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Biologically rich savannas and woodlands dominated by Pinus palustris once dominated the southeastern U.S. landscape. With European settlement, fire suppression, and landscape fragmentation, this ecosystem has been reduced in area by 97%. Half of remnant forests are not burned with sufficient frequency, leading to declines in plant and animal species richness. For these fire‐suppressed ecosystems a major regional conservation goal has been ecological restoration, primarily through the reinitiation of historic fire regimes. Unfortunately, fire reintroduction in long‐unburned Longleaf pine stands can have novel, undesirable effects. We review case studies of Longleaf pine ecosystem restoration, highlighting novel fire behavior, patterns of tree mortality, and unintended outcomes resulting from reintroduction of fire. Many of these pineland restoration efforts have resulted in excessive overstory pine mortality (often >50%) and produced substantial quantities of noxious smoke. The most compelling mechanisms of high tree mortality after reintroduction of fire are related to smoldering combustion of surface layers of organic matter (duff) around the bases of old pines. Development of effective methods to reduce fuels and competing vegetation while encouraging native vegetation is a restoration challenge common to fire‐prone ecosystems worldwide that will require understanding of the responses of altered ecosystems to the resumption of historically natural disturbances.  相似文献   

Abstract Sustained‐release fertilizer and two kinds of mulch treatments were tested to determine their effects on survival and growth of planted Chamaecyparis thyoides (Atlantic white cedar) on a sandy extremely nutrient‐deficient site. Height, basal trunk diameter, dry weight, and concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were measured for each treatment. After two growing seasons, survival was very high in untreated controls (mean, 86%) and was not significantly increased by any treatment (significance was assessed at p = 0.05 throughout this work). Stem height and cross‐sectional area doubled in unamended plots during the course of the study. Fresh mulch alone caused no additional increase in growth, compared with unamended plots. Decomposed mulch caused a slight but significant increase. Sustained‐release fertilizer caused significant increases in height (threefold) and dry weight (approximately sixfold). Combined treatment with fertilizer and mulch gave significantly greater growth responses than did other treatments, increasing heights 4‐ to 5‐fold, trunk cross‐sectional areas 4‐fold, and dry weights 11‐ to 21‐fold over no‐treatment controls. Tissue concentrations of N and P correlated with growth trends, with combinations of mulch and timed‐release fertilizer providing the highest values. Though statistically different, the two mulch treatments were similar in their effects on tissue nutrient concentrations. When combined with fertilizer, undecomposed mulch stimulated increases in height and dry weight significantly more than did decomposed mulch. Thus, establishment of C. thyoides on low‐nutrient sandy soils is improved by combined soil amendment with sustained‐release nutrients and organic mulch.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on a Coastal Plain flatwoods site in Florida to determine the effects of common forestry herbicides on Longleaf pine seedling survival and growth and on the understory vegetation. Following removal of the overstory slash pine, five low‐rate herbicide treatments were applied over the top of planted Longleaf pine seedlings to provide short‐term understory vegetation control and accelerate seedling growth. The objective was to increase Longleaf pine growth by reducing the shrub competition while increasing the herbaceous ground cover. Despite causing reduction in seedling survival over the control treatment, imazapyr (0.21 ae kg/ha) resulted in the highest seedling growth (height and volume). The significant reduction of shrub cover, density, and height by imazapyr was believed to be responsible for the improved seedling growth in this treatment. Both hexazinone (0.56 ai kg/ha) and sulfometuron methyl (0.26 ai kg/ha) + hexazinone (0.56 ai kg/ha) treatments also reduced cover of Runner oak, a major shrub species, but the response was evident only 8 months after treatment. Although sulfometuron methyl (0.26 ai kg/ha) and sulfometuron methyl + hexazinone treatments did not result in any significant change in overall grass, forb, and shrub cover, both treatments resulted in greater Longleaf pine growth compared to the control. None of the herbicides significantly affected the major understory grasses and forbs. Overall, imazapyr provided the best desired results with significant increase in seedling growth and better control of shrub species with no significant effects on grass and other herbaceous species cover.  相似文献   

