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Although inbreeding depression and mechanisms for kin recognition have been described in natural bird populations, inbreeding avoidance through mate choice has rarely been reported suggesting that sex‐biased dispersal is the main mechanism reducing the risks of inbreeding. However, a full understanding of the effect of dispersal on the occurrence of inbred matings requires estimating the inbreeding risks prior to dispersal. Combining pairwise relatedness measures and kinship assignments, we investigated in black grouse whether the observed occurrence of inbred matings was explained by active kin discrimination or by female‐biased dispersal. In this large continuous population, copulations between close relatives were rare. As female mate choice was random for relatedness, females with more relatives in the local flock tended to mate with genetically more similar males. To quantify the initial risks of inbreeding, we measured the relatedness to the males of females captured in their parental flock and virtually translocated female hatchlings in their parental and to more distant flocks. These tests indicated that dispersal decreased the likelihood of mating with relatives and that philopatric females had higher inbreeding risks than the actual breeding females. As females do not discriminate against relatives, the few inbred matings were probably due to the variance in female dispersal propensity and dispersal distance. Our results support the view that kin discrimination mate choice is of little value if dispersal effectively reduces the risks of inbreeding.  相似文献   

PETER H. BECKER 《Ibis》2012,154(1):74-84
Mating between close relatives can have deleterious effects on reproductive success or offspring fitness, which should favour the evolution of active or passive inbreeding avoidance mechanisms. In birds, evidence for active inbreeding avoidance by kin‐discriminative mate choice is scarce; many studies describe random mating in relation to kinship and thus support passive inbreeding avoidance by natal dispersal. However, most studies were conducted in island populations of short‐lived passerines with fast alternation of generations. In this study, we present inbreeding estimates based on pedigree data from a 16‐year study in a coastal colony of Common Terns Sterna hirundo, a long‐lived seabird with delayed sexual maturation and low rates of extra‐pair paternity. Incestuous mating was rare (four of 2387 pairs), even if partially accounting for incomplete pedigrees. Although the average relatedness of observed pairs was lower than would be expected from random pairing, the inbreeding coefficient did not differ from random mating. Hence, we found no clear evidence for active inbreeding avoidance by kin‐discriminative mate choice, and the low level of inbreeding seems to be related to the high immigration rate in the colony and thus to be maintained passively by dispersal.  相似文献   

The conservation of many fragmented and small populations of endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) relies on understanding the natural processes affecting genetic diversity, demographics, and future viability. We used extensive behavioural, life-history, and genetic data from reintroduced African wild dogs in South Africa to (1) test for inbreeding avoidance via mate selection and (2) model the potential consequences of avoidance on population persistence. Results suggested that wild dogs avoided mating with kin. Inbreeding was rare in natal packs, after reproductive vacancies, and between sibling cohorts (observed on 0.8%, 12.5%, and 3.8% of occasions, respectively). Only one of the six (16.7%) breeding pairs confirmed as third-order (or closer) kin consisted of animals that were familiar with each other, while no other paired individuals had any prior association. Computer-simulated populations allowed to experience inbreeding had only a 1.6% probability of extinction within 100 years, whereas all populations avoiding incestuous matings became extinct due to the absence of unrelated mates. Populations that avoided mating with first-order relatives became extinct after 63 years compared with persistence of 37 and 19 years for those also prevented from second-order and third-order matings, respectively. Although stronger inbreeding avoidance maintains significantly more genetic variation, our results demonstrate the potentially severe demographic impacts of reduced numbers of suitable mates on the future viability of small, isolated wild dog populations. The rapid rate of population decline suggests that extinction may occur before inbreeding depression is observed.  相似文献   

