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After becoming nearly extinct during the Permian, the ferns began a slow recovery during the Triassic as the climate of the earth moderated. As a result, a considerable number and variety were present and widely distributed during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. However, with the rapid expansion of the angiosperms during the Late Cretaceous, the ferns once again became reduced in variety and greatly restricted in distribution. Some of the Mesozoic ferns are rather primitive and obviously are closely related descendants of Paleozoic taxa. Such ferns are assigned mostly to the Marattiaceae, Guaireaceae, Osmundaceae, and Gleicheniaceae. The majority of the Mesozoic ferns, however, are distinctive and appear to have originated during that era. These fossil ferns generally fit into modern orders and families such as the Matoniaceae or the Dipteridaceae. In some cases, it is difficult to clearly distinguish some of the Mesozoic ferns from living genera. A portion was presented as an invited paper to the symposium: Evolution of pteridophytes and gymnosperms at the XV International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, Japan (1993).  相似文献   

The palynological analysis of the Berriasian-Barremian of northern Siberia has once again demonstrated the great stratigraphic value of dinocysts. A succession of ten dinocyst zones has been established. Most of their boundaries may be considered as important stratigraphic marks, which can be traced, apart from in Siberia, in northern Europe, Greenland, and China. Groups of characteristic species, in common for these territories, are determined for certain intervals. Dinocysts of the suborders Rhaetogonyaulacineae and Cladopixiineae (including two new morphotypes), four species of Dingodinium and four species of Aprobolocysta are described, among them new species Dingodinium subtile and Aprobolocysta cornuta. The genus Horologinella is revised, and the diagnosis of Aprobolocysta is emended.  相似文献   

Deep-fat frying at 180°C or above is one of the most common food processing methods used for preparing of human kind foods worldwide. However, a serial of complex reactions such as oxidation, hydrolysis, isomerization, and polymerization take place during the deep-fat frying course and influence quality attributes of the final product such as flavor, texture, shelf life and nutrient composition. The influence of these reactions results from a number of their products including volatile compounds, hydrolysis products, oxidized triacylglycerol monomers, cyclic compounds, trans configuration compounds, polymers, sterol derivatives, nitrogen- and sulphur-containing heterocyclic compounds, acrylamide, etc. which are present in both frying oil and the fried food. In addition, these reactions are interacted and influenced by various impact factors such as frying oil type, frying conditions (time, temperature, fryer, etc.) and fried material type. Based on the published literatures, three main organic chemical reaction mechanisms namely hemolytic, heterolytic and concerted reaction were identified and supposed to elucidate the complex chemical alterations during deep-fat frying. However, well understanding the mechanisms of these reactions and their products under different conditions helps to control the deep-fat frying processing; therefore, producing healthy fried foods. By means of comprehensively consulting the papers which previously studied on the chemical changes occurred during deep-fat frying process, the major reaction products and corresponding chemical alterations were reviewed in this work.  相似文献   

The Yixian Formation (the Lower Cretaceous) of China is world famous for its fossils of early angiosperms. Despite their great diversity, few of these fossils are preserved as whole plants, making our understanding of early angiosperms incomplete. Here, we report a fossil angiosperm, Sinoherba ningchengensis n. gen. n. sp. (Sinoherbaceae n. fam.), from the Yixian Formation of China. The fossil is of a whole plant, including physically connected root with fibrous rootlets, a stem with branches and nodes, leaves with parallel-reticulate veins, and a panicle of female flowers with an ovary surrounded by perianth. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses reveal that Sinoherba is an herbaceous monocot. This fossil underscores the great diversity of angiosperms in the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation and an earlier, pre-Cretaceous origin of angiosperms.  相似文献   

A malformed embryonic or neonate choristoderan reptile from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of northeastern China is described. The tiny skeleton exhibits two heads and two necks, with bifurcation at the level of the pectoral girdle. In a fossil, this is the first occurrence of the malformation known as axial bifurcation, which is well known in living reptiles.  相似文献   

Asko Lhmus 《Ecography》2003,26(5):545-552
Although habitat studies are essential for species management, little is known about temporal and spatial variation in the wildlife-habitat relationships. This paper explores annual variation in habitat preferences of and relative quality for diurnal raptors and owls. A review of 772 published sources showed that habitat×year interaction had been analysed in only 10% of habitat quality and 5% of habitat preference studies. Two major factors behind the year-effects were the fluctuations in rainfall and prey base, which together influenced a wide variety of species. Yet, 67% of studies had pooled data from different years and 17% relied on data from only one year. The conclusions of the review were validated by analysing a typical situation for which habitat×year interactions could be expected – habitat quality in a vole-specialized raptor, the common buzzard Buteo buteo , in an area of regularly fluctuating vole abundance. According to eleven-year data, the relationships between buzzard productivity and landscape characteristics were distinct between years. Habitat impact was more clear during vole-poor years, when successful buzzards bred in landscapes having diverse land cover, no wetlands and no conspecifics around. In contrast, during vole peaks, better young production was related to homogeneous landscapes. When years were pooled, the relationships were concealed and habitat quality model became not significant. Selecting 'poor-year habitat' or 'rich-year habitat' seemed to give a similar reproductive output for the buzzards in the long-term. The results indicate that one-year approaches to wildlife-habitat relationships can easily lead to erroneous conclusions, significant habitat relationships may become lost in pooled data, and the most typical situations that need annually explicit approach can be recognized while planning the studies.  相似文献   

