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Summary The vacuolar system in the absorptive cells of the goldfish hindgut was studied by rapid freeze-substituted and cytochemical techniques. The apical cytoplasm of the absorptive cells contained two types of vacuoles: endosomes and lysosomes. The former were characterized by an absence of acid phosphatase activity, a dot-like distribution of material at the peripheral rim, the labelling of the inner surface with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and by frequent connections to cytoplasmic tubules (CT), which were also free of acid phosphatase activity. The latter vacuole was preferentially located in the deeper cytoplasm and was characterized by the presence of acid phosphatase activity, an electron-dense interior matrix, a peripheral electron-lucent region (a halo), and by the detachment of HRP from the inner surface. Connections between CTs and these latter vacuoles were rarely seen. In the deeper cytoplasm, fusion between endosomes and lysosomes was sometimes observed. These results suggest that the vacuoles which are associated with CTs are endosomes, but not lysosomes, and that internalized materials are transported through the endosome-lysosome system to a giant food vacuole in the cell.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of the absorptive cells of the goldfish hindgut mucosa, and their capability for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) uptake, were investigated by electron microscopy after a 24-h organ culture. The columnar appearance and the fine structure of the absorptive cells were well preserved for 24 h at room temperature and 37° C with 5% CO2 in air, in all the media used in this study. Mitoses were frequently observed in the epithelium at the bottom of cultured mucosal folds, and re-epithelization was also observed in many explants.Some structural changes were, however, noted in the cultured absorptive cells, as compared with the non-cultured absorptive cells; the deep invaginations of the surface membrane between the microvilli decreased in number; supranuclear giant vacuoles were reduced in size or almost disappeared; the distributional pattern of mitochondria in the absorptive cells was altered.The HRP uptake experiments showed that the absorptive cells cultured for 24 h could still take up HRP by endocytosis and transport it, indicating that the absorptive cells maintained their capability of macromolecule uptake and transport after 24 h of culture. In addition, HRP experiments, in which reaction product was detected within numerous cytoplasmic tubules (CT), various vacuoles and CT-vacuole complexes, suggested a close relationship between CT and vacuolar system in the apical cytoplasm during endocytotic events in the absorptive cells.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence of endocytotic mechanisms in human small intestinal absorptive cells was investigated by culturing biopsy specimens in the presence of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), lactoperoxidase (LPO), and ferritin. The results indicate that both HRP and LPO entered the cells by apical endocytosis, after which they were transported via apical vesicles and tubules to the lysosome-like bodies. Ferritin, which showed a distinct affinity for the cell-coat glycoproteins, was not interiorized by the absorptive cells.These findings suggest that although human absorptive cells have an endocytotic mechanism, possibly fluid-phase endocytosis, cell-coat glycoproteins are not taken up by the cells, as indicated by the absence of ferritin in the apical vesicles and tubules, as well as the lysosome-like bodies. These findings provide indirect support for our hypothesis that the lysosome-like bodies have a function in the regulation of cell-coat glycoprotein transport via a crinophagic mechanism (fusion of apical vesicles and tubules with lysosome-like bodies) rather than via an exocytotic-endocytotic mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary The ileal absorptive cells of suckling rats exhibit high levels of endocytic activity being engaged in nonselective uptake of macromolecules from the intestinal lumen. The apical cytoplasm usually contains an extensive network of small, membrane-limited tubules (apical tubules: AT), in addition to newly formed endocytic vesicles and large endocytic vacuoles. To determine whether the AT are directly involved in the endocytic process by carrying the tracer into the cell, we have analysed movements of the apical cell membrane of the ileal absorptive cells by using a membrane-bound tracer (horseradish peroxidase-labelled cancanavalin-A: Con-A HRP). The ileal absorptive cells were exposed in vitro to Con-A HRP for 10 min at 4° C, incubated for different times in Con-A free medium at 37° C, and prepared for electron microscopy. After 1 min incubation at 37° C, invaginations of the apical cell membrane, including coated pits, and endocytic vesicles were labelled with HRP-reaction product, whereas the AT and large endocytic vacuoles were negative. After 2.5 min, almost all the large endocytic vacuoles were labelled with reaction product, which was seen in their vacuolar lumen and along the luminal surface of their limiting membrane. A few AT with reaction product were seen in the apical cytoplasm; they were in frequent connection with the reaction-positive large endocytic vacuoles. With increasing incubation time, the number of the labelled AT increased. Thus, after 15 min at 37° C, the apical cytoplasm was fully occupied by the reaction-positive AT. The ends of these AT were often continuous with small spherical coated vesicles. No reaction product was detected in the Golgi complex at any time after incubation. These observations indicate that the AT located in the apical cytoplasm probably originate by budding off from the large endocytic vacuoles, rather than being involved in the process of endocytosis.  相似文献   

