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The relation between the different microhabitats and habitats and the quantitative distribution of macroinvertebrates was investigated as well as the applicability of different sampling devices. Data processing took place by means of multivariate analysis (Flexclus, Canoco). It was concluded that the spatial-physical structure is more important to macroinvertebrates than the plant species. In fact, this spatial physical structure can be indicated as the mesh size of a (micro-)habitat. In order from open vegetation, shore/dense vegetation, artificial substrate, bottom material, and filamentous algae the mesh size decresed. It is advisable to use different sampling devices to sample a macroinvertebrate community.  相似文献   

This paper shows fossil spores and pollen grains from Cretaceous (Upper Campanian) of Sakhalin, Russia, with scanning electron microscopy. A total of 520 palynomorph assemblages consisting of 25% spores of pteridophytes and bryophytes, 4.5% of ephedroid pollen grains, 6.5% of coniferous pollen grains, and 64% of angiospermous pollen grains were recovered in the present study. 5 genera of pteridophytes, 4 genera of gymnosperms, and 18 genera of angiosperms are described in the present study. The frequent and representative genera from the stratum areEphedripites, Liliacidites, Clavatipollenites, Tricolpites, Aquilapollenites, andAzonia. A new genus,Sciadopitipollenites, that is comparable with extantSciadopitys is proposed in the present study. Polycolpate pollen with the same exine sculpture ofClavatipollenites suggests a generic differentiation in the Chloranthaceae during the Cretaceous age. The diverse spores and pollen paleoflora shown in the present study suggests a wide diversification of angiosperms in the Upper Campanian at the eastern side of Laurasia (Aquilapollenites province).  相似文献   

Summary A modified, artificial substrate method was used to study the effects of laundry wastewater on benthic algae in a polder in the western part of the Netherlands. In a polluted ditch a clear chemical gradient was found with regard to the parameters conductivity, B.O.D., C.O.D., NH4, ortho-P, total-P and Cl, showing decreasing values with increasing distance from the polluting source. pH and oxygen values showed the opposite. Algae, such asEuglena viridis, Nitzschia palea andOscillatoria spp. were positively correlated with the amount of pollution, while others, such asChrysochaete brittannica, Chrysophaera gallica, Cocconeis placentula andSynedra ulna showed a negative correlation with the amount of pollution. The results of algal counts are evaluated by means of diffenent methods,e.g. similarity coefficients, species abundance curves, diversity and saprobity indices. In different seasons benthic algal biomass proved to be a good indicator of pollution, except very close to the polluting source. The role of algal periodicity, influencing species composition, diversity and saprobity values, and biomass growth, has been discussed. The need of revising the saprobity system for stagnant ditches in the Netherlands, using artificial substrates, has been stressed.  相似文献   

Fossil plants from the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) of northern Timan are studied. The sporangia contain well-preserved spores, which were studied in transmitted light using a scanning electron microscope. The genus Gutzeitia S. Snigirevsky, gen. nov. is established. Macroremains and in situ spores of G. timanica (Petros.) S. Snig., comb. nov. and ?Cephalopteris mirabilis (Nath.) Nath. are described. Microspores in Dimeripteris gracilis Schmalh. are identified, and microspores and megaspores in ?Cephalopteris mirabilis are studied for the first time.  相似文献   

Dominant diatoms in Tjeukemeer (The Netherlands)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A situation is described where silicon depletion affected a population of diatoms, mainly Diatoma elongatum and Melosira spp., in the shallow lake Tjeukemeer (The Netherlands). After Si-deficiency the numbers of cells dropped quickly, whereas at least for the upper layer (0–1 m) a big increase in the percentage of biprotoplastic D. elongatum cells was observed. Probably the major part of the D. elongatum population arrived alive at the bottom. Heavy winds occurring 2 weeks later stirred up considerable numbers of both diatoms. The numbers of dead D. elongatum cells was then 40–50%, presenting some evidence that a large scale dying of D. elongatum cells occurs rather shortly after arrival at the bottom of Tjeukemeer. In the following weeks, at low Si-concentration, numbers of D. elongatum almost doubled with once again a relatively high percentage of biprotoplastic cells, whereas numbers of Melosira spp. decreased. In the relevant conditions it seems that D. elongatum can take up silicon faster than Melosira spp.  相似文献   

