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Summary DNA fingerprints were generated from various human somatic tissues and from peripheral blood of 179 children and their 80 parents using (CAC)5/(GTG)5 oligonucleotide probes. Whereas somatic stability of the fingerprint patterns was demonstrated, the average rate for germline mutations was estimated to be approximately 0.001 per DNA locus and gamete, with the three different restriction enzymes used. Seven out of eight mutations observed appeared to be of paternal origin.  相似文献   

Fc receptors modulate inflammatory processes, including phagocytosis, serotonin and histamine release, superoxide production, and secretion of cytokines. Aggregation of FcγRIIa, the low-affinity receptor for monomeric IgG, activates nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases such as Lyn, Hck, and Syk, potentially driving the phosphorylation of the downstream adaptor proteins, including Cbl and/or Nck. Previous work from our laboratory using interferon-γ-differentiated U937 (U937IF) myeloid cells investigated mechanisms which regulate Fcγ receptor-induced assembly of adaptor complexes. Herein we report that FcγRII receptor signaling in U937IF and HEL cells involves Cbl and Nck, suggesting that Cbl–Nck interactions may link FcγRII to downstream activation of Pak kinase. FcγRII crosslinking induced the phosphorylation of Cbl and Nck on tyrosine. The αCbl immunoprecipitations revealed constitutive binding of Nck and Grb2 to Cbl and FcγRII-inducible binding of CrkL to Cbl. The interactions of Cbl with Nck and CrkL were phosphorylation dependent since dephosphorylation of cellular proteins with potato acid phosphatase abrogated binding. GST–Nck fusion protein pulldown experiments show that Cbl and Pak1 bind to the second SH3 domain of Nck. A specific Src inhibitor, PP1, was shown to completely abrogate the FcγR-induced superoxide response, correlating with a decrease in Cbl and Nck tyrosine phosphorylation. Our results provide the first evidence that Src is required for FcγR activation of the respiratory burst in myeloid cells and suggest that Cbl–Nck, Cbl–Pak1, and Nck–Pak1 interactions may regulate this response.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction of bispecific mouse mAb with human IgG Fc receptors, and assessed their ability to activate the monocytic cell line U937. Binding of monomeric hybrid anti-HuIgA1/HRP mAb to the high-affinity IgG receptor, Fc gamma RI, on U937 cells was only observed when mAb with one or more mIgG2a H chains (hybrid mIgG1-2a, mIgG2a-2b, and mIgG2a-2a) were used. These Fc gamma RI-bound hybrid mAb were capable of enhancing the internal free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in U937 cells only when bound mIgG were cross-linked using F(ab')2 fragments of goat anti-mIg antibody. A hybrid mIgG1-2a mAb were cross-linked using goat anti-mIgG1 antibody, showing that the hybrid mAb themselves mediate the induction of Ca2+ increase. Remarkably, anti-Fc gamma RII mAb IV.3 was able to inhibit the Ca2+ increase induced via mIgG2a-1 or mIgG1-2a hybrid mAb completely, despite the fact that we could not detect any effect of IV.3 on binding of monomeric hybrid mIgG1-2a or mIgG2a-1 mAb to U937. The hybrid mAb were also able to induce lysis of HuIgA1-coated E using U937 effector cells. This lysis was completely inhibited by preincubation of U937 cells with mIgG2a mAb TB-3, which blocks Fc gamma RI via its Fc-part ("Kurlander phenomenon"). In contrast, Fc gamma RII-blocking mAb IV.3 and CIKM5 caused a significant enhancement of the antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) activity mediated by hybrid mIgG1-2a and mIgG2a-2b mAb. This enhancement did not occur when the parental anti-HuIgA1/2a or the hybrid anti-HuIgA1/HRP/2a-2a mAb were evaluated for ADCC activity. These findings suggest that hybrid mAb not only can bind to Fc gamma RI, but can mediate functional activation of myeloid cells. Given the effect of mAb IV.3 on [Ca2+]i changes and ADCC triggered through IgG1-2a mAb, we suggest that Fc gamma RII may have a role in the regulation of Fc gamma RI-triggered functions or signaling.  相似文献   

