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The Pendjari Biosphere Reserve located in the Sudanian zone of Bénin, is a protected area well managed, but mainly aimed at wild animal conservation. This study assessed its effectiveness to conserve habitat species composition and population structure of three endangered African tree species: Afzelia africana Sm., Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. and Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss. We randomly sampled 120 plots in the protected and surrounding unprotected habitats by inventorying plant species. For the three target species, we estimated adult and juvenile densities and recorded size classes. According to floristic composition four habitats groups were recognized in relation to human disturbance, vegetation type, and moisture. These were protected savannas, unprotected savannas, old fallows and gallery forests. The estimated adult densities of A. africana were similar between protected (14 ± 1.2 tree/ha) and unprotected savannas (17 ± 0.9 tree/ha) while for P. erinaceus the adult density was significantly higher in protected (12 ± 3.7 tree/ha) than in unprotected savannas (5 ± 1.9 tree/ha). Estimated adult density of K. senegalensis was also significantly higher in protected gallery forest (40 ± 5.8 tree/ha) than in unprotected one (29 ± 4.8 tree/ha). Juvenile densities of A. africana, K. senegalensis and P. erinaceus were higher in protected habitats than in unprotected ones but the difference was not significant. Skewness coefficient indicated that populations of investigated trees were declining in their protected habitats. However, in the case of A. africana and K. senegalensis populations seemed to be mostly threatened in the protected area. We concluded that although the studied protected area is effective to conserve some habitats species compositions, protection is not sufficient to guarantee future conservation of some threatened tree species.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(5):313-317
Coexistence has been widely studied in small mammals and frequently is assumed to be facilitated by habitat segregation. Using live trapping and spool-and-line experiments, we analyzed habitat selection and segregation across multiples scales for Peromyscus leucopus and Ochrotomys nuttalli. At the habitat scale of a forest stand (∼1–100s ha) P. leucopus co-occurred at all sites where O. nuttalli was found, and we did not detect evidence of positive or negative associations or habitat segregation. However, O. nuttalli was restricted to early successional forests, and P. leucopus had significantly lower abundances in early successional forests than in other habitats. We found similar patterns at the mesohabitat scale of the study site (400 m2). O. nuttalli abundance increased with increasing shrub and tree densities, while increases in P. leucopus abundance were associated with open understories. At the microhabitat scale of the individual movement trail, we found vertical segregation. Movement trails for O. nuttalli were at significantly higher elevation (mean height = 142.93 ± 37.10 cm) than P. leucopus trails (mean height = 15.4 ± 4.98 cm; F-value = 35.29, p < 0.001). We concluded that microhabitat segregation was driven by differential use of vertical space for movement and foraging. We suggest O. nuttalli is superior to P. leucopus in its ability to acquire food especially in shrubby subcanopies where few acorns are available. However, P. leucopus is superior in its ability to forage and avoid predators.  相似文献   

In Florida, a root weevil pest of citrus, Diaprepes abbreviatus, is more damaging and attains higher population density in some orchards on fine textured, poorly drained “flatwoods” soils than in those on the deep, coarse sandy soils of the central ridge. Previous research revealed that sentinel weevil larvae were killed by indigenous entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) at significantly higher rates in an orchard on the central ridge, compared to one in the flatwoods. We hypothesized that filling tree planting holes in a flatwoods orchard with sandy soil from the central ridge would provide a more suitable habitat for EPNs, thereby reducing weevil numbers and root herbivory. Fifty trees were planted in oversized planting holes filled with coarse sand and 50 trees were planted in native soil in a split plot design where whole plots were species of introduced EPNs and split plots were soil type. Each of Steinernema diaprepesi, Steinernema riobrave, Heterorhabditis indica, Heterorhabditis zealandica, or no EPNs were introduced into the rhizospheres in 10 plots of each soil type. During four years, EPN numbers in soil samples and the relative abundance of seven species of nematophagous fungi associated with nematodes were measured three times using real-time PCR. The efficacy of EPNs against sentinel weevil larvae was also measured three times by burying caged weevils in situ. EPN species richness (P = 0.001) and diversity (P = 0.01) were always higher in sand than native soil. Soil type had no effect on numbers of EPNs in samples, but EPNs were detected more frequently (P = 0.01) in plots of sandy soil than native soil in 2011. Two nematophagous fungi species, Paecilomyces lilacinus and Catenaria sp. were significantly more abundant in nematode samples from sandy soil on all three sampling dates. Efficacy of EPNs against weevil larvae was greater in sandy soil inoculated with S. diaprepesi (P = 0.03) in June 2010 and in all treatments in sandy soil in May 2011 (P = 0.03). Sixty-eight percent more adult weevils (P = 0.01) were trapped emerging from native soil during two years than from sandy soil. By May 2011, the cumulative number of weevils emerging from each plot was inversely related (P = 0.01) to the numbers of EPNs detected in plots and to EPN efficacy against sentinels. Three trees in sandy soil died as a result of root herbivory compared to 21 trees in native soil. Surviving trees in sandy soil had trunk diameters that were 60% larger (P = 0.001) and produced 85% more fruit (P = 0.001) than those in native soil. Although it is not possible to characterize all of the mechanisms by which the two soil treatments affected weevils and trees, substitution of sand for native soil was an effective means of conserving EPNs and shows promise as a cultural practice to manage D. abbreviatus in flatwoods citrus orchards with a history of weevil damage to trees.  相似文献   

