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The phylogenetic relationships within the fungus gnat tribe Exechiini have been left unattended for many years. Recent studies have not shed much light on the intergeneric relationship within the tribe. Here the first attempt to resolve the phylogeny of the tribe Exechiini using molecular markers is presented. The nuclear 18S and the mitochondrial 16S, and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes were successfully sequenced for 20 species representing 15 Exechiini genera and five outgroup genera. Bayesian, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses revealed basically congruent tree topologies and the monophyly of Exechiini, including the genus Cordyla , is confirmed. The molecular data corroborate previous morphological studies in several aspects. Cordyla is found in a basal clade together with Brachypeza , Pseudorymosia and Stigmatomeria . The splitting of the genera Allodiopsis s.l. and Brevicornu s.l. as well as the sistergroup relationship of Exechia and Exechiopsis is also supported. The limited phylogenetic information provided by morphological characters is mirrored in the limited resolution of the molecular markers used in this study. Short internal and long-terminal branches obtained may indicate a rapid radiation of the Exechiini genera during a short evolutionary period.  相似文献   

The genus Manota is recorded from Japan for the first time. Three new species, Manota satoyamanis, Manota indahae and Manota tunoae spp. nov., are described, based on specimens collected in an ecological sampling program of arthropods in the “satoyama” landscape of Ishikawa Prefecture. “Satoyama” represents the traditional rural landscape of Japan, which is characterized by a mosaic of secondary forests, plantations, ponds and rice paddy fields. The new species raise the number of Palearctic Manota species from five to eight.  相似文献   

Abstract A molecular phylogeny of the fungus gnat family Mycetophilidae based on the nuclear 18S, 28S, and the mitochondrial 16S rRNA genes is presented. The total alignment included 58 taxa and 1704 bp. The family was recovered as monophyletic in parsimony and Bayesian analyses. In the Bayesian analysis, Mycetophilinae and its two tribes, Mycetophilini and Exechiini, were monophyletic with good statistical support. The subfamily Mycomyinae was found consistently in a sister‐group relationship to Mycetophilinae. Gnoristinae was rendered paraphyletic, subtending Mycomyinae and Mycetophilinae. Within Gnoristinae, the genera Coelosia Winnertz, Boletina Staeger, Gnoriste Meigen group with Docosia Winnertz, usually considered to be a member of Leiinae. No support was found for the monophyly of the subfamilies Sciophilinae and Leiinae.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the fungus gnat family Mycetophilidae (Diptera) is reconstructed with a focus on the species‐rich and taxonomically difficult subfamilies Gnoristinae and Mycomyinae. The multigene phylogenetic analyses are based on five nuclear (18S, 28S, CAD, MCS, ITS2) and four mitochondrial (12S, 16S, COI, CytB) gene markers. The analyses strongly support the monophyly of Mycetophilidae and the subfamilies Manotinae, Sciophilinae, Leiinae, and Mycomyinae, although Gnoristinae is paraphyletic with respect to Mycetophilinae. All the genera and groups of genera included are supported as monophyletic, except for Acomoptera Vockeroth, Boletina Staeger, Dziedzickia Johannsen, Ectrepesthoneura Enderlein, and Neoempheria Osten Sacken. Ancestral character state reconstructions were applied to two morphological features present in Gnoristinae and Mycomyinae (i.e. presence of setae on wing membrane and wing vein R4) in order to assess their evolution. The wing vein R4 appears as an unstable character, spread throughout different clades. A dated phylogeny of the family Mycetophilidae showed that most of the subfamilies of Mycetophilidae originated and diversified during the Cretaceous. The youngest subfamilies, originated in the Paleogene, appear to be Mycomyinae and Mycetophilinae.  相似文献   

