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Rare British marine fishes-identification and conservation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Methods of recording and categorizing rare British marine fishes and their habitats are described. Information is stored on a database designed for maximum flexibility, cross-referencing, multiple word search and key word search facilities. Examples are given and discussed in relation to species and habitat protection. 相似文献
琅琊山国家森林公园蝶类多样性 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
报道了安徽滁州市琅琊山国家森林公园蝶类多样性的研究结果,共采集了蝴蝶4454只,隶属8科、40属、57种。应用Margalef物种丰富度模型及Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数分析了该地蝶类物种的丰富度及多样性。蝴蝶物种丰富度由大到小为森林林地(7.2747)>山缘农田(5.3499)>裸岩(3.3008),物种多样性指数由大到小为森林林地(3.3081)>裸岩(2.4628)>山缘农田(2.0009);结果表明琅琊山蝶类物种较为丰富,多样性指数说明琅琊山的生态环境良好。 相似文献
Here we review the current situation of endangered butterflies in Korea and describe the causes of their decline. Because no details regarding the changes in butterfly populations across the country were available, we selected candidate butterfly species based on a score sheet sent to six specialists in Korea. Twenty species were finally selected and assessed. As a result, 3 critically endangered, 14 endangered and 3 vulnerable species were identified. We attempted to identify the possible causes of decline by addressing habitat loss (grassland or riparian grassland), forest succession, warmer temperature, over‐collecting and loss of symbiont ants. We discuss the causal factors with the current situation of butterfly populations in Korea. 相似文献
青海互助北山国家森林公园不同生境的蝶类多样性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了进一步探讨高海拔地区蝴蝶种类和数量与生境结构之间的关系,1993–1997年每年的7月对互助北山国家森林公园不同生境类型(谷间平原、温性草原、针阔叶混交林、高寒灌丛草甸)中蝶类群落的结构、数量和多样性进行了调查。共获得蝴蝶标本4,745头,86种,隶属于8科57属。种类较丰富的类群主要有:粉蝶科豆粉蝶属(Colias)6种、菜粉蝶属(Pieris)5种、绢粉蝶属(Aporia)4种、云粉蝶属(Pontia)3种,蛱蝶科网蛱蝶属(Melitaea)3种;个体数量以粉蝶科和灰蝶科为最多。不同的生境蝶类在种类组成和个体数量上有明显差异,其中以针阔叶混交林物种数(44种)最多,谷间平原个体数量(1,969只)最多。物种多样性指数以针阔叶混交林中最高,高寒灌丛草甸最低;均匀度以针阔叶混交林最高,谷间平原最低;优势度以高寒灌丛草甸最高。从不同生境蝶类成分的特有性上分析,特有属和特有种含量高低依次为针阔叶混交林(20属24种)>高寒灌丛草甸(8属8种)>谷间平原(6属7种)>温性草原(5属6种)。不同生境类型间蝶类种类的相似性系数在0–0.4259之间。蝶类种类组成的聚类分析结果显示:谷间平原与温性草原最先聚为一类,然后与针阔叶混交林聚为一类,最后与高寒灌丛草甸聚为一类。为保护该地区的蝶类物种多样性,应加大宣传力度,建立自然保护区,继续加强本底资源调查。 相似文献
试论海南省蝴蝶保护与可持续性利用的关系 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据世界自然保护联盟 (IUCN) 1994年前制订的《IUCN红色名录》和 1994年IUCN理事会第 4 0次会议上通过的《世界物种红色名录濒危等级》(IUCNRedListCatagories) ,针对我国 1989年颁布的《国家重点保护野生动物保护名录》和 2 0 0 0年国家林业局颁布的《国家保护的有益或者有重要经济、科学价值的陆生野生动物名录》中有关蝴蝶的部分 ,简述制订时的历史背景 ,就其中涉及海南分布的蝴蝶保护种划分的科学依据进行了探讨 ;建议今后蝴蝶保护名录修订时应将栖息地的保护状况列为评估濒危状况的首要依据 ,使保护名录更附合客观事实并有利于保护的可操作性 ;提出保护生物资源的最终目的是在条件成熟时对它们进行利用 ,如果可持续性利用的生物资源不加以利用 ,就是对资源的浪费 ;在利用中需引入高新技术、开拓创新 ,以提高利用效益 ,进而提升资源保护的管理水平。 相似文献
中华虎凤蝶栖息地、生物学和保护现状 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
本文为1992~1996年期间中华虎凤蝶分布和生物学研究结果的总结。中华虎凤蝶现仅分布在我国中部秦岭山脉和长江中下游一带,栖息地多为次生林,可分为长江中下游低地类型和秦岭山脉高山类型。低地类型的寄主植物为杜衡,人为干扰严重;高山类型的寄主植物为细辛,人为干扰较轻。中华虎凤蝶幼期发生历期和存活受光照、温度、湿度等气候因素影响显著。其种群分布格局属典型的异质种群类型。栖息地丧失和退化及寄主植物的过度人为利用是其持续生存的主要致危因素。其种群现状满足IUCN红色名录等级新标准下列条款:VULNERABLE :A1a, c, d + 2c,应定为易危物种。文中还提出了相应的保护对策和进一步研究的内容。 相似文献
H. JOHN HARVEY 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1987,32(2):149-159