Increasing deer density can cause serious degradation of forests in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. To manage deer impacts, evaluating their current impacts on forest ecosystems is necessary, usually via vegetation indices. However, the relationship between vegetation indices and absolute deer density, while taking into account tree size, snow depth, light condition, and the type of understory vegetation, has never been investigated. We examined the relationship between various vegetation indices and absolute deer density in 344 study plots in the deciduous broad-leaved forest of Yamanashi Prefecture, central Japan. In each plot, debarking and browsing, along with the coverage and maximum height of understory vegetation, were surveyed. Estimated deer densities for 82 5 × 5-km mesh units ranged from 0.8 deer/km2 to 32.7 deer/km2. The percentages of debarked trees within a plot ranged from 0 to 84%. Debarking was promoted by high deer density, small tree size, and thick snow. The effect of tree size on debarking was stronger than that of deer density. Occurrence of browsing on understory vegetation was higher at higher deer densities, and where understory vegetation was dominated by evergreen dwarf bamboo. Coverage and maximum height of understory vegetation were unaffected by deer density but increased with canopy openness and the dominance of dwarf bamboo in the understory. Overall, we predict that debarking of small trees living in heavy snow areas should occur even at low deer densities (<10 deer/km2). Browsing on dwarf bamboo should occur at intermediate deer densities (10–30 deer/km2), while debarking of thick trees living in low snow areas should occur only at high deer densities (≥30 deer/km2). Our study shows that debarking and browsing on understory vegetation are appropriate indices for evaluating deer impacts on forest ecosystems, but that tree size, snow depth, and the type of understory vegetation should also be considered.  相似文献   

The importance of the spatial organisation of individuals in explaining species coexistence within a community is widely recognised. However, few analyses of spatial structure have been performed on tropical agroforests.The main objective of this study was to highlight the links between spatial organisation of shade trees on the one hand, and shade tree species richness and cacao yield on the other, using data from 29 cacao agroforests in Costa Rica.A method of spatial statistics, Ripley's K-function, was used to analyse the spatial organisation of shade and cacao trees in the study plots. For each stand, the X and Y coordinates of ≥2.5-m-tall trees were recorded. In each plot we also assessed shade tree species richness and cacao yield (with total number of pods = number of pods damaged by frosty pod rot + number of healthy pods).Three types of stands were identified: the first was characterised by significant clustering of shade trees, the highest shade tree species richness (S = 6), and the highest number of damaged pods (139 pods ha?1 year?1). The second type was characterised by random spatial organisation of shade trees. The third type showed a trend towards regular organisation. Species richness of shade trees did not differ significantly between the last two types (S = 4 for both), nor did the number of damaged pods (56 pods ha?1 year?1 and 67 pods ha?1 year?1 respectively).Although the trends were not statistically significant for all the variables in our data set, the clustered spatial structure appears to favour a synergy between environmental (tree species richness), and provisioning (cacao production) services.  相似文献   

