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Food webs are networks of species that feed on each other. The role that within-population phenotypic and genetic variation plays in food web structure is largely unknown. Here, I show via simulation how variation in two key traits, growth rates and phenology, by influencing the variability of body sizes present through time, can potentially affect several structural parameters in the direction of enhancing food web persistence: increased connectance, decreased interaction strengths, increased variation among interaction strengths and increased degree of omnivory. I discuss other relevant traits whose variation could affect the structure of food webs, such as morphological and additional life-history traits, as well as animal personalities. Furthermore, trait variation could also contribute to the stability of food web modules through metacommunity dynamics. I propose future research to help establish a link between within-population variation and food web structure. If appropriately established, such a link could have important consequences for biological conservation, as it would imply that preserving (functional) genetic variation within populations could ensure the preservation of entire communities.  相似文献   

The effects of refuges on predator-prey interactions: a reconsideration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Prey refuges are widely believed to prevent prey extinction and damp predator-prey oscillations. A review of the empirical evidence suggests that refuges are indeed capable of playing the former role. But the conditions under which they do so are not understood, nor is there any solid evidence for an effect on population fluctuations. The intuitive view that refuges act to stabilize equilibria and damp predator-prey oscillations is based in several theoretical studies of extremely simple models. Using a more realistic model, I show that several kinds of refuges can exert a locally destabilizing effect and create stable, large-amplitude oscillations which would damp out if no refuge was present. This finding contrasts sharply with the usual view. I argue that current evidence is tol weak, and the range of theoretically possible effects is too broad, to justify any simple characterization of refuge effects in nature. Manipulative empirical studies are an important first step toward correcting this situation, and I discuss some important factors to consider in their design.  相似文献   

随着人类对环境影响的加剧(如空间破碎化),生态系统的空间结构发生了剧烈变化,极大地改变了生态系统的结构和功能.空间结构对生态系统的影响与捕食关系的改变密切相关,探讨两者之间的联系对于了解破碎生境生态变化的机制至关重要.基于此,本文就典型空间结构对捕食关系的影响进行了论述,包括空间大小、形状、方向、布局和连通性等.资料表明,空间变小、连通性降低、空间及集合群落过度破碎化、空间方向和形状变化等导致捕食成功率过度增长,都不利于猎物-捕食者系统的稳定和持续.关于简单空间构型耦合形成的复杂空间结构对捕食关系,尤其是对多物种共存的复杂捕食关系的影响有待在今后的研究中进一步加强.  相似文献   

Global stability of predator-prey interactions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary A Lyapunov function is given that extends functions used by Volterra, Goh, and Hsu to a wide class of predator-prey models, including Leslie type models, and a biological interpretation of this function is given. It yields a simple stability criterion, which is used to examine the effect on stability of intraspecific competition among both prey and predators, of a refuge for the prey, and of Holling type II and type III functional responses. Although local stability analysis of these specific models has been done previously, the Lyapunov function facilitates study of global stability and domains of attraction and provides a unified theory which depends on the general nature of the interactions and not on the specific functions used to model them.  相似文献   

We use partial differential equation models to examine the effects of cross-edge incursions by a predator on the persistence or extinction of a patch-resident prey species. For each of two predator-incursion profiles (namely, a constant incursion distance and a constant loss rate for predators during incursions), we examine the conditions under which the predator can (and cannot) influence the critical patch size of a prey species.  相似文献   

To study the effects of age structure in predator-prey systems, a general, analytically tractable model is formulated and solved. We demonstrate the usefulness of the model in a study of a specific system of two mites. We show that to maintain stable equilibrium between the herbaceous (pest) mite and the predacious mite, the nonintuitive strategy of reducing the growth rate of the predator may be necessary. The modelling technique allows a determination of the magnitude of the effect of age structure on stability.  相似文献   

The predator-prey interactions between the protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis and the bacterium Aerobacter aerogenes have been studied experimentally and mathematically. A mathematical model for the ciliates defines the mass distribution of cells within the population. The resulting model equations are solved by the use of multigroup theory. Experimental data from batch and continuous flow reactors are compared with the results of the numerical integration.  相似文献   

