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The bradyzoite stage of Toxoplasma gondii is a key step in the parasite life cycle. For a better understanding of this stage, a sensitive system to detect the tissue cysts would be required. In this study, we generated the T. gondii cyst-forming strain PLK expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under control of the dense granule protein 1 promoter, which works at both the tachyzoite and the bradyzoite stages. The bradyzoites with GFP fluorescence within both small and large cysts were detectable in the brain of mice infected with the recombinant PLK. Indeed, the bradyzoites expressing GFP had infectivity to mice. This study shows that transfection of the cyst-forming strain with GFP gene under control of the GRA1 promoter could be a useful approach for the study of the bradyzoite stage of T. gondii.  相似文献   

We mutagenized RH delta hxgprt strain tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii using N-nitroso-N-ethylurea and analyzed 40 clonal isolates (of 3680 ENU mutants) that were unable to grow in cell culture at 40 degrees C. These isolates grew normally at 34 degrees C, but showed variable growth at temperatures between 34 and 39 degrees C. The inability to grow at 40 degrees C was also correlated with a loss of virulence in mice for those mutants examined. We further characterized the temperature-sensitive (ts) isolates using flow cytometry and propidium iodide staining and identified three types of cell cycle-related mutations. Regardless of temperature, in the isolates ts1C12, ts7B4, and ts7B10, the distribution of parasites with a haploid DNA content was substantially higher (congruent with 85%) than that observed for RH delta hxgprt (congruent with 60%). Four other isolates, ts4F6, ts6C11, ts8G10, and ts11F5, contained G1-related mutations, and in each case, the DNA distribution among parasites at the permissive temperature was similar to that of the parental strain, but at 40 degrees C only a single population containing a 1N nuclear DNA complement was evident. Furthermore, there was no evidence of nuclear division or cytokinesis at 40 degrees C, and these parasites demonstrated a distended cytoplasm typical of G1 arrest in other cell types. Finally, parasites of the ts11C9 mutant arrested in two near-equal populations with either 1N or 2N complements of nuclear DNA. All arrested ts11C9 parasites contained a single nucleus, and a major subfraction of the 2N population contained abnormal and incompletely formed daughters-indicating that the initiation of daughter formation can occur in the absence of nuclear division.  相似文献   

When purified Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites were treated with hemolysin, DNase, and RNase, the organisms yielded a three-component system containing the outer membrane (pellicle), microtubules, and conoid in relatively normal morphological configuration. Further treatment of this preparation with protease digested all but the pellicle which was more collapsed in appearance. These two preparations were used in rabbit anti-toxoplasma and goat anti-rabbit ferritin labeling experiments. The three-component system showed ferritin label on the conoid and equal ferritin label on the outer and inner surfaces of the pellicle. The microtubules were unlabeled. The pellicle after protease treatment was labeled equally on its outer and inner surfaces, which indicated that the rabbit anti-toxoplasma serum contained antibodies against antigens on the outer and inner surfaces of the pellicle.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence suggests that apicomplexan parasites possess bipartite promoters with basal and regulated cis -elements similar to other eukaryotes. Using a dual luciferase model adapted for recombinational cloning and use in Toxoplasma gondii , we show that genomic regions flanking 16 parasite genes, which encompass examples of constitutive and tachyzoite- and bradyzoite-specific genes, are able to reproduce the appropriate developmental stage expression in a transient luciferase assay. Mapping of cis -acting elements in several bradyzoite promoters led to the identification of short sequence spans that are involved in control of bradyzoite gene expression in multiple strains and under different bradyzoite induction conditions. Promoters that regulate the heat shock protein BAG1 and a novel bradyzoite-specific NTPase during bradyzoite development were fine mapped to a 6–8 bp resolution and these minimal cis -elements were capable of converting a constitutive promoter to one that is induced by bradyzoite conditions. Gel-shift experiments show that mapped cis -elements are bound by parasite protein factors with the appropriate functional sequence specificity. These studies are the first to identify the minimal sequence elements that are required and sufficient for bradyzoite gene expression and to show that bradyzoite promoters are maintained in a 'poised' chromatin state throughout the intermediate host life cycle in low passage strains. Together, these data demonstrate that conventional eukaryotic promoter mechanisms work with epigenetic processes to regulate developmental gene expression during tissue cyst formation.  相似文献   



cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) has been implicated in the asexual stage of the Toxoplasma gondii life cycle through assaying the effect of a PKA-specific inhibitor on its growth rate. Since inhibition of the host cell PKA cannot be ruled out, a more precise evaluation of the role of PKA, as well as characterization of the kinase itself, is necessary.

