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Preharvest sprouting (PHS) and high alpha-amylase activity (AA) negatively affect quality of rye grain. The objective of this study was to reveal genetic relationship between PHS and AA by developing a consensus map of QTLs controlling each trait. A method of composite interval mapping (CIM) was used to search for QTLs within the 541 × Ot1-3 and DS2 × RXL10 F2 mapping populations representing wide variation range of both traits. Sixteen QTLs for AA were detected on chromosomes 1R (3), 2R (2), 3R (2), 4R (3), 5R (3), 6R (2) and 7R (1). Their distribution was not random showing a tendency of QTL location in distal regions of chromosomes. Nine QTLs for AA located on chromosome arms 1RS, 2RL, 3RS, 4RL, 5RS, 5RL, 6RS, 6RL and 7RS coincided with QTLs for PHS. Seven QTLs for AA independent from PHS were detected on chromosome arms 1RL (2), 2RS, 3RL, 4RS, 4RL and 5RL. Four QTLs for PHS not associated with those for AA were identified on chromosomes 1RL, 2RL, 5RL and 7RL. Partial overlapping of the genetic systems controlling AA and PHS suggests that alpha-amylase found in sound grain of rye could be produced through at least three independent mechanisms i.e. PHS at its initial stage, late maturity alpha-amylase (LMA) and/or retained pericarp alpha-amylase (RPAA). Six QTLs co-located on both maps were found on chromosome arms 1RS, 2RS, 5RS, 5RL, 6RS and 6RL. Valuable features of line Ot1-3 i.e. resistance to preharvest sprouting and low alpha-amylase production in ripening grain can be attributed to seven major QTLs from chromosomes 1RL, 2RL, 5RL (2), 6RL and 7R (2). This set of QTLs, identified in line Ot1-3, might be useful in breeding sprouting resistant cultivars of rye.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic mechanism controlling the inheritance of single and multiple spacer-length variant (slv) phenotypes in barley was investigated in six F2 segregating populations. The results indicated that two independently assorting loci, each with co-dominant alleles, govern genetic variability for rDNA in barley regardless of the number of bands expressed by a given phenotype. The following chromosomal locations are proposed: sl variants 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 on chromosome 7, and sl variants 7, 8, 9, 12, and 13 on chromosome 6; sl variant 7 is thus located on both of the chromosomes.  相似文献   

The use of recombinant DNA-based protein production using genetically modified plants could provide a reproducible, consistent quality, safe, animal-component free, origin-traceable, and cost-effective source for industrial proteins required in large amounts (1000s of metric tons) and at low cost (below US$100/Kg). The aim of this work was to demonstrate the feasibility of using barley suspension cell culture to support timely testing of the genetic constructs and early product characterization to detect for example post-translational modifications within the industrial protein caused by the selected recombinant system. For this study the human Collagen I alpha 1 (CIa1) chain gene encoding the complete helical region of CIa1 optimized for monocot expression was fused to its N- and C-terminal telopeptide and to a bacteriophage T4 fibritin foldon peptide encoding sequences. The CIa1 accumulation was targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by fusing the CIa1 gene to an ER-directing signal peptide sequence and an ER retention signal HDEL. The construct containing the CIa1 gene was then introduced into immature barley half embryos or barley cells by particle bombardment. Transgenic barley cells resulting from these transformations were grown as suspension cultures in flasks and in a Wave bioreactor producing CIa1 similar to CIa1 purified from the yeast Pichia pastoris based on Western blotting, pepsin resistance, and mass spectroscopy analysis. The barley cell culture derived-CIa1 intracellular accumulation levels ranged from 2 to 9 μg/l illustrating the need for further process improvement in order to use this technology to supply material for product development activities.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among wild and cultivated barley as revealed by RFLP   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Genetic variability of cultivated and wild barley, Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare and spontaneum, respectively, was assessed by RFLP analysis. The material consisted of 13 European varietes, single-plant offspring lines of eight land races from Ethiopia and Nepal, and five accessions of ssp. spontaneum from Israel, Iran and Turkey. Seventeen out of twenty-one studied cDNA and gDNA probes distributed across all seven barley chromosomes revealed polymorphism when DNA was digested with one of four restriction enzymes. A tree based on genetic distances using frequencies of RFLP banding patterns was estimated and the barley lines clustered into five groups reflecting geographical origin. The geographical groups of land-race lines showed less intragroup variation than the geographical groups of spontaneum lines. The group of European varieties, representing large variation in agronomic traits, showed an intermediate level. The proportion of gene diversity residing among geographical groups (FST) varied from 0.19 to 0.94 (average 0.54) per RFLP pattern, indicating large diversification between geographical groups.  相似文献   

