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Swallowed volumes in the fetus are greater than adult values (per body weight) and serve to regulate amniotic fluid volume. Central ANG II stimulates swallowing, and nonspecific ANG II receptor antagonists inhibit both spontaneous and ANG II-stimulated swallowing. In the adult rat, AT1 receptors mediate both stimulated drinking and pressor activities, while the role of AT2 receptors is controversial. As fetal brain contains increased ANG II receptors compared with the adult brain, we sought to investigate the role of both AT1 and AT2 receptors in mediating fetal swallowing and pressor activities. Five pregnant ewes with singleton fetuses (130 +/- 1 days) were prepared with fetal vascular and lateral ventricle (LV) catheters and electrocorticogram and esophageal electromyogram electrodes and received three studies over 5 days. On day 1 (ANG II), following a 2-h basal period, 1 ml artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) was injected in the LV. At time 4 h, ANG II (6.4 microg) was injected in the LV, and the fetus was monitored for a final 2 h. On day 3, AT1 receptor blocker (losartan 0.5 mg) was administered at 2 h, and ANG II plus losartan was administered at 4 h. On day 5, AT2 receptor blocker (PD-123319; 0.8 mg was administered at 2 h and ANG II plus PD-123319 at 4 h. In the ANG II study, LV injection of ANG II significantly increased fetal swallowing (0.9 +/- 0.1 to 1.4 +/- 0.1 swallows/min; P < 0.05). In the losartan study, basal fetal swallowing significantly decreased in response to blockade of AT1 receptors (0.9 +/- 0.1 to 0.4 +/- 0.1 swallows/min; P < 0.05), while central injection of ANG II in the presence of AT1 receptor antagonism did not increase fetal swallowing (0.6 +/- 0.1 swallows/min). In the PD-123319 study, basal fetal swallowing did not change in response to blockade of AT2 receptor (0.9 +/- 0.1 swallows/min), while central injection of ANG II in the presence of AT2 blockade significantly increased fetal swallowing (1.5 +/- 0.1 swallows/min; P < 0.05). ANG II caused significant pressor responses in the control and PD-123319 studies but no pressor response in the presence of AT1 blockade. These data demonstrate that in the near-term ovine fetus, AT1 receptor but not AT2 receptors accessible via CSF contribute to dipsogenic and pressor responses.  相似文献   

Injection of ANGII (0.01, 0.1 and 1 nmol/rat) into the periaqueductal gray (PAG) area significantly (P<0.01) increased, in a dose-dependent manner, the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). The increases in blood pressure induced by ANGII (1 nmol; 37 +/- 4 mmHg, n=5) were greatly reduced (>85%) by pre-administration of the ET(A) receptor antagonist FR139317 (5 nmol/rat) to the PAG area, but were unaffected by the ET(B) receptor antagonist BQ-788 (5 nmol/rat). SB209670, non-selective ET(A)/ET(B) receptor antagonist, also reduced the effect induced by ANGII. These results suggest that endogenous endothelin-1, via an action on ET(A) receptors, may contribute to the pressor effects of ANGII within the PAG area of rats.  相似文献   

The periaqueductal gray matter is an essential neural substrate for central integration of defense behavior and accompanied autonomic responses. The dorsal half of the periaqueductal gray matter (dPAG) is also involved in mediating emotional responses of anxiety and fear, psychological states that often are associated with changes in ventilation. However, information regarding respiratory modulation elicited from this structure is limited. The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between stimulus frequency and magnitude on ventilatory pattern and respiratory muscle activity in urethane-anesthetized, spontaneously breathing rats. Electrical stimulation in the dPAG-recruited abdominal muscle activity increased ventilation and increased respiratory frequency by significantly shortening both inspiratory time and expiratory time. Ventilation increased within the first breath after the onset of stimulation, and the respiratory response increased with increasing stimulus frequency and magnitude. dPAG stimulation also increased baseline EMG activity in the diaphragm and recruited baseline external abdominal oblique EMG activity, normally quiescent during eupneic breathing. Significant changes in cardiorespiratory function were only evoked by stimulus intensities >10 microA and when stimulus frequencies were >10 Hz. Respiratory activity of both the diaphragm and abdominal muscles remained elevated for a minimum of 60 s after cessation of stimulation. These results demonstrate that there is a short-latency respiratory response elicited from the dPAG stimulation, which includes both inspiratory and expiratory muscles. The changes in respiratory timing suggest rapid onset and sustained poststimulus dPAG modulation of the brain stem respiratory network that includes expiratory muscle recruitment.  相似文献   