Aim Past studies have investigated differences in leaf life‐spans between deciduous and evergreen species. Environmental controls such as light, temperature, and nutrient and moisture availability explain differences in leaf life‐spans between species. This study examined intraspecific leaf life‐spans across climate and nutrient gradients within the geographical range of Pinus palustris Engelm (longleaf pine) and Pinus elliottii Mill. (slash pine). Location Five study areas in the southeastern United States were selected along the north–south geographical range of Pinus elliottii and Pinus palustris. Methods Leaf life‐span was calculated based on stand inventories and annual litterfall totals for each site, and allometric relationships between d.b.h. and foliar biomass. Results Leaf life‐span of P. elliottii ranged from 1.28 to 1.95 years between sites. Leaf life‐span of P.palustris varied by nearly a factor of 5 between the study site with the lowest and highest value (0.58–2.49 years). anova indicated that leaf life‐spans of P. elliottii were not significantly different among sites. In contrast, anova indicated a significant difference for P. palustris leaf life‐spans among sites (P < 0.05). The Tukey multiple comparisons tests showed that 2 study areas were the only pair of P. palustris sites with a significant difference in leaf life‐spans. Main conclusions The geographical variation in leaf life‐spans between two species illustrates the different phenotypic responses to environmental controls. The variation in leaf life‐spans by individuals of P. palustris across a geographical range illustrated in this study suggests that P. palustris may exhibit a greater phenotypic plasticity than P. elliottii.  相似文献   

Open marsh water management (OMWM) of salt marshes modifies grid‐ditched marshes by creating permanent ponds and radial ditches in the high marsh that reduce mosquito production and enhance fish predation on mosquitoes. It is preferable to using pesticides to control salt marsh mosquito production and is commonly presented as a restoration or habitat enhancement tool for grid‐ditched salt marshes. Monitoring of nekton, vegetation, groundwater level, soil salinity, and bird communities before and after OMWM at 11 (six treatment and five reference sites) Atlantic Coast (U.S.A.) salt marshes revealed high variability within and among differing OMWM techniques (ditch‐plugging, reengineering of sill ditches, and the creation of ponds and radial ditches). At three marshes, the dominant nekton shifted from fish (primarily Fundulidae species) to shrimp (Palaemonidae species) after manipulations and shrimp density increased at other treatment sites. Vegetation changed at only two sites, one with construction equipment impacts (not desired) and one with a decrease in woody vegetation along existing ditches (desired). One marsh had lower groundwater level and soil salinity, and bird use, although variable, was often unrelated to OMWM manipulations. The potential effects of OMWM manipulations on non‐target salt marsh resources need to be carefully considered by resource planners when managing marshes for mosquito control.  相似文献   

Valley‐plug formation is a challenging consequence of stream channelization especially in physiographic regions with highly erodible soils. Upstream channel degradation and incision results in accelerated sediment delivery processes wherein downstream aggradation decreases stream power and creates sand‐clogged channels. Channel reconstruction is now meeting hydrogeomorphic goals related to valley‐plug remediation, yet there exists a need to understand how this practice also facilitates ecological restoration. We evaluated fish trait response to in‐stream habitat conditions in channelized, recently restored, and “least‐disturbed” reference reaches of Coastal Plain streams in West Tennessee. Restored reaches were ecologically similar to channelized reaches, having higher proportions of nest‐guarding omnivores that were correlated with higher percentages of pool habitats and lower wetted width:depth ratios compared to reference reaches. Reference reaches had higher proportions of fast‐water dwelling and specialized insectivores that were correlated with high abundance of large woody debris, high‐wetted width:depth ratios, and low percentages of pool habitats. We conclude that in‐stream habitats in reconstructed channels have yet to promote reach‐scale ecological restoration relative to fish assemblage organization because trait‐habitat associations were not similar to reference conditions. However, our results lend to the development of ecological restoration targets that can be incorporated in future channel reconstruction projects in valley‐plugged, channelized streams of the Coastal Plain.  相似文献   

