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Summary In the rostral hypothalamus of the domestic fowl, the magnocellular neurosecretory nuclei show a peculiar differentiation. Golgi studies of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the fowl reveal at least two major cell types: 1) large multipolar neurons, and 2) small interneurons. Golgi impregnations provide a detailed cytoarchitectural picture of the large-sized cells; the latter may well correspond to the neurosecretory cells demonstrated in the same regions by selective staining, and immunocytochemical and electron microscopical techniques.Electron microscopically, neuronal perikarya are observed to contain variable amounts of neurosecretory granules (100–200 nm in diameter; mean diameter of 160 nm) scattered throughout the cytoplasm. The diameters of these granules do not differ statistically in the two principal nuclear areas examined. The perikarya of these neurons display only a few axosomatic synapses containing electron-lucent and dense-cored vesicles (70–90 nm in diameter). Numerous nerve terminals of this type also end on the dendritic ramifications in the surrounding neuropil.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the thyroid gland of the domestic fowl has been investigated and found to be similar to that of mammals. The differences were found at subcellular level in the distribution of the dark bodies which were mainly apical and in the sizes of primary lysosomes. These were found to range from 100 to 500 nm in diameter. All organelles described in mammals as being concerned with the production of thyroglobulin and the two hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine were found to be present.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of blood vessels in the brood patch (thoracic skin) of the domestic fowl was studied by use of the catecholamine fluorescence technique, acetylcholinesterase staining, and the immunoperoxidase technique for demonstration of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Large arteries and veins were sparsely innervated, whereas arteriovenous anastomoses (AVAs) were densely innervated by adrenergic, acetylcholinesterase-positive, and VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibres. The rich supply of different vasomotor nerves to AVAs emphasizes the importance of these vascular shunts in regulating blood flow and, in turn, the transport of heat to the brood patch. Furthermore, the presence of VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibres in the vasculature of the brood patch suggests that VIP might be the mediator of the previously reported cold-induced vasodilatation.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the polymorphic vesicular component of the ultimobranchial gland of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) has been described in detail, together with the structure of the cell strands interconnecting the vesicles and the parathyroid nodules lying within the ultimobranchial stroma. The vesicles frequently appear to arise from the nodules by way of the cell strands. The strands show a structure of their component cells intermediate between that of the parathyroid and the vesicular cells, although the position at which the strand changes from an essentially parathyroid structure to an essentially vesicular structure is very variable. The degree and kind of secretory activity within different cell types has been described. A review of the structure of ultimobranchial glands throughout the vertebrates shows that similar tissue with a similar secretory potential has been observed in all vertebrate classes, suggesting a functional significance for this part of the gland.  相似文献   

Summary A ganglion-like aggregate consisting of acetyl-cholinesterase-positive neurons was demonstrated in the pineal organ of the domestic fowl by means of light and electron microscopy. This ganglion is located in juxtaposition with the pineal tract at the posterior (caudal) aspect of the pineal stalk. Numerous large and small neurons formed the ganglion in 40-day-old domestic fowl. Some of these nerve cells established direct neuro-neuronal contacts, others were surrounded by satellite cells. These ganglion cells displayed axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synapses. The above-mentioned cluster of nerve cells may be considered as a pineal ganglion. Its central or peripheral nature is open to discussion. Send offprint requests to: Dr. K. Wake, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, 113, Japan  相似文献   

Summary Tissues from the proximal, middle, and distal regions of the ceca of Gambel's quail and domestic fowl were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Cellular and subcellular structures, including epithelial cell height, mitochondrial volume fraction, microvillous surface area, proportion of goblet cells, and junctional complex characteristics, were quantified by a variety of stereologic procedures and other measurement techniques. The mucosal surface of quail cecum shows a much more highly developed pattern of villous ridges and flat areas than that of fowl cecum. The fowl has significantly greater cell heights than the quail in all cecal regions. The mitochondrial volume fraction does not differ significantly with species or region, but mitochondria are concentrated on the apical side of the nucleus. In both species, the proximal cecal region has the greatest microvillous surface area. All 3 components of junctional complexes, including zonula occludens, zonula adhaerens, and macula adhaerens, are quantified. When all factors are considered, the quail cecum appears to have morphological characteristics consistent with a greater potential capacity for absorption than the fowl cecum.  相似文献   

