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Upon melittin stimulation, cultured SCC-13 keratinocytes release prostaglandins E2, F, 6-keto-F, thromboxane B2, leukotriene B4, and 6-sulfido-peptide-containing leukotrienes (SRS) into serum free medium. Release of prostaglandins E2, F, and SRS, normalized to cell protein, is 3- to 10-fold higher from rapidly growing than confluent cultures. Cells growing with hydrocortisone in the medium produce approximately twice the level of the cyclooxygenase-mediated metabolites PGE2 and PGF as those without hydrocortisone, but similar levels of the lipoxygenase-mediated metabolite SRS. The results demonstrate the potential utility of squamous carcinoma lines for investigating biochemical pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Filaggrin is a basic protein normally present in the stratum corneum of epidermis. It derives from a high-molecular-weight precursor synthesized in the stratum granulosum of epidermis. This precursor, called profilaggrin, is thought to be associated with the keratohyaline granules of granular cells. It is known that profilaggrin, but not filaggrin, is present in conventional cultures of human keratinocytes grown on plastic petri dishes. In this study, we show that cultured human keratinocytes can convert profilaggrin into filaggrin, when they are grown on a collagen matrix and raised at the liquid-air interface in order to induce terminal differentiation. Moreover, the presence of terminally differentiating keratinocytes above the granular layer is necessary, but not sufficient, for the accumulation of filaggrin. Finally, we show that the accumulation of filaggrin in the outermost layers of submerged cultured human keratinocytes can be triggered by extensive removal (double delipidization) of retinoids from the serum supplement and inhibited when small concentrations (10(-11)-10(-10) M) of retinoic acid are readded to the culture medium. Altogether, the data reported suggest that not only the synthesis of profilaggrin, but also the conversion of profilaggrin into filaggrin are negatively controlled by retinoic acid. Further, it seems that retinoic acid acts directly on the conversion of profilaggrin into filaggrin rather than on the production of terminally differentiating cells capable of accumulating this protein.  相似文献   

In contrast to most tissues, epidermis and its derivatives appear to lack low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors and exhibit sterologenesis rates unaffected by circulating lipoprotein (LP) cholesterol content. Since LDL receptors have been demonstrated in both cultured squamous cell carcinoma cells and human foreskin keratinocytes, when maintained in low-calcium media, LDL receptor expression may be related to keratinocyte differentiation. We compared receptor binding and internalization of LDL-gold in normal keratinocytes at different stages of growth at physiological calcium concentrations (early, 3-5 days; preconfluent, 6-10 days; postconfluent, 12-17 days), and correlated receptor expression with sterologenesis in LP-replete vs.-depleted media. Whereas in early cultures about 60% of sterologenesis was LP dependent, this fraction declined in preconfluent and confluent cultures despite continued culture growth and little decline in total sterologenesis. Accordingly, LDL receptors were most evident in early cultures, declining in preconfluent cultures in parallel with the decrease in LP-dependent sterol synthesis. In contrast, sterologenesis in human foreskin fibroblasts was profoundly influenced by exogenous LP at all stages of confluence; total and LP-dependent sterologenesis declined in parallel with growth cessation. These studies represent the first demonstration that normal keratinocytes express functional LDL receptors at physiologic calcium concentrations. Moreover, they demonstrate that LDL receptor expression in keratinocytes, in contrast to fibroblasts, can only in part be attributed to growth requirements. Instead, loss of LDL receptor expression serves as a distinctive marker of keratinocyte differentiation and may reflect the specific functional requirements of the epidermis in vivo.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan controls keratinocyte proliferation and regeneration. We examined effect of UV on the expression of hyaluronan synthases (HASs) and hyaluronidases in cultured normal human newborn foreskin epidermal keratinocytes, NHEK(F). HAS3 mRNA was expressed predominantly and HAS2 mRNA expressed in lesser amounts and both were up-regulated after a single irradiation with moderate UVB but hyaluronidases was unchanged. Increased accumulation of hyaluronan in the culture medium mirrored the UVB-induced increase in the mRNA levels of HAS3 and HAS2. Unexpectedly, hyaluronan derived from UVB-irradiated and non-irradiated cells had identical size distribution. Increased expression of KGF and IL-1β was detected just prior to the increase of HAS3 and HAS2 mRNAs after UVB irradiation. Antibody-neutralization study revealed that KGF and/or IL-1β were at least involved in the up-regulation of HAS3 and HAS2 expressions. UVB-irradiated cells may enhance hyaluronan production to maintain homeostasis through up-regulation of HAS3 and HAS2 genes via cytokine response mechanism.  相似文献   