Methodology/Principal Finding

The inhibitory effects of two PKA inhibitors, H89, an ATP-competitive chemical inhibitor, and PKI, a substrate-competitive mammalian natural peptide inhibitor, were estimated. In the in vitro kinase assay, the inhibitory effect of PKI on a recombinant T. gondii PKA catalytic subunit (TgPKA-C) was weaker compared to that on mammalian PKA-C. In a tachyzoite growth assay, PKI had little effect on the growth of tachyzoites, whereas H89 strongly inhibited it. Moreover, T. gondii PKA regulatory subunit (TgPKA-R)-overexpressing tachyzoites showed a significant growth defect.


Our data suggest that PKA plays an important role in the growth of tachyzoites, and the inhibitory effect of substrate-competitive inhibitor PKI on T. gondii PKA was low compared to that of the ATP competitive inhibitor H89.  相似文献   

Infection of humans by Toxoplasma gondii leads to an acute systemic phase, in which tachyzoites disseminate throughout the body, followed by a chronic phase characterized by the presence of tissue cysts, containing bradyzoites, in brain, heart and skeletal muscles. This work focused on studying the antigenic regions of bradyzoite-specific proteins involved in human B- and T-cell responses. To this aim, we constructed a phage-display library of DNA fragments derived from the bradyzoite-specific genes BAG1, MAG1, SAG2D, SAG4, BSR4, LDH2, ENO1 and p-ATPase. Challenge of the bradyzoite library with sera of infected individuals led to the identification of antigenic regions within BAG1 and MAG1 gene products. Analysis of the humoral and lymphoproliferative responses to recombinant antigens demonstrated that the BAG1 fragment induced T-cell proliferation in 34% of T. gondii-exposed individuals, while 50% of them had specific IgG. In the same subjects, the MAG1 fragment was recognized by T cells from 17% of the exposed donors and by antibodies from 73% of them. A detailed analysis of the antibody response against BAG1 and MAG1 antigen fragments demonstrated that the immune response against bradyzoites occurs early after infection in humans. Finally, we provide evidence that the T-cell response against BAG1 is associated with the production of interferon-gamma, suggesting that bradyzoite antigens should be considered in the design of potential vaccines in humans.  相似文献   

We investigated levels of Toxoplasma gondii specific antibodies present in sera, intestinal secretions, and fecal extracts obtained from cats following primary and challenge infections. Antibodies specific to T. gondii tachyzoites, bradyzoites, sporozoites, and enteroepithelial stages were detected by indirect immunofluorescence assay. Enteroepithelial stage-specific antibodies were detected in serum as early as 2 wk after infection, whereas antibodies from intestinal secretions did not appear until 3 wk following infection. The T. gondii-specific IgG and IgA antibodies were present in serum, but only specific IgA antibodies were detected in the intestinal secretions. Serum IgG bound to tachyzoites, bradyzoites, sporozoites, and enteroepithelial stages of T. gondii, whereas serum IgA bound strongly to enteroepithelial stages but only weakly to tachyzoites and bradyzoites. IgA from intestinal secretions bound to antigens on all enteroepithelial stages and the distal tips of sporozoites and bradyzoites but did not bind to tachyzoites. IgA present in fecal extracts also bound to enteroepithelial stages of T. gondii. Toxoplasma gondii infection in cats induces the production of antibodies that bind with all forms of the parasite, including the enteroepithelial stages. Comparison of the staining patterns of T. gondii stages for serum and intestinal secretion IgA indicated differences. Thus, the intestinal antibody immune response may be uniquely focused on the intestinal stages relative to the circulating antibodies, resulting in a compartmentalization of the humoral response.  相似文献   