The neural substrates mediating autonomic components of the behavioral defense response reside in the periaqueductal gray (PAG). The cardiovascular components of the defense response evoked from the dorsal PAG (DPAG) have been well described and are dependent, in part, on the integrity of neurons in the region of the parabrachial nucleus as well as the rostral ventrolateral medulla. Descending pathways mediating the ventilatory response associated with activation of DPAG neurons are unknown. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that parabrachial area neurons are also involved in mediating the respiratory response to DPAG stimulation. In urethane-anesthetized, spontaneously breathing rats, electrical stimulation of the DPAG significantly increased respiratory rate, arterial pressure, and heart rate. Changes in respiratory frequency were associated with significant decreases in inspiratory and expiratory durations. After bilateral inhibition of neurons in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) region with 5 mM muscimol (n = 6), DPAG-evoked increases in respiration and heart rate were attenuated by 90 +/- 6 and 72 +/- 13%, respectively. The pressor response evoked by DPAG stimulation, however, was attenuated by only 57 +/- 6%. Bilateral blockade of glutamate receptors with 20 mM kynurenic acid (n = 6) in the LPBN also markedly attenuated DPAG-evoked increases in respiration and heart rate (65 +/- 15 and 53 +/- 9% reduction, respectively) but only modestly changed the DPAG-evoked pressor response (34 +/- 16% reduction). These results demonstrate that LPBN neurons play a significant role in the DPAG-mediated respiratory component of behavioral defense responses. This finding supports previous work demonstrating that the dorsolateral pons plays a significant role in mediating most physiological adjustments associated with activation of the DPAG.  相似文献   

AimsThe dorsal periaqueductal gray area (dPAG) is involved in cardiovascular modulation. Previously, we reported that noradrenaline (NA) microinjection into the dPAG caused a pressor response that was mediated by vasopressin release into the circulation. However, the neuronal pathway that mediates this response is as yet unknown. There is evidence that chemical stimulation of the diagonal band of Broca (dbB) also causes a pressor response mediated by systemic vasopressin release. In the present study, we evaluated the participation of the dbB in the pressor response caused by NA microinjection into the dPAG as well as the existence of neural connections between these areas.Main methodsWith the above goal, we verified the effect of the pharmacological ablation of the dbB on the cardiovascular response to NA microinjection into the dPAG of unanesthetized rats. In addition, we microinjected the neuronal tracer biotinylated-dextran-amine (BDA) into the dPAG and looked for efferent projections from the dPAG to the dbB.Key findingsThe pharmacologically reversible ablation of the dbB with local microinjection of CoCl2 significantly reduced the pressor response caused by NA microinjection (15 nmol/50 nL) into the dPAG. In addition, BDA microinjection into the dPAG labeled axons in the dbB, pointing to the existence of direct connections between these areas.SignificanceThe present results indicate that synapses within the dbB are involved in the pressor pathway activated by NA microinjection into the dPAG and direct neural projection from the dPAG to the dbB may constitute the neuroanatomic substrate for this pressor pathway.  相似文献   