We studied the replication of keratinocytes in stratified squamous epithelia. Other studies have revealed functional and morphological heterogeneity in the replicating population of such cells. To examine possible kinetic heterogeneity, we determined the cell-cycle lengths of replicating cells in cultures of human epidermal keratinocytes. A double-label assay was developed, which measures the time between two successive cycles of DNA synthesis. The first cycle of DNA synthesis was marked by pulse labeling cultures for a brief period with 14C-thymidine (dThd), and the second cycle was detected by labeling at a later time with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd). The time taken for the 14C-labeled DNA to become doubly labeled with BrdUrd was shown to correspond to the length of the cell cycle. In subconfluent cultures in which the cell number increased at an exponential rate, the average cell-cycle time was 21.5 h. In confluent cultures in which desquamation was balanced by cell renewal, the average cell cycle was 31.5 h. However, in confluent cultures, three populations of replicating cells were evident, these having cycle times of 22, 33, and 40 h. In subconfluent cultures, there was no clear evidence for cell-cycle heterogeneity of the replicating cells, although the most rapidly cycling cells in these cultures had a cycle time (16 h) considerably less than the most rapidly cycling cells in the confluent cultures (21 h). It is possible that the rapidly cycling cells seen in the subconfluent cultures were stem cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The possibility that cultured keratinocytes produce endothelins were investigated. The results showed that cultured keratinocytes derived from normal human skin produce endothelin-1. Moreover, keratinocyte endothelin-1 production was completely inhibited by the presence of actinomycin D in the medium. As in the case of endothelial cells, recombinant interleukin-1beta was capable of promoting endothelin-1 production in keratinocytes, whereas herapin inhibited it. Thrombin also inhibited endothelin-1 production. These results indicate that the mechanism of endothelin-1 production in keratinocytes is slightly different from the mechanism in vascular endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The metabolism of arachidonic acid was studied using basal and differentiated keratinocytes as well as sebaceous cells isolated from hairless mice. These disassociated cells metabolized arachidonic acid predominantly to the prostaglandin H synthase products prostaglandins E2 and D2. 12-Hydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid (HHT), prostaglandin F2 alpha, thromboxane B2 and 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha were also detected. Smaller amounts of the lipoxygenase products 5-, 12- and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETEs) were also detected. The major lipoxygenase product observed was 12-HETE. No leukotrienes or dihydroxy fatty acids were observed. The identity of the metabolites was established using several high-pressure liquid chromatography solvent systems. The biosynthesis of prostaglandins E2 and D2 was very rapid and was inhibited by the addition of indomethacin to the cells. The mixed population of keratinocytes and sebaceous cells were separated into enriched fractions by metrizamide gradients and elutriation techniques. The small, undifferentiated cells had high prostaglandin H synthase and 12-lipoxygenase activity. The basal cell-enriched fractions had the highest activity. With increasing differentiation of the cells, decreased biosynthetic activity was observed. These results indicate that undifferentiated keratinocytes, that is, the basal cells, may be an important source of prostaglandins and 12-HETE but are not a source of leukotrienes for the hairless mouse. It also suggests a role for keratinocyte-derived eicosanoids in the normal physiology of epidermal differentiation.  相似文献   