Coleeae (Bignoniaceae) are a tribe almost entirely restricted to Madagascar. Coleeae have previously been placed in neotropical Crescentieae due to species with indehiscent fruits, a character otherwise unusual in Bignoniaceae. A phylogeny based on three chloroplast regions (ndhF, trnT-L spacer, trnL-F spacer) identifies a monophyletic Coleeae that is endemic to Madagascar and surrounding islands of the Indian Ocean (Seychelles, Comores and Mascarenes). African Kigelia is not a member of Coleeae, rather it is more closely related to a subset of African and Southeast Asian species of Tecomeae. The molecular phylogeny indicates that indehiscent fruit have arisen repeatedly in Bignoniaceae: in Coleeae, Kigelia and Crescentieae. The characteristic fleshy fruits of species of Coleeae likely arose autochthonously in Madagascar. Within Coleeae Colea and Ophiocolea are sisters, Phyllarthron is sister to Colea + Ophiocolea, and Rhodocolea is sister to the rest of the tribe.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the fungus gnat tribe Exechiini (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) is reconstructed based on the combined analysis of five nuclear (18S, two parts of 28S, CAD, EF1α) and two mitochondrial (12S, COI) gene markers. According to known fossil record, and recent higher‐level phylogenies, the tribe constitutes the most apomorphic, distinctly monophyletic clade of the family Mycetophilidae. The tribe originated in the Paleogene and apparently quickly diversified in the Neogene with an unusual rapid radiation of complex male terminalia. Earlier attempts to reconstruct the phylogeny of the tribe, based on both morphology and molecular methods, have not yielded reliable hypotheses, neither in terms of resolution nor in terms of support for major clades. Increased taxon sampling and wider gene sampling have been suggested to achieve better phylogenetic resolution. Aiming at this, we present new phylogenies, for the first time with all known genera and subgenera of Exechiini represented. While many terminal intergeneric relationships are well supported, both in maximum likelihood and in Bayesian analyses, most of the major, deeper clades remain poorly supported. We suggest that a rapid radiation event close to the root may be causing the low resolution at this level in the phylogeny. This contrasts parallel phylogenies of the older subfamilies and tribes of the family Mycetophilidae, where traditional clades have usually been recovered with high support. Further in‐depth studies into the evolutionary history of the tribe are needed to enlighten and coalesce the specific phenomena driving their unique morphological, genetic and phylogeographic histories.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the family Sciaridae is reconstructed, based on maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and Bayesian analyses of 4809 bp from two mitochondrial (COI and 16S) and two nuclear (18S and 28S) genes for 100 taxa including the outgroup taxa. According to the present phylogenetic analyses, Sciaridae comprise three subfamilies and two genus groups: Sciarinae, Chaetosciara group, Cratyninae, and Pseudolycoriella group + Megalosphyinae. Our molecular results are largely congruent with one of the former hypotheses based on morphological data with respect to the monophyly of genera and subfamilies (Sciarinae, Megalosphyinae, and part of postulated “new subfamily”); however, the subfamily Cratyninae is shown to be polyphyletic, and the genera Bradysia, Corynoptera, Leptosciarella, Lycoriella, and Phytosciara are also recognized as non-monophyletic groups. While the ancestral larval habitat state of the family Sciaridae, based on Bayesian inference, is dead plant material (plant litter + rotten wood), the common ancestors of Phytosciara and Bradysia are inferred to living plants habitat. Therefore, shifts in larval habitats from dead plant material to living plants may have occurred within the Sciaridae at least once. Based on the results, we discuss phylogenetic relationships within the family, and present an evolutionary scenario of development of larval habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract A key is provided to the eight species of Anatella recorded in Britain, including three species newly recorded ( A.dampfi Landrock; A.gibba Winnertz; A.lenis Dziedzicki). A further six species are newly recorded from Britain ( Exechia sororcula Lackschewitz; Exechiopsis dumitrescae (Burghele-Balacesco); Allodia ( Brachycampta ) angulata Lundström; Mycetophila autumnalis Lundström; M.lubomirskii Dziedzicki; M.lunata Meigen); these and several other species are redescribed. The following nomenclatural changes are proposed. Exechia bicincta (Staeger) (= spinosa Bukowski, syn.n.); Mycetophila confusa Dziedzicki (= affluctata Edwards, syn.n.); Mycetophila dziedzickii nom.n. (= obscura Dziedzicki nec Walker). Female characters of seventeen of the twenty-two British species of Exechia and eight species of Mycetophila are discussed and illustrations provided.  相似文献   

