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The small ubiquitin‐related modifier (SUMO) modification plays an important role in the regulation of abscisic acid (ABA) signaling, but the function of the SUMO protease, in ABA signaling, remains largely unknown. Here, we show that the SUMO protease, ASP1 positively regulates ABA signaling. Mutations in ASP1 resulted in an ABA‐insensitive phenotype, during early seedling development. Wild‐type ASP1 successfully rescued, whereas an ASP1 mutant (C577S), defective in SUMO protease activity, failed to rescue, the ABA‐insensitive phenotype of asp1‐1. Expression of ABI5 and MYB30 target genes was attenuated in asp1‐1 and our genetic analyses revealed that ASP1 may function upstream of ABI5 and MYB30. Interestingly, ASP1 accumulated upon ABA treatment, and ABA‐induced accumulation of ABI5 (a positive regulator of ABA signaling) was abolished, whereas ABA‐induced accumulation of MYB30 (a negative regulator of ABA signaling) was increased in asp1‐1. These findings support the hypothesis that increased levels of ASP1, upon ABA treatment, tilt the balance between ABI5 and MYB30 towards ABI5‐mediated ABA signaling.  相似文献   



Leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs) represent the largest subfamily of putative RLKs in plants. Although several members in this subfamily have been identified, the studies about the relationships between LRR-RLKs and root development are still few. We previously identified a novel LRR-RLK in rice roots, and named it OsRPK1.


In this study, we first detected OsRPK1 kinase activity in vitro, and assessed its expression profile. We then investigated its biological function using transgenic rice plants over- and under-expressing OsRPK1.


The OsRPK1 gene, which encodes a Ca2 +-independent Ser/Thr kinase, was predominantly expressed in root tips, leaf blades, and undifferentiated suspension cells, and was markedly induced by treatment with auxin or ABA. Knockdown of OsRPK1 promoted the growth of transgenic rice plants, and increased plant height and tiller numbers. In contrast, over-expressing plants showed undeveloped adventitious roots, lateral roots, and a reduced root apical meristem. OsRPK1 over-expression also inhibited the expression of most auxin efflux carrier OsPIN genes, which was accompanied by changes in PAT and endogenous free IAA distribution in the leaves and roots.


The data indicated that OsRPK1, a novel leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinase, affects the root system architecture by negatively regulating polar auxin transport in rice.

General significance

This study demonstrated a common regulatory pathway of root system development in higher plants, which might be initiated by external stimuli via upstream receptor-like kinases and downstream carriers for polar auxin transport.  相似文献   

Auxin signaling mediated by various auxin/indole‐3‐acetic acid (Aux/IAAs) and AUXIN RESPONSE FACTORs (ARFs) regulate lateral root (LR) development by controlling the expression of downstream genes. LATERAL ROOT PRIMORDIUM1 (LRP1), a member of the SHORT INTERNODES/STYLISH (SHI/STY) family, was identified as an auxin‐inducible gene. The precise developmental role and molecular regulation of LRP1 in root development remain to be understood. Here we show that LRP1 is expressed in all stages of LR development, besides the primary root. The expression of LRP1 is regulated by histone deacetylation in an auxin‐dependent manner. Our genetic interaction studies showed that LRP1 acts downstream of auxin responsive Aux/IAAs‐ARFs modules during LR development. We showed that auxin‐mediated induction of LRP1 is lost in emerging LRs of slr‐1 and arf7arf19 mutants roots. NPA treatment studies showed that LRP1 acts after LR founder cell specification and asymmetric division during LR development. Overexpression of LRP1 (LRP1 OE) showed an increased number of LR primordia (LRP) at stages I, IV and V, resulting in reduced emerged LR density, which suggests that it is involved in LRP development. Interestingly, LRP1‐induced expression of YUC4, which is involved in auxin biosynthesis, contributes to the increased accumulation of endogenous auxin in LRP1 OE roots. LRP1 interacts with SHI, STY1, SRS3, SRS6 and SRS7 proteins of the SHI/STY family, indicating their possible redundant role during root development. Our results suggested that auxin and histone deacetylation affect LRP1 expression and it acts downstream of LR forming auxin response modules to negatively regulate LRP development by modulating auxin homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a crucial role in root architecture; however, the molecular mechanism of ABA-regulated lateral root (LR) growth is not well known. We screened an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant with LR growth that was sensitive to ABA from a T-DNA insertion mutant library, which was an allelic mutant of plgg1-1, termed plgg1-2. PLGG1 encodes a chloroplast protein that transports plastidic glycolate and glycerate. The length and number of LRs at the root-hypocotyl junction of plgg1-1 and plgg1-2 were significantly impaired under exogenous ABA treatment, and the transgenic plant complementary lines of plgg1-2 restored LR growth in response to ABA. In addition, we found that PLGG1 is involved in other major ABA responses, including ABA-inhibited seed germination, ABA-mediated stomatal movement, and drought tolerance. These findings open new perspectives on elucidating the mechanism of ABA response, and provide clues for analysing the functions of chloroplast proteins in regulating root growth.  相似文献   

