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In a mutant strain of Hydractinia (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa), the polyps develop ectopic supernumerary tentacles and heads (hypostomes) after an initial phase of wild-type growth. In order to elucidate the molecular mechanisms implicated in the development of aberrant phenotypes, we tried to enhance or suppress the expressivity of this hypomorphic mutation by exposing subclones to factors supposedly influencing pattern formation. Upon iterated treatment with alsterpaullone, an inhibitor of GSK-3, the formation of additional, ectopic head structures and the budding of new polyps were dramatically accelerated and enhanced. The endogenous stolon-inducing factor (SIF) had opposite effects by reducing head forming potential while increasing stolon-forming potential. SIF could be used to rescue extremely aberrant phenotypes. In these mutant colonies, long polyps with multiple heads eventually detach from stolons and lose the ability to regenerate stolons. Upon exposure to SIF, such free-floating multi-headed polyps resumed production of stolons and acquired wild-type morphology. We conclude that a canonical WNT signaling cascade is involved in patterning the body axis of polyps and in the initiation of budding, and that SIF counteracts this signaling system.  相似文献   

Myohara M 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e37319
The term 'neoblast' was originally coined for a particular type of cell that had been observed during annelid regeneration, but is now used to describe the pluripotent/totipotent stem cells that are indispensable for planarian regeneration. Despite having the same name, however, planarian and annelid neoblasts are morphologically and functionally distinct, and many annelid species that lack neoblasts can nonetheless substantially regenerate. To further elucidate the functions of the annelid neoblasts, a comparison was made between the regeneration patterns of two enchytraeid oligochaetes, Enchytraeus japonensis and Enchytraeus buchholzi, which possess and lack neoblasts, respectively. In E. japonensis, which can reproduce asexually by fragmentation and subsequent regeneration, neoblasts are present in all segments except for the eight anterior-most segments including the seven head-specific segments, and all body fragments containing neoblasts can regenerate a complete head and a complete tail, irrespective of the region of the body from which they were originally derived. In E. japonensis, therefore, no antero-posterior gradient of regeneration ability exists in the trunk region. However, when amputation was carried out within the head region, where neoblasts are absent, the number of regenerated segments was found to be dependent on the level of amputation along the body axis. In E. buchholzi, which reproduces only sexually and lacks neoblasts in all segments, complete heads were never regenerated and incomplete (hypomeric) heads could be regenerated only from the anterior region of the body. Such an antero-posterior gradient of regeneration ability was observed for both the anterior and posterior regeneration in the whole body of E. buchholzi. These results indicate that the presence of neoblasts correlates with the absence of an antero-posterior gradient of regeneration ability along the body axis, and suggest that the annelid neoblasts are more essential for efficient asexual reproduction than for the regeneration of missing body parts.  相似文献   