Owing to the risk of inbreeding depression, the evolution of inbreeding avoidance by means of kin recognition is expected for many biological systems. Nevertheless, an ability to distinguish among relatives and non‐relatives has been only rarely demonstrated, especially so in non‐social organisms. We here show that, in the non‐social tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana, females discriminate against relatives by preferentially mating with non‐relatives. Inbreeding avoidance was more pronounced in inbred as compared with outbred butterflies, suggesting that it is partly condition dependent. We argue that, in our system, the evolution of inbreeding avoidance is related to carrying a high genetic load and thus to being particularly sensitive to inbreeding depression. We suggest that kin recognition might be more widespread than currently thought and that future studies may possibly benefit from considering condition dependence, especially by paying attention to and/or manipulating population history, genetic load, and the risk of inbreeding depression. We further suggest that kin recognition in B. anynana might be based on cuticular hydrocarbons used for self‐referencing.  相似文献   

Inbreeding and inbreeding avoidance are key factors in the evolution of animal societies, influencing dispersal and reproductive strategies which can affect relatedness structure and helping behaviours. In cooperative breeding systems, individuals typically avoid inbreeding through reproductive restraint and/or dispersing to breed outside their natal group. However, where groups contain multiple potential mates of varying relatedness, strategies of kin recognition and mate choice may be favoured. Here, we investigate male mate choice and female control of paternity in the banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), a cooperatively breeding mammal where both sexes are often philopatric and mating between relatives is known to occur. We find evidence suggestive of inbreeding depression in banded mongooses, indicating a benefit to avoiding breeding with relatives. Successfully breeding pairs were less related than expected under random mating, which appeared to be driven by both male choice and female control of paternity. Male banded mongooses actively guard females to gain access to mating opportunities, and this guarding behaviour is preferentially directed towards less closely related females. Guard–female relatedness did not affect the guard's probability of gaining reproductive success. However, where mate‐guards are unsuccessful, they lose paternity to males that are less related to the females than themselves. Together, our results suggest that both sexes of banded mongoose use kin discrimination to avoid inbreeding. Although this strategy appears to be rare among cooperative breeders, it may be more prominent in species where relatedness to potential mates is variable, and/or where opportunities for dispersal and mating outside of the group are limited.  相似文献   

The social spiders are unusual among cooperatively breeding animals in being highly inbred. In contrast, most other social organisms are outbred owing to inbreeding avoidance mechanisms. The social spiders appear to originate from solitary subsocial ancestors, implying a transition from outbreeding to inbreeding mating systems. Such a transition may be constrained by inbreeding avoidance tactics or fitness loss due to inbreeding depression. We examined whether the mating system of a subsocial spider, in a genus with three social congeners, is likely to facilitate or hinder the transition to inbreeding social systems. Populations of subsocial Stegodyphus lineatus are substructured and spiders occur in patches, which may consist of kin groups. We investigated whether male mating dispersal prevents matings within kin groups in natural populations. Approximately half of the marked males that were recovered made short moves (< 5m) and mated within their natal patch. This potential for inbreeding was counterbalanced by a relatively high proportion of immigrant males. In mating experiments, we tested whether inbreeding actually results in lower offspring fitness. Two levels of inbreeding were tested: full sibling versus non-sib matings and matings of individuals within and between naturally occurring patches of spiders. Neither full siblings nor patch mates were discriminated against as mates. Sibling matings had no effect on direct fitness traits such as fecundity, hatching success, time to hatching and survival of the offspring, but negatively affected offspring growth rates and adult body size of both males and females. Neither direct nor indirect fitness measures differed significantly between within patch and between-patch pairs. We tested the relatedness between patch mates and nonpatch mates using DNA fingerprinting (TE-AFLP). Kinship explained 30% of the genetic variation among patches, confirming that patches are often composed of kin. Overall, we found limited male dispersal, lack of kin discrimination, and tolerance to low levels of inbreeding. These results suggest a history of inbreeding which may reduce the frequency of deleterious recessive alleles in the population and promote the evolution of inbreeding tolerance. It is likely that the lack of inbreeding avoidance in subsocial predecessors has facilitated the transition to regular inbreeding social systems.  相似文献   

