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Gliotoxin (GT) is the most important epidithiodioxopiperazine (ETP)‐type fungal toxin. GT was originally isolated from Trichoderma species as an antibiotic substance involved in biological control of plant pathogenic fungi. A few isolates of GT‐producing Trichoderma virens are commercially marketed for biological control and widely used in agriculture. Furthermore, GT is long known as an immunosuppressive agent and also reported to have anti‐tumour properties. However, recent publications suggest that GT is a virulence determinant of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. This compound is thus important on several counts – it has medicinal properties, is a pathogenicity determinant, is a potential diagnostic marker and is important in biological crop protection. The present article addresses this paradox and the ecological role of GT. We discuss the function of GT as defence molecule, the role in aspergillosis and suggest solutions for safe application of Trichoderma‐based biofungicides.  相似文献   

The long held view that annelids and arthropods are closely related (Articulata) has been challenged recently by phylogenetic analyses using molecular data. The outcome of these studies is a clade of moulting animals (Ecdysozoa) comprising arthropods and some taxa of the nemathelminth worms. Monophyly of the Ecdysozoa has not yet been shown convincingly on morphological evidence, but is strongly supported by molecular data. The implication of the Ecdysozoa hypothesis is that the type of segmentation found in annelids and arthropods must be either convergent or an ancestral feature of protostomes or even bilaterians. The present review discusses aspects of segmentation in annelids and arthropods at the genetic, cellular, morphogenetic and morphological levels. Based on numerous similarities not shared with other bilaterian taxa it is suggested that segmentation of annelids and arthropods is homologous and apomorphic for a monophyletic Articulata. However, the challenge provided by the molecular analyses should stimulate research programmes gaining more data such as on additional genes, cleavage patterns, molecular developmental biology, and the comparison of nervous systems at the level of single neurons.  相似文献   

In this first of three papers we examine the use of niche concepts in ecology and especially in species distribution modelling (SDM). This paper deliberately focuses on the lack of clarity found in the term ‘niche’. Because its meanings are so diverse, the term niche tends to create confusion and requires constant qualification. The literature houses many idiosyncratic ideas of what the niche is, but few examples where niche is more explanatory than the terminologies of population and community ecology or the statistical methods used to implement SDM analyses. In many cases the original (and inspirational) concepts are not directly applicable to our modern applications (e.g. set theory). There are some conceptual limitations found in individual definitions of niche (e.g. the fundamental niche concept), so it is perhaps understandable why more neutral terminology is becoming popular in SDM. An examination of the literature reveals a wide range of uncritical use of niche terminology. Our findings in this paper do not necessarily support the position of niche as a universally useful concept.  相似文献   

Rape (Brassica napus L.) is foraged intensively by honey bees (Apis mellifera). Pesticide applications during bloom are sometimes combined with foliar boron fertilizer applications. Boron has insecticidal properties, and therefore, risk to honey bees cannot be excluded. This study was conducted to test whether foliar boron fertilizers could be hazardous for bees under real field conditions. Six colonies were transferred to a rape field in bloom which was treated with boron (1 kg/ha). Six control colonies were transferred to an untreated rape field approximately 7 km away. Performance parameters of the colonies were measured. Samples of honey and beebread were collected from all colonies before and after boron fertilizer application. The contents of boron and of Al, Cd, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, S and Zn were measured in honey by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP MS) and by ICP–atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP‐OES). No significant differences were found in honey yield (P = 0.622), number of capped brood (P = 0.089), number of uncapped brood (P = 0.123) or number of bees (P = 0.87). Application of boron fertilizer did not affect the concentration of boron in honey (P = 0.656) or beebread (P = 0.665). The concentrations of other elements confirmed the suitability of rape nectar for bee nutrition. This study suggests that the application of foliar boron fertilizers in blooming rape is not hazardous for bee colonies.  相似文献   