The vhb gene encoding Vitreoscilla haemoglobin (VHb) was transferred to barley with the aim of studying the role of oxygen availability in germination and growth. Previous findings indicate that VHb expression improves the efficiency of energy generation during oxygen-limited growth, and germination is known to be an energy demanding growth stage during which the embryos also suffer from oxygen deficiency. When subjected to oxygen deficiency, the roots of vhb-expressing barley plants showed a smaller increase in alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity than those of the control plants. This indicates that VHb plants experienced less severe oxygen deficiency than the control plants, possibly due to the ability of VHb to substitute ADH for recycling NADH and maintaining glycolysis. In contrast to previous findings, we found that constitutive vhb expression did not improve the germination rate of barley kernels in any of the conditions studied. In some cases, vhb expression even slowed down germination slightly. VHb production also appeared to restrict root formation in young seedlings. The adverse effects of VHb on germination and root growth may be related to its ability to scavenge nitric oxide (NO), an important signal molecule in both seed germination and root formation. Because NO has both cytotoxic and stimulating properties, the effect of vhb expression in plants may depend on the level and role of endogenous NO in the conditions studied. VHb production also affected the levels of endogenous barley haemoglobin, which may explain the relatively moderate effects of VHb in this study.  相似文献   

The ability of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeders to deliver germplasm that combine elite malt quality characteristics, disease resistances, and important agronomic traits has been greatly enhanced by the use of molecular marker technologies. These technologies facilitate the rapid transfer of desirable traits from diverse, elite, germplasm into locally adapted varieties. This present study sought to obtain an additive genetic effect by combining favourable alleles associated with the malting quality of two elite donor parents (Harrington and Morex) such that the resultant progeny would possess quality superior to either parent. Analysis of genetic diversity, based on whole-genome profiling with 700 DArT markers, showed clear separation of the BC6F1-derived doubled haploid lines from existing malting barley germplasm, indicating they represent a distinctly different source population for genetic improvement. Micro-malting quality results of the BC-derived lines showed substantial quality improvements, compared with the recurrent parent. Malt extract levels were increased by 1.5–2.0%, while diastase levels increased from approximately 320 WKE to 400–460 WKE. Similarly, α-amylase levels were increased from 160 units to between 218 and 251 units, and wort viscosities lowered from 1.90 cps to 1.72–1.82 cps. Other quality improvements include increases in β-glucanase levels from 375 to between 447 and 512 units, and reductions in wort β-glucan levels by 30–60%. Whilst the genetic gains compared to the recurrent parent were impressive, quality of the derived lines were largely equivalent to the levels now available in the recently released varieties, Buloke and Flagship. In a few cases, the backcross-derived lines also showed similarities to the original donors, Harrington and Morex, but in none of the cases did quality of these lines exceed those of either Harrington or Morex.  相似文献   

