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In photosynthesis, light energy is absorbed by light‐harvesting complexes and used to drive photochemistry. However, a fraction of absorbed light is lost to non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) that reflects several important photosynthetic processes to dissipate excess energy. Currently, estimates of NPQ and its individual components (qE, qI, qZ and qT) are measured from pulse‐amplitude‐modulation (PAM) measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence yield and require measurements of the maximal yield of fluorescence in fully dark‐adapted material (Fm), when NPQ is assumed to be negligible. Unfortunately, this approach requires extensive dark acclimation, often precluding widespread or high‐throughput use, particularly under field conditions or in imaging applications, while introducing artefacts when Fm is measured in the presence of residual photodamaged centres. To address these limitations, we derived and characterized a new set of parameters, NPQ(T), and its components that can be (1) measured in a few seconds, allowing for high‐throughput and field applications; (2) does not require full relaxation of quenching processes and thus can be applied to photoinhibited materials; (3) can distinguish between NPQ and chloroplast movements; and (4) can be used to image NPQ in plants with large leaf movements. We discuss the applications benefits and caveats of both approaches.  相似文献   

We appraised the literature and described an approach to estimate the parameters of the Farquhar, von Caemmerer and Berry model using measured CO2 assimilation rate (A) and photosystem II (PSII) electron transport efficiency (Φ2). The approach uses curve fitting to data of A and Φ2 at various levels of incident irradiance (Iinc), intercellular CO2 (Ci) and O2. Estimated parameters include day respiration (Rd), conversion efficiency of Iinc into linear electron transport of PSII under limiting light [κ2(LL)], electron transport capacity (Jmax), curvature factor (θ) for the non‐rectangular hyperbolic response of electron flux to Iinc, ribulose 1·5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) CO2/O2 specificity (Sc/o), Rubisco carboxylation capacity (Vcmax), rate of triose phosphate utilization (Tp) and mesophyll conductance (gm). The method is used to analyse combined gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements on leaves of various ages and positions in wheat plants grown at two nitrogen levels. Estimated Sc/o (25 °C) was 3.13 mbar µbar?1; Rd was lower than respiration in the dark; Jmax was lower and θ was higher at 2% than at 21% O2; κ2(LL), Vcmax, Jmax and Tp correlated to leaf nitrogen content; and gm decreased with increasing Ci and with decreasing Iinc. Based on the parameter estimates, we surmised that there was some alternative electron transport.  相似文献   

Watermelon (Citrillus lanatus) plants were grown for two consecutive years in open-top chambers with three different ozone concentrations (O3-free air, O3 ambient, and air with additional O3; CFA, NFA, and NFA+O3) and three nitrogen fertilizer concentrations [0, 14.0, and 29.6 g N per pot; N0, N1, and N2). There was an interaction between ozone and N fertilizer for the major parameters studied. O3 and N2 treatments led to a significant decrease in maximum efficiency of photosystem 2 (PS2) photochemistry (Fv/Fm), and induced a significant decrease in the actual quantum yield of PS2 (ΦPS2), due mainly to the increased closure of PS2 reaction centres (qP) and to an increase in the non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). On the other hand, these plants exhibited an increased susceptibility to photoinhibition, which could be associated with an increased fraction of reduced QA. An increase in lipid peroxidation indicated that damage was occurring at the membrane levels. High N concentration enhanced the detrimental effects of ozone on the fluorescence parameter induction and lipid peroxidation. All these negative alterations led to a decreased yield.  相似文献   

