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Candida albicans is a dimorphic human pathogen in which the yeast to hyphal switch may be an important factor in virulence in mammals. This pathogen has recently been shown to also kill insects such as the Greater Wax Moth Galleria mellonella when injected into the haemocoel of the insect larvae. We have investigated the effect of previously characterised C. albicans mutations that influence the yeast to hyphal transition on virulence in G. mellonella larvae. There is a good correlation between the virulence of these mutants in the insect host and the virulence measured through systemic infection of mice. Although the predominant cellular species detected in G. mellonella infections is the yeast form of C. albicans, mutations that influence the hyphal transition also reduce pathogenicity in the insect. The correlation with virulence measured in the mouse infection system suggests that Galleria may provide a convenient and inexpensive model for the in vivo screening of mutants of C. albicans.  相似文献   

The use of insects for evaluating the virulence of microbial pathogens and for determining the efficacy of antimicrobial drugs is increasing. When larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella were incubated at 4 or 37°C for 24 h. prior to infection, they manifested increased resistance to infection by the yeast Candida albicans compared to larvae that had been pre-incubated for 24 h at 30°C. Incubation at 4 or 37°C led to an increase in haemocyte density and the expression of genes coding for gallerimycin, transferrin, an inducible metalloproteinase inhibitor (IMPI) and galiomicin. Peak expression of these genes was recorded at approximately 24 h after the commencement of the 4 or 37°C incubation. These results indicate that exposure of larvae to mild thermal shock conditions induces a protective cellular and humoral immune response mediated by increased numbers of haemocytes and elevated expression of antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

Larvae of the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) that had been subjected to physical stress by shaking in cupped hands for 2 min showed reduced susceptibility to infection by Candida albicans when infected 24 h after the stress event. Physically stressed larvae demonstrated an increase in haemocyte density and elevated mRNA levels of galiomicin and an inducible metalloproteinase inhibitor (IMPI) but not transferrin or gallerimycin. In contrast, previous work has demonstrated that microbial priming of larvae resulted in the induction of all four genes. Examination of the expression of proteins in the insect haemolymph using 2D electrophoresis and MALDI TOF analysis revealed an increase in the intensity of a number of peptides showing some similarities with proteins associated with the insect immune response to infection. This study demonstrates that non-lethal physical stress primes the immune response of G. mellonella and this is mediated by elevated haemocyte numbers, increased mRNA levels of genes coding for two antimicrobial peptides and the appearance of novel peptides in the haemolymph. This work demonstrates that physical priming increases the insect immune response but the mechanism of this priming is different to that induced by low level exposure to microbial pathogens.  相似文献   

Culture medium affected the virulence of a strain of Candida albicans toward Galleria mellonella larvae, but the yeast growth rates in yeast extract - peptone - dextrose broth and synthetic Galleria serum were not correlated with yeast virulence. Virulent C. albicans grew rapidly in larval serum, whereas, it limited nodulation and continued development in vivo, producing toxins that damaged the hemocytes and fat body. Nonpathogenic yeast-phase cells grew slowly in larval serum but induced extensively melanized nodules in vivo and developed no further. There was no discernible relationship in 14 exo-enzymes between the virulent and avirulent yeast strains and virulence. The avirulent myosin-I-defective yeast cells were rapidly removed from the hemolymph in vivo because of lysozyme-mediated yeast agglutination and the possible binding of the yeast cells by lysozyme and apolipophorin-III. Both lysozyme and apolipophorin-III are proteins that bind beta-1,3-glucan. Finally, insects with nonpathogenic C. albicans exhibited induced immunity and were more resistant to candidiasis from the wild-type yeast cells than were noninduced insects.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is the fungal species most commonly associated with biofilm formation in immunosuppressed patients. Recent work offers a fresh new look at the role of filamentation in C. albicans biofilm formation, and describes the application of a powerful tool for the molecular dissection of these important developmental processes.  相似文献   

Both neuronal acetylcholine and nonneuronal acetylcholine have been demonstrated to modulate inflammatory responses. Studies investigating the role of acetylcholine in the pathogenesis of bacterial infections have revealed contradictory findings with regard to disease outcome. At present, the role of acetylcholine in the pathogenesis of fungal infections is unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether acetylcholine plays a role in fungal biofilm formation and the pathogenesis of Candida albicans infection. The effect of acetylcholine on C. albicans biofilm formation and metabolism in vitro was assessed using a crystal violet assay and phenotypic microarray analysis. Its effect on the outcome of a C. albicans infection, fungal burden, and biofilm formation were investigated in vivo using a Galleria mellonella infection model. In addition, its effect on modulation of host immunity to C. albicans infection was also determined in vivo using hemocyte counts, cytospin analysis, larval histology, lysozyme assays, hemolytic assays, and real-time PCR. Acetylcholine was shown to have the ability to inhibit C. albicans biofilm formation in vitro and in vivo. In addition, acetylcholine protected G. mellonella larvae from C. albicans infection mortality. The in vivo protection occurred through acetylcholine enhancing the function of hemocytes while at the same time inhibiting C. albicans biofilm formation. Furthermore, acetylcholine also inhibited inflammation-induced damage to internal organs. This is the first demonstration of a role for acetylcholine in protection against fungal infections, in addition to being the first report that this molecule can inhibit C. albicans biofilm formation. Therefore, acetylcholine has the capacity to modulate complex host-fungal interactions and plays a role in dictating the pathogenesis of fungal infections.  相似文献   

