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The CNBr fragments of the hinge region in the carboxyterminal portion of long subfragment-2 derived from adult chicken pectoralis muscle myosin were isolated and sequenced by conventional methods. The alignment of these fragments was deduced from the homology of their sequences with those of other myosins, so that the sequence of the hinge region consisting of 127 amino-acid residues was determined. A comparison of this sequence with that of chicken embryonic skeletal muscle, chicken gizzard muscle and rabbit cardiac muscle (alpha-myosin) shows degrees of 95%, 36% and 82% sequence identities, respectively. Furthermore, the frequency with which hydrophobic residues are present at position "a" in seven-residues repeats of this region was significantly lower than the other portions of the rod.  相似文献   

The alpha-helix containing the thiols, SH1 (Cys-707) and SH2 (Cys-697), has been proposed to be one of the structural elements responsible for the transduction of conformational changes in the myosin head (subfragment-1 (S1)). Previous studies, using a method that isolated and measured the rate of the SH1-SH2 cross-linking step, showed that this helix undergoes ligand-induced conformational changes. However, because of long incubation times required for the formation of the transition state complexes (S1.ADP.BeF(x), S1.ADP.AlF(4)-, and S1.ADP.V(i)), this method could not be used to determine the cross-linking rate constants for such states. In this study, kinetic data from the SH1-SH2 cross-linking reaction were analyzed by computational methods to extract rate constants for the two-step mechanism. For S1.ADP.BeF(x), the results obtained were similar to those for S1.ATPgammaS. For reactions involving S1.ADP.AlF(4)- and S1.ADP.V(i), the first step (SH1 modification) is rate limiting; consequently, only lower limits could be established for the rate constants of the cross-linking step. Nevertheless, these results show that the cross-linking rate constants in the transition state complexes are increased at least 20-fold for all the reagents, including the shortest one, compared with nucleotide-free S1. Thus, the SH1-SH2 helix appears to be destabilized in the post-hydrolysis state.  相似文献   

The temperature-dependence of local melting within the subfragment-2 region of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin has been investigated using an enzyme-probe technique. Rate constants of fragmentation of two long subfragment-2 particles (61,000 Mr and 53,000 Mr per polypeptide chain) and a short subfragment-2 particle (34,000 Mr per polypeptide chain) by three different enzymes (alpha-chymotrypsin, trypsin and papain) have been determined over the temperature range 5 to 40 degrees C. We followed the time-course of digestion at specific sites at high (I = 0.50, pH 7.3) and low (physiological, I = 0.15, pH 7.3) ionic strengths by electrophoresis of the digestion products on sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing gels. All rate constants were corrected for the intrinsic temperature-dependence of the enzymes by comparison with model substrates. Normalized rate constant versus temperature profiles for the three enzyme-probes are similar in showing that local melting in long subfragment-2 (61,000 Mr) occurs in two distinct stages as was observed earlier for the intact myosin rod. Over the temperature range 5 to 25 degrees C a restricted region at Mr = 53,000 to 50,000 from the N terminus of the rod (the light meromyosin/heavy meromyosin junction) shows the highest susceptibility to proteolytic cleavage. At temperatures above 25 degrees C local melting was detected by all three enzymes at several specific sites within the hinge domain (Mr = 53,000 to 34,000). Activation energies for cleavage at the susceptible sites were similar for the three enzyme probes. They suggest that this region of the myosin rod has significantly lower thermal stability than the flanking light meromyosin and short subfragment-2 segments. These results, together with other physico-chemical studies, point to the hinge domain of the myosin cross-bridge as an important functional element in the mechanism of force generation in muscle.  相似文献   