Miniaturized pulse‐amplitude modulated photosynthesis yield analysers are primarily designed for measuring effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm′) of photosystem II under momentary ambient light conditions in the field. Although this provides important ecophysiological information, it is often necessary to learn more about the potential intrinsic capacities of leaves by measuring light‐response curves. Thus, instruments provide light‐curve programmes, where light intensities are increased in short intervals and instant light‐response curves are recorded within a few minutes. This method can be criticized because photosynthesis will most likely not be in steady state. This technical report shows that with the appropriate precautions instant light curves can nevertheless provide reliable information about cardinal points of photosynthesis. First, the geometry of the light source of the instrument in relation to the quantum sensor must be considered and quantum sensor readings must be corrected. Second, the measurements of the light‐response curves must be compared with readings of effective quantum yield of photosystem II under ambient light conditions where photosynthesis is in steady state. This may show that in the critical range of the light curves either both measurements perfectly coincide or are offset against each other by a constant value (examples are given here). In the first case results of light curves can be taken at face values, and in the second case a simple correction can be applied. With these precautions and careful interpretations instant light‐response curves can be an enormous advantage in ecophysiological field work.  相似文献   

Wheat plants grown in controlled growth chambers were exposed to drought stress (DS) and high temperature (HT) singly and in combination (DS+HT). The effects of these two stresses on net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), intercellular CO2 concentration (C i), quantum efficiency of photosystem 2 (ΦPS2), variable to maximum chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence (Fv/Fm), photochemical (qp) and non-photochemical (NPQ) Chl fluorescence, and yield were investigated. Grain yield was decreased by 21 % due to DS, while it was increased by 26 % due to HT. P N, g s, C i, and Chl fluorescence were dramatically reduced to DS, HT, and their interaction, except NPQ which showed an increase due to HT.  相似文献   

Leaf chloroplast movement is thought to optimize light capture and to minimize photodamage. To better understand the impact of chloroplast movement on photosynthesis, we developed a technique based on the imaging of reflectance from leaf surfaces that enables continuous, high‐sensitivity, non‐invasive measurements of chloroplast movement in multiple intact plants under white actinic light. We validated the method by measuring photorelocation responses in Arabidopsis chloroplast division mutants with drastically enlarged chloroplasts, and in phototropin mutants with impaired photorelocation but normal chloroplast morphology, under different light regimes. Additionally, we expanded our platform to permit simultaneous image‐based measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast movement. We show that chloroplast division mutants with enlarged, less‐mobile chloroplasts exhibit greater photosystem II photodamage than is observed in the wild type, particularly under fluctuating high levels of light. Comparison between division mutants and the severe photorelocation mutant phot1‐5 phot2‐1 showed that these effects are not entirely attributable to diminished photorelocation responses, as previously hypothesized, implying that altered chloroplast morphology affects other photosynthetic processes. Our dual‐imaging platform also allowed us to develop a straightforward approach to correct non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) calculations for interference from chloroplast movement. This correction method should be generally useful when fluorescence and reflectance are measured in the same experiments. The corrected data indicate that the energy‐dependent (qE) and photoinhibitory (qI) components of NPQ contribute differentially to the NPQ phenotypes of the chloroplast division and photorelocation mutants. This imaging technology thus provides a platform for analyzing the contributions of chloroplast movement, chloroplast morphology and other phenotypic attributes to the overall photosynthetic performance of higher plants.  相似文献   

The light harvesting and photosynthetic characteristics of a chlorophyll-deficient mutant of cowpea (Vigna unguilata), resulting from a single nuclear gene mutation, are examined. The 40% reduction in total chlorophyll content per leaf area in the mutant is associated with a 55% reduction in pigment-proteins of the light harvesting complex associated with Photosystem II (LHC II), and to a lesser extent (35%) in the light harvesting complex associated with Photosystem I (LHC I). No significant differences were found in the Photosystem I (PS I) and Photosystem II (PS II) contents per leaf area of the mutant compared to the wildtype parent. The decreases in the PS I and PS II antennae sizes in the mutant were not accompanied by any major changes in quantum efficiencies of PS I and PS II in leaves at non-saturating light levels for CO2 assimilation. Although the chlorophyll deficiency resulted in an 11% decrease in light absorption by mutant leaves, their maximum quantum yield and light saturated rate of CO2 assimilation were similar to those of wildtype leaves. Consequently, the large and different decreases in the antennae of PS II and PS I in the mutant are not associated with any loss of light use efficiency in photosynthesis.Abbreviations LHC I, LHC II light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complexes associated with PS I and PS II - A820 light-induced absorbance change at 820 nm - øPS I, øPS II relative quantum efficiencies of PS I and PS II photochemistry  相似文献   