Central administration of AT1 receptor blockers prevents salt-sensitive hypertension and inhibits progression of CHF. We investigated in Wistar rats the effectiveness of peripheral administration of two AT1 receptor blockers, losartan and embusartan, in exerting central AT1 receptor blockade. Losartan or embusartan at doses of 30 and 100 mg/kg were administered subcutaneously (s.c.) as a single dose, or one dose daily for 6 days. The BP responses to intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of Ang II, i.c.v. infusion of Na+-rich aCSF (0.3 M NaCl), and intravenous (i.v.) injection of Ang II were then measured. Losartan or embusartan at 30 and 100 mg/kg both inhibited the BP increases induced by i.c.v. Ang II and, to a lesser extent, by Na+-rich aCSF. After a single dose, this inhibition was more pronounced for losartan. However, after 6 days of treatment, there were no significant differences between the effects of losartan and embusartan. Losartan and embusartan blocked responses to Ang II i.v. to a similar extent. These results indicate that results from single-dose studies may not reflect the chronic steady-state, and that during chronic treatment both AT1 receptor blockers are similarly effective in inhibiting AT1 receptors in the central nervous system, when assessed by pressor responses to acute increases in CSF Na+ or CSF Ang II.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to asses the effects on blood pressure and vascular resistances elicited by microinjections of ouabain (OUA) within the periaqueductal gray area (PAG). We also tested whether peripheral vascular responses caused by exogenous intra-PAG ouabain involve activation of the PAG-endothelin system.In normotensive Sprague-Dawley rats the basal mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) was 114 +/- 3 mmHg. This was significantly increased by OUA (3 micro g, 122 +/- 2 mmHg, p < 0.05; and 6 micro g, 139 +/- 3 mmHg, p < 0.01) microinjected into the PAG area. Increases in MABP were associated with increases in total peripheral resistances (TPR), organ vascular resistances, and with reduced blood flow of almost all the organs tested: kidneys, skeletal muscle, skin, stomach, spleen, testes and intestine. Cardiac output did not change.Changes in the above vascular parameters induced by OUA were significantly (p < 0.01) reduced by intra-PAG microinjections of FR139317 (a selective ETA receptor antagonist, 5 nmol), SB209670 (a non-selective ETA/ETB receptor antagonist, 3 nmol), but not by BQ 788 (a selective ETB receptor antagonist, 5 nmol).In conclusion, OUA into the PAG area of normotensive rats caused significant changes in peripheral vascular parameters that are reduced by ETA receptor antagonists. These results indicate that PAG-ET-1 system via an action on ETA receptors is involved in the OUA effects.  相似文献   

Losartan (DuP 753) and PD123177 are nonpeptide angiotensin (ANG) receptor ligands for subtypes of ANG II receptors ANG II-1 and ANG II-2, respectively. We examined the effects of losartan and PD123177 on dose - mean arterial pressure (MAP) response curves for ANG II and ANG III in eight groups (n = 6 each) of conscious rats. Saline (0.9% NaCl), losartan (1 x 10(-6) and 9 x 10(-6) mol/kg), and PD123177 (2 x 10(-5) mol/kg) were i.v. bolus injected 15 min before the construction of ANG II dose - response curves in groups I, II, III, and IV, respectively. Groups V-VIII were treated similarly to I-IV except that ANG III was given in place of ANG II. Losartan dose dependently shifted the dose-response curves of ANG II and ANG III to the right with similar dissociation constants (-log KI of 6.6 +/- 0.7 and 6.6 +/- 0.1 mol/kg, respectively) and no change in the maxima. PD123177 affected neither maximum MAP nor ED50 values for ANG II or ANG III. Our results show that losartan but not PD123177 is a competitive antagonist of the MAP effects of ANG II and ANG III.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of serotonin (5-HT) in pigeons dose-dependently evokes a prompt and intense drinking behavior, which resembles that evoked by i.c.v. injections of angiotensin II (ANGII) in the same species. In the present study, we have examined the possible participation of central ANGII receptors in both ANGII- and 5-HT-evoked drinking behavior. The effects of i.c.v. injections of 5-HT (155 nmol), avian ANGII ([Asp(1),Val(5)]-ANGII, 0.1 nmol) or vehicle were studied in pigeons pretreated 20 min before with i.c.v. injections of the nonspecific ANGII receptor antagonist [Sar(1),Ile(8)]-ANGII (SAR; 1, 0.1 or 0.01 nmol), the AT(1) receptor antagonist losartan (2 or 4 nmol), the AT(2) receptor antagonist PD 123,319 (2 or 4 nmol) or vehicle (NaCl 0.15 M, 1 microl, n = 8/group). Immediately after treatment, they were given free access to water and drinking behavior was recorded during the next 60 min. At the doses presently used both 5-HT and ANGII treatments evoked comparable water intake amounts with similar behavioral profiles. While pretreatment with SAR dose-dependently reduced the water intake evoked by both 5-HT and ANGII, neither losartan nor PD 123,319 pretreatment affected the drinking induced by these treatments. The present results indicate that ANGII- and 5-HT-induced drinking in pigeons may be mediated by AT receptors possibly different from mammalian AT(1) and AT(2) receptors and suggest that activation of ANGII central circuits is a necessary step for the intense drinking induced by i.c.v. injections of 5-HT in this species.  相似文献   

