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A total of 255 longnosed skate Dipturus oxyrinchus caught in Sardinian waters (central‐western Mediterranean Sea), was analysed with respect to fish total length (LT), season and depth, in order to provide information on diet and feeding behaviour. Specimens ranging from 93 to 1153 mm LT, were collected at depths between 121 and 671 m, during experimental trawl surveys carried out from 2005 to 2010. The diet comprised crustaceans [prey specific index of relative importance (%IPSRI) = 72·69], teleosts (%IPSRI = 10·28) and molluscs (%IPSRI = 10·94). Levins' index (Bi) showed a narrow niche breadth (Bi = 0·35). The mean ± s.e. trophic level (TL) was 3·63 ± 0·50. The analysis showed major ontogenetic changes in the feeding behaviour. Early life stages were characterized by a benthic diet, which changed to benthopelagic during growth. Mysids, particularly Lophogaster typicus (%IPSRI = 34·51), were the main prey items of immature individuals, replaced by euphausiids, mainly Meganyctiphanes norvegica (%IPSRI = 13·19), in maturing fish. Crustaceans became less important in mature specimens, being replaced by molluscs (%IPSRI = 28·99) and teleosts (%IPSRI = 24·56). A concomitant increase of the TL was recorded (mean ± s.e. = 3·41 ± 0·44, 3·75 ± 0·54 and 4·28 ± 0·61 for immature, maturing and mature individuals). These feeding patterns ensured low levels of intraspecific competition. This study provides new information about the role that the D. oxyrinchus plays in the marine food chain and data now essential to formulate new and effective management plans for this species.  相似文献   

The total lengths (LT) of 193 males (209–556 mm) and 130 females (275–515 mm) of Amblyraja doellojuradoi, a commercial by‐catch species on the Argentinean continental shelf, which are increasingly retained, were analysed. No sexual dimorphism was observed in the LT at which 50% of individuals were sexually mature; males matured at 448 mm and females at 411 mm, c. 80 and 82% of maximum LT. The hepato‐somatic index was similar among sexes, but significantly different between maturity stages, being lower in mature than immature specimens. Males had no seasonal difference in the hepato‐somatic index and females had the lowest index in autumn. The gonado‐somatic index was lower in males than in females and significantly higher in mature than immature specimens of both sexes. Males had the highest index in autumn and females had no seasonal difference. Collectively, these results would indicate that A. doellojuradoi breeds in autumn.  相似文献   

A total of 1357 specimens of Alaska skate Bathyraja parmifera were collected in the eastern Bering Sea by fisheries observers and during scientific groundfish surveys from 2003 to 2005. Male and female gonads were examined for maturity stage and seasonal reproductive timing. Based on seasonal reproductive data, including the occurrence of egg cases, ovum size, ovum number, shell‐gland width and gonado‐somatic index, this species appears to reproduce continually throughout the year. Potential effects of maternal size upon the size and number of mature oocytes were also investigated, with total length having a significant, although weak, influence on both. Morphology of a single intersexual individual encountered during the collection period is also described.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to document the size and age structure, size at maturity, ovarian fecundity and diet of the endangered population of winter skate Leucoraja ocellata that resides in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence (SGSL). The maximum size observed for SGSL L. ocellata was 68 cm total length (LT) but >99% of animals caught were <60 cm LT. Fifty per cent of male and female L. ocellata were fully mature at 40 and 42 cm LT, respectively, age c. 5 years. The oldest individual caught was age 11 years, but 98% of the 561 individuals examined were ≤age 8 years, indicating a short reproductive life span. Ovarian fecundity was low; no more than 29 ova >10 mm diameter were ever observed. At 40 cm LT, the diet changed from one dominated by shrimp Crangon septemspinosa and gammarid amphipods to one dominated by fishes (mainly sand lance Ammodytes spp. and rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax) and Atlantic rock crab Cancer irroratus. Sufficient differences were observed between SGSL L. ocellata and other populations in their size‐at‐maturity pattern and maximum size to propose the taxonomic re‐evaluation of the population.  相似文献   

