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A model has been developed for fixed‐bed biosorption performance, i.e. combined action of adsorption of organic water contaminants and their biological destruction in a column. The model contains an adsorption isotherm of the Freundlich type, adsorption kinetics by an overall film mass transfer (Glueckauf equation), maximum bacterial growth,and biological aerobic destruction (Monod model) of the organics by exoenzymes. Bacteria can not penetrate into the pores of the adsorbent. The model was tested using the system aqueous solution of aniline/Pseudomonas putida/Polysorb 40/100. Breakthrough curves in shorter columns have been measured and a velocity‐dependent steady‐state exit concentration was achieved. These curves could be simulated with sufficient accuracy on the basis of isotherm data, mass transfer coefficients and values of biological growth and destruction activity estimated from independent measurements.  相似文献   

The degradation of organic compounds in water is the subject of a number of fundamental and applied investigations. Aquasonolysis of organic compounds is an advanced technology for the purification of contaminated water. The process is based on the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation. Dominant reactions of volatile compounds are: cavitative high‐temperature gas‐phase reactions and thermal‐oxidative decay in bubbles. Nonvolatile compounds are mainly decomposed by OH radicals in the aqueous solution (sonolytical cleavage of water). This article reviews mechanisms and kinetics of pollutant decomposition in water and discusses the influence of different experimental parameters. An overview of the application spectrum of aquasonolysis is provided, analyzing results gathered in experiments completed in our group as well as results reported in the literature.  相似文献   

An integrated system for the biotreatment of acidic wastewaters containing both toxic metals and organics is presented. It consists of two bioprocess stages (i) an anaerobic, SRB stage (containing alkaline‐tolerant s ulfate‐ r educing b acteria) that at pH 8 (chosen to acclimatize the bacteria in the biomedium) produces high concentrations of total sulfide ions (more than 400 mg/L) which are added to the wastewater to precipitate the heavy metals out at pH 2 as metal sulfides, and (ii) an aerobic, acidophilic stage containing heterotrophic bacteria (WJB3) that degrade organic xenobiotics. The anaerobic system was comprised of a 4‐L fluidized bed bioreactor with immobilized SRB, a mixing tank, and a precipitation tank. The effluent from the bioreactor with a high concentration of sulfide ions was fed into a mixing tank where model wastewaters containing toxic metals and phenol at pH 2 were also fed at increasing loading rates until free metal ions could be detected in the precipitation tank outlet. Then the effluent from the precipitation tank outlet was fed into a 2.5‐L aerobic bioreactor in which phenol was degraded. In this research, 100 % removal efficiencies were obtained with wastewaters containing more than 400 mg/L metal ions and 900 mg/L phenol at a 6‐h HRT of the mixing tank.  相似文献   

Heavy metal removal is mainly conducted by adjusting the wastewater pH to form metal hydroxide precipitates. However, in recent years, the xanthate process with a high metal removal efficiency, attracted attention due to its use of sorption/desorption of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. In this study, two kinds of agricultural xanthates, insoluble peanut‐shell xanthate (IPX) and insoluble starch xanthate (ISX), were used as sorbents to treat the copper‐containing wastewater (Cu concentration from 50 to 1,000 mg/L). The experimental results showed that the maximum Cu removal efficiency by IPX was 93.5 % in the case of high Cu concentrations, whereby 81.1 % of copper could rapidly be removed within one minute. Moreover, copper‐containing wastewater could also be treated by ISX over a wide range (50 to 1,000 mg/L) to a level that meets the Taiwan EPA's effluent regulations (3 mg/L) within 20 minutes. Whereas IPX had a maximum binding capacity for copper of 185 mg/g IPX, the capacity for ISX was 120 mg/g ISX. IPX is cheaper than ISX, and has the benefits of a rapid reaction and a high copper binding capacity, however, it exhibits a lower copper removal efficiency. A sequential IPX and ISX treatment (i.e., two‐stage xanthate processes) could therefore be an excellent alternative. The results obtained using the two‐stage xanthate process revealed an effective copper treatment. The effluent (Ce) was below 0.6 mg/L, compared to the influent (C0) of 1,001 mg/L at pH = 4 and a dilution rate of 0.6 h–1. Furthermore, the Cu‐ISX complex formed could meet the Taiwan TCLP regulations, and be classified as non‐hazardous waste. The xanthatilization of agricultural wastes offers a comprehensive strategy for solving both agricultural waste disposal and metal‐containing wastewater treatment problems.  相似文献   