The rates of the elementary steps of the actomyosin ATPase reaction were measured using the myosin subfragment-1 of porcine left ventricular muscle. The results could be explained only by the two-route mechanism for actomyosin ATPase (Inoue, Shigekawa, & Tonomura (1973) J. Biochem. 74, 923-934), in which ATP is hydrolyzed via routes with or without accompanying dissociation of actomyosin. The dependence on the F-actin concentration of the rate of the acto-S-1 ATPase reaction in the steady state was measured in 5 mM KCl at 20 degrees C. The maximal rate, Vmax, and the dissociation constant for F-actin of the ATPase, Kd, were 3.0 s-1 and 2.2 mg/ml, respectively. The Kd value was almost the same as that determined from the extent of binding of S-1 with F-actin during the ATPase reaction. The rate of recombination of the S-1-phosphate-ADP complex, S-1ADPP, with F-actin, vr, was lower than that of the ATPase reaction in the steady state. Thus, ATP is mainly hydrolyzed without accompanying dissociation of acto-S-1 into S-1ADPP and F-actin. In the cardiac acto-S-1 ATPase reaction, the rate of the ATPase reaction in the steady state and that of recombination of S-1ADPP with F-actin were about 1/5 those of the skeletal acto-S-1 ATPase reaction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have used alpha-chymotrypsin as an enzyme-probe to detect local melting in the subfragment-2 region of the cross-bridges of rigor myofibrils and glycerinated psoas fibers. The kinetics of proteolysis and the sites of cleavage were determined at various temperatures over the range 5 to 40 degrees C by following the decay of the myosin heavy chain and the rates of appearance of light meromyosin fragments, using electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing polyacrylamide gels. Cleavage occurs primarily at the 72,000 Mr and 64,000 Mr (per polypeptide chain from the C terminus of myosin) sites within the light meromyosin-heavy meromyosin hinge domain of the subfragment-2 region, under all experimental conditions. At pH 8.2 to 8.3 and at low divalent metal ion (0.1 mM), where the actin-bound cross-bridges are thought to be released from the thick filament surface, the intrinsic cleavage rate constant (k) increases markedly as the temperature is raised. This suggests substantial thermal destabilization of the released cross-bridge in the intact contractile apparatus. Addition of divalent metal ion (10 mM) lowers the cleavage rate and shifts the k versus temperature profile to higher temperatures. Normalized rate constants for chymotryptic cleavage within the subfragment-2 hinge region of released cross-bridges (pH 8.2, low divalent metal) of rigor fibers were markedly lower than activated fibers at all temperatures investigated (5 to 40 degrees C). Results show that conformational melting within the subfragment-2 hinge region is amplified on activation and is well above that observed when the actin-attached rigor bridge is passively released from the thick filament surface.  相似文献   

Ca2+ binding to pig cardiac myosin, subfragment-1 (S-1), and g2 light chain were investigated by the equilibrium dialysis method. Two different S-1s, one of which can bind Ca2+ and another which cannot, were prepared. In order to calculate the free Ca2+ concentrations adequately, the amounts of Ca2+ included in various chemicals and proteins were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Ca2+ contamination was greatest in KCl among the chemicals tested. In addition, the Ca2+ strongly bound to myosin and S-1 was released in the presence of Mg2+. When Mg2+ was not added, the Ca2+-binding constant of myosin was 4 x 10(5) M-1 and the maximum binding number was 1.8 mol per mol of myosin. Cooperativity between the 2 Ca2+ bindings could not be demonstrated. Mg2+ strongly inhibited the Ca2+ binding: at a free Ca2+ concentration of 1 x 10(-5) M, 1.3 mol Ca2+ was bound to myosin in the absence of Mg2+, but 0.6 and 0.2 mol were bound in the presence of 0.3 and 4.5 mM Mg2+, respectively. The Ca2+-binding constant of S-1, which contained a 15,000 dalton component, was 8.6 x 10(5) M-1, and the maximum binding number was 0.7 mol per mol of S-1. The 15,000 dalton component could be exchanged with extraneous g2. S-1 which lacked the 15,000 component could not bind Ca2+ at free Ca2+ concentrations less than 0.1 mM. The Ca2+ binding to free g2 light chain was about 100 times weaker than the binding to myosin, as indicated previously for skeletal myosin (Okamoto, Y. & Yagi, K. (1976) J. Biochem. 80, 111--120). The Ca2+-binding constant was obtained as 4.1 x 10(3) M-1 in the absence of added Mg2+. Phosphorylation of g2 light chain did not affect the Ca2+ binding to the free g2 light chain or to myosin. Ca2+ binding to cardiac native tropomyosin was also measured.  相似文献   

Antibody was prepared against the 25,000-dalton tryptic fragment of subfragment-1 from skeletal muscle myosin. The antibody was found to inhibit the Mg2+-ATPase activity and the initial P1-burst of the ATPase. The antibody suppressed the ATP-induced fluorescence enhancement of S-1, though it did not suppress the binding of ATP to S-1. The acto-S-1 ATPase activity was also inhibited by the antibody. These results suggest that there is a site in the 25K fragment region responsible for the transition of the myosin-ATP complex to another high energy complex.  相似文献   

