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Plasmodium parasites are unicellular eukaryotes that undergo a series of remarkable morphological transformations during the course of a multistage life cycle spanning two hosts (mosquito and human). Relatively little is known about the dynamics of cellular organelles throughout the course of these transformations. Here we describe the morphology of three organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, apicoplast and mitochondrion) through the human blood stages of the parasite life cycle using fluorescent reporter proteins fused to organelle targeting sequences. The endoplasmic reticulum begins as a simple crescent-shaped organelle that develops into a perinuclear ring with two small protrusions, followed by transformation into an extensive reticulated network as the parasite enlarges. Similarly, the apicoplast and the mitochondrion grow from single, small, discrete organelles into highly branched structures in later-stage parasites. These branched structures undergo an ordered fission - apicoplast followed by mitochondrion - to create multiple daughter organelles that are apparently linked as pairs for packaging into daughter cells. This is the first in-depth examination of intracellular organelles in live parasites during the asexual life cycle of this important human pathogen.  相似文献   

Live cell imaging of human malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum during gametocytogenesis revealed that the apicoplast does not grow, whereas the mitochondrion undergoes remarkable morphological development. A close connection of the two organelles is consistently maintained. The apicoplast and mitochondrion are not components of the male gametes, suggesting maternal inheritance.  相似文献   

Trafficking of soluble proteins to the apicoplast in Plasmodium falciparum is determined by an N-terminal transit peptide (TP) which is necessary and sufficient for apicoplast import. Apicoplast precursor proteins are synthesized at the rough endoplasmic reticulum, but are then specifically sorted from other proteins in the secretory pathway. The mechanism of TP recognition is presently unknown. Apicoplast TPs do not contain a conserved sequence motif; therefore, we asked whether they contain an essential structural motif. Using nuclear magnetic resonance to study a model TP from acyl carrier protein, we found a short, low-occupancy helix, but the TP was otherwise disordered. Using an in vivo localization assay, we blocked TP secondary structure by proline mutagenesis, but found robust apicoplast localization. Alternatively, we increased the helical content of the TP through mutation while maintaining established TP characteristics. Apicoplast import was disrupted in a helical mutant TP, but import was then restored by the further addition of a single proline. We conclude that structure in the TP interferes with apicoplast import, and therefore TPs are functionally disordered. These results provide an explanation for the amino acid bias observed in apicoplast TPs.  相似文献   

Falcilysin (FLN) is a zinc metalloprotease thought to degrade globin peptides in the acidic vacuole of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The enzyme has been found to have acidic or neutral pH optima on different peptides and to have additional distribution outside the food vacuole. These data suggested that FLN has an additional function in the parasite. To further probe the functions of FLN, we created a transgenic parasite clone expressing a chromosomally encoded FLN-GFP fusion. Unexpectedly, FLN was found in the apicoplast, an essential chloroplast-like organelle. Nuclear encoded apicoplast proteins are targeted to the organelle by a bipartite N-terminal sequence comprised of a signal sequence followed by a positively charged transit peptide domain. Free transit peptides are thought to be toxic to the plastid and need to be rapidly degraded after proteolytic release from proproteins. We hypothesized that FLN may participate in transit peptide degradation in the apicoplast based on its preference for basic residues at neutral pH and on phylogenetic comparison with other M16 family metalloproteases. In vitro cleavage by FLN of the transit peptide from the apicoplast-resident acyl carrier protein supports this idea. The importance of FLN for parasite development is suggested by our inability to truncate the chromosomal FLN open reading frame. Our work indicates that FLN is an attractive target for antimalarial development.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics research on Plasmodium falciparum revealed two isoforms of pyruvate kinase: type-I and type-II enzymes. The type-I enzyme shows typical glycolytic properties, while type-II enzyme is involved in fatty acid type-II biosynthesis and has been predicted to localize to the apicoplast with the targeting signal in its N-terminus. The type-I and type-II isoforms have the same evolutionary origin as Toxoplasma gondii isozymes, TgPyKI and TgPyKII, respectively; however, TgPyKII localizes to both the mitochondrion and the apicoplast. Accordingly, we made a recombinant full length of P. falciparum pyruvate kinase type-II protein using a wheat germ cell-free expression system and obtained a specific antibody against the type-II protein. Fluorescent microscopic analysis revealed that P. falciparum type-II enzyme was localized only to the apicoplast, not to the mitochondrion. The data suggest differences in localization and metabolic pathways between P. falciparum and T. gondii pyruvate kinase isoforms.  相似文献   