目的探究白假丝酵母菌感染蜡螟时蜡螟的自噬相关通路蛋白的表达情况。方法用一定量的白假丝酵母菌的活化孢子感染蜡螟,经过12h,解剖蜡螟收集蜡螟细胞并裂解细胞,用真菌活性检测试剂盒检测孢子活性;解剖蜡螟取肠道组织并用PI染死细胞。取不同感染时间段的淋巴细胞,用裂解液裂解,离心取上清,用Western blot法检测上清液中的Dectin-1、ROS、LC3Ⅰ/Ⅱ的表达水平。结果活化的孢子注射至蜡螟体内后,其活性受到抑制;蜡螟的肠道细胞被定位在上面的菌丝损伤并且孢子活性受到抑制。随着蜡螟感染白假丝酵母菌时间的递增,其自身的Dectin-1、ROS、LC3Ⅰ/Ⅱ的表达水平在不断增高且在感染24h最高。结论白假丝酵母菌感染蜡螟后,蜡螟的淋巴细胞和肠道细胞通过升高Dectin-1、ROS、LC3Ⅰ/Ⅱ的表达水平发挥杀伤孢子的作用。  相似文献   

目的构建蜡螟的念珠菌属真菌动物模型并探究真菌对蜡螟的细胞、组织、器官的影响以及念珠菌属真菌蜡螟模型的应用价值。方法用注射器吸取一定量的菌液注入蜡螟体内,在30℃培养箱中培养一定时间后,取出其中的一小部分蜡螟进行解剖,观察真菌菌丝对蜡螟肠道组织的损伤情况,取另一小部分蜡螟做病理切片,同时记录不同时间段蜡螟的生存死亡情况;将空白蜡螟断头取血,分离淋巴细胞后用DMEM培养,用热灭活真菌处理蜡螟淋巴血细胞,37℃培养3 h后,分别用ROS(氧化应激水平)探针和溶酶体探针标记ROS、溶酶体,观察真菌刺激细胞时的自噬水平的变化。结果真菌菌丝对蜡螟的肠道组织产生损伤,病理切片显示大量菌丝生长,细胞吞噬真菌后,ROS升高,溶酶体与菌共定位。结论念珠菌属真菌的蜡螟模型中,真菌对蜡螟的细胞、组织、器官均有损伤,蜡螟的细胞自噬水平升高,并且此模型具有易操作,价格低廉,便于进行统计学分析等优势。  相似文献   

A medium that initially produced filaments from almost all of its Candida albicans blastospore inoculum contained 1% mycological peptone and 0.2% glucose, final pH 7.4-7.5. The medium was inoculated to 10-6 cells/ml and incubated at 40 degrees C. Reversion to secondary blastospores began at a mean of 2.4 h after inoculation. The patterns of utilization of growth nutrients during optimal mycelial growth showed no correlation with the events of filamentation.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the 51-kDa subunit of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenase complex I, a principal component of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, was cloned in Candida tropicalis. The homolog in C. albicans, CaNDH51, was identified, and each allele was successively disrupted by PCR-mediated gene disruption. Wild type, heterozygote, reintegrant, and homozygous null mutants grew as blastoconidia in rich medium containing 3% glucose, but the homozygous null mutant failed to grow in ethanol or acetate. When glucose concentration was varied from 1 mM (0.018%) to 200 mM (3.6%) in a basal salts medium, all strains grew equally well at all glucose concentrations; the wild-type strain, the heterozygote, and the reintegrant exhibited abundant germ tubes, pseudohyphae, and hyphae. In contrast, the ndh51/ndh51 strain failed to display any type of filamentous growth, even in glucose concentrations as low as 1 mM. These results suggest a previously unexplored relationship between mitochondrial electron transport and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Phagocytic killing of Candida albicans by different murine effector cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Three major phagocytic populations in the mouse were tested in vitro for killing of Candida albicans by means of 51Cr release assay: early inflammatory peritoneal polymorphonuclear cells (PMN), unfractionated or adherent spleen cells and resident peritoneal macrophages (PEC). Considerable candidacidal activity was found in the early inflammatory neutrophil and adherent spleen cell populations. On the contrary, only limited activity was found to be associated with resident peritoneal macrophages. The phagocytic killing apparently involved multiple mechanisms.  相似文献   