The sucrose non‐fermenting‐1‐related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) family represents a unique family of plant‐specific protein kinases implicated in cellular signalling in response to osmotic stress. In our studies, we observed that two class 1 SnRK2 kinases, SnRK2.4 and SnRK2.10, are rapidly and transiently activated in Arabidopsis roots after exposure to salt. Under saline conditions, snrk2.4 knockout mutants had a reduced primary root length, while snrk2.10 mutants exhibited a reduction in the number of lateral roots. The reduced lateral root density was found to be a combinatory effect of a decrease in the number of lateral root primordia and an increase in the number of arrested lateral root primordia. The phenotypes were in agreement with the observed expression patterns of genomic yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusions of SnRK2.10 and ‐2.4, under control of their native promoter sequences. SnRK2.10 was found to be expressed in the vascular tissue at the base of a developing lateral root, whereas SnRK2.4 was expressed throughout the root, with higher expression in the vascular system. Salt stress triggered a rapid re‐localization of SnRK2.4–YFP from the cytosol to punctate structures in root epidermal cells. Differential centrifugation experiments of isolated Arabidopsis root proteins confirmed recruitment of endogenous SnRK2.4/2.10 to membranes upon exposure to salt, supporting their observed binding affinity for the phospholipid phosphatidic acid. Together, our results reveal a role for SnRK2.4 and ‐2.10 in root growth and architecture in saline conditions.  相似文献   

Lateral root (LR) formation is important for the establishment of root architecture in higher plants. Recent studies have revealed that LR formation is regulated by an auxin signaling pathway that depends on auxin response factors ARF7 and ARF19, and auxin/indole‐3‐acetic acid (Aux/IAA) proteins including SOLITARY‐ROOT (SLR)/IAA14. To understand the molecular mechanisms of LR formation, we isolated a recessive mutant rlf (reduced lateral root formation) in Arabidopsis thaliana. The rlf‐1 mutant showed reduction of not only emerged LRs but also LR primordia. Analyses using cell‐cycle markers indicated that the rlf‐1 mutation inhibits the first pericycle cell divisions involved in LR initiation. The rlf‐1 mutation did not affect auxin‐induced root growth inhibition but did affect LR formation over a wide range of auxin concentrations. However, the rlf‐1 mutation had almost no effect on auxin‐inducible expression of LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES‐DOMAIN16/ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2‐LIKE18 (LBD16/ASL18) and LBD29/ASL16 genes, which are downstream targets of ARF7/19 for LR formation. These results indicate that ARF7/19‐mediated auxin signaling is not blocked by the rlf‐1 mutation. We found that the RLF gene encodes At5g09680, a protein with a cytochrome b5‐like heme/steroid binding domain. RLF is ubiquitously expressed in almost all organs, and the protein localizes in the cytosol. These results, together with analysis of the genetic interaction between the rlf‐1 and arf7/19 mutations, indicate that RLF is a cytosolic protein that positively controls the early cell divisions involved in LR initiation, independent of ARF7/19‐mediated auxin signaling.  相似文献   

The hexavalent form of chromium [Cr(VI)] causes a major reduction in yield and quality of crops worldwide. The root is the first plant organ that interacts with Cr(VI) toxicity, which inhibits primary root elongation, but the underlying mechanisms of this inhibition remain elusive. In this study, we investigate the possibility that Cr(VI) reduces primary root growth of Arabidopsis by modulating the cell cycle‐related genes and that ethylene signalling contributes to this process. We show that Cr(VI)‐mediated inhibition of primary root elongation was alleviated by the ethylene perception and biosynthesis antagonists silver and cobalt, respectively. Furthermore, the ethylene signalling defective mutants (ein2‐1 and etr1‐3) were insensitive, whereas the overproducer mutant (eto1‐1) was hypersensitive to Cr(VI). We also report that high levels of Cr(VI) significantly induce the distribution and accumulation of auxin in the primary root tips, but this increase was significantly suppressed in seedlings exposed to silver or cobalt. In addition, genetic and physiological investigations show that AUXIN‐RESISTANT1 (AUX1) participates in Cr(VI)‐induced inhibition of primary root growth. Taken together, our results indicate that ethylene mediates Cr(VI)‐induced inhibition of primary root elongation by increasing auxin accumulation and polar transport by stimulating the expression of AUX1.  相似文献   

