protogyny and infrequentprotandry in a natural population of this species in Okinawa.New pairs were often formed after movement between host coralsand also sex change or sex differentiation of one or both members.In most new pairs males were larger than females, and femalesgrew much faster than their mates until breeding (growth-rateadvantage). The smaller member of a new pair should be the femalethat grows faster, because the smaller limits the reproductivesuccess of the pair. To form such a pair, the goby changed sexaccording to the sex and relative size of a new mate, as a status-dependentconditional strategy. The growth-rate advantage predicts predominanceof protogyny, but movement between host corals provides opportunitiesalso for protandry.  相似文献   

Data from 939 nests of the Blue Tit Parus caeruleus and 1008 nests of the Great Tit P. major from nestboxes provided in superabundance in mixed forest study sites between 1976 and 2001 were analysed to examine the effects of mate retention on breeding success and the relationship between mate fidelity and site fidelity. Most birds retained their former partner (76% in Great Tits and 65% in Blue Tits). The probability of a pair divorcing was affected by male age in Great Tits, divorce being more likely in pairs with first‐year males. Great Tit pairs breeding together for a second season bred earlier, but had no higher breeding success than pairs breeding together for the first time. In Blue Tits laying date and start of incubation tended to be earlier in pairs breeding together for a second season, but hatching and fledging dates were not earlier than in other pairs. Great Tit pairs breeding together for two consecutive seasons bred earlier in the second season than in the first, but breeding success did not differ significantly between years. In both species, breeding performance did not differ between pairs that divorced after a season and pairs that stayed together. Thus breeding success did not determine whether a pair divorced or bred together again. Neither Blue Tits nor Great Tits improved their breeding performance through divorce. Blue Tit females even had fewer fledglings in the year after divorce than in the year before. Mate retention affected breeding site fidelity. Blue Tit females had greater breeding dispersal distances between consecutive years when re‐mating than when breeding again with the same mate. In Great Tits both males and females dispersed more when re‐mating than when retaining the former partner, suggesting that mate retention increased the chance of retaining the breeding site. In both species, breeding dispersal distances did not differ between pairs that divorced and pairs in which one mate disappeared. Because no major advantage of mate retention was evident, we suggest that mate retention evolved under different conditions than those found in study sites with high breeding densities and a superabundance of artificial nesting sites.  相似文献   

Fidelity rates of pair-bonded individuals are of considerable interest to behavioral and population biologists as they can influence population structure, mating rates, population productivity, and gene flow. Estimates of fidelity rates calculated from direct observations of pairs in consecutive breeding seasons may be biased because (i) individuals that are not seen are assumed to be dead, (ii) variation in the detectability of individuals is ignored, and (iii) pair status must be known with certainty. This can lead to a high proportion of observations being ignored. This approach also restricts the way variation in fidelity rates for different types of individuals, or the covariation between fidelity and other vital rates (e.g., survival) can be analyzed. In this study, we develop a probabilistic multievent capture–mark–recapture (MECMR) modeling framework for estimating pair fidelity rates that accounts for imperfect detection rates and capture heterogeneity, explicitly incorporates uncertainty in the assessment of pair status, and allows estimates of state-dependent survival and fidelity rates to be obtained simultaneously. We demonstrate the utility of our approach for investigating patterns of fidelity in pair-bonded individuals, by applying it to 30 years of breeding data from a wild population of great tits Parus major Linnaeus. Results of model selection supported state-dependent recapture, survival, and fidelity rates. Recapture rates were higher for individuals breeding with their previous partner than for those breeding with a different partner. Faithful birds that were breeding with the same partner as in the previous breeding season (i.e., at t − 1) experienced substantially higher survival rates (between t and t + 1) and were also more likely to remain faithful to their current partner (i.e., to remain in the faithful state at t + 1). First year breeders were more likely to change partner than older birds. These findings imply that traditional estimates, which do not account for state-dependent parameters, may be both inaccurate and biased, and hence, inferences based on them may conceal important biological effects. This was demonstrated in the analysis of simulated capture histories, which showed that our MECMR model was able to estimate state-dependant survival and pair fidelity rates in the face of varying state-dependant recapture rates robustly, and more accurately, than the traditional method. In addition, this new modeling approach provides a statistically rigorous framework for testing hypothesis about the causes and consequences of fidelity to a partner for natural populations. The novel modeling approach described here can readily be applied, either in its current form or via extension, to other populations and other types of dyadic interactions (e.g., between nonpaired individuals, such as parent–offspring relationships, or between individuals and locations, such as nest-site fidelity).  相似文献   

