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Photosynthesis Research - The dynamics of the activity of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, and benzidine peroxidase, as well as the level of hydrogen peroxide in the vegetative...  相似文献   

Effects of cadmium (Cd(2+)) on photosynthetic and antioxidant activities of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars (3223 and 32D99) were investigated. Fourteen-day-old cultivar seedlings were exposed to different Cd concentrations [0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9mM Cd(NO(3))(2).4H(2)O] for 8 days. The results of chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that different levels of Cd affected photochemical efficiency in 3223 much more than that in 32D99. In parallel, the level of Cd at 0.9mM caused oxidative damage but did not indicate cessation of PSII activity of the cultivars; plant death was not observed at highly toxic Cd levels. Additionally, the increase in Cd concentration caused loss of chlorophylls and carotenoid and membrane damage in both cultivars, but greater membrane damage was observed in 3223 than in 32D99. Depending on Cd accumulation, a significant reduction in dry biomass was observed in both cultivars at all Cd concentrations. The accumulation of Cd was higher in roots than in leaves for both cultivars. Nevertheless, cultivar 3223 transferred more Cd from roots to leaves than did 32D99. On the other hand, our results suggest that there were similar responses in SOD, APX and GR activities with increasing Cd concentrations for both cultivars. However, POD activity significantly increased at highly toxic Cd levels in 32D99. This result may be regarded as an indication of better tolerance of the Z. mays L. cultivar 32D99 to Cd contamination.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic pathway of the roots (both the white velamentous main portions and the green, nonvelamentous tips) was investigated in twelve taxa (natural species and intergeneric hybrid cultivars) of epiphytic orchids having CAM leaves. All organs contained chlorophyll, and the a/b ratios indicate that the organs, especially the roots, are likely shade-adapted. Stable carbon isotope ratios of the tissues were near −15‰ for all organs, a value typical of obligate (constitutive) CAM plants. Values for root tissues were slightly lower (more negative) than those of the leaves. The presence of CAM in the leaves of these orchids did not ensure that their roots performed CAM photosynthesis. Further work is needed to address the questions raised in this study and to determine if the photosynthetic roots of these taxa are capable of assimilating atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

通过田间试验分析了玉米根茬留田对土壤生物活性动态变化的影响,结果表明,玉米根茬留田对提高土壤微生物量碳含量和土壤脲酶、磷酸酶、纤维素酶以及转化酶活性效果显著。动态变化特征表明,各处理的土壤微生物量碳和4种酶活性均在播种后60d左右出现高峰。此时正值作物生育旺盛时期,利于作物生长发育,说明玉米根茬留田配施化肥的培肥土壤效果显著,而且可以保持玉米持续高产稳产。  相似文献   

Lu  C; Zhang  J 《Journal of experimental botany》1998,49(327):1671-1679
Analyses of CO2 exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were carried out to assess photosynthetic performance during senescence of maize leaves. Senescent leaves displayed a significant decrease in CO2 assimilatory capacity accompanied by a decrease in stomatal conductance and an increase in intercellular CO2 concentration. The analyses of fluorescence quenching under steady-state photosynthesis showed that senescence resulted in an increase in non-photochemical quenching and a decrease in photo-chemical quenching. It also resulted in a decrease in the efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PSII reaction centres and the quantum yield of PSII electron transport, but had very little effect on the maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry. The results determined from the fast fluorescence induction kinetics indicated an increase in the proportion of QB-non-reducing PSII reaction centres and a decrease in the rate of QA reduction in senescent leaves. Theoretical analyses of fluorescence parameters under steady-state photosynthesis suggest that the increase in the non-photochemical quenching was due to an increase in the rate constant to thermal dissipation of excitation energy by PSII and that the decrease in the quantum yield of PSII electron transport was associated with a decrease in the rate constant of PSII photochemistry. Based on these results, it is suggested that the decrease in the quantum yield of PSII electron transport in senescent leaves was down-regulated by an increase in the proportion of QB-non-reducing PSII reaction centres and in the non-photochemical quenching. The photosynthetic electron transport would thus match the decreased demand for ATP and NADPH in carbon assimilation which was inhibited significantly in senescent leaves.Key words: Chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange, maize (Zea mays L.), photochemical and non-photochemical quenching, photosystem II photochemistry.   相似文献   

