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The nonallosteric regulation mechanism of enzyme reaction velocity assumes that the substrate and enzyme interact via a metal cation and form simple and mixed, mono- and multi-nuclear complexes. A solution of equations for individual cases gives a function of initial reaction velocity at any given substrate or modifier concentration. This function can describe kinetic effects that are considered allosteric, as well as phenomena omitted by commonly-accepted models.  相似文献   

The p85α protein is best known as the regulatory subunit of class 1A PI3Ks (phosphoinositide 3-kinases) through its interaction, stabilization and repression of p110-PI3K catalytic subunits. PI3Ks play multiple roles in the regulation of cell survival, signalling, proliferation, migration and vesicle trafficking. The present review will focus on p85α, with special emphasis on its important roles in the regulation of PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10) and Rab5 functions. The phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphatase PTEN directly counteracts PI3K signalling through dephosphorylation of PI3K lipid products. Thus the balance of p85α-p110 and p85α-PTEN complexes determines the signalling output of the PI3K/PTEN pathway, and under conditions of reduced p85α levels, the p85α-PTEN complex is selectively reduced, promoting PI3K signalling. Rab5 GTPases are important during the endocytosis, intracellular trafficking and degradation of activated receptor complexes. The p85α protein helps switch off Rab5, and if defective in this p85α function, results in sustained activated receptor tyrosine kinase signalling and cell transformation through disrupted receptor trafficking. The central role for p85α in the regulation of PTEN and Rab5 has widened the scope of p85α functions to include integration of PI3K activation (p110-mediated), deactivation (PTEN-mediated) and receptor trafficking/signalling (Rab5-mediated) functions, all with key roles in maintaining cellular homoeostasis.  相似文献   

For decades, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns4P) was considered primarily as a precursor in the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol(4,5)bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). More recently, specific functions for PtdIns4P itself have been identified, particularly in the regulation of intracellular membrane trafficking. PI4K2A/PI4KIIα (phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 α), one of the 4 enzymes that catalyze PtdIns4P production in mammalian cells, promotes vesicle formation from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and endosomes. We recently identified a novel function for PI4K2A-derived PtdIns4P, as a facilitator of autophagosome-lysosome (A-L) fusion. We further showed that that this function requires the presence of the autophagic adaptor protein GABARAP (GABA[A] receptor-associated protein), which binds to PI4K2A and recruits it to autophagosomes. The mechanism whereby GABARAP-PI4K2A-PtdIns4P promotes A-L fusion remains to be defined. Based on other examples of phosphoinositide involvement in membrane trafficking, we speculate that it acts by recruiting elements of the membrane docking and fusion machinery.  相似文献   