Summary Some striped plants were observed in plots of a long-grain mutant barley grown at a field nursery. All of the plants of these plots, which were naturally self pollinated, were individually harvested, and most of their progenies (92.5%) segregated seedlings carrying chlorophyll deficiencies (CD) as determined by greenhouse analysis. The majority of the mutant seedlings (84.3%) showed a pattern of longitudinal chlorophyll sectors. The spectrum of CD was wide among the solid mutant seedlings and consisted of three main types (albina, viridis and discontinuous). In association with some CD types morphological changes were frequently observed. Non-CD-associated morphological changes and diminished seed-set were scarce and, so far, none of them has proved to be inherited. Analysis of CD in reciprocal crosses and backcrosses proved that while CD were transmitted cytoplasmically their induction was controlled by a single nuclear mutator gene, active when homozygous. In addition once the CD were induced, they were expressed independently of the nuclear constitution. The results suggest that the mutator gene induces diverse mutational events on chloroplast (cp) DNA. In barley, as in other monocots, nuclear genes which are inductors of cytoplasmic genetic changes have been reported. However, all of them produced a narrower spectrum of CD and had a more rapid sorting-out of the cytoplasmic mutants than what we observed. On this basis a distinction between chloroplast and mitochondrial (mt) mutator genes is proposed. Accordingly, the chloroplast mutator here described would be the first one reported for monocots. Increased knowledge on this subject can play a fundamental role in elucidating organelle heredity and its interactions with the nuclear genome. Moreover, this material could be a valuable source of variability of the otherwise conservative genetic information encoded in the chloroplast.Paper GEN 792, Institute of Genetics, CICA, INTA, Castelar  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) telomeres were investigated by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and in situ hybridization. In situ hybridization showed that a tandemly repeated satellite sequence has a subtelomeric location, and is present at thirteen of the fourteen chromosome ends. PFGE revealed that this satellite sequence is physically close to the telomeric repeat. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis was then used for segregation analysis and linkage mapping of several telomeric and satellite loci in a segregating doubled-haploid population. The telomeric repeat displayed a hypervariable segregation pattern with new alleles occurring in the progeny. Eight satellite and telomeric sites were mapped on an restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-map of barley, defining the ends of chromosome arms 1L, 2S, 3L, 4S, 4L, 5S and 6. One satellite locus mapped to an interstitial site on the long arm of chromosome 3. The pyhsical location of this locus was confirmed by in situ hybridization to wheat/barley addition line 3.  相似文献   

Verification of barley seed dormancy loci via linked molecular markers   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Seed dormancy is a relatively complex trait in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Several dormancy loci were identified previously by quantitative trait locus analysis. Three reciprocal crosses were made in the present study between parents carrying specific dormancy alleles via linked molecular markers to verify individual dormancy locus effects and potential expression. Analyses of F2 progenies revealed that the dormancy allele at the locus flanked by the markers Ale and ABC302 on the long arm of chromosome 7 had a major effect on dormancy, and was at least partly epistatic to the dormancy locus in the ABC309-MWG851 interval near the telomere of the long arm of chromosome 7. In the absence of the dormancy allele in the Ale-ABC302 interval, the allele in the ABC309-MWG851 interval exerted moderate to large effects on dormancy. Cytoplasmic effects on dormancy were also observed. The germination percentages of progeny with relatively high levels of dormancy were more variable than those of non-dormant or less-dormant progeny, apparently due to environmental effects. Removal of the dormancy allele in the Ale-ABC302 interval, or introducing the dormancy allele in the ABC309-MWG851 interval, should suffice for adjusting dormancy levels in breeding programs to suit various production situations and end uses. The verification of dormancy loci via linked molecular markers allows manipulation of these loci in applied breeding programs.  相似文献   

Fertile transgenic barley generated by direct DNA transfer to protoplasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report the generation of transgenic barley plants via PEG-mediated direct DNA uptake to protoplasts. Protoplasts isolated from embryogenic cell suspensions of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Igri) were PEG-treated in a solution containing a plasmid which contained the neomycin phosphotransferase (NPT II) gene under the control of the rice actin promoter and the nos terminator. Colonies developing from the treated protoplasts were incubated in liquid medium containing the selective antibiotic G418. Surviving calli were subsequently transferred to solid media containing G418, on which embryogenic calli developed. These calli gave rise to albino and green shoots on antibiotic-free regeneration medium. NPT II ELISA revealed that approximately half of the morphogenic calli expressed the foreign gene. In total, 12 plantlets derived from NPT-positive calli survived transfer to soil. Southern hybridization analysis confirmed the stable transformation of these plants. However, the foreign gene seemed to be inactivated in plants from one transgenic line. Most of the transgenic plants set seed, and the foreign gene was transmitted and expressed in their progenies, which was ascertained by Southern hybridization and NPT II ELISA.  相似文献   