Summary The preoptic area of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus) was studied by means of the Golgi technique. At least two regions can be recognized: (i) a medial and (ii) a lateral area, clearly distinguishable laterally from the adjacent telencephalic regions. The dendritic organization of the preoptic area is quite uniform. The neurons can be classified as isodendritic elements. The magnocellular elements are few and irregularly scattered mostly in the periventricular grey of the medial preoptic area. Of relevant interest is also the observation of some bipolar and horizontal neurons in the dorsal part of the medial preoptic area, near the anterior commissure.  相似文献   

Summary The avian sympathoadrenal system has been used as a model to examine the differentiation of cells expressing neuroactive substances derived from the neural crest. Previous studies have dealt with the expression of the classical neurotransmitters acetylcholine and catecholamines and of the neuropeptides somatostatin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. We have used immunocytochemistry to examine the developmental expression of the monoamine serotonin (5HT) in the chicken sympathoadrenal system. 5HT-like immunoreactivity (5HT-LI) was found to be transiently expressed by cells of the sympathetic ganglia very early in development (E-5 to E-8), disappearing almost entirely at more advanced embryonic stages (E-10 to E-19) and posthatched chickens where only a population of cells similar to mammalian small intensely fluorescent cells express immunoreactivity to the amine. In contrast, in the adrenal gland of embryos and post-hatched chickens, most chromaffin cells also express 5HT-LI. Double labeling experiments show that in both the adrenal gland and the sympathetic ganglia catecholaminergic properties and somatostatin immunoreactivity are co-expressed with 5-HT-LI. Moreover, the cells that transiently express 5HT-LI in sympathetic ganglia also transiently express somatostatin. The catecholaminergic cells expressing serotonin and somatostatin appear to define a biochemical phenotype common to some chromaffin cells, small intensely fluorescent cells and early sympathoblasts.  相似文献   

Summary The corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-containing neurons were investigated in the brain of the domestic fowl by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique at the light-microscopic level. The detection of CRF-immunoreactivity was facilitated by silver intensification. CRF-containing perikarya were found in the paraventricular, preoptic and mammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus and in some extrahypothalamic areas (nuclei dorsomedialis and dorsolateralis thalami, nucleus accumbens septi, lobus parolfactorius, periaqueductal gray of the mesencephalon, nucleus oculomotorius ventralis). Immunoreactive nerve fibers and terminals were demonstrated in the external zone of the median eminence and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis. These results indicate that an immunologically demonstrable CRF-neurosecretory system also exists in the avian central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the intestinal wall in the teleosts Myoxocephalus and Pleuronectes was examined electron microscopically. Two classes of axons can be identified. The first, which is in the majority, contains numerous 50–150 nm granular vesicles as well as some 40–50 nm agranular vesicles while the second contains predominantly the 40–50 nm agranular vesicles. Chromate/dichromate staining methods suggest that the first type is aminergic. Both types lie in close association with the perikarya of intrinsic myenteric neurons but only axons containing predominantly agranular vesicles have synaptic membrane specialisations. No axon bundles pass into the longitudinal muscle layer in Myoxocephalus gut and though some do in Pleuronectes, they do not closely approach the smooth muscle cells. Axons containing large granular vesicles lie in intimate contact with the myocytes of the circular muscle layer. Both axon types pass through the submucosa to form a plexus underneath the mucosal epithelium. Varicosities containing agranular or granular vesicles are separated from the epithelial cells by a gap of about 200 nm in which lies a basal lamina.  相似文献   

Summary In the central nervous system of the male domestic fowl, met-enkephalin (ENK) immunoreactive perikarya and fiber tracts as well as extensive but sharply delimited fiber networks were visualized by means of the PAP technique. The most striking results were: (1) The demonstration of an association of ENK-containing structures with branchial nerves; (2) the spatial relationship of ENK-containing perikarya and fibers to somatostatin (SOM) and arginine-vasotocin (AVT)-immunoreactive systems; (3) the presence of dense and extensive ENK fiber networks within (a) the caudo-basal wall of the third ventricle and (b) the septal-preoptic area; in both regions mainly ENK fibers, but also SOM and AVT fibers, may cross to the contralateral side.  相似文献   