Parris MJ  Beaudoin JG 《Oecologia》2004,140(4):626-632
Despite ecologists increasingly recognizing pathogens as playing significant roles in community dynamics, few experimental studies have quantified patterns of disease impacts on natural systems. Amphibians are experiencing population declines, and a fungal pathogen (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis; Chytridiomycota) is a suspected causal agent in many declines. We studied the effects of a pathogenic fungus on community interactions between the gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis, and eastern newts, Notophthalmus viridescens. Recent studies have characterized chytridiomycosis as an emerging infectious disease, whose suspected rapid range expansion and widespread occurrence pose a significant risk for amphibian populations worldwide. We reared larvae in outdoor polyethylene experimental tanks and tested the effects of initial larval density, predator presence, and fungal exposure on Hyla recruitment and predator-prey interactions between Hyla and Notophthalmus. Newts reduced treefrog survival, and high intraspecific density decreased metamorphic body mass independent of B. dendrobatidis. The presence of fungi reduced treefrog body mass at metamorphosis by 34%, but had no significant main effect on survival or larval period length. B. dendrobatidis differentially affected larval development in the presence of predators; Hyla developed slower when reared with the pathogen, but only when newts were present. This significant predator-by-pathogen interaction suggests that the impact of chytridiomycosis on larval amphibians may be exacerbated in complex communities. Our data suggest that B. dendrobatidis effects on host life history may be complex and indirect. Direct measurements of the community-level effects of pathogens offer an important opportunity to understand a significant threat to global biodiversity—declining amphibian populations.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that many predator-prey systems persist, despite unstable local interactions, due to metapopulation processes: movement of individuals among largely independent local populations. I review 13 possible examples of this phenomenon all I could find in the literature—and find that each either lacks convincing data or is not a true metapopulation. Most of the examples rely on evidence of local extinction and recolonization, only a few using direct experimental methods; I discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, as well as alternatives.
I also consider the ways these systems deviate from having pure metapopulation structures, and conclude that most large-scale spatial population structures will not fit cleanly into a metapopulation vs. within-population dichotomy, but rather combine features of both. This will necessitate use of powerful and focused methodology (in particular, experimentation) to directly describe movement rates and patterns, rather than use of crude observational data (e.g. extinctions) to make inferences about movement.  相似文献   

We employ the general model of predator-prey systems incorporating age structure in the predator, developed in the previous paper, to study the role of functional response in stability and the paradox of enrichment. The destabilizing effect of age structure leads to both qualitatively and quantitatively new results, including a lower bound to prey density for a stable equilibrium, a feature not present in models without age structure.  相似文献   

The Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with prey density dependence shows the final prey density to be independent of its vital rates. This result assumes the community to be well mixed so that encounters between predators and prey occur as a product of the landscape densities, yet empirical evidence suggests that over small spatial scales this may not be the normal pattern. Starting from an individual-based model with neighborhood interactions and movements, a deterministic approximation is derived, and the effect of local spatial structure on equilibrium densities is investigated. Incorporating local movements and local interactions has important consequences for the community dynamics. Now the final prey density is very much dependent on its birth, death, and movement rates and in ways that seem counterintuitive. Increasing prey fecundity or mobility and decreasing the coefficient of competition can all lead to decreases in the final density of prey if the predator is also relatively immobile. However, analysis of the deterministic approximation makes the mechanism for these results clear; each of these changes subtly alters the emergent spatial structure, leading to an increase in the predator-prey spatial covariance at short distances and hence to a higher predation pressure on the prey.  相似文献   

An existing arthropod predator-prey model incorporating age structure in the carnivore through the use of the von Foerster equation is extended to include the effects of intraspecific carnivore interaction and passive diffusion or migration. A linear stability analysis of the community equilibrium point of that differential-integral equation system is performed and the resulting secular equation analyzed by the method of D-partitions. These stability results are then compared to those obtained by employing an analogous differential equation model without age structure, in particular as they relate to the so-called paradox of enrichment. In the absence of passive diffusion, it is shown that, unlike for a differential equation model, the paradox of enrichment can occur even with a carnivore which exhibits intraspecific competition. This destabilizing effect of age structure is seen to occur most dramatically when interspecific interactions are large, while the effect of passive diffusion is to offset that tendency and restabilize the system. These predictions are in accordance with relevant experimental evidence involving mites.  相似文献   