Spore morphology in the Pteris cretica complex, including Pteris brasiliensis, P. ciliaris, P. cretica, P. denticulata var. denticulata, P. denticulata var. tristicula, P. ensiformis, P. multifida and P. mutilata was examined using light and scanning electron microscope. The spores are trilete, triangular to circular in shape, with an equatorial thickening (= cingulum). Equatorial diameter ranges from 29 to 69 μm, and polar diameter from 18 to 53 μm. Exospore is proximally verrucate and distally rugate, with the exception of Pteris ensiformis, which has cones on both polar faces. Perispore is generally less than 1 μm thick, apparently single-layered in section, and translucent under light microscope. Spheroids were frequently observed on the surfaces of both perispore and exospore. Hyaline spores lacking cingulum were found in all specimens. Pteris brasiliensis, P. cretica and P. denticulata exhibit pronounced polymorphism and, in addition to trilete spores these taxa also produce atypical spores such as tetralete, monolete and intermediate types.  相似文献   

Bog development in southeastern drenthe (The Netherlands)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A universal method for the complete assessment of atmospheric fungal spores does not exist, which is continuous, volumetric and non-selective, and offers at the same time reliable identification of the collected spores. To perform a survey of airborne fungal spores, a choice has to be made between a viable and non-viable method. For the study carried out in Leiden, the non-viable, continuous volumetric method has been employed, showing the results over a period of 10 years, for 10 microscopically identifiable fungal spore types. Of this selection,Cladosporium spores have by far the highest airborne quantities, with an average annual total of the daily averages of over 700 000.Botrytis, Ustilago andAlternaria follow with much lower spore concentrations of between 20 000 and 30 000 as annual totals. The spore types ofEpicoccum, Erysiphe, Entomophthora, Torula, Stemphylium, andPolythrincium are represented with annual sums lower than 10 000. A spore calendar shows the overall seasonal appearance of the 10 selected types.  相似文献   

A universal method for the complete assessment of atmospheric fungal spores does not exist, which is continuous, volumetric and non-selective, and offers at the same time reliable identification of the collected spores. To perform a survey of airborne fungal spores, a choice has to be made between a viable and non-viable method. For the study carried out in Leiden, the non-viable, continuous volumetric method has been employed, showing the results over a period of 10 years, for 10 microscopically identifiable fungal spore types. Of this selection,Cladosporium spores have by far the highest airborne quantities, with an average annual total of the daily averages of over 700 000.Botrytis, Ustilago andAlternaria follow with much lower spore concentrations of between 20 000 and 30 000 as annual totals. The spore types ofEpicoccum, Erysiphe, Entomophthora, Torula, Stemphylium, andPolythrincium are represented with annual sums lower than 10 000. A spore calendar shows the overall seasonal appearance of the 10 selected types.  相似文献   

Planktic foraminifera are unicellular marine organisms able to produce calcareous tests, which can be fossilized and, therefore, can give important information about the geologic record. In this overview a summary of the present knowledge of fossil planktic foraminifera together with the gradual steps from the earliest and pioneering to the more recent studies on this microfossil group, is given. In particular, the criteria at the base of the classification of these organisms from the earlier studies until the present, are described and summarized. An overview of the biostratigraphic schemes based on species first and last occurrences and assemblages from different latitudes and different regions is also given. The evolution and the response of planktic foraminifera to changing environmental condition are summarized from the more primitiveGlobigerina-like Jurassic forms, to the specialized and diversified Cretaceous species, until their dramatic crisis across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, their successive recovery in the Paleocene and their evolution toward modern organisms. Finally, an overview is given of the use of planktic foraminifera to reconstruct paleoenvironments from the more simple methods to those implying more sophisticated and recent techniques.   相似文献   

