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Trees are carbon dioxide sinks and major producers of terrestrial biomass with distinct seasonal growth patterns. Circadian clocks enable the coordination of physiological and biochemical temporal activities, optimally regulating multiple traits including growth. To dissect the clock's role in growth, we analysed Populus tremula × P. tremuloides trees with impaired clock function due to down‐regulation of central clock components. late elongated hypocotyl (lhy‐10) trees, in which expression of LHY1 and LHY2 is reduced by RNAi, have a short free‐running period and show disrupted temporal regulation of gene expression and reduced growth, producing 30–40% less biomass than wild‐type trees. Genes important in growth regulation were expressed with an earlier phase in lhy‐10, and CYCLIN D3 expression was misaligned and arrhythmic. Levels of cytokinins were lower in lhy‐10 trees, which also showed a change in the time of peak expression of genes associated with cell division and growth. However, auxin levels were not altered in lhy‐10 trees, and the size of the lignification zone in the stem showed a relative increase. The reduced growth rate and anatomical features of lhy‐10 trees were mainly caused by misregulation of cell division, which may have resulted from impaired clock function.  相似文献   

ELF3 and GI are two important components of the Arabidopsis circadian clock. They are not only essential for the oscillator function but are also pivotal in mediating light inputs to the oscillator. Lack of either results in a defective oscillator causing severely compromised output pathways, such as photoperiodic flowering and hypocotyl elongation. Although single loss of function mutants of ELF3 and GI have been well studied, their genetic interaction remains unclear. We generated an elf3 gi double mutant to study their genetic relationship in clock‐controlled growth and phase transition phenotypes. We found that ELF3 and GI repress growth differentially during the night and the day, respectively. Circadian clock assays revealed that ELF3 and GI are essential that enable the oscillator to synchronize the endogenous cellular mechanisms to external environmental signals. In their absence, the circadian oscillator fails to synchronize to the light–dark cycles even under diurnal conditions. Consequently, clock‐mediated photoperiod‐responsive growth and development are completely lost in plants lacking both genes, suggesting that ELF3 and GI together convey photoperiod sensing to the central oscillator. Since ELF3 and GI are conserved across flowering plants and represent important breeding and domestication targets, our data highlight the possibility of developing photoperiod‐insensitive crops by adjusting the allelic combination of these two key genes.  相似文献   

Flowering time is one of the major adaptive traits in domestication of maize and an important selection criterion in breeding. To detect more maize flowering time variants we evaluated flowering time traits using an extremely large multi‐ genetic background population that contained more than 8000 lines under multiple Sino‐United States environments. The population included two nested association mapping (NAM) panels and a natural association panel. Nearly 1 million single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were used in the analyses. Through the parallel linkage analysis of the two NAM panels, both common and unique flowering time regions were detected. Genome wide, a total of 90 flowering time regions were identified. One‐third of these regions were connected to traits associated with the environmental sensitivity of maize flowering time. The genome‐wide association study of the three panels identified nearly 1000 flowering time‐associated SNPs, mainly distributed around 220 candidate genes (within a distance of 1 Mb). Interestingly, two types of regions were significantly enriched for these associated SNPs – one was the candidate gene regions and the other was the approximately 5 kb regions away from the candidate genes. Moreover, the associated SNPs exhibited high accuracy for predicting flowering time.  相似文献   

ZPR1 proteins belong to the C4‐type of zinc finger coordinators known in animal cells to interact with other proteins and participate in cell growth and proliferation. In contrast, the current knowledge regarding plant ZPR1 proteins is very scarce. Here, we identify a novel potato nuclear factor belonging to this family and named StZPR1. StZPR1 is specifically expressed in photosynthetic organs during the light period, and the ZPR1 protein is located in the nuclear chromatin fraction. From modelling and experimental analyses, we reveal the StZPR1 ability to bind the circadian DNA cis motif ‘CAACAGCATC’, named CIRC and present in the promoter of the clock‐controlled double B‐box StBBX24 gene, the expression of which peaks in the middle of the day. We found that transgenic lines silenced for StZPR1 expression still display a 24 h period for the oscillation of StBBX24 expression but delayed by 4 h towards the night. Importantly, other BBX genes exhibit altered circadian regulation in these lines. Our data demonstrate that StZPR1 allows fitting of the StBBX24 circadian rhythm to the light period and provide evidence that ZPR1 is a novel clock‐associated protein in plants necessary for the accurate rhythmic expression of specific circadian‐regulated genes.  相似文献   