Behavioural inbreeding avoidance in wild African elephants   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The costs of inbreeding depression, as well as the opportunity costs of inbreeding avoidance, determine whether and which mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance evolve. In African elephants, sex-biased dispersal does not lead to the complete separation of male and female relatives, and so individuals may experience selection to recognize kin and avoid inbreeding. However, because estrous females are rare and male-male competition for mates is intense, the opportunity costs of inbreeding avoidance may be high, particularly for males. Here we combine 28 years of behavioural and demographic data on wild elephants with genotypes from 545 adult females, adult males, and calves in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, to test the hypothesis that elephants engage in sexual behaviour and reproduction with relatives less often than expected by chance. We found support for this hypothesis: males engaged in proportionally fewer sexual behaviours and sired proportionally fewer offspring with females that were natal family members or close genetic relatives (both maternal and paternal) than they did with nonkin. We discuss the relevance of these results for understanding the evolution of inbreeding avoidance and for elephant conservation.  相似文献   

Inbreeding is common in small and threatened populations and often has a negative effect on individual fitness and genetic diversity. Thus, inbreeding can be an important factor affecting the persistence of small populations. In this study, we investigated the effects of inbreeding on fitness in a small, wild population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) on the island of Aldra, Norway. The population was founded in 1998 by four individuals (one female and three males). After the founder event, the adult population rapidly increased to about 30 individuals in 2001. At the same time, the mean inbreeding coefficient among adults increased from 0 to 0.04 by 2001 and thereafter fluctuated between 0.06 and 0.10, indicating a highly inbred population. We found a negative effect of inbreeding on lifetime reproductive success, which seemed to be mainly due to an effect of inbreeding on annual reproductive success. This resulted in selection against inbred females. However, the negative effect of inbreeding was less strong in males, suggesting that selection against inbred individuals is at least partly sex specific. To examine whether individuals avoided breeding with close relatives, we compared observed inbreeding and kinship coefficients in the population with those obtained from simulations of random mating. We found no significant differences between the two, indicating weak or absent inbreeding avoidance. We conclude that there was inbreeding depression in our population. Despite this, birds did not seem to actively avoid mating with close relatives, perhaps as a consequence of constraints on mating possibilities in such a small population.  相似文献   

Using electrophoretic and serological genetic markers each of 17 potentially inbred matings in three groups of rhesus monkeys could be classified as either inbred or noninbred matings. Although nine of these 17 matings involved either father-daughter or paternal half-sib matings, only 7.4 were expected by chance alone. At least two, and possibly as many as three, of the nine cases of inbreeding involved father-daughter matings. Thus, no evidence of avoidance of inbreeding was observed in the closed captive groups of rhesus monkeys studied. Colony management policies must be developed to minimize the opportunity for or the deleterious effects of both father-daughter and half-sib matings. Furthermore, kin selection theory should consider why kin recognition, if it occurs, does not lead to avoidance of inbreeding.  相似文献   

The inbreeding avoidance hypothesis predicts that organisms that often encounter relatives as potential mates should evolve behaviours to avoid incestuous matings. Avoidance behaviours have practical importance for small populations because deleterious genetic processes may be less imminent than otherwise expected from genetic models that assume random mating. I used genetic techniques to investigate the extent of inbreeding and inbreeding avoidance behaviours in rare lizards from southern New Zealand. Grand skinks, Oligosoma grande, live in small patchily distributed groups, and have low rates of inter-group dispersal (ca. 3–20% disperse). I used data from 15 microsatellite loci to test the hypothesis that adults are likely to encounter kin as potential mates and will inbreed. These data showed that adult skinks usually inhabited rock outcrops with adult relatives of the opposite sex – up to 35% of potential mates were of equivalent relatedness as half-sibs and 17% were equivalent to full sibs. However, skinks did not preferentially breed with less related mates, and 18.2% of matings were between individuals of equivalent relatedness as full-sibs. Instead, skinks mated with partners of all levels of relatedness, and were promiscuous – almost half of adult females and nearly three quarters of adult males reproduced with multiple partners. In addition, inbreeding had no effect on survival of offspring in their first year. Two other putative mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance, sex-biased and natal dispersal, were not pronounced in this species. This study adds to a growing list of species that inbreed despite the risks.  相似文献   