Fishes of the genus Gobiodon are habitat specialists by their association with Acropora corals. Little is known about the parameters that define host coral quality for these fishes, in particular their breeding pairs. Data were collected in the northern Red Sea using 10 × 1-m belt transects in different reefs and zones. Gobiid density was highly correlated with coral density over all sites and zones, and the more specialized goby species preferred coral species that are less vulnerable to environmental stress. Moreover, the occupation rate of corals by goby breeding pairs significantly increased with colony size and decreased with partial mortality of colonies. Logistic regression showed that both coral size (being most important) and partial mortality are key factors influencing the occupation by breeding pairs. This study provides the first evidence that breeding pairs of coral-associated gobiids have more advanced habitat requirements than con-specifics in other social states. As coral reefs are threatened worldwide and habitat loss and degradation increase, this information will help predict the potential effects on those reef fishes obligatorily associated with live corals.  相似文献   

Many studies have suggested that reproductive performance improvesduring the pair-bond, which might explain why individuals rematewith the same partner in many species. However, discussion existsabout whether the association between reproductive performanceand pair-bond duration that is reported in these studies reflectsa causal relationship. Usually it is unclear whether a positiveassociation is caused by pairs improving during their pair-bondor by high-quality pairs staying together for longer. Furthermore,reproductive performance often also depends on the age or breedingexperience of parents, which all covary with pair-bond duration.A much needed experimental approach is lacking so far. We investigatedthe effect of pair-bond duration on reproductive performancein a long-lived monogamous bird species based on natural aswell as experimental variation. The duration of oystercatcher(Haematopus ostralegus) pair-bonds, which were followed for21 years, strongly affected reproductive output, even aftercontrolling for effects of age and breeding experience. Pairsimproved during their pair-bond, and there were no indicationsof selective disappearance of low-quality pairs; however, pairsthat stayed together for very long performed badly. Experimentalremoval of one partner showed that the reproductive cost ofdivorce depended on the pair-bond duration with the old partner.In addition, after remating, the newly formed pairs stronglyimproved again, independent of the age and breeding experienceof the remated pair members. As such, this study provides thefirst experimental evidence of a causal effect of pair-bondduration on reproductive performance.  相似文献   

I studied the breeding biology of pied avocets Recurvirostra avosetta in natural habitats (alkaline lakes), and in semi-natural sites (dry fishpond, reconstructed wetlands) in Hungary to relate habitat selection patterns to spatial and temporal variation in breeding success. Colonies were initiated earlier in semi-natural sites than in natural habitats, and earlier on islands than on the mainland. Hatching success was higher on islands than on the mainland, in semi-natural sites than in natural habitats, in colonies of at least 15 pairs than in smaller colonies, and for nests initiated earlier than later within a colony. Fledging success was higher in the wet years (1999–2000) than in the dry year (1998), decreased strongly by season in both habitats and increased with average daily temperature in the first week post-hatch in 1999–2000. Most pairs hatching young in semi-natural sites attempted to lead their chicks to feeding areas in natural habitats, whereas no such movement occurred in the opposite direction. Chick mortality due to predation was high during brood movements and only 23% of the pairs moving their young produced fledglings, compared to 43% for pairs remaining in semi-natural sites and 68% for pairs hatching and rearing young in natural habitats (total n=192 broods). These results suggest that semi-natural sites were more suitable for nesting, whereas natural habitats were more suitable for chick-rearing. The opposing trends in habitat-related breeding success between nesting and chick-rearing suggest sub-optimal habitat selection by Pied Avocets due to an incorrect assessment of the potential for successful reproduction of semi-natural sites, which may thus function as ecological traps.  相似文献   