To understand the nature of the ATP-induced structural change in myosin subfragment-1, rabbit and chicken skeletal subfragments-1s were cleaved by various proteolytic enzymes in the absence, and in the presence, of ATP and the exact locations of the cleavage sites that were affected by ATP were determined from the amino end analysis of fragments by the use of a protein sequencer. It was found that subtilisin cleaved a site between Gln27 and Asn28 of rabbit subfragment-1 and between Gln28 and Asn29 of chicken subfragment-1 only in the presence of ATP. Thermolysin cleaved a site between Pro31 and Phe32 of chicken subfragment-1 in the presence of ATP, but the same site of rabbit subfragment-1 was not cleaved. The location of these sites is quite similar to the ATP-induced chymotryptic cleavage site of chicken gizzard heavy meromyosin, between Trp29 and Ser30 as reported by others. It is suggested, therefore, that the structure and the ATP-induced structural change in the regions are similar in these subfragment-1s. ATP also changes the cleavage rate of the 26K-50K junction by many proteases. Exact cleavage sites were determined and the relationship between their location and the suppression or the enhancement by ATP of the cleavage was studied. It was found that the cleavage sites were restricted to a quite narrow region and only the cleavage by thermolysin that attacked the middle of the region was enhanced by ATP. The distribution of the cleavage sites and the effect of ATP suggest that ATP induces drastic structural change at the middle of the 26K-50K junction region. The region attacked easily by many proteases coincided very well with a hydrophilic region indicated by the hydropathy index. The region probably protrudes outside and is, therefore, easily attacked by many proteases.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle contraction is controlled in part by the state of phosphorylation of myosin. A recently discovered actin and calmodulin-binding protein, named caldesmon, may also be involved in regulation of smooth muscle contraction. Caldesmon cross-links actin filaments and also inhibits actin-activated ATP hydrolysis by myosin, particularly in the presence of tropomyosin. We have studied the effect of caldesmon on the rate of hydrolysis of ATP by skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1, a system in which phosphorylation of the myosin is not important in regulation. Caldesmon is a very effective inhibitor of ATP hydrolysis giving up to 95% inhibition. At low ionic strength (approximately 20 mM) this effect does not require smooth muscle tropomyosin, whereas at high ionic strength (approximately 120 mM) tropomyosin enhances the inhibitory activity of caldesmon at low caldesmon concentrations. Cross-linking of actin is not essential for inhibition of ATP hydrolysis to occur since at high ionic strength there is very little cross-linking as determined by a low speed sedimentation assay. Under all conditions examined, the decrease in the rate of ATP hydrolysis is accompanied by a decrease in the binding of myosin subfragment-1 to actin. Furthermore, caldesmon weakens the equilibrium binding of myosin subfragment-1 to actin in the presence of pyrophosphate. We conclude that caldesmon has a general weakening effect on the binding of skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1 to actin and that this weakening in binding may be responsible for inhibition of ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Local melting within the subfragment-2 region of activated rabbit skeletal glycerinated muscle fibers has been investigated over the temperature range 5 to 37 degrees C, using an enzyme (chymotrypsin)-probe method. The cleavage rates were determined from the time-course of formation of digestion products by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing polyacrylamide gels. We found the cleavage sites to be localized in a restricted region Mr = 64,000 to 90,000/polypeptide chain, measured from the C terminus of the myosin rod (the subfragment-2 hinge domain). The cleavage rate constant for activated muscle fibers in the presence of an ATP-regenerating system was about 100 times larger at each temperature than that for rigor or for relaxed muscle fibers and showed a marked increase in magnitude with increasing temperature. Comparative plots of the apparent rate-constant for cleavage within the subfragment-2 hinge domain and the isometric force generated by active fibers versus MgATP concentration gave closely similar profiles suggesting a strong positive correlation. Thus, there appears to be a close coupling between the conformational transition within the subfragment-2 hinge domain and contractile force when the cross-bridges undergo cycling.  相似文献   

A new protein component was found in heavy meromyosin and in subfragment-1 (S-1) prepared by chymotrypsin digestion of pig cardiac myosin in the presence of Ca2+. The molecular weight of this protein was estimated as 15,000 dalton. It was able to bind Ca2+ and showed a similar UV absorption spectrum to that of the g2 light chain. Heavy meromyosin and subfragment-1 which contained the 15,000 dalton component incorporated exogenous g2 and the 15,000 dalton component disappeared after such treatment. We concluded that the 15,000 dalton component was produced from g2 by limitted proteolysis. The subfragment-1 was separated into two protein fractions in equal yield by recycling the gel filtration. One contained the 15,000 dalton component and was able to bind Ca2+ while the other did not contain the component and was unable to bind Ca2+. According to analysis by SDS gel electrophoresis, the large polypeptide chain (the f component) of the first S-1 was approximately 5,000 dalton larger than the f component of the second S-1. The polypeptide corresponding to 5,000 dalton was designated polypeptide-C, because it was released from the C terminal of the f component. It seems to be essential for the attachment of the Ca2+-binding light chain g2. The location of g2 in myosin may thus be at the polypeptide-C which links the head to the tail of myosin.  相似文献   