Aim To produce an inventory of south‐west Atlantic saltmarshes (from latitude 31°48′ S to 43°20′ S) using remotely sensed images and field sampling; to quantify their total area; to describe the biogeographical variation of the main habitats characterized by dominant vascular plants, in relation to major environmental factors; to test the hypothesis of predominance of the reversal pattern in plant distribution (sedges and grasses dominate the lower, regularly inundated zones, while the upper zones are occupied by more halophytic species) previously described; and to compare these south‐west Atlantic saltmarshes with others world‐wide. Location South‐western Atlantic saltmarshes Methods Field samples of dominant emergent plant species positioned by the global positioning system (GPS) were obtained from most coastal saltmarshes (14) between southern Brazil and northern Patagonia, Argentina. Landsat satellite images were obtained and coastal saltmarsh habitats were quantified by supervised classification, utilizing points gathered in the field. Results Three main plant species dominated the low and middle intertidal saltmarsh, Spartina alterniflora Loesel., Spartina densiflora Brong. and Sarcocornia perennis (P. Mill.) A.J. Scott. The total area of the studied coastal saltmarshes was 2133 km2, comprising 380 km2 of Sp. alterniflora marsh, 366 km2 of Sp. densiflora marsh, 746 km2 of Sar. perennis marsh and 641 km2 of brackish marsh (dominated by Juncus acutus L., Juncus kraussii Hochst., Scirpus maritimus L., Scirpus americanus Pers. and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin.). Cluster analysis showed three habitat types: saltmarshes dominated by (1) Sp. densiflora and brackish species,(2) Sp. alterniflora and Sar. perennis and (3) Sp.densiflora only. The analysis of abiotic variables showed significant differences between groups of habitats and coordinated gradients of the abiotic variables. The south‐west Atlantic coast showed decreasing mean annual rainfall (1200 to 196 mm) and increasing mean tidal amplitude (< 0.5 to > 2.5 m) from latitude 31° to 43°. Main conclusions South‐west Atlantic saltmarshes are globally important by virtue of their total extent. Remote sensing showed that the reversal pattern in plant distribution is not widespread. Indeed, south‐west Atlantic saltmarshes are better characterized by the presence of the halophytic genera Spartina and Sarcocornia. Our results support the interpretation that south‐west Atlantic saltmarshes constitute a class of temperate type (sensu Adam, 1990 ) with transitional characteristics between Australasian–South African saltmarshes and west Atlantic saltmarshes.  相似文献   

A total of 1468 young fish representing 66 taxa from the Sinnamary River, French Guiana was classified by complete cluster analysis of mean relative body width and mean relative body height into four groups. These had anguilliform, disciform, flat or intermediate body shapes and belonged chiefly to Gymnotiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Characiformes, respectively. Several of the taxa shifted from one to another body shape during ontogenesis. Seven diet groups were defined by complete cluster analysis. Among these, six groups were represented by carnivorous fish. The three most frequent groups had diets of (1) mainly insect larvae and small crustaceans, (2) insect larvae, and (3) predominantly terrestrial insects. The majority of the fish taxa showed ontogenetic diet shifts. Carnivorous fish usually switched from small-size prey, such as small crustaceans, to intermediate-size prey, such as insect larvae and/or to large-size prey, such as insects and/or fish. However, taxa differed in their capacities to switch from small prey to intermediate and/or to large prey. Taxa of different body shapes had significantly different diets. Disciform fish fed mainly on aquatic insect larvae and terrestrial insects but also, in small amounts, on small curstaceans. Most anguilliform taxa ate insect larvae. Individuals belonging to the depressiform or intermediate morphotype had varied diets ranging from plant debris and substratum to fish.  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii was investigated for its total haemocyte count (THC) based on season, sex, size and feeding rate. The THC, when the prawns were subjected to injections of foreign materials was also investigated. The prawns displayed the highest and lowest THC in autumn and winter respectively, with no significant difference between male and female, or among animals with a body weight range of 7-115 g. The prawns displayed the lowest THC at D3 stage, and the highest in C stage. The prawns displayed the lowest THC when they were fed at 0.1% feeding rate among feeding rates of 0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% body weight x day(-1). Prawns injected with carbon powder and Enterococcus showed increased THC during the first 6 h. Prawns injected with saline and carbon powder had the lowest THC after 30 h, and recovered to the normal value after 54 h. Prawns injected with Enterococcus showed the lowest THC after 42 h, and showed delayed recovery.  相似文献   