The Siberian Tit Parus cinctus population of Finland, and probably of the whole of Fennoscandia, has declined dramatically during this century. Understanding its population dynamics is essential for its conservation. We studied annual survival rate and dispersal distance of both breeding and fledgling Siberian Tits during 1989-97 in a moderately managed forest habitat near the southern border of its range in Kuusamo, northeastern Finland. Breeding density was low, averaging 0.51 pairs/km in a nestbox area of about 42 km2. This was probably an underestimate, because we did not search for nests in natural holes. However, following its population decline, overall densities at the southern border of the range are low. The study area was, however, suitable breeding habitat as reflected by their high nesting success. Brood size at fledging averaged 7.45 young, and reproductive output was 6.16 young per breeding pair, including failed nests. Clutch size adjustment was successful among pairs producing fledglings because, on average, 92.6% of the eggs laid produced young in successful broods. Median distance between consecutive breeding attempts was 100 m for both males and females (range 0–2500 m and 0–6000 m, respectively). Natal dispersal distance was significantly longer in females than in males. We applied Cormack-Jolly-Seber modelling to estimate survival and recapture probabilities separately. Survival of breeding birds was not sex-related, averaging 0.69 annually. Some of the ringed fledglings (3.0%) were later captured as breeders in the area. This is an underestimate of local survival rate due to incomplete recapturing of breeding birds. The implications of these results with respect to the conservation status of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Corals are an essential and threatened habitat for a diverse range of reef-associated animals. Episodes of coral bleaching are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity over coming decades, yet the effects of coral-host bleaching on the associated animal communities remain poorly understood. The present study investigated the effects of host-colony bleaching on the obligate coral-dwelling crab, Trapezia cymodoce, during a natural bleaching event in the lagoon of Lizard Island, Australia. Branching corals, which harbour the highest diversity of coral associates, comprised 13% of live coral cover at the study site, with 83% affected by bleaching. Crabs on healthy and bleached colonies of Pocillopora damicornis were monitored over a 5-week period to determine whether coral bleaching affected crab density and movement patterns. All coral colonies initially contained one breeding pair of crabs. There was a significant decline in crab density on bleached corals after 5 weeks, with many corals losing one or both crabs, yet all healthy colonies retained a mating pair. Fecundity of crabs collected from bleached and healthy colonies of P. damicornis was also compared. The size of egg clutches of crabs collected from bleached hosts was 40% smaller than those from healthy hosts, indicating a significant reduction in fecundity. A laboratory experiment on movement patterns found that host-colony bleaching also prompted crabs to emigrate in search of more suitable colonies. Emigrant crabs engaged in aggressive interactions with occupants of healthy hosts, with larger crabs always usurping occupants of a smaller size. Decreased densities and clutch sizes, along with increased competitive interactions, could potentially result in a population decline of these important coral associates with cascading effects on coral health.  相似文献   

SVEIN HAFTORN 《Ibis》1997,139(2):379-381
One Norwegian territory was occupied by successive pairs of Marsh Tits Parus palustris during 35 breeding seasons. Only ten males and seven females were involved. Each pair showed strict site fidelity and kept to the territory all year round. The pair bond lasted throughout life, and the duration varied from one to eight successive years. The number of successive mates varied for the males from one to two females and for the females from one to four males. Assuming that the birds were juveniles or 1 year old when ringed, they survived, on the average, 4.4 years. The oldest male survived for at least 10 years 4 months and the oldest female for 8 years 4 months. The mean survival rate of adults from one breeding season to the next was 75.8%, which is remarkably high when compared with the genera! findings in tits.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship among re‐mating, site fidelity and breeding performance in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor using 16 y of data on reproductive biology in a population breeding in nest boxes near Ithaca, New York. Of 217 pairs for which both members survived the non‐breeding season, 76% mated with a new partner and 24% reunited with their previous mate. Pairs did not increase their breeding success by breeding together for more than one breeding season. Males produced fewer fledglings after breeding with a new partner, but females neither increased nor decreased their success when breeding with a new mate. Females who bred with a new partner were younger than females that reunited with their previous mates, and they were more likely to move to a different nest box. Males that bred with a new mate were of similar age to males that reunited, and they did not move more often. The probability of breeding with a new partner was better predicted by female age than by previous breeding success, suggesting that re‐mating was not strongly affected by past breeding performance. Because younger females change breeding sites more frequently than do older females and females that mated with a new partner were younger than females that reunited with their previous mates, we suggest that the tendency of tree swallows to change partners between years is a by‐product of lower site fidelity of younger females rather than a strategy for increasing breeding success.  相似文献   