The complement and level of expression of P450 enzymes in male Fischer F344 rat whole skin and cultured keratinocytes were investigated using a panel of mono-specific antibodies. In whole skin microsomal fraction, immunoreactive bands corresponding to CYP2B12, CYP2C13, CYP2D1, CYP2D4, CYP2E1, CYP3A1, and CYP3A2 were detected whereas CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and CYP2C12 were absent. Skin levels were all between 0.1% and 4.7% of those found in liver, except for CYP2D4, which was not detected in liver. Keratinocytes were isolated from rat skin, cultured for up to 42 days, and changes in the levels of CYP3A1, CYP3A2, and CYP2E1 determined. Levels were low in isolated keratinocytes, but they increased markedly in culture, reaching a maximum at 10-14 days, where they were similar to those found in fresh skin. This suggests that primary keratinocytes grown in culture for 10-14 days may provide a useful experimental model to study P450-catalysed metabolism of xenobiotics in skin.  相似文献   

The role and mechanisms of action of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in skin remain unclear. Epidermal keratinocytes possess IGF-I receptors and are responsive to IGF-I, which is primarily derived from underlying dermal fibroblasts. IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs), also synthesized by fibroblasts, may be involved in paracrine targeting of IGF-I to its receptors. We therefore examined whether human keratinocytes synthesize IGFBPs and their mRNAs. Following culture in complete medium (containing bovine pituitary extract and epidermal growth factor) Western ligand blotting (WLB) of cell conditioned medium revealed a major band of 32 kD, a less abundant IGFBP of 24 kD at all passages, and a 37–42 kD IGFBP which increased in abundance in late passage. Immunoprecipitation followed by WLB confirmed that the predominant 32 kD band was IGFBP-2. Radioimmunoassay of IGFBP-1, -3, and -6 revealed detectable levels of IGFBP-3 and significant levels of IGFBP-6, but not IGFBP-1. Northern analysis following culture in complete medium revealed that at early passage IGFBP-1, -2, -4, and -6 mRNAs were detectable. IGFBP-3 and -5 mRNAs were not detectable. Following culture in growth factor-free medium a 37–42 kD band, consistent with IGFBP-3, was predominant and a 24 kD band consistent with IGFBP-4 was also present. These data demonstrate the expression of a distinct pattern of IGFBPs by cultured human keratinocytes dependent on culture conditions. Keratinocyte-derived IGFBPs are likely to play a role in the transport and targeting of IGF-I from dermally derived fibroblasts to the epidermis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Hepatocytes were prepared by an in situ or biopsy perfusion of liver with collagenase. Hepatocytes from adult liver were cultured without serum on collagen-coated dishes in culture medium supplemented with hormones. Stable monolayers were established within 24 h and were maintained for up to 10 d. The hormone supplement maintained cytochrome P-450, a critical component of mixed function oxygenase responsible for activation of many procarcinogens. The addition of serum and phenobarbital to the cultures also maintained higher levels of mixed function oxygenase activity. Viable cultures were prepared from mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, and humans. Metabolism studies revealed the rate of metabolism and the extent of covalent binding to macromolecules, including DNA. Measures of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in vitro provide an indication of hepatonecrotic and hepatocarcinogenic potency in vivo. Comparative metabolism, cytotoxicity, and geonotoxicity studies provide a means of facilitating the extrapolation of toxicity data from laboratory animals to humans. Predoctoral trainee, Kathleen K. Dougherty, was supported by NIEHS training grant PHS ES07059-03  相似文献   

The electron microscope studies have been carried out on primary monolayer tissue culture obtained from body tissues of rat and C3H mouse embryos. The cells of tissue culture were mainly myoblasts and fibroblast-like cells. The cultures were treated with two different carcinogenic substances--benz(a)-pyrene (BP) and methylnitrosonitroguanidine (MNNG). The changes were uniform and showed some alterations in formation of cell complexes, the inhibition of development and maturing of muscle elements, and distrophy of cytoplasmic organelles. The revealed distinction in morphological reaction of myogenic cells to the effect of BP and MNNG were wave-like myofibrillar structures in MNNG-treated cultures.  相似文献   