The malaria causing protozoan Plasmodium falciparum contains a vestigal, non-photosynthetic plastid, the apicoplast. Numerous proteins encoded by nuclear genes are targeted to the apicoplast courtesy of N-terminal extensions. With the impending sequence completion of an entire genome of the malaria parasite, it is important to have software tools in place for prediction of subcellular locations for all proteins. Apicoplast targeting signals are bipartite; containing a signal peptide and a transit peptide. Nuclear-encoded apicoplast protein precursors were analyzed for characteristic features by statistical methods, principal component analysis, self-organizing maps, and supervised neural networks. The transit peptide contains a net positive charge and is rich in asparagine, lysine, and isoleucine residues. A novel prediction system (PATS, predict apicoplast-targeted sequences) was developed based on various sequence features, yielding a Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.91 (97% correct predictions) in a 40-fold cross-validation study. This system predicted 22% apicoplast proteins of the 205 potential proteins on P. falciparum chromosome 2, and 21% of 243 chromosome 3 proteins. A combination of the PATS results with a signal peptide prediction yields 15% potentially nuclear-encoded apicoplast proteins on chromosomes 2 and 3. The prediction tool will advance P. falciparum genome analysis, and it might help to identify apicoplast proteins as drug targets for the development of novel anti-malaria agents.  相似文献   

The causative agent of malaria, Plasmodium, possesses three translationally active compartments: the cytosol, the mitochondrion and a relic plastid called the apicoplast. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to charge tRNA are thus required for all three compartments. However, the Plasmodiumfalciparum genome encodes too few tRNA synthetases to supply a unique enzyme for each amino acid in all three compartments. We have investigated the subcellular localisation of three tRNA synthetases (AlaRS, GlyRS and ThrRS), which occur only once in the nuclear genome, and we show that each of these enzymes is dually localised to the P. falciparum cytosol and the apicoplast. No mitochondrial fraction is apparent for these three enzymes, which suggests that the Plasmodium mitochondrion lacks at least these three tRNA synthetases. The unique Plasmodium ThrRS is the presumed target of the antimalarial compound borrelidin. Borrelidin kills P. falciparum parasites quickly without the delayed death effect typical of apicoplast translation inhibitors and without an observable effect on apicoplast morphology. By contrast, mupirocin, an inhibitor of the apicoplast IleRS, kills with a delayed death effect that inhibits apicoplast growth and division. Because inhibition of dual targeted tRNA synthetases should arrest translation in all compartments of the parasite, these enzymes deserve further investigation as potential targets for antimalarial drug development.  相似文献   

PDC (pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) is a multi-enzyme complex comprising an E1 (pyruvate decarboxylase), an E2 (dihydrolipomide acetyltransferase) and an E3 (dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase). PDC catalyses the decarboxylation of pyruvate and forms acetyl-CoA and NADH. In the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the single PDC is located exclusively in the apicoplast. Plasmodium PDC is essential for parasite survival in the mosquito vector and for late liver stage development in the human host, suggesting its suitability as a target for intervention strategies against malaria. Here, PfaE3 (P. falciparum apicoplast E3) was recombinantly expressed and characterized. Biochemical parameters were comparable with those determined for E3 from other organisms. A homology model for PfaE3 reveals an extra anti-parallel β-strand at the position where human E3BP (E3-binding protein) interacts with E3; a parasite-specific feature that may be exploitable for drug discovery against PDC. To assess the biological role of Pfae3, it was deleted from P. falciparum and although the mutants are viable, they displayed a highly synchronous growth phenotype during intra-erythrocytic development. The mutants also showed changes in the expression of some mitochondrial and antioxidant proteins suggesting that deletion of Pfae3 impacts on the parasite''s metabolic function with downstream effects on the parasite''s redox homoeostasis and cell cycle.  相似文献   