There is growing concern over the impacts of climate change on animal species. Many studies have demonstrated impacts of climate change at the population level, and density dependent effects of climate are frequently reported. However, there is an increasing recognition of the differential impact of such factors on individuals since there is marked variation in individual performance. We investigated the relationships between breeding success and environmental conditions (winter NAO and one year lagged winter NAO) and intrinsic effects (colony size, pair bond duration, past breeding success rate) in the northern fulmar Fulmarus glacialis , using data from a long-term study commenced in 1950. There was a negative trend in breeding success over time, and a negative relationship with winter NAO and lagged winter NAO, which themselves had shown positive increases over the study period. The effects of lagged winter NAO remained after accounting for the linear trend. There was no evidence of density dependence, with breeding success positively related to colony size. We found strong evidence that breeding success was negatively related to pair bond duration but positively related to past breeding success rate. There was also an interaction between these two intrinsic effects such that those pairs that had historically been successful maintained success with increasing pair bond duration, whereas less successful pairs showed a decline. The prediction that there would be a differential impact of extrinsic factors among pairs was supported by an interaction between past breeding success rate and winter NAO, such that pairs with low past success rate exhibited a sharp decline in breeding success with increasing winter NAO, whereas more successful pairs did not. It is critically important to understand interactions between extrinsic factors and individual heterogeneity since a differential impact on individuals will affect population structure, and hence population dynamics.  相似文献   

The growth and mortality rates of Myctophum affine larvae were analysed based on samples collected during the austral summer and winter of 2002 from south‐eastern Brazilian waters. The larvae ranged in size from 2·75 to 14·00 mm standard length (LS). Daily increment counts from 82 sagittal otoliths showed that the age of M. affine ranged from 2 to 28 days. Three models were applied to estimate the growth rate: linear regression, exponential model and Laird–Gompertz model. The exponential model best fitted the data, and L0 values from exponential and Laird–Gompertz models were close to the smallest larva reported in the literature (c. 2·5 mm LS). The average growth rate (0·33 mm day?1) was intermediate among lanternfishes. The mortality rate (12%) during the larval period was below average compared with other marine fish species but similar to some epipelagic fishes that occur in the area.  相似文献   

Five adult paralichthyid specimens with various kinds of abnormalities are reported from the south‐west Atlantic Ocean. These abnormal flatfish specimens represent the first records of wholly ambicoloured Paralichthys orbignyanus specimens having a deep notch between the eye and dorsal fin and a partially albinistic specimen having skeletal deformities and only the second record of an almost totally ambicoloured specimen. We also report the first observation of reversal in Paralichthys patagonicus and an almost totally ambicoloured, reversed Xystreurys rasile.  相似文献   

Diet analysis allows exploring how coastal dolphins interact with the environment and their role in the marine food webs. We studied the diet and feeding ecology of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, through analysis of stomach content from 42 animals stranded on the eastern coast of Brazil. A total of 1,336 semidigested prey items (fish, otoliths, cephalopod beaks, and crustaceans) were identified. Teleost fish comprised the most frequent food item (92% of the total), followed by cephalopods, and crustaceans. Prey belonged to 34 taxa and richness in individual stomachs varied from 1 to 15 prey taxa. Prey were generally small, but showed a significant trend to increase in size with dolphin length. The main prey of Guiana dolphins were demersal, estuarine, and sound-making fish such as catfish and sciaenids. No sex-related differences in diet were found. Diet composition varied seasonally and occurrence of prey items was coherent with breeding or high abundance periods of some fish species and squids. Our study shows the importance of demersal prey from estuarine and soft-sediment habitats to Guiana dolphin in the Abrolhos Bank and reveals that feeding habits are generalist and opportunistic, with diet reflecting the seasonal abundance and availability of prey.  相似文献   