Two major obstacles to conducting studies with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts are the difficulty in reliably producing large numbers of this life stage and safety concerns because the oocyst is the most environmentally resistant stage of this zoonotic organism. Oocyst production requires oral infection of the definitive feline host with adequate numbers of T. gondii organisms to obtain unsporulated oocysts that are shed in the feces for 3-10 days after infection. Since the most successful and common mode of experimental infection of kittens with T. gondii is by ingestion of bradyzoite tissue cysts, the first step in successful oocyst production is to ensure a high bradyzoite tissue cyst burden in the brains of mice that can be used for the oral inoculum. We compared two methods for producing bradyzoite brain cysts in mice, by infecting them either orally or subcutaneously with oocysts. In both cases, oocysts derived from a low passage T. gondii Type II strain (M4) were used to infect eight-ten week-old Swiss Webster mice. First the number of bradyzoite cysts that were purified from infected mouse brains was compared. Then to evaluate the effect of the route of oocyst inoculation on tissue cyst distribution in mice, a second group of mice was infected with oocysts by one of each route and tissues were examined by histology. In separate experiments, brains from infected mice were used to infect kittens for oocyst production. Greater than 1.3 billion oocysts were isolated from the feces of two infected kittens in the first production and greater than 1.8 billion oocysts from three kittens in the second production. Our results demonstrate that oral delivery of oocysts to mice results in both higher cyst loads in the brain and greater cyst burdens in other tissues examined as compared to those of mice that received the same number of oocysts subcutaneously. The ultimate goal in producing large numbers of oocysts in kittens is to generate adequate amounts of starting material for oocyst studies. Given the potential risks of working with live oocysts in the laboratory, we also tested a method of oocyst inactivation by freeze-thaw treatment. This procedure proved to completely inactivate oocysts without evidence of significant alteration of the oocyst molecular integrity.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma gondii was studied by electron microscopy using 1) whole mounts of detergent-extracted parasites and 2) thin sections of routine preparations, tannic acid-stained organisms, and detergent-extracted parasites. In whole mounts, the spiral arrangement of the 22 pellicular microtubules closely corresponded to the pattern of surface ridges seen previously by scanning electron microscopy and reflected the torsion of the parasite body during locomotion. The microtubules had free posterior ends and were anchored anteriorly in the polar ring, presumed to be a microtubule organizing center (MTOC). The insertions of the microtubules were supported by blunt projections of the polar ring, forming a cogwheel pattern in transverse view. The internal microtubules had 13 protofilaments and were twice the length of the conoid. They extended through the conoid and ended at the anterior preconoidal ring, presumably a second MTOC. The subunits of the conoid were arranged in a counterclockwise spiral when traced from base to tip, as were the pellicular microtubules. We postulate that as the conoid moves, the polar ring complex moves along the spiral pathway of the conoid subunits. Retraction of the conoid would then rotate the polar ring, producing the torsion of the body we observed by SEM.  相似文献   

In this study we describe the biochemical features of the Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoite surface glycoprotein, gp23, demonstrating that it is attached to the parasite membrane by a glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol anchor. Gp23 was metabolically labeled with tritiated palmitate, myristate, ethanolamine, inositol, glucosamine, mannose and galactose, as expected for a GPI-anchor structure. Gp23 was released from the surface of living parasites after treatment with phosphatidyl inositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) and the resulting water-soluble protein was immunoprecipitated with a monoclonal antibody specific for gp23. The GPIcore glycan was generated after aqueous-HF dephosphorylation followed by nitrous acid deamination and its carbohydrate structure was analyzed using selective exo- and endoglycosidase treatments. Finally, the phosphatidylinositol moiety of gp23 was characterized using PI-PLC and phospholipase A2 (PLA2) digestions. Our cumulative data suggest that gp23 of T gondii tachyzoites contains a modified GPI-backbone similar to the mammalian Thy-1 anchor, consisting of a conserved core structure (ethanolaminePO4-6-Manαl-2-Manαl-6-Manαl-4-GIcNαl-6-PI) bearing β-linked N-acetylgalactosamine residue(s).  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinase-1 (CDPK1) from Cryptosporidium parvum (CpCDPK1) and Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) have become attractive targets for discovering selective inhibitors to combat infections caused by these protozoa. We used structure-based design to improve a series of benzoylbenzimidazole-based compounds in terms of solubility, selectivity, and potency against CpCDPK1 and TgCDPK1. The best inhibitors show inhibitory potencies below 50nM and selectivity well above 200-fold over two human kinases with small gatekeeper residues.  相似文献   