Summary Protein uptake from cerebral ventricles into the epithelium of the choroid plexus, and transport across the epithelium were studied ultrastructurally in rats. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP, MW 40,000) was used as protein tracer. Steady-state ventriculo-cisternal perfusion with subatmospheric pressure (-10cm of water) in the ventricular system was applied. HRP dissolved in artificial CSF was perfused from the lateral ventricles to cisterna magna for various times, and ventriculo-cisternal perfusion, vascular perfusion or immersion fixation with a formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde solution was performed.Coated micropinocytic vesicles containing HRP were seen both connected with the apical, lateral and basal epithelial surface and within the cells. Heavily HRP-labeled vesicles were often fused with the lining membrane of slightly labeled or unlabeled intercellular spaces. Since the apical tight junctions of the epithelium never appeared open or never contained HRP in the spaces between the fusion points, and since the intercellular spaces between adjacent epithelial cells below the junctions only infrequently contained tracer after 5 min, by increasing amounts after 15–60 min of HRP perfusion, a vesicular transport of HRP from the apical epithelial surface to the intercellular spaces, bypassing the tight junctions, is suggested.In addition to the transepithelial transport, micropinocytic vesicles also transported HRP to the lysosomal apparatus of the epithelial cells. With increasing length of exposure to HRP, a sequence of HRP-labeled structures could be evaluated, from slightly labeled apical vacuoles and multivesicular bodies to very heavily labeled dense bodies.  相似文献   

Summary Using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as a tracer, we have investigated if the so-called apical tubules (AT) in the kidney proximal tubule cells are directly involved in the endocytic process by carrying the tracer into the cells, or if they are derived from the intracellular membrane compartments. Rat kidney was fixed by vascular perfusion at different time intervals after intravenous injection of HRP and prepared for electron microscopy. An analysis revealed that 0.5 min after injection, invaginations of the plasma membrane and small apical endocytic vesicles, including coated vesicles, were labelled with reaction product, whereas almost all large apical endocytic vacuoles and the AT were negative. The endocytic vacuoles and about 18% of the AT were labelled 1 min after injection. The reaction product in the large endocytic vacuoles was usually seen along the luminal surface of the vacuoles. The AT with reaction product appeared as a branched network, and were frequently connected with the labelled endocytic vacuoles. Three min after injection, reaction product was detected in about 38% of the AT, and thereafter, the percentage increased to about 74% after 7 min. No reaction product was detected in the Golgi complex at any time after HRP-injection. These findings indicate that the AT are probably formed by budding off from the large endocytic vacuoles, rather than being directly involved in the endocytic process.  相似文献   