The resonance energy transfer between fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) attached to Lys-61 and Co2+ bound to the high-affinity metal binding site was measured. The distance between FITC and Co2+ on the actin molecule was calculated to be either 1.9 nm, using the absorption spectrum of Co-EDTA or 2.8 nm, using the absorption spectrum of Co2+ bound to carboxypeptidase as a model spectrum of Co2+ bound to actin, respectively. The effects of the polymerization of actin and of the interaction of actin with myosin subfragment-1 (S1) on the solvent accessibility of the fluorescein molecule attached to Lys-61 or Cys-374 were measured. The accessibility of the probe at Lys-61 was reduced following polymerization and also appreciably reduced by interaction with S1. The accessibility of the probe attached to Cys-374 was affected to only a small degree. These results indicate that the Lys-61 residue is located close to an actin-actin contact region as well as being close to an S1 binding site, although it is not directly involved [Miki, M. (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 164, 228-235]. The accessibility of the probe at Lys-61 was also decreased by the addition of the tropomyosintroponin complex, although the accessibility of the probe at Cys-374 was not affected at all. Thus, Lys-61 appears to be involved in the binding site of the regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

The heavy chain of myosin subfragment-1 prepared by chymotrypsin treatment had a molecular weight of about 96 K. It was split into 26 K, 50K, and 21 K fragments on trypsin treatment. The effect of actin binding on the susceptibilities of the junctions between 26 K and 50 K and between 50 K and 21 K, and on that of alkali light chain 1 to trypsin was studied. The addition of actin increased the viscosity of the solution, and the apparent activity of trypsin decreased. We estimated this decrease as 35% by measuring the degradation of gamma-globin heavy chain, which is known not to interact with actin and subfragment-1 but is known to be susceptible to trypsin, in actin-subfragment-1 solution. Taking this value into consideration, we concluded that the 26 K-50 K junction became 5 times more and the 50 K-21 K junction became 3 times less susceptible to tryptic attack upon the binding of actin. We also observed that alkali light chain 1 became resistant to trypsin upon the binding of actin to subfragment-1. The relation between this conformational change in subfragment-1 and the cyclic interaction of subfragment-1 with actin and ATP is discussed.  相似文献   

The amino-acid sequence of a short subfragment-2 in the amino-terminal portion of subfragment-2 (S-2) derived from adult chicken skeletal muscle myosin was completely determined. Peptides cleaved by cyanogen bromide and by lysyl endopeptidase of S-carboxymethylated S-2, and hydrolytic peptides obtained with trypsin or dilute acetic acid of larger CNBr fragments were isolated and sequenced. This region was composed of 257 amino-acid residues, and hydrophobic and charged residue repeat units were found highly conserved and with a periodicity in 7 or 28 residues. This sequence of the short S-2 fragment of chicken skeletal muscle myosin was compared with the sequence of chicken and rat embryonic skeletal muscle myosins, rabbit skeletal and rabbit cardiac muscle myosin (alpha-myosin heavy chain), and 95.3%, 86.8%, 89.9% and 94.2% sequence identities were observed, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Irradiation of the principal photosystem II light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein antenna complex, LHC II, with high light intensities brings about a pronounced quenching of the chlorophyll fluorescence. Illumination of isolated thylakoids with high light intensities generates the formation of quenching centres within LHC II in vivo, as demonstrated by fluorescence excitation spectroscopy. In the isolated complex it is demonstrated that the light-induced fluorescence quenching: a) shows a partial, biphasic reversibility in the dark; b) is approximately proportional to the light intensity; c) is almost independent of temperature in the range 0–30°C; d) is substantially insensitive to protein modifying reagents and treatments; e) occurs in the absence of oxygen. A possible physiological importance of the phenomenon is discussed in terms of a mechanism capable of dissipating excess excitation energy within the photosystem II antenna.Abbreviations chla chlorophyll a - chlb chlorophyll b - F0 fluorescence yield with reaction centers open - Fm fluorescence yield with reaction centres closed - Fi fluorescence at the plateau level of the fast induction phase - LHC II light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex II - PS II photosystem II - PSI photosystem I - Tricine N-[2-hydroxy-1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)ethyl]glycine  相似文献   

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