The area under the cultivation of perennial bioenergy crops on organic soils in the northern countries is fast increasing. To understand the impact of reed canary grass (RCG, Phalaris arundinaceae L.) cultivation on the carbon dioxide (CO2) balance of an organic soil, net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) was measured for four years in a RCG cultivated cutover peatland in eastern Finland using the eddy covariance technique. There were striking differences among the years in the annual precipitation. The annual precipitation was higher during 2004 and 2007 and lower during 2005 and 2006 than the 1971–2000 regional mean. During wet growing seasons, moderate temperatures, high surface soil moisture and low evaporative demand favoured high CO2 uptake. During dry seasons, owing to soil moisture and atmospheric stress, photosynthetic activity was severely restricted. The CO2 uptake [gross primary productivity (GPP)] was positively correlated with soil moisture, air temperature and inversely with vapour pressure deficit. Total ecosystem respiration (TER) increased with increasing soil temperature but decreased with increasing soil moisture. The relative responses of GPP and TER to moisture stress were different. While changes in TER for a given change in soil moisture were moderate, variations in GPP were drastic. Also, the seasonal variations in TER were not as conspicuous as those in GPP implying that GPP is the primary regulator of the interannual variability in NEE in this ecosystem. The ecosystem accumulated a total of 398 g C m?2 from the beginning of 2004 until the end of 2007. It retained some carbon during a wet year such as 2004 even after accounting for the loss of carbon in the form of harvested biomass. Based on this CO2 balance analysis, RCG cultivation is found to be a promising after‐use option on an organic soil.  相似文献   

Holes provide the safest nest sites for birds, but they are an underutilized resource; in natural forests there are usually more holes than birds that could use them. Some bird species could be prevented from nesting in holes because of their inability to operate in the low light conditions which occur in cavities. As no visual system can operate in complete darkness some nest cavities could be too dark to be useable even by hole‐nesters. Thus, the light conditions within tree cavities could constrain both the evolution of the hole nesting habit, and the nest site choice of the hole‐nesting birds. These ideas cannot be tested because little is known about the light conditions in cavities. We took an opportunity provided by ongoing studies of marsh tits Poecile palustris and great tits Parus major breeding in a primeval forest (Bia?owie?a National Park, Poland) to measure illumination inside their nest cavities. We measured illuminance in cavities at daybreak, which is just after the parents commenced feeding nestlings. Only ca 1% of incoming light reached the level of the nest. Illuminance at nests of both species (median = 0.1–0.2 lx) fell within mesopic‐scotopic range, where colour vision is impaired. Measurements in model cavities showed strong declines in illumination with distance from the entrance, with light levels typically as low as 0.01 lx at 40 cm from the cavity entrance. Thus cavities can be very dark, often too dark for the use of colour vision, and we suggest that ‘lighting’ requirements can affect the adoption of specific nest sites by hole nesting birds. We discuss implications of the findings for understanding the adaptations for hole‐breeding in birds.  相似文献   

Recently the author presented data which supported the suggestion (Owen & Williams 1969) that the brachiopod caeca can inhibit boring organisms and store excess nutrients (Curry 1983). In the light of this work it is appropriate to describe and discuss an additional function which has been proposed for the caeca, especially as the data appear in a zoological journal which may not otherwise come to the attention of brachiopod palaeontologists.  相似文献   

1. Parts of the Namibian landscape show extensive surface perturbation in the form of long‐lived, yet dynamic ‘fairy circles'. While exerting profound ecological effects on 7.3% of the land surface, the origin and nature of these large bare discs embedded in an arid grassland matrix remains unresolved. 2. We found no evidence to support the current hypothesis of a termite origin for fairy circles but instead observed a strong spatial association between fairy circles and large nests of the ant Black pugnacious ant Anoplolepis steingroeveri Forel, with much higher ant abundances on the circles compared with the matrix. 3. Aggression trials showed that different colonies of A. steingroeveri were located on different circles, and that the species was polydomous. 4. Fairy circles and Pogonomyrmex ant nests both have a bare disc surrounding the nest, are overdispersed (evenly spaced), and are associated with elevated soil moisture. Fairy circle soils exhibited a five‐fold increase in soil moisture when compared with the matrix. 5. Senescent Stipagrostis obtusa (Delile) Nees seedlings were only observed on the circles and not in the matrix, and were found to have a reduction in both root length and number of roots. 6. Anoplolepis steingroeveri excavated the root system of both S. obtusa seedlings on the disc and Stipagrostis ciliata (Desf.) de Winter grasses on the perimeter of the circles, where they tended honeydew‐secreting Meenoplidae bugs that fed on grass roots and culms. The bugs occurred almost exclusively on grasses associated with the circles. This ant–bug interaction is a possible mechanism for the observed reduction in root length and number of senescent grass seedlings on the circles.  相似文献   

This article comments on: Accumulation of sugars in the xylem apoplast observed under water stress conditions is controlled by xylem pH  相似文献   

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