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The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) is the central melanocortin receptor involved in vertebrate pigmentation. Mutations in this gene cause variations in coat coloration in amniotes. Additionally, in mammals MC1R is the main receptor for agouti‐signaling protein (ASIP), making it the critical receptor for the establishment of dorsal‐ventral countershading. In fish, Mc1r is also involved in pigmentation, but it has been almost exclusively studied in relation to melanosome dispersion activity and as a putative genetic factor involved in dark/light adaptation. However, its role as the crucial component for the Asip1‐dependent control of dorsal‐ventral pigmentation remains unexplored. Using CRISPR/Cas9, we created mc1r homozygous knockout zebrafish and found that loss‐of‐function of mc1r causes a reduction of countershading and a general paling of the animals. We find ectopic development of melanophores and xanthophores, accompanied by a decrease in iridophore numbers in the ventral region of mc1r mutants. We also reveal subtle differences in the role of mc1r in repressing pigment cell development between the skin and scale niches in ventral regions.  相似文献   

We tested the effect of population density on maximum body size in three sympatric species of annual killifishes Nothobranchius spp. from African ephemeral pools. We found a clear negative effect of population density on body size, limiting their capacity for extremely fast development and rapid growth. This suggests that density-dependent population regulation and the ephemeral character of their habitat impose contrasting selective pressures on the life history of annual killifishes.  相似文献   

Evolutionary responses are required for tree populations to be able to track climate change. Results of 250 years of common garden experiments show that most forest trees have evolved local adaptation, as evidenced by the adaptive differentiation of populations in quantitative traits, reflecting environmental conditions of population origins. On the basis of the patterns of quantitative variation for 19 adaptation‐related traits studied in 59 tree species (mostly temperate and boreal species from the Northern hemisphere), we found that genetic differentiation between populations and clinal variation along environmental gradients were very common (respectively, 90% and 78% of cases). Thus, responding to climate change will likely require that the quantitative traits of populations again match their environments. We examine what kind of information is needed for evaluating the potential to respond, and what information is already available. We review the genetic models related to selection responses, and what is known currently about the genetic basis of the traits. We address special problems to be found at the range margins, and highlight the need for more modeling to understand specific issues at southern and northern margins. We need new common garden experiments for less known species. For extensively studied species, new experiments are needed outside the current ranges. Improving genomic information will allow better prediction of responses. Competitive and other interactions within species and interactions between species deserve more consideration. Despite the long generation times, the strong background in quantitative genetics and growing genomic resources make forest trees useful species for climate change research. The greatest adaptive response is expected when populations are large, have high genetic variability, selection is strong, and there is ecological opportunity for establishment of better adapted genotypes.  相似文献   

Whilst considerable information is available for avian cryptosporidiosis, scant information is available for Cryptosporidium infections in fish and amphibians. The present review details recent studies in avian cryptosporidiosis and our current knowledge of piscine and amphibian infections.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are among the most abundant symbionts of plants, improving plant productivity and diversity. They are thought to mostly grow vegetatively, a trait assumed to limit adaptability. However, AMF can also harbor genetically different nuclei (nucleotypes). It has been shown that one AMF can produce genotypically novel offspring with proportions of different nucleotypes. We hypothesized that (1) AMF respond rapidly to a change of environment (plant host) through changes in the frequency of nucleotypes; (2) genotypically novel offspring exhibit different genetic responses to environmental change than the parent; and (3) genotypically novel offspring exhibit a wide range of phenotypic plasticity to a change of environment. We subjected AMF parents and offspring to a host shift. We observed rapid and large genotypic changes in all AMF lines that were not random. Genotypic and phenotypic responses were different among offspring and their parents. Even though growing vegetatively, AMF offspring display a broad range of genotypic and phenotypic changes in response to host shift. We conclude that AMF have the ability to rapidly produce variable progeny, increasing their probability to produce offspring with different fitness than their parents and, consequently, their potential adaptability to new environmental conditions. Such genotypic and phenotypic flexibility could be a fast alternative to sexual reproduction and is likely to be a key to the ecological success of AMF.  相似文献   