In the seasonally flooded forest of the Mapire River, a tributary of the Orinoco, seedlings remain totally covered by flood water for over six months. In order to characterize the physiological response to flooding and submergence, seedlings of the tree Pouteria orinocoensis, an important component of the forest vegetation, were subjected experimentally to flooding. Flooding was imposed gradually, the maximum level of flood including submerged and emerged leaves. After 45 d a severe reduction of net photosynthetic rate (P N) and stomatal conductance (g s) was observed in emerged leaves, whereas leaf water potential remained constant. The decrease in P N of emerged leaves was associated to an increase in both relative stomatal and non-stomatal limitations, and the maintenance of the internal/air CO2 concentration (C i/C a) for at least 20 d of flooding. After this time, both P N and g s became almost zero. The decrease in photosynthetic capacity of emerged leaves with flooding was also evidenced by a decrease in carboxylation efficiency; photon-saturated photosynthetic rate, and apparent quantum yield of CO2 fixation. Oxygen evolution rate of submerged leaves measured after three days of treatment was 7 % of the photosynthetic rate of emerged leaves. Submersion determined a chronic photoinhibition of leaves, viewed as a reduction in maximum quantum yield in dark-adapted leaves, whereas the chlorophyll fluorescence analysis of emerged leaves pointed out at the occurrence of dynamic, rather than chronic, photoinhibition. This was evidenced by the absence of photochemical damage, i.e. the maintenance of maximum quantum yield in dark-adapted leaves. Nevertheless, the observed lack of complementarity between photochemical and non-photochemical quenching after 12 d of flooding implies that the capacity for photochemical quenching decreased in a non-co-ordinate manner with the increase in non-photochemical quenching.  相似文献   

In a glasshouse, Bemisia tabaci infestation largely reduced response of photosynthesis to irradiance and CO2 concentration of Mikania micrantha compared with the non-infested control (C) ones. The maximum irradiance-saturated photosynthetic rate (P max) and saturation irradiance (SI) of the infested M. micrantha were only 21.3 % and 6.5 % of the C-plants, respectively. B. tabaci infestation led to the reduction of contents of chlorophyll and carotenoids in M. micrantha, which was accompanied with the decrease of actual photosystem 2 (PS2) efficiency (ΦPS2), efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PS2 reaction centres (Fv′/Fm′), electron transport rate (ETR), and photochemical quenching (qP). Moreover, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities significantly decreased while proline and glutathione contents significantly increased in infested M. micrantha. Hence B. tabaci infestation not only induced direct damage of photosynthetic apparatus but also altered the antioxidant enzymes activities in M. micrantha, which might as consequences accelerate senescence of this weed.  相似文献   

Leaks and isotopic disequilibria represent potential errors and artefacts during combined measurements of gas exchange and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ). This paper presents new protocols to quantify, minimize, and correct such phenomena. We performed experiments with gradients of CO2 concentration (up to ±250 μmol mol?1) and δ13CCO2 (34‰), between a clamp‐on leaf cuvette (LI‐6400) and surrounding air, to assess (1) leak coefficients for CO2, 12CO2, and 13CO2 with the empty cuvette and with intact leaves of Holcus lanatus (C3) or Sorghum bicolor (C4) in the cuvette; and (2) isotopic disequilibria between net photosynthesis and dark respiration in light. Leak coefficients were virtually identical for 12CO2 and 13CO2, but ~8 times higher with leaves in the cuvette. Leaks generated errors on Δ up to 6‰ for H. lanatus and 2‰ for S. bicolor in full light; isotopic disequilibria produced similar variation of Δ. Leak errors in Δ in darkness were much larger due to small biological : leak flux ratios. Leak artefacts were fully corrected with leak coefficients determined on the same leaves as Δ measurements. Analysis of isotopic disequilibria enabled partitioning of net photosynthesis and dark respiration, and indicated inhibitions of dark respiration in full light (H. lanatus: 14%, S. bicolor: 58%).  相似文献   

