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Diversity in the serine recombinases   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Most site-specific recombinases fall into one of two families, based on evolutionary and mechanistic relatedness. These are the tyrosine recombinases or lambda integrase family and the serine recombinases or resolvase/invertase family. The tyrosine recombinases are structurally diverse and functionally versatile and include integrases, resolvases, invertases and transposases. Recent studies have revealed that the serine recombinase family is equally versatile and members have a variety of structural forms. The archetypal resolvase/invertases are highly regulated, only affect resolution or inversion and they have an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal DNA binding domain. Phage-encoded serine recombinases (e.g. phiC31 integrase) cause integration and excision with strictly controlled directionality, and have an N-terminal catalytic domain but much longer C-terminal domains compared with the resolvase/invertases. This high molecular weight group also contains transposases (e.g. TnpX from Tn4451). Other transposases, which belong to a third structurally different group, are similar in size to the resolvase/invertases but have the DNA binding domain N-terminal to the catalytic domain (e.g. IS607 transposase). These three structural groups represented by the resolvase/invertases, the large serine recombinases and relatives of IS607 transposase correlate with three major groupings seen in a phylogeny of the catalytic domains. These observations indicate that the serine recombinases are modular and that fusion of the catalytic domain to unrelated sequences has generated structural and functional diversity.  相似文献   

Work of the last decade has proven the 'one gene- one product-one function' hypothesis an oversimplification. To further unravel the emerging 'one gene-multiple products-even more functions' concept, new methods (such as subtle knock-in and tightly regulated conditional mutations) for the analysis of gene function in health and disease are required. Another class of improvements (such as tetraploid fusion and cassette exchange) addresses the efficiency with which targeted mutant strains can be generated. Recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE), which in theory is well suited for the rapid generation of multiple alleles of a given locus, is hampered by its low efficiency in the absence of selection and, especially in vivo, by the promiscuity of the participating recombinase recognition sites. Here we present a novel approach which circumvents this problem by the use of two independent recombinase systems. The strategy, which uses loxP on one and FRT on the other side of the cassette together with a Cre/Flpe expression vector, prevents excisive events and results in higher rates of cassette integration without selection than previously described. This method has a huge potential for the generation of allelic series in embryonic stem cells and, importantly, in pre-implantation embryos in vivo.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this study was to explore the occurrence of methicillin‐resistant staphylococci in a large urban public transport system. Methods and Results: Samples were taken from hand rails, which passengers hold onto when they are standing. In total, 1400 swabs taken from 55 vehicles (trolleybuses, trams and buses) were examined. As many as 30·1% samples were positive for the presence of methicillin‐resistant coagulase‐negative staphylococci (MRCoNS), but none for methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). MRCoNS were isolated from all 55 vehicles. Nearly 50% of MRCoNS isolates displayed resistance not only to beta‐lactams, but at least to two or more other classes of antimicrobials as well. Conclusions: This study demonstrated widespread occurrence of MRCoNS on hand rails in public transport vehicles. MRSA was not detected. Significance and Impact of the Study: The recovery of methicillin‐resistant staphylococci from public transport system implies a potential risk for transmission of these bacteria in an out‐hospital environment.  相似文献   

[目的]比较分析球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)BbT1和玫烟棒束孢(Isaria fumosorosea)IfT1两种结构相似的ATP结合匣转运蛋白的生物学功能.[方法]基于Bb2860野生株构建BbT1的敲除株和回补株,并将IFT1在BbT1敲除株中异源重组表达,比较各菌株的表型变化.[结果]与野生株、回补株及异源重组株相比,敲除株对20 - 40 mmol/L过氧化氢和2-8 mmoL/L甲萘醌氧化胁迫的抵抗力下降27% -2.1倍,对多菌灵、伊曲康唑、菌核净、放线菌酮、乙嘧酚和4-硝基喹啉N-氧化物等不同类型化学药物的抗药性下降28% -4.7倍,对斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura二龄幼虫的毒力下降20%左右,而野生株、回补株及异源重组株之间无任何表型的显著差异.[结论]BbT1和IfT1是结构相似且功能一致的转运蛋白,分别是两种生防真菌多药抗性的决定因子之一,因参与抗氧化反应而对毒力有所贡献.  相似文献   