Summary The developing outer layer of the vitelline membrane of the ovum in the posterior part of the infundibulum of the domestic fowl contains many spermatozoa in nearly parallel orientation with its inner layer. When the acrosomal region of a spermatozoon approaches or contacts the inner layer, promptly undergoes the acrosome reaction. The outer acrosomal membrane and overlying plasma membrane fuse together and the apical region of the acrosome opens, so that the acrosomal contents are released. Meanwhile the spermatozoon remains a time in contact with the surface of the inner layer, and the network of the inner layer just under the tip of the sperm head begins to be dissolved. This dissolution extends downward forming a tunnel, approximately 9 m in diameter. The spermatozoon then passes through the inner layer obliquely via the central region of the tunnel and arrives at the perivitelline space.The authors are greatly indebted to assoc. prof. Dr. Osamu Koga for his valuable advices. The authors also wish to thank Mr. Takayuki Mori for his helpful suggestions and technical advices. This investigation was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education of Japan (156185)  相似文献   

Summary Surface features of the ependymal linings of the fourth ventricle in the fowl were analyzed employing the scanning electron microscope (SEM). On the floor of the median sulcus, each ependymal cell has a solitary cilium, whereas on both sides of the sulcus, cilia are so densely distributed that the details of the underlying cell surface are usually obscured. On the roof of the fourth ventricle, except for the surface of the ciliated groove where numerous cilia are present, the ependymal cells are polygonal in shape, and the center of each cell possesses an aggregate of ten to twenty cilia. Cell surfaces of the choroid tela are entirely covered with delicate microvilli and possess clumped cilia. The ependymal cell surfaces of the area postrema are dome-like in shape. Each ependymal cell has a solitary cilium and shows a smooth surface free of microvilli.This work was supported by a Scientific Research Grant, No. 144017, from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Professor M. Yasuda  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the somatotrophs of the caudal pituitary of the domestic fowl was studied quantitatively. Two age groups of male chickens were compared: 4–6 weeks and 24–30 weeks post-hatching. With age, somatotrophs decreased from about 40% to about 30% of the pituitary cell population. Their volume density decreased similarly. Mean volume of a somatotroph was the same in young and adult animals. Because the granule volume density of the somatotrophs was unchanged, but the somatotroph volume density of the gland declined, the granule volume density of the caudal pituitary gland dropped in parallel with that of the somatotrophs. Thus the volume of the gland comprised of somatotroph granules fell about 32%: from 6.57% to 4.45%. This lowered pool of stored hormone may be linked to the lowered circulating levels of growth hormone found in older animals by other investigators.The granule volume density of the somatotrophs was unchanged but the numerical density approximately doubled; thus the mean granule size decreased by 47% with age. The relationship of the size reduction of the granules to the lowered plasma growth hormone levels is not understood at present.Supported in part by Hatch and State funds from the New Jersey State Agricultural Experimental Station and NSF grants PCM 8,0227,27 and PCM 8,302197.  相似文献   