Summary A crossing programme for trispecific hybridization including cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as the third parent was carried out. The primary hybrids comprised 11 interspecific combinations, each of which had either H. jubatum or H. lechleri as one of the parents. The second parent represented species closely or distantly related to H. jubatum and H. lechleri. In trispecific crosses with diploid barley, the seed set was 5.7%. Crosses with tetraploid barley were highly unsuccessful (0.2% seed set). Three lines of diploid barley were used in the crosses, i.e. Gull, Golden Promise and Vada. Generally, cv Gull had high crossability in crosses with related species in the primary hybrid. It is suggested that Gull has a genetic factor for crossability not present in cv Vada and cv Golden Promise. One accession of H. brachyantherum used in the primary hybrid had a very high crossability (seed set 54.7%) in combination with cv Vada but no viable offspring was produced. In all, two trispecific hybrids were raised, viz. (H. lechleri x H. brevisubulatum) x Gull (2n=7–30) and (H. jubatum x H. lechleri) x Gull (2n=20–22). The first combination invariably had a full complement of seven barley chromosomes plus an additional chromosome no. 7, but a varying number of chromosomes (19–22) of the wild-species hybrid. The second combination had a full set of barley chromosomes. The meiotic pairing was low in both combinations.  相似文献   

Summary In order to localize a gene for resistance to Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus (BaYMV) of German resistant varieties, cvs. Ogra and Sonate were crossed to a complete trisomic (2n=2x+1=15) set of Shin Ebisu 16. Tests for resistance in F2 strongly support the conclusion that the German gene for resistance to BaYMV is located on barley chromosome 3.  相似文献   

A high-density genetic map was developed from an F1-derived doubled haploid population generated from a cross between cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare) and the subspecies H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum. The map comprises 1,000 loci, amplified using 536 SSR (558 loci) and 442 DArT markers. Of the SSRs, 149 markers (153 loci) were derived from barley ESTs, and 7 from wheat ESTs. A high level of polymorphism (∼70%) was observed, which facilitated the mapping of 197 SSRs for which genetic assignments had not been previously reported. Comparison with a published composite map showed a high level of co-linearity and telomeric coverage on all seven chromosomes. This map provides access to previously unmapped SSRs, improved genome coverage due to the integration of DArT and EST-SSRs and overcomes locus order issues of composite maps constructed from the alignment of several genetic maps. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Several gene linkage maps have been produced for cultivated barley. We have produced a new linkage map for barley, based on a cross between Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum and Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare (Hvs x Hvv), having a higher level of polymorphism than most of the previous barley crosses used for RFLP mapping. Of 133 markers mapped in the Hvs x Hvv F2 population, 69 were previously mapped on other barley maps, and 26 were mapped in rice, maize, or wheat. Two known gene clones were mapped as well as two morphological markers. The distributions of previously mapped markers were compared with their respective barley maps to align the different maps into one consensus map. The distributions of common markers among barley, wheat, rice and maize were also compared, indicating colinear linkage groups among these species.To be considered dual first authorsPublished with the approval of the Director of the Colorado State University/Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Summary The nar2 locus that codes for a protein involved in molybdenum cofactor function in nitrate reductase and other molybdoenzymes was mapped to barley chromosome 7. F2 genotypic data from F3 head rows indicated nar2 is located 8.4±2.1 and 23.0± 4.6 cm from the narrow leaf dwarf (nld) and mottled seedling (mt2) loci, respectively. This locates the nar2 locus at 54.7±3.1 cm from the short-haired rachilla (s) locus near the centromere of chromosome 7. Close linkage of nar2 with DDT resistance (ddt) and high lysine (lys3) loci was detected but could not be quantified due to deviations from the individual expected 121 segregations for the ddt and lys3 genes. Southern blots of wheat-barley addition lines probed with a nitrate reductase cDNA located the NADH : nitrate reductase structural gene, nar1, to chromosome 6.Scientific Paper No. 7762. College of Agriculture and Home Economics Research Center, Washington State University, Project No. 0745. This investigation was supported in part by United States Department of Agriculture Grant No. 86-CRCR-1-2004  相似文献   