The incidence of MRSP has been increasing, and treatment options in veterinary medicine are limited. Few previous studies of MRSP have described the relationships between the genotypes, phenotypes, and clinical backgrounds of the isolates. To gain insight into the associations between the microbiological and clinical characteristics of MRSP, we analyzed 282 Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates from dogs. A total of 195 (69.1%) strains were identified as mecA‐positive MRSP and were classified into mainly two genotypes: SCCmec types III (II‐III) (52.8%) and V (37.4%). SCCmec type III MRSP strains were significantly correlated with hospital admission and antimicrobial therapy of the dogs, and exhibited a homogeneous genotype similar to sequence type 71‐MRSP, which is a globally endemic clone in dogs. In contrast, SCCmec type V MRSP strains were not highly correlated with hospital admission and antimicrobial therapy and exhibited genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity. Properties of MRSP strains SCCmec types III and V were similar to those of HA‐ and CA‐MRSA, respectively. Therefore, we designated these isolates carrying SCCmec types III and V as HA‐MRSP and CA‐MRSP, respectively. Discrimination between HA‐ and CA‐MRSP by oxacillin MIC will provide useful information for treatment and infection control measures for canine MRSP infections.  相似文献   

MRSA causes a wide diversity of diseases, ranging from benign skin infections to life‐threatening diseases, such as sepsis. However, there have been few reports of the pathophysiology and mechanisms of sepsis resulting from the gut‐derived origin of MRSA. Therefore, we established a murine model of gut‐derived sepsis with MRSA and factors of MRSA sepsis that cause deterioration. We separated mice into four groups according to antibiotic treatment as follows: (i) ABPC 40 mg/kg; (ii) CAZ 80 mg/kg; (iii) CAZ 80 mg/kg + endotoxin 10 μg/mouse; and (iv) saline‐treated control groups. Gut‐derived sepsis was induced by i.p. injection of cyclophosphamide after colonization of MRSA strain 334 in the intestine. After the induction of sepsis, significantly more CAZ‐treated mice survived compared with ABPC‐treated and control groups. MRSA were detected in the blood and liver among all groups. Endotoxin levels were significantly lower in the CAZ‐treated group compared to other groups. Inflammatory cytokine levels in the serum were lower in the CAZ‐treated group compared to other groups. Fecal culture showed a lower level of colonization of E. coli in the CAZ‐treated group compared to other groups. In conclusion, we found that CAZ‐treatment ameliorates infection and suppresses endotoxin level by the elimination of E. coli from the intestinal tract of mice. However, giving endotoxin in the CAZ‐treated group increased mortality to almost the same level as in the ABPC‐treated group. These results suggest endotoxin released from resident E. coli in the intestine is involved in clinical deterioration resulting from gut‐derived MRSA sepsis.  相似文献   