《Ecological Engineering》2006,26(3):195-205
Integration of shelter forest and herbage into a silvo-pastoral system with sustainable management can improve the ecological and economic sustainability of shelter forest in coastal China. Sustainable management of tree density and forage grasses planting was studied by establishing five experimental treatments through selective logging of the forest. The tree density at the five treatments was 5.00, 2.50, 1.67, 1.25, and 1.00 ind./100 m2, respectively. The density of 1.25 ind./100 m2 (Treatment 4) is the best for introduced forage plants (Sorghum sudanense, Lolium multiflorum, and Medicago sativa) and mature Populus to integrate into a silvo-pastoral system, while the density of 1.00 ind./100 m2 (Treatment 5) is the best for the native grass (Setaria faberi and Arthraxon pricnode) and mature Populus. The planting experiment presented the best combination of planting practices (seed amount, planting depth, and fertilizer amount) for each introduced grass. The silvo-pastoral system has been run successfully for 3 years and has been very profitable for the local farmers. In the silvo-pastoral system, simple cultivation practices change the local dominant species of grasses. Furthermore, a new result is found about tree–grass interaction that change of tree density can alter species of forage plants under trees.  相似文献   

The reduction of insect herbivory is one of the services provided by tree diversity in forest ecosystems. While it is increasingly acknowledged that the compositional characteristics of tree species assemblages play a major role in triggering associational resistance to herbivores, underlying mechanisms are less well known. We addressed this question in the ORPHEE experiment by assessing pine processionary moth infestations (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) across a tree diversity gradient from pine monocultures to five species mixtures. We showed that tree species richness per se had no effect on the probability of attack by this pest. By contrast, the infestation rate was strongly dependent on plot composition. Mixtures of pines (Pinus pinaster) and birches (Betula pendula) were less prone to T. pityocampa infestations, whereas mixtures of pines and oaks (Quercus spp.) were more often attacked than pine monocultures. By taking into account the relative height of pines and associated broadleaved species, this effect could be explained by pine apparency. Pines were on average 343 ± 5 cm height. Birches, as fast growing trees, were slightly taller than pines (363 ± 6 cm), while oak trees were significantly smaller (74 ± 1 cm). Host trees of T. pityocampa were then partly hidden in mixtures of pines and birches but more apparent in mixtures with oaks. We suggest that reduced pine apparency disrupted visual cues used by female moths to select host trees prior to oviposition. This study highlights the need to take into account tree traits such as growth rate when selecting the tree species that have to be associated in order to improve forest resistance to pest insects.  相似文献   

Management of non-point source pollution is of great importance in the context of coffee agriculture, as this land use often coincides with headwater streams that influence water quality at the basin scale. Sustainability certification programs, such as the Rainforest Alliance (RA), provide management guidelines that promote non-point source pollution control in coffee. One of these practices is the maintenance of shade trees within farms, required by RA at a minimum of 40% shade tree cover. Here we assess the effectiveness of this practice in Tarrazú, a high elevation coffee growing region in Costa Rica. We monitored indicators of non-point source pollution in streams with both high and low shade tree cover. Streams with High Shade Tree Cover (HSTC, N = 5 subwatersheds) had 35–55% cover, approximating or exceeding the RA recommendation of at least 40%; and streams with Low Shade Tree Cover (LSTC, N = 5 subwatersheds), had 18–31% cover. We monitored the ten study streams during the dry (April & December), transition (July), and peak (October) rainfall seasons of 2013, and compared responses using t-tests. We found support for the effectiveness of shade tree cover in controlling non-point source pollution: HSTC streams had significantly (p = 0.042) lower mean annual turbidity and significantly (p = 0.004) lower turbidity during the transition season. HSTC streams also had significantly (p = 0.05) lower conductivity values during the transition period, although this trend was weaker through the year. Subwatersheds with HSTC streams were characterized by a higher percentage of RA-certified coffee than LSTC streams. Our study provides evidence of the benefits of RA shade tree cover criteria for managing water quality within high elevation tropical agro-ecosystems, especially if implemented at the watershed scale. These results contribute to our understanding of the role of agroforestry certification on tropical ecosystem conservation, and are the first account of the effectiveness of a specific coffee certification guideline on non-point source pollution control.  相似文献   