In wild type Hydra magnipapillata, daily application of the protein kinase C activator diacylglycerol (DAG) evokes sprouting of periodically spaced ectopic heads along the body column and leads to loss of the ability to regenerate proximal structures including the foot. The present transplantation studies show that the appearance of ectopic heads is preceded by an early increase in the 'positional value' (P-value) or 'head activation potential' of the gastric column. Long before ectopic head structures emerge, pieces of DAG-treated tissue transplanted into the corresponding positional level of untreated hosts induce head formation instead of being integrated, whereas pieces implanted from untreated donors into DAG-treated hosts form feet. Foot formation implies a decrease in the P-value. This down-regulation is promoted through long-range assistance by the head. Thus, after termination of the DAG treatment ectopic feet are intercalated midway between the periodically spaced heads; moreover, untreated polyps onto which additional distal heads have been grafted regenerate feet faster than do one-headed polyps and may form supernumerary feet. Multiheaded animals can also be produced using two substances (K-252a and xanthate D609) that interfere with signal transduction, but the mode by which secondary heads arise is different from DAG-induced ectopic head formation. Presumably because the assistance by the parental head is impaired, buds fail to form a foot and detach and instead give rise to stable secondary body axes. It is assumed that the P-value along the body varies according to the number of cellular receptors for factors serving as intercellular signals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In Hydractinia, a colonial marine hydroid representing the basal phylum Cnidaria, Wnt signaling plays a major role in the specification of the primary body axis in embryogenesis and in the establishment of the oral pole during metamorphosis. Here we report supplementing investigations on head regeneration and bud formation in post-metamorphic development. Head and bud formation were accompanied by the expression of Wnt, frizzled and Tcf. Activation of Wnt signaling by blocking GSK-3beta affected regeneration, the patterning of growing polyps and the asexual formation of new polyps in the colony. In the presence of lithium ions or paullones, gastric segments excised from adult polyps showed reversal of tissue polarity as they frequently regenerated heads at both ends. Phorbol myristate acetate, a known activator of protein kinase C increased this effect. Global activation of the Wnt pathway caused growing polyps to form ectopic tentacles and additional heads along their body column. Repeated treatment of colonies evoked the emergence of many and dramatically oversized bud fields along the circumference of the colony. These giant fields fell apart into smaller sub-fields, which gave rise to arrays of multi-headed polyps. We interpret the morphogenetic effects of blocking GSK-3beta as reflecting increase in positional value in terms of positional information and activation of Wnt target genes in molecular terms.  相似文献   

Coelenterates including hydra are assumed to be close to the last common ancestor before bilaterality evolved. Models based on local self-enhancement and long-range inhibition account for pattern formation and regeneration along this ancestral axis. The body of a hydra-like ancestor evolved into the brain and heart of higher organisms, accounting for the close relationship of both patterning processes. Bilateria require a long-extended organizing region to pattern their dorsoventral axis. Models reveal the difficulties in the generation of such a stripe-like organizer and account for different mechanisms realized in vertebrates and insects. Common pathways involved in hydra budding and in the formation of appendages in higher organisms suggest a possible link.  相似文献   

Hydra consist of three self-renewing cell lineages: the ectodermal epithelial, endodermal epithelial and interstitial cell lineages. The role of these cell lineages in head formation and foot regeneration in Hydra magnipapillata was studied by comparing the multiheaded strain mh-1 with the wild-type. Adult polyps of this strain show a reduced ability to regenerate a foot in the apical body half several days before additional heads are formed there. Cell lineage chimeras were produced, and it was found that in mh-1, the ectodermal epithelial cell lineage is responsible for the formation of additional heads, whereas the endodermal epithelial cell lineage and, to a lesser extent, the derivatives of the interstitial cell lineage, are responsible for the reduced ability of foot regeneration.  相似文献   

Current models of pattern formation in Hydra propose head-and foot-specific morphogens to control the development of the body ends and along the body length axis. In addition, these morphogens are proposed to control a cellular parameter (positional value, source density) which changes gradually along the axis. This gradient determines the tissue polarity and the regional capacity to form a head and a foot, respectively, in transplantation experiments. The current models are very successful in explaining regeneration and transplantation experiments. However, some results obtained render problems, in particular budding, the asexual way of reproduction is not understood. Here an alternative model is presented to overcome these problems. A primary system of interactions controls the positional values. At certain positional values secondary systems become active which initiate the local formation of e.g. mouth, tentacles, and basal disc. (i) A system of autocatalysis and lateral inhibition is suggested to exist as proposed by Gierer and Meinhardt (Kybernetik 12 (1972) 30). (ii) The activator is neither a head nor a foot activator but rather causes an increase of the positional value. (iii) On the other hand, a generation of the activator leads to its loss from cells and therewith to a (local) decrease of the positional value. (iv) An inhibitor is proposed to exist which antagonizes an increase of the positional value. External conditions like the gradient of positional values in the surroundings and interactions with other sites of morphogen production decide whether at a certain site of activator generation the positional value will increase (head formation), decrease (foot formation) or increase in the centre and decrease in the periphery thereby forming concentric rings (bud formation). Computer-simulation experiments show basic features of budding, regeneration and transplantation.  相似文献   

