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Female hypocretin knockout (Hcrt KO) mice have increased body weight despite decreased food intake compared to wild type (WT) mice. In order to understand the nature of the increased body weight, we carried out a detailed study of Hcrt KO and WT, male, and female mice. Female KO mice showed consistently higher body weight than WT mice, from 4 to 20 months (20–60%). Fat, muscle, and free fluid levels were all significantly higher in adult (7–9 months) as well as old (18–20 months) female KO mice compared to age‐matched WT mice. Old male KO mice showed significantly higher fat content (150%) compared to age‐matched WT mice, but no significant change in body weight. Respiratory quotient (?19%) and metabolic rates (?14%) were significantly lower in KO mice compared to WT mice, regardless of gender or age. Female KO mice had significantly higher serum leptin levels (191%) than WT mice at 18–20 months, but no difference between male mice were observed. Conversely, insulin resistance was significantly higher in both male (73%) and female (93%) KO mice compared to age‐ and sex‐matched WT mice. We conclude that absence of the Hcrt peptide has gender‐specific effects. In contrast, Hcrt‐ataxin mice and human narcoleptics, with loss of the whole Hcrt cell, show weight gain in both sexes.


金昕晔  邹大进 《生物技术通讯》2012,23(4):519-522,562
目的:构建能诱导出针对脂肪细胞型脂肪酸结合蛋白(FABP4)特异性中和抗体的疫苗,为高脂诱导下肥胖和胰岛素抵抗的防治新途径提供理论和实验依据。方法:野生型C57BL/6J雌鼠随机分为疫苗组(n=10,高脂饲养)、佐剂组(n=10,高脂饲养)和空白对照组(n=10,普通饲养),分别予以皮下注射生物合成的FABP4蛋白、佐剂和磷酸盐缓冲液,观察比较各组抗体滴度、安全耐受性和体重、摄食量、空腹血糖、胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)、糖耐量实验血糖曲线下面积(AUC)等指标。结果:疫苗组小鼠产生了高滴度的FABP4特异性抗体,并于第3轮加强免疫后达到平衡状态。首次免疫16周后,疫苗组小鼠体重高于空白对照组,但明显低于佐剂组(P<0.05);日平均摄食量高于空白对照组(P<0.05),与佐剂组无差异(P>0.05);空腹血糖、HOMA-IR、腹腔葡萄糖耐量实验AUC均明显低于佐剂组(P<0.05),与对照组无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:以FABP4作为抗原免疫小鼠,可产生高滴度特异性抗体IgG,有效降低高脂喂养野生型雌性小鼠体重、空腹血糖、HOMA-IR和血糖AUC等指标,为高脂诱导的肥胖和胰岛素抵抗的治疗提供了新的途径和初步证据,可进行深入研究。  相似文献   


Individuals with bipolar disorder (BD) have higher than average rates of coffee, tobacco and alcohol use. These substances may have deleterious effects on sleep quality and quantity, which may destabilize sleep/wake cycles and negatively impact the clinical course and prognosis of BD. The use of these substances may also be perceived as a self-medication attempt, for example, to induce sleep or to increase vigilance during the day. The objective of the current study was to investigate associations between the self-reported daily use of coffee, tobacco, and alcohol, and objective measures of sleep and activity patterns in adult individuals with BD. A sample of 147 euthymic individuals with BD were assessed for daily coffee, tobacco and alcohol consumption and 21 days of actigraphy monitoring. Actigraphic measures of sleep quantity and daytime activity were compared between groups classified as coffee+/coffee-, tobacco+/tobacco- and alcohol+/alcohol-, defined according to their current daily use. Then, we examined potential correlations between sleep/wake cycle parameters and the amount of daily consumption of each substance. Multivariable analyses identified associations between the use of coffee, tobacco, and alcohol and several sleep and activity parameters, such as between coffee, alcohol, and the relative amplitude of activity (respectively, p = .003 and p = .005), between alcohol and M10 onset (onset time of the 10 most active hours during the 24-h cycle) (p = .003), and between coffee and sleep duration (p = .047). This study supports the hypothesis that there is a relationship, whose direction would be bidirectional, between the daily use of these substances and the sleep/wake cycle in euthymic individuals with BD. These preliminary results require replications in other retrospective and prospective samples. They may have a clinical impact on psycho-education strategies to be proposed to individuals with BD.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine whether photoperiod alone was effective to induce seasonal changes in physiology in voles (Eothenomys.) from the Hengduan Mountain region. Eothenomys miletus were randomly assigned into either long photoperiod (LD; 16L: 8D) or short photoperiod (SD; 8L: 16D) for 4 weeks at constant temperature (25 °C). At the end of acclimation, SD voles showed lower body mass and body fat coupled with higher energy intake than LD voles. SD greatly enhanced the thermogenic capacity of E. miletus, as indicated by an elevated nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), mitochondrial protein in brown adipose tissue (BAT); basal metabolic rate (BMR) was also raised. Although no variations in serum leptin levels were found between SD and LD voles, serum leptin levels were positively correlated with body mass and body fat mass, and negatively correlated with energy intake and UCP1 content in BAT, respectively. To summarize, SD alone is effective in inducing higher thermogenic capacities and energy intake coupled with lower body mass and body fat mass in root voles. Leptin is potentially involved in the photoperiod induced body mass regulation and thermogenesis in E. miletus. Our study shows that SD alone is effective.  相似文献   