Disturbance regimes and forests have changed over time in the eastern United States. We examined effects of historical disturbance (circa 1813 to 1850) compared to current disturbance (circa 2004 to 2008) on aboveground, live tree biomass (for trees with diameters ≥13 cm) and landscape variation of biomass in forests of the Ozarks and Plains landscapes in Missouri, USA. We simulated 10,000 one-hectare plots using random diameters generated from parameters of diameter distributions limited to diameters ≥13 cm and random densities generated from density estimates. Area-weighted mean biomass density (Mg/ha) for historical forests averaged 116 Mg/ha, ranging from 54 Mg/ha to 357 Mg/ha by small scale ecological subsections within Missouri landscapes. Area-weighted mean biomass density for current forests averaged 82 Mg/ha, ranging from 66 Mg/ha to 144 Mg/ha by ecological subsection for currently forested land. Biomass density of current forest was greater than historical biomass density for only 2 of 23 ecological subsections. Current carbon sequestration of 292 TgC on 7 million ha of forested land is less than half of the estimated historical total carbon sequestration of 693 TgC on 12 million ha. Cumulative tree cutting disturbances over time have produced forests that have less aboveground tree biomass and are uniform in biomass compared to estimates of historical biomass, which varied across Missouri landscapes. With continued relatively low rates of forest disturbance, current biomass per ha will likely increase to historical levels as the most competitive trees become larger in size and mean number of trees per ha decreases due to competition and self-thinning. Restoration of large diameter structure and forested extent of upland woodlands and floodplain forests could fulfill multiple conservation objectives, including carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Planting density influence on fibrous root reinforcement of soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reinforcement of soil by fibrous roots is crucial for preventing soil erosion and degradation, yet the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We investigated soil reinforcement by roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare) planted at different densities in a controlled glasshouse and a separate field study. Soil shear strength increased with planting density (0–950 m?2) at 5 weeks with an average 6.7 ± 1.40 kPa increase in strength over the fallow (7.5 ± 0.47 kPa). At 20 weeks, planting density had less of an effect, with on average a 29% increase in strength contributed by roots. In the glasshouse study, roots increased shear strength by an average of 53%, with a positive effect found for the eight planting densities tested ranging from 0 to 1130 plants/m2. Detailed measures of root tensile strength, and diameter distributions at the shear plane, allowed us to apply and test two existing root reinforcement models of Wu et al. [Wu, T.H., Mckinnell, W.P., Swanston, D.N., 1979. Strength of tree roots and landslides on Prince-Of-Wales-Island, Alaska. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 16, 19–33] and Pollen and Simon [Pollen, N., Simon, A., 2005. Estimating the mechanical effects of riparian vegetation on stream bank stability using a fiber bundle model. Water Resources Research, 41]. A progressive failure Fibre Bundle Model, developed by Pollen and Simon [Pollen, N., Simon, A., 2005. Estimating the mechanical effects of riparian vegetation on stream bank stability using a fiber bundle model. Water Resources Research, 41], predicted reinforcement better than the catastrophic failure model by Wu et al. [Wu, T.H., Mckinnell, W.P., Swanston, D.N., 1979. Strength of tree roots and landslides on Prince-Of-Wales-Island, Alaska. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 16, 19–33], but neither described reinforcement well for field-grown plants near maturity at 20 weeks.  相似文献   

Above-average climate warming occurred during the 20th century in high altitude regions, and alpine treelines are believed to be an early indicator to respond to these warming-related changes. However, empirical investigations on treeline dynamics showed diverse results. The main objectives of this study are: (1) to investigate if treeline position shifted and if tree recruitment changed along with climate warming, and (2) to test if adult trees have “nursing effect” on tree establishment at treelines. We investigated two Balfour spruce (Picea balfouriana Rehd. et Wils.) treelines in Chang Niang (CNT) and Dang Dui (DDT), Dingqing county, Changdu prefecture, eastern Tibet. At each treeline site, three replicate plots with a size 30 m × 50 m were established. The coordinates of each tree within the plots were recorded and the age of each tree was identified by dendrochronological method. The changes in treeline position and tree recruitment were examined from spatially fine-scale distribution of trees and their age structure. The spatial patterns of individual trees were analyzed to infer the neighborhood effects. Results indicate that plots CNT2, CNT3, DDT1 and DDT2 showed stable treeline position during the last century, whereas plots CNT1 and DDT3 showed treeline advancing movement. Tree recruitments in all the six plots were enhanced during the 20th century, with two peaks occurring in the 1890–1910s and the 1950–1990s. Seedlings and saplings showed a general clustered distribution in all the six plots. The diverse pattern of treeline movement and episodic regeneration suggest that the treeline activity is not merely a result of climate change. “Nursing effects” from adult trees may play an important role in shaping the treeline activities on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Our findings reveal diverse patterns in treeline dynamics at a local scale and highlight the importance of incorporating biotic interactions into species distribution modeling approaches.  相似文献   