Estrogen upregulates renal angiotensin II AT1 and AT2 receptors in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied renal AT1 and AT2 receptors in male, female, ovariectomized and ovariectomized-estrogen-treated Wistar-Hanover and Wistar-Kyoto rats. AT1 receptors and AT1A receptor mRNA predominated, with no significant differences between males and females. AT2 receptor expression was restricted in female rats to the capsule, the transition zone between outer and inner medulla, the endothelium lining the papilla, and arcuate arteries and veins. There were no AT2 receptors in male rats, while male mice express substantial numbers of estrogen-dependent AT2 receptors. Arcuate arteries and veins expressed AT1B mRNA in males and females, and AT2 mRNA in females only. AT1 receptor and AT2 receptor expression were estrogen-dependent, with increases in AT1 and AT2 receptor expression after estrogen treatment in ovariectomized rats. Estrogen treatment increased prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and cGMP concentrations in the renal medulla, and eNOS expression in cortical arteries. In rodents, expression of renal Angiotensin II receptor types is estrogen-dependent, with significant species, strain and area differences. Our results support an important role for AT2 receptors in the regulation of renal function and in the protective effects of estrogen in the kidney.  相似文献   

MKP—1在血管紧张素Ⅱ导致心肌肥大反应中的调控作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu PQ  Lu W  Wang TH  Pan JY 《生理学报》2000,52(5):365-370
本研究主要从丝裂原活化蛋白激酶磷酸酶-1(MKP-1)角度,研究丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)信号途径在血管紧张素Ⅱ介导的新生大鼠心肌细胞肥大反应中的作用及调控机制。实验以心肌细胞蛋白合成速率、蛋白含量及细胞表面积作为心肌肥大反应的指标,以凝胶内MBP原位磷酸化测定MAPK活性,以免疫印迹法(Western boltting)分别测定MKP-1及磷酸化p44MAPK、p42MAPK蛋白表达。结果发  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,57(22):PL357-PL360
The injection of endothelin-1 (ET-1) into the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (PAG) area of freely moving rats at doses from 0.1 to 1 pmol/rat induced rotation along the long axis of the body (barrel-rolling). The pretreatment of this area with L-NAME (Nω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, 1 μmol/rat), an L-arginine analogue and a potent inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) biosynthesis, significantly (p< 0.01) potentiated the duration of the ET-1-induced barrel-rolling. Pretreatment of the PAG area with L-arginine (1 μmol/rat), a precursor of NO, significantly (p < 0.01) decreased the ET-1-induced effects. These preliminary data indicate that the L-arginine-NO pathway exerts a functional antagonism on ET-1 induced barrel-rolling at the level of the PAG area.  相似文献   

Neural circuits in the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (dPAG) play an important role in the integration of defensive behavior. The neurokinin substance P causes conditioned place aversion when administered into this region. The present study examined whether these effects may be mimicked by its carboxy-terminal amino acid sequence and whether they are influenced by prior treatment with the tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist WIN51,708. The behavioral testing apparatus is a circular open field consisting of 4 uniform quadrants that are equally preferred by the rats prior to drug treatments. For conditioning, rats received drug injections on three consecutive days and were placed into their assigned quadrant. The carboxy-terminal analog (17.5 pmol/0.2 microl) applied into the dPAG produced place aversion effects with reduced time spent in the drug-paired quadrant on the testing day. The effects of the carboxy-terminal analog was antagonized by pretreatment with WIN51,708 (20 mg/kg, i.p.). Microinjection of WIN51,708 (20 mg/kg, i.p.), by its own, did not produce significant effects. These findings suggest that previous reports showing conditioned place aversion effects of SP injected into the dPAG are encoded by its carboxy-terminal sequence and due to its action on tachykinin NK1 receptors.  相似文献   

Excessive physical exercise may lead to disturbance of the entire homeostasis in the body, including damage not only in skeletal muscles but also in many distant organs. The mechanisms responsible for the exercise-induced changes could include oxidative stress or angiotensin II. We previously showed that acute exercise led to apoptosis in kidney but not as a result of oxidative stress. In this study, we examined the role of angiotensin II and its AT1 and AT2 receptors in mediation of exercise-induced apoptosis in kidney. We clearly demonstrated that acute physical exercise induced apoptosis in renal cells of distal convoluted tubuli and cortical and medullary collecting ducts. Moreover, the cells displayed an increased expression of both AT1 and AT2 angiotensin II receptors and of p53 protein. The results suggest that angiotensin II could upregulate p53 expression in renal distal convoluted tubular cells and in the cells collecting ducts via both AT1 and AT2 receptors, which might be the crucial apoptosis-mediating mechanism in kidneys after excessive exercise.  相似文献   