15-Deoxyspergualin, an immunosuppressant with tumoricidal and antimalarial properties, has been implicated in the inhibition of a diverse array of cellular processes including polyamine synthesis and protein synthesis. Endeavoring to identify the mechanism of antimalarial action of this molecule, we examined its effect on Plasmodium falciparum protein synthesis, polyamine biosynthesis, and transport. 15-Deoxyspergualin stalled protein synthesis in P. falciparum through Hsp70 sequestration and subsequent phosphorylation of the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2alpha. However, protein synthesis inhibition as well as polyamine depletion were invoked only by high micromolar concentrations of 15-deoxyspergualin, in contrast to the submicromolar concentrations sufficient to inhibit parasite growth. Further investigations demonstrated that 15-deoxyspergualin in the malaria parasite primarily targets the hitherto underexplored process of trafficking of nucleus-encoded proteins to the apicoplast. Our finding that 15-deoxyspergualin kills the malaria parasite by interfering with targeting of nucleus-encoded proteins to the apicoplast not only exposes a chink in the armor of the malaria parasite, but also reveals new realms in our endeavors to study this intriguing biological process.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan protists such as Plasmodium and Toxoplasma contain a mitochondrion and a relic plastid (apicoplast) that are sites of protein translation. Although there is emerging interest in the partitioning and function of translation factors that participate in apicoplast and mitochondrial peptide synthesis, the composition of organellar ribosomes remains to be elucidated. We carried out an analysis of the complement of core ribosomal protein subunits that are encoded by either the parasite organellar or nuclear genomes, accompanied by a survey of ribosome assembly factors for the apicoplast and mitochondrion. A cross-species comparison with other apicomplexan, algal and diatom species revealed compositional differences in apicomplexan organelle ribosomes and identified considerable reduction and divergence with ribosomes of bacteria or characterized organelle ribosomes from other organisms. We assembled structural models of sections of Plasmodium falciparum organellar ribosomes and predicted interactions with translation inhibitory antibiotics. Differences in predicted drug–ribosome interactions with some of the modelled structures suggested specificity of inhibition between the apicoplast and mitochondrion. Our results indicate that Plasmodium and Toxoplasma organellar ribosomes have a unique composition, resulting from the loss of several large and small subunit proteins accompanied by significant sequence and size divergences in parasite orthologues of ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   



DNA gyrase, an enzyme once thought to be unique to bacteria, is also found in some eukaryotic plastids including the apicoplast of Apicomplexa such as Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii which are important disease-causing organisms. DNA gyrase is an excellent target for antibacterial drugs, yet such antibacterials seem ineffective against Apicomplexa. Characterisation of the apicoplast gyrases would be a useful step towards understanding why this should be so. While purification of active apicoplast gyrase has proved impossible to date, in silico analyses have allowed us to discover differences in the apicoplast proteins. The resulting predicted structural and functional differences will be a first step towards development of apicoplast-gyrase specific inhibitors.


We have carried out sequence analysis and structural predictions of the enzymes from the two species and find that P. falciparum gyrase lacks a GyrA box, but T. gondii may retain one. All proteins contained signal/transport peptides for localization to the apicoplast but T. gondii Gyrase B protein lacks the expected hydrophobic region. The most significant difference is in the GyrA C-terminal domain: While the cores of the proteins, including DNA binding and cleavage regions are essentially unchanged, both apicoplast gyrase A proteins have C-terminal domains that are significantly larger than bacterial counterparts and are predicted to have different structures.


