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中国产瓦韦属植物的分类学研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
本文对瓦韦属的分类简史进行了简单回顾。作者通过野外实地考察,研究标本,进行实验,对瓦韦属的外部形态和内部解剖性状进行了深入的研究。对根状茎上的鳞片和覆盖在孢子囊群上的隔丝类型通过研究进行了划分。根据二者的形态结构和颜色,分别划分成8个类型和5种类型。通过徒手切片法系统全面研究了瓦韦属叶柄与根状茎的解剖结构。通过对叶柄的横切面观察,发现瓦韦属叶柄的维管束最少2条,最多7条,从叶柄基部、叶柄中部至叶片 相似文献
瓦韦属植物的系统学研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据瓦韦属植物根状茎上的鳞片及隔丝的形状、结构、颜色,参考叶片的形状、质地及根状茎、叶柄的横切面等特征,把瓦韦属植物划分为6个组,分别为瓦韦组Sect.Lepisorus、扭瓦韦组Sect.Pleioomma S.L. Yu、革质叶组Sect.Sclerophyllon S.L. Yu、大叶瓦韦组Sect.MacrophyllonS.L.Yu、纸质叶组Sect.Pachyphyllon S.L.Yu和薄叶组Sect.Hymenophyton Ching。 相似文献
首次报道中国分布的3种瓦韦属植物的染色体数目,分别为线叶瓦韦,2n=42;丽江瓦韦,2n=144;西藏瓦韦,2n=50。其中,线叶瓦韦n=21是水龙骨科一个新的染色体基数。结合已有资料对染色体数目在瓦韦属中的重要分类学价值进行了讨论。 相似文献
中国产瓦韦属植物叶柄与根状茎的比较解剖研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
详细观察了已发表的60种瓦韦属植物叶柄和根状茎的横切面。瓦韦属植物叶柄维管束条数最多7条,最少2条,其中2个较粗,其余较细,排成一字型、三角型、四角型、半轮型等。根状茎上的维管束条数最少5条,最多16条,属于网状中柱,维管束不规则环形排列,夏绿种类厚壁组织较少或没有,常绿种类厚壁组织较多。叶柄与根状茎的研究对瓦韦属组的划分和种的确立有重要的参考价值。参考这些特征,瓦韦属相应地划分成六个组,即:大叶瓦韦组、扭瓦韦组、瓦韦组、革质叶瓦韦组、纸质叶瓦韦组、网眼瓦韦组。一些种类相应地进行了合并。 相似文献
中国瓦韦属药用植物的叶表皮观察 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
利用光学显微镜对中国瓦韦属(Lepisorus)17种药用植物及邻近2属3种植物的叶表皮微形态进行了观察。结果表明,瓦韦属药用植物不同种间的叶表皮特征具有一定的共性, 表现为气孔器全部分布在叶下表皮, 即全为下生气孔。此外, 所研究的瓦韦属植物的基本气孔器类型为极细胞型、共环极细胞型、腋下细胞型及聚腋下细胞型。瓦韦属不同药用植物在叶表皮细胞的大小、形态、垂周壁式样以及气孔器类型、气孔器大小、气孔指数等特征上存在差异, 据此可以划分为4种类型。叶表皮特征研究为中国瓦韦属药用植物的分类以及合理开发利用其药用价值提供了新的依据。 相似文献
利用光学显微镜对中国瓦韦属(Lepisorus)17种药用植物及邻近2属3种植物的叶表皮微形态进行了观察。结果表明,瓦韦属药用植物不同种间的叶表皮特征具有一定的共性,表现为气孔器全部分布在叶下表皮,即全为下生气孔。此外,所研究的瓦韦属植物的基本气孔器类型为极细胞型、共环极细胞型、腋下细胞型及聚腋下细胞型。瓦韦属不同药用植物在叶表皮细胞的大小、形态、垂周壁式样以及气孔器类型、气孔器大小、气孔指数等特征上存在差异,据此可以划分为4种类型。叶表皮特征研究为中国瓦韦属药用植物的分类以及合理开发利用其药用价值提供了新的依据。 相似文献
本文报道湖北省瓦韦属(Lepisorus)药用蕨类植物10种,编写了检索表,并对各种药用瓦韦在本省的分布和主要疗效作了说明。 相似文献
荞麦是一种蓼科(Polygonaceae family)荞麦属(Fagopyrum Mill)的古老作物,在全世界,尤其是东亚及东欧地区广泛种植。数千年以来,荞麦都是中国凉山等高海拔地区的主要粮食作物,其营养丰富,其中富含的芦丁等生物活性成分还具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤的功效。荞麦的栽培种甜荞和苦荞已经被广泛传播,但野生荞麦却只在特定区域分布。中国西南地区,包括四川、云南、贵州各省以及西藏自治区,是公认的世界荞麦属植物的起源中心、分布中心和多样化中心,荞麦种质资源非常丰富。目前已有文献报导的荞麦属植物超过20种,其绝大多数已在中国西南地区被发现,该地区的地理环境非常复杂,孕育了极具多样性的野生荞麦资源。但截至目前,这些已报导的种还没有经过科学的归类,同种异名的现象比较严重,本研究团队从2004年至今,在中国西南地区进行了多年多次的野外考察和标本采集工作,并在室内进行花和果实的解剖观察,获得了大量的荞麦属植物分类学数据。基于这些数据和荞麦染色体数量分析,经馆藏标本和模式照片的对比,并综合国内外相关文献,对中国荞麦属植物进行了分类学修订,将产自中国的荞麦属28个种归并为21个:即将Fagopyrum megaspartanium Q. F.Chen,F. pilus Q. F. Chen并入F. cymosum (Trrev)Meisn作为异名;F. pleioramosum Ohnishi,F. wenchuanense J.R.Shao并入F.caudatum (Samuelsson) A. J. Li作为异名;F. callianthum Ohnishi并入F.qiangcai D.Q.Ba作为异名;F. zuogongense Q.F.Chen并入F. homotropicum Ohnishi作为异名;F. longzhoushanense J.R.Shao并入F. pugense T.Yu作为异名。重新制定了21个种的分种检索表。本文将有助于重新认识荞麦属植物的进化地位,并为后续进一步探究属中各个种的亲缘关系奠定了基础。 相似文献
