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Connecting species richness, abundance and body size in deep-sea gastropods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim This paper examines species richness, abundance, and body size in deep‐sea gastropods and how they vary over depth, which is a strong correlate of nutrient input. Previous studies have documented the empirical relationships among these properties in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems, but a full understanding of how these patterns arise has yet to be obtained. Examining the relationships among macroecological variables is a logical progression in deep‐sea ecology, where patterns of body size, diversity, and abundance have been quantified separately but not linked together. Location 196–5042 m depth in the western North Atlantic. Method Individuals analysed represent all Vetigastropoda and Caenogastropoda (Class Gastropoda) with intact shells, excluding Ptenoglossa, collected by the Woods Hole Benthic Sampling Program (3424 individuals representing 80 species). Biovolume was measured for every individual separately (i.e. allowing the same species to occupy multiple size classes) and divided into log2 body size bins. Analyses were conducted for all gastropods together and separated into orders and depth regions (representing different nutrient inputs). A kernel smoothing technique, Kolmogorov‐Smirnov test of fit, and OLS and RMA were used to characterize the patterns. Results Overall, the relationship between the number of individuals and species is right skewed. There is also a positive linear relationship between the number of individuals and the number of species, which is independent of body size. Variation among these relationships is seen among the three depth regions. At depths inferred to correspond with intermediate nutrient input levels, species are accumulated faster given the number of individuals and shift from a right‐skewed to a log‐normal distribution. Conclusion A strong link between body size, abundance, and species richness appears to be ubiquitous over a variety of taxa and environments, including the deep sea. However, the nature of these relationships is affected by the productivity regime and scale at which they are examined.  相似文献   

Aim I examine the relationship between geographical range size and three variables (body size, an index of habitat breadth, and an index of local abundance) within a phylogenetic framework in North American species of suckers and sunfishes. Location North America Methods Regressions after independent contrasts of geographical range size, body size, habitat breadth, and local abundance. Results Species with large range sizes tend to be larger-bodied, be more locally abundant, and have higher habitat breadths. Character reconstructions support the prediction that variables associated with rarity (small geographical range size, low local abundance, low niche breadth, and large body size) evolve in unison, although large body size was associated with the opposite traits in these taxa. Gaston & Blackburn (1996a) suggested using visual identification of the lower boundary of the geographical range-body size relationship to identify extinction-prone species; this resulted in thirteen species that are potentially extinction-prone. Main conclusions Similar evolutionary mechanisms appear to operate on body size and other variables related to rarity, even in distantly related taxa.  相似文献   

Information on bryophyte diversity and rarity were combined withinformation on soil conditions and land use for Walloon Brabant (centralBelgium, 1091 km2) in order to investigate whichlandscape features sustain the most rare and diverse species assemblages.Presence–absence of 325 bryophyte species was recorded in 87 grid-squaresof 4 × 4 km. Species diversity was significantly correlatedwith forest cover (r = 0.71, P <0.001), sandy soils (r = 0.61, P <0.001), loamy soils, (r = –0.68,P < 0.001), and agricultural fields(r = –0.49, P < 0.001). Themost diverse grid-squares possessed up to 182 species and were characterized byat least 10% forest cover and the presence of unique micro-habitats.Grid-squares with forest cover reaching at least 10% but lacking uniquemicro-habitats contained between 90 and 130 species. Below 10% forest cover,diversity ranged between 55 and 110 species per grid-square. However, even theleast diverse cultivated areas included a significant amount of the regionallyrare species. A number of the latter are characteristic in other areas forspecific primary habitats lacking in Walloon Brabant but display an unexpectedability to disperse throughout hostile areas and colonize secondary habitats.The tendency of such species to occur in man-made habitats decreased our abilityto predict species richness and rarity from landscape features and soilconditions.  相似文献   

We investigated two of the most studied relationships in the macroecological research program (species richness vs. body size and abundance vs. body size) of a local chironomid assemblage from southeastern Brazil. Although numerous studies have examined these relationships, few have investigated how they vary at different temporal scales. We used data from a forested stream to document and examine these patterns at monthly intervals. Both the species body size distribution and the abundance–body size relationship varied temporally. In some months the body size distribution was skewed to the right, whereas in others it approached normality. We found both linear relationships (with different values of slopes), and a polygonal pattern in the abundance–body size relationship. This temporal variation was not related to environmental variables. Our results suggest that body size relationships are temporally instable properties of this chironomid assemblage.  相似文献   