超高产夏玉米田土壤微生物与土壤酶的动态变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示超高产夏玉米田(产量>15 000 kg·hm-2)土壤微生物与土壤酶活性动态变化特性,在国家玉米工程技术研究中心(山东)试验场进行夏玉米生长季农田土壤微生物与土壤酶活性研究. 在连续3年产量15 000 kg·hm-2以上的超高产夏玉米田中选择一块超高产田(HF, 产量为20 322 kg·hm-2)与常规生产田(CF, 产量为8920.1 kg·hm-2)进行对比分析,主要测定0~20 cm土层土壤细菌、真菌与放线菌数量及脲酶和转化酶活性. 结果表明:播种后超高产田与常规生产田土壤微生物(细菌、真菌与放线菌)数量均表现出先升高后下降的趋势,超高产田在玉米生长后期土壤微生物数量低于常规生产田,细菌与放线菌表现尤其明显,收获期超高产田B/F值(细菌与真菌数量比)比播种期高2.03倍,比常规生产田高3.02倍,常规生产田收获期与播种期的B/F值变化不显著;超高产田土壤脲酶活性在播种31 d(拔节期)后低于常规生产田,转化酶活性播种58 d(开花期)后快速下降,低于常规生产田.  相似文献   

玉米及马齿苋叶片SOD活性诱导研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米幼苗及马齿苋作材料,通过甘露醇、H2O2、臭氧和强光等胁迫后,用NBT光化还原抑制法测定叶中SOD活性的变化。臭氧和强光能诱导玉米叶片SOD活性增加。0.5mol/L甘露醇处理玉米叶片12h,SOD活性上升,至48h后下降;在该甘露醇溶液中另外加入10^-2mol/L H2O2;处理12h后SOD活性基本不变。对玉米叶片单独用10^-2mol/L H2O2诱导,30min内SOD活性上升到最高值,随着处理时间的延长又逐渐下降。用耐强光、耐干旱的野生马齿苋作为材料,与玉米相比,其叶片SOD基础活性低于后者;若予以正午强光结合渗透胁迫2h,其叶中SOD活性增幅超过玉米,从种间比较的角度旁证了SOD在抗逆性中的作用。推测植物中存在比活性氧更为直接的物理诱导机制。  相似文献   

大田环境下转Bt基因玉米对土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
颜世磊  赵蕾  孙红炜  田晓燕  李凡  路兴波 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4244-4250
在大田自然条件下,比较研究了转Bt基因玉米和非转基因亲本玉米在种植和秸秆分解时对土壤酶活性影响的差异。结果表明,与亲本非转基因玉米相比,在各生育期内种植转Bt玉米对土壤蛋白酶和土壤脲酶活性均没有显著影响;在喇叭口期和抽雄期,土壤蔗糖酶和土壤酸性磷酸酶活性显著提高。在秸秆还田后,两种玉米秸秆对土壤酸性磷酸酶活性的影响没有显著差异,但使用转Bt玉米秸秆的土壤蔗糖酶、土壤脲酶和土壤蛋白酶的活性则有显著提高。与亲本玉米相比,在所有观测期内,种植Bt玉米及秸秆还田对土壤酶活性的影响,在影响的幅度及趋势上随玉米生育期和土壤酶种类的不同而产生差异,但没有观测到显著不利影响;商业化Bt玉米的环境释放仍有待长期定位观测和评价。  相似文献   

The kinetic mechanism of NADP-dependent malic enzyme purified from maize leaves was studied in the physiological direction. Product inhibition and substrate analogues studies with 3 aminopyridine dinucleotide phosphate and tartrate indicate that the enzyme reaction follows a sequential ordered Bi-Ter kinetic mechanism. NADP is the leading substrate followed by l-malate and the products are released in the order of CO2, pyruvate and NADPH. The enzyme also catalyzes a slow, magnesium-dependent decarboxylation of oxaloacetate and reduction of pyruvate and oxaloacetate in the presence of NADPH to produce l-lactate and l-malate, respectively.  相似文献   

Light-modulation of nitrate reductase activity in leaves and roots of maize   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nuclear DNA content in ray cells from the 1-year-old vascular cambium of white ash ( Fraxinus americana L.) trees was determined at intervals during the annual cycle of cambial activity and dormancy by using Feulgen microspectrophotometry. By 10 September, these cells had entered dormancy in G1 with a normal DNA distribution and a minimal average DNA content of 2.65 pg. The average amount of DNA increased to 3.51 pg by 30 November, remained at this elevated value until at least 30 March, when the cambium was still dormant, then declined to the minimum level on 1 May and 10 June, when the cells were mitotically active. The springtime decline appeared to occur both before and during cell division. Between 1 May and 10 June, the prophase (4C) and telophase (2C) DNA contents decreased significantly. The amount of nuclear DNA measured by microspectrophotometry was verified by using flow cytometry and image analysis. The results support the view that there is an annual oscillation in the nuclear genome size of shoot meristematic cells in tree species native to the northern temperate zone.  相似文献   