Trees can reach ages that in some cases amount to thousands of years. In the Mediterranean region, olive trees (Olea europaea) have traditionally been considered a particularly long-lived species. The main objective of this study was to assess the age of large olive trees considered to be millenarian and classified as monumental trees in northeastern Spain. We extracted cores of 14 individuals and obtained 8 sections of trees which had already been cut in the area where the largest olive trees in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula are found. The age of the sampled olive trees was assessed by counting the number of annual growth rings. Tree rings did not cross-date well, neither within nor between individuals, but boundaries between likely annual rings were clearly distinct. We found a linear relationship between DBH and tree age (in years) (Age = 2.11 × diameter(cm) + 88.93, R2 = 0.80), which was used to estimate the age of unsampled olive trees. The maximum estimated age (627 ± 110 years) is among the greatest ages reported for olive trees around the world (700 years) and among the oldest trees in Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

The seasonal occurrence and distribution of myxomycetes on different types of newly defoliated leaf litter were examined in a secondary forest in a warm temperate region of western Japan. The two types of leaf litter (deciduous trees, Prunus verecunda and Quercus variabilis, and evergreen trees, Q. glauca and Cinnamomum camphora) were incubated in trays on the forest floor. A total of 45 myxomycete species were recorded from 3021 collected samples that occurred at the July peak during the warmest and humidest season from April to November. The occurrence of species was significantly related to the changes in mean temperature and minimum temperature on both leaf types under humid conditions. Myxomycete assemblages were divided into three seasonal phases. Most of the species occurred in June–September, while a few species demonstrated characteristic distributions; i.e., Didymium melanospermum appeared in April– May and Diderma umbilicatum appeared in October– November. The respective leaf types supported the reproduction of myxomycetes with high species richness and diversity, with 34 species and H’ = 2.59 on deciduous trees and similarly 30 species and H’ = 2.49 on evergreen trees. Several species, however, exhibited a preference for either the deciduous tree or evergreen tree leaves. Thus, a mixed forest that defoliates during different two seasons yields a greater species diversity of myxomycete assemblage.  相似文献   

The structure, function, and ecosystem services of tropical forest depend on its species richness, diversity, dominance, and the patterns of changes in the assemblages of tree populations over time. Long-term data from permanent vegetation plots have yielded a wealth of data on the species diversity and dynamics of tree populations, but such studies have only rarely been undertaken in tropical forest landscapes that support large human populations. Thus, anthropogenic drivers and their impacts on species diversity and community structure of tropical forests are not well understood. Here we present data on species diversity, community composition, and regeneration status of tropical forests in a human-dominated landscape in the Western Ghats of southern India. Enumeration of 40 plots (50 m × 20 m) results a total of 106 species of trees, 76 species of saplings and 79 species of seedlings. Detrended Correspondence Analysis ordination of the tree populations yielded five dominant groups, along disturbance and altitudinal gradients on the first and second axes respectively. Abundant species of the area such as Albizia amara, Nothopegia racemosa and Pleiospermum alatum had relatively few individuals in recruiting size classes. Our data indicate probable replacement of rare, localized, and old-growth ‘specialists’ by disturbance-adapted generalists, if the degradation is continuing at the present scale.  相似文献   

For both its climatic and ecological importance, Schrenk spruce (Picea schrenkiana) is a crucial tree species living at mid-altitude on the western area of the Tianshan Mountains. It plays a key role on understanding climatic change in the Tianshan Mountains in the past 500 years. However, whether the relationship between tree growth and limiting climate factors is stable over time is still not well-known. In this study, standard and residual chronologies of four 100-year age classes (AC1 < 110a, 110a < AC2 < 210a, 210a < AC3 < 310a and AC4 > 310a) were established for detecting divergence in climate–growth relationships as well as comparing low-frequency and high-frequency variations. The results show that climate can account for a high amount of variance in tree-ring width and higher climate sensitivity was detected in younger trees. Younger trees (<210a) exhibit significantly negative growth responses to mean monthly air temperature of previous June and positive relationship with total monthly precipitation of current April and May, while mean monthly air temperature of current March may inhibit growth of older trees (>210a). Tree-ring chronology statistics and response function reveal that the age-growth patterns are non-monotonic. Our results together with previous studies demonstrate that the age effects on tree-ring growth–climate response is attributed to a combination of genetic characteristics and site microclimate, which suggests that it is necessary to consider both age-dependent and species-specific climate responses when using tree-ring measurements as a proxy for valid climate reconstructions.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to develop and assess a method of using tree ring measurements in standing pruned Pinus patula trees for modelling the knotty core of the pruned section of a tree and to assess variability in knotty core diameters in the tree stem. A total of 170 trees from 17 compartments on a wide variety of growth sites from the Mpumalanga escarpment in South Africa were selected and destructively sampled. We show that ring width measurements at breast height can be used to predict growth in the upper pruned section which in turn can be used to reconstruct the internal knotty core through the full pruned section of the log.Analysis of variation for the entire data set from ring width measurements showed that there was far greater variation in knotty core percentages (the percentage of diameter occupied by knotty core) between different compartments than within compartments. Within a tree, the knotty core percentages between three stem sections, 0.0–2.4 m, 2.4–4.8 m, and 4.8–7 m, differed significantly. As expected the knotty core percentages were found to increase from the bottom section (49.1%) to the top section (65.4%).A comparison of the actual measured knotty core size and the modeled knotty core size of a sub-sample of trees showed only a modest relationship (R2 = 0.62). Reasons for this might be variability in pruning quality, inaccurate pruning records, nodal swellings, and the methodology used to measure the actual knotty core sizes.Knowledge of knotty core sizes can be used as a decision aid in the forest and forest products industry.  相似文献   