Disease-mediated inbreeding depression is a potential cost of living in groups with kin, but its general magnitude in wild populations is unclear. We examined the relationships between inbreeding, survival and disease for 312 offspring, produced by 35 parental pairs, in a large, open population of cooperatively breeding American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos). Genetic analyses of parentage, parental relatedness coefficients and pedigree information suggested that 23 per cent of parental dyads were first- or second-order kin. Heterozygosity–heterozygosity correlations suggested that a microsatellite-based index of individual heterozygosity predicted individual genome-wide heterozygosity in this population. After excluding birds that died traumatically, survival probability was lower for relatively inbred birds during the 2–50 months after banding: the hazard rate for the most inbred birds was 170 per cent higher than that for the least inbred birds across the range of inbreeding index values. Birds that died with disease symptoms had higher inbreeding indices than birds with other fates. Our results suggest that avoidance of close inbreeding and the absence of inbreeding depression in large, open populations should not be assumed in taxa with kin-based social systems, and that microsatellite-based indices of individual heterozygosity can be an appropriate tool for examining the inbreeding depression in populations where incest and close inbreeding occur.  相似文献   

Inbreeding avoidance is predicted to induce sex biases in dispersal. But which sex should disperse? In polygynous species, females pay higher costs to inbreeding and thus might be expected to disperse more, but empirical evidence consistently reveals male biases. Here, we show that theoretical expectations change drastically if females are allowed to avoid inbreeding via kin recognition. At high inbreeding loads, females should prefer immigrants over residents, thereby boosting male dispersal. At lower inbreeding loads, by contrast, inclusive fitness benefits should induce females to prefer relatives, thereby promoting male philopatry. This result points to disruptive effects of sexual selection. The inbreeding load that females are ready to accept is surprisingly high. In absence of search costs, females should prefer related partners as long as delta相似文献   

1.?Breeding with kin can reduce individual fitness through the deleterious effects of inbreeding depression. Inbreeding avoidance mechanisms are expected to have developed in most species, and especially in cooperatively breeding species where individuals may delay dispersal until long after sexual maturity. Such potential mechanisms include sex-biased dispersal and avoidance of kin known through associative learning. 2.?The investigation of inbreeding avoidance through dispersal dynamics can be enhanced by combining fine-scale population genetic structure data with detailed behavioural observations of wild populations. 3.?We investigate possible inbreeding avoidance in a wild population of cooperatively breeding southern pied babblers (Turdoides bicolor). A combination of genetic, geographic and observational data is used to examine fine-scale genetic structure, dispersal (including sex-biased dispersal) and inheritance of dominance in cooperatively breeding groups. 4.?Unusually, sex-bias in dispersal distance does not occur. Rather, individuals appear to avoid inbreeding through two routes. First, through dispersal itself: although both males and females disperse locally, they move outside the range within which genetically similar individuals are usually found, going twice as far from natal groups as from non-natal groups. Second, through avoidance of familiar group members as mates: individuals inherit a dominant position in the natal group only when an unrelated breeding partner is present. 5.?This study uses spatial genetic analyses to investigate inbreeding avoidance mechanisms in a cooperative breeder and shows that individuals of both sexes can avoid inbreeding through a dispersal distance mechanism. While it appears that dispersal allows most individuals to move beyond the range of closely related kin, matings may still occur between distant kin. Nevertheless, any costs of breeding with a distant relative may be outweighed by the benefits of local dispersal and the immense fitness gains available from attaining a breeding position.  相似文献   