As a ubiquitous reaction, glucosylation controls the bioactivity of cytokinins in plant growth and development.Here we show that genetic manipulation of zeatin-Oglucosylation regulates the formation of important agronomic traits in rice by manipulating the expression of OscZOG1 gene,encoding a putative zeatin O-glucosyltransferase. We found that OscZOG1 was preferentially expressed in shoot and root meristematic tissues and nascent organs. The growth of lateral roots was stimulated in the overexpression lines, but inhibited in RNA interference lines. In shoots, knockdown of OscZOG1 expression by RNA interference significantly improved tillering, panicle branching, grain number per panicle and seed size, which are important agronomic traits for grain yield. In contrast, constitutive expression of OscZOG1 leads to negative effects on the formation of the grain-yielding traits with a marked increase in the accumulation levels of cis-zeatin O-glucoside(c ZOG) in the transgenic rice plants. In this study,our findings demonstrate the feasibility of improving the critical yield-determinant agronomic traits, including tiller number, panicle branches, total grain number per panicle and grain weight by downregulating the expression level of OscZOG1. Our results suggest that modulating the levels of cytokinin glucosylation can function as a fine-tuning switch in regulating the formation of agronomic traits in rice.  相似文献   

The proper spatial and temporal expression and localization of mitogen‐activated protein kinases (MAPKs) is essential for developmental and cellular signalling in all eukaryotes. Here, we analysed expression, subcellular localization and function of MPK6 in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana using wild‐type plants and three mpk6 knock‐out mutant lines. The MPK6 promoter showed two expression maxima in the most apical part of the root meristem and in the root transition zone. This expression pattern was highly consistent with ‘no root’ and ‘short root’ phenotypes, as well as with ectopic cell divisions and aberrant cell division planes, resulting in disordered cell files in the roots of these mpk6 knock‐out mutants. In dividing root cells, MPK6 was localized on the subcellular level to distinct fine spots in the pre‐prophase band and phragmoplast, representing the two most important cytoskeletal structures controlling the cell division plane. By combining subcellular fractionation and microscopic in situ and in vivo co‐localization methods, MPK6 was localized to the plasma membrane (PM) and the trans‐Golgi network (TGN). In summary, these data suggest that MPK6 localizing to mitotic microtubules, secretory TGN vesicles and the PM is involved in cell division plane control and root development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The EGFR-mediated signaling pathway regulates multiple biological processes such as cell proliferation, survival and differentiation. Previously APPL1 (adaptor protein containing PH domain, PTB domain and leucine zipper 1) has been reported to function as a downstream effector of EGF-initiated signaling. Here we demonstrate that APPL1 regulates EGFR protein levels in response to EGF stimulation. Overexpression of APPL1 enhances EGFR stabilization while APPL1 depletion by siRNA reduces EGFR protein levels. APPL1 depletion accelerates EGFR internalization and movement of EGF/EGFR from cell surface to the perinuclear region in response to EGF treatment. Conversely, overexpression of APPL1 decelerates EGFR internalization and translocation of EGF/EGFR to the perinuclear region. Furthermore, APPL1 depletion enhances the activity of Rab5 which is involved in internalization and trafficking of EGFR and inhibition of Rab5 in APPL1-depleted cells restored EGFR levels. Consistently, APPL1 depletion reduced activation of Akt, the downstream signaling effector of EGFR and this is restored by inhibition of Rab5. These findings suggest that APPL1 is required for EGFR signaling by regulation of EGFR stabilities through inhibition of Rab5.  相似文献   

Developing drought‐resistance varieties is a major goal for bioenergy crops, such as poplar (Populus), which will be grown on marginal lands with little or no water input. Root architecture can affect drought resistance, but few genes that affect root architecture in relation to water availability have been identified. Here, using activation tagging in the prime bioenergy crop poplar, we have identified a mutant that overcomes the block of lateral root (LR) formation under osmotic stress. Positioning of the tag, validation of the activation and recapitulation showed that the phenotype is caused by the poplar PtabZIP1‐like (PtabZIP1L) gene with highest homology to bZIP1 from Arabidopsis. PtabZIP1L is predominantly expressed in roots, particularly in zones where lateral root primordia (LRP) initiate and LR differentiate and emerge. Transgenics overexpressing PtabZIP1L showed precocious LRP and LR development, while PtabZIP1L suppression significantly delayed both LRP and LR formation. Transgenic overexpression and suppression of PtabZIP1L also resulted in modulation of key metabolites like proline, asparagine, valine and several flavonoids. Consistently, expression of both of the poplar Proline Dehydrogenase orthologs and two of the Flavonol Synthases genes was also increased and decreased in overexpressed and suppressed transgenics, respectively. These findings suggest that PtabZIP1L mediates LR development and drought resistance through modulation of multiple metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

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