The number of rachis nodes (spikelets) on a wheat spike is a component of grain yield that correlates with flowering time. The genetic basis regulating flowering in cereals is well understood, but there are reports that flowering time can be modified at a high frequency by selective breeding, suggesting that it may be regulated by both epigenetic and genetic mechanisms. We investigated the role of DNA methylation in regulating spikelet number and flowering time by treating a semi‐spring wheat with the demethylating agent, Zebularine. Three lines with a heritable increase in spikelet number were identified. The molecular basis for increased spikelet number was not determined in 2 lines, but the phenotype showed non‐Mendelian inheritance, suggesting that it could have an epigenetic basis. In the remaining line, the increased spikelet phenotype behaved as a Mendelian recessive trait and late flowering was associated with a deletion encompassing the floral promoter, FTB1. Deletion of FT‐B1 delayed the transition to reproductive growth, extended the duration of spike development, and increased spikelet number under different temperature regimes and photoperiod. Transiently disrupting DNA methylation can generate novel flowering behaviour in wheat, but these changes may not be sufficiently stable for use in breeding programs.  相似文献   

While the transforming growth factor‐β1 (TGF‐β1) regulates the growth and proliferation of pancreatic β‐cells, its receptors trigger the activation of Smad network and subsequently induce the insulin resistance. A case‐control was conducted to evaluate the associations of the polymorphisms of TGF‐β1 receptor‐associated protein 1 (TGFBRAP1) and TGF‐β1 receptor 2 (TGFBR2) with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and its genetic effects on diabetes‐related miRNA expression. miRNA microarray chip was used to screen T2DM‐related miRNA and 15 differential expressed miRNAs were further validated in 75 T2DM and 75 normal glucose tolerance (NGT). The variation of rs2241797 (T/C) at TGFBRAP1 showed significant association with T2DM in case‐control study, and the OR (95% CI) of dominant model for cumulative effects was 1.204 (1.060‐1.370), Bonferroni corrected P < 0.05. Significant differences in the fast glucose and HOMA‐β indices were observed amongst the genotypes of rs2241797. The expression of has‐miR‐30b‐5p and has‐miR‐93‐5p was linearly increased across TT, TC, and CC genotypes of rs2241797 in NGT, Ptrend values were 0.024 and 0.016, respectively. Our findings suggest that genetic polymorphisms of TGFBRAP1 may contribute to the genetic susceptibility of T2DM by mediating diabetes‐related miRNA expression.  相似文献   

Tropical invertebrates are currently living very close to their optimal temperature. Warming due to global climate change will likely exceed their physiological optima and have deleterious consequences for insects living at low latitudes. In this study, we assess the effects of various levels of summer warming predicted for the late 21st century (+1.2 and +3.7 °C, with the same diel oscillation as the current regime) on the physiology and demography of the aphid Myzus varians Davidson (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in subtropical and tropical Taiwan. Aphids subjected to a moderate (3.7 °C) increase in temperature did not reach adulthood and thus left no offspring, meaning that wild populations could go extinct during the summer. Slight (+1.2 °C) warming did not significantly affect development time and generation time. However, warming reduced nymphal survival, adult longevity, and reproduction, and, thus, reduced the fitness of aphid populations. Aphids have a number of adaptations for surviving or avoiding unfavorable conditions. However, predicted increases in global temperatures will likely decrease their survival and reproduction, which could increase the frequency of local extinction.  相似文献   