Subtilisin-like proteases have been proposed to play an important role for parasite survival in Toxoplasma gondii (Tg) and Plasmodium falciparum. The T. gondii subtilase TgSUB1 is located in the microneme, an apical secretory organelle whose contents mediate adhesion to the host during invasion. TgSUB1 is predicted to contain a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. This is unusual as Toxoplasma GPI-anchored proteins are targeted to the parasite's surface. In this study, we report that the subtilase TgSUB1 is indeed a GPI-anchored protein but contains dominant microneme targeting signals. Accurate targeting of TgSUB1 to the micronemes is dependent upon several factors including promoter strength and timing, accurate processing and folding. We analyzed the targeting domains of TgSUB1 using TgSUB1 deletion constructs and chimeras made between TgSUB1 and reporter proteins. The TgSUB1 prodomain is responsible for trafficking to the micronemes and is sufficient for targeting a reporter protein to the micronemes. Trafficking is dependent upon correct folding or other context-dependent conformation as the prodomain expressed alone is unable to reach the micromenes. Therefore, TgSUB1 is a novel example of a GPI-anchored protein in T. gondii that bypasses the GPI-dependent surface trafficking pathway to traffic to micronemes, specialized regulated secretory organelles.  相似文献   

Ribosomal subunit protein 9 (rps9) is a nuclearly encoded protein that resides in the apicoplast organelle of Toxoplasma gondii. Two cis-acting regions within the rps9 transit domain (amino acids 38-49 and 79-86), when combined with the rps9 signal sequence, were necessary and sufficient for apicoplast targeting. To investigate proteins interacting with the rps9 leader sequence, parasites expressing rps9 leader constructs fused to a glutathione S-transferase (GST) reporter were prepared, and proteins associated with the leader constructs were purified from extracts by affinity chromatography. In addition to GST-containing peptides, proteins with apparent masses of 92, 90, 86, and 160 kDa were purified. Mass spectrometry data suggested that the 92- and 90-kDa polypeptides appear to be subtilisin-like proteins, whereas the 86-kDa polypeptide was identified as the molecular chaperone BiP of T. gondii.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa, a group of obligate intracellular parasites that rely on gliding motility to enter host cells. Drugs interfering with the actin cytoskeleton block parasite motility, host cell invasion, and egress from infected cells. Myosin A, profilin, formin 1, formin 2, and actin-depolymerizing factor have all been implicated in parasite motility, yet little is known regarding the importance of actin polymerization and other myosins for the remaining steps of the parasite lytic cycle. Here we establish that T. gondii formin 3 (TgFRM3), a newly described formin homology 2 domain (FH2)-containing protein, binds to Toxoplasma actin and nucleates rabbit actin assembly in vitro. TgFRM3 expressed as a transgene exhibits a patchy localization at several distinct structures within the parasite. Disruption of the TgFRM3 gene by double homologous recombination in a ku80-ko strain reveals no vital function for tachyzoite propagation in vitro, which is consistent with its weak level of expression in this life stage. Conditional stabilization of truncated forms of TgFRM3 suggests that different regions of the molecule contribute to distinct localizations. Moreover, expression of TgFRM3 lacking the C-terminal domain severely affects parasite growth and replication. This work provides a first insight into how this specialized formin, restricted to the group of coccidia, completes its actin-nucleating activity.  相似文献   

In many apicomplexan parasites the entry of electrons from NADH into the electron transport chain is governed by type II NADH dehydrogenases (NDH2s) instead of a canonical complex I. Toxoplasma gondii expresses two NDH2 isoforms, TgNDH2-I and TgNDH2-II with no indication for stage-specific regulation. We dissected the orientation of both isoforms by using a split GFP assay and a protease protection assay after selective membrane permeabilization. The two approaches revealed that both TgNDH2 isoforms are internal enzymes facing with their active sites to the mitochondrial matrix. Single knockout mutants displayed a decreased replication rate and a reduced mitochondrial membrane potential, which were both more severe in the Tgndh2-II-deleted than in the Tgndh2-I-deleted mutant. Complementation with a myc-tagged, ectopic copy of the deleted gene restored the growth rate and the mitochondrial membrane potential. However, an overexpression of the remaining intact isoform could not restore the phenotype, suggesting that the two TgNDH2 isoforms are non-redundant and possess functional differences. Together, our studies indicate that although TgNDH2-I and TgNDH2-II are individually non-essential, the expression of both internal isoforms is required to maintain the mitochondrial physiology in T. gondii tachyzoites.  相似文献   

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