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In vascular plants, the apical meristem of the shoot normally represents a continuation of growth in the apical meristem of the embryo itself. This is not the case in Arceuthobium. Here the shoot apex of the embryo is rudimentary and eventually dies after infection of the host occurs. The inflorescence of Arceuthobium is, therefore, an adventitious structure originating in the endophytic system rather than from the shoot apex of the seedling. Inflorescence buds arise in either of 2 ways. In some species (A. douglasii and A. americanum), buds first appear as small meristematic protuberances on the outer surface of cortical strands. In other species (A. campylopodum), the buds arise at the ends of short branches. The former, or diffuse, type gives rise to inflorescences along the entire surface of the host branch; in the latter, or condensed, type inflorescences are formed in clusters. Early ontogeny of the inflorescence apex of both types is described. Studies of subsequent growth of the inflorescence apex show 5 well-defined plastochronic stages: (1) maximal area stage; (2) minimal area stage; (3) early post-minimal stage; (4) late post-minimal stage; and (5) pre-maximal stage.  相似文献   

日本血吸虫尾蚴头器、腺体及体被超微结构的观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文报告用扫描与透射电镜观察大陆品系日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum)尾蚴的头器、膆体及体被的超微结构。 从不同角度扫描电镜观察日本血吸虫的尾蚴头器前端,见有5对钻腺的开口,开口的周围有围褶,围褶的外侧分布有7对无鞘单纤毛的感觉乳突,这些结构靠近头器的腹侧围成马蹄形,顶端为无棘区。作者综合有关图像重建日本血吸虫尾蚴头器表面结构的示意图,供参考。 日本血吸虫尾蚴的体被、头腺及钻腺与曼氏血吸虫尾蚴基本相似,但在前钻腺分泌小体我们另见有连续性条索状透明物,对它的形成及其性质进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The anatomy and organization of the stem vascular system was analyzed in representative taxa of Nymphaea (subgenera Anecphya, Lotos, and Brachyceras). The stem vascular system consists of a series of concentric axial stem bundles from which traces to lateral organs depart. At the node each leaf is supplied with a median and two lateral leaf traces. At the same level a root trace supplies vascular tissue to adventitious roots borne on the leaf base. Flowers and vegetative buds occupy leaf sites in the genetic spiral and in the parastichies seen on the stem exterior. Certain leaves have flowers related to them spatially and by vascular association. Flowers (and similarly vegetative buds) are vascularized by a peduncle trace that arises from a peduncle fusion bundle located in the pith. The peduncle fusion bundle is formed by the fusion of vascular tissue derived from axial stem bundles that supply traces to certain leaves. The organization of the vascular system in the investigated taxa of Nymphaea is unique to angiosperms but similar to other subgenera of Nymphaea.  相似文献   


Cohen , L. I. (Washington State U., Pullman.) Studies on the ontogeny of the dwarf mistletoes, Arceuthobium. H. Homology of the endophytic system. Amor. Jour. Bot. 50(5): 409–417. Illus. 1963.—Development of the seedling in Arceuthobium, as well as the mode of penetration and infection, is described. The promeristem of the root apex of the seedling, as in the embryo, is composed of 4 zones: (1) a uniseriate layer of apical surface initials; (2) a subapical zone of central initials; (3) a peripheral zone; and (4) a zone of procambial initials. After germination, the seedling grows on the host surface until the root apex is confronted by a spur shoot or by a fragment of raised bark. The root apex becomes attached to the host by means of a massive holdfast. It is the procambial initials which actually invade the host tissue. After penetrating the host, the individual procambium initials proliferate in the cortex, each giving rise to a cortical strand. It was concluded that the endophytic system of Arceuthobium cannot be interpreted in terms of classical concepts of plant homology; it is, in fact, an organ sui generis.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅东部雅鲁藏布江大峡弯河谷地区植被组成特点   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
论述了喜马拉雅东部雅鲁藏布江大峡弯河谷地区(即海拔600~2500m)的植被组成特征。本地区原始植被主要有:(1)热带低山半常绿雨林,阿丁枫+千果榄仁群落,阿丁枫+小果紫薇群落,阿丁枫群落;(2)亚热带常绿阔叶林,刺栲+阿丁枫群落,刺栲群落,短刺栲+毛曼青冈+西藏石栎群落,西藏栎+毛曼青冈群落,通麦栎群落;(3)亚热带山地半常绿阔叶林,薄片青冈群落,俅江栎群落;(4)常绿针叶林,不丹松群落,喀西松  相似文献   

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