Deletion of DNA polymerase eta (Rad30/Polη) in pathogenic yeast Candida albicans is known to reduce filamentation induced by serum, ultraviolet, and cisplatin. Because nonfilamentous C. albicans is widely accepted as avirulent form, here we explored the virulence and pathogenicity of a rad30Δ strain of C. albicans in cell‐based and animal systems. Flow cytometry of cocultured fungal and differentiated macrophage cells revealed that comparatively higher percentage of macrophages was associated with the wild‐type than rad30Δ cells. In contrast, higher number of Polη‐deficient C. albicans adhered per macrophage membrane. Imaging flow cytometry showed that the wild‐type C. albicans developed hyphae after phagocytosis that caused necrotic death of macrophages to evade their clearance. Conversely, phagosomes kill the fungal cells as estimated by increased metacaspase activity in wild‐type C. albicans. Despite the morphological differences, both wild‐type and rad30? C. albicans were virulent with a varying degree of pathogenicity in mice models. Notably, mice with Th1 immunity were comparatively less susceptible to systemic fungal infection than Th2 type. Thus, our study clearly suggests that the modes of interaction of morphologically different C. albicans strains with the host immune cells are diverged, and host genetic background and several other attributing factors of the fungus could additionally determine their virulence.  相似文献   

Pre-exposure of the larvae of Galleria mellonella to Candida albicans or Saccharomyces cerevisiae protects against a subsequent infection with 10(6) C. albicans cells. This protection can also be induced by exposing larvae to glucan or laminarin prior to the administration of the potentially lethal inoculum. Analysis of the genes coding for galiomicin, a defensin in G. mellonella, a cysteine-rich antifungal peptide gallerimycin, an iron-binding protein transferrin and an inducible metalloproteinase inhibitor (IMPI) from G. mellonella demonstrated increased expression, which is at its highest after 24 h of the initial inoculum. Examination of the expression of proteins in the insect haemolymph using 2D electrophoresis and MALDI TOF analysis revealed an increased expression of a number of proteins associated with the insect immune response to infection 24 h after the initial exposure. This study demonstrates that the larvae of G. mellonella can withstand a lethal inoculum of C. albicans if pre-exposed to a non-lethal dose of yeast or polysaccharide 24 h previously which is mediated by increased expression of a number of antimicrobial peptides and the appearance of a number of peptides in the challenged larvae.  相似文献   

Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis are very closely related yeast species. In this study, we have conducted a thorough comparison of the ability of the two species to produce hyphae and their virulence in two infection models. Under all induction conditions tested C. albicans consistently produced hyphae more efficiently than C. dubliniensis. In the oral reconstituted human epithelial model, C. dubliniensis isolates grew exclusively in the yeast form, while the C. albicans strains produced abundant hyphae that invaded and caused significant damage to the epithelial tissue. In the oral-intragastric infant mouse infection model, C. dubliniensis strains were more rapidly cleared from the gastrointestinal tract than C. albicans. Immunosuppression of Candida-infected mice caused dissemination to internal organs by both species, but C. albicans was found to be far more effective at dissemination than C. dubliniensis. These data suggest that a major reason for the comparatively low virulence of C. dubliniensis is its lower capacity to produce hyphae.  相似文献   

Khalaf RA  Zitomer RS 《Genetics》2001,157(4):1503-1512
We have identified a repressor of hyphal growth in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. The gene was originally cloned in an attempt to characterize the homologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rox1, a repressor of hypoxic genes. Rox1 is an HMG-domain, DNA binding protein with a repression domain that recruits the Tup1/Ssn6 general repression complex to achieve repression. The C. albicans clone also encoded an HMG protein that was capable of repression of a hypoxic gene in a S. cerevisiae rox1 deletion strain. Gel retardation experiments using the purified HMG domain of this protein demonstrated that it was capable of binding specifically to a S. cerevisiae hypoxic operator DNA sequence. These data seemed to indicate that this gene encoded a hypoxic repressor. However, surprisingly, when a homozygous deletion was generated in C. albicans, the cells became constitutive for hyphal growth. This phenotype was rescued by the reintroduction of the wild-type gene on a plasmid, proving that the hyphal growth phenotype was due to the deletion and not a secondary mutation. Furthermore, oxygen repression of the hypoxic HEM13 gene was not affected by the deletion nor was this putative ROX1 gene regulated positively by oxygen as is the case for the S. cerevisiae gene. All these data indicate that this gene, now designated RFG1 for Repressor of Filamentous Growth, is a repressor of genes required for hyphal growth and not a hypoxic repressor.  相似文献   

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