趋磁细菌培养及用于吸附分离贵重金属离子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物吸附是有效处理含较低浓度重金属离子废水的廉价方法之一。本文通过对污水处理厂活性污泥的富集和培养, 经过分离、纯化活性污泥中的细菌, 最终得到了趋磁细菌MTB-11s。通过16S rDNA鉴定, 菌株MTB-11s属于代尔夫特菌属。对趋磁细菌的生物吸附性能进行了研究, 实验结果表明, 趋磁细菌MTB-11s对不同金属离子具有选择吸附特性, 其对银离子的吸附表现为快速过程, 温度对其吸附性能的影响较小, pH值为4?8时吸附率较高; 随着干菌浓度的增加, 吸附率不断升高, 最终趋于平稳; 随着银离子初始浓度的增加, 吸附率呈现先升高后降低的趋势。在菌量充足或金属离子浓度较低时, 铜、钴离子的存在能促进银离子的吸附, 其他范围则表现为竞争吸附。  相似文献   

The SCWO process is a promising technology for the treatment of industrial wastewaters and sludges. The commercial or industrial development of this technology mainly goes through engineering considerations, such as reactor design, solids separation and equipment corrosion. In this paper, state of the art of these topics and the flow sheets and energy and mass balances for diluted wastewater and sludge treatment are presented. This plant simulation has been done using the software ASPEN PLUS and it shows that the SCWO process is an interesting alternative from the energetic point of view. The energy integration of a SCWO plant for 2 m3/h sludges with a heating value of 23000 kJ/kg can produce 420 kW as mechanical work and 2522 kg/h of process steam (0.3 MPa). For diluted wastewater the process is autothermal for feeds with an enthalpic content of 900 kJ/kg.  相似文献   

The operation of tidal flow was studied using a pilot‐scale system treating high strength piggery wastewater. Located on a farm in Staffordshire, UK, the system consisted of five wetland treatment stages vegetated with common reeds of Phragmites australis. Wastewater samples were collected from the inlet and outlet of each stage and analyzed for BOD5, COD, NH4‐N, NO3‐N, NO2‐N, SS, PO4‐P and pH. Average hydraulic and organic loadings on the system were 0.12 m3/m2 d and 240 g BOD/m2 d, respectively, which is considerably higher than the typical loadings on conventional subsurface flow systems. On average, BOD5 and COD were reduced by 82 % and 80 % from initial concentrations of 2000 mg/L and 2750 mg/L, respectively, across the whole system. The first‐order kinetics constant for BOD5 removal (KBOD in m/d) in this tidal flow system is approximately 2.5 times the rate constant obtainable in a typical horizontal flow system, demonstrating a more efficient removal of organic matter in tidal flow wetlands. The overall efficiency of the system was found to increase with time before stabilizing towards the end of a start‐up period. Straight‐line correlations were established between the loading and removal of BOD5 and COD. Contributions by individual stages to the overall treatment were analyzed. SEM images of wetland media demonstrated the formation of biofilms and microbial activities inside the matrices of the wetland system, which accounted for the degradations of organic pollutants.  相似文献   

In the future, upgrading of existing wastewater treatment plants (wwtps) will be more important than the erection of entirely new plants, as most of the plants necessary in Germany already exist. Thus far, membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology is not used as an alternative for plant upgrading in Germany. However, at several locations the preconditions indicate that the application of the MBR technology for upgrading of plants may be favorable. These preconditions include the need for a substantial enlargement of the aeration tank volume and/or the need to improve the efficiency of the final sedimentation tanks, and also require that the existing tanks be in a good state, so that the tanks can be used in the future. The relevant preconditions and the basic upgrading concept using the MBR technology were presented earlier. Depending on the local preconditions regarding the existing tank volume, a specific aspect of this application can be an operation mode using “non‐conventional low MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids) concentrations” (5 kg MLSS/m3 through 7 kg MLSS/m3) due to the amount of the existing tank volume. Two research projects were carried out covering the operation of five pilot plants on a cubic meter scale to demonstrate the feasibility of this kind of MBR process. This paper presents the core results of this research work.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, new technologies for nitrogen removal have been developed mainly because of the increasing financial costs of the traditional wastewater treatment technologies. Newly discovered pathways, like the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium (ANAMMOX), and uses for nitrogen removal technologies are under discussion. Processes and technologies such as: Partial nitrification; Single reactor systems for High Ammonium Removal Over Nitrite (SHARON); Anammox; Aerobic/anoxic deammonification; Oxygen Limited Autotrophic Nitrification‐Denitrification (OLAND); Completely Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal Over Nitrite (CANON); wetland based systems, all have a high potential for nitrogen removal. However, the pathways of nitrogen transformation processes are very complex. An understanding of how various environmental factors affect these processes and a sound knowledge of existing, worldwide experience pertaining to these novel technologies are the key if the nitrogen removal rates are to be improved and success is to be realized in full‐scale applications. This review describes the present knowledge of the new treatment technologies for wastewater with high nitrogen loads. Special emphasis is given to the influence of environmental factors and the reactor configuration on the nitrogen transformation process and microbial activity.  相似文献   