TLC‐DPPH guided fractionation of a sponge‐associated fungus Truncatella angustata with a solid culture resulted in the isolation of five new α‐pyrone‐based analogues namely angupyrones A – E ( 1  –  5 ), and 3‐ethyl‐4‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐2‐pyrone. Their structures were determined on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analyses, including the modified Mosher's method, bulkiness rule, and specific rotation for the configurational assignments. Angupyrones A – E exhibited moderate antioxidant response element activation in HepG2C8 cells, while the preliminary structure‐activity relationship was discussed.  相似文献   

The neurotrophins exhibit neurotrophic effects on specific, partially overlapping populations of neurons both in the peripheral and the central nervous system (CNS). In the periphery, they are synthesized by a variety of nonneuronal cells, and their synthesis seems to be independent of the neuronal input. In contrast, in the CNS all neurotrophins are expressed under physiological conditions primarily by neurons. The production of NGF and BDNF is controlled by neuronal activity: up-regulation by glutamate and acetylcholine, down-regulation by gamma-aminobutyric acid. In contrast, NT-3 regulation is independent of neuronal activity, but it is up-regulated by thyroid hormones and BDNF. The latter observation suggests that NT-3 might be controlled indirectly by neuronal activity via BDNF. In peripheral nonneuronal tissues, glucocorticoid hormones down-regulate NGF mRNA levels both in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, in the CNS, neuronal production of NGF is enhanced by glucocorticoids. The rapid regulation of NGF and BDNF by subtle physiological stimuli together with the recent demonstration that the neurotrophin release neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine opens up interesting perspectives for the function of neurotrophins as mediators of neuronal plasticity. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The difference in phenotypes of queens and workers is a hallmark of the highly eusocial insects. The caste dimorphism is often described as a switch‐controlled polyphenism, in which environmental conditions decide an individual's caste. Using theoretical modeling and empirical data from honeybees, we show that there is no discrete larval developmental switch. Instead, a combination of larval developmental plasticity and nurse worker feeding behavior make up a colony‐level social and physiological system that regulates development and produces the caste dimorphism. Discrete queen and worker phenotypes are the result of discrete feeding regimes imposed by nurses, whereas a range of experimental feeding regimes produces a continuous range of phenotypes. Worker ovariole numbers are reduced through feeding‐regime‐mediated reduction in juvenile hormone titers, involving reduced sugar in the larval food. Based on the mechanisms identified in our analysis, we propose a scenario of the evolutionary history of honeybee development and feeding regimes.  相似文献   

Melanocytes undergo rapid and significant changes in their gene expression programs at regular intervals during development and the hair follicle cycle. In melanoma, the gene expression pattern found in normal melanocytes is disrupted. These gene expression patterns are regulated in part by post‐translational histone modifications catalyzed by Polycomb group (PcG) proteins, which play a major role in many developmental processes and are often altered in cancer. In this review, we discuss the role of the PcG proteins in stem cell and cancer biology, in general, as well as in melanocyte development and melanomagenesis. Highlights include the discussion of newly identified treatments that target the activity of PcG proteins as well as new developments in the understanding of the role that these proteins play in melanocyte biology.  相似文献   

Chemical examination of the bright yellow sponge Leucetta chagosensis resulted in the isolation of three new imidazole‐based alkaloid complexes namely chagosendines A – C ( 1  –  3 ), together with known analogues pyronaamidine, naamidine J, and naamine C. Their structures were determined on the basis of extensive spectroscopic (IR, MS, NMR, and single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction) analysis in association with the chemical conversion. The isolated alkaloids together with three synthesized new homodimer complexes were evaluated for the cytotoxic activities against a panel of tumor cell lines. The copper complexes of imidazole alkaloids 2 and 3 , as found from nature for the first time, exerted selective and remarkable activities against the tumor cell lines K562, HepG2, and HeLa.  相似文献   