The discovery that 7-dehydrocholesterol (7DHC) is an excellent substrate for cytochrome P450scc (CYP11A1) opens up new possibilities in biochemistry. To elucidate its biological significance we tested ex vivo P450scc-dependent metabolism of 7DHC by tissues expressing high and low levels of P450scc activity, placenta and epidermal keratinocytes, respectively. Incubation of human placenta fragments with 7DHC led to its conversion to 7-dehydropregnenolone (7DHP), which was inhibited by dl-aminoglutethimide, and stimulated by forskolin. Final proof for P450scc involvement was provided in isolated placental mitochondria where production of 7DHP was almost completely inhibited by 22R-hydroxycholesterol. 7DHC was metabolized by placental mitochondria at a faster rate than exogenous cholesterol, under both limiting and saturating conditions of substrate transport, consistent with higher catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) with 7DHC as substrate than with cholesterol. Ex vivo experiments showed five 5,7-dienal intermediates with MS spectra of dihydroxy and mono-hydroxy-7DHC and retention time corresponding to 20,22(OH)(2)7DHC and 22(OH)7DHC. The chemical structure of 20,22(OH)(2)7DHC was defined by NMR. 7DHP was further metabolized by either placental fragments or placental microsomes to 7-dehydroprogesterone as defined by UV, MS and NMR, and to an additional product with a 5,7-dienal structure and MS corresponding to hydroxy-7DHP. Furthermore, epidermal keratinocytes transformed either exogenous or endogenous 7DHC to 7DHP. 7DHP inhibited keratinocytes proliferation, while the product of its pholytic transformation, pregcalciferol, lost this capability. In conclusion, tissues expressing P450scc can metabolize 7DHC to biologically active 7DHP with 22(OH)7DHC and 20,22(OH)(2)7DHC serving as intermediates, and with further metabolism to 7-dehydroprogesterone and (OH)7DHP.  相似文献   

In contrast to the simplified keratin content of bovine, rabbit, and rat esophageal epithelium (composed mainly of a 57 and 46 or 51 kD keratin, depending on the animal species), human esophageal epithelium contained a quantitatively different array of keratin proteins, ranging in molecular weight from 37 to 61 kD. The pattern of keratin proteins from human esophageal epithelium differed qualitatively and quantitatively from that of human epidermis. Human esophageal epithelium lacked the 63, 65, and 67 kD keratins characteristic of human epidermis, consistent with the absence of a granular layer and an anucleate stratum corneum. Moreover, human esophageal epithelium contained a distinctive 61 kD keratin protein which was either not present or present in only small amounts in human epidermis and variable amounts of a 37 kD keratin. Whereas the 56, 59, and 67 kD keratins were the most abundant keratins in human epidermis, the 52, 57, and 61 kD keratins predominated in human esophageal epithelium. During in vitro cultivation, both human epidermal and esophageal keratinocytes produce colonies which are stratified, but the morphologic appearance of these cultured epithelia differs. Only cultured human epidermal keratinocytes contain keratohyalin granules in the outermost layers and a prominent 67 kD keratin on immunoprecipitation. Otherwise the keratin contents appear similar. In conclusion, human esophageal epithelium exhibited intertissue and interspecies differences in the pattern of keratin proteins. During in vitro cultivation, human esophageal keratinocytes retained some aspects of their distinctive program of differentiation.  相似文献   

The modes of action of the five major endo-(1----4)-beta-D-glucanases (I, II, III, IV and V) purified from Penicillium pinophilum cellulase were compared by h.p.l.c. analysis, with normal, 1-3H-labelled and reduced cello-oligosaccharides and 4-methylumbelliferyl glycosides as substrates. Significant differences were observed in the preferred site of cleavage even when substrates with the same number of glycosidic bonds were compared. Thus, although endoglucanase I was unable to attack normal cello-oligosaccharides shorter than degree of polymerization 6, it hydrolysed reduced cellopentaose to yield cellotriose and cellobi-itol, and it produced cellotriose and 4-methylumbelliferyl glucoside from 4-methylumbelliferyl cellotetraoside. Endoglucanase IV hydrolysed [1-3H]cellotriose but did not attack either cellotri-itol or 4-methylumbelliferyl cellobioside. These and other anomalous results indicated clearly that modification of the reducing glycosyl residue on the cello-oligosaccharides induces in an apparent change in the mode of action of the endoglucanases. It is suggested that, although cello-oligosaccharide derivatives are useful for differentiating and classifying endoglucanases, conclusions on the mechanism of cellulase action resulting from these measurements should be treated cautiously. Unequivocal information on the mode of endoglucanase action on cello-oligosaccharides was obtained with radiolabelled cello-oligosaccharides of degree of polymerization 3 to 5. Indications that transglycosylation was a property of the endoglucanases were particularly evident with the 4-methylumbelliferyl cello-oligosaccharides. Turnover numbers for hydrolysis of the umbelliferyl cello-oligosaccharides were calculated, and these, along with the other analytical data collected on the products of hydrolysis of the normal, reduced and radiolabelled cello-oligosaccharides, suggested that the various endoglucanases had different roles to play in the overall hydrolysis of cellulose to sugars small enough to be transported through the cell membrane.  相似文献   