Summary The dependence of anterograde axoplasmic transport on cytoskeletal components was investigated using microinjection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the somata of chick dorsal root ganglion cells in vitro. Microinjected HRP was transported anterogradely in the neurites and their branches; this transport was disturbed by colchicine in a drug-dependent and time-dependent manner. Cytochalasin B, a drug that depolymerizes actin, did not inhibit the transport of HRP, despite the formation of local swellings in neurites. The microinjection of polyclonal antibodies directed against tubulin and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against 200-kDa neurofilaments disturbed the axoplasmic transport of co-injected HRP, which then exhibited an irregular and discontinuous distribution in the axonal branches. The transport of HRP became discontinuous after the injection of anti-tubulin antibodies and led to the formation of globular deposits of HRP. Polyclonal antibodies against actin and mAbs to 160-kDa and 68-kDa neurofilaments seemed to have no effect on the axoplasmic transport of co-injected HRP. Microinjection of antibodies against tubulin induced formation of perinuclear bundles consisting of cytoskeletal components. The transport of HRP thus appears to be regulated by an intact microtubular system and cross-linker components (200-kDa neurofilaments) of the cytoskeleton. Actin and most intermediate filament proteins do not seem to play an essential role in the transport of HRP.  相似文献   

Summary Forty amacrine cells in retinae of a cyprinid fish, the roach, were intracellularly labelled with horseradish peroxidase following electrophysiological identification as sustained depolarizing, sustained hyperpolarizing or transient units. Labelled cells were analysed by light microscopy and compared with a catalogue of amacrine cells established in a previous Golgi study on the same species. About 30% of the cell types characterized by the Golgi method were encountered in the present study. When intracellularly labelled cells were differentiated on the basis of their dendritic organization in the plane of the retina, a given electrophysiological response pattern was found to be generated by different morphological types, and vice versa. However, examination of the ramification patterns of the dendrites within the inner plexiform layer (i.e. in the radial dimension of the retina), showed that this morphological parameter of a given amacrine cell could be correlated with its light-evoked response. Several amacrine cell types were found to possess special distal dendrites which arose from the main dendritic branches and extended well over a mm in the retina. Distal dendrites were oriented tangentially with respect to the optic nerve papilla, but did not appear to be involved in any synaptic connectivity. It is concluded that the Golgi-based classification is a valuable tool for identifying intracellularly labelled amacrine cells. However, although the correlation between layering of dendrites in the inner plexiform layer and electrophysiology was generally good, additional physiological parameters would be required to determine whether more extensive parallels exist between structural and functional characteristics of amacrine cells. Alternatively, the considerable morphological diversity of amacrine cells may be of limited physiological significance.A preliminary account of the present findings was presented to the Physiological Society (Djamgoz et al. 1984)  相似文献   

Summary Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was applied to the transected end of the pineal tract of the lamprey, Lampetra japonica. Distinct reaction products of HRP were observed in 2 types of cell other than ganglion cells. The first type of cell protrudes a knob-like process into the pineal lumen. This type of cell was clearly identified by electron microscopy as a photoreceptor cell; its outer segment was connected to the ellipsoid through a sensory cilium. The other type of cell was located among photoreceptor and supporting cells. The processes of these cells were thin and slender, and they obviously did not represent photoreceptor, supporting, or conventional ganglion cells. The present results indicate that, in the lamprey, some of the photoreceptor cells of the pineal organ project their axon-like processes toward the posterior commissure, but that there is also another type of cell displaying long axonal projections. HRP-containing cells were distributed randomly over the pineal organ and were occasionally also observed in the parapineal organ.  相似文献   

Summary Unique and highly ordered structures were discovered in the so-called apical tubules of several absorbing epithelia (kidney proximal tubule, visceral yolk sac and ductuli efferentes) fixed in situ with a mixture of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide. The apical tubules were especially numerous in the apical cytoplasm, in addition to the invaginations of the apical plasma membrane, newly formed endocytic vesicles and large endocytic vacuoles. They showed a cylindrical structure (80 nm in diameter) limited by a smooth membrane. Helically wound parallel rows of particles (11 nm in diameter) were found in the apical tubules in close proximity to their limiting membrane. The structure of the helix was determined by following the rows through serial sections and semithin sections, and was found to be a left-handed quadruple helix. These particles surround an electron-lucent cylinder (35 nm in diameter), containing at its center a single row of particles (9 nm in diameter). The apical tubules with the luminal specializations were not seen in continuity with the apical plasma membrane, but were frequently connected with the large endocytic vacuoles, which were present in the deeper levels of the apical cytoplasm. From these observations, it is suggested that the apical tubules are not derivatives of the apical plasma membrane; rather, they represent an intracellular compartment, which is morphologically related to the large endocytic vacuoles.  相似文献   

