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The gelatinization of waxy rice, regular rice, and potato starch suspensions (66% w/w moisture) was investigated by real-time small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) during heating and by fast ramp differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The high-angle tail of the SAXS patterns suggested the transition from surface to mass fractal structures in the DSC gelatinization range. Amylose plays a major role in determining the dimensions of the self-similar structures that develop during this process as the characteristic power-law scattering behavior extends to lower scattering angles for regular than for waxy starches. Crystallinity of A-type starches is lost in the temperature region roughly corresponding to the DSC gelatinization range. At the end of the gelatinization endotherm, the B-type potato starch showed residual crystallinity (WAXD), while SAXS-patterns exhibited features of remaining lamellar stacks. Results indicate that the melting of amylopectin crystallites during gelatinization is accompanied by the (exothermic) formation of amorphous networks.  相似文献   

The major and minor ampullate silks from live Nephila senegalensis (Tetragnathidae) and the major ampullate silk from Euprostenops spp. (Pisauridae) spiders were investigated in situ by X-ray diffraction during forced silking. Wide- (WAXS) and small-angle (SAXS) scattering patterns were obtained at the same time. WAXS data show that the thread at the exit of the spigots already contains beta-sheet poly(alanine) crystallites. SAXS data suggest the presence of microfibrils with an axial repeating period of approximately 8 nm for both Nephila and Euprostenops. Minor ampullate (MI) Nephila silk, however, does not show this axial repeat which is probably due to a higher amount of crystal forming poly(alanine). A microfibrillar morphology, connected by a network of random polymer chains, can explain the presence of highly oriented crystallites, an oriented halo and a diffuse background in the WAXS patterns. At high reeling speeds, bound water is co-extruded with the fibre. It can be squeezed out of the fibre by friction at a needle. Under natural conditions it is the spider's tarsal claws which might serve to squeeze out the water to improve the mechanical properties of the thread during dragline production.  相似文献   

The structural evolution of regenerated Bombyx mori silk fibroin during shearing with a Couette cell has been studied in situ by synchrotron radiation small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering techniques. An elongation of fibroin molecules was observed with increasing shear rate, followed by an aggregation phase. The aggregates were found to be amorphous with beta-conformation according to infrared spectroscopy. Scanning x-ray microdiffraction with a 5 microm beam on aggregated material, which had solidified in air, showed silk II reflections and a material with equatorial reflections close to the silk I structure reflections, but with strong differences in reflection intensities. This silk I type material shows up to two low-angle peaks suggesting the presence of water molecules that might be intercalated between hydrogen-bonded sheets.  相似文献   

Small-angle scattering of X-rays (SAXS) is an established method to study the overall structure and structural transitions of biological macromolecules in solution. For folded proteins, the technique provides three-dimensional low resolution structures ab initio or it can be used to drive rigid-body modeling. SAXS is also a powerful tool for the quantitative analysis of flexible systems, including intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), and is highly complementary to the high resolution methods of X-ray crystallography and NMR. Here we present the basic principles of SAXS and review the main approaches to the characterization of IDPs and flexible multidomain proteins using SAXS. Together with the standard approaches based on the analysis of overall parameters, a recently developed Ensemble Optimization Method (EOM) is now available. The latter method allows for the co-existence of multiple protein conformations in solution compatible with the scattering data. Analysis of the selected ensembles provides quantitative information about flexibility and also offers insights into structural features. Examples of the use of SAXS and combined approaches with NMR, X-ray crystallography, and computational methods to characterize completely or partially disordered proteins are presented.  相似文献   

An investigation of the small-angle X-ray scattering properties of aqueous solutions of an amylose derivative has been carried out. Experiments have been conducted in stable and fairly concentrated polymer solutions (up to 3.2%) by using a slightly substituted carboxymethylamylose having a degree of substitution of 0.08. Scattering intensities display a maximum in the low angle range which prevents extrapolation of the angular dependence to zero angle. Data obtained in the range of scattering vector 0.01<η<0.1Å?1 yield 8 Å as the radius of gyration of the chain cross-section and 140 dalton Å?1 as the mass per unit length. These results are analysed in terms of the current model of amylose solution conformation and compared with the theoretical calculations of the Debye scattering function of the isolated chain.  相似文献   

Analysis of the shape of the small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) intensity profiles obtained from suspensions of wheat starch granules in water gives information on the amount of absorption into the different regions of the granule. At room temperature, less water is absorbed into the granules the higher the starch concentration. At 51°C, the beginning of the gelatinisation region, lower amounts of water are absorbed when the concentration of starch is high and there is less loss of crystalline order. In an excess of water, co-operative melting occurs, whereas, with less water, the absorption is insufficient to destabilise the crystalline order. The beam damage at room temperature is reflected in a slight increase in order, possibly due to rearrangement after chain scission.  相似文献   

Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a universal low-resolution method to study size and shape of globular proteins in solution but recent developments facilitate the quantitative characterization of the structure and structural transitions of metastable systems like partially or completely unfolded proteins. We present here a study of temperature induced transitions in tau, a natively unfolded protein involved in Alzheimer's disease. Previous studies on full length tau and several disease-related mutants provided information about the residual structure in different domains revealing a specific role and extended conformations of the so-called repeat domains, which are considered to be responsible for the formation of amyloid-like fibrils ("paired helical filaments"). Here, we employ SAXS to investigate the temperature dependent properties of tau. Slow heating/cooling of the full length protein from 10°C to 50°C did not lead to detectable changes in the overall size. Surprisingly, quick heating/cooling caused tau to adopt a significantly more compact conformation, which was stable over up to 3 h and represents a structural "memory" effect. This compaction is not observed for the shorter tau constructs containing largely the repeat domains. The structural and functional implications of the observed unusual behavior of tau under nonequilibrium conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

We present evidence from small-angle X-ray scattering synchrotron experiments that porcine stomach mucin (MUC6) contains a double-globular comb structure. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of the peptide comb backbone indicates that the globular structure is determined by both the charge and hydrophobicity of the amino acids and the placement of the short hydrophilic carbohydrate side chains (approximately 2.5 nm). The double-globular structure is, thus, due to a block copolymer type hydrophobic polyampholyte charge instability in contrast to the random copolymer instabilities observed previously with synthetic polyelectrolytes (particularly polystyrene sulfonates). Careful filtering was required to exclude multimonomer aggregates from the X-ray measurements. A double Guinier analysis ( R g approximately 26 nm) and a double power law fit are consistent with two globules per chain in low salt conditions. The average radius of the globules is approximately 10 nm in salt- free condition (double Guinier fit) and the average distance of intrachain separation of the globules is 48 nm. The addition of salt causes a significant decrease in the radius of gyration (14 nm 100 mM NaCl) of the chains and is attributed to the contraction of the glycosylated peptide spacer between the two globules (the globular size continues to be approximately 10 nm and the globule separation is then 18 nm). Without salt, the scaling of the semidilute mesh size (xi) as a function of the mucin concentration (c) is xi approximately c (-0.45)compared with xi approximately c (-0.28) in high salt conditions, highlighting the globular nature of the chains. In contrast, hydrophilic flexible polyelectrolytes have a stronger concentration dependence of xi when excess salt is added.  相似文献   

The native high molecular mass form of alpha-crystallin, the most important soluble protein in the eye lens, and its low molecular mass form obtained at 37 degrees C in dilute solutions were investigated by synchrotron radiation small-angle X-ray scattering. The alpha-crystallin solutions are polydisperse and good fits to the experimental data can be obtained using distributions of spheres with radii varying between about 5 and 10 nm. In spite of the polydispersity, two different ab initio methods were used to retrieve low resolution shapes from the scattering data. These shapes correspond to the z-average structure of the oligomers. In the absence of any symmetry constraints, the scattering curves of the two forms of alpha-crystallin yield bean-like shapes. The shape corresponding to the low molecular mass form has about 20% less mass at the periphery. Imposing tetrahedral symmetry on the average structures worsens the fit to the experimental data. We emphasized the apparent contradiction between hydrodynamic and molecular properties of alpha-crystallin. An explanation was put forward based on the presence of solvent-exposed flexible C-terminal extensions. We present two bead models ('hollow globule with tentacles' and 'bean with tentacles') based on NMR and cryo-electron microscopy studies and discuss how well they correspond with our data from X-ray scattering, light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation.  相似文献   

Monodisperse solutions of bovine rhodopsin monomers, devoid of lipid, associated with a linear polyoxyethylene alcohol detergent have been prepared. The composition and homogeneity of these complexes have been determined by hydrodynamic characterisation. Each rhodopsin molecule is associated with about 110 monomers of the detergent. These rhodopsin-detergent complexes have been studied by small-angle neutron scattering. Partial or total deuteration of the detergent, as well as variation of the 2H2O/H2O ratio in the solvent, were used to eliminate the detergent—solvent contrast at various protein—solvent contrasts. The size and shape of the detergent micelle and of the rhodopsin-detergent complexes were shown to be independent of solvent or detergent deuteration. Mixture of selectively deuterated detergent molecules allowed us to obtain an homogeneous scattering density for the detergent part of the micelles and therefore to eliminate totally its contribution to the scattering when it is contrast matched. Neutron scattering from rhodopsin alone was then measured even in highly deuterated solvents, with low incoherent background, as for a water-soluble protein. Supplementary neutron scattering measurements on rhodopsin-dodecyl dimethylamine oxide micelles confirmed essentially the results reported by Yeager (1975). Analysis of the neutron scattering data indicates that most of the hydrophobic residues of rhodopsin form a compact region which has zero hydration, this probably being the part which is embedded in the disc membrane, and that the unhydrated rhodopsin molecule is asymmetrically arranged with respect to the membrane. Comparison with the results of a small-angle X-ray scattering study (Sardet et al., 1976) implies that the peripheral regions on both sides of the membrane are highly hydrated. Several schematic models are discussed.  相似文献   