Breathing exercises (BE), incentive spirometry and positioning are considered treatment modalities to achieve lung re-expansion. This study evaluated the influence of incentive spirometry and forward leaning on inspired tidal volumes (VT) and electromyographic activity of inspiratory muscles during BE. Four modalities of exercises were investigated: deep breathing, spirometry using both flow and volume-oriented devices, and volume-oriented spirometry after modified verbal instruction. Twelve healthy subjects aged 22.7 ± 2.1 years were studied. Surface electromyography activity of diaphragm, external intercostals, sternocleidomastoid and scalenes was recorded. Comparisons among the three types of exercises, without considering spirometry after modified instruction, showed that electromyographic activity and VT were lower during volume-oriented spirometry (p = 0.000, p = 0.054, respectively). Forward leaning resulted in a lower VT when compared to upright sitting (p = 0.000), but electromyographic activity was not different (p = 0.606). Inspired VT and electromyographic activity were higher during volume-oriented spirometry performed after modified instruction when compared with the flow-oriented device (p = 0.027, p = 0.052, respectively). In conclusion BE using volume-oriented spirometry before modified instruction resulted in a lower work of breathing as a result of a lower VT and was not a consequence of the device type used. Forward leaning might not be assumed by healthy subjects during situations of augmented respiratory demand.  相似文献   

We have studied the presence of the foliar endophtye of Picea glauca (white spruce) Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 and its affect on the growth of Choristoneura fumiferana (spruce budworm). Here we examine the transmission of this fungus from 50 trees planted in a test field site to 250 P. glauca seedlings planted under the emerging canopies. After 3 y, the endophyte spread to 40 % of these trees (now 20–30 cm) with an average rugulosin (an anti-insect toxin) concentration of 1 μg g?1. All woody plants within 2 m of the test trees were collected. These were all shown to be negative for P. scopiformis except for some spruce seedlings that arose from seeds (natural generation). This is positive evidence for the horizontal transmission of P. scopiformis and its apparent specificity to P. glauca under field conditions.  相似文献   

A community of insect herbivores has established on eucalyptus species in California following their introduction from Australia. A number of the species are under complete or partial biological control. A response to introduction of additional pest species into the complex has been the application of systemic insecticides to infested trees. Natural enemies that have been introduced to control the various pest species feed on the nectar of treated trees, and thus may be affected by these pesticides. In this study, Eucalyptus rudis trees were treated at label rates with the neonicotinoid systemic insecticide imidacloprid and nectar sampled at 5 months post-treatment during the spring bloom. The concentration of imidacloprid and its toxic metabolites in nectar was measured by ELISA at 660 ppb. Adults of the encyrtid egg parasitoid Avetianella longoi that were fed floral nectar collected from treated trees had significantly lower survival and reproductive fitness than adults fed nectar from untreated trees. In feeding bioassays, in which the adults were fed a range of concentrations of imidacloprid in sugar water, the LC50 for A. longoi was 212 ppb imidacloprid. Bioassays were also conducted with the braconid larval parasitoid, Syngaster lepidus. The LC50 for S. lepidus was 288 ppb imidacloprid. The insecticide appears to be concentrating in the nectar at higher levels than reported from other plant species and at concentrations exceeding the LC50 for two important parasitoids. If tree treatments become widespread as a result of continual introductions of new eucalypt herbivores, established biological control programs could be at significant risk.  相似文献   

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