Local self-activation and long ranging inhibition provide a mechanism for setting up organising regions as signalling centres for the development of structures in the surrounding tissue. The adult hydra hypostome functions as head organiser. After hydra head removal it is newly formed and complete heads can be regenerated. The molecular components of this organising region involve Wnt-signalling and β-catenin. However, it is not known how correct patterning of hypostome and tentacles are achieved in the hydra head and whether other signals in addition to HyWnt3 are needed for re-establishing the new organiser after head removal. Here we show that Notch-signalling is required for re-establishing the organiser during regeneration and that this is due to its role in restricting tentacle activation. Blocking Notch-signalling leads to the formation of irregular head structures characterised by excess tentacle tissue and aberrant expression of genes that mark the tentacle boundaries. This indicates a role for Notch-signalling in defining the tentacle pattern in the hydra head. Moreover, lateral inhibition by HvNotch and its target HyHes are required for head regeneration and without this the formation of the β-catenin/Wnt dependent head organiser is impaired. Work on prebilaterian model organisms has shown that the Wnt-pathway is important for setting up signalling centres for axial patterning in early multicellular animals. Our data suggest that the integration of Wnt-signalling with Notch-Delta activity was also involved in the evolution of defined body plans in animals.  相似文献   

In the freshwater coelenterate, hydra, asexual reproduction via budding occurs at the base of the gastric region about two-thirds of the distance from the head to the foot. Developmental gradients of head and foot activation and inhibition originating from these organizing centers have long been assumed to control budding in hydra. Much has been learned over the years about these developmental gradients and axial pattern formation, and in particular, the inhibitory influence of the head on budding is well documented. However, understanding of the role of the foot and potential interactions between the foot, bud, and head patterning systems is lacking. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the foot in the initiation of new axis formation during budding by manipulating the foot and monitoring effects on the onset of first bud evagination and the time necessary to reach the 50% budding point. Several experimental situations were examined: the lower peduncle and foot (PF) were injured or removed, a second PF was laterally grafted onto animals either basally (below the budding zone) or apically (above the budding zone), or both the head and PF were removed simultaneously. When the PF was injured or removed, the onset of first bud evagination was delayed and/or the time until the 50% budding point was reached was longer. The effects were more pronounced when the manipulation was performed closer to the anticipated onset of budding. When PF tissue was doubled, precocious bud evagination was induced, regardless of graft location. Removal of the PF at the same time as decapitation reduced the inductive effect of decapitation on bud evagination. These results are discussed in light of potential signals from the foot or interactions between the foot and head patterning systems that might influence bud axis initiation.  相似文献   

A head inhibitory gradient arising in the vicinity of a hydra'shead, and a foot inhibitory gradient arising from the animal'sfoot are thought to intersect in the budding region. To investigatethe possible influences of these gradients on budding, sampleswere prepared of 25 or more animals having as many as five gastricregions or gastric-plus-budding regions grafted in tandem. Thesegments of grafted animals were considered equivalent exceptfor distance from the head and foot. The average frequenciesof regeneration of budding regions on grafted gastric regions,and the average number of buds on grafted budding regions weredetermined for each sample. Both of these variables changed as functions of distance fromthe head in U-shaped curves as the hypothesis predicts. Thearm of the U closest to the head indicates a stronger degreeof inhibition than the arm closest to the foot since there areless regeneration and fewer buds close to the head. Evidencefor segments on which ectopic heads regenerated also shows inhibitionof budding due to a head. The slopes of the arms of the U-shapedcurves do not resemble the slopes of the curves for head andfor foot inhibition, however, particularly since the slopesfor budding inhibition do not decrease as a function of thenumber of grafted segments. It is doubtful, therefore, thatthe observed bipolar inhibition of the budding region is dueto the inhibitors of head and foot formation.  相似文献   