There is evidence that breeding failure is associated with divorce and dispersal in many bird species. However, deviations from the general pattern “success‐stay/failure‐leave” seem to be common, suggesting that factors other than breeding performance may importantly influence mate and habitat selection. Moreover, variability in response to performance suggests coexistence of different evolutionary strategies of mate and site selection within a population. In this study, we assessed how individuals conform to the success‐stay/failure‐leave pattern in kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), and aimed to identify categories of individuals presenting different behavioural patterns. We considered individual attributes (experience, prior residence at the nest site, performance in multiple breeding attempts), pair attributes (arrival asynchrony, timing of failure, pair duration), and productivity in habitat patches. Timing of failure was an important factor. Pair reunion probability was close to 0.5 in failed pairs, but it was consistently higher in early failed than in late failed pairs. Prior residence better explained variability in probability of reunion in failed pairs than pair duration. However, the positive influence of prior residence on the probability of reunion was perceptible only in early failed pairs. Divorce probability in successful pairs increased with arrival asynchrony, and was higher in first‐time than in experienced breeders. Local productivity positively influenced site fidelity probability in early failed birds, but not in late failed ones. Using memory models, we found that dispersal decisions integrate information on individual breeding performance in a temporal scale longer than one year. This study contributed to the identification of relevant states to be considered when addressing mate and nest site choice. Natural selection may operate on slight fitness differences that cannot be detected without high levels of stratification according to the appropriate individual and habitat attributes.  相似文献   

Topi Lehtonen  Kai Lindström 《Oikos》2004,104(2):327-335
Resource availability may determine local breeding systems and may also vary locally between different habitats, affecting the way individuals distribute themselves between these habitats. For nest-breeding fishes, nest site availability is a crucial resource that has been found to affect local sexual selection regimes and thus breeding systems. In this study, we compared the availability and size distribution of nest sites and their consequences for habitat preference, fish distributions and the breeding system in sand gobies ( Pomatoschistus minutus ) breeding in two different habitats. The usual breeding sites of sand gobies are shallow sandy beaches, but here we report their breeding in a novel environment, on rocky bottoms. We found obvious differences between the two habitats. The density of occupied nests was nearly 50 times higher in rock habitat than on sand bottoms. However, competition for nest sites was stronger on sand; nearly all natural nest sites found were in use and empty nest sites were occupied at a much higher rate on sand than in rock habitat. In addition to the numerical differences, nests were larger and contained more eggs in rock habitat than in sand habitat. Moreover, we found significant habitat-specific differences in fish size distribution. The intensity of intrasexual competition as a result of the degree of nest site availability explains the observed patterns within the habitats, but not between them. These habitat-related differences are better explained by the larger average size of nests on rocky bottoms. The effect of nest size on habitat preference was confirmed experimentally by laboratory experiments. When nest size did not differ between the habitats, gobies originating in the two environments showed an equal preference for the sand habitat.  相似文献   

Mate retention frequencies and correlations between mate changeand reproductive performance were estimated in a populationof barnacle geese, Branta leucopsis, breeding on the islandof Gotland in the Baltic. About 90% of the pairs remained togetherfrom one breeding season to the next. Only 2.4% of the pairsdivorced, most mate changes being consequences of the deathof one partner. Divorces were not forecast by low reproductivesuccess, and seemed to be accidental. In the season before matechange, there was no difference in reproductive performance,measured as clutch size, hatching date, and number of fledgedyoung, between faithful pairs and pairs where one partner wassubsequently changed. However, in the first season with a newpartner, clutch size and number of fledged young decreased onaverage. Hence, because mate change led to a reduction in reproductivesuccess, it was concluded that mate retention is advantageous.Our results suggest that this reduction is more likely due tothe lower average age or breeding experience of new partnersthan to the benefits of breeding experience with one particularpartner. [Behav Ecol 1991 ;2:116–122]  相似文献   