Martinsson, S., Kjærandsen, J. & Sundberg, P. (2011). Towards a molecular phylogeny of the fungus gnat genus Boletina (Diptera: Mycetophilidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 272–281. Boletina is a species rich genus of fungus gnats (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) with a mainly Holarctic distribution. The systematics within the genus has gained little attention and this is a first attempt to shed some light over the systematics of Boletina and to test the segregation of the genera Saigusaia and Aglaomyia from Boletina. The nuclear marker 28S and mitochondrial 16S, COI and CytB were amplified and sequenced for 23 taxa that were analysed separately and together with a broad sample of outgroup taxa obtained from GenBank, where also 18S sequences were added. Phylogenies were estimated using maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and parsimony. We strengthen the hypothesized sister‐group relationship between Docosia and Boletina, but the genus Boletina as currently delimited appears to be paraphyletic and nested in a clade together with Aglaomyia, Coelosia and Gnoriste. The genus Saigusaia, on the other hand, seems to be well separated from Boletina. The Boletina erythropyga species group is consistently found as a distinct basal clade within Boletina s.l. The results obtained are otherwise ambiguous both for the taxa in focus and in some analyses globally with a statistically supported total breakdown of the traditional higher classification into tribes, subfamilies and even families. Interestingly, this breakdown almost disappeared when additional 18S sequences were added.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Based on DNA sequences of the fusion protein carbamoylphosphate synthetase/aspartate transcarbamylase/dihydroorotase (CAD; 680 bp) and elongation factor-1α (Ef-1α; 1240 bp); the first molecular phylogeny of the moth family Anthelidae and its placement within the Bombycoidea sensu Brock (1971) (= bombycoid complex sensu Minet, 1994 ) is proposed. The results strongly support the monophyly of the family Anthelidae and its subfamilies Munychryiinae and Anthelinae, but demonstrate the vast polyphyly of its main genus Anthela Walker, 1855. The proposed phylogeny suggests that grass feeding, as apparent from some pest records, probably is an ancestral trait within the subfamily Anthelinae. Evolutionary relationships of the family Anthelidae and of most parts of the Bombycoidea remain obscure. However, the results contradict many of the widely accepted phylogenetic hypotheses within the Bombycoidea proposed by Minet (1994 : Entomologica scandinavica , 25, 63–88). The Brahmaeidae are paraphyletic relative to the Lemoniidae ( syn.nov. ), and the current concept of Bombycidae is polyphyletic, with the bombycid subfamily Apatelodinae being part of a monophylum comprising Brahmaeidae / Lemoniidae, Eupterotidae and Apatelodidae ( stat.rev .).  相似文献   

Molecular variation in six nuclear genes provides substantive phylogenetic evidence for the recognition of a new cypriniform family, the Ellopostomatidae, to include the enigmatic Southern Asia loach genus Ellopostoma. The current six loach families form a monophyletic group, with the Nemacheilidae as the sister group to Ellopostomatidae; Vaillantellidae forms the sister group to all families exclusive of Botiidae. While the superfamily Cobitoidea includes eight families, the monophyly of this large clade within the Cypriniformes remains a vexing problem despite extensive molecular analyses and is in need of further investigation.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny of the family Diadocidiidae (Diptera: Sciaroidea) is reconstructed based on the combined analysis of four mitochondrial (12S, 16S, COI, cytB) and two nuclear (28S, ITS2) gene markers. All the analyses strongly support Diadocidiidae as a monophyletic group. Genus Diadocidia Ruthe, 1831 includes monophyletic subgenera Diadocidia s. str. and Taidocidia Papp and ?ev?ík (Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 51 , 2005b, 329). The monophyly of Adidocidia La?tovka & Matile, 1972 was not confirmed. The position of Diadocidiidae and relationships of the families within the infraorder Bibionomorpha are demonstrated in the analyses based on three gene markers (28S, 12S and 16S). The Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of 10 families of Bibionomorpha revealed Sciaridae as the closest relative of Diadocidiidae. Most of the currently recognised extant families of Bibionomorpha proved to be monophyletic. The family Keroplatidae revealed as paraphyletic, with the genera of Macrocerinae being more related to Cecidomyiidae, but the support is low.  相似文献   

Six new mycetophilid species from three genera belonging to the tribe Exechiini are described: Anatella prominens on a fungus of the Polyporaceae, Allodia bipexa and Allodia conifera on fungi of the Russulaceae, Allodia quadrata on fungi of the Hygrophoraceae, Tricholomataceae, Rhodophyllaceae, Russulaceae and Fistulinaceae, Allodia laccariae on a fungus of the Tricholomataceae, and Cordyla bidenticulata on a fungus of the Boletaceae. Their characteristic male genitalia are illustrated. Cordyla flaviceps Staeger, Cordyla fusca Meigen and Cordyla pusilla Edwards are newly recorded from Japan.  相似文献   