Prokennalestes abramovi n.sp. is described based on M2 from the upper Barremian-middle Aptian (Early Cretaceous) Mogoito locality in Transbaikalia, Russia. It differs from the Mongolian species of Prokennalestes (Khoboor, early Albian) by a combination of one primitive character (steeper and shorter lingual slopes of the paracone and metacone), one more derived character (larger size), and some characters of uncertain polarity (small preparastyle, lack of labial cuspules along the ectoflexus). P. abramovi n.sp. is the oldest eutherian mammal so far described, and its discovery extends the known geological range of Eutheria by 10-15 Ma. The Tsagantsabian land-vertebrate biochron can be defined by a dominance of sinemyid turtles; the Khukhtekian by a dominance of macrobaenids.  相似文献   

The fossil record of tyrannosauroid theropods is marked by a substantial temporal and morphological gap between small-bodied, Barremian taxa, and extremely large-bodied taxa from the latest Cretaceous. Here we describe a new tyrannosauroid, Xiongguanlong baimoensis n. gen. et sp., from the Aptian–Albian Xinminpu Group of western China that represents a phylogenetic, morphological, and temporal link between these disjunct portions of tyrannosauroid evolutionary history. Xiongguanlong is recovered in our phylogenetic analysis as the sister taxon to Tyrannosauridae plus Appalachiosaurus, and marks the appearance of several tyrannosaurid hallmark features, including a sharp parietal sagittal crest, a boxy basicranium, a quadratojugal with a flaring dorsal process and a flexed caudal edge, premaxillary teeth bearing a median lingual ridge, and an expanded axial neural spine surmounted by distinct processes at its corners. Xiongguanlong is characterized by a narrow and elongate muzzle resembling that of Alioramus. The slender, unornamented nasals of Xiongguanlong are inconsistent with recent hypotheses of correlated progression in tyrannosauroid feeding mechanics, and suggest more complex patterns of character evolution in the integration of feeding adaptations in tyrannosaurids. Body mass estimates for the full-grown holotype specimen of Xiongguanlong fall between those of Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurids and Barremian tyrannosauroids, suggesting that the trend of increasing body size observed in North American Late Cretaceous Tyrannosauridae may extend through the Cretaceous history of Tyrannosauroidea though further phylogenetic work is required to corroborate this.  相似文献   

A pterosaur vertebral column consisting of the last cervical vertebra, the first five dorsals fused to a notarium, and the following four dorsal vertebrae, is figured and described from the Aptian Santana Formation of the Chapada do Araripe in northeastern Brazil. The specimen is tentatively referred toSantanadactylus brasilensis de Buisonjé. It is the best preserved and most complete pterosaurian notarium known. Its functional significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Ornithomimosaurs (ostrich-mimic dinosaurs) are a common element of some Cretaceous dinosaur assemblages of Asia and North America. Here, we describe a new species of ornithomimosaur, Beishanlong grandis, from an associated, partial postcranial skeleton from the Aptian-Albian Xinminpu Group of northern Gansu, China. Beishanlong is similar to another Aptian-Albian ornithomimosaur, Harpymimus, with which it shares a phylogenetic position as more derived than the Barremian Shenzhousaurus and as sister to a Late Cretaceous clade composed of Garudimimus and the Ornithomimidae. Beishanlong is one of the largest definitive ornithomimosaurs yet described, though histological analysis shows that the holotype individual was still growing at its death. Together with the co-eval and sympatric therizinosaur Suzhousaurus and the oviraptorosaur Gigantraptor, Beishanlong provides evidence for the parallel evolution of gigantism in separate lineages of beaked and possibly herbivorous coelurosaurs within a short time span in Central Asia.  相似文献   

A new fossil hydroid is reported as an organic impression on a calcareous gastropod steinkern from the Prairie Bluff Chalk (Maastrichtian), Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. This is the first such hydroid reported from the Upper Cretaceous of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. The fossil organism consists of anastomosing hydrorhizae forming a holdfast, a fascicled hydrocaulus, and elongated, crenulated and ribbed hydrothecae. The fossil is unlike other Mesozoic hydroids that have been reported from Europe and North America; it is described as Mesodendrium oktibbehaensis gen. et sp. nov. and tentiatively referred to an extant family, the Campanulariidae (Calyptoblastina). The complete preservation of the holdfast, hydrocaulus and hydrothecae suggests that this hydroid lived inside gastropod shells. In analogy with Recent symbiotic hydroids inhabiting mollusc shells, the new specimen described here possibly represents the oldest known example of a symbiotic relationship between hydroids and hermit crabs.  相似文献   

A new species of chimaeroid, Harriotta lehmani, is described. It differs from Recent species of Harriotta in the shape of the paired rostral cartilages and second dorsal fin. This is the first record of a chimaeroid from the Cretaceous fish-beds of Lebanon, as well as being the first fossil representative of the genus Harriotta.  相似文献   

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