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The objective of this study was to determine whether dietary boron (B) affects the strength, density and mineral composition of teeth and mineral density of alveolar bone in rabbits with apparent obesity induced by a high-energy diet. Sixty female, 8-month-old, New Zealand rabbits were randomly assigned for 7 months into five groups as follows: (1) control 1, fed alfalfa hay only (5.91 MJ/kg and 57.5 mg B/kg); (2) control 2, high energy diet (11.76 MJ and 3.88 mg B/kg); (3) B10, high energy diet + 10 mg B gavage/kg body weight/96 h; (4) B30, high energy diet + 30 mg B gavage/kg body weight/96 h; (5) B50, high energy diet + 50 mg B gavage/kg body weight/96 h. Maxillary incisor teeth of the rabbits were evaluated for compression strength, mineral composition, and micro-hardness. Enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp tissue were examined histologically. Mineral densities of the incisor teeth and surrounding alveolar bone were determined by using micro-CT. When compared to controls, the different boron treatments did not significantly affect compression strength, and micro-hardness of the teeth, although the B content of teeth increased in a dose-dependent manner. Compared to control 1, B50 teeth had decreased phosphorus (P) concentrations. Histological examination revealed that teeth structure (shape and thickness of the enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp) was similar in the B-treated and control rabbits. Micro CT evaluation revealed greater alveolar bone mineral density in B10 and B30 groups than in controls. Alveolar bone density of the B50 group was not different than the controls. Although the B treatments did not affect teeth structure, strength, mineral density and micro-hardness, increasing B intake altered the mineral composition of teeth, and, in moderate amounts, had beneficial effects on surrounding alveolar bone.  相似文献   

To study growth rates, movements and estimate population size of shortfin eels Anguilla australis in a small lake (2·5 ha) near Christchurch, New Zealand, 617 A. australis were tagged with PIT tags. Tag retention was high (95%) and over the seven recapture events spread over 2 years, 55% of tagged A. australis were recaptured. Growth of recaptured A. australis averaged 13·1 mm year?1 and declined slightly with increasing total length. Distance moved from original capture site increased with increasing time at large. Population estimates of A. australis > 400 mm (susceptible to capture by fyke net) from recaptures of individuals averaged 1451 A. australis, with a biomass of 170 kg ha?1. An average of 6·6% of the estimated total population matured as male silver A. australis each year. Results from radio‐tracking of four A. australis gave an average nightly foraging area of 2780 m2, and there was no apparent preference for inshore movement (within 5–6 m of the shoreline) or offshore movement. Fyke‐net efficiency (total catch relative to the estimated total population available to each net) measured over four consecutive nights fishing was 88%. The lack of precision of the shoreline triangulation system used, ±10 m, meant that the positional data were considered too coarse to be used in a proposed novel population estimation technique based on determining population size within foraging areas.  相似文献   

This revision addresses two Southern Hemisphere genera in the family Buccinidae. Buccipagoda kengrahami (Ponder, 1982) and B. ponderi n. sp. are recognised from off southern Australia and B. achilles n. sp. from off New Zealand. Sagenotriton n. gen. is introduced for S. ajax n. sp. from off New Zealand, and S. bathybius (Bouchet & Warén, 1986) and S. bonaespei (Barnard, 1963) from off South Africa.  相似文献   

Kipling Will 《ZooKeys》2015,(545):131-137
Taxonomic changes are made for several problematic Australian Carabidae in the tribes Harpalini, Abacetini, Pterostichini, and Oodini. Examination of types resulted in the synonymy of Veradia Castelnau, 1867 with Leconomerus Chaudoir, 1850; Nelidus Chaudoir, 1878, Feronista Moore, 1965, and Australomasoreus Baehr, 2007 with Cerabilia Castelnau, 1867; and newly combining Fouquetius variabilis Straneo, 1960 in the genus Pediomorphus Chaudoir, 1878; Australomasoreus monteithi Baehr, 2007 in the genus Cerabilia Castelnau, 1867; and Anatrichis lilliputana W.J. Macleay, 1888 in the genus Nanodiodes Bousquet, 1996. Cuneipectus Sloane, 1907 is placed in Pterostichini Bonelli, 1810, which is a senior synonym of Cuneipectini Sloane, 1907.  相似文献   