Evolutionary Ecology - The influence of environment and phylogeny on morphological characteristics of organisms is well documented. However, little is known about how these factors influence scale...  相似文献   

Aims We have two aims: (1) to examine the relationship between local population persistence, local abundance and regional occupancy of stream diatoms and (2) to characterize the form of the species–occupancy frequency distribution of stream diatoms. Location Boreal streams in Finland. There were three spatial extents: (1) across ecoregions in Finland, (2) within ecoregions in Finland, and (3) within a single drainage system in southern Finland. Methods Diatoms were sampled from stones (epilithon), sediment (epipelon) and aquatic plants (epiphyton) in streams using standardized sampling methods. To assess population persistence, diatom sampling was conducted monthly at four stream sites from June to October. The relationships between local population persistence, local abundance and regional occupancy were examined using correlation analyses. Results There was a significant positive relationship between local persistence and abundance of diatoms in epilithon, epipelon and epiphyton. Furthermore, local abundance and regional occupancy showed a significant positive relationship at multiple spatial extents; that is, across ecoregions, within ecoregions and within a drainage system. The relationships between occupancy and abundance did not differ appreciably among impacted and near pristine‐reference sites. The occupancy–frequency distribution was characterized by a large number of satellite species which occurred at only a few sites, whereas core species that occurred at most sites were virtually absent. Main conclusions The positive relationship between local population persistence and abundance suggested that a high local abundance may prevent local extinction or that high persistence is facilitated by a high local cell density. High local persistence and local abundance may also positively affect the degree of regional occupancy in stream diatoms. The results further showed that anthropogenic effects were probably too weak to bias the relationship between occupancy and abundance, or that the effects have already modified the distribution patterns of stream diatoms. The small number of core species in the species–occupancy frequency distribution suggested that the regional distribution patterns of stream diatoms, or perhaps unicellular microbial organisms in general, may not be fundamentally different from those described previously for multicellular organisms, mainly in terrestrial environments, although average global range sizes may differ sharply between these two broad groups of organisms.  相似文献   

Summary We used data on Contemporary and Pleistocene molluscs at one site in the Gulf of California to evaluate and extend earlier ideas about the relationship between local abundance and geographic distribution. For each species whose shells occurred in one Recent and two Pleistocene deposits, we measured its abundance in the sample and relative latitudinal position within its contemporary geographic range. Species near the edges of their ranges showed uniformly low abundances, whereas those near the centres exhibited a wide range of abundances. Species near the edges of their ranges also appear to have exhibited greater changes in abundance, including more colonization and extinction events, between the Pleistocene interglacial sample and the Recent one. The constraint of location in the geographic range on maximal local and regional abundance appears to offer an example of a connection between patterns and processes on local, regional, and geographical scales. Characteristics of community structure, such as relative abundance of individual species and frequency of local co-existence of multiple species, may be influenced by the location of the sample site with respect to the geographic ranges of the constituent species. These results demonstrate emergent, statistical features of population ecology and community organization that are manifest over geographic space and evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Coastal barrens in Nova Scotia are heathlands characterised by short, predominantly ericaceous vegetation, sparse tree cover, exposed bedrock, pockets of Sphagnum bog, and stressful climatic conditions. Although coastal barrens are prominent in the physical and cultural landscape, they are largely unprotected. We selected six barrens along the Atlantic coast, and surveyed 20 1-m2 plots at each barren for vascular plants, macrolichens, mosses and environmental factors. We recorded 173 species (105 vascular, 41 macrolichen, 27 moss), including six provincially rare vascular species found predominantly in nearshore areas with high levels of substrate salt and nutrients, variable substrate depth, and short vegetation. Although vascular plant and moss richness were similarly correlated with vegetation height, substrate depth, organic matter content, and rock exposure, there were no clear correlations between vascular plant, macrolichen and moss richness across all sites. Vascular plant rarity and species richness were not correlated, but had inverse relationships with key environmental gradients. Tailoring conservation efforts to protect areas of high richness may thus mean that rare species are missed, and vice versa. Ordination and ANOSIM show that barrens vegetation differs widely among sites; therefore, protecting any singular coastal barren will not protect the entire range of vegetation communities and species in this heathland type. Conservation planning should emphasize protecting environmental gradients correlated with richness, rarity and plant community structure, including substrate depth and moisture, and vegetation height. Additionally, protected areas should include a coastal-inland gradient and a diversity of substrate types, including exposed rock and trees.  相似文献   