The tropical rainforest mesocosm within the Biosphere 2 Laboratory, a model system of some 110 species developed over 12 years under controlled environmental conditions, has been subjected to a series of comparable drought experiments during 2000–2002. In each study, the mesocosm was subjected to a 4–6 week drought, with well‐defined rainfall events before and after the treatment. Ecosystem CO2 uptake rate (Aeco) declined 32% in response to the drought, with changes occurring within days and being reversible within weeks, even though the deeper soil layers did not become significantly drier and leaf‐level water status of most large trees was not greatly affected. The reduced Aeco during the drought reflected both morphological and physiological responses. It is estimated that the drought‐induced 32% reduction of Aeco has three principal components: (1) leaf fall increased two‐fold whereas leaf expansion growth of some canopy dominants declined to 60%, leading to a 10% decrease in foliage coverage of the canopy. This might be the main reason for the persistent reduction of Aeco after rewatering. (2) The maximum photosynthetic electron transport rate at high light intensities in remaining leaves was reduced to 71% for three of the four species measured, even though no chronic photo‐inhibition occurred. (3) Stomata closed, leading to a reduced ecosystem water conductance to water vapour (33% of pre‐drought values), which not only reduced ecosystem carbon uptake rate, but may also have implications for water and energy budgets of tropical ecosystems. Additionally, individual rainforest trees responded differently, expressing different levels of stress and stress avoiding mechanisms. This functional diversity renders the individual response heterogeneous and has fundamental implications to scale leaf level responses to ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

We compared three transgenic poplar lines over‐expressing the bacterial γ‐glutamylcysteine synthetase (GSH1) targeted to plastids. Lines Lggs6 and Lggs12 have two copies, while line Lggs20 has three copies of the transgene. The three lines differ in their expression levels of the transgene and in the accumulation of γ‐glutamylcysteine (γ‐EC) and glutathione (GSH) in leaves, roots and phloem exudates. The lowest transgene expression level was observed in line Lggs6 which showed an increased growth, an enhanced rate of photosynthesis and a decreased excitation pressure (1‐qP). The latter typically represents a lower reduction state of the plastoquinone pool, and thereby facilitates electron flow along the electron transport chain. Line Lggs12 showed the highest transgene expression level, highest γ‐EC accumulation in leaves and highest GSH enrichment in phloem exudates and roots. This line also exhibited a reduced growth, and after a prolonged growth of 4.5 months, symptoms of leaf injury. Decreased maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) indicated down‐regulation of photosystem II reaction centre (PSII RC), which correlates with decreased PSII RC protein D1 (PsbA) and diminished light‐harvesting complex (Lhcb1). Potential effects of changes in chloroplastic and cytosolic GSH contents on photosynthesis, growth and the whole‐plant sulphur nutrition are discussed for each line.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis, photorespiration, and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence in green and red Berberis thunbergii leaves were studied with two different measuring radiations, red (RR) and “white” (WR). The photosynthetic and photorespiration rates responded differently to the different radiation qualities, which indicate that the carboxylase and oxygenase activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) were affected. Differences in photosynthetic rate between the two color leaves were less under RR than under WR. However, this reduced difference in photosynthetic rate was not correlated with the stomatal response to the measuring radiation qualities. Compared with the WR, the RR reduced the differences in dark-adapted minimum and maximum fluorescence, steady-state fluorescence, light-adapted maximum fluorescence, and actual photochemical efficiency (ΦPS2) of photosystem 2 (PS2), but enlarged the difference in non-photochemical quenching between the two color leaves. Differences in both maximum quantum yield of PS2 and ratio of ΦPS2 to quantum yield of CO2 fixation between the two color leaves were similar under the two measuring radiations. To exclude disturbance of radiation attenuation caused by anthocyanins, it is better to use RR to compare the photosynthesis and Chl fluorescence in green versus red leaves.  相似文献   