Summary The location of LHRH-containing neuronal elements was investigated in the domestic fowl by means of immunohistochemical techniques. LHRH antisera were raised against synthetic LHRH in the rabbit. The antiserum used in the present study cross-reacted with LHRH of mammalian and avian tissues.LHRH-immunoreactive perikarya are located in the preoptic and in the septal areas, and in the bulbus olfactorius; however, no LHRH-immuno-reactive perikarya were found in the tuberal part of the hypothalamus. LHRH-immunoreactive fibers course from these areas toward the median eminence mainly along the wall of the third ventricle in the form of a periventricular network. Originating from the same cell groups other fibers run caudally immediately above the optic chiasma, forming the median bundle of the tractus preoptico-infundibularis. The third bundle running toward the OVLT is named the tractus preoptico-terminalis. In addition to these structures, LHRH-containing fibers and terminals were also present in different regions of the limbic system, in the dorsal part of the hippocampus, in the tuberculum and bulbus olfactorius, as well as in the optic lobe, nuclei commissurales tectales, organon subcommissurale, periaqueductal area, and pars ventralis mesencephali.The general distribution of the LHRH system in the chicken corresponds principally to that described previously in rodents (Sétáló et al. 1976, 1978). However, some subtle differences were demonstrated between the location of the LHRH system in birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Summary The somatotrophs of the pituitary gland of the male domestic fowl were identified by means of an immuno-electron-microscopic method based on gold as the electron-opaque label and an antibody to growth hormone. Gold particles indicating sites of growth hormone were restricted to cells in which virtually all of the granules were labelled. Little, if any, gold label was found outside the granules in these cells designated as somatotrophs, or at sites outside these cells. The size of these gold-labelled secretory granules presumed to contain growth hormone decreased with age, from a mean sectional diameter of 256±6.2 nm (SEM) at 4–6 weeks to 221±5.7 nm at 11–18 weeks and 205±8.6 nm at 24–30 weeks of age. On the basis of these values for mean sectional diameters the change between the first two periods represents a decrease in granule volume of about 36%. However, during the same period the growth hormone concentration of the granules increased. Accordingly, growth hormone content per granule changed little if at all. In contrast, from 11–18 weeks to 24–30 weeks of age there was a decrease of 31% in growth hormone content per granule. These data indicate that growth hormone packaging in the chicken somatotroph changes with age. The first change results in the production of smaller granules of higher growth hormone concentration. During this period growth hormone content per granule remains relatively constant. The later change results in the production of granules of lower growth hormone content than that of younger animals.This is a paper of the Journal Sciences, New Jersey Agriculture Experimental Station supported in part by the State and Hatch Act Funds and a grant from the National Science Foundation (PMC-8022727)  相似文献   

Summary Processes of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) are easily identifiable on the basis of their content in neurosecretory granules in the neuropil of the rostral division of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the domestic fowl. In specimens sacrificed during the winter the synaptic organization of the neuropil and the pattern of synapses ending on neurosecretory processes were studied at the ultrastructural level. Synapses in the rostral part of the PVN neuropil may be divided into three main categories on the basis of their morphology and their content of clear and dense-core synaptic vesicles. These different types of terminals can be attributed to aminergic, peptidergic or other types of synapses. The percent distribution of synapses within these categories differs when all synapses observed in the neuropil or only those ending on MNC processes are compared. Present ultrastructural data obtained in birds support two physiological hypotheses already suggested for mammals, i.e., the probable existence of a recurrent pathway to MNCs via an interneuron, and the importance of aminergic and peptidergic input in regulating the electrical activity of MNCs.This work was partly supported by a CNR grant (n. 81.00377.04)  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the ependymal cells in the area postrema of the domestic fowl was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The ependymal surface of the area postrema is covered with many furrows and ridges. These ridges consist of ependymal cells aggregated in a fan-like shape. The ependymal cell lacks clustered cilia, microvilli are few, and a long basal process extends through the parenchymal layer of the area postrema. Within the cytoplasm as well as in the basal process, a spherical body with a diameter ranging from 1.5 to 2 gmm is occasionally observed.This work was supported by a Scientific Research Grant, No. 144017, from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Professor M. YasudaThe authors are grateful to Drs. T. Fujioka and T. Watanabe for their valuable advice  相似文献   

the presence of endocrine cells and nerves in the lung of 2 avian species (Gallus gallus and Columba livia domestica) has been studied by peroxidase-antiper-oxidase (PAP) and avidin-biotin complex (ABC) immunocytochemical methods at the light-microscopic level. Two immunoreactive cell-types have been identified in the epithelium of the primary and secondary bronchi of chick lung: serotonin- and bombesin-immunoreactive cells; and 3 cell-types, namely, serotonin-, bombesin- and CGRP-(calcitonin gene related peptide) immunoreactive cells, have been located in the bronchial epithelium of pigeon lung. Co-localization of 2 different immunoreactivities within the same cell has not been detected. VIP-immunoreactive nerves have been observed in different locations in chick lung.  相似文献   

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