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Seed harvested from wild populations ofLeymus arenarius is sownextensively in Iceland to stabilize sandy barrens, on the coastand inland. Sand accretion can reach 50 cm over 3 months insummer near the outwash of glacial rivers on the south coastof Iceland and thus may be an important factor influencing survivaland growth ofL. arenarius . Newly germinated seedlings had great potential for elongationin darkness (etiolation). The length of the longest etiolatedleaf increased significantly with seed mass. The etiolationresponse proved to be a good predictor of their ability to emergefrom burial with sand. The mean length of etiolated shoots wasapprox. 16 cm and 40% of seedlings emerged when germinatingseeds were buried with 15 cm of sand, whereas none emerged fromburial under 20 cm of sand. A moderately high and sustainedrate of sand deposition (2–4 cm week-1), applied to 10-weekold seedlings in a glasshouse experiment, significantly increasedleaf length and the allocation of biomass to shoots, such thatoverall biomass was slightly but not significantly increased. The growth responses of seedlings of one coastal populationand two inland populations ofLeymus arenarius were comparedwhen challenged with salinities ranging from 0 to 600 mM NaClin sand culture. The numbers of tillers produced by the coastalpopulation was stimulated by salinity in the range 200–400mM NaCl, unlike their inland counterparts. The total dry massof the coastal population was less adversely affected by highsalinity than that of the two inland populations, mainly becauseroot biomass was reduced less; total leaf area was also slightlyless reduced in the coastal population. The reclamation of sandbarrens in Iceland with high accretion rates would benefit fromsowing seeds from larger-seeded populations, at a depth of 5–10cm; at coastal reclamation sites, it would be preferable touse seed from the more salt-tolerant coastal populations. Leymus arenarius ; lyme grass; sand accretion; etiolation; seedling emergence; seed mass; salt tolerance; revegetation  相似文献   

Leymus arenarius is used to stabilize the extensive areas oferoded volcanic sand in Iceland, both inland and on the coast.It has been reported previously to produce seeds of generallylow viability. We investigated the potential for seed dormancyand the responses of germination to temperature, light and salinity,as part of a re-assessment aimed at improving reclamation procedures. Contrary to previous reports, high rates of germination couldbe obtained under certain conditions. All caryopses were soakedin water (24 h) and stratified for 2 weeks (5 °C) beforethe subsequent germination tests. Constant temperatures or exposureto light resulted in very poor germination. Close to 100% germinationcould be obtained within 2 weeks in continuous darkness, underalternating temperatures with an amplitude of 10-20 °C ona 12 h cycle; high day temperatures appear to be important.Diurnal fluctuations in temperature of this order occurred underaverage weather conditions in the black, volcanic sands in Icelandduring the growing season (May-Sep.). The dark requirement isinterpreted as a selective response to the adverse conditionsfor establishment at the surface of the sand; the alternatingtemperature requirement may be a response to ensure dormancyunder deep burial with accreting sand, although it could havea role in gap-sensing under established canopies. Scarification,surface sterilization and treatment with n -butanol or KNO3were all generally ineffective in promoting germination. Nearlyall caryopses that did not germinate, in all treatments, remainedviable. Caryopses of coastal populations of Leymus arenarius showedsignificantly higher total germination and more rapid germinationin 100 mmol l-1 and 300 mmol l-1 NaCl solutions than inlandpopulations. The inhibition of germination by salinity was anosmotically enforced dormancy effect rather than a lethal, toxicone; caryopses that had not germinated in saline solution generallywere able to germinate subsequently, when transferred to non-salineconditions.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Germination, Leymus arenarius (lymegrass), Triticeae, survival analysis, fluctuating temperature, sand stabilization, salinity tolerance, Iceland  相似文献   