We have used time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) to characterize the interaction between phospholamban (PLB) and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca-ATPase (SERCA) under conditions that relieve SERCA inhibition. Unphosphorylated PLB inhibits SERCA in cardiac SR, but inhibition is relieved by either micromolar Ca2+ or PLB phosphorylation. In both cases, it has been proposed that inhibition is relieved by dissociation of the complex. To test this hypothesis, we attached fluorophores to the cytoplasmic domains of SERCA and PLB, and reconstituted them functionally in lipid bilayers. TR-FRET, which permitted simultaneous measurement of SERCA–PLB binding and structure, was measured as a function of PLB phosphorylation and [Ca2+]. In all cases, two structural states of the SERCA–PLB complex were resolved, probably corresponding to the previously described T and R structural states of the PLB cytoplasmic domain. Phosphorylation of PLB at S16 completely relieved inhibition, partially dissociated the SERCA–PLB complex, and shifted the T/R equilibrium within the bound complex toward the R state. Since the PLB concentration in cardiac SR is at least 10 times that in our FRET measurements, we calculate that most of SERCA contains bound phosphorylated PLB in cardiac SR, even after complete phosphorylation. 4 μM Ca2+ completely relieved inhibition but did not induce a detectable change in SERCA–PLB binding or cytoplasmic domain structure, suggesting a mechanism involving structural changes in SERCA’s transmembrane domain. We conclude that Ca2+ and PLB phosphorylation relieve SERCA–PLB inhibition by distinct mechanisms, but both are achieved primarily by structural changes within the SERCA–PLB complex, not by dissociation of that complex.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinases (PI3Ks) are lipid kinases that phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate to generate a key lipid second messenger, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-bisphosphate. PI3Kα and PI3Kγ require activation by RAS proteins to stimulate signaling pathways that control cellular growth, differentiation, motility and survival. Intriguingly, RAS binding to PI3K isoforms likely differ, as RAS mutations have been identified that discriminate between PI3Kα and PI3Kγ, consistent with low sequence homology (23%) between their RAS binding domains (RBDs). As disruption of the RAS/PI3Kα interaction reduces tumor growth in mice with RAS- and epidermal growth factor receptor driven skin and lung cancers, compounds that interfere with this key interaction may prove useful as anti-cancer agents. However, a structure of PI3Kα bound to RAS is lacking, limiting drug discovery efforts. Expression of full-length PI3K isoforms in insect cells has resulted in low yield and variable activity, limiting biophysical and structural studies of RAS/PI3K interactions. This led us to generate the first RBDs from PI3Kα and PI3Kγ that can be expressed at high yield in bacteria and bind to RAS with similar affinity to full-length PI3K. We also solved a 2.31 Å X-ray crystal structure of the PI3Kα-RBD, which aligns well to full-length PI3Kα. Structural differences between the PI3Kα and PI3Kγ RBDs are consistent with differences in thermal stability and may underly differential RAS recognition and RAS-mediated PI3K activation. These high expression, functional PI3K RBDs will aid in interrogating RAS interactions and could aid in identifying inhibitors of this key interaction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review was to provide an understanding of the role of PGC-1α in the regulation of skeletal muscle metabolism and to describe the results of studies on the association of the polymorphism gene PPARGC1A with human muscle performance.  相似文献   

BackgroundImpairment of mitochondrial biogenesis is associated with the pathological progression of Parkinson's disease (PD). Parkin-interacting substrate (PARIS) can be ubiquitinated by parkin and prevents the repression of proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1-alpha (PGC-1α).PurposeThis study investigated whether the neuroprotective mechanism of carnosic acid (CA) from rosemary is mediated via the regulation of PARIS and PGC-1α by parkin.MethodsThe Western blotting and RT-PCR were used to determine protein and mRNA, respectively. To investigate the protein-protein interaction of between PARIS and ubiquitin, the immunoprecipitation assay (IP assay) was utilized. Silencing of endogenous parkin or PGC-1α was performed by using transient transfection of small interfering RNA (siRNA).ResultsSH-SY5Y cells treated with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) increased PARIS protein, decreased PGC-1α protein, and reduced protein and mRNA of mitochondrial biogenesis-related genes. CA pretreatment reversed the effects of 6-OHDA. By IP assay, the interaction of PARIS with ubiquitin protein caused by CA was stronger than that caused by 6-OHDA. Moreover, knockdown of parkin attenuated the ability of CA to reverse the 6-OHDA-induced increase in PARIS and decrease in PGC-1α expression. PGC-1α siRNA was used to investigate how CA influenced the effect of 6-OHDA on the modulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and apoptosis. In the presence of PGC-1α siRNA, CA could no longer significantly reverse the reduction of mitochondrial biogenesis or the induction of cleavage of apoptotic-related proteins by 6-OHDA.ConclusionThe cytoprotective of CA is related to the enhancement of mitochondrial biogenesis by inhibiting PARIS and inducing PGC-1α by parkin. The activation of PGC-1α-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis by CA prevents the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, CA may have therapeutic application in PD.  相似文献   