The main strategy used by pro-and eukaryotic cells for replication of damaged DNA is translesion synthesis (TLS). Here, we investigate the TLS process catalyzed by DNA polymerases β and λ on DNA substrates using mono-or dinucleotide gaps opposite damage located in the template strand. An analog of a natural apurinic/apyrimidinic site, the 3-hydroxy-2-hydroxymetylthetrahydrofuran residue (THF), was used as damage. DNA was synthesized in the presence of either Mg2+ or Mn2+. DNA polymerases β and λ were able to catalyze DNA synthesis across THF only in the presence of Mn2+. Moreover, strand displacement synthesis was not observed. The primer was elongated by only one nucleotide. Another unusual aspect of the synthesis is that dTTP could not serve as a substrate in all cases. dATP was a preferential substrate for synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase β. As for DNA polymerase λ, dGMP was the only incorporated nucleotide out of four investigated. Modified on heterocyclic base photoreactive analogs of dCTP and dUTP showed substrate specificity for DNA polymerase β. In contrast, the dCTP analog modified on the exocyclic amino group was a substrate for DNA polymerase λ. We also observed that human replication protein A inhibited polymerase incorporation by both DNA polymerases β and λ on DNA templates containing damage.  相似文献   

Summary The stages of spermatogenesis can be identified in freshly isolated, unstained adult mouse seminiferous tubules using a transillumination method. Late acrosome- and maturation phase spermatids, arranged in bundles at stages XII–VI give rise to a spotty transillumination pattern. Before spermiation, these cells form a continuous layer on the top of the seminiferous epithelium, recognized by a strong homogeneous central light absorption in the freshly isolated seminiferous tubules at stages VII and VIII. Other stages have a pale light absorption pattern. The accurate determination of the developmental stages of the germ cells was based on the morphology of the developing acrosomic system and of the nuclei of the spermatids, as revealed by phase contrast microscopy. Using this procedure, the activity levels of DNA polymerases and have been studied by autoradiography of squash preparations. Using endogenous templates, assay conditions that differentiate between the solubilized DNA polymerases and in vitro, were used to distinguish between these activities in situ in different stages of mouse spermatogenesis. Except in very late spermatids shortly before spermiation, DNA polymerases and were detectable in all cell types examined. Coinciding with the nuclear protein transitions, elongating spermatids at steps 10–12 and maturation phase spermatids at steps 13–14 showed high DNA polymerase activities. As no replication occurs in these cells, the observations support the view that both DNA polymerases and could be involved in repair DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

A new mutant -1-antichymotrypsin (variant ACT) was found by polymerase chain reaction single strand conformation polymorphism and direct sequencing. In this variant ACT, two bases (AA) were deleted from codon 391. This resulted in a different amino acid sequence downstream of the deletion point, elongating the peptide chain by 10 amino acids.  相似文献   

The pmel-1 T cell receptor transgenic mouse has been extensively employed as an ideal model system to study the mechanisms of tumor immunology, CD8+ T cell differentiation, autoimmunity and adoptive immunotherapy. The ‘zygosity’ of the transgene affects the transgene expression levels and may compromise optimal breeding scheme design. However, the integration sites for the pmel-1 mouse have remained uncharacterized. This is also true for many other commonly used transgenic mice created before the modern era of rapid and inexpensive next-generation sequencing. Here, we show that whole genome sequencing can be used to determine the exact pmel-1 genomic integration site, even with relatively ‘shallow’ (8X) coverage. The results were used to develop a validated polymerase chain reaction-based genotyping assay. For the first time, we provide a quick and convenient polymerase chain reaction method to determine the dosage of pmel-1 transgene for this freely and publically available mouse resource. We also demonstrate that next-generation sequencing provides a feasible approach for mapping foreign DNA integration sites, even when information of the original vector sequences is only partially known.  相似文献   

Summary Using restriction endonuclease analysis, oligonucleotide hybridization, and direct sequencing of amplified genomic DNA, we characterized 11 different mutations in the DNA of 26 patients from Turkey homozygous for -thalassemia. We found that mutations IVS-1 nt110, IVS-1 nt6, and the frameshift at codon 8 were the most frequent. By direct sequencing we characterized two very rare mutations not previously reported in the Turkish population: a frameshift +1 at codons 9/10 and a nonsense mutation at codon 15.  相似文献   