Precise knowledge of seed quality after harvest and during storageis of particular importance for seed producers. We analyseddifferent sunflower seed lots (Helianthus annuusL.) characterizedby extremes of germination ability. We used RNA analysis tostudy possible changes in gene expression in seeds unable togerminate. Total RNA content was very small in dry seeds showinga low germination ability. Capacity for total RNA synthesisat the onset of imbibition was also reduced in these seeds.In addition, correlations were found between these parametersand germination ability at 19 °C. We demonstrated a highcorrelation between the amount of total RNA in the dry seed,the capacity of RNA synthesis at the onset of imbibition andthe seed moisture content at the time of the harvest. The abilityof dry seed mRNAs to be translatedin vitrowas also reduced andseven polypeptides, from stored mRNAs, were characteristic ofthe cotyledons from high germinability seeds. Germination canthus be affected at several levels including membrane, enzymaticand nucleic acid deteriorations. Gene expression; germination ability; Helianthus annuusL.; marker; protein; RNA; seed; sunflower  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the response of plant species used for reclamation of eroded areas in Iceland to inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi. In a greenhouse trial,Leymus arenarius andDeschampsia beringensis were grown in pots with volcanic ash collected from a site near the Mt. Hekla volcano in Iceland and were inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) isolatesGlomus mosseae BEG25 orGlomus intraradices BEG75. In two field experiments conducted on volcanic tephra fields near Mt. Hekla, a native soil inoculum or commercial inocula TerraVital-D and Terra Vital-G Ecto Mix were compared for efficacy onL. arenarius andBetula pubescens. After four months of growth, the presence of AMF in the pot experiment significantly increased the capacity of grass root systems to bind soil particles. In the field, inoculation significantly increased the number ofL. arenarius plants, which emerged from seed and their subsequent survival and growth. Seedlings ofB. pubescens grew best following inoculation with ectomycorrhizal fungal (ECMF) inoculum and a subsequent application of inorganic NP-fertilizer. The addition of native soil inoculum had almost no effect on growth of either grass or trees. Our results indicate that reclamation of eroded areas in Iceland could benefit from the use of a ppropriate mycorrhizal fungi, which might improve plant establishment and growth and increase soil aggregation and stability.  相似文献   

A Technique for Determining Quantitative Expressions of Dormancy in Seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method of quantifying the heterogeneity of dormancy withinseed populations is described. The method compares germinationresponses of unstratified and stratified seeds of Pinus taedaL. (loblolly pine). Mathematical functions were fitted to cumulativegermination curves of unstratified and stratified seeds andfunctions were integrated to determine areas beneath respectivecurves. The area between respective curves was calculated bydifference and was considered to be a measure of dormancy withinseed lots. The method may be used to help identify various controlsof seed dormancy. seed germination, stratification, germination curves, Pinus taeda, loblolly pine, dormancy  相似文献   

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Hereward was grown inthe field in two double-walled polyethylene-covered tunnelswithin each of which a temperature gradient was superimposedon diurnal and seasonal fluctuations in temperature. The meantemperature between anthesis and harvest maturity varied from14.3 to 18.4C among plots within these tunnels. The CO2 concentrationwas controlled at different values in each tunnel; seasonalmean concentrations were 380 and 684 µmol CO2 mol–1air. Crops were also grown outside the tunnels at ambient temperaturesand CO2. Samples of seeds were harvested sequentially from eachplot between anthesis and harvest maturity. Seed germinationand seed survival during subsequent air-dry storage were determinedfor each sample. The onset of both ability to germinate anddesiccation tolerance (ability to germinate after rapid desiccationto 10–15% moisture content and subsequent rehydration)coincided in all environments. Full germination capacity (>97%, determined at 10C) was reached 4–18 d before theend of the seed-filling phase (mass maturity) in most cases.There was little or no decline in germination capacity duringsubsequent seed development and maturation. Differences in seedquality were evident, however, throughout seed development andmaturation when seed survival curves during subsequent storagewere compared. Potential longevity in air-dry storage (assessedby the value K1 of the seed viability equation) improved consistentlyboth before and after mass maturity. There was a significantpositive relation between the rate of increase in potentiallongevity (dK1Idt) and temperature (the minimum temperaturefor seed quality development was 4.8 C), but neither CO2 concentrationnor production within the polyethylene tunnels affected thisrelation. Key words: Wheat, Triticum aestivum L., seed development, seed longevity, carbon dioxide, temperature  相似文献   