The current model of planarian anterior regeneration evokes the establishment of low levels of Wnt signalling at anterior wounds, promoting anterior polarity and subsequent elaboration of anterior fate through the action of the TALE class homeodomain PREP. The classical observation that decapitations positioned anteriorly will regenerate heads more rapidly than posteriorly positioned decapitations was among the first to lead to the proposal of gradients along an anteroposterior (AP) axis in a developmental context. An explicit understanding of this phenomenon is not included in the current model of anterior regeneration. This raises the question what the underlying molecular and cellular basis of this temporal gradient is, whether it can be explained by current models and whether understanding the gradient will shed light on regenerative events. Differences in anterior regeneration rate are established very early after amputation and this gradient is dependent on the activity of Hedgehog (Hh) signalling. Animals induced to produce two tails by either Smed-APC-1(RNAi) or Smed-ptc(RNAi) lose anterior fate but form previously described ectopic anterior brain structures. Later these animals form peri-pharyngeal brain structures, which in Smed-ptc(RNAi) grow out of the body establishing a new A/P axis. Combining double amputation and hydroxyurea treatment with RNAi experiments indicates that early ectopic brain structures are formed by uncommitted stem cells that have progressed through S-phase of the cell cycle at the time of amputation. Our results elaborate on the current simplistic model of both AP axis and brain regeneration. We find evidence of a gradient of hedgehog signalling that promotes posterior fate and temporarily inhibits anterior regeneration. Our data supports a model for anterior brain regeneration with distinct early and later phases of regeneration. Together these insights start to delineate the interplay between discrete existing, new, and then later homeostatic signals in AP axis regeneration.  相似文献   

Functional recovery of neural networks after injury requires a series of signaling events similar to the embryonic processes that governed initial network construction. Neural morphallaxis, a form of nervous system regeneration, involves reorganization of adult neural connectivity patterns. Neural morphallaxis in the worm, Lumbriculus variegatus, occurs during asexual reproduction and segmental regeneration, as body fragments acquire new positional identities along the anterior-posterior axis. Ectopic head (EH) formation, induced by ventral nerve cord lesion, generated morphallactic plasticity including the reorganization of interneuronal sensory fields and the induction of a molecular marker of neural morphallaxis. Morphallactic changes occurred only in segments posterior to an EH. Neither EH formation, nor neural morphallaxis was observed after dorsal body lesions, indicating a role for nerve cord injury in morphallaxis induction. Furthermore, a hierarchical system of neurobehavioral control was observed, where anterior heads were dominant and an EH controlled body movements only in the absence of the anterior head. Both suppression of segmental regeneration and blockade of asexual fission, after treatment with boric acid, disrupted the maintenance of neural morphallaxis, but did not block its induction. Therefore, segmental regeneration (i.e., epimorphosis) may not be required for the induction of morphallactic remodeling of neural networks. However, on-going epimorphosis appears necessary for the long-term consolidation of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the morphallaxis of neural circuitry.  相似文献   

