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A new neolignan, 5,8-epoxy-6,7-dimethyl 2′,3′,2″,3″-dimethylene dioxy-4′,1″-dimethoxy-1,2:3,4-dibenzo-1,3-cyclooctadiene, from the petrol extract of Clerodendron inerme seeds, was characterized by spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic methods. This compound makes up ca 5% by wt of the seeds.  相似文献   

Based on the detailed morphological study of the type species of the genus Multisphaera Nazarov and Afanasieva, the author emends the status and diagnosis of this genus and of the subfamily Multisphaerinae Nazarov and Afanasieva. He found that the initial spicule of the type species is not multi-rayed, as initially thought, but a tetrahedral spicule. Accordingly, the genus is assigned to the former tribe Tetrentactiniini Kozur and Mostler that is herein raised to the family rank and comprises all Upper Devonian to lower Permian genera with a tetrahedral initial spicule. Consequently, the subfamily Multisphaerinae is considered a junior synonym of the family Tetrentactiniidae. To better solve the taxonomic problems of this family the author compares the morphological diversity of its members with the morphological diversity of the lower Tithonian (uppermost Jurassic) tetrahedral spicule-bearing entactinarian Radiolaria occurring in the Solnhofen area, southern Germany. Although these genera have the same type of spicule as the Paleozoic ones, they seem to belong to a new family because between the lower Tithonian and the lower Permian genera there is a long time interval of about 120 Ma in which no radiolarians with a tetrahedral initial spicule have been recorded so far. This comparison shows once more the conservative character of the initial spicule and the wide morphological diversity of the extraspicular shell.  相似文献   

This study reconstructs early stages of Rozella allomycis endoparasitic infection of its host, Allomyces macrogynus. Young thalli of A. macrogynus were inoculated with suspensions of R. allomycis zoospores and allowed to develop for 120 h. Infected thalli at intervals were fixed for electron microscopy and observed. Zoospores were attracted to host thalli, encysted on their surfaces, and penetrated their walls with an infection tube. The parasite cyst discharged its protoplast through an infection tube, which invaginated the host plasma membrane. The host plasma membrane then surrounded the parasite protoplast and formed a compartment confining it inside host cytoplasm. The earliest host-parasite interface within host cytoplasm consisted of two membranes, the outer layer the host plasma membrane and the inner layer the parasite plasma membrane. At first a wide space separated the two membranes and no material was observed within this space. Later, as the endoparasite thallus expanded within the compartment, the two membranes became closely appressed. As the endoparasite thallus continued to enlarge, the interface developed into three membrane layers. Thus, host plasma membrane surrounded the parasite protoplast initially without the parasite having to pierce the host plasma membrane for entry. Significantly, host-derived membrane was at the interface throughout development.  相似文献   

Differences in phosphate metabolism of symbiotic and aposymbiotic Condylactus suggest that the host animal makes available quantities of phosphate to support growth of zooxanthellae. Nitrite may serve as a nitrogen source for symbionts as indicated by host removal of nitrite from sea water.The presence of zooxanthellae is responsible for removal of phosphate from sea water in the dark whereas there is excretion during light periods. There is a greater uptake of nitrite from sea water in the light compared with the dark in symbiotic animals.Since nitrate is removed from sea water by aposymbiotic animals, the presence of nitrate reducing bacteria is proposed.  相似文献   

The structural study of several Quaternary specimens of the radiolarian species Stylotrochus asteros Tan and Chen, 1999 proves that this species does not belong to this genus or to other Cenozoic genera so far known. This species has a large lenticular lattice cortical shell with one face convex and the other one concave or flat, and an initial skeleton inside it consisting of a small tumour-shaped spongy structure attached to the convex side. Given these peculiarities of this species, the author erects for it the genus Tanochenia nov. gen.  相似文献   