Positive linear relationships were shown between constant temperaturesand the rates of progress of germination to different percentiles,G, for single populations of each of five genotypes of chickpea(Cicer anetinum L.). The base temperature, Tb, at which therate of germination is zero, was 0·0°C for all germinationpercentiles of all genotypes. The optimum temperature, To(G),at which rate of germination is most rapid, varied between thefive genotypes and also between percentiles within at leastone population. Over the sub-optimal temperature range, i.e.from Tb to To(G), the distribution of thermal times within eachpopulation was normal. Consequently a single equation was appliedto describe the influence of sub-optimal temperatures on rateof germination of all seeds within each population of each genotype.The precision with which optimum temperature, Tb(G), could bedefined varied between populations. In each of three genotypesthere was a negative linear relationship between temperatureabove Tb(G) and rate of germination. For all seeds within anyof these three populations thermal time at supra-optimal temperatureswas constant. Variation in the time taken to germinate at supra-optimaltemperatures was a consequence of normal variation in the ceilingtemperature, To(G)—the temperature at or above which rateof progress to germination percentile G is zero. A new approachto defining the response of seed germination rate to temperatureis proposed for use in germplasm screening programmes. In two populations final percentage germination was influencedby temperature. The optimum constant temperature for maximumfinal germination was between 10°C and 15°C in thesepopulations; approximately 15°C cooler than the optimumtemperature for rate of germination. It is suggested that laboratorytests of chickpea germination should be carried out at temperaturesbetween 10°C and 15°C. Key words: Chickpea, seed germination rate, temperature  相似文献   

Anigozanthos manglesii(Haemodoraceae) is a colourful, herbaceousperennial exhibiting intra- and inter-populational variationin germination in response to smoke and heat. This study investigatedthe extent and nature of this variation in A. manglesii populationscollected along a 550 km latitudinal cline from kwongan scrub(30°S) to more mesic jarrah forest habitats (34°S) insouthwestern Australia. Variation in seed germination alonga maturing inflorescence was also investigated. Germinationof this species is known to be prolific following fire, andtwo germination treatments, aerosol smoke and heat, were usedas germination cues. There was a trend of increasing responsivenessof A. manglesii to smoke with increasing latitude along a clinalrange, but there were no differences in germination of seedsalong the cline in response to control or heat treatments. Therewas no significant difference in intra-population seed germinationin response to any treatment. Lastly, a significant and increasingresponse to smoke for seeds from the apex to base of the inflorescencewas detected. This latter trend may be attributed to higherresource allocation and an accelerated after-ripening of basipetalcompared to acropetal seeds. Possible reasons for the clinalvariation are discussed.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Anigozanthos manglesii, populations, geographical cline, inflorescence level, germination, smoke, heat, fire, seed development  相似文献   

Abstract: In this study, natural variation of seed mass and seed number between and within individual plants of P. elatior, a common forest herb on rich soils in Flanders, was investigated for both small (< 50 flowering individuals) and large (> 1000 flowering individuals) populations. The relationship between seed number and seed mass at both the between and within population level was also quantified. We also investigated how population size affected germinability of seeds through the effects of seed mass. Seed number varied by a factor of twenty, whereas seed mass spanned, on average, a 3.5 range. In both cases variation was highest among populations, indicating that population size has important effects on seed number and seed mass. Next, seed number-seed mass tradeoffs were significantly influenced by population size, with small populations showing strong negative relationships whereas in large populations seed mass was only marginally influenced by seed number. As to germination, larger seeds showed larger germination percentages only for the smallest population. In all other populations, seed mass had little effect on germination.  相似文献   

Germination tests were done on 20 populations of Silene dioicacollected in different parts of Europe. Seeds collected fromwild plants and from their progeny growing at R.B.G. Kew, weretested using both freshly harvested and stored seeds. Responseswere compared from tests done on thermo-gradient bars and inincubators to examine germination and after-ripening processesbetween c. 2-c. 45 °C. The responses of different populations were characterized byidentifying variations due to the proportions of dormant seeds,the maximum and minimum temperatures favouring germination,and the time course of germination at particular temperaturesof freshly shed and stored seed. Germination and after-ripeningresponses of different populations displayed marked qualitativesimilarities, but differences in the degree of their expressionresulted in statistically significant quantitative differenceswhich could sometimes be correlated with features of the geographicaldistribution of the populations. The results are discussed in relation to the occurrence of thisspecies in a well-defined natural habitat in Europe, and itis concluded that they represent a situation in which fundamentallysimilar control patterns underlying the responses of every populationexamined are modulated quantitatively to produce variationsin the number of seeds germinating at particular seasons orremaining dormant within the soil.  相似文献   

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