The National Trust was founded in 1895 to preserve land and its associated flora, fauna and buildings. The Trust's land holding has since increased to over 220000 ha, of which almost one-third is of high nature conservation value. The protection provided by Trust ownership is particularly important for certain species. In recent years land management for nature conservation has been transferred from volunteers to professional staff and links with other conservation bodies have been developed. A special programme began in 1979 to survey the wildlife of Trust properties. Research is encouraged where it will benefit management. In some areas where traditional management has lapsed the Trust has invested considerable resources into restoring former regimes. 相似文献
2008年6月至2010年9月采用路线法对湖南乌云界国家级自然保护区蝴蝶物种多样性进行了调查,针对4条调查路线31个样线段的植被物种丰富度、海拔高度、离水源距离和人为干扰程度等影响蝴蝶物种丰富度的主要因子,开展多元回归分析比较,同时对试验区、缓冲区和核心区3个规划区域进行蝴蝶群落多样性分析和相似度比较.共采集记录到蝴蝶147种,隶属于10科94属,其中国家保护种4种;多元回归分析表明,植被物种丰富度、海拔高度和人为干扰程度是影响蝴蝶分布最主要的3个因子,其中植被物种丰富度与蝴蝶物种丰富度存在极显著正相关(P<0.01),海拔高度和人为干扰程度与蝴蝶物种丰富度存在显著负相关(P<0.05);核心区的蝴蝶物种丰富度、多样性指数均高于缓冲区和试验区,试验区的优势度指数较高;缓冲区与核心区的相似度系数较高,达到0.526.该自然保护区蝴蝶物种多样性的保护重点在于保护植物群落多样性,保持林相之间的自然演替,适当减少人为干扰,以及加强特殊蝴蝶生境的维护. 相似文献
Co-occurrence of prairie and barrens butterflies: applications to ecosystem conservation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abundance indices from transect surveys for species restricted to prairies and barrens were correlated to test the degree to which these species of conservation concern co-occur. In 56 pair-wise tests among 15 species by subregion, 29 (52%) correlated significantly, all but one positively, and only 17 (37%) of 46 tests involving samples of >60 individuals for each species were non-significant. The species producing the most significant interspecific correlations in prairie were Speyeria idalia (five of ten tests) and Atrytone arogos (four of six tests); in barrens, Euchloe olympia (seven of eight tests) and Hesperia l. leonardus (six of eight tests). Lycaeides melissa samuelis, the butterfly receiving the most conservation attention in these habitats, produced few significant correlations. To explicate these patterns of co-occurrence, case histories were compiled for these species at sites of comparable vegetation by subregion. No management type was clearly favourable for all specialists of a given habitat, although some managements were favourable for more species than others (e.g. haying vs. burning in prairie). Analysis of variance of management at these sites produced more results with significant effects than did correlations of the species' abundance indices with habitat patch size. These results were inconsistent with prevailing ecological theory about the natural maintenance of these habitats; conversely, a single unified (alternative) theory of ecosystem management could not be inferred from these results. These patterns of butterfly co-occurrence suggest an alternative approach to ecosystem conservation that focuses on subsets of species native to a particular ecosystem. These smaller species assemblages significantly co-occur in range, habitat, and management tolerance, and may be amenable to monitoring with indicator species. 相似文献
H.J. HARVEY 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1995,56(S1):231-248
The range and extent of nature conservation interests on land owned by the National Trust are reviewed and the high level of protection which can be afforded to such features is stressed. Some of the threats to such interests are examined and possible conflicts between management for nature conservation and for other Trust objectives are considered. The importance of survey and monitoring are emphasized. It is argued that nature conservationists need to adopt a view of plant communities which recognises their dynamic nature and which accepts the possibility of change. Evidence is reviewed which supports the non-equilibrium state of some communities, the impact of rare events and the importance of life history phenomena. Some possible future directions of nature conservation in the Trust are discussed. 相似文献