A three-step sequential detergent/salt extraction procedure was used in order to isolate three distinct subcellular fractions containing free (FP), cytoskeletal-bound (CBP) and membrane-bound polysomes (MBP), respectively, from Krebs II ascites cells (Vedeler et al., Mol Cell Biochem 100: 183–193,1991). The purpose was to study changes in the distribution of polysomes in these three fractions during long-term incubation with insulin under either stationary conditions or in roller suspension culture- Insulin caused a redistribution of polysomes between FP, CBP and MBP fractions. The hormone appeared to promote an entry of ribosomes into polysomes both in CBP and MBP populations. When cells were grown in stationary culture in the presence of insulin and thus promoted to attach to the substratum and undergo morphological changes, a diversion of ribosomes from CBP into MBP was observed. The level of protein synthesis was apparently very high in this latter fraction since more then 70% of ribosomes were in polysomes. Morphological changes observed following insulin treatment were accompanied by a shift of certain proteins among subcellular fractions (for example actin and p35). The fibronectin content was about 20% higher in attached compared to non-attached cells. The results suggest that morphological changes induced by stimulation with insulin are associated with an increased activity of MBP, presumably reflecting a requirement for an increased synthesis of membrane proteins. (Mol Cell Biochem 118: 131–140, 1992)  相似文献   

The function of vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter(s) in plants has been studied primarily in the context of salinity tolerance. By facilitating the accumulation of Na+ away from the cytosol, plant cells can avert ion toxicity and also utilize vacuolar Na+ as osmoticum to maintain turgor. As many genes encoding these antiporters have been cloned from salt-sensitive plants, it is likely that they function in some capacity other than salinity tolerance. The wide expression pattern of Arabidopsis thaliana sodium proton exchanger 1 (AtNHX1) in this study supports this hypothesis. Here, we report the isolation of a T-DNA insertional mutant of AtNHX1, a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter in Arabidopsis. Vacuoles isolated from leaves of the nhx1 plants had a much lower Na+/H+ and K+/H+ exchange activity. nhx1 plants also showed an altered leaf development, with reduction in the frequency of large epidermal cells and a reduction in overall leaf area compared to wild-type plants. The overexpression of AtNHX1 in the nhx1 background complemented these phenotypes. In the presence of NaCl, nhx1 seedling establishment was impaired. These results place AtNHX1 as the dominant K+ and Na+/H+ antiporter in leaf vacuoles in Arabidopsis and also suggest that its contribution to ion homeostasis is important for not only salinity tolerance but development as well.  相似文献   

The acute effects of ethylcholine mustard aziridinium ion (AF64A) and hemicholinium-3 (HC-3) on the release of endogenous acetylcholine (ACh) from isolated tissues were examined. Whereas addition of HC-3 (10−6–10−5 M) significantly reduced the output of ACh from isolated guinea-pig ileum longitudinal muscle strip elicited by 10 Hz stimulation, AF64A had no effect and even enhanced the release of radiolabel elicited by 1 Hz stimulation when this tissue was pre-loaded with [3H]choline. Similarly, HC-3 (10−5 M) reduced ouabain-induced endogenous ACh release from isolated rat hippocampus. Addition of AF64A (10−5−5 × 10−5 M) caused a slight increase in ACh release. In isolated rat cortex, however, AF64A did not affect ACh release. Moreover, AF64A caused a decrease in ouabain-stimulated ACh release from striatum. The present study indicates that: (a) the in vitro actions of AF64A differ from those of HC-3 and (b) the acute effects of AF64A on endogenous ACh release vary, depending on the tissues studied and the stimulation parameters used.  相似文献   