This review summarizes important studies regarding Helicobacter pylori therapy published from April 2019 to April 2020. The main themes that emerge involve studies assessing antibiotic resistance, and there is also growing momentum behind the utility of vonoprazan as an alternative to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy and also bismuth‐based regimens as a first‐line regimen. Antibiotic resistance is rising wherever it is being assessed, and clarithromycin resistance in particular has reached a point where it may no longer be a viable therapy without previous testing in many regions of the world. The evidence for the efficacy of a bismuth‐based quadruple therapy as a first‐line therapy is now very clearly established, and there is substantial evidence that it is the best performing first‐line therapy. The utility of vonoprazan as an alternative to PPI therapy, especially in resistant and difficult‐to‐treat groups, has also been considered in great detail this year, and it may offer an opportunity in the near future to reduce the problem of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

Phenol present in wastewaters from various industries has an inhibitory effect on nitrification even at low concentrations. Hence, the biological treatment of wastewater containing both phenol and ammonia involves a series of treatment steps. It is difficult to achieve nitrification capability in an activated sludge system that contains phenol at concentrations above the inhibitory level. Batch treatment of wastewater containing various concentrations of phenol showed that the ammonia oxidation capability of suspended Nitrosomonas europaea cells, an ammonia oxidizer, was completely inhibited in the presence of more than 5.0 mg/L phenol. To protect the ammonia oxidizer from the inhibitory effect of phenol and to achieve ammonia oxidation capability in the wastewater containing phenol at concentrations above the inhibitory level, a simple bacterial consortium composed of an ammonia oxidizer (N. europaea) and a phenol‐degrading bacterial strain (Acinetobacter sp.) was used. Ammonia oxidation did not occur in the presence of phenol at concentrations above the inhibitory level when suspended or immobilized N. europaea and Acinetobacter sp. cells were used in batch treatment. Following the acclimatization of the immobilized cells, accumulation of nitrite was observed, even when the wastewater contained phenol at concentrations above the inhibitory level. These results showed that immobilization was effective in protecting N. europaea cells from the inhibitory effect of phenol present in the wastewater.  相似文献   

It is proposed a dynamic model for adsorption of NH4+ ions from ammonia waters on volcanic tuff in a 10‐bed three‐phase (air – ammonia waters – volcanic tuff) fluidization column. The model consists in the nonstationary material balance differential equations. For each layer the ideal well‐mixing conditions are considered. The effluent ammonia ion concentrations, corresponding to each layer, have been measured at several time values in a laboratory‐scale column. The absolute relative mean error between the calculated and measured values of ammonia ion concentrations into liquid phase for all layers and times is 6.65 %, being in the order of magnitude of experimental errors.  相似文献   

目的:总结膀胱副神经节瘤的诊治方法及体会,提高膀胱副神经节瘤的诊断和治疗水平。方法:报告1例膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤的临床资料并结合文献复习分析总结膀胱副神经节瘤的诊断治疗方法。结果:患者行腹腔镜下膀胱部分切除术,手术成功,术后顺利出院,随访至今无转移。结论:膀胱副神经节瘤的诊断主要依靠临床表现和实验室检查,血尿、高血压和排尿时典型发作三联征为膀胱副神经节瘤的主要症状,对于瘤体较小的患者要警惕CT检查漏诊的可能性,可行活组织检查进行确诊。腹腔镜下切除是目前治疗膀胱副神经节瘤最有效、创伤最小的方法,但术后要严格随访。  相似文献   

Mitigation strategies can be implemented to decrease chlorinated and non‐chlorinated organic exposures to biota of aquatic receiving systems thereby reducing associated risks. In this work, we investigated the concept of coupling a physical/chemical reactor (i.e. a cavitation reactor) with a biological reactor (i.e. a constructed wetland) in an effort to efficiently transform PCE, TCE, and petroleum in freshwater into non‐toxic chemical forms or concentrations. Rates of TCE degradation due to cavitation ranged from 0.010 to 0.026 min‐1 with corresponding half‐lives of 69 to 27 min. Compared to controls, degradation of petroleum in water by cavitation was not detected in these experiments. After treatment in anaerobic wetland reactors, TCE and PCE decreased by more than 99 % under two flow regimes (5‐d and 20‐d HRT). In reciprocating constructed wetland reactors receiving petroleum, mean COD, BOD5, and total Zn decreased by 90.0, 88.8, and 86.8 %, respectively, in wetland outflows compared to the initial conditions (96‐h HRT). Percent survival (96‐h) of D. magna and P. promelas increased from zero percent in initial conditions to 80.1 (± 18.9) and 80.0 (± 21.4) %, respectively, after treatment in the constructed wetland reactors. The experimental results obtained in the laboratory‐scale set‐up and the theoretical model for the hybrid reactor concept will be used to obtain the intrinsic kinetic coefficients for the appropriate reactors. This kinetic information will be used to scale‐up the hybrid reactor model concept for the same level of pollutant removal.  相似文献   