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is gaining attention as a public health problem. We present two cases of CL imported from Syria and Venezuela in Japan. We diagnosed them as CL non-invasively by the direct boil loop-mediated isothermal amplification method and an innovative sequencing method using the MinION? sequencer. This report demonstrates that our procedure could be useful for the diagnosis of CL in both clinical and epidemiological settings.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils, rigid and filamentous aggregates associated with various diseases, are often difficult to depolymerize into monomers. Ultrasonication is a strong agitation that accelerates nucleation above the critical concentration of amyloid fibrillation. We examined the effects of ultrasonication on the fibrils of amyloid β(1–40) as well as on monomers. Ultrasonic pulses accelerated spontaneous fibrillation when the peptide concentration was above 1 μM. On the other hand, ultrasonic pulses accelerated the depolymerization of fibrils into monomers at 1 μM. These results indicate that, although amyloid fibrillation is a reversible process determined by thermodynamic stability, kinetically trapped supersaturation and physical difficulty of dissolving rigid fibrils prevent the smooth phase transitions. We propose that, in addition to accelerating the nucleation of fibrillation and fragmentation of fibrils above the critical concentration, ultrasonication is useful for dissolving fibrils below the critical concentration.  相似文献   

Despite the central importance of the TCA cycle in plant metabolism not all of the genes encoding its constituent enzymes have been functionally identified. In yeast, the heterodimeric protein succinyl CoA ligase is encoded for by two single-copy genes. Here we report the isolation of two tomato cDNAs coding for α- and one coding for the β-subunit of succinyl CoA ligase. These three cDNAs were used to complement the respective Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants deficient in the α- and β-subunit, demonstrating that they encode functionally active polypeptides. The genes encoding for the subunits were expressed in all tissues, but most strongly in floral and leaf tissues, with equivalent expression of the two α-subunit genes being expressed to equivalent levels in all tissues. In all instances GFP fusion expression studies confirmed an expected mitochondrial location of the proteins encoded. Following the development of a novel assay to measure succinyl CoA ligase activity, in the direction of succinate formation, the evaluation of the maximal catalytic activities of the enzyme in a range of tissues revealed that these paralleled those of mRNA levels. We also utilized this assay to perform a preliminary characterisation of the regulatory properties of the enzyme suggesting allosteric control of this enzyme which may regulate flux through the TCA cycle in a manner consistent with its position therein.  相似文献   

The effects of cyclohexanecarboxaldehyde, benzaldehyde and protocatechualdehyde on the activities of DNA polymerases α, β and E. coli DNA polymerase I were investigated. On direct addition of the aldehydes to the DNA polymerase assay mixture containing activated DNA or poly(dA) (dT)12–18 as a template, DNA polymerase α was most strongly inhibited by the aldehyde compounds, while DNA polymerases β and I were resistant to such aldehyde inhibition. On preincubation of the enzymes with aldehyde, both DNA polymerases α and β were inactivated; however, DNA polymerase β was protected from the inactivation when activated DNA was added to the preincubation mixture. The inhibition of DNA polymerase α by aldehyde was noncompetitive with regard to the substrate dNTP and competitive with regard to the template DNA. The extent of inhibition of DNA polymerase α by aldehyde was partly reduced by the addition of cysteine to the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

Summary The beta subunit of the human fibronectin receptor (FNRB) is a transmembrane protein belonging to the VLA (very late antigens of activation) family. Using pGEM-32, a 2.5-kb partial cDNA clone corresponding to the 3 portion of the human FNRB locus, multiple restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were revealed on DNAs from unrelated Caucasians. RFLPs detected by five enzymes, BanII, HinfI, KpnI, BglII, and SacI, are of the simple two-allele form, and pairwise linkage analyses of these RFLPs with numerous known DNA markers from the chromosome-10 pericentromeric region not only confirmed the chromosome-10 assignment of the functional FNRB gene but also supported its localization at p11.2 suggested by in situ hybridization. An infrequent MspI RFLP was detected by pB/R2, a 4.6-kb genomic clone from the FNRB locus. Another type of DNA polymorphism was also revealed by the cDNA clone and it was visualized on the Southern blot analyses as the presence or absence of an extra band (or a set of extra bands). It seems to stem from a stretch of DNA sequence present in some individuals at one single locus but absent in others, and is of non-chromosome-10 origin based on linkage analyses with known chromosome 10 markers. This presence/absence type of polymorphism could be revealed by all of the 25 restriction enzymes tested and is similar in nature to that previously reported with one of the human dihydrofolate reductase pseudogenes, DHFRP1. Dissection of the pGEM-32 clone demonstrated that the region revealing the non-chromosome-10 sequences is within a fragment about 1.7 kb in length extending from about 600 nucleotides preceding the stop codon down to the end of the cloned FNRB 3 untranslated region. Due to its high polymorphism information content (PIC) value (0.71 for haplotypes of BanII, HinfI, and KpnI RFLPs) and proximity to the centromere, FNRB will prove to be a highly useful marker for genetic linkage studies of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A) as well as for chromosome-10 linkage studies in general.  相似文献   



Health status, dyspnea and psychological status are important clinical outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) measured by spirometry, the standard measurement of airflow limitation, has only a weak relationship with these outcomes in COPD. Recently, in addition to spirometry, impulse oscillometry (IOS) measuring lung resistance (R) and reactance (X) is increasingly being used to assess pulmonary functional impairment.