In species with long gestation, females commit to reproduction several months before parturition. If cues driving conception date are uncoupled from spring conditions, parturition could be mistimed. Mismatch may increase with global change if the rate of temporal changes in autumn cues differs from the rate of change in spring conditions. Using 17 years of data on climate and vegetation phenology, we show that autumn temperature and precipitation, but not vegetation phenology, explain parturition date in bighorn sheep. Although autumn cues drive the timing of conception, they do not predict conditions at parturition in spring. We calculated the mismatch between individual parturition date and spring green-up, assessed whether mismatch increased over time and investigated the consequences of mismatch on lamb neonatal survival, weaning mass and overwinter survival. Mismatch fluctuated over time but showed no temporal trend. Temporal changes in green-up date did not lead to major fitness consequence of mismatch. Detailed data on individually marked animals revealed no effect of mismatch on neonatal or overwinter survival, but lamb weaning mass was negatively affected by mismatch. Capital breeders might be less sensitive to mismatch than income breeders because they are less dependent on daily food acquisition. Herbivores in seasonal environments may access sufficient forage to sustain lactation before or after the spring ‘peak’ green-up, and partly mitigate the consequences of a mismatch. Thus, the effect of phenological mismatch on fitness may be affected by species life history, highlighting the complexity in quantifying trophic mismatches in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

The simultaneous and quantitative analysis of the expression of multiple genes helps to shed light on gene regulatory networks. We established a method for multi‐color fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH) for the analysis of cell‐type diversification and developmental gene regulation in the embryo of the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. This mFISH technique allowed quadruple staining using four types of labels for RNA probes, digoxigenin, fluorescein, biotin, and dinitrophenyl, together with different fluorescent tyramides. To validate the usability of mFISH, we conducted four experiments. First, we distinguished similar gene expression patterns with mFISH, which showed overlaps and differences in the expression domains of anterior patterning hedgehog (hh), orthodenticle (otd), and labial genes at a cellular resolution. Second, we used mFISH to identify early cell types that are internalized on the anterior side. We found that fork head‐positive cells were subdivided into two cell types, 012_A08‐positive endoderm cells and twist‐positive mesoderm cells. Third, we quantified the ratio of expression levels of the odd‐paired (opa) gene in the chelicera and pedipalp segments based on the intensity of mFISH signals. Finally, we combined mFISH with embryonic RNA interference. It was possible to identify opa knockdown cell clones and detect the specific reduction of opa and the upregulation of otd and hh expression levels in the same cell clone that formed in the head region. This study proposes that mFISH is a powerful tool for the cell‐level analysis of gene regulation and quantification in the spider model.  相似文献   

Size at maturity in ectotherms commonly declines with warming. This near‐universal phenomenon, formalised as the temperature–size rule, has been observed in over 80% of tested species, from bacteria to fish. The proximate cause has been attributed to the greater temperature dependence of development rate than growth rate, causing individuals to develop earlier but mature smaller in the warm. However, few studies have examined the ontogenetic progression of the temperature–size response at high resolution. Using marine planktonic copepods, we experimentally determined the progression of the temperature–size response over ontogeny. Temperature–size responses were not generated gradually from egg to adult, contrary to the predictions of a naïve model in which development rate was assumed to be more temperature‐dependent than growth rate, and the difference in the temperature dependence of these two rates remained constant over ontogeny. Instead, the ontogenetic progression of the temperature–size response in experimental animals was highly episodic, indicating rapid changes in the extent to which growth and development rates are thermally decoupled. The strongest temperature–size responses occurred temporally mid‐way through ontogeny, corresponding with the point at which individuals reached between ~5 and 25% of their adult mass. Using the copepod Oithona nana, we show that the temperature‐dependence of growth rate varied substantially throughout ontogeny, whereas the temperature dependence of development rate remained constant. The temperature‐dependence of growth rate even exceeded that of development rate in some life stages, leading to a weakening of the temperature–size response. Our analyses of arthropod temperature–size responses from the literature, including crustaceans and insects, support these conclusions more broadly. Overall, our findings provide a better understanding of how the temperature–size rule is produced over ontogeny. Whereas we find support for the generality of developmental rate isomorphy in arthropods (shared temperature dependence of development rate across life stages), this concept appears not to apply to growth rates.  相似文献   

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