Summary The species composition, abundance and habitat distributions of the terrestrial gastropods at lat. 70° N in Finnmark county, northern Norway were studied. Within an area with bedrocks of sandstone there were few snail species and abundance was low. Calciumrich bogs and birch woods with a luxuriant undergrowth had a richer gastropod fauna both in number of species and abundance. The snail fauna consisted of a mixture of stenoecious, calciphile species (Columella columella, Vertigo genesii, V. modesta) and very euryoecious species, e.g., Discus ruderatus, Vitrina pellucida. Cochlicopa lubrica and Nesovitrea hammonis were found only in moist, rather eutropic habitats and seemed to be more stenoecious than further south in their geographical range. There were few snails within the study area (16 species) compared with >30 species found in the coastal areas of northern Norway (Troms county) at the same latitude. This difference in the faunal composition coincides with regional divisions based on the vegetation, and may indicate a general difference in the biota of oceanic and continental areas of northern Norway. The changes in snail fauna along a coast-inland transect at about lat. 70° N are similar to those occurring along a vertical gradient in the inner fjord districts of Western Norway. It is suggested that low temperatures during the coldest part of the year are responsible for this common change in the species composition.  相似文献   

Aim  To document geographical interspecific patterns of body size of European and North American squamate reptile assemblages and explore the relationship between body size patterns and environmental gradients.
Location  North America and western Europe.
Methods  We processed distribution maps for native species of squamate reptiles to document interspecific spatial variation of body size at a grain size of 110 × 110 km. We also examined seven environmental variables linked to four hypotheses possibly influencing body size gradients. We used simple and multiple regression, evaluated using information theory, to identify the set of models best supported by the data.
Results  Europe is characterized by clear latitudinal trends in body size, whereas geographical variation in body size in North America is complex. There is a consistent association of mean body size with measures of ambient energy in both regions, although lizards increase in size northwards whereas snakes show the opposite pattern. Our best models accounted for almost 60% of the variation in body size of lizards and snakes within Europe, but the proportions of variance explained in North America were less than 20%.
Main conclusions  Although body size influences the energy balance of thermoregulating ectotherms, inconsistent biogeographical patterns and contrasting associations with energy in lizards and snakes suggest that no single mechanism can explain variation of reptile body size in the northern temperate zone.  相似文献   

Aim Our aim was to investigate how the environment, species characteristics and historical factors at the subcontinental scale affect patterns of diversity. We used the assembly of the Yellowstone biota over the past 10,000 years as a natural experiment for investigating the processes that generate a modern non‐volant mammal species pool. Location The data represent species from throughout North America with special attention to the non‐volant mammals of Yellowstone National Park, USA. Methods We used digitized range maps to determine biogeographical affinity for all non‐volant mammals in the Rocky Mountains, Deserts and Great Plains biogeographical regions of North America. This biogeographical affinity, along with taxonomic order and body size class, was used to test whether non‐random patterns exist in the assemblage of Yellowstone non‐volant mammals. These characteristics were also used to investigate the strength of non‐random processes, such as habitat or taxon filtering, on particular groups of species or individual species. Results Our results indicated that the Yellowstone fauna is composed of a non‐random subset of mammals from specific body size classes and with particular biogeographical affinities. Analyses by taxonomic order found significantly more Carnivora from the Rocky Mountains region and significantly fewer Rodentia from the Deserts region than expected from random assembly. Analyses using body size classes revealed deviations from expectations, including several significant differences between the frequency distribution of regional body sizes and the distribution of those species found within Yellowstone. Main conclusions Our novel approach explores processes affecting species pool assembly in the Yellowstone region and elsewhere, and particularly identifies unique properties of species that may contribute to non‐random assembly. Focusing on the mechanisms generating diversity, not just current diversity patterns, will assist the design of conservation strategies given future environmental change scenarios.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance and niche breadth of birds: scale matters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used local habitat niche breadth, local abundance and body size of non-passerine afrotropical birds in Tsavo East National Park (Kenya) to predict species distributional ranges in Kenya and across Africa. Univariate analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between local abundance and distribution only on the scale of Kenya. Performing a multiple regression analysis, local abundance, local habitat niche breadth and body size explained a significant part of the variance in bird distribution, again only on the Kenyan scale. From these results, we speculate that on continental scales distributions may be more influenced by macroclimatic conditions and historical factors, whereas distributions on regional scales are predominantly influenced by ecological factors.  相似文献   