The anti‐infectious activity of synbiotics against methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection was evaluated using a novel lethal mouse model. Groups of 12 mice treated with multiple antibiotics were infected orally with a clinical isolate of MRSA at an inoculum of 108 CFU on day 7 after starting the antibiotics. A dose of 400 mg/kg 5‐fluorouracil (5‐FU) was injected intraperitoneally on day 7 after the infection. A dose of 108 CFU Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult and 10 mg of galactooligosaccharides (GOS) were given orally to mice daily with the antibiotic treatment until day 28. The intestinal population levels of MRSA in the mice on multiple antibiotics were maintained stably at 108 CFU/g of intestinal contents after oral MRSA infection and the subsequent 5‐FU treatment killed all the mice in the group within 14 days. B. breve administration saved most of the mice, but the synbiotic treatment saved all of the mice from lethal MRSA infection. The synbiotic treatment was effective for the treatment of intestinal infection caused by four MRSA strains with different toxin productions. There was a large difference among the six Bifidobacteria strains that were naturally resistant to the antibacterial drugs used. B. breve in combination with GOS is demonstrated to have valuable preventive and curative effects against even fatal MRSA infections.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the presence of methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) in a collection of S. pseudintermedius strains isolated from dogs and cats with dermatitis in Japan and to compare their genotypic and phenotypic characteristics. Clonal relationships were determined by pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) typing, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Biofilm formation assay was performed using safranin staining in microplates. Three virulence genes coding for S. intermedius exfoliative toxin and Panton‐Valentine leukocidin (siet, lukS‐PV and lukF‐PV) were searched for in a collection of strains. Antimicrobial resistance against 15 antibiotics was studied by a disc diffusion method. Twenty‐seven MRSP were isolated. According to PFGE results the isolates were not closely related except for a few strains. MLST showed that the strains belonged to five groups, ST71 and ST26 being the two most prevalent. Three types of SCCmec (II, II–III and V) were identified. All isolates were siet‐positive but PVL‐negative. Most strains (except for two) produced strong biofilm in tryptic soy broth with glucose. Seventy‐eight percent of the isolates were resistant or intermediate to twelve or more antibiotics. Our study demonstrates that the ST71 lineage is widespread in Japan and that ST26 could represent an emerging lineage. Moreover, most of our strains are capable of forming strong biofilm and possess siet gene, two virulence characteristics that probably help the bacteria to persist and spread. Finally, our MRSP strains show a strong resistance profile to antibiotics commonly used in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

Serine protease inhibitors (serpins), evolutionary old, structurally conserved molecules, are a superfamily of proteins found in almost all living organisms. Serpins are relatively large, typically 350–500 amino acids in length, with three β‐sheets and seven to nine α‐helices folding into a conserved tertiary structure with a reactive center loop. Serpins perform various physiological functions in insects, including development, digestion, host‐pathogen interactions, and innate immune response. In insects, the innate immune system is characterized as the first and major defense system against the invasion of microorganisms. Serine protease cascades play a critical role in the initiation of innate immune responses, such as melanization and the production of antimicrobial peptides, and are strictly and precisely regulated by serpins. Herein, we provide a microreview on the role of serpins in the insect‐host‐pathogen interactions, emphasizing their role in immune responses, particularly in diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), highlighting the important discoveries and also the gaps that remain to be explored in future studies.  相似文献   

Sperm‐associated α‐L ‐fucosidases have been implicated in fertilization in many species. Previously, we documented the existence of α‐L ‐fucosidase in mouse cauda epididymal contents, and showed that sperm‐associated α‐L ‐fucosidase is cryptically stored within the acrosome and reappears within the sperm equatorial segment after the acrosome reaction. The enrichment of sperm membrane‐associated α‐L ‐fucosidase within the equatorial segment of acrosome‐reacted cells implicates its roles during fertilization. Here, we document the absence of α‐L ‐fucosidase in mouse oocytes and early embryos, and define roles of sperm associated α‐L ‐fucosidase in fertilization using specific inhibitors and competitors. Mouse sperm were pretreated with deoxyfuconojirimycin (DFJ, an inhibitor of α‐L ‐fucosidase) or with anti‐fucosidase antibody; alternatively, mouse oocytes were pretreated with purified human liver α‐L ‐fucosidase. Five‐millimolar DFJ did not inhibit sperm–zona pellucida (ZP) binding, membrane binding, or fusion and penetration, but anti‐fucosidase antibody and purified human liver α‐L ‐fucosidase significantly decreased the frequency of these events. To evaluate sperm‐associated α‐L ‐fucosidase enzyme activity in post‐fusion events, DFJ‐pretreated sperm were microinjected into oocytes, and 2‐pronuclear (2‐PN) embryos were treated with 5 mM DFJ with no significant effects, suggesting that α‐L ‐fucosidase enzyme activity does not play a role in post‐fusion events and/or early embryo development in mice. The recognition and binding of mouse sperm to the ZP and oolemma involves the glycoprotein structure of α‐L ‐fucosidase, but not its catalytic action. These observations suggest that deficits in fucosidase protein and/or the presence of anti‐fucosidase antibody may be responsible for some types of infertility. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 80: 273–285, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporters control placental transfer of several nutrients, steroids, immunological factors, chemicals, and drugs at the maternal‐fetal interface. We and others have demonstrated a gestational age‐dependent expression pattern of two ABC transporters, P‐glycoprotein and breast cancer resistance protein throughout pregnancy. However, no reports have comprehensively elucidated the expression pattern of all 50 ABC proteins, comparing first trimester and term human placentae. We hypothesized that placental ABC transporters are expressed in a gestational‐age dependent manner in normal human pregnancy. Using the TaqMan® Human ABC Transporter Array, we assessed the mRNA expression of all 50 ABC transporters in first (first trimester, n = 8) and third trimester (term, n = 12) human placentae and validated the resulting expression of selected ABC transporters using qPCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry. A distinct gene expression profile of 30 ABC transporters was observed comparing first trimester vs. term placentae. Using individual qPCR in selected genes, we validated the increased expression of ABCA1 (P < 0.01), ABCA6 (P < 0.001), ABCA9 (P < 0.001) and ABCC3 (P < 0.001), as well as the decreased expression of ABCB11 (P < 0.001) and ABCG4 (P < 0.01) with advancing gestation. One important lipid transporter, ABCA6, was selected to correlate protein abundance and characterize tissue localization. ABCA6 exhibited increased protein expression towards term and was predominantly localized to syncytiotrophoblast cells. In conclusion, expression patterns of placental ABC transporters change as a function of gestational age. These changes are likely fundamental to a healthy pregnancy given the critical role that these transporters play in the regulation of steroidogenesis, immunological responses, and placental barrier function and integrity.  相似文献   