Autophagy, a ubiquitous intracellular degradation process, is conserved from yeasts to humans. It serves as a major survival function during nutrient depletion stress and is crucial for correct growth and differentiation. In this study, we characterized an atg1 orthologue Bcatg1 in the necrotrophic plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (qRT‐PCR) assays showed that the expression of BcATG1 was up‐regulated under carbon or nitrogen starvation conditions. BcATG1 could functionally restore the survival defects of the yeast ATG1 mutant during nitrogen starvation. Deletion of BcATG1 (ΔBcatg1) inhibited autophagosome accumulation in the vacuoles of nitrogen‐starved cells. ΔBcatg1 was dramatically impaired in vegetative growth, conidiation and sclerotial formation. In addition, most conidia of ΔBcatg1 lost the capacity to form the appressorium infection structure and failed to penetrate onion epidermis. Pathogenicity assays showed that the virulence of ΔBcatg1 on different host plant tissues was drastically impaired, which was consistent with its inability to form an appressorium. Moreover, lipid droplet accumulation was significantly reduced in the conidia of ΔBcatg1, but the glycerol content was increased. All of the defects of ΔBcatg1 were complemented by re‐introduction of an intact copy of the wild‐type BcATG1 into the mutant. These results indicate that BcATG1 plays a critical role in numerous developmental processes and is essential to the pathogenesis of B. cinerea.  相似文献   

Our previous study has shown that PTEN‐induced novel kinase 1 (PINK1) knocking down significantly induced mitochondrial fragmentation. Although PINK1 is proved to be associated with autosomal recessive parkinsonism and its function in this chronic pathological process is widely studied, its role in acute energy crisis such as ischemic stroke is poorly known. In this study by employing an oxygen–glucose deprivation (OGD) neuronal model, we explored the function of PINK1 in cerebral ischemia. Human PINK1, two PINK1 mutants W437X and K219M, or Pink1 shRNA were transduced before OGD using lentiviral delivery. Our results showed that over‐expression of wild‐type PINK1 significantly ameliorated OGD induced cell death and energy disturbance including reduced ATP generation and collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential. PINK1 over‐expression also reversed OGD increased mitochondrial fragmentation, and suppressed the translocation of the mitochondrial fission protein dynamin‐related protein 1 (Drp1) from the cytosol to the mitochondria. Transduction of the mutant PINK1 failed to provide any protective effect, while knockdown of Pink1 significantly increased the severity of OGD‐induced neuronal damage. Importantly, inhibition of Drp1 reversed the effects of knocking down Pink1 on neuronal death and ATP production in response to OGD. This study demonstrates that PINK1 prevents ischemic damage in neurons by attenuating mitochondrial translocation of Drp1, which maintains mitochondrial function and inhibits ischemia‐induced mitochondrial fission. These novel findings implicate a pivotal role of PINK1 regulated mitochondrial dynamics in the pathology of ischemic stroke.


Ribosome biogenesis involves a large ensemble of trans‐acting factors, which catalyse rRNA processing, ribosomal protein association and ribosomal subunit assembly. The circularly permuted GTPase Lsg1 is such a ribosome biogenesis factor, which is involved in maturation of the pre‐60S ribosomal subunit in yeast. We identified two orthologues of Lsg1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Both proteins differ in their C‐terminus, which is highly charged in atLSG1‐2 but missing in atLSG1‐1. This C‐terminus of atLSG1‐2 contains a functional nuclear localization signal in a part of the protein that also targets atLSG1‐2 to the nucleolus. Furthermore, only atLSG1‐2 is physically associated with ribosomes suggesting its function in ribosome biogenesis. Homozygous T‐DNA insertion lines are viable for both LSG1 orthologues. In plants lacking atLSG1‐2 18S rRNA precursors accumulate and a 20S pre‐rRNA is detected, while the amount of pre‐rRNAs that lead to the 25S and 5.8S rRNA is not changed. Thus, our results suggest that pre‐60S subunit maturation is important for the final steps of pre‐40S maturation in plants. In addition, the lsg1‐2 mutants show severe developmental defects, including triple cotyledons and upward curled leaves, which link ribosome biogenesis to early plant and leaf development.  相似文献   

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