Structural changes of barnase during folding were investigated using time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The folding of barnase involves a burst-phase intermediate, sometimes designated as the denatured state under physiological conditions, Dphys, and a second hidden intermediate. Equilibrium SAXS measurements showed that the radius of gyration (Rg) of the guanidine unfolded state (U) is 26.9 ± 0.7 Å, which remains largely constant over a wide denaturant concentration range. Time-resolved SAXS measurements showed that the Rg value extrapolated from kinetic Rg data to time zero, Rg,0, is 24.3 ± 0.1 Å, which is smaller than that of U but which is expanded from that of folding intermediates of other proteins with similar chain lengths (19 Å). After the burst-phase change, a single-exponential reduction in Rg2 was observed, which corresponds to the formation of the native state for the major component containing the native trans proline isomer. We estimated Rg of the minor component of Dphys containing the non-native cis proline isomer (Dphys,cis) to be 25.7 ± 0.6 Å. Moreover, Rg of the major component of Dphys containing the native proline isomer (Dphys,tra) was estimated as 23.9 ± 0.2 Å based on Rg,0. Consequently, both components of the burst-phase intermediate of barnase (Dphys,tra and Dphys,cis) are still largely expanded. It was inferred that Dphys possesses the N-terminal helix and the center of the β-sheet formed independently and that the formation of the remainder of the protein occurs in the slower phase.  相似文献   

The GroES protein from Escherichia coli is a well-known member of the molecular chaperones. GroES consists of seven identical 10 kDa subunits, and forms a dome-like oligomeric structure. In order to obtain information on the structural stability and unfolding-refolding mechanism of GroES protein, especially at protein concentrations (0.4-1.2 mM GroES monomer) that would mimic heat stress conditions in vivo, we have performed synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments. Surprisingly, in spite of the high protein concentration, reversibility in the unfolding-refolding reaction was confirmed by SAXS experiments structurally. Although the unfolding-refolding reaction showed an apparent single transition with a Cm of 1.1 M guanidium hydrochloride, a more detailed analysis of this transition demonstrated that the unfolding mechanism could be best explained by a sequential three-state model, which consists of native heptamer, dissociated monomer, and unfolded monomer. Together with our previous result that GroES unfolded completely via a partially folded monomer according to a three-state model at low protein concentration (5 microM monomer), the unfolding-refolding mechanism of GroES protein could be explained uniformly by the three-state model from low to high protein concentrations. Furthermore, to clarify an ambiguity of the native GroES structure in solution, especially mobile loop structures, we have estimated a solution structure of GroES using SAXS profiles obtained from experiments and simulation analysis. The result suggested that the native structure of GroES in solution was very similar to that seen in GroES-GroEL complex determined by crystallography.  相似文献   

The Grb2-related adaptor protein GADS plays a central role during the initial phases of signal transduction in T lymphocytes. GADS possesses N- and C-terminal Src homology 3 (SH3) domains flanking a central Src homology 2 (SH2) domain and a 126-residue region rich in glutamine and proline residues, presumed to be largely unstructured. The SH2 domain of GADS binds the adaptor protein LAT; the C-terminal SH3 domain pairs GADS to the adaptor protein SLP-76, whereas the function of the central region is unknown. High-resolution three-dimensional models are available for the isolated SH2 and C-terminal SH3 domains in complex with their respective binding partners, LAT and SLP-76. However, in part because of its intrinsic instability, there is no structural information for the entire GADS molecule. Here, we report the low-resolution structure of full-length GADS in solution using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). Based on the SAXS data, complemented by gel filtration experiments, we show that full-length GADS is monomeric in solution and that its overall structural parameters are smaller than those expected for a protein with a long unstructured region. Ab initio and rigid body modeling of the SAXS data reveal that full-length GADS is a relatively compact molecule and that the potentially unstructured region retains a significant degree of structural order. The biological function of GADS is discussed based on its overall structure.  相似文献   

Novel techniques for simultaneous analysis of X-ray and neutron scattering patterns from macromolecular complexes in solution are presented. They include ab initio shape and internal structure determination of multicomponent particles and more detailed rigid body modeling of complexes using high resolution structures of subunits. The methods fit simultaneously X-ray and neutron scattering curves including contrast variation data sets from selectively deuterated complexes. Biochemically sound interconnected models without steric clashes between the components displaying a pre-defined symmetry are generated. For rigid body modeling, distance restraints between specified residues/nucleotides or their ranges are taken into account. The efficiency of the methods is demonstrated in model examples, and potential sources of ambiguity are discussed.  相似文献   