Our previous studies indicate that phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIα can promote the growth of multi-malignant tumors viaHER-2/PI3K andMAPK pathways.However, the molecular mechanisms of this pathway and its potential for clinical application remain unknown. In this study, we found that PI4KIIα could be an ideal combinatorial target for EGFR treatment via regulating EGFR degradation. Results showed that PI4KIIα knockdown reduced EGFR protein level, and the expression ofPI4KIIα shows a strong correlation with EGFR in human breast cancer tissues (r = 0.77, P<0.01). PI4KIIα knockdown greatly prolonged the effects and decreased the effective dosage ofAG-1478, a specific inhibitor of EGFR. In addition, it significantly enhanced AG1478-induced inhibition of tumor cell survival and strengthened the effect of the EGFR-targeting anti-cancer drug Iressa in xenograft tumor models. Mechanistically, we found that PI4KIIα suppression increased EGFR ligand-independent degradation. Quantitative proteomic analysis by stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) and LC-MS/MS suggested that HSP90mediated the effect of PI4KIIα onEGFR. Furthermore, we found that combined inhibition of PI4KIIα and EGFR suppressed both PI3K/AKT and MAPK/ERK pathways, and resulted in downregulation of multiple oncogenes like PRDX2, FASN, MTA2, ultimately leading to suppression of tumor growth. Therefore,we conclude that combined inhibition of PI4KIIα and EGFR exerts a multiple anti-tumor effect. Dual inhibition of EGFR at protein and activity level via combinatorial blocking of PI4KIIα presents anovel strategy tocombatEGFR-dependent tumors.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The effect of prepuberal gonadectomy of Sprague-Dawley/NIH/HAN rats on cytoplasmic 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was examined on day 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 of life.
  • 2.2. The activity in male rats was not significantly affected by gonadectomy, whereas the activity in females showed an age-dependent oestrogen dependency.
  • 3.3. This age-dependent oestrogen dependency could also be demonstrated in 5α-dihydrotestosterone treated intact females.
  • 4.4. Cytoplasmic 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity of female Chbb:THOM rats also showed an age-dependent oestrogen dependency, whereas the enzyme activity of male rats of this strain showed a distinct androgen dependency absent in Sprague-Dawley/NIH/HAN rats.
  • 5.5. On the basis of previous investigations it is concluded that the androgen dependency of the enzyme activity of male Chbb:THOM rats has been bred into this strain in the period 1974–1977.

IL-27 is a pleiotropic cytokine with both activating and inhibitory functions on innate and acquired immunity. IL-27 is expressed at sites of inflammation in cytokine-driven autoimmune/inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and sarcoidosis. However, its role in modulating disease pathogenesis is still unknown. In this study, we found that IL-27 production is induced by TNF-α in human macrophages (MΦ) and investigated the effects of IL-27 on the responses of primary human MΦ to the endogenous inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1. In striking contrast to IL-27-mediated augmentation of TLR-induced cytokine production, we found that IL-27 suppressed MΦ responses to TNF-α and IL-1β, thus identifying an anti-inflammatory function of IL-27. IL-27 blocked the proximal steps of TNF-α signaling by downregulating cell-surface expression of the signaling receptors p55 and p75. The mechanism of inhibition of IL-1 signaling was downregulation of the ligand-binding IL-1RI concomitant with increased expression of the receptor antagonist IL-1Ra and the decoy receptor IL-1RII. These findings provide a mechanism for suppressive effects of IL-27 on innate immune cells and suggest that IL-27 regulates inflammation by limiting activation of MΦ by inflammatory cytokines while preserving initial steps in host defense by augmenting responses to microbial products.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway is important for tissue proliferation. Previously, we found that tissue regeneration after partial pancreatic resection was markedly attenuated in aged mice as compared to young mice and that this attenuation was because of an age-dependent reduction of PI3K/Akt signaling in the pancreatic acini; however, the mechanisms for the age-associated decline of pancreatic PI3K/Akt signaling remained unknown. To better delineate the mechanisms for the decreased PI3K/Akt activation with aging, age-associated changes in cell proliferation and PI3K/Akt signaling were investigated in the present study using in vitro primary pancreatic acinar cell cultures derived from young and aged mice. In response to treatment with insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), acinar cells from young but not aged mice showed increased activation of PI3K/Akt signaling and cell proliferation, indicating that intrinsic cellular mechanisms cause the age-associated changes in pancreatic acinar cells. We also found that the expression of PI3K p85α subunit, but not IGF-1 receptor or other PI3K subunits, was significantly reduced in pancreatic acinar cells from aged mice; this age-associated reduction of p85α was confirmed in both mouse and human pancreatic tissues. Finally, small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown of p85α expression in acinar cells from young mice resulted in markedly attenuated activation of PI3K/Akt downstream signaling in response to IGF-1. From these results, we conclude that exocrine pancreatic expression of PI3K p85α subunit is attenuated by aging, which is likely responsible for the age-associated decrease in activation of pancreatic PI3K signaling and acinar cell proliferation in response to growth-promoting stimuli.  相似文献   

The PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) pathway is commonly activated in cancer as a consequence of inactivation of the tumour suppressor PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10), a major negative regulator of PI3K signalling. In line with this important role of PTEN, mice that are heterozygous for a PTEN-null allele (PTEN+/? mice) spontaneously develop a variety of tumours in multiple organs. PTEN is a phosphatase with selectivity for PtdIns(3,4,5)P3, which is produced by the class I isoforms of PI3K (p110α, p110β, p110γ and p110δ). Previous studies indicated that PTEN-deficient cancer cell lines mainly depend on p110β, and that p110β, but not p110α, controls mouse prostate cancer development driven by PTEN loss. In the present study, we investigated whether the ubiquitously expressed p110α can also functionally interact with PTEN in cancer. Using genetic mouse models that mimic systemic administration of p110α- or p110β-selective inhibitors, we confirm that inactivation of p110β, but not p110α, inhibits prostate cancer development in PTEN+/? mice, but also find that p110α inactivation protects from glomerulonephritis, pheochromocytoma and thyroid cancer induced by PTEN loss. This indicates that p110α can modulate the impact of PTEN loss in disease and tumourigenesis. In primary and immortalized mouse fibroblast cell lines, both p110α and p110β controlled steady-state PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 levels and Akt signalling induced by heterozygous PTEN loss. In contrast, no correlation was found in primary mouse tissues between PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 levels, PI3K/PTEN genotype and cancer development. Taken together, our results from the present study show that inactivation of either p110α or p110β can counteract the impact of PTEN inactivation. The potential implications of these findings for PI3K-targeted therapy of cancer are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of the mechanisms by which estrogens influence brain function and behavior have advanced from the explication of individual hormone receptors, neural circuitry and individual gene expression. Now, we can report patterns of estrogen receptor subtype contributions to patterns of behavior. Moreover, new work demonstrates important contributions of nuclear receptor coactivator expression in the central nervous system. In this paper, our current state of knowledge is reviewed.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a novel aminopyrazine series of PI3Kα inhibitors, designed by hybridizing two known scaffolds of PI3K inhibitors. We describe the progress achieved from the first compounds plagued with poor general kinase selectivity to compounds showing high selectivity for PI3Kα over PI3Kβ and excellent general kinase selectivity. This effort culminated with the identification of compound 5 displaying high potency and selectivity, and suitable physiochemical and pharmacokinetic properties for oral administration. In vivo, compound 5 showed good inhibition of tumour growth (86% tumour growth inhibition at 50 mg/kg twice daily orally) in the MCF7 xenograft model in mice.  相似文献   

The present article expands on the study of structure–activity relationships of the novel class of quinone-bearing polyamines, as multi-target-directed ligands against Alzheimer’s disease. Namely, the effect of inserting a methyl substituent at the α position of the terminal benzyl amine moieties of lead candidate 1 (memoquin) was evaluated at the multiple targets involved in the multifunctional mechanism of action. The RR stereoisomer 2 resulted more effective than 1 in reverting two important effects mediated by acetylcholinesterase (AChE), that is, acetylcholine hydrolysis and AChE-induced amyloid-β aggregation.  相似文献   

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