Johnson JR  Semlitsch RD 《Oecologia》2003,137(2):205-210
Concern over amphibian population declines and loss of terrestrial and aquatic habitat have emphasized the need to define habitat requirements for each stage in a species' life history. The realization that pond-breeding amphibians spend most of their lives in the terrestrial environment suggests the need to protect terrestrial as well as aquatic habitat. Many studies on amphibian populations have focused on emigration from breeding sites to define habitat use; however these studies do not typically elucidate terrestrial activities of adults within the breeding season. We measured colonization rates of artificial pools by gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) at multiple distances from natural breeding ponds. We found a non-random distribution of egg deposition among distances, with 95% of eggs deposited within 15 m of the breeding pond. Additionally, we found that the time to first colonization of artificial pools increased with respect to distance. Our results indicate that adult gray treefrogs may travel up to 200 m within a breeding season, and that multiple breeding ponds may be considered part of a single population. We suggest that a minimum core terrestrial habitat of 60 m surrounding breeding sites is appropriate for protection of local populations of gray treefrogs.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between mate fidelity and breeding site tenacity during a 5-year study of the black turnstone, Arenaria melanocephala, a socially monogamous sandpiper breeding in subArctic Alaska. We tested the predictions of several hypotheses regarding the incidence of divorce and the benefits of fidelity to mate and breeding site. Interannual return rates to the breeding grounds (88% for males, 79% for females) were among the highest yet recorded for any scolopacid sandpiper, and 88% of returning birds nested on their previous year's territory. The annual divorce rate was only 11%, and mate fidelity was significantly linked to fidelity to territory but independent of sex and year. Males arrived in spring significantly earlier than their mates and interannual fidelity was influenced by the relative timing of arrival of pair members. Reunited pairs had significantly higher fledging success than new pairs formed after death or divorce. The incidence of divorce was unrelated to reproductive success the previous year, although birds nested significantly further away after failure than after a successful nesting attempt. Sightings of marked individuals suggested that members of pairs do not winter together, and breeding site tenacity provides a mechanism through which pair members can reunite. We reject the 'incompatibility' hypothesis for divorce in turnstones, and our data contradict predictions of the 'better option' hypothesis. Alternatively, we propose the 'bet-hedging' hypothesis to explain the occurrence of divorce, which transpires when an individual pairs with a new mate to avoid the cost of waiting for a previous mate to return. Such costs can include remaining unmated, if the former mate has died, or experiencing lower reproductive success because of delayed breeding. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

A population of Garden Warbler was studied in a natural habitat in the Urseren valley (1500 m a. s. l.) for 7 years. The aim of this study was to describe the migration phenology and to evaluate if a self-sustainable population of this long distance migrant can exist under unfavourable climatic conditions. In spring, the Garden Warblers arrive about 3 weeks later, but in late summer they leave their territories at the same time as their conspecifics in the lowlands. Possible consequences of the restricted breeding period for juvenile development and migration schedule are discussed. In the study area, a very high breeding density (25 territories/10 ha) was recorded. The birds show a remarkable breeding and natal site fidelity (48 % of adults and 6 % of nestlings returned the following year). The overall breeding success was 48 %. The main causes of failure were predation and bad weather events. The latter were responsible for the annual fluctuations of breeding success. In conclusion, this study confirms that self-sustainable populations of this long-distance migratory species exist in mountain habitats.  相似文献   

The adaptive value of mate retention has been studied in several socially monogamous birds but evidence of reproductive benefits for short-lived species is inconclusive. Most studies come from northern latitudes but more research on tropical birds is needed, as these species typically show higher survival rates and longer pair bonds than those from temperate regions. We gathered data on the reproductive biology of a subtropical, isolated population of Thorn-tailed Rayadito Aphrastura spinicaudaduring 2008–2017 to evaluate the reproductive consequences of mate retention. We examined data from 243 breeding attempts made by 159 breeding pairs. We found that ~30% of all breeding pairs bred together during at least two consecutive years, and some were mated for 6 years. The main cause of pair dissolution was mate loss, not divorce. Mixed-effects models provided moderate evidence for positive effects of mate retention and successive remating on reproductive success. Newly formed pairs laid eggs later and had slightly smaller clutches than remated pairs. Furthermore, clutch size seemed to increase with successive remating. Overall, our results suggest that newly formed pairs are less efficient in reproduction and that minor yearly reproductive benefits of mate retention might accumulate for birds that are able to breed with the same partner over many years. Because breeding habitat is limited in our study population, Thorn-tailed Rayaditos could benefit from remating if the number of individuals that can breed exceeds the number of available breeding positions. Profitable long-term pair bonds might be more frequent in tropical birds and therefore more studies are needed to assess the prevalence of remating-mediated effects on reproduction in relatively short-lived monogamous species breeding in tropical regions.  相似文献   

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