To understand molecular mechanisms of the mutation fixation process induced by a mutagen and carcinogen, a multi-system approach is suggested to reduce the probability that the results are biased by the assay used. In this light we described our different approaches to answer basic questions on the mutagenesis induced by the chemical carcinogen 4-Nitroquinoline-1-oxide. We determined mutations at the molecular level in three experimental systems: a) in prokaryotes (ss M13mp19 lacZ'/E. coli F'lacZ delta M15); b) in eukaryotes (i) ss and ds pZ189 supF/CV1-P/E.coli lacZam and (ii) HPRT in CHO cells with different repair capacity. We think this type of approach can be used to study the genetic effects of new cancer drugs for which the molecular mechanisms of action at the molecular level are still not well understood. We think to apply the know-how to study mutational spectra in tumor derived tumor suppressor genes.  相似文献   

J Kubilus  H P Baden 《In vitro》1982,18(5):447-455
Transglutaminase substrates A and B were identified in soluble extracts of cultured keratinocytes and human epidermis by their reactions with dansyl cadaverine in the presence of Ca++ ion. Substrate B was present in substantial amounts in both extracts whereas A, easily seen in cell extracts, was decreased and sometimes not detected in tissue extracts. Substrates A and B from cultured cells were separated by Sephadex G-75 chromatography and isolated by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gel electrophoresis by which A had a mol wt of 125,000 and B had a mol wt of 12,000. Amino acid analysis of A, B, and cornified envelope were similar but not identical. The isopeptide bond is not a significant structural feature of A inasmuch as its content is less than 0.25 bonds/molecule. Antibodies raised to A cross-reacted with B and vice versa and A showed partial identity to B when reacted with anti-B. Anti-A reacted with epidermis being adsorbed by the edges of cornifying cells but only weakly by cells of the Malpighian layer. Anti-B also reacted with cornifying, but its reaction was more intense with the cytoplasm of Malpighian cells. Substrate A appears to be incorporated into cornified envelope immediately after its appearance in cells of the granular layer and seems similar to a protein isolated by a different method. Substrate B, convertible by transglutaminase to higher molecular weight species, may also participate in cornified envelope assembly and shares some structural similarities to A.  相似文献   

Summary Transglutaminase substrates A and B were identified in soluble extracts of cultured keratinocytes and human epidermis by their reactions with dansyl cadaverine in the presence of Ca++ ion. Substrate B was present in substantial amounts in both extracts whereas A, easily seen in cell extracts, was decreased and sometimes not detected in tissue extracts. Substrates A and B from cultured cells were separated by Sephadex G-75 chromatography and isolated by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gel electrophoresis by which A had a mol wt of 125,000 and B had a mol wt of 12,000. Amino acid analysis of A, B, and cornified envelope were similar but not identical. The isopeptide bond is not a significant structural feature of A inasmuch as its content is less than 0.25 bonds/molecule. Antibodies raised to A cross-reacted with B and vice versa and A showed partial identity to B when reacted with anti-B. Anti-A reacted with epidermis being adsorbed by the edges of cornifying cells but only weakly by cells of the Malpighian layer. Anti-B also reacted with cornifying, but its reaction was more intense with the cytoplasm of Malpighian cells. Substrate A appears to be incorporated into cornified envelope immediately after its appearance in cells of the granular layer and seems similar to a protein isolated by a different method. Substrate B, convertible by transglutaminase to higher molecular weight species, may also participate in cornified envelope assembly and shares some structural similarities to A. This work was supported by Grant AM-06838 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

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