The Menispermaceae family (Ranunculales) includes more than 500 extant species. Climbers represent the majority of this family, and these plants are now distributed in all of the tropical and subtropical regions of Americas, Asia and Africa. Their endocarps show a characteristic shape that is easily identified in the fossil floras. Numerous fossil leaves are also mentioned in the literature, but the methods for identifying these fossils are often outdated and need revision. Four tribes of Menispermaceae are present in the fossil record, including Fibraureae, Menispermeae, Pachygoneae and Tinosporeae. Only the Anomospermeae are potentially lacking. The Menispermaceae appear in the Palaeocene, and are common in the Eocene, of Europe and in North America as represented by endocarps and locule-casts. The species of this age show morphological diversification, corresponding with the current familial diversity. A few specimens from the Cretaceous period could be part of this Angiosperm family. Fossils after the Eocene are scarcer, despite several relatively rich outcrops. The maximal expansion of the Menispermaceae during the Palaeocene/Eocene limit correlates with the thermal optimum of the early Tertiary and also parallels the maximal expansion of tropical and subtropical floras. The relative richness of the Eocene era in Menispermaceae could be a consequence of more intense sampling in some regions. The bias in tribe representation can be explained by evolution, ecology or taphonomic hypotheses.  相似文献   

Diatom-inferred trophic history of IJsselmeer (The Netherlands)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IJsselmeer was formed in 1932 through the closure of the Afsluitdijk that separated the artificial lake from the former Zuiderzee estuary. The palaeoecology of IJsselmeer was studied on a 63-cm-long sediment core. Lithology and microfossil data, particularly the diatom flora, clearly show the transition from the marine Zuiderzee into the freshwater IJsselmeer. Trophic conditions in IJsselmeer since 1932 have been inferred by qualitative and quantitative diatom-based approaches: by plotting the distribution of trophic categories based on published trophic indicator values, by a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) yielding relative total phosphorus (TP) changes and by applying a transfer function in order to calculate TP concentrations. All three approaches indicate that IJsselmeer initially was meso- to eutrophic. A first hypertrophic period is indicated for the mid-1940s, likely due to internal loading. After 1960, the phosphorus load steadily increased and TP in IJsselmeer reached highest concentrations (ca. 150 μg l−1) in the 1980s as confirmed by monitoring data since 1975. The monitored data show that the TP concentration continuously decreased after 1985 due to successful environmental protection measures. This trend is not (or not yet) evidenced by the diatom data and thus, the diatom-inferred TP concentration. Guest editors: K. Buczkó, J. Korponai, J. Padisák & S. W. Starratt Palaeolimnological Proxies as Tools of Environmental Reconstruction in Fresh Water  相似文献   

Fossil samaras referred to the extant rutaceous genus Ptelea L. comprise an artificial collection of five distinct taxa with convergent fruit morphologies. Critical reexamination of these fossils revealed that only one of the five samara types can be referred to Ptelea. Two of the forms can be assigned without reservation to Tiliaceae (Pteleaecarpum = Craigia) or Caprifoliaceae (“Ptelea” cassioides [part], “Ptelea” miocenica [part]). Taxonomic affinities of the two remaining fruit types (“Pteleaeocenica, “Pteleacassioides [part]) are undetermined. Genuine fossil Ptelea samaras are restricted to Miocene floras in the western United States, including the Hog Creek (Weiser) and Succor Creek floras near the Oregon–Idaho border and the Stinking Water flora of east-central Oregon. These samaras bear the names P. miocenica Berry and P. enervosa H. V. Smith. The holotype of P. miocenica is a caprifoliaceous infructescence similar to that of Dipelta Maximowicz, so P. enervosa, previously considered a synonym of P. miocenica, is the valid combination for fossil Ptelea samaras. P. enervosa samaras are the oldest reliably determined fossil Ptelea fruits. These samaras indicate that the Toddalieae-Pteleinae lineage of subfamily Toddalioideae has been present in North America since the Miocene, rather than the Eocene as suggested by previously misidentified specimens.  相似文献   

Fossil lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) reconsidered   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract.  Five papers describing fossils considered to be Phthiraptera (lice) by their authors are reviewed. We place the specimens described in three papers in the Acari (mites) and regard them as probably not fossils. A fourth paper describes what appears to be a fossil insect. However, we do not consider it to be a louse. The fifth paper describes a more recent fossil that differs little from extant lice.  相似文献   

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