Ring-shaped pieces of hydra tissue were excised from a specified position on a body column of 20-30 polyps and grafted together in tandem like a chain of beads. A "tandem graft" prepared in this way has the same basic tissue organization and same tube-like morphology as a normal hydra body column, but lacks the head, foot, and developmental gradients ordinarily present. Three major types of structures were formed along the length of the tandem graft: heads, buds, and feet. The relative number of these structures produced was strongly affected by the origin of the tissue used to prepare the tandem graft. Evidence was obtained which suggests that tissue originally located outside of the budding zone in intact hydra has a strong latent capacity to form a bud, and that the level of this capacity forms a gradient from the budding zone toward the hypostome. Evidence was also obtained which is consistent with the view that the head and foot forming mechanisms cross-react positively, increasing the chances for these two structures to be formed next to each other on a tandem graft.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanisms underlying pharynx regeneration in planarians, we transplanted pieces excised from various regions of the body into the prepharyngeal or postpharyngeal region, since it has been shown that such transplantation experiments can induce ectopic pharynx formation. We confirmed the ectopic formation of pharynxes by expression of the myosin heavy chain gene specific to pharynx muscles (DjMHC-A). To investigate the cellular events after grafting, we also stained such transplanted worms by in situ hybridization using neuronal cell- and mucous producing cell-type-specific marker genes which can detect formation of brain and prepharyngeal region, respectively. When the head piece was transplanted into the tail region, ectopic formation of the head, prepharyngeal and pharynx region was observed in the postpharyngeal region anterior to the graft, while these organs were formed in the reversed polarity along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis. Furthermore, in the tail region posterior to the graft, ectopic formation of the prepharyngeal and pharynx region was observed. In the reverse combination, when a tail piece was transplanted into the prepharyngeal region, ectopic formation of prepharyngeal and pharynx region was observed in the region between the head and the graft, and an additional ectopic pharynx was also formed in reverse polarity in the region between the graft and host pharynx. These results clearly indicated that ectopic pharynxes were formed as a consequence of the regional reorganization induced by interaction between the host and graft. Furthermore, chimeric analyses demonstrated that the cells participating in ectopic pharynx formation were not exclusively derived from the host or donor cells in the worm, suggesting that the stem cells of the host and donor may change their differentiation pattern due to altered regionality. To further investigate if regional reorganization is induced after grafting, expression of a Hox gene was analyzed in the transplanted worms by whole-mount in situ hybridization. The expression of the Hox gene along the A-P axis was apparently rearranged after grafting of the head piece into the tail region. These results suggest that grafting of the head piece may rearrange the regionality of the host tail, and that stem cells in the region newly defined as pharynx-forming may start to regenerate a pharynx.  相似文献   

Lithium chloride treatment of hydras cut just proximal to the tentacle circle and just distal to the budding region induces a supernumerary head at the proximal cut surface. Such a supernumerary head does not appear in the normal course of regeneration. The bipolar hydra thus formed persists for several weeks and later separates to form two normal individuals. The supernumerary head is not formed at the proximal cut surface when the hydra is transected just distal to the budding zone and the distal portion is allowed to regenerate in the Li-containing medium. LiCl has a slight inhibitory effect on the regeneration of hypostomes or tentacles when the animal is cut at the base of the hypostome.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of ultraviolet-C (UVC) and Ultraviolet-B (UVB) on growth and pattern formation inPelmatohydra oligactis. UVC brings about a significant increase in budding in intact hydra while UVB does not exhibit such an effect. Excessive budding could be a response for survival at wavelengths that damage biological tissues. If the head or base piece of a bisected hydra is irradiated and recombined with the unirradiated missing part, regeneration proceeds normally indicating that exposure of a body part with either an intact head or foot to UVC does not influence pattern formation. Most significantly, in the middle piece, but not in the head or the base piece of a trisected hydra, UVC leads to initiation of ectopic feet formation in almost one third of the cases. Thus, UV irradiation interferes with pattern formation in regenerating hydra, possibly by changing positional values, and promotes budding in intact hydra. This is the first report on induction of ectopic feet formation by UV in regenerating hydra and opens up the possibility of using UV irradiation as a tool to understand pattern formation in the enigmatic hydra  相似文献   

The anterior-posterior axis is a key feature of the bilaterian body plan. Although axis specification during embryogenesis has been studied extensively, virtually nothing is known about how this axis can be established post-embryonically, as occurs in budding animals. We investigated bud formation in the acoel Convolutriloba retrogemma, which reproduces by a remarkable process involving the formation of animals with linked but completely opposite body axes. Reverse axes are established anew during each round of budding and manifestations of the bud's new axis develop gradually, with regionalization of axial patterning genes (Hox and otx) and the establishment of organized musculature occurring secondarily, after bud initiation. A swath of tissue at the parent-bud boundary has no regenerative potential and appears devoid of inherent axial polarity. GSK-3 inhibitor trials suggest that Wnt/β-catenin or Hedgehog signalling may mediate the establishment of this unpolarized zone. Formation of unpolarized tissue may provide a buffer between opposing polarity cues and be a general mechanism by which budding animals establish and maintain linked body axes. In addition to elucidating the developmental basis of budding in a bilaterian, this study provides insight into convergence in animal budding mechanisms, redeployment of embryonic gene expression during budding, and Hox gene evolution.  相似文献   

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