Azaras’s capuchin monkey (Sapajus cay) is a poorly studied species in ecological aspects. We investigated behavioral activities and diet of a group of S. cay in a remnant of the Brazilian Cerrado. We sought to identify the most frequent behavior that the group engaged in, as well as to verify possible differences in behavioral patterns and diet between adult males and females. From January to July 2012 we collected behavioral and foraging data for a group of 21 individuals using scan sampling. Behaviors and food items consumed were analyzed using percentages and two proportions Z-tests to assess differences between males and females. We obtained 878 scans in approximately 202 hours of sampling effort, resulting in 4,159 individual activity records of capuchin monkeys. The group allocated time to traveling (41.3%), resting (25.5%), feeding (14.3%), foraging (13.7%), and social activities (5.1%). Females spent more time foraging and feeding, while males spent more time resting. Fruits (61.4%), invertebrates (15.3%), and seeds (14.3%) were the most common food items consumed. We did not find differences in food consumption between sexes. Behavioral activities may be influenced by habitat quality of the studied area, opportunistic habits, and plasticity in the diet.  相似文献   

Ecological studies were carried out in shallow experimental sites in the Lancaster Canal to evaluate potential interactions between grass carp and feeding habits of tench.
Grass carp, through moderate weed consumption, produced better conditions for the exploitation of benthic organisms by the benthophagous tench, because tench (>35 cm fork length) were able to search for food in the open areas created. This also enabled the fish to make use of zooplankton, mainly the large species Eurycercus lamellatus whose restricted phytophilic habitat made it vulnerable to predation. Epibenthic animals, in particular gastropods and Asellus aquaticus , suffered principally from the predation, which caused severe reduction of them in the site totally depleted of vegetation. In this site, tench utilized a diet in which red chironomids were the dominant prey group together with a large amount of fine detritus.
It is suggested that a moderate control of vegetation in temperate climates, using the grass carp as the biological agent, could be a satisfactory management technique for the improvement of aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

Fishery and biological data are presented for the poorly known bramble shark Echinorhinus brucus (Squaliformes: Echinorhinidae), from the deep waters of the south‐eastern Arabian Sea. A total of 5318 individuals from by‐catch landings of deep‐water bottom set longlines, gillnets and shrimp trawl fisheries operating at depths of 200–1200 m were recorded between January 2008 and December 2011 at the Kochi Fisheries Harbour (Kerala). A total of 431 individuals, from 46 to 318 cm total length (LT) and 0·8 to 132 kg total mass (MT), were examined to determine biological data for this species. The LT at which 50% were mature (LT50) for females and males was estimated at 189 and 187 cm LT. Litter size ranged from 10 to 36 and size at birth was between 42 and 46 cm LT. Dietary analysis of stomach contents revealed E. brucus feeds on a variety of prey including crustaceans (69% index of relative importance, IRI), teleosts (25·8% IRI), cephalopods (1·7% IRI) and elasmobranchs (0·7% IRI). This study provides the first detailed biological data for this species and also highlights the extent of the by‐catch fishery for this species in Indian waters.  相似文献   