The taxonomy of Lepisorus (J. Sm.) Ching sect. Lepisorus in China was revised based on herbarium specimen examinations, field observations, and microscopic study of rhizome scales, soral paraphyses, leaf epidermis, and spores. As a result, nine species were recognized: Lepisorus macrosphaerus (Baker) Ching, Lepisorus asterolepis (Baker) Ching, Lepisorus marginatus Ching, Lepisorus kuchenensis (Y.C. Wu) Ching, Lepisorus megasorus (C. Chr.) Ching, Lepisorus kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa, Lepisorus subsessilis Ching & Y.X. Lin, Lepisorus affinis Ching, and Lepisorus nudus (Hook.) Ching. Lepisorus kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa was reinstated; Lepisorus gyirongensis Ching & S.K. Wu and Lepisorus longus Ching were reduced to synonyms ofL. nudus and L. affinis, respectively. The subdivision ofLepisorus macrosphaerus was not accepted. Rhizome scales and paraphyses are the most useful characters for species delimitation as well as for infrageneric classification. Characteristics of the leaf epidermis and spore ornamentation are usually stable and thus of great significance in understanding the relationships among groups within the genus. 相似文献
The taxonomy of Lepisorus (J. Sm.) Ching sect. Lepisorus in China was revised based on herbarium specimen examinations, field observations, and microscopic study of rhizome scales, soral paraphyses, leaf epidermis and spores. As a result nine species were recognized: Lepisorus macrosphaerus (Baker) Ching, L. asterolepis (Baker) Ching, L. marginatus Ching, L. kuchenensis (Y. C. Wu) Ching, L. megasorus(C. Chr.) Ching, L. kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa, L. subsessilis Ching & Y. X. Lin, L. affinis Ching and L. nudus (Hook.) Ching. Lepisorus kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa was reinstated; L. gyirongensis Ching & S. K. Wu and L. longus Ching were reduced to synonyms of L. nudus and L. affinis respectively. The subdivision of L. macrosphaerusis was not accepted. Rhizome scales and paraphyses are the most useful characters for species delimitation as well as for infrageneric classification. Characteristics of the leaf epidermis and spore ornamentation are usually stable and thus of great significance in understanding the relationships among groups within the genus. 相似文献
ANIBAL PRINA 《Botanical journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2000,133(4):509-524
As part of a revision of the genus Crambe based on the morphological study of herbaria and cultivated material, the systematics of sect. Leptocrombe DC. is presented here. Section Leptocrambe is considered to comprise five species: C. kilimandscharica O. E. Schulz, C. sinuatodentata Hochst. ex Petri, C. hispanica L., C. filiformis Jacq. and C. kralikii Coss. C. hispanica includes three subspecies, subsp. hispanica , subsp. glabrata (DC.) Cout. and subsp. abyssnica (Hochst. ex R. E. Fr.) stat. nov. which includes var. dyssinica and var. meyeri (O. E. Schulz) comb. nov. C. kralikii includes two subspecies, subsp. kralikii and subsp. garamas (Maire) Podlech. 相似文献