We aimed to identify relationships between IOS measurements and patient-reported outcomes in 65 outpatients with stable COPD. We performed pulmonary function testing, IOS, high-resolution computed tomography (CT), and assessment of health status using the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), dyspnea using the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale and psychological status using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). We then investigated the relationships between these parameters. For the IOS measurements, we used lung resistance at 5 and 20 Hz (R5 and R20, respectively) and reactance at 5 Hz (X5). Because R5 and R20 are regarded as reflecting total and proximal airway resistance, respectively, the fall in resistance from R5 to R20 (R5-R20) was used as a surrogate for the resistance of peripheral airways. X5 was also considered to represent peripheral airway abnormalities.


R5-R20 and X5 were significantly correlated with the SGRQ and the MRC. These correlation coefficients were greater than when using other objective measurements of pulmonary function, R20 on the IOS and CT instead of R5-R20 and X5. Multiple regression analyses showed that R5-R20 or X5 most significantly accounted for the SGRQ and MRC scores.


IOS measurements, especially indices of peripheral airway function, are significantly correlated with health status and dyspnea in patients with COPD. Therefore, in addition to its simplicity and non-invasiveness, IOS may be a useful clinical tool not only for detecting pulmonary functional impairment, but also to some extent at least estimating the patient's quality of daily life and well-being.  相似文献   

The high-affinity IgE Fc receptor (FcεRI) β chain acts as a signal amplifier through the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif in its C-terminal intracellular region. Polymorphisms in FcεRI β have been linked to atopy, asthma, and allergies. We investigated the secondary structure, conformation, and thermal stability of FcεRI β polymorphic (β-L172I, β-L174V, and β-E228G) proteins. Polymorphisms did not affect the secondary structure and conformation of FcεRI β. However, we calculated Gibbs free energy of unfolding (ΔGunf) and significant differences were observed in ΔGunf values between the wild-type FcεRI β (β-WT) and β-E228G. These results suggested that β-E228G affected the thermal stability of FcεRI β. The role of β-E228G in biological functions and its involvement in allergic reactions have not yet been elucidated in detail; therefore, differences in the thermal stability of β-E228G may affect the function of FcεRI β.  相似文献   

Amyloid β (Aβ) oligomers are presumed to be one of the causes of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Previously, we identified the E693Δ mutation in amyloid precursor protein (APP) in patients with AD who displayed almost no signals of amyloid plaques in amyloid imaging. We generated APP-transgenic mice expressing the E693Δ mutation and found that they possessed abundant Aβ oligomers from 8months of age but no amyloid plaques even at 24months of age, indicating that these mice are a good model to study pathological effects of Aβ oligomers. To elucidate whether Aβ oligomers affect proteome levels in the brain, we examined the proteins and phosphoproteins for which levels were altered in 12-month-old APP(E693Δ)-transgenic mice compared with age-matched non-transgenic littermates. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) followed by staining with SYPRO Ruby and Pro-Q Diamond and subsequent mass spectrometry techniques, we identified 17 proteins and 3 phosphoproteins to be significantly changed in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex of APP(E693Δ)-transgenic mice. Coactosin like-protein, SH3 domain-bind glutamic acid-rich-like protein 3 and astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 isoform 2 were decreased to levels less than 0.6 times those of non-transgenic littermates, whereas dynamin, profilin-2, vacuolar adenosine triphosphatase and creatine kinase B were increased to levels more than 1.5 times those of non-transgenic littermates. Furthermore, 2DE Western Blotting validated the changed levels of dynamin, dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 2 (Dpysl2), and coactosin in APP(E693Δ)-transgenic mice. Glyoxalase and isocitrate dehydrogenase were increased to levels more than 1.5 times those of non-transgenic littermates. The identified proteins could be classified into several groups that are involved in regulation of different cellular functions, such as cytoskeletal and their interacting proteins, energy metabolism, synaptic component, and vesicle transport and recycling. These findings indicate that Aβ oligomers altered the levels of some proteins and phosphoproteins in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, which could illuminate novel therapeutic avenues for the treatment of AD.  相似文献   

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