Summary The absorptive epithelium of the trophotaeniae of goodeid embryos is involved in the micropinocytotic uptake of protein macromolecules from the ovarian embryotrophe. Incubations of viable Xenoophorus captivus embryos in vitro with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and/or cationized ferritin (CF) allows the tracing of the fluid-phase and receptor-mediated pathways, respectively. Effects of lowered temperature on both these endocytotic mechanisms have been investigated. At 10° C, trophotaenial absorptive cells (TACs) have a strong capacity to ingest marker proteins from double tracer media. Surface-bound ligands (CF) and solutes (HRP), taken up in primary pinocytic vesicles, are rapidly channelled to the endosomal compartment. Part of the ingested CF is segregated into dense apical tubules and small vesicles indicating that membrane recycling and transcytosis continue at 10° C. Adsorptive endocytosis of CF at 5° C proceeds at a decreased rate. After incubation periods of 30 min and 1 h, tracer molecules can be found in vesicular, tubular and vacuolar compartments of the apical endocytic zone. At 0° C, no uptake of ligand worth mentioning could be ascertained. Fluid-phase endocytosis, on the other hand, is observable at this temperature. Enzyme reaction product accumulates in flattened vacuoles rather than typical voluminous endosomes. After prolonged exposure to HRP, the epithelial junctional complex becomes leaky and the marker protein penetrates the intercellular space and the lateral lamellar membrane invaginations of TACs.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary The endodermal trophotaenial epithelium in goodeid embryos acts as a placental exchange site. Fine structural and cytochemical data indicate that the trophotaenial absorptive cells are endocytotically highly active. To test their micropinocytotic capacity and characterize the cellular mechanisms involved in membrane, solute and ligand movements, living embryos of Xenoophorus captivus were incubated in saline media containing horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and/or cationized ferritin (CF) in vitro, and the uptake of these tracer proteins examined by both time sequence analysis and pulse-chase procedures. In some embryos, the effects of prolonged exposure to CF injected into the ovarian cavity, was also investigated.Labelling of the free cell surface was detectable with CF only, but interiorization of both probes was quick from all incubation media. Adsorptive pinocytosis of CF and fluid-phase uptake of HRP sequentially labelled pinocytic vesicles, endosomes, and lysosome-like bodies. In addition, CF-molecules were sequestered within apical tubules and small vesicles. HRP was largely excluded from both organelles and ended up in the lysosomal compartment. For CF, two alternative pathways were indicated by the pulse-chase experiments; transcellular passage and regurgitation of tracer molecules to the apical cell surface. The latter procedure involves membrane and receptor recycling, in which apical tubules are thought to mediate.In double-tracer experiments, using an 81 excess of HRP, external labelling with CF was light or lacking after 1–3 min, and the initial uptake-phase produced pinocytic vesicles and endosomes that mainly contained HRP-reaction product. Prolonged incubation, however, resulted in densely CF-labelled plasmalemmal invaginations and pinocytic vesicles that predominantly carried ferritin granules. After 60 min, the vacuoles of the endosomal compartment contained either high concentrations of HRP-reaction product, both tracers side by side, or virtually exclusively CF.  相似文献   

Summary Goldfish kept in diluted Ca-free sea water (SW) (23 or 30 %) or in Ca-Mg-deficient SW (23 %) have a limited survival, release large amounts of mucus, and show spasmodic seizures. Plasma calcium decreases. The PAS-positive calcium-sensitive (Ca-s) cells of the pars intermedia show a low activity in diluted SW and in 23 % Mg-free SW. In diluted Ca-free SW, Ca-s cells are stimulated, but cell hypertrophy is not uniform and often restricted to an area adjacent to the proximal pars distalis. Nuclear hypertrophy is significant in the reactive area, although less pronounced or even absent at the periphery of the lobe. Mitotic activity occurs in the Ca-s cells of goldfish gradually adapted to diluted Ca-free SW and Ca-Mg-deficient SW, and sacrificed after 19 and 28 days, respectively. A general stimulation of the Ca-s cells, which remains less intense than that in goldfish kept in deionized water (DW), appears unable to ensure the survival of the goldfish in an isosmotic Ca-free environment containing Mg2+ (0.1, 12 or 16.8 mM). These data are compared with those obtained in the eel kept in Ca-free SW.  相似文献   