The current avifauna of New Zealand comprises species with two distinct origins: those that evolved in New Zealand or colonized naturally from neighbouring landmasses, and those that were deliberately introduced to the islands by European settlers. Elsewhere, it has been shown that for species introduced to New Zealand from Britain there is a positive interspecific correlation between the geographical range sizes attained in both countries. Since positive relationships between abundance, measured either as population size or density, and geographical range size are a near ubiquitous feature of assemblages of closely related animal species, this suggests that species’ abundances may also be so correlated between the two countries. Here, data for 12 passerine bird species introduced to New Zealand from Britain are used to compare population densities and density–range size relationships in their native and alien ranges. In addition, the density–range size relationship for 12 passerine bird species that can be considered native to New Zealand is compared to that for the introduced species. The geographical range size and the mean and maximum densities of introduced species in New Zealand were significantly positively correlated with those values for the same species in Britain. However, in no case was the relationship between mean density and range size significant. While not statistically significant, density–range size relationships for introduced species are similar in New Zealand and Britain, but those for introduced and native species in New Zealand are quite different. Implications of these patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

The theory of cannibal dynamics predicts a link between population dynamics and individual life history. In particular, increased individual growth has, in both modeling and empirical studies, been shown to result from a destabilization of population dynamics. We used data from a long-term study of the dynamics of two leech (Erpobdella octoculata) populations to test the hypothesis that maximum size should be higher in a cycling population; one of the study populations exhibited a delayed feedback cycle while the other population showed no sign of cyclicity. A hump-shaped relationship between individual mass of 1-year-old leeches and offspring density the previous year was present in both populations. As predicted from the theory, the maximum mass of individuals was much larger in the fluctuating population. In contrast to predictions, the higher growth rate was not related to energy extraction from cannibalism. Instead, the higher individual mass is suggested to be due to increased availability of resources due to a niche widening with increased individual body mass. The larger individual mass in the fluctuating population was related to a stronger correlation between the densities of 1-year-old individuals and 2-year-old individuals the following year in this population. Although cannibalism was the major mechanism regulating population dynamics, its importance was negligible in terms of providing cannibalizing individuals with energy subsequently increasing their fecundity. Instead, the study identifies a need for theoretical and empirical studies on the largely unstudied interplay between ontogenetic niche shifts and cannibalistic population dynamics.  相似文献   

The upper dentition of two Australian early Miocene mystacinids, Icaropsparadox and I. aenae, from Riversleigh, Queensland, are described for the first time. Also recognised is a late Oligocene mystacinid from Lake Palankarinna, South Australia. The new fossils help refine understanding about the evolutionary history of mystacinids in Australia, including their temporal and geographical range, possible dietary and roosting habits, and likely separation time of New Zealand mystacinids.  相似文献   

Whinam  J.  Hope  G.S.  Clarkson  B.R.  Buxton  R.P.  Alspach  P.A.  Adam  P. 《Wetlands Ecology and Management》2003,11(1-2):37-49
In comparison to the northern hemisphere, Sphagnum peatlands are an unusual andinfrequent component of the Australasianlandscape. Most peatlands in Australasiaare primarily composed of eitherRestionaceous or Cyperaceous peats. Sphagnum peatlands in Australia and PapuaNew Guinea/Irian Jaya (now West Papua) arelargely located in montane and alpineenvironments, but also occur down to sealevel in New Zealand and as moss patches onsome subantarctic islands. Fire is a majordeterminant of the characteristics ofpeatlands in Australasia. Peatlandmanagement in Australasia is hindered bythe need for increased understanding ofpeatland processes to enable a sustainablebalance of conservation of a small resourcewith localised utilisation. Themanagement focus in Australasia has largelybeen on ensuring ecologically sustainable Sphagnum moss harvesting, withlimited peat mining. We have found thatgeneral recovery of Sphagnum after moss harvesting canbe enhanced by harvesting larger peatlands,and by leaving one-third of the acrotelm toregenerate. The largest upland peat swampin mainland Australia, Wingecarribee Swamp,suffered a major collapse in 1998 followingpeat mining. Environmental and managementconsequences of this collapse have majorramifications for rehabilitation options. Sphagnum peatlands in Australasia arelikely to be adversely affected bydrainage, burning, grazing, trampling,global warming and peat mining.  相似文献   