Cortez MH 《Ecology letters》2011,14(2):202-209
Interspecific interactions depend not only on the population densities of the interacting species, but on their phenotypes as well. Phenotypic variation can be plastic or heritable and both mechanisms can drive phenotypic change at rates comparable to or faster than those of ecological dynamics (e.g. changes in population abundances or spatial distributions). In this study, we compare the effects rapidly induced and rapidly evolving defences have on community dynamics by considering the fast phenotypic change limit using fast-slow systems theory. Our approach allows us to study phenotypically plastic and evolving systems with one overarching theory, thus capturing the effects rapidly induced defences have on ecological dynamics and how those effects differ from the effects of evolving defences. Our results show that rapidly induced defences tend to stabilize community dynamics and that some behaviours observed in rapidly evolving systems cannot be produced by phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Although temporal variability in the physical environment plays a major role in population fluctuations, little is known about how it drives the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of species interactions. We studied experimentally how extrinsic resource pulses affect evolutionary and ecological dynamics between the prey bacterium Serratia marcescens and the predatory protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. Predation increased the frequency of defensive, nonpigmented prey types, which bore competitive costs in terms of reduced maximum growth rate, most in a constant-resource environment. Furthermore, the predator densities of the pulsed-resource environment regularly fluctuated above and below the mean predator densities of the constant environment. These results suggest that selection favored fast-growing competitor prey types over defensive but slower-growing prey types more often in the pulsed-resource environment (abundance of resources and low predation risk). As a result, the selection for prey defense fluctuated more in the pulsed-resource environment, leading to a weaker mean response in prey defense. At the ecological level, the evolution of prey defense weakened the relative strength of top-down regulation on prey community. This was more evident in the constant-resource environment, whereas the slow emergence of defensive prey types gradually decreased the amplitude of predator peaks in the pulsed-resource environment. Our study suggests that rapid evolution plays a smaller role in the ecological dynamics of communities dominated by resource pulses.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus is a predatory bacterium that exhibits complex social behavior. The most pronounced behavior is the aggregation of cells into raised fruiting body structures in which cells differentiate into stress-resistant spores. In the laboratory, monocultures of M. xanthus at a very high density will reproducibly induce hundreds of randomly localized fruiting bodies when exposed to low nutrient availability and a solid surface. In this report, we analyze how M. xanthus fruiting body development proceeds in a coculture with suitable prey. Our analysis indicates that when prey bacteria are provided as a nutrient source, fruiting body aggregation is more organized, such that fruiting bodies form specifically after a step-down or loss of prey availability, whereas a step-up in prey availability inhibits fruiting body formation. This localization of aggregates occurs independently of the basal nutrient levels tested, indicating that starvation is not required for this process. Analysis of early developmental signaling relA and asgD mutants indicates that they are capable of forming fruiting body aggregates in the presence of prey, demonstrating that the stringent response and A-signal production are surprisingly not required for the initiation of fruiting behavior. However, these strains are still defective in differentiating to spores. We conclude that fruiting body formation does not occur exclusively in response to starvation and propose an alternative model in which multicellular development is driven by the interactions between M. xanthus cells and their cognate prey.  相似文献   

This group of papers derives from a session, organized heldto recognize the fundamental contributions made by Gustav-AdolfPaffenhöfer to the field of zooplankton behavioural ecology.The session was organized by his colleagues, Maria Grazia Mazzocchi,Marie Bundy and Done Deibel, at the American Society of Limnologyand Oceanography Aquatic Sciences meeting in Salt Lake City,20–25 February  相似文献   

Kunert G  Weisser WW 《Oecologia》2003,135(2):304-312
Natural enemies not only influence prey density but they can also cause the modification of traits in their victims. While such non-lethal effects can be very important for the dynamic and structure of prey populations, little is known about their interaction with the density-mediated effects of natural enemies. We investigated the relationship between predation rate, prey density and trait modification in two aphid-aphid predator interactions. Pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum, Harris) have been shown to produce winged dispersal morphs in response to the presence of ladybirds or parasitoid natural enemies. This trait modification influences the ability of aphids to disperse and to colonise new habitats, and hence has a bearing on the population dynamics of the prey. In two experiments we examined wing induction in pea aphids as a function of the rate of predation when hoverfly larvae (Episyrphus balteatus) and lacewing larvae (Chrysoperla carnea) were allowed to forage in pea aphid colonies. Both hoverfly and lacewing larvae caused a significant increase in the percentage of winged morphs among offspring compared to control treatments, emphasising that wing induction in the presence of natural enemies is a general response in pea aphids. The percentage of winged offspring was, however, dependent on the rate of predation, with a small effect of predation on aphid wing induction at very high and very low predation rates, and a strong response of aphids at medium predation rates. Aphid wing induction was influenced by the interplay between predation rate and the resultant prey density. Our results suggests that density-mediated and trait-mediated effects of natural enemies are closely connected to each other and jointly determine the effect of natural enemies on prey population dynamics.  相似文献   

A general predator is assumed to divide its hunting time between two sub-habitats with different prey species, spending a larger fraction (φ) of search time in an area as the relative prey abundance there increases. This always causes switching in the model, and changes a functional response from one that imposes a risk on the average prey that decreases with prey density in the direction of one that imposes an increasing risk. I discuss the conditions for a response that is density dependent, and those predatory attributes that make such a response more likely. Transit time between subhabitats always increases the density dependent effect, and is necessary for “system stability” in a Lotka-Volterra model with two prey species. Experiments have confirmed the model's basic assumption. General predators do not fit easily into classical predator-prey models of simple “closed” communities, and then the degree of density dependence of the functional response becomes a useful measure of a predator's short-term stabilizing effect on a prey species. The model demonstrates how spatial heterogeneity can be stabilizing.  相似文献   

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