Seven species of sciarid flies were collected in shiitake mushroom farm in Korea. Among them, Lycoriella ingenua (Dufour 1839) and Bradysia difformis Frey 1948 were dominant as possible pests of the shiitake mushroom because the larvae were found on both oak bed logs and in the artificial sawdust beds for shiitake cultivation. Five other species, which were collected in lower numbers, are reported for the first time in Korea: Bradysia longimentula (Sasakawa 1994), Bradysia trispinifera Mohrig & Krivosheina 1979, Leptosciarella (Leptospina) subdentata (Mohrig and Menzel 1992), Scatopsciara camptospina Mohrig and Mamaev 1990, and Xylosciara inornata Mohrig and Krivosheina 1979.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from several members of the closely related Mycetophilidae and Keroplatidae were examined by electron microscopy using a fixative that contains glutaraldehyde and tannic acid, followed by a post-fixative that consists of uranyl acetate rather than osmium tetroxide. With this fixative, the detailed architecture of the flagellar axoneme and its various microtubules could be resolved. The so-called accessory tubules, which surround the central 9+2 unit of the sperm axoneme, were found to have 16 protofilaments in several examined Mycetophiloidea, but in no other Diptera. As 16 is the common number in holometabolic insects, it is presumably the plesiomorphic condition in Diptera. Other fungus gnats have accessory tubules with 15 or 14 protofilaments. The intertubular material situated between the accessory tubules is smaller in the examined members of the Mycetophilidae than in the Keroplatidae. The acrosome consists of an apical vesicle, which in one species, Macrorhyncha ancae, has three microtubular doublets in its anterior part and two large and three small extensions which extend posteriorly along the sperm axoneme.  相似文献   

The first checklist of black fungus gnats is established; new faunistic records of Sciaridae are presented, providing a list of 10 genera and 55 species. Forty-eight species are newly listed for Morocco, increasing the total of Sciaridae known from Morocco to 69 species, belonging to 12 genera, of which six (Austrosciara Schmitz & Mjöberg, 1924, Bradysiopsis Tuomikoski, 1960, Epidapus Haliday, 1851, Lycoriella Frey, 1942, Pseudolycoriella Menzel & Mohrig, 1998 and Sciara Meigen, 1803) are newly reported for Moroccan fauna.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of genera Allograpta, Sphaerophoria and Exallandra (Diptera, Syrphidae) were analyzed based on sequence data from the mitochondrial protein-coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA genes. The three genera are members of the subfamily Syrphinae, where nearly all members feed as larvae on soft-bodied Hemiptera and other arthropods. Phytophagous species have recently been discovered in two subgenera of Allograpta, sg Fazia and a new subgenus from Costa Rica. Phylogenetic analyses of the combined datasets were performed using parsimony, under static alignment and direct optimization, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. Congruent topologies obtained from all the analyses indicate paraphyly of the genus Allograpta with respect to Sphaerophoria and Exallandra. Exallandra appears embedded in the genus Sphaerophoria, and both genera are placed within Allograpta. The distribution of phytophagous taxa in Allograpta indicates that plant feeding evolved at least twice in this group.  相似文献   

Peter H. Kerr 《ZooKeys》2014,(437):109-126
California is one of the most biologically diverse regions of the world, yet the diversity of fungus gnats (Mycetophilidae) remains largely undocumented within the state. A modest survey of these flies has led to the discovery of a new genus and species of gnat that lives alongside one of the most iconic trees in the world, the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum). Spritella sequoiaphilagen. et sp. n. is described and illustrated and its status among other mycetophilid genera is analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

Arenicolids comprise a group of four genera in which about 30 nominal species are described. Whereas the biology of many arenicolids is well known, the phylogenetic relationships of these worms are inadequately studied. A close relationship of Arenicolidae and Maldanidae is generally accepted. The phylogenetic relationships of arenicolid taxa were reconstructed based on sequence data of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene, the nuclear 18S rRNA gene, and a small fraction of the nuclear 28S rRNA gene. Members of all described arenicolid genera are included in the data set. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian inference, and Maximum Parsimony. The monophyly of the Maldanidae, as well as of the Arenicolidae is supported by all conducted analyses. Two well supported major clades are highest ranked sister taxa in the Arenicolidae: one containing all Abarenicola species and one containing Arenicola, Arenicolides, and Branchiomaldane. Evidence is given for a closer relationship between the two investigated Branchiomaldane species and Arenicolides ecaudata in the combined analysis. In the light of the molecular data the best explanation for structural and morphological observations is that Branchiomaldane evolved by progenesis.  相似文献   

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