Whether nonhuman primates avoid copulating with close kin living in their social group is controversial. If sexual aversion to relatives occurs, it should be stronger in females than in males because of females' greater investment in each offspring and hence greater costs resulting from less viable offspring. Data presented here show that adult male rhesus macaques breeding in their natal groups at Cayo Santiago experienced high copulatory success, but copulated less with females of their own matrilineages than with females of other matrilineages. Adult females were never observed to copulate with males of their own matrilineage during their fertile periods. Although natal males sometimes courted their relatives, examination of two measures of female mate choice showed that females chose unrelated natal males over male kin. Female aversion to male kin was specific to the sexual context; during the birth season, females did not discriminate against their male relatives in distributing grooming. Evolved inbreeding avoidance mechanisms probably produce different outcomes at Cayo Santiago than in wild rhesus macaque populations. Gender differences in sexual aversion to relatives may be partly responsible for differences between studies in reported frequency of copulations by related pairs. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We analyzed male migration during a 20-year period in the free-ranging Barbary macaque population of Affenberg Salem. Most natal migrations occurred around puberty, but only one third of all males left the natal group. Secondary group transfers were rare. All males immediately transferred to other bisexual groups. Migration rates were highest during periods with high adult female/male ratios within social groups. Immigrants highly preferred groups with fewer males of their own age than in the natal group, and many males immigrated into groups that had no male their own age. These groups originated from a skewed distribution of resident males during group fissions. A comparison of emigrants with their natal peers supports the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis as cause of emigration rather than the male competition avoidance hypothesis. Emigrants had no lower individual rank position and did not come from lower-ranking matrilines. Emigrants had more female maternal relatives, especially sisters. Males without female relatives almost never emigrated. Conversely, there is virtually no indication that emigrants were evicted from the natal group. Emigrants had no increased mortality. Paternity data revealed that the reproductive success of emigrants and natal males is similar, indicating that emigration had no reproductive cost. Many similarities between emigrants and natal males that separated from female maternal kin during group fissions suggest that inner migration during fissions is an alternative way to avoid maternal inbreeding. The mating system resulted in a genetic structure within social groups that largely diminished the chances for paternal inbreeding even without recognizing paternal kin.  相似文献   

Effects of male‐biased dispersal on inbreeding avoidance were investigated in a semi‐natural population of Myodes (formerly Clethrionomys) rufocanus using a large outdoor enclosure (3 ha). Parentage of 918 voles weaned from 215 litters and relatedness of mates were analysed using microsatellite loci, and dispersal distances were obtained from mark–recapture live‐trapping data. Natal and breeding male‐biased dispersal was observed. There remained, however, chances that incestuous mating could occur, because not all males dispersed from their natal site, and 51 matings occurred between relatives (relatedness r > 0). The number of weaned juveniles from inbred litters was significantly smaller than that from non‐inbred litters. Fourteen incestuous matings occurred between close relatives (r ≥ 0.25), most of which were those between non‐littermate maternal half siblings (four cases) and those between paternal half siblings (seven cases). When comparing the observed frequencies to the expected ones generated by combining every oestrous female with a male randomly chosen from her surroundings, the observed values for inbreeding of r ≥ 0.25 were significantly smaller than the expectations, while no difference was observed for inbreeding of 0 < r < 0.25. These results suggest that male‐biased dispersal is partly effective to avoid incestuous mating, but it does not provide complete separation of male and female close relatives. Additional mechanisms such as kin discrimination based on familiarity may work in inbreeding avoidance of the vole.  相似文献   