South Park is a high‐elevation, semi‐arid, treeless intermountain basin in central Colorado. A few extreme rich fens occur on the western margin and in the center of South Park where regional and local groundwater flow systems discharge to the ground surface. Over the past 40 years there has been extensive peat mining in these fens, but restoration methods have yet to be developed and successfully applied. The first part of this study compared the naturally reestablished vegetation on six mined peatlands with six pristine sites, while the second part of the study tested different revegetation techniques in 27 plots with varying depths to the water table. The six mined sites had only 30 plant species as compared with 122 species in the unmined sites; 43% of the species in the mined sites were not present in the undisturbed fens. Even after 40 years the sedges and willows that dominate the undisturbed sites were largely absent on the mined sites. The revegetation experiments seeded eight species, transplanted Carex aquatilis (water sedge) seedlings, transplanted rhizomes from six species, and transplanted four species of willow cuttings. Of the eight species seeded, only Triglochin maritima (arrowgrass) germinated and established seedlings. C. aquatilis seedlings, rhizome transplants of C. aquatilis, Kobresia simpliciuscula (elk sedge), and Juncus arcticus (arctic rush), and willow cuttings all had differing patterns of survival with respect to the annual maximum height of the water table. These results indicate that the dominant species can be successfully reintroduced to mined surfaces with the appropriate hydrologic conditions, but human intervention will be necessary to rapidly re‐establish these species. The slow rate of peat accumulation means that restoration of the mined fens will require hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina caused large losses of bottomland hardwood forests on the Gulf Coastal Plain. Heavy‐seeded species such as oaks (Quercus) generally require direct planting for restoration after such losses. However, evaluating the performance of various oak planting stocks using biometric data alone can be challenging due to their slow juvenile growth and belowground carbon allocation. Our study goals were to evaluate physiological parameters including photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and water‐use efficiency (WUE) and their correlation with annual height growth to determine differences in functional performance and drought tolerance between seedling types and whether physiology can predict height growth. Monthly growing season gas exchange measurements were made on two oak species (Quercus texana and Quercus shumardii) and three planting stocks (bare root, conventional containerized, large containerized [LC]) planted on two sites in coastal Mississippi. We found that photosynthesis decreased throughout the growing season while stomatal conductances increased leading to decreasing WUEs in all seedling types. Physiological parameters differed across planting stocks but not species. Particularly, LC seedlings exhibited greater WUEs and sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit (VPD) suggesting increased moisture stress compared with other planting stocks. Across seedling types, photosynthesis, stomatal sensitivity to VPD, and seasonal changes in intrinsic WUE measured in year one of the study were significantly correlated with year two, but not year one height growth, suggesting belowground allocation of carbon during the first growing season. In total, these results highlight the use of physiological measurements in selecting successful planting stocks for various site conditions.  相似文献   

Forty-three taxa of Synurophyceae were identified by means of transmission electron microscopy of samples from ten different localities in southeastern Louisiana, USA, on the southern portion of the Atlantic Coastal Plain Province of North America. Samples were collected during a one month period when water temperatures ranged from 15.5–24.5"C. Sample pH values ranged from 4.4–7.2. Notable scale morphology variation was described for some taxa. The flora included three warm water taxa but was dominated by temperate and cosmopolitan taxa. Mallomonas prora and Synura australiensis are reported for the first time from North America. Comparisons with related studies from New World subtropical regions in Florida, USA, and Argentina were made, and significant North American range expansions were noted. The large number of aquatic habitats, 7–8 consecutive months at temperatures (6–20°C) best suited for development of synurophycean populations, and proximity to major bird migrations routes are postulated as explanations for the large number of reported species.  相似文献   