Several examples of functional G-protein-coupled receptor heterodimers have been identified. However, it is not known whether receptor heterodimerization is involved in the pathogenesis of human disorders. Here we show that in preeclamptic hypertensive women, a significant increase in heterodimerization occurs between the AT(1)-receptor for the vasopressor angiotensin II and the B(2)-receptor for the vasodepressor bradykinin. AT(1)-B(2)-receptor heterodimerization in preeclampsia correlated with a 4-5-fold increase in B(2)-receptor protein levels. Expression of the AT(1)-B(2) heterodimer increased the responsiveness to angiotensin II and conferred resistance in AT(1)-receptors to inactivation by reactive oxygen species raised in normotensive and preeclamptic pregnancies. We suggest that AT(1)-B(2) heterodimers contribute to angiotensin II hypersensitivity in preeclampsia. Moreover, we identify preeclampsia as the first disorder associated with altered G-protein-coupled receptor heterodimerization.  相似文献   

D H Smith  J M Neutel  M A Weber 《Life sciences》1991,48(25):2413-2421
In previous studies in the conscious rabbit and in isolated artery preparations, low doses of angiotensin II synergistically amplified the pressor effects of the sympathetic neurotransmitter, norepinephrine (NE). To determine whether these observations could be replicated in humans, 9 normal adult male volunteers (mean age: 34) each were given 3 i.v. doses of NE (25, 50 and 100 micrograms.kg-1.min-1) during consecutive 10 min infusion periods. On a second study day, the procedure was repeated during infusion of angiotensin II in a subpressor dose (1.25 ng.kg-1.min-1). The angiotensin II didn't alter the BP responses to NE, but it attenuated the heart rate (HR) decreases associated with the NE infusions by 80% (P less than 0.05), 42% (P less than 0.05) and 42% (P less than 0.1). The two study days were then repeated following 2 weeks of oral treatment with the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (which, despite significantly decreasing baseline BP, also tended to decrease HR). In the presence of captopril, the pressor responses to the NE challenges were reduced by 50% (P less than 0.05), 33% (P less than 0.05) and 13% (P less than 0.1) compared with the pre-captopril responses. Thus, angiotensin II in subpressor doses appears to enhance NE pressor effects by attenuating the compensatory HR responses, whereas inhibition of endogenous angiotensin II mechanisms weakens the BP-raising actions of NE. These findings in humans are consistent with earlier observations that the renin-angiotensin system can directly amplify sympathetic pressor effects in two separate ways: by modifying baroreceptor sensitivity and by enhancing the actions of norepinephrine on vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) acts at selected brain loci to elicit a pressor response and secretion of vasopressin (AVP). Glutamatergic receptors of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype mediate ET-1-induced AVP secretion in vitro, but the role of glutamatergic receptors in the pressor response and the secretion of AVP in vivo has not been studied. We hypothesized that both the pressor response and AVP secretion in response to ET-1 microinjection into subfornical organ (SFO) would be suppressed by ionotropic glutamatergic receptor antagonists in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). Sinoaortic denervated male Long Evans rats were equipped with intracerebral cannulae directed into the SFO and the magnocellular region of the PVN bilaterally. Experiments were performed 5 days later in conscious rats. Direct injection of 5 pmol ET-1 into the SFO resulted in a 20 +/- 3 mm Hg increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) (+/- SE) and a 14.1 +/- 0.3 pg/ml increase in the mean plasma AVP level (+/- SE) (P < 0.001 vs. artificial CSF) that was blocked by selective ET(A) inhibition. Neither the pressor response nor the increase in plasma AVP in response to ET-1 was altered despite prior injection of the NMDA blocker diclozipine (5 microg, MK801) into PVN bilaterally. In contrast, bilateral PVN injection with 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (40 nmol, CNQX) prevented the pressor response (MAP +/- SE, - 4 +/- 4 mm Hg) and also inhibited AVP secretion (mean AVP level +/- SE, 0.16 +/- 0.50 pg/ml) (P < 0.001 vs. vehicle in PVN after injection of ET-1 into SFO). These findings support the conclusion that both the pressor response and AVP secretion in response to ET-1 acting at the SFO are mediated by a non-NMDA, most likely an aminopropionic acid glutamatergic receptor within the PVN.  相似文献   

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