Abrotanella is the basal genus in the large tribe Senecioneae (Asteraceae) and has a disjunct distribution in Australasia and South America. A recent molecular phylogeny of the genus was used to investigate whether the main biogeographical patterns in the group could be related to the region's tectonic history in a coherent way. The phylogenetic/biogeographical breaks and overlaps in the genus imply a series of vicariance and range expansion events. Each of these can be related to one of the main tectonic events in the region, including assembly of the New Zealand terranes, crustal extension, and magmatism in Gondwana that preceded seafloor spreading, opening of the Tasman and Pacific basins, and transcurrent movement on the New Zealand Alpine fault. The coincident sequence indicates that pre‐drift tectonics and magmatism have been more important for the origin of trans‐Tasman and trans‐Pacific groups than the final rifting of Gondwana that led to their disjunction. For example, during the pre‐drift phase of break‐up, the Whitsunday volcanic province of Australia and the Median Batholith of New Zealand formed a large, active igneous belt. Its distribution is aligned with the break between New Zealand–south‐eastern Australia clades, and New Zealand–New Guinea clades. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

Few recent studies have examined the histological basis for tooth attachment in squamates. In the past few years, a surge of interest in this topic has led to the intriguing suggestion that the major tissues derived from the tooth germ (enamel, dentine, cementum and alveolar bone), are conservative and are present in all amniotes. In this study, we describe the histology and development of the tooth attachment complex in Varanus rudicollis, the rough‐neck monitor. We provide the first published evidence for the role of cementum and alveolar bone in tooth attachment in varanoid lizards. In Varanus, cementum is deposited on the external surface of the tooth root as well as at the base of the tooth, where it plays a role in the attachment of the tooth to the jawbone. Alveolar bone is also involved in tooth ankylosis. Our results support the hypothesis that the major tooth germ tissues are found in all amniotes. We provide insights into the structure and development of plicidentine, defined as infolding of the dentine around the tooth base. This feature is unique to varanoids among extant tetrapods and is the third tissue implicated in tooth attachment in Varanus. Plicidentine develops asymmetrically along the labial‐lingual axis of a tooth. Varanus is characterized by the presence of both primary and higher‐order lamellae, which anastomose to form a honeycomb‐like surface that then interacts with the more basal attachment tissues. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The hominin fossils of Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia, present an ideal means of assessing levels of skeletal size and shape variation in a fossil hypodigm belonging to the genus Homo because they have been recovered from a spatially and temporally restricted context. We compare variation in mandible size and shape at Dmanisi to that of extant hominoids and extinct hominins. We use height and breadth measurements of the mandibular corpus at the first molar and the symphysis to assess size, and analyze shape based on size-adjusted (using a geometric mean) versions of these four variables. We compare size and shape variation at Dmanisi relative to all possible pairs of individuals within each comparative taxon using an exact resampling procedure of the ratio of D2600 to D211 and the average Euclidean distance (AED) between D2600 and D211, respectively. Comparisons to extant hominoids were conducted at both the specific and subspecific taxonomic levels and to extinct hominins by adopting both a more, and less speciose, hominin taxonomy. Results indicate that the pattern of variation for the Dmanisi hominins does not resemble that of any living species: they exhibit significantly more size variation when compared to modern humans, and they have significantly more corpus shape variation and size variation in corpus heights and overall mandible size than any extant ape species. When compared to fossil hominins they are also more dimorphic in size (although this result is influenced by the taxonomic hypothesis applied to the hominin fossil record). These results highlight the need to re-examine expectations of levels of sexual dimorphism in members of the genus Homo and to account for marked size and shape variation between D2600 and D211 under the prevailing view of a single hominin species at Dmanisi.  相似文献   

Juan J. Morrone 《ZooKeys》2013,(273):15-71
The phylogenetic relationships of the genera of Listroderini LeConte, 1876 are analyzed based on 58 morphological characters. The genera are grouped in four clades, which are given subtribal status: Macrostyphlina new subtribe (Adioristidius, Amathynetoides, Andesianellus, Macrostyphlus, Nacodius and Puranius), Palaechthina Brinck, 1948 (Anorthorhinus, Gunodes, Haversiella, Inaccodes, Listronotus, Neopachytychius, Palaechthus, Palaechtodes, Steriphus and Tristanodes), Falklandiina new subtribe (Falklandiellus, Falklandiopsis, Falklandius, Gromilus, Lanteriella, Liparogetus, Nestrius and Telurus), and Listroderina (Acroriellus, Acrorius, Acrostomus, Antarctobius, Germainiellus, Hyperoides, Lamiarhinus, Listroderes, Methypora, Philippius, Rupanius and Trachodema). The subtribes are characterized and keys to identify them and their genera are provided. Listroderini have four main biogeographical patterns: Andean (Macrostyphlina), Andean-New Zealand (Falklandiina), Andean-Neotropical-Australian (Listroderina) and Andean-Neotropical-Australian-New Zealand-Nearctic-Tristan da Cunha-Gough islands (Palaechthina). Geographical paralogy, particularly evident in the Subantarctic subregion of the Andean region, suggests that Listroderini are an ancient Gondwanic group, in which several extinction events might have obscured relationships among the areas.  相似文献   