The conservation of declining butterfly populations in Britain and Europe: priorities, problems and successes 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
J. A. THOMAS 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1995,56(S1):55-72
The status, ecology and conservation of butterflies in Europe and Britain are reviewed, as a background to the National Trust's past and future contribution to British conservation. Britain has a poor butterfly fauna by European standards, the main areas of endemism and species richness being in the Alps and southern Europe. To date, the main declines among European butterfly populations have occurred across central-northern Europe, with slightly higher extinction rates in mainland countries than in Britain. The main causes of decline are biotope destruction, the loss of certain species' habitats within surviving semi-natural biotopes due to changed land management, and a failure by several species to track the patches of their habitat that are still being generated in modern fragmented landscapes. Until recently, most conservation programmes failed to take account of the latter two factors, resulting in many local extinctions of rare butterfly species even in conservation areas. Recent measures have been much more successful; many were first tested on National Trust properties. 相似文献
Changes of traditional agrarian landscapes and their conservation implications: a case study of butterflies in Romania 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Global biodiversity is decreasing as a result of human activities. In many parts of the world, this decrease is due to the destruction of natural habitats. The European perspective is different. Here, traditional agricultural landscapes developed into species-rich habitats. However, the European biodiversity heritage is strongly endangered. One of the countries where this biodiversity is best preserved is Romania. We analyse the possible changes in Romania's land-use patterns and their possible benefits and hazards with respect to biodiversity. As model group, we used butterflies, whose habitat requirements are well understood. We determined the ecological importance of different land-use types for the conservation of butterflies, underlining the special importance of Romania's semi-natural grasslands for nature conservation. We found that increasing modern agriculture and abandonment of less productive sites both affect biodiversity negatively — the former immediately and the latter after a lag phase of several years. These perspectives are discussed in the light of the integration of Romania into the European Union. 相似文献
Joshua Rambahiniarison Ariana Agustines Konstantinos Alexopoulos Gonzalo Araujo Asia O. Armstrong Shannon Arnold Aldrin Barruga Titus Cañete Segundo Conales Jr. Kymry Delijero Nonie P. Enolva Anna L. Flam Eliya Keane Jessica Labaja Christine G. Legaspi Calum Murie Ryan Murray Simon P. Oliver Simon J. Pierce Alessandro Ponzo Christoph A. Rohner Rosanna Schifferer Sally Snow Martina Spakowski Guy M. W. Stevens Timur Tilgel Jessica N. C. Wong Arnel Andrew Yaptinchay Yotam Barr 《Journal of fish biology》2023,102(2):492-503