To ameliorate local and coastal eutrophication, management agencies are increasingly turning to wetland restoration. A large portion of restoration is occurring in areas that were drained for agriculture. To recover wetland function these areas must be reflooded and disturbances to soils, including high nutrient content due to past fertilizer use, loss of organic matter and soil compaction, must be reversed. Here, we quantified nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) retention and transformation in a unique large-scale (440 ha) restored wetland in the North Carolina coastal plain, the Timberlake Restoration Project (TLRP). For 2 years following restoration, we quantified water and nutrient budgets for this former agricultural field. We anticipated that TLRP would export high concentrations of inorganic P immediately following reflooding, while retaining or transforming inorganic N. In the first 2 years after a return to the precipitation and wind-driven hydrology, TLRP retained or transformed 97% of NO3–N, 32% of TDN, 25% of NH4–N, and 53% of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) delivered from inflows and precipitation, while exporting 20% more dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and 13% more total P (inorganic, organic, and particulate P) than inputs. Areal mass retention rates of N and P at TLRP were low compared to other restored wetlands; however, the site efficiently retained pulses of fertilizer NO3–N derived from an upstream farm. This capacity for retaining N pulses indicates that the potential nutrient removal capacity of TLRP is much higher than measured annual rates. Our results illustrate the importance of considering both organic and inorganic forms of N and P when assessing the benefits of wetland restoration. We suggest that for wetland restoration to be an efficient tool in the amelioration of coastal eutrophication a better understanding of the coupled movement of the various forms of N and P is necessary.  相似文献   

Field research was conducted on four Atlantic Coastal Plain soils in the United States to evaluate response of corn (Zea mays L.) plants to Mn application. The soils under study were classified as either Aeric or Typic Ochraquults. Manganese application increased corn grain yields by an average of 1195 kg ha–1 on the four soils. The average grain yields on the soils were 7955 kg ha–1 for the control and 9150 kg ha–1 for the +Mn treatment. A Mitscherlich plant growth model was used to establish relationships between percent maximum grain yield and Mn concentration in the ear leaf at early silk (r=0.87, =0.01) and in the mature grain (r=0.58, =0.01). Based on 90% of maximum yield as the definition of the critical deficiency level, the critical Mn deficiency levels calculated with parameters from the Mitscherlich model were 10.6 mg kg–1 in the ear leaf and 4.9 mg kg–1 in the grain.  相似文献   

We studied headwater streams in 4 watersheds of Washington's Coastal Mountain region from June to August 1998 to establish macroinvertebrate reference conditions and describe variation in macroinvertebrate assemblage structure among stream orders and among substrates. Macroinvertebrates were sampled with mesh baskets (30 × 30 cm) filled with equal volumes of wood (1.5 l) and cobble (1.5 l) that were installed into fifteen 1st-order, six 2nd-order, and three 3rd-order streams. Low taxa richness and low macroinvertebrate densities were found in all streams. Crayfish dominated (92.7%) biomass estimates, with shredders dominating the non-crayfish component of the biomass. The importance of shredders declined from 1st- to 3rd-order streams. An abundance of wood and a lack of algae and non-wood based detritus in the 1st-order streams led us to suspect that food webs were wood based. We tested this hypothesis by comparing macroinvertebrate assemblages in substrate baskets filled with equal volumes (3 l) of naturally conditioned (1) wood, (2) cobble, or (3) wood and cobble (1.5 l of each). Macroinvertebrate richness was higher in wood-only and mixed baskets than the cobble-only baskets (p = 0.0118), and macroinvertebrate biomass was higher in mixed than cobble-only baskets (p = 0.044).  相似文献   

Increasing human populations and urban development have led to losses of estuarine habitats for fish and wildlife. Where resource managers are restoring coastal wetlands, in addition to meeting goals related to hydrologic connectivity, biodiversity, and recreational opportunities, efforts are being made to provide habitat that is suitable for juvenile sportfish. An 18‐month study was conducted to compare juvenile sportfish use of natural, restored, and impacted sites along Tampa Bay, Florida, shorelines. Juvenile sportfish densities at restored sites were broadly comparable to natural sites and greater than at impacted sites. However, site‐specific differences in sportfish use did occur within site types. For example, one restored site had significantly higher densities of red drum Sciaenops ocellatus than any other site, while black drum Pogonias cromis were found exclusively at another restored site. To evaluate whether the restored sites are providing suitable habitat for juvenile fish, we assessed growth (estimated from counts of daily rings on otoliths) and condition (determined by lipid analyses) of juvenile common snook Centropomus undecimalis, an archetypal coastal wetland‐dependent species. Growth (0.43–0.56 mm SL/day) and condition (4.6–6.1% lipid of dry weight) exhibited only site‐specific differences and did not vary among natural, restored, and impacted site types. Although mortality rates of juvenile sportfish were not determined, use of a 40‐m seine found that densities of potential piscine predators in these coastal wetlands were relatively low compared to published studies of open estuarine shorelines. The restoration and creation of coastal wetlands in Tampa Bay provides improved habitat for juvenile sportfish.  相似文献   