Most Anelosimus eximius live in colonies, but a few females emigrate short distances and establish small, individual webs. Field studies were conducted on one colony and nearby smaller webs in order to describe communal activities and division of labour, and to note costs and benefits of remaining in the parental colony and emigrating. Adult and juvenile females repaired the web and captured prey. Adult females, rather than juveniles, cared for egg sacs and fed young. When colonial egg sacs were abundant, females moved from sac to sac. Several colonial females regurgitated food to spiderlings which had recently emerged from a particular sac. In smaller webs inhabited by two or three females, the mother cared for the sac but all females fed the young by regurgitation. Males rarely participated in communal activities. Advantages of colony living include protection from predators, the availability of large prey and, in the event of a female's death, the care of her egg sac and feeding of her young. Cannibalism of the egg sac is a potential cost of coloniality, affecting about 10–20% of colonial sacs. Cannibalism was not observed in the smaller webs. However, the costs of emigrating are very high: most of the solitary females disappeared, leading to interspecific predation on their eggs and young.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural changes during zoospore formation and aggregation into motile, aggregating zoospores were examined in the colonial green algaPediastrum tetras. Developing zoospores are characterized by irregularly shaped nuclei, presence of peripheral networks of rough endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts with tightly apposed thylakoids and dictyosome cisternae which are compressed and reduced in size. A single membrane bound organelle with a fine granular matrix of moderate electron density of diameter ranging from 0.2 m to 0.6 m and associated with chloroplasts, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum was found only in adult cells. Although this organelle has the morphology of a microbody, it did not stain with 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) at pH 9.6 or pH 7.6, whereas mitochondrial membranes stained. No DAB staining was observed along the cell wall or the plasma membrane of zoospores, or associated with endoplasmic reticulum, plastid membranes or dictyosomes.  相似文献   

Naegleria gruberi is an amoeboflagellate found in soil; mitosis is restricted to the amoeboid phase of its life-cycle. Ultrastructural examination of mitotic stages has confirmed some aspects of karyokinesis reported in earlier light-microscopic studies and expanded on other features of nuclear division described in electron-microscopic studies of Naegleria The nuclear envelope remained intact throughout division, the nucleolus persisted, and centrioles were not found Chromosomes were indistinguishable at the ultrastructural level, nor was any evidence detected of sites of microtubular attachment to possible chromosomes. An interzonal body, formed during separation in two of the nucleolus, was not an invariable feature of mitosis. The same was true of the polar caps, which appeared to be little more than the ends of the mitotic spindle. It is suggested that, in line with comparable situations in other protists, expansion of the nuclear envelope is chiefly responsible for separation of the nucleus into two daughter nuclei.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1999,36(2-3):81-89
Fine structural evidence shows that Collozoum serpentinum differs substantially from two previously examined species Collozoum inerme and Collozoum caudatum. The latter two have spheroidal to prolate central capsules with rounded nuclei and radially arranged lobes of cytoplasm radiating from the center of the central capsules. C. serpentinum has contorted, elongated (greater than 1 mm) cylindrical central capsules, and the intracapsular cytoplasm is highly vacuolated and suspended in a network of denser cytoplasm containing major intracellular organelles including nuclei with irregular shape, mitochondria, and Golgi bodies. This network organization of the intracapsular cytoplasm is distinctly different from the fine structure of Collozoum species examined thus far. These data, combined with molecular genetic evidence (Amaral Zettler et al., 1999), indicate that C. serpentinum is not as closely related to other Collozoum species as was previously thought. Based on this evidence, we suggest that Haeckel's original designation of a separate genus (Collophidium) is more appropriate for colonial radiolaria with contorted, cylindrical central capsules as represented by C. serpentinum.  相似文献   

Protozoa of the genus Pyrsonympha are found attached to the cuticular lining of the hind-gut wall of the termite Reticulitermes tibialis by a specialized anterior structure referred to here as the ‘attachment organelle’. The structure of the hind-gut, the attachment organelle, and the nature of the attachment are described using light and electron microscopy. The attachment organelle is a highly folded membranous structure containing large 20 to 26 nm filaments. Although no unambiguous functional significance can presently be assigned to this attachment, it may serve to prevent loss of the protozoa from the intestinal tract or it may be involved in the nutritional symbiosis between termite and protozoa.  相似文献   

Detailed morphological study of the ring of the Jurassic saturnalid radiolarian species frequently cited in the literature as Hexasaturnalis suboblongus (Yao) has proven that it contains two well-defined species: H. suboblongus (Yao), practically ranging within the boundaries of the Bajocian, and Hexasaturnalis nakasekoi nov. sp., ranging within the Bathonian-Kimmeridgian interval. The two species seem to be important stratigraphically because the transition from the former to the latter took place at or around the Bajocian/Bathonian boundary. The phyletic lineage Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) → H. inuyamaensis (Yao) → H. suboblongus (Yao) → H. nakasekoi nov. sp. → H. minor (Baumgartner) → Dicerosaturnalis angustus (Baumgartner) → D. dicranacanthos (Squinabol) is proposed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and development of Bacillus penetrans in root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., was studied with a transmission electron microscope. Host infection was by a germ tube from the cup-shaped sporangium containing the endospore. The prokaryotic vegetative cells contained septa formed by an ingrowth of the inner layer of the trilaminate cell wall and were associated with mesosomes. Structure of the endospore was similar to other bacteria with a spore protoplast enclosed within two cortical layers and three spore coats. An exosporium which may function in attachment and host specificity surrounded the endospore. Ultrastructural changes accompanying sporulation were similar to those reported for other endospore-forming bacteria but with some parasite specialization. The filamentous vegetative growth was characteristic of some Actinomycetales. Endospore development at the apices of dichotomously branched filaments of the thallus resembled the genus Actinobifida.  相似文献   