This study examined population density, habitat and diet of Dasyatis marianae, a recently discovered species, in the reef complex of Maracajaú in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. The highest concentration of D. marianae occurred in seagrass beds. Habitat use differed significantly between sex and age classes, with females and juveniles using areas other than reefs. Females utilized primarily seagrass beds and juveniles occurred mainly along the sandy bottom near the beach, highlighting the importance of protecting these areas. Dasyatis marianae diet was characterized primarily by crustaceans (91·9% index of relative importance, IRI), including shrimp, crabs and lobsters. The availability of prey in different habitat types influences occupation by D. marianae, but the prey selectivity of D. marianae, among other factors, may affect this relationship. Intense shrimp and lobster fishing in the region probably has an effect on preferred prey resources of this ray. Information on feeding habits of this species contributes to a better understanding of trophic dynamics and food webs, which is critical if ecosystem principles are to be integrated into fisheries management.  相似文献   

Gobies of the genus Elacatinus are regarded as the most specialised cleaner fishes in the western tropical Atlantic, yet there are no studies on these cleaners in the southern portion of West Atlantic. We studied the diversity of clients and the daily cleaning activity of the barber goby, Elacatinus figaro, on rocky reefs in southeastern Brazil (23–24°S). A total of 34 fish client species in 16 families were recorded over 484 cleaning events. The most frequent clients were damselfishes, Pomacentridae (37.9% of cleaning events) and grunts, Haemulidae (16.9%). Planktivores were the most frequently attended trophic category, and two species in that category accounted for about a half (44%) of the total cleaning events. Size of clients ranged 4.5–55cm and most individuals were medium-sized (12–30cm); as the barber goby ranged 2–4.5cm, clients were 1.5 to 15 times larger than the cleaner was. Cleaning activity started at dawn and ended shortly before nightfall, the highest frequency of interactions occurring at early morning (nocturnal clients) and mid-afternoon (diurnal clients). By midday the frequency of cleaning events decreased and their duration increased. A total of 109±3 cleaning events and 30±1min of cleaning activity were estimated per cleaning station per day, both figures low when compared to those recorded for cleaner fishes in tropical areas of the western Atlantic and Indo-Pacific.  相似文献   

嘉陵江不同江段蛇鮈的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年和2016年的10—11月,在嘉陵江上游(广元)、中游(蓬安)、下游(合川)采集210尾蛇鮈Saurogobio dabryi,采用传统镜检法对其食性进行研究。结果表明:嘉陵江蛇鮈属于杂食性鱼类,饵料生物包括5大类(79小类);聚类分析表明,出现率(F%)、数量百分比(N%)和相对重要性指数(IRI%)在衡量食物对嘉陵江蛇鮈的重要性方面表现一致,但基于质量百分比(W%)的食物重要性结果与前三者之间的差异有统计学意义。4种指数显示,上游和中游江段蛇鮈均以动物性饵料为主,为偏肉食性的杂食性鱼类,下游江段蛇鮈以藻类为主,为偏植食性的杂食性鱼类。选用W%对其食性进行不同江段之间比较,聚类分析表明中游与上游和下游存在显著差异(d> 0. 3); Schoener重叠指数比较显示,不同江段蛇鮈摄食的饵料生物存在空间差异(Cxy<0. 60)。研究认为蛇鮈的食性具有较强的地域性和可塑性,可能是对不同江段水生生态环境适应的结果。  相似文献   

The magnitude and direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) may vary considerably within and among taxa, and the primary causes of such variation have not been thoroughly elucidated. For example, the effect of abiotic factors is frequently attributed to explain intra‐ and interspecific variation in SSD. Rensch's rule, which states that males vary more in size than females when body size increases, has rarely been tested in bats. Therefore, whether bats follow Rensch's rule remains unclear, particularly when females are larger than males. We investigated whether four bat species presented SSD, as well as whether their body sizes varied within each sex across localities, testing the hypothesis that intraspecific SSD varies substantially depending of sampling localities. We finally examined whether bats followed Rensch's rule by simultaneously using intraspecific and interspecific approaches. Although SSD was not observed for most bat species within each locality, the females of three of the four captured species exhibited differences in body size between particular localities. Usually the females varied more in size than did males across localities, mostly exhibiting a female‐biased SSD. Significant differences in SSD were observed (i.e. mean values of the sexual dimorphism index), even though Rensch's rule was not followed.  相似文献   

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