The apicoplast gyrases differ significantly from bacterial gyrases while retaining similar core domains. T. gondii Gyrase B may have an unusual or inefficient mechanism of localisation to the apicoplast. P.falciparum gyrase, lacks a GyrA box and is therefore likely to be inefficient in DNA supercoiling. The C-terminal domains of both apicoplast Gyrase A proteins diverge significantly from the bacterial proteins. We predict that an additional structural element is present in the C-terminal domain of both apicoplast Gyrase A proteins, including the possibility of a β-pinwheel with a non-canonical number of blades. These differences undoubtedly will affect the DNA supercoiling mechanism and have perhaps evolved to compensate for the lack of Topoisomerase IV in the apicoplast. These data will be useful first step towards further characterisation and development of inhibitors for apicoplast gyrases.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0416-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum, the mosquito-transmitted Apicomplexan parasite, causes the most severe form of human malaria. In the asexual blood-stage, the parasite resides within erythrocytes where it proliferates, multiplies and finally spreads to new erythrocytes. Development of drugs targeting the ribosome, the site of protein synthesis, requires specific knowledge of its structure and work cycle, and, critically, the ways they differ from those in the human host. Here, we present five cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) reconstructions of ribosomes purified from P. falciparum blood-stage schizonts at sub-nanometer resolution. Atomic models were built from these density maps by flexible fitting. Significantly, our study has taken advantage of new capabilities of cryo-EM, in visualizing several structures co-existing in the sample at once, at a resolution sufficient for building atomic models. We have discovered structural and dynamic features that differentiate the ribosomes of P. falciparum from those of mammalian system. Prompted by the absence of RACK1 on the ribosome in our and an earlier study we confirmed that RACK1 does not specifically co-purify with the 80S fraction in schizonts. More extensive studies, using cryo-EM methodology, of translation in the parasite will provide structural knowledge that may lead to development of novel anti-malarials.  相似文献   

Malaria is caused by infection with protozoan parasites of the Plasmodium genus, which is part of the phylum Apicomplexa. Most organisms in this phylum contain a relic plastid called the apicoplast. The apicoplast genome is replicated by a single DNA polymerase (apPOL), which is an attractive target for anti-malarial drugs. We screened small-molecule libraries (206,504 compounds) using a fluorescence-based high-throughput DNA polymerase assay. Dose/response analysis and counter-screening identified 186 specific apPOL inhibitors. Toxicity screening against human HepaRG human cells removed 84 compounds and the remaining were subjected to parasite killing assays using chloroquine resistant P. falciparum parasites. Nine compounds were potent inhibitors of parasite growth and may serve as lead compounds in efforts to discover novel malaria drugs.  相似文献   

Rhodamine 123 (Rh123) has been used to probe the functional status of the mitochondrion present within the asexual, intraerythrocytic stages of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. This cationic fluorescent dye accumulates specifically in negatively charged cellular compartments, such as mitochondria. Using epifluorescence microscopy the development of what appears to be a single mitochondrion has been followed through the intraerythrocytic cycle. Mitochondrial development progresses from a fine thread-like organelle that becomes longer and eventually branched. Each daughter merozoite receives a branch or piece of the parent organelle. Cytoplasmic Rh123 accumulation was also observed, indicating that there exists a transmembrane potential across the outer plasma and parasitophorous vacuolar membranes of the parasite. The effects of uncouplers (protonophores), ionophores, and inhibitors were examined by monitoring Rh123 accumulation and retention. Our results demonstrate that the mitochondrion of P. falciparum actively maintains a high transmembrane potential, the function of which is as yet undefined.  相似文献   