Herrera J 《Annals of botany》2005,95(3):431-437
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Flowers are relatively invariant organs within species, but quantitative variation often exists among conspecifics. These variations represent the raw material that natural selection can magnify, eventually resulting in morphological divergence and diversification. This paper investigates floral variability in Rosmarinus officinalis, a Mediterranean shrub. METHODS: Nine populations were selected in three major southern Spanish habitats (coast, lowland and mountains) along an elevation gradient. Flower samples from randomly chosen plants were collected from each population, and a total of 641 flowers from 237 shrubs were weighed while still fresh to the nearest 0.1 mg. Leaves from the same plants were also measured. Variations among habitats, sites and plants were explored with general linear model ANOVA. Leaf-flower covariation was also investigated. KEY RESULTS: Most (58%) mass in flowers was accounted for by the corolla, whose linear dimensions correlated directly with flower mass. Averaged over plants, the mass of a flower varied between 12 mg and 38 mg. Habitat, site (within habitat) and shrub identity had significant effects on mass variance. Flowers from the coast were the smallest (17 mg) and those from the mountains the largest (25 mg on average). A pattern of continuously increasing flower size with elevation emerged which was largely uncoupled from the geographical pattern of leaf size variation. CONCLUSIONS: As regards flower size, a great potential to local differentiation exists in Rosmarinus. Observed divergences accord with a regime of large-bodied pollinator selection in the mountains, but also with resource-cost hypotheses on floral evolution that postulate that reduced corollas are advantageous under prevailingly stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Aim  To describe New Zealand's historical terrestrial biogeography and place this history in a wider Southern Hemisphere context.
Location  New Zealand.
Methods  The analysis is based primarily on literature on the distributions and relationships of New Zealand's terrestrial flora and fauna.
Results  New Zealand is shown to have a biota that has broad relationships, primarily around the cool Southern Hemisphere, as well as with New Caledonia to the north. There are hints of ancient Gondwanan taxa, although the long-argued predominance of taxa derived by vicariant processes, driven by plate tectonics and the fragmentation of Gondwana, is no longer accepted as a principal explanation of the biota's origins and relationships.
Main conclusions  Most of the terrestrial New Zealand flora and fauna has clearly arrived in New Zealand much more recently than the postulated separation of New Zealand from Gondwana, dated at c. 80 Ma. There is a view that New Zealand may have disappeared completely beneath the sea in the early Cenozoic, and acceptance of this would mean derivation of the entire biota by transoceanic dispersal. However, there are elements in the biota that seem to have broad distributions that date back to Gondwanan times, and also some that are thought unlikely to have been able to disperse to New Zealand across ocean gaps, especially freshwater organisms. Very strong connections to the biota of Australia, rather than to South America, are inconsistent with the timing of New Zealand's ancient and early separation from Gondwana and seem likely to have resulted from dispersal.  相似文献   

The earthworms of arable and pasture fields from 100 randomly chosen arable farms were identified and counted and their relationship with soil factors examined. Thirteen species of earthworm were recorded including Lumbricus friendi from Scotland for the first time. The most prevalent and numerous species were Aporrectodea longa, Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus terrestris. All earthworm species had cosmopolitan distributions apart from Aporrectodea nocturna and Lumbricus festivus which were confined to southern/central Scotland. Four soil characteristics (% moisture, % sand, % organic matter and pH) shared no relationship with species recorded but tillage may have had a detrimental effect on species composition and size of population. It is suggested that the magnitudes of the earthworm populations found, particularly in permanent pasture, were important in maintaining soil structure and fertility, and the spread of the New Zealand flatworm (Artioposthia triangulata), an obligate predator of earthworms, could have a considerable impact on agricultural productivity and wildlife in Scotland.  相似文献   