Synopsis Ultrastructural features of the epidermis and rectum were studied inSebastes schlegeli andS. melanops during the late stages of embryonic development, to confirm uptake of maternal substances. Ruthenium red (RR) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were used at fixation and in live embryos, respectively. Epidermal tissue of embryos after developmental stage 24 comprised two squamous cell layers. The outer, thinner cells and their intercellular spaces were easily infiltrated with RR, but the inner cells had no RR deposition. The HRP was not incorporated into the epidermis except in a few outer cells, which had well-developed microvillous projections of cytoplasm. Sacciform cells, chloride cells, and mucous cells distributed in the inner layer but protruding to the epidermal surface had no intracellular RR and HRP depositions. The rectal cells of embryos at about developmental stage 28 had many globular inclusions containing electron-dense substances. The rectal cells were found to take up and digest HRP actively. It is suggested that the embryonic epidermis is structurally loose and takes up low weight molecules, while rectal cells, after the opening of the mouth, actively ingest exogenous, high weight molecules.  相似文献   

Summary In the salmon and trout aminergic cell bodies were found in the nucleus recessus lateraralis (NRL) and the nucleus recessus posterioris (NRP), both of which are situated near the third ventricle. Three cell types could be distinguished. Type 1 produces a green and type 2 a yellow fluorescence. The former type probably contains dopamine and the latter 5-hydroxytryptamine. Both types possess intraventricular protrusions in contact with the cerebrospinal fluid. The third cell type produces a less intense blue-green fluorescence; relatively few cells of this type have thick processes in contact with the ventricle. In addition, large fluorescent cells were found in the salmon, dorsal from the caudal part of the NRL. The various parts of the NRL and NRP are interconnected by thick bundles of nerve fibers; tracts leaving the nuclei could be traced for short distances only. The cells of the nucleus praeopticus (NPO), those of the medial part and to a much lesser extent also of the lateral part of the nucleus lateralis tuberis (NLT) have an aminergic innervation which probably originates from the NRL and/or NRP. All parts of the neurohypophysis contain many monoaminergic fibers, with aminergic material concentrated at the neuro-adenohypophysial interface. Fibers were not observed to penetrate the basal lamina. In the salmon and trout the fibers have a similar distribution, but differ in the intensity of fluorescence, being high in the salmon and low in the trout. Only in the trout have fluorescent cells been found in the adenohypophysis and very occasionally in the neurohypophysis. A number of these cells are basophilic and show a PAS-positive reaction.  相似文献   

Summary Large mononuclear cells with long, actively moving cytoplasmic veils were observed in lymph coming from the skin. The enzyme histochemistry and ultrastructure of these cells suggested that they are related to epidermal Langerhans cells and interdigitating cells in the lymph node. It has been reported that Langerhans cells and interdigitating cells play a role in contact hypersensitivity by taking up antigen and presenting it to thymus-dependent lymphocytes, and it is likely that the veiled cells in the lymph are also involved.After skin-painting with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (DNFB), the veiled cells in lymph coming from the site of painting became more active and were observed contacting other cells present in the lymph; many large cellular aggregates were found. Since neutrophilic leucocytes and mononuclear phagocytes were the predominating cell types in this lymph, there was no evidence for a massive recruitment of immunocompetent lymphocytes at the site of painting.Neonatally thymectomized pigs do not develop allergic reactivity to DNFB. It is of interest that the number of veiled cells and their ability to form large cellular aggregates was not affected in these animals. Therefore, it is unlikely that the defect in responsiveness can be attributed to a failure in the function of veiled cells.  相似文献   