长期施肥对玉米生育期土壤微生物量碳氮及酶活性的影响   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
以小麦-玉米轮作长期肥料定位试验为平台,探讨不同养分管理对玉米生育期塿土微生物量碳、氮和酶活性动态变化的影响。试验包括6个处理,分别为不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(N)、氮磷配合(NP)、氮磷钾配合(NPK)、NPK+秸秆(SNPK)以及有机肥+NPK(MNPK)。结果表明玉米生育期土壤微生物量碳、氮变化显著。不同施肥管理下土壤微生物量碳、氮的高低显著性分别为MNPK>SNPK、NP、NPK>N、CK。玉米生育期内土壤酶活性也变化显著,蔗糖酶、脲酶和纤维素酶在玉米抽雄期达到活性高峰,而磷酸酶在玉米拔节期出现活性高峰。不同施肥管理对土壤酶活性的影响总体表现为MNPK处理最高,其次为SNPK处理,再次为NPK和NP处理,N和CK处理最低。不同施肥处理间土壤微生物量碳、氮以及酶活性与土壤有机碳、全氮、速效磷水平密切相关。塿土长期施用氮磷或氮磷钾化肥可以提高土壤微生物量碳、氮以及酶活性。一季作物秸秆还田配合氮磷钾化肥与氮磷钾相比有提高土壤微生物量碳、氮以及酶活性的趋势。在等氮量下,有机肥配合化肥与其他施肥模式相比,均显著提升土壤化学肥力因素、微生物量碳氮和酶活性。因此,塿土上建议进行有机无机肥配合以提高土壤肥力,保持土壤生物健康。  相似文献   

Quantitative analyses of indol-3yl-acetic acid (I aa ) in Zea mays L. (cv. LG 11) root segments cultured in vitro were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring. The root extracts were first purified by highperformance liquid chromatography. Root primordia initiation in intact and decapitated roots showed different patterns: decapitation strongly enhanced primordia initiation in their first 10 mm. During the culture (5 days), I aa content decreased in both intact and decapitated roots. No correlation was found between the level of endogenous auxin and the numher of root primordia initiated from either intact or decapitated maize root segments.  相似文献   

Abstract Fluorogenic 4-methylumbelliferyl (MUF) compounds were used as analogue substrates for assay of extracellular enzyme activities associated with epiphytic microbiota at submerged Phragmites australis stem surfaces. Incubations at a range of MUF substrate concentrations indicated that saturation of enzyme activity was achieved at a MUF substrate concentration of about 200 μmol 1−1. Later determinations at a single, saturation, concentration of MUF substrate were, therefore, carried out at about 200 μmol l−1. Such determinations were undertaken using P. australis stems from eight gravel-pit ponds. The rate of enzymatic hydrolysis of MUF phosphate (analogue substrate for phosphatase activity) was > MUF β- d -glucopyranoside (β- d -glucosidase) > MUF β- d -galactopyranoside (β- d -galactosidase) > MUF sulphate (sulphatase) and MUF palmitate (lipase) on stems from all eight ponds. Thus the relative magnitude of the various components of total epiphyton extracellular enzyme activity might be a conservative feature.  相似文献   

土壤养分库对缺苞箭竹叶片养分元素再分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了王朗自然保护区3个密度的缺苞箭竹群落的土壤养分库和叶片养分元素再分配能力的相互关系。结果表明,不同密度箭竹群落的土壤N、K贮量没有显著差异,土壤P贮量随着密度增加而显著减少(P〈0.01),土壤Ca和Mg贮量则随着密度增加而增加。不同密度的箭竹叶片N和K的再分配能力没有显著差异,叶片P的再分配能力随着密度的增加而显著增加,Ca和Mg随着箭竹密度的增加在凋落叶中有显著积累的趋势。这表明,基于密度的箭竹叶片养分元素再分配能力与土壤养分库的大小密切相关,可能的机理过程是不同密度的箭竹在生长发育过程中改变了土壤养分库的大小,土壤养分库通过反馈机制导致箭竹叶片养分元素再分配能力的变化,体现了土壤与植被之间的互动关系。综合分析表明,P可能是限制缺苞箭竹生长发育的重要因子。  相似文献   