区域尺度薇甘菊入侵分布的影响因子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴卉晶  昝启杰  曾辉 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5442-5449
以深圳市宝安区为研究区,利用基于2007年IRS卫星影像数据得到的土地利用分类制图以及同年薇甘菊分布调查图、DEM等GIS数据,通过薇甘菊入侵/未入侵地区相关指标的对比性分析及Autologistic回归模型的构建,研究了区域尺度下薇甘菊入侵分布的重要影响因子.结果表明:(1)区域尺度下薇甘菊入侵地区与未入侵地区之间存在显著差异,地形特征及土地利用方式为显著影响因子,群落特征的影响不显著;(2)Autologistic回归模型显示出薇甘菊的入侵分布与其邻域果园密度及水体密度高度相关,模型结果具有较好的拟合精度,可以为薇甘菊入侵扩散重建及近期重点区域的防除决策提供参考依据.  相似文献   

'C4 photosynthesis' refers to a suite of traits that increase photosynthesis in high light and high temperature environments. Most C4 plants are grasses, which dominate tropical and subtropical grasslands and savannas but are conspicuously absent from cold growing season climates. Physiological attributes of C4 photosynthesis have been invoked to explain C4 grass biogeography; however, the pathway evolved exclusively in grass lineages of tropical origin, suggesting that the prevalence of C4 grasses in warm climates could be due to other traits inherited from their non-C4 ancestors. Here we investigate the relative influences of phylogeny and photosynthetic pathway in determining the ecological distributions of C4 grasses in Hawaii. We find that the restriction of C4 grasses to warmer areas is due largely to their evolutionary history as members of a warm-climate grass clade, but that the pathway does appear to confer a competitive advantage to grasses in more arid environments.  相似文献   

台湾和日本处在不同的地理纬度上,同属岛屿海洋性气候,前者地域面积远小于后者,拟步甲的物种多样性却大于后者。为弄清楚这些科学问题,作者采用G-F指数对从台湾到日本不同纬度梯度上的拟步甲多样性分布格局进行了比较分析,得到如下初步结论:(1) G-F指数从大到小依次是:台湾(21°N-25°N)(0.826)>日本(24°N-45°N)(0.824)>日本Ⅱ纬度区(30°N-35°N)(0.792)>日本Ⅰ纬度区(24°N-30°N)(0.765)>日本Ⅲ纬度区(35°N-40°N)(0.761)>日本Ⅳ纬度区(40°N-45°N)(0.603);(2)台湾拟步甲属的多样性(DG)、族的多样性(DF)和G-F指数(DG-F)均最高,分别是4.263、24.464和0.826;(3)各纬度上拟步甲的物种分布情况:台湾(21°N-25°N)(541种)>日本(24°N-45°N)(489种)>日本Ⅰ纬度区(24°N-30°N)(257种)>日本Ⅱ纬度区(30° N-35° N)(231种)>日本Ⅲ纬度区(35° N-40° N)(172种)>日本Ⅳ纬度区(40° N-45° N)(60种)。研究数据显示, G-F指数能较好地反映台湾和日本各地拟步甲族、属的多样性。其物种多样性在纬度上的分布表现为从南向北递减的趋势,并对其基本原因进行分析。作者首次基于台湾和日本两个岛屿拟步甲物种多样性的比较分析,对现有岛屿生物多样性的有关理论提出个人看法,认为岛屿生物地理学的“物种-面积关系理论”中的“岛屿面积越大,物种数量就越多”可能存在一定的局限性,不一定能客观地反映种类众多的现生岛屿昆虫物种多样性的实际情况。  相似文献   