Zhou  Y.H.  Peng  Y.H.  Lei  J.L.  Zou  L.Y.  Zheng  J.H.  Yu  J.Q. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):417-423
Photosynthetic responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Chunzao) were examined during potato virus Y (PVYNTN) infection. PVYNTN infection significantly reduced net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance, but had little influence on intercellular CO2 concentration. As the disease developed, the maximum carboxylation velocity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and the maximum electron transport rate contributing to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration gradually decreased, followed by substantial reductions in the relative quantum efficiency of photosystem 2 (PS2) electron transport, the efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PS2 reaction centres, and photochemical quenching, but not in sustained photoinhibition. Thus PVYNTN depressed photosynthesis mainly by interfering with the enzymatic processes in the Calvin cycle which resulted in a down-regulation of electron transport.  相似文献   

Understanding of leaf stomatal responses to the atmospheric CO2 concentration, [CO2], is essential for accurate prediction of plant water use under future climates. However, limited information is available for the diurnal and seasonal changes in stomatal conductance (gs) under elevated [CO2]. We examined the factors responsible for variations in gs under elevated [CO2] with three rice cultivars grown in an open‐field environment under flooded conditions during two growing seasons (a total of 2140 individual measurements). Conductance of all cultivars was generally higher in the morning and around noon than in the afternoon, and elevated [CO2] decreased gs by up to 64% over the 2 years (significantly on 26 out of 38 measurement days), with a mean gs decrease of 23%. We plotted the gs variations against three parameters from the Ball‐Berry model and two revised versions of the model, and all parameters explained the gs variations well at each [CO2] in the morning and around noon (R2 > 0.68), but could not explain these variations in the afternoon (R2 < 0.33). The present results provide an important basis for modelling future water use in rice production.  相似文献   

Grasslands cover about 40% of the ice‐free global terrestrial surface, but their quantitative importance in global carbon exchange with the atmosphere is still highly uncertain, and thus their potential for carbon sequestration remains speculative. Here, we report on CO2 exchange of an extensively used mountain hay meadow and pasture in the Swiss pre‐Alps on high‐organic soils (7–45% C by mass) over a 3‐year period (18 May 2002–20 September 2005), including the European summer 2003 heat‐wave period. During all 3 years, the ecosystem was a net source of CO2 (116–256 g C m?2 yr?1). Harvests and grazing cows (mostly via C export in milk) further increased these C losses, which were estimated at 355 g C m?2 yr?1 during 2003 (95% confidence interval 257–454 g C m?2 yr?1). Although annual carbon losses varied considerably among years, the CO2 budget during summer 2003 was not very different from the other two summers. However, and much more importantly, the winter that followed the warm summer of 2003 observed a significantly higher carbon loss when there was snow (133±6 g C m?2) than under comparable conditions during the other two winters (73±5 and 70±4 g C m?2, respectively). The continued annual C losses can most likely be attributed to the long‐term effects of drainage and peat exploitation that began 119 years ago, with the last significant drainage activities during the Second World War around 1940. The most realistic estimate based on depth profiles of ash content after combustion suggests that there is an 500–910 g C m?2 yr?1 loss associated with the decomposition of organic matter. Our results clearly suggest that putting efforts into preserving still existing carbon stocks may be more successful than attempts to increase sequestration rates in such high‐organic mountain grassland soils.  相似文献   