Textpresso Site Specific Recombinases ( http://ssrc.genetics.uga.edu/ ) is a text‐mining web server for searching a database of more than 9,000 full‐text publications. The papers and abstracts in this database represent a wide range of topics related to site‐specific recombinase (SSR) research tools. Included in the database are most of the papers that report the characterization or use of mouse strains that express Cre recombinase as well as papers that describe or analyze mouse lines that carry conditional (floxed) alleles or SSR‐activated transgenes/knockins. The database also includes reports describing SSR‐based cloning methods such as the Gateway or the Creator systems, papers reporting the development or use of SSR‐based tools in systems such as Drosophila, bacteria, parasites, stem cells, yeast, plants, zebrafish, and Xenopus as well as publications that describe the biochemistry, genetics, or molecular structure of the SSRs themselves. Textpresso Site Specific Recombinases is the only comprehensive text‐mining resource available for the literature describing the biology and technical applications of SSRs. genesis 47:842–846, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Microbially mediated arsenic release from Holocene and Pleistocene Cambodian aquifer sediments was investigated using microcosm experiments and substrate amendments. In the Holocene sediment, the metabolically active bacteria, including arsenate‐respiring bacteria, were determined by DNA stable‐isotope probing. After incubation with 13C‐acetate and 13C‐lactate, active bacterial community in the Holocene sediment was dominated by different Geobacter spp.‐related 16S rRNA sequences. Substrate addition also resulted in the enrichment of sequences related to the arsenate‐respiring Sulfurospirillum spp. 13C‐acetate selected for ArrA related to Geobacter spp. whereas 13C‐lactate selected for ArrA which were not closely related to any cultivated organism. Incubation of the Pleistocene sediment with lactate favoured a 16S rRNA‐phylotype related to the sulphate‐reducing Desulfovibrio oxamicus DSM1925, whereas the ArrA sequences clustered with environmental sequences distinct from those identified in the Holocene sediment. Whereas limited As(III) release was observed in Pleistocene sediment after lactate addition, no arsenic mobilization occurred from Holocene sediments, probably because of the initial reduced state of As, as determined by X‐ray Absorption Near Edge Structure. Our findings demonstrate that in the presence of reactive organic carbon, As(III) mobilization can occur in Pleistocene sediments, having implications for future strategies that aim to reduce arsenic contamination in drinking waters by using aquifers containing Pleistocene sediments.  相似文献   

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