We have constructed an EcoRI-based YAC (yeast artificial chromosome) library from barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Franka) using the vector pYAC4. The library consists of approximately 18 000 recombinant YACs with insert sizes ranging between 100 and 1000 kb (average of 160 kb) corresponding to 50% of the barley genome. Size fractionation after ligation resulted in an increased average insert size (av. 370 kb) but also in a substantial decrease in cloning efficiency. Less than 1% of the colonies showed homology to a plastome-specific probe; approximately 50% of the colonies displayed a signal with a dispersed, highly repetitive barley-specific probe. Using a primer combination deduced from the sequence of a member of the small Hor1 gene family coding for the C-hordein storage proteins, the library was screened by polymerase chain reaction and subsequently by the colony hybridization technique. A single YAC, designated Y66C11, with a 120 kb insert was isolated. This DNA fragment represents a coherent stretch from the terminal part of the Hor1 gene region as judged from the correspondence of the restriction patterns between Y66C11 DNA and barley DNA after hybridization with the Hor1-specific probe. Restriction with the isoschizomeric enzymes HpaII/MspI suggests a high degree of methylation of the Hor1 region in mesophyll cells but not in YAC-derived (yeast) DNA.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of six isozyme loci in cultivated barley of Tibet   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary A random sample of 463 accessions of cultivated barley from the Tibet Hordeum germplasm collection was assayed electorphoretically for genetic diversity at six isozyme loci. Two loci (Acp-1 and Got-1) were found to be monomorphic and extensive variation was detected at the remaining four loci (Est-1, Est-2, Est-3 and Est-4). The allelic composition of Tibetan barley appeared to be distinct as compared to the results of previous studies of barleys from other parts of the world. Partitioning of genetic diversity showed that approximately 96% of the total variation was maintained at the within-subregion level and only about 4% was accounted for by differentiation among the eight subregions. Analysis of multilocus genotypes revealed non-random association of the alleles at the four loci, both in the entire sample and in all the subregions, although the four major multilocus genotypes did not show significant departure from the expectation based on complete random association. The possible causes for the establishment of these multilocus associations were discussed.  相似文献   

Root system size (RSS) was measured in 12 diverse barley genotypes and 157 double-haploid lines (DHs), using electric capacitance. The parents of the DHs, Derkado and B83-12/21/5, carry different semi-dwarfing genes, sdw1 and ari-e.GP, respectively. Estimates of RSS were taken in the field thrice during plant development: stem elongation (RSS1), heading (RSS2) and grain filling (RSS3). The 12 barley genotypes were assessed over 3 years and at two or three locations each year; the DH mapping population was assessed at two locations in 2002. Among the 12 barley genotypes, those with the semi-dwarf genes had greater RSS values in all 3 years (28.9, 24.6 and 15.0% in years 1, 2 and 3, respectively) compared to non-semi-dwarf controls. The DH population showed transgressive segregation on both sides of the parent means, indicating polygenic control of RSS. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for RSS were found on five of the seven chromosomes: 1H, 3H, 4H, 5H and 7H and these were compared with previously mapped agronomic traits. The TotalRSS QTL on 3H was associated with sdw1 and QTLs for height, plant yield and plant weight. The RSS3 QTL on 5H was associated with ari-e.GP and QTLs for height, plant yield, plant weight, harvest index and tiller number. The RSS3 QTL on 7H was also associated with a TotalRSS QTL and QTLs for plant weight and harvest index. Other RSS QTLs were not associated with any other trait studied. RSS is considered to be a polygenic trait linked to important traits, in particular to yield. The study highlights the effects of semi-dwarfing genes and discusses the potential for breeding for root traits.  相似文献   

Flowering time represents an important adaptive trait for temperate cereal crops and may also impact on frost damage in cereal reproductive tissues by enabling escape or by influencing accumulation of genuine tolerance. The Flowering time-2L (Flt-2L) quantitative trait locus (QTL) on the distal end of barley chromosome arm 2HL overlaps with QTL for rachis internode length and reproductive frost damage. Flt-2L was also found to be associated with plant height. By combining marker analysis with phenotyping in progeny families of selected Amagi Nijo × WI2585 F6 recombinants, we were able to map quantitative flowering time, rachis internode length, and plant height effects on 2HL as discrete Mendelian traits. The three developmental characters showed codominant modes of expression and perfectly cosegregated with one another in a 1.3-cM marker interval, indicating control by the same gene or closely linked genes. Twelve genes were identified in the related intervals in the rice and Brachypodium distachyon genomes. The HvAP2 gene cosegregated with Flt-2L and represents a plausible candidate for Flt-2L, since it is highly similar to the wheat domestication gene Q which has similar developmental effects. These data will contribute to isolation of the Flt-2L gene(s) and help establish the basis of the frost damage QTL. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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