An open-top chamber experiment was carried out from April through October 2006 to examine the effects of elevated (80 nmol mol−1) atmospheric O3 on Ginkgo biloba (4-years-old) in urban area. The air with ambient O3 (AA, ≈ 45 nmol mol−1) was used as control. The leaf mass and size, leaf area index, net photosynthetic rate (P N), apparent quantum yield, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance were decreased by elevated O3 (EO) exposure. Visible foliar injury, which is light-brown flecks, was observed in the EO OTCs after 90 d of exposure. Carboxylation efficiency (ΦCO2) and photorespiration and dark respiration rates were enhanced by EO exposure in the first half of the season, but all of them turned to be lower than those of the AA control at the end of experiment. Stomata limitation of photosynthesis was significantly higher than control in the whole season (p<0.05). Chlorophyll (Chl) content was lower in EO variant than in the control and the difference became more and more apparent through the season. Hence the decrease in P N of G. biloba exposed to EO was the result of both stomatal and non-stomatal limitations. In the early season, the inhibition of photosynthesis was mainly caused by the stomatal limitation, and the earliest response was photoprotective down-regulation of photosynthesis but not photodamage. However, at the end of the season, the non-stomatal limiting factors such as decrease in Chl content, decrease in ΦCO2, and anti-oxidative enzyme activity became more important.  相似文献   

In this work, using a PAM-fluorimetry technique, we have compared effects of plant adaptation to the light or dark conditions on the kinetics of chlorophyll a fluorescence yield in Tradecantia leaves of several species (Tradescantia albiflora, Tradescantia fluminensis, Tradescantia navicularis, and Tradescantia sillamontana), which represent plants of different ecotypes. Two fluorescence parameters were used to assess photosynthetic performance in vivo: non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of chlorophyll fluorescence (qNPQ) determined by energy losses in the light-harvesting antenna of photosystem 2 (PS2), and PS2 operating efficiency (ΦPSII). Comparative study of light-induced changes in qNPQ and ΦPSII has demonstrated that shade-tolerant Tradecantia species (T. albiflora Kunth, T. fluminensis Vell.) reveal higher capacities for NPQ and demonstrate slower transitions between the ‘light-adapted’ and ‘dark-adapted’ states than succulent species T. navicularis and T. sillamontana, which are typical habitats of semi-deserts. We analyze the photosynthetic performance of Tradescantia species in the context of their adaptabilities to variable environment conditions. The ability of shade-tolerant plants to retain a relatively long-term (∼40-60 min) ‘memory’ for illumination history may be associated with the regulatory mechanisms that provide the flexibility of photosynthetic apparatus in response to fluctuations of light intensity.  相似文献   

Olive mill wastewater (OMW) management is a serious environmental issue for the Mediterranean area where there is the most production of olive oil. OMW contains a high organic load, substantial amounts of plant nutrients but also several compounds with recognized toxicity towards living organisms. Moreover, OMW may represent a low cost source of water. We studied the influence of irrigation with OMW (amounts applied: 30, 60, 100 and 150 m3 h−1) in a field of olive trees on root colonization, photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf nutrient concentration and soluble carbohydrate. The soil fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) 16:1ω5 was used to quantify biomass of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and the root FAME 16:1ω5 analysis was used as index for the development of colonization in the roots. Agronomic application of OMW decreased significantly the abundance of the soil FAME 16:1ω5 and the root FAME 16:1ω5 in the soil amended with 60, 100 and 150 m3 ha−1 OMW. Decreased root FAME 16:1ω5 due to OMW amendment was associated with a significant reduction of tissue nutrient concentrations in the olive trees. The highest application of OMW to the soil reduced significantly the olive trees uptake of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn. Land spreading of OMW increased concentration of soluble carbohydrate in the olive leaves, mostly due to decreased sink demand for carbon by the root. In the olive trees amended with 150 m3 ha−1 OMW, net CO2 uptake rate (A), quantum yield of photosystem II electron transport (ΦPSII), maximal photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm), photochemical quenching (qp) and the electron transport rate (ETR) were significantly depressed, whereas non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) was found to increase. Taken with data from experiments in field conditions, our results suggest that agronomic application of OMW alters the functioning of arbuscular mycorrhizas and can even disrupt the relationship between AM fungi and olive trees.  相似文献   

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