The property of cyanidin complexation with different metal ions in maize seedlings roots was established using parameters of reflectance spectroscopy and colorimetry. The spectral criteria of pigment association with metals in vivo were evaluated.  相似文献   

Residue recalcitrance controls decomposition and soil organic matter turnover. We hypothesized that the complexity of the cell wall network regulates enzyme production, activity and access to polysaccharides. Enzyme efficiency, defined as the relationship between cumulative litter decomposition and enzyme activities over time, was used to relate these concepts. The impact of two contrasting types of cell walls on xylanase, cellulase and laccase efficiencies was assessed in relation to the corresponding changes in residue chemical composition (xylan, glucan, lignin) during a 43-day incubation period. The selected residues were maize roots, which are rich in secondary cell walls that contain lignin and covalent bridges between heteroxylans and lignin, and maize leaves having mostly non-lignified primary cell walls thus making the cellulose and hemicelluloses less resistant to enzymes. Relationships between C mineralization and change in residue quality through decomposition indicated that the level of substitution of arabinoxylans (arabinan to xylan ratio) provides a good explanation of the decomposition process. In leaves enriched in primary cell walls, arabinose substitution of xylan controlled C mineralization rate but hampered polysaccharide decomposition, but to a lesser extent than in roots in which arabinoxylans were mostly cross-linked with lignin. Enzyme activity was higher in leaf than root amended soils while enzyme efficiency was systematically higher in the presence of roots. This apparent paradox suggests that residue quality could preselect the microbial community. Indeed, we found that microorganisms exhibited an initial rapid growth in the presence of a high quality litter and produced enzymes that are not efficient in degrading recalcitrant cell walls while, in the presence of the more recalcitrant maize roots, microbial biomass grew more slowly but produced enzymes of higher efficiency. This high enzyme efficiency could be explained by the synergistic action of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes even in the early stage of decomposition.  相似文献   

The effects of decreased irradiance on fresh and dry weight, root respiration, levels of carbohydrates and N-compounds, and extractable activities of enzymes involved in C and N metabolism were evaluated in maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Plauto) seedlings during the 7 days following transfer from 450 to 200 μmol m−2 s−1 PAR. The fresh weight of roots and stems, the initiation of new leaves, root respiration rate, and the accumulation of dry matter, soluble sugars, starch, malate and amino acids in both leaves and roots were strongly reduced at low irradiance. In contrast, the level of nitrate was increased in leaves and only marginally affected in roots. Leaf phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC activity started to decrease after 24–34 h, whereas ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC activity and chlorophyll content were unaffected or only slightly reduced. In both leaves and roots, the adjustment of N metabolism to low irradiance occurred through a relatively rapid (30% after 10 h) and large (60% after 3 days) decrease of nitrate reductase (NR; EC activity, followed by slower and smaller changes in the activity of nitrite reductase (EC, glutamine synthetase (EC and NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (EC We suggest that the preferential decrease of NR activity relative to other N-assimilating enzymes may be important for preventing the accumulation of toxic N-compounds like ammonia in both leaf and root tissues.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the effects of oxygen partial pressure (pO2), combined nitrogen, and the availability of organic substrates on nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) by bacteria associated with the roots of intact maize and sorghum plants. We also investigated the possibility of enhancing associative nitrogen-fixation by inoculating the soil in which the plants were grown withAzospirillum. Acetylene reduction (AR) activity was greatest when roots of intact plants were exposed to pO2 between 1.3 and 2.1 kPa. Field-grown and greenhouse-grown plants supported similar levels of activity. Respiration inhibitors (2,4-dinitrophenol and sodium azide) eliminated AR activity at 2 kPa O2, whereas a fermentation inhibitor (sodium fluoride) only partially reduced the activity. Acetylene reduction activity was rapidly (1–3 h) inhibited by NH 4 + , NO 3 , and NO 2 at concentrations of 4–20 mg Nl–1. Rates of AR varied substantially among individual plants in each experiment and between experiments. Amendment with any of several organic substrates greatly increased AR activity when rates were low, suggesting that the lack of activity was caused by a shortage of available carbon in the rhizosphere. Inoculation withAzospirillum failed to increase rates of AR associated with maize plants. In several experiments the indigenous bacteria associated with uninoculated plants exhibited greater activity than the bacteria associated with inoculated plants.  相似文献   

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