An affinity-purified, polyclonal antibody raised against a peptide corresponding to amino acids 137–156 at the carboxy terminus of human leptin (16 kD) was used to search for immunoreactive protein(s) in the lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. Immunoblots of serum from different phases of the life cycle showed the presence of a 65-kD immunoreactive protein in the larvae and all stages of metamorphosis but not in feeding juvenile and upstream migrant adults. Extracts of tissues known to store fat were also examined using the same antibody. Muscle and fat column from all phases tested (larvae, stage 2 and 4 metamorphosing animals, feeding juveniles and upstream migrants) showed 100- and 50-kD immunoreactive proteins. Extracts of nephric fold, the primary site of fat storage during metamorphosis, lacked the 100-kD protein but had the 50 kD; they also had a 16 kD immunoreactive protein not found in the other tissues. The immunoreactivity of the proteins of both serum and tissue extracts was blocked by pretreatment of the antibody with the leptin-derived antigen. The results indicate that P. marinus has proteins that share at least one epitope with mammalian leptin.  相似文献   



Polymorphism of rs2293855 in gene MTMR9 has been associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome. We aim to study the association of rs2293855 with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) intermediate phenotypes in a Han Chinese population.


The polymorphism was genotyped in 838 Han Chinese individuals using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS); all participants underwent a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT); associations between the polymorphism and glucose tolerance, indices of insulin secretion and indices of insulin sensitivity were analyzed.


The frequency of genotypes and alleles differed significantly between normal glucose tolerance and prediabetes (P = 0.043 and P = 0.009, respectively). The GG homozygous presented higher fasting plasma glucose (P = 0.009), higher 2-hour plasma glucose (P = 0.024) and higher glucose area under the curve (AUC, P = 0.01). Moreover, the G allele of rs2293855 was associated with glucose intolerance (fasting glucose, P = 0.012; glucose AUC, P = 0.006; 2-h glucose, P = 0.024); it is also associated with decreased indices of insulin sensitivity (fasting insulin, P = 0.043; insulin sensitivity index composite, P = 0.009; homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, HOMA-IR, P = 0.008) and decreased indices of insulin secretion (HOMA of beta cell function, HOMA-B, P = 0.028; insulinogenic index, P = 0.003). In addition, the minor allele G was also associated with increased risk of prediabetes (OR = 1.463, 95%CI: 1.066–2.009, P = 0.018).


Polymorphism of rs2293855 in MTMR9 is associated with measures of glucose tolerance, indices of insulin secretion and indices of insulin sensitivity. We also suggest that allele G is likely to increase the risk of prediabetes by influencing both insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

Under biotic/abiotic stresses, the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii reportedly releases massive amounts of H2O2 into the surrounding seawater. As an essential redox signal, the role of chloroplast-originated H2O2 in the orchestration of overall antioxidant responses in algal species has thus been questioned. This work purported to study the kinetic decay profiles of the redox-sensitive plastoquinone pool correlated to H2O2 release in seawater, parameters of oxidative lesions and antioxidant enzyme activities in the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii under the single or combined effects of high light, low temperature, and sub-lethal doses of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), which are inhibitors of the thylakoid electron transport system. Within 24 h, high light and chilling stresses distinctly affected the availability of the PQ pool for photosynthesis, following Gaussian and exponential kinetic profiles, respectively, whereas combined stimuli were mostly reflected in exponential decays. No significant correlation was found in a comparison of the PQ pool levels after 24 h with either catalase (CAT) or ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities, although the H2O2 concentration in seawater (R = 0.673), total superoxide dismutase activity (R = 0.689), and particularly indexes of protein (R = 0.869) and lipid oxidation (R = 0.864), were moderately correlated. These data suggest that the release of H2O2 from plastids into seawater possibly impaired efficient and immediate responses of pivotal H2O2-scavenging activities of CAT and APX in the red alga K. alvarezii, culminating in short-term exacerbated levels of protein and lipid oxidation. These facts provided a molecular basis for the recognized limited resistance of the red alga K. alvarezii under unfavorable conditions, especially under chilling stress.  相似文献   

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