Src kinase plays an important role in several signaling and regulation mechanisms in vivo. Enzymatic activity is tightly regulated through the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of tyrosine 527, which is placed at the C-terminal tail. Here, we have addressed domain rearrangements involved in the regulation mechanism of Src kinase in solution using small-angle X-ray scattering. In the phosphorylated wild-type form of Src kinase corresponding to the inactive state of the protein, a single conformation compatible with a closed crystallographic structure was found in solution. In the Y527F point mutant representing the active state, analysis of scattering data reveals an equilibrium between two differently populated conformations differing in the radius of gyration by 5 Å. The major species (85% of the total population) presents a closed conformation indistinguishable from the crystallographic structure of the inactive state. The minor species (15% of the total population) is an open conformation similar to the crystallographic structure in the active state. The latter structure has the SH3, SH2, and SH2-catalytic domain linker assembled as a pseudo-two-domain protein. The regulation model emerging from this study, including at least three different conformational states, allows the tight regulation of the enzyme without compromising fast response in the presence of natural targets.  相似文献   

Small-angle X-ray scattering experiments were carried out on rat thymus chromatin in "native" and "H1-depleted" states at various NaCl concentrations using synchrotron radiation. From the analysis of cross-sectional Guinier plots, the radius of gyration of the cross section (Rc) and the mass per unit length (Mc) of native chromatin were evaluated. In the absence of NaCl, the cross section of chromatin filament has a radius of gyration of 3.44 nm, suggesting the structure corresponding to the "10 nm" filament. With increasing NaCl concentration, the Rc value increases steeply to 6.74 nm at 5 mM NaCl and then gradually to 8.82 nm at 50 mM NaCl, whereas the Mc value, which is determined relative to that of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), increases steadily from 1.58 nucleosomes per 10 nm in the absence of NaCl to 7.66 nucleosomes per 10 nm at 50 mM NaCl. However, since calibration with TMV tends to overestimate the Mc value, the actual Mc values may be less than those values. Above about 40 mM NaCl, aggregation of chromatin is suggested. Similar analysis of H1-depleted chromatin confirmed that H1-depleted chromatin takes a more disordered structure than native chromatin at low ionic strength and does not undergo a definite structure change upon further addition of NaCl.  相似文献   

We used SpalphaI-1-156 peptide, a well-characterized model peptide of the alphaN-terminal region of erythrocyte spectrin, and SpalphaII-1-149, an alphaII brain spectrin model peptide similar in sequence to SpalphaI-1-156, to study their association affinities with a betaI-spectrin peptide, SpbetaI-1898-2083, by isothermal titration calorimetry. We also determined their conformational flexibilities in solution by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) methods. These two peptides exhibit sequence homology and could be expected to exhibit similar association affinities with beta-spectrin. However, our studies show that the affinity of SpalphaII-1-149 with SpbetaI-1898-2083 is much higher than that of SpalphaI-1-156. Our SAXS findings also indicate a significantly more extended conformation for SpalphaII-1-149 than for SpalphaI-1-156. The radius of gyration values obtained by two different analyses of SAXS data and by molecular modeling all show a value of about 25 A for SpalphaI-1-156 and of about 30 A for SpalphaII-1-149, despite the fact that SpalphaI-1-156 has seven amino acid residues more than SpalphaII-1-149. For SpalphaI-1-156, the SAXS results are consistent with a flexible junction between helix C' and the triple helical bundle that allows multiple orientations between these two structural elements, in good agreement with our published NMR analysis. The SAXS findings for SpalphaII-1-149 support the hypothesis that this junction region is rigid (and probably helical) for alphaII brain spectrin. The nature of the junction region, from one extreme as a random coil (conformationally mobile) segment in alphaI to another extreme as a rigid segment in alphaII, determines the orientation of helix C' relative to the first structural domain. We suggest that this particular junction region in alpha-spectrin plays a major role in modulating its association affinity with beta-spectrins, and thus regulates spectrin tetramer levels. We also note that these are the first conformational studies of brain spectrin.  相似文献   

The radius of gyration of mononucleosomes determined by X-ray small-angle scattering is 4.35 nm. The maximum dimension determined from the distance distribution function and the volume amount to 12.9 nm and 370 nm3, respectively. For a particular fraction of polynucleosomes a mean radius of gyration 16 nm, a maximum dimension 65 nm, and a mean volume 25,240 nm3 is obtained.The shape is approximated by an elongated cylinder having a diameter of 28 nm. A polynucleosome is built up from 69 nucleosomes, on the average. The distance of neighbouring nucleosomes in the polynucleosome amounts to 5.2 nm. Moreover, this distance shows that the nucleosomes in the polynucleosome are very closely packed.  相似文献   

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