Reproduction and life history patterns in culture of five Caloglossa speaes from Australia and New Zealand are compared. Caloglossa adhaerens King et Puttock and Caloglossa bengalensis (Martens) King et Puttock have a Polyslphonla‐type sexual life history (P‐type, isomorphic alternation of generations). Caloglossa monosticha Kamiya occurs only in Western Australia (WA) and is a P‐type. Caloglossa ogasawaraensis Okamura occurs in WA, Northern Territory (NT), Queensland (QLD), New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (VIC) and South Australia (SA) and is for the most part a P‐type in culture. A few isolates have bisexual gametophytes that are self‐compatible, while most are unisexual. Caloglossa ogasawaraensis from Adelaide, SA and from Wilsons Promontory, VIC are new records for these States. In Australia, Caloglossa postiae (King et Puttock) Kamiya et King occurs in NSW, NT and QLD. All nine isolates are P‐type. Isolates of Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) G. Martens from NSW, NT, QLD, Tasmania, VIC and New Zealand are P‐type except for the freshwater isolates in which tetraspore germlings do not reproduce. In some isolates mixed‐phase reproduction is seen with male gametophytes producing both viable spermatia and tetrasporangia and female gametophytes producing procarps and sori with non‐dividing sporangia. All isolates of C. leprieurii irom Spencer Gulf and Gulf of St Vincent, SA and one isolate from QLD give rise to successive asexual generations of tetrasporophytes. Based on RuBisCO spacer DNA data an asexual life history has arisen several times in the C. leprieurii complex. The literature on apomixis, mixed‐phase reproduction, bisexuality and sexual compatibility in red algae is surveyed.  相似文献   

Mapping single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes potentially involved in immune responses may help understand the pathophysiology of infectious diseases in specific geographical regions. In this context, we have aimed to analyze the frequency of immunogenetic markers, focusing on genes CD209 (SNP -336A/G), FCγRIIa (SNP -131H/R), TNF-α (SNP -308A/G) and VDR (SNP Taq I) in two populations of the Espirito Santo State (ES), Brazil: general and Pomeranian populations. Peripheral blood genomic DNA was extracted from one hundred healthy individuals of the general population and from 59 Pomeranians. Polymorphic variant identification was performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP). SNP genotype frequencies were in Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium. There was no statistically significant difference in allelic and genotypic distributions between the two populations studied. Statistically significant differences were observed for SNP genotype distribution in genes CD209, TNF-α and VDR when comparing the ES populations with other Brazilian populations. This is the first report of CD209, FcγRIIa, TNF-α and VDR allelic frequencies for the general and Pomeranian populations of ES.  相似文献   

Abstract. A treated-surface test was used in a bioassay to detect insecticide resistance to the organophosphorus compounds diazinon and propetamphos, in larvae of field strains of Lucilia cuprina in New Zealand during 1990/91 and 1991/92 (December-April). Mean LC50s for both diazinon and propetamphos showed a significant increase between seasons although this is not necessarily indicative of a trend. Mean LC50s for diazinon increased from 1.16 to 1.60 mg/1 (P< 0.001) and for propetamphos from 0.49 to 0.59 mg/1 (P< 0.005) in pooled populations. Diazinon and propetamphos resistance was significantly correlated in both seasons, suggesting side-resistance between the two insecticides.  相似文献   

Analysis of ITS sequences provides support for a clade that includes Carmichaelia, Clianthus, Montigena, and Swainsona. We provide a node-based definition and recommend that this clade be called Carmichaelinae. Results suggest that Carmichaelinae are derived from northern hemisphere Astragalinae. The clade has extensively radiated in Australia, and two independent lineages have diversified in New Zealand. The New Zealand lineages differ in species richness. One lineage consists of 24 species placed in Carmichaelia and Clianthus, while the other corresponds to the monotypic genus Montigena. The pattern of relationships inferred from ITS sequences suggests that the New Zealand radiation was recent and possibly accompanied episodes of mountain-building and glaciation.  相似文献   

Whether and how habitat fragmentation and population size jointly affect adaptive genetic variation and adaptive population differentiation are largely unexplored. Owing to pronounced genetic drift, small, fragmented populations are thought to exhibit reduced adaptive genetic variation relative to large populations. Yet fragmentation is known to increase variability within and among habitats as population size decreases. Such variability might instead favour the maintenance of adaptive polymorphisms and/or generate more variability in adaptive differentiation at smaller population size. We investigated these alternative hypotheses by analysing coding-gene, single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with different biological functions in fragmented brook trout populations of variable sizes. Putative adaptive differentiation was greater between small and large populations or among small populations than among large populations. These trends were stronger for genetic population size measures than demographic ones and were present despite pronounced drift in small populations. Our results suggest that fragmentation affects natural selection and that the changes elicited in the adaptive genetic composition and differentiation of fragmented populations vary with population size. By generating more variable evolutionary responses, the alteration of selective pressures during habitat fragmentation may affect future population persistence independently of, and perhaps long before, the effects of demographic and genetic stochasticity are manifest.  相似文献   

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