The build‐up of phosphorus (P) in soil is a major factor limiting the operating life of a wastewater land treatment system. In this study, effects of long‐term wastewater application on changes in chemical properties, P profiles, and P adsorption capacity were evaluated in soils of the Muskegon wastewater land treatment plant that has been treating wastewater for > 30 years. Results indicate that the major soil properties have been changed. In the 15 cm topsoil, the pH increased from ~ 5–6 in 1973 to ~ 7.4–7.8 in 2003; the soil's total organic carbon (TOC) increased by 10–71 %; and the level of exchangeable Ca in 2003 is 8–9 times higher than that in 1973. The amount of Ca/Mg absorbed in the soil affects the P adsorption capability of the soil; Ca‐ and Mg‐bound P accounts for > 70 % of the total P adsorbed in the soil. The net P accumulated in the Rubicon soil increased from ~ 700 in 1993 to ~ 1345 kg/ha soil in 2001, but the plant available P varied between ~ 100–500 kg/ha soil during the same period, indicating a large amount of the applied P has become the fixed P that is unavailable to plants. P sorption in the soil consists of a fast adsorption and a slow transformation process. The soil's maximum P sorption capacity (Pmax) (based on 1‐day isotherm tests) has been increased by ~ 2–4 times since 1973; the actual Pmax of the Muskegon soils could be much higher than the 1‐day Pmax. Therefore, the life expectancy of the Muskegon system has been extended significantly with the application of wastewater.  相似文献   

Simulated enzymic debranching of a β-limit dextrin model, prepared from a computed construct made by random extension and branching, and given the CCL value of w-maize amylopectin (and equal amounts of external chains with ECL values of 2 and 3) has been related to experimental chromatograms of the debranched β-limit dextrin of the amylopectin. The profile was similar to those from gel chromatograms and IEC-PAD chromatography.The equivalent lengths in glucosyl units of grid-links (g-links) of internal and external chains in constructs were calculated from the ICL and ECL values of amylopectin and models produced from the constructs with the appropriate lengths for internal and external chains. These derived models were subjected to simulated hydrolysis by Pseudomonas stutzeri amylase and the products compared with those of the experimental distribution from w-maize amylopectin. With the model the amounts of maltotetraose and maltodextrins released were similar to the experimental values but the distribution of branched maltodextrins was quite different. Unlike w-maize amylopectin – a polymer with the cluster structure – which has given a profile of molecular sizes of maltodextrins with low amounts of single and small numbers of internal chains and with a peak at a MW of about 14,000 (13 chains), in the model the proportion of maltodextrin with one internal chain was high and as d.p. increased the amounts decreased exponentially. This would be expected if the distribution of internal chains in the core was random. It is suggested that in the core of a model prepared from a construct made with alternating probabilities of extension – one in which this probability is high relative to branching, and a second in which it is low – may give clusters of branched maltodextrins with short internal chains which are joined by longer chains; more closely approximating the distribution of internal chains of different lengths in amylopectin.An arrangement for amylopectin molecules in the starch granule has been proposed. In this, they have a wafer-like, discoidal shape, composed of the amorphous zone overlain with the double helical, crystalline region. The flat macromolecules are concentrically layered with the former on the inside and the latter oriented to the outside of the granule.  相似文献   

Perfumes have always been products of great importance, mainly composed of natural, valuable and vegetal raw materials. Today, some of them have completely disappeared in perfumery, even though they are part of our cultural heritage and were commonly used in the past. Balm of Judea is one of the most noble, rare and fascinating ingredient long used in perfumery and medicine, that is missing today. After years of research, we collected a resin and an essential oil (steam distillation of fresh aerial parts) from Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C.Chr . native from Saudi Arabia and cultivated in Israel. The aims of this study were to i) identify the main reasons of the loss of the balm of Judea, ii) characterize the volatile composition of the resin and the essential oil and iii) evaluate their olfactory profile and assess their biological activity. Eighty‐three compounds were identified in the resin, by a combination of GC‐MS and GC/FID techniques, using direct injection and HS‐SPME. α‐Pinene (24.0 %), sabinene (43.8 %), β‐pinene (6.3 %) and cymene (3.6 %) were the main identified compounds, giving an intense, terpenic and lemony smell to the resin. Anti‐inflammatory, wound‐healing and whitening activities were highlighted. Sabinene (22.7 %), terpinen‐4‐ol (18.7 %), α‐pinene (14.4 %) and cymene (13.6 %) were identified as the main components of the essential oil, giving a spicy, woody and lemony fragrance. Anti‐inflammatory and whitening activities were emphasized.  相似文献   

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