Jaideep Mazumdar 《Nordic Journal of Botany》2016,34(2):217-218
The original material of the fern species name Acrostichum spicatum (Polypodiaceae) was detected in the Linnaean Herbarium in London. It is selected as the lectotype in consultation with the protologue of the name, thus superseding the neotypes in the collections of Commerson and Sonnerat. 相似文献
On the basis of allozyme and cultivation data, and of additional herbarium material, a taxonomic and nomenclatural revision ofTaraxacum sect.Piesis A.J. Richards exKirschner et?těpánek is provided. The section is made up of halophilous, sexually reproducing taxa. InT. stenocephalum Boiss. etKotschy,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., andT. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid chromosome number has been recorded, representing the only known case of sexuality at the tetraploid level in the genus. The complex ofT. stenocephalum, includes some geographically and morphologically extreme populations treated as subspecies: subsp.gumusanicum (Soest)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov., subsp.magnum Kirschner et?těpánek, subsp. nov., and subsp.daralagesicum (Schischk.)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov. In addition toT. bessarabicum (Hornem.)Hand.-Mazz., a widely distributed Eurasian species,T. stenocephalum, a complex centred in Transcaucasia and Anatolia, andT. pachypodum H. Lindb., a North African endemic, four new species are described:T. salsum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a diploid endemic confined to E Crimea,T. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid sexual species known only from SW Crimea,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a remarkable tetraploid endemic to the Pindos Mts., Greece, andT. salsitatis Kirschner, ?těpänek etYirdirimli, sp. nov., an Anatolian diploid species. Furthermore, a hybrid betweenT. salsum andT. bessarabicum from Crimea (documented on the basis of allozyme data elsewhere) is given a binomial,T. xmesohalobium Kirschner et?těpánek, nothosp. nov. 相似文献
铁线莲属大叶铁线莲组修订 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis的大叶铁线莲组sect. Tubulosae进行了修订, 确定此组含9种2变种和3变型, 对此组的分类简史和地理分布做了介绍, 研究了此属大多数种的花粉形态, 写出此组组下分类群的形态特征、地理分布等, 并附有全部种的插图。此组9种被划分为2亚组, 其中原始群羽叶铁线莲亚组subsect. Pinnatae(有2种, 1种分布于中国河北和东北, 另1种产日本)在木质藤本习性、花构造、花粉形态(具3沟)等方面与威灵仙组sect. Clematis颇为近似, 区别主要在于萼片在开放初期近直立, 以后平展, 雄蕊花丝被毛, 此亚组可能源于威灵仙组。进化群大叶铁线莲亚组subsect. Tubulosae(有7种, 分布于我国东部、北部和台湾, 朝鲜和日本)为直立多年生草本、小亚灌木或小灌木, 花通常杂性, 萼片直立(花萼呈筒状, 稀呈坛状), 顶端或上部反曲, 雄蕊常有毛, 花粉通常具散孔, 只在1种(原始种大叶铁线莲C. heracleifolia)具3沟, 此亚组可能由羽叶铁线莲亚组演化而来。 相似文献