Freshwater ascomycetes are important decomposers of dead woody and herbaceous debris in aquatic habitats. Despite evidence of their ecological importance, latitudinal, habitat and substrate distributional patterns of freshwater ascomycetes are poorly understood. In this study, we examined the latitudinal and habitat distributional patterns, and substrate recurrences of freshwater ascomycetes by collecting dead submerged woody and herbaceous debris in lentic and lotic habitats at five selected sites along a north-central-south, temperate–subtropical latitudinal ecotone in Florida. One hundred and thirty-two fungal taxa were collected during the study. Seventy-four were meiosporic and 56 were mitosporic ascomycetes, while two species were basidiomycetes. Canonical analyses of principal coordinates (CAP) and Sørenson’s similarity index of species based on presence/absence data revealed a high turnover in species composition between the northern and southern sites, indicating a change in species composition along the temperate–subtropical latitudinal ecotone of the Florida Peninsula. Results from the ordination analysis indicated that freshwater ascomycete community composition is not significantly different between lentic and lotic habitats in Florida. The geographically broadly distributed species and species commonly found in Florida occurred in both habitats, whereas a number of new or rare species occurred in either lentic or lotic habitats, but not both. The same freshwater ascomycete species did not necessarily occur on both woody and herbaceous debris; of the 132 taxa collected, 100 were reported only on woody debris; 14 species occurred exclusively on herbaceous debris; and 18 species were found on both woody and herbaceous debris in lentic or lotic habitats. Implications of data from this study to the conservation and knowledge of biodiversity for freshwater ascomycetes is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim  To explore and identify probable mechanisms contributing to the relationships among body size, dietary niche breadth and mean, minimum, maximum and range of prey size in predaceous lizards.
Location  Our data set includes species from tropical rainforests, semi-arid regions of Brazil, and from deserts of the south-western United States, Australia and the Kalahari of Africa.
Methods  We calculated phylogenetic and non-phylogenetic regressions among predator body size, dietary breath and various prey size measures.
Results  We found a negative association between body size and dietary niche breadth in 159 lizard species sampled across most evolutionary lineages of squamate reptiles and across major continents and habitats. We also show that mean, minimum, maximum and range of prey size were positively associated with body size.
Main conclusions  Our results suggest not only that larger lizards tend to eat larger prey, but in doing so offset their use of smaller prey. Reduction of dietary niche breadth with increased body size in these lizards suggests that large predators target large and more profitable prey. Consequently, the negative association between body size and niche breadth in predators most likely results from optimal foraging. Though this result may appear paradoxical and runs counter to previous studies, resources for predators may be predictably more limited than resources for herbivores, thus driving selection for more profitable prey.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among Clariidae species (Teleostei, Siluriformes) were assessed using 563 nucleotides of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene. We included 32 Clariidae species representative of seven genera in our analysis. Hetropneustes fossilis (Heteropneustidae) and Clarotes laticeps (Claroteidae) were used as outgroups. The molecular data identified two evolutionary lineages that correspond on one hand to African species and on the other hand to Asian species. Morphological and osteological evolution in Clariidae did not follow an orthogenetic series. Species with robust body, strong ossified head, and large adipose fin were not ancestral ones and eel-like species were not phylogenetically related and represent independent adaptation to life in mud. Adaptation to life in deep water occurred two times independently in lake Tanganyika (with Dinotopterus cunningtoni) and in Lake Malawi (with Bathyclarias species). Molecular dating using a molecular clock of 1% divergence per million years and a comparison with fossils records allowed an estimate of the timing of cladogenesis within the species studied. The Clariidae family originated in Asia 50 MY ago but contemporary African and Asian studied species originated from a common ancestor that was present on the Arabian plate about 15 MY ago. Systematic implications of these results are also discussed.  相似文献   

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