Summary The PAS-positive or PIPAS cells in the pars intermedia of goldfish are activated after reduction of the pH of the ambient freshwater from 7.5 to 3.5. The cells increase in number and exhibit a five-fold increase in cell volume. Granular endoplasmic reticulum occupies most of the cytoplasm. Goldfish PIPAS cells (also termed calciumsensitive cells) are thought to have a hypercalcemic function. Therefore, their activation in acid water may be caused by the severe drop in plasma calcium concentration following exposure of the fish to low water pH. However, activation of the PIPAS cells in response to acidification of the water is not prevented when the calcium concentration of the water is increased to levels that result in hypercalcemia instead of hypocalcemia. Activation of the PIPAS cells occurs also in fish exposed to acidified freshwater enriched with NaCl to an osmolarity similar to that of the blood. This prevents the reduction in plasma osmolarity and Na+ and Cl- concentrations that follow exposure of goldfish to acidified normal freshwater. Our observations do not support the hypothesis that the PIPAS cells in goldfish produce a hypercalcemic hormone, or indeed any hormone involved in calcium metabolism or osmoregulation. The cells may be implicated in acid-base regulation (a characteristic of many types of fish when exposed to acidified water) but the evidence is indirect.  相似文献   

Summary Interstitial cells associated with the deep muscular plexus of the guinea-pig small intestine were studied by electron microscopy, and three-dimensional cell models were reconstructed from serial ultrathin sections with a computer graphic system. Three types of cells were recognized. The first type was similar in shape to smooth muscle cells, but did not contain an organized contractile apparatus. Many large gap junctions comprising about 4% of the cell surface were present; they connected cells of the first type to each other, to the second type of cell and to smooth muscle cells of the outer circular layer. The second type of cell had a welldemarcated cell body with long slender processes and was characterized by a large amount of glycogen comprising about 9% of the cell volume. The third type of cell was similar to fibroblasts, and contained well-developed Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic retiulum. Some of these fibroblast-like cells (a possible subtype) formed small gap junctions. All three types of cells showed close relationships with nerve varicosities. This cellular network consisting of gap-junction-rich cells, glycogen-rich cells and smooth muscle cells may be involved in the pacemaking activity of intestinal movement.  相似文献   

Summary The colloidal gold immunocytochemical technique was used to determine the ultrastructural features of the glandular cells in the pituitaries of male frogs, Rana pipiens, both in vivo and after superfusion in vitro. Specific reactions to antisera against bullfrog gonadotropins, human prolactin, and synthetic 1–39 corticotropin allowed identification of the 3 corresponding types of glandular cells. No immunoreaction was obtained with antisera against human or ovine-growth hormone, human -thyrotropin hormone, and bovine S-100 protein. General morphological features of these immunocytochemically identified glandular cells were similar to those of equivalent cells previously described in other amphibian species. Non-glandular folliculo-stellate cells were distinctive. In freshly removed pituitaries, these folliculo-stellate cells contained lysosome-like structures, but did not show phagocytic vacuoles in the cytoplasm; they contained many mitochondria, and the Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum were relatively undeveloped. After 4 or 18 h of superfusion, some immunoreactive gonadotropic, prolactin, and corticotropic cells showed degeneration and destruction. In the same gland, folliculo-stellate cells retained a viable appearance, but showed phagocytic vacuoles containing secretory granule-like structures which were immunoreactive to gonadotropic, prolactin, and corticotropic antibodies. Some folliculo-stellate cells showed phagocytic vacuoles containing complete glandular cells. These results suggest that superfusion causes a destruction of some of the glandular cells, and that folliculo-stellate cells act as phagocytes when cellular debris or moribund cells are present in the intercellular space in the pituitary parenchyma.Supported by grant DCB 8710462 from the National Science Foundation, grant 2148-83 from the CAICYT (Spain) and the Junta de Andalucia (Spain)  相似文献   

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