Bieve-Zacheo T., Zacheo G. and Lamberti F. 1985. Ultrastructure of the Z organ in Xiphinema ifacolum. International Journal for Parasitology15: 453–461. The uterus in Xiphinema ifacolum can be divided into uterus proper, a 77 μm long tube and a lemon-shaped Z organ, about 28 μm long and 18 μm wide, placed between the oviduct and the uterus proper. The Z organ consists of a thick outer muscular layer of 120 cells, arranged in 20 rings of six cells each and a thin inner epithelium layer, lining the lumen. The epithelial cell walls, lining the lumen of the Z organ are thicker than those lining the uterus proper and are strongly folded. The crests of some of these folds carry six large apophyses, all about the same size and shape, these occupy the full length of the organ, becoming thicker towards the center of the lumen. There are many tubules near the surfaces of the apophyses, the contents of which can be dissolved by treatment with pepsin and pronase, indicating that they are proteins. This material probably consists of secretions which are squeezed out of the apophyses by a passing egg and may function in the formation or hardening of the egg shell.  相似文献   

The anterior alimentary tract of Diclidophora merlangi is composed of a complex series of morphologically distinct epithelia interconnected by septate desmosomes and penetrated by the openings of numerous unicellular glands. The mouth and buccal cavity are lined by an infolding of modified body tegument, distinguished by uniciliate sense receptors, buccal gland openings, and in the buccal region by a dense, spiny appearance. The prepharynx is covered by an irregularly folded epithelium and, for part of its length, by the luminal cytoplasm of the prepharyngeal gland cells. The epithelium is syncytial and pleiomorphic, and regional variation in structure is common. A separate epithelium invests the lips of the pharynx and its free surface is greatly amplified by numerous, dense lamellae of varying dimensions. The lip epithelium is continuous with cytoplasmic processes of cells located external to the pharynx. A further, distinct epithelium borders the pharynx lumen and is composed of discrete cytoplasmic units connected by short septate desmosomes. The oesophagus is lined by a modified caecal epithelium, lacking haematin cells, and, in places, is perforated by the openings of oesophageal gland cells; it is continuous with the syncytial connecting tissue of the gut caeca.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural comparisons of median neurosecretory cells of Manduca sexta were made by using fresh and cultured specimens. Examination of the endomembrane system, the abundance and electron density of neurosecretory granules, and the condition and abundance of mitochondria showed that brains cultured for 4 days were similar to those taken directly from the insect. After 10 days, the neurosecretory cells had broken down but the neurosecretory granules were still present.  相似文献   

Coral species in a similar habitat often show different bleaching susceptibilities. It is not understood which partner of coral-zooxanthellae complexes is responsible for differential stress susceptibility. Stress susceptibilities of in hospite and isolated zooxanthellae from five species of corals collected from shallow water in Okinawa were compared. To estimate stress susceptibility, we measured the maximum quantum yields (Fv/Fm) of in hospite and isolated zooxanthellae after 3-h exposure to either 28 or 34 °C at various light intensities and their recovery after 12 h under dim light at 26 °C. Significant reduction in photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) of photosystem II (PSII) was observed in in hospite zooxanthellae exposed to high light intensity (1000 μmol quanta m−2 s−1), while PSII activity of isolated zooxanthellae decreased significantly even at a lower light intensity (70 μmol quanta m−2 s−1). The recovery of the PSII activity after 12 h was incomplete in both in hospite and isolated zooxanthellae, indicating the presence of chronic photoinhibition. The stress susceptibility of isolated zooxanthellae was more variable among species than in hospite zooxanthellae. The order of stress susceptibility among the five coral species was different between in hospite and isolated zooxanthellae. The present results suggest that the host plays a significant role in determining bleaching susceptibility of corals, though zooxanthellae from different host have different stress susceptibilities.  相似文献   

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