Mechanisms for inbreeding avoidance should be prevalent in insects that reproduce by arrhenotokous haplodiploidy because of the higher potential production of unviable diploid males in inbred matings. Few studies have focused on mating strategies in insect parasitoids and even less on kinship relationships during mate choice. In this study we tested avoidance of kin as mate in the parasitic wasp Aphidius matricariae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) using an ethological approach. Key mating parameters, such as male wing fanning, latent period before genitalia contact and duration of copulation were measured. No evidence for kin avoidance in mate choice in both A. matricariae males and females was observed in our behaviour (no choice or choice tests) tests. This lack of ethological sib mating avoidance could be due to different factors such as sex determination rule different than the single locus complementary sex determination, making lower the proportion of diploid males in case of sib matings and thus its negative consequence. The existence of other inbreeding avoidance strategies and mechanisms that reduce the probability of 2 receptive relatives meeting in nature may be common, for example, inbred mating may be rare through differential dispersal, delayed maturation, or protandry.  相似文献   

The survival rate of North American bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis, housed in several zoological gardens was analyzed. Complete herd histories, including birth and death data as well as causes of mortality, were collected from seven institutions. Lambs were divided into inbred and noninbred animals, with lambs being considered inbred if they had an inbreeding coefficient greater than zero. The rate of survival of inbred and noninbred lambs was compared using “survival equalling one year” and “survival equalling six months.” Another analysis compared the survival rate of male and female inbred lambs and male and female noninbred lambs. Age at death was also compared in inbred and noninbred lambs. The analysis of the data for the seven collections, located in various geographic areas and housing various subspecies, indicates that inbreeding depression is a mortality factor in the captive management of North American bighorn sheep. Therefore, long-term survival of captive or isolated wild populations will depend on maintaining genetic diversity within the herds through careful selection of breeding stock in captive populations and introduction of nonrelated animals into isolated wild populations.  相似文献   

Levels of inbreeding are highly variable in natural populations. Inbreeding can be due to random factors (like population size), limited dispersal, or active mate choice for relatives. Because of inbreeding depression, mating with kin is often avoided, although sometimes intermediately related individuals are preferred (optimal outbreeding). However, theory predicts that the advantages of mating with close kin can override the effects of inbreeding depression, but in the animal kingdom, empirical evidence for this is scarce. Here we show that both sexes of Pelvicachromis taeniatus, an African cichlid with biparental brood care, prefer mating with unfamiliar close kin over nonkin, suggesting inclusive fitness advantages for inbreeding individuals. Biparental care requires synchronous behavior among parents. Since parental care is costly, there is a conflict between parents over care, which can reduce offspring fitness. Relatedness is expected to enhance cooperation among individuals. The comparison of the parental behavior of in- and outbreeding pairs showed that related parents were more cooperative and invested more than unrelated parents. Since we found no evidence for inbreeding depression, our results suggest that in P. taeniatus, inbreeding is an advantageous strategy.  相似文献   

In closed captive populations, where dispersal is not possible, kin recognition and behavioral avoidance are the only mechanisms by which closely related individuals can avoid inbreeding. In the absence of avoidance, a loss of genetic diversity is inevitable in successive generations.In the 1980s, the CIRMF in Gabon established a small breeding group of sun-tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus solatus) with 4 individuals, and subsequently 17 births have been registered. We aimed to describe via microsatellite genotyping the reproductive system in the colony of Cercopithecus solatus, to evaluate the loss of genetic diversity with succeeding generations, and to evaluate consequences of inbreeding depression on a measure of the lifespan reproductive success of females giving birth to inbred vs. noninbred offspring. During the 11-yr period for which data are available, only alpha males sired offspring, confirming a one-male social organization. They reproduced only during their period of tenure. Two of the 3 alpha males were responsible for all the infants born. Genetic diversity decreased and inbreeding coefficients increased with successive generations. Interbirth interval was increased following the birth of an inbred infant, indicating possible increased maternal costs of rearing inbred infants. Loss of genetic variability in this captive group of sun-tailed monkeys has led to significant inbreeding depression and demonstrates the importance of male-mediated gene flow in restricted one-male harem breeding groups.  相似文献   

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