Little is known about manta ray population size, structure and connectivity in the Philippines. In collaboration with dive operators, non-governmental organizations and authorities, sightings of manta rays were collated into a single national database. Using in-water photographs and videos gathered through citizen science and dedicated research efforts, this study compiled sightings between 2004 and 2020, showing 22 separate sites throughout the archipelago with manta rays present. A total of 392 individual reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) and 107 oceanic manta rays (Mobula birostris) were identified from the collected footage. Four specific sites in the provinces of Masbate and Palawan together hosted 89% of all identified individuals and accounted for 95% of sightings, highlighting these areas are key aggregation sites. This study also reports the movements of M. birostris within the Philippines, based on photo-identification of three individuals moving 150 km between Cebu and Masbate. Despite the growing number of recreational divers in Daanbantayan and San Jacinto, an 80% decline in M. birostris sightings was observed at these sites. To ensure effective future conservation, it is recommended that efforts focus on the identification and protection of manta ray hotspots and migratory corridors, the creation of a sustainable tourism framework and, most important, the implementation of mitigation strategies to reduce fisheries interactions. 相似文献
为了解八大公山国家级自然保护区内的蝴蝶群落组成及海拔分布, 作者于2016-2018年间对该区域不同生境的蝴蝶群落进行了系统调查和多样性分析, 并持续观测其群落的月动态变化。本研究共记录蝴蝶6,164只, 隶属于5科107属191种。低海拔(250-450 m)生境记录到的蝴蝶以凤蝶亚科为主, 高海拔(1,200-1,400 m)生境以粉蝶亚科为主, 而中海拔(700-900 m)生境无明显的蝴蝶优势类群。相似性分析结果表明, 各生境存在很高比例的共有种(59%以上), 这些共有种在不同生境的个体数分布存在很大的差异。季节动态分析结果表明, 八大公山蝴蝶群落的物种数、个体数及多样性指数在4-6月逐渐上升, 7月达到峰值, 8-9月逐渐下降。总体来说, 八大公山的蝴蝶群落组成沿海拔梯度呈现垂直分布差异, 高海拔与低海拔存在明显的异质性, 中海拔则呈现出一种过渡状态; 且八大公山不同海拔的蝴蝶群落表现出较为一致的季节动态, 都具有很高比例的物种更替; 相对于低海拔, 高海拔生境蝴蝶群落的活跃期更短, 物种的时间周转率更高。 相似文献
安徽鹞落坪国家级自然保护区蝶类的垂直分布及其群落多样性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用定点法、样线法和随机调查法,2005-2008年间对安徽鹞落坪国家级自然保护区蝶类垂直分布及群落多样性进行调查.本次调查共捕获蝶类3681只,隶属于10科69属111种,其中蛱蝶科的物种数、个体数和多样性指数均高于其他各科;该地区蝶类呈现由东洋界向古北界过渡的特征,且随着海拔的升高东洋界种类逐渐递减,古北界种类逐渐增多.在3个垂直带中(海拔低于800 m、800~1200 m、高于1200 m),海拔800~1200 m垂直带的蝶类种类最丰富.研究区6种主要生境类型(落叶阔叶林、常绿针叶林、针阔混交林、灌木和次生林、农田、居民点)中,灌木和次生林中蝶类的物种数和个体数量、物种多样性指数均高于其他各生境类型,农田生境中蝶类多样性指数最低;生境之间蝶类物种的相似性系数主要与生境构成要素中的植被类型有关,植被类型相差越大,蝶类物种的相似性系数就越小,研究区针阔混交林与灌木和次生林之间的蝶类物种相似性系数最高(0.61),而常绿针叶林与灌木和次生林之间的相似性系数最低(0.20). 相似文献
蝴蝶是生态质量和环境变化的重要指示生物。查明福建省龙栖山国家级自然保护区蝴蝶资源及其动态对龙栖山生物多样性保护和研究具有重要意义。通过2016-2018年对龙栖山自然保护区蝴蝶的持续调查和观测, 应用Shannon-Wiener指数及相对多度分析研究了蝴蝶的多样性、种群动态和区系成分。结果表明: 龙栖山自然保护区的蝶类有5科107属193种。在龙栖山样区设置的6条样线中, 小沛样线的属和种数均为最多, 共48属58种; 属于国家保护的蝴蝶有6种; 区系组成主要以东洋种成分(79.3%)为主, 广布种成分次之(21.2%); 蝴蝶优势种组成在不同年度间稍有变化, 持续稳定的优势种为矍眼蝶(Ypthima baldus)。 相似文献
湖北石首麋鹿的冬季生境选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2005年11月至2006年2月,研究了石首麋鹿冬季的生境选择。共随机抽取了195个样方,其中石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区内111个,保护区外江南三合垸84个。在样方中测定了食物丰富度、距水源的距离、距林缘距离、距道路的距离、植被类型、距最近居民点的距离6种生境因子。用SPSS软件分别进行卡方检验、主成分分析和相关分析。结果表明:麋鹿选择食物丰富、距水源近且远离人为干扰的开阔生境;影响麋鹿冬季生境选择的3个主成分依次为食物因子、人为干扰因子、水源因子;鹿群大小与各生境因子相关不显著。该结果可为保护和改善石首麋鹿的栖息地提供参考。 相似文献
2005年11月至2006年2月,研究了石首麇鹿冬季的生境选择。共随机抽取了195个样方,其中石首麇鹿国家级自然保护区内111个,保护区外江南三合垸84个。在样方中测定了食物丰富度、距水源的距离、距林缘距离、距道路的距离、植被类型、距最近居民点的距离6种生境因子。用SPSS软件分别进行卡方检验、主成分分析和相关分析。结果表明:麇鹿选择食物丰富、距水源近且远离人为干扰的开阔生境;影响麇鹿冬季生境选择的3个主成分依次为食物因子、人为干扰因子、水源因子;鹿群大小与各生境因子相关不显著。该结果可为保护和改善石首麇鹿的栖息地提供参考。 相似文献