1. Benthic microbial respiration was measured in 214 streams in the Appalachian Mountain, Piedmont, and Coastal Plains regions of the eastern United States in summer 1997 and 1998. 2. Respiration was measured as both O2 consumption in sealed microcosms and as dehydrogenase activity (DHA) of the sediments contained within the microcosms. 3. Benthic microbial respiration in streams of the eastern U.S., as O2 consumption, was 0.37 ± 0.03 mg O2 m–2 day–1. Respiration as DHA averaged 1.21 ± 0.08 mg O2 m–2 day–1 4. No significant differences in O2 consumption or DHA were found among geographical provinces or stream size classes, nor among catchment basins for O2 consumption, but DHA was significantly higher in the other Atlantic (non‐Chesapeake Bay) catchment basins. 5. Canonical correlation analyses generated two environmental axes. The stronger canonical axis (W1) represented a chemical disturbance gradient that was negatively correlated with signatures of anthropogenic impacts (ANC, Cl, pH, SO42), and positively correlated with riparian canopy cover and stream water dissolved organic carbon concentration (DOC). A weaker canonical axis (W2) was postively correlated with pH, riparian zone agriculture, and stream depth, and negatively correlated with DOC and elevation of the stream. Oxygen consumption was significantly correlated with W2 whereas DHA was significantly correlated with W1. 6. The strengths of the correlations of DHA with environmental variables, particularly those that are proven indicators of catchment disturbances and with the canonical axis, suggest that DHA is a more responsive measure of benthic microbial activity than is O2 consumption.  相似文献   

Large quantities of diverse and appropriately adapted native plant germplasm are required to facilitate restoration globally, yet shortages can prevent restorations from attaining desired species diversity and structure. An extensive native plant industry has developed in the United States to help meet these demands, yet very little is known about its capacity to support germplasm needs. To better understand current capacity and germplasm availability, we report results of the first comprehensive and quantitative assessment of the native plant industry in the United States, which includes at least 841 vendors nationwide and the species they make available for restoration. We synthesized lists of commercially available species from native plant vendors across the United States and identified gaps in species availability to inform germplasm research, development, and production. Of the approximately 25,000 vascular plant taxa native to the United States, 26% are sold commercially, with growth form, conservation status, distribution, and taxonomy significantly predicting availability. In contrast, only 0.07% of approximately 3,000 native nonvascular taxa are sold commercially. We also investigated how demand for germplasm to support high‐quality restoration efforts is met by vendors in the Midwestern tallgrass prairie region, which has been targeted extensively by restoration efforts for decades. In this well‐developed native plant market, 74% of more than 1,000 target species are commercially available, often from vendors that advertise genetically diverse, locally sourced germplasm. We make recommendations to build on the successes of regional markets like the tallgrass prairie region, and to fill identified gaps, including investing in research to support production, ensuring more consistent and clear demand, and fostering regional collaboration.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycling and oocyte development were examined for female tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Goode and Bean, captured in the South Atlantic Bight, U.S.A. A total of 752 female tilefish was collected during 15 sampling periods from May 1982 to December 1983. Reproductive cycling was quantified using four techniques: gross visual estimation of ovarian stages, histological examination of ovaries, follicle diameter measurements, and an ovarian index. The relative accuracies of these techniques also were evaluated. All four methods indicated that L. chamaeleonticeps was capable of spawning from March to June. Most spawning occurred between April and June. Ovarian development was positively correlated with the change in daylength. Follicular development was asynchronous, which is characteristic of multiple spawners. Folliculogenesis was similar to that in most oviparous teleosts.  相似文献   

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