The mitochondrion and the apicoplast of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium spp. is microscopically observed in a close proximity to each other. In this study, we tested the suitability of two different separation techniques--Percoll density gradient centrifugation and fluorescence-activated organelle sorting--for improving the purity of mitochondria isolated from the crude organelle preparation of Plasmodium falciparum. To our surprise, the apicoplast was inseparable from the plasmodial mitochondrion by each method. This implies these two plasmodial organelles are bound each other. This is the first experimental evidence of a physical binding between the two organelles in Plasmodium.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous glyoxalase system removes methylglyoxal as a harmful by‐product of glycolysis. Because malaria parasites have drastically increased glycolytic fluxes, they could be highly susceptible to the inhibition of this detoxification pathway. Here we analysed the intracellular localization, oligomerization and inhibition of the glyoxalases from Plasmodium falciparum. Glyoxalase I (GloI) and one of the two glyoxalases II (cGloII) were located in the cytosol of the blood stages. The second glyoxalase II (tGloII) was detected in the apicoplast pointing to alternative metabolic pathways. Using a variety of methods, cGloII was found to exist in a monomer–dimer equilibrium that might have been overlooked for homologues from other organisms and that could be of physiological importance. The compounds methyl‐gerfelin and curcumin, which were previously shown to inhibit mammalian GloI, also inhibited P. falciparum GloI. Inhibition patterns were predominantly competitive but were complicated because of the two different active sites of the enzyme. This effect was neglected in previous inhibition studies of monomeric glyoxalases I, with consequences for the interpretation of inhibition constants. In summary, the present work reveals novel general glyoxalase properties that future research can build on and provides a significant advance in characterizing the glyoxalase system from P. falciparum.  相似文献   

Sato S  Clough B  Coates L  Wilson RJ 《Protist》2004,155(1):117-125
All eight enzymes required for de novo heme biosynthesis have been predicted from the nuclear genome of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. We have studied the subcellular localization of three of these using a GFP reporter in live transfected parasites. The first enzyme in the pathway d-aminolevulinic acid synthase (ALAS) is targeted to the mitochondrion, but the next two enzymes porphobilinogen synthase (PBGS) and hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) are targeted to the plastid. An enzymatically active recombinant version of PBGS from P. falciparum was over-expressed and its activity found to be stimulated by Mg2+(and enhanced by Mn2+) but not by Zn2+. A hypothetical scheme for the exchange of intermediates in heme biosynthesis between the mitochondrion and plastid organelle, as well as organelle attachment is discussed.  相似文献   

Yeh E  DeRisi JL 《PLoS biology》2011,9(8):e1001138
Plasmodium spp parasites harbor an unusual plastid organelle called the apicoplast. Due to its prokaryotic origin and essential function, the apicoplast is a key target for development of new anti-malarials. Over 500 proteins are predicted to localize to this organelle and several prokaryotic biochemical pathways have been annotated, yet the essential role of the apicoplast during human infection remains a mystery. Previous work showed that treatment with fosmidomycin, an inhibitor of non-mevalonate isoprenoid precursor biosynthesis in the apicoplast, inhibits the growth of blood-stage P. falciparum. Herein, we demonstrate that fosmidomycin inhibition can be chemically rescued by supplementation with isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), the pathway product. Surprisingly, IPP supplementation also completely reverses death following treatment with antibiotics that cause loss of the apicoplast. We show that antibiotic-treated parasites rescued with IPP over multiple cycles specifically lose their apicoplast genome and fail to process or localize organelle proteins, rendering them functionally apicoplast-minus. Despite the loss of this essential organelle, these apicoplast-minus auxotrophs can be grown indefinitely in asexual blood stage culture but are entirely dependent on exogenous IPP for survival. These findings indicate that isoprenoid precursor biosynthesis is the only essential function of the apicoplast during blood-stage growth. Moreover, apicoplast-minus P. falciparum strains will be a powerful tool for further investigation of apicoplast biology as well as drug and vaccine development.  相似文献   

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