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Gene expression of cold inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) was examined in the frog. In Xenopus laevis, expression of CIRP (XCIRP) was observed in both brain and liver at 24 degrees C. Circadian expression of XCIRP was observed in brain. Expression of XCIRP in brain was induced by cold treatment and gradually decreased to the control level at 24 degrees C, but no significant changes were observed in liver. Employing the sequence of murine CIRP, bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) CIRP gene was cloned. The bullfrog CIRP gene, designated BFCIRP, was 706 bp in length and encoded a putative protein of 164 amino acid residues. The deduced protein contained one consensus sequence of RNA-binding domain (CS-RBD) and a glycine rich domain (GRD). The amino acid sequence of BFCIRP was 78.4% identical to XCIRP. Expression of BFCIRP in brain was stronger in winter than that in summer. These findings suggest that BFCIRP expression in brain may link to hibernation.  相似文献   

MAGOH interacts with a novel RNA-binding protein   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Zhao XF  Nowak NJ  Shows TB  Aplan PD 《Genomics》2000,63(1):145-148
MAGOH is the human homologue of Drosophila mago nashi, a protein that is required for normal germ plasm development in the Drosophila embryo. Using human MAGOH as a bait protein in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we recovered four independent cDNA clones that encode different lengths of a novel protein containing a conserved RNA-binding region. This gene, designated RBM8, encodes a 173-aa protein that was shown to have an apparent molecular mass of 26 kDa, as demonstrated by in vitro translation assay. The interaction between MAGOH and RBM8 was demonstrated by both yeast two-hybrid and GST fusion protein pull-down assays. Like MAGOH, RBM8 gene is expressed ubiquitously in human tissues; three species of RBM8 mRNA were detected. Also similar to MAGOH, RBM8 expression is serum inducible in quiescent NIH3T3 fibroblast cells.  相似文献   

The Guanine-rich RNA sequence binding factor 1 (GRSF1) is a member of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F/H family and has been implicated in RNA processing, RNA transport and translational regulation. Amino acid alignments and homology modeling suggested the existence of three distinct RNA-binding domains and two auxiliary domains. Unfortunately, little is known about the molecular details of GRSF1/RNA interactions. To explore the RNA-binding mechanisms we first expressed full-length human GRSF1 and several truncation mutants, which include the three separated qRRM domains in E. coli, purified the recombinant proteins and quantified their RNA-binding affinity by RNA electrophoretic mobility shift assays. The expression levels varied between 1 and 10 mg purified protein per L bacterial liquid culture and for full-length human GRSF1 a binding constant (KD-value) of 0.5 μM was determined. In addition, our mechanistic experiments with different truncation mutants allowed the following conclusions: i) Deletion of either of the three RNA-binding domains impaired the RNA-binding affinity suggesting that the simultaneous presence of the three domains is essential for high-affinity RNA-binding. ii) Deletion of the Ala-rich auxiliary domain did hardly affect RNA-binding. Thus, this structural subunit may not be involved in RNA interaction. iii) Deletion of the acidic auxiliary domain improved the RNA-binding suggesting a regulatory role for this structural motif. iv) The isolated RNA-binding domains did not exhibit sizeable RNA-binding affinities. Taken together these data suggest that a cooperative interaction of the three qRRMs is required for high affinity RNA-binding.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel RING-B-box-coiled-coil (RBCC) protein (MAIR for macrophage-derived apoptosis-inducing RBCC protein) that consists of an N-terminal RING finger, followed by a B-box zinc finger, a coiled-coil domain, and a B30.2 domain. MAIR mRNA was expressed widely in mouse tissues and was induced by macrophage colony-stimulating factor in murine peritoneal and bone marrow macrophages. MAIR protein initially showed a granular distribution predominantly in the cytoplasm. The addition of zinc to transfectants containing MAIR cDNA as part of a heavy metal-inducible vector caused apoptosis of the cells characterized by cell fragmentation; a reduction in mitochondrial membrane potential; activation of caspase-7, -8, and -9, but not caspase-3; and DNA degradation. We also found that the RING finger and coiled-coil domains were required for MAIR activity by analysis with deletion mutants.  相似文献   

Acanthamoebae produce a painful, blinding infection of the cornea. The mannose-binding protein (MBP) of Acanthamoeba is thought to play a key role in the pathogenesis of the infection by mediating the adhesion of parasites to the host cells. We describe here the isolation and molecular cloning of Acanthamoeba MBP. The MBP was isolated by chromatography on the mannose affinity gel. Gel filtration experiments revealed that the Acanthamoeba lectin is a approximately 400-kDa protein that is constituted of multiple 130-kDa subunits. Cloning and sequencing experiments indicated that the Acanthamoeba MBP gene is composed of 6 exons and 5 introns that span 3.6 kb of the amoeba genome and that MBP cDNA codes for a precursor protein of 833 amino acids. That the cloned cDNA encodes authentic MBP was demonstrated by showing that: (i). recombinant MBP possesses mannose binding activity, and (ii). polyclonal antibodies prepared against Acanthamoeba MBP bound to the recombinant protein. Sequence analysis revealed that the MBP contains a large N-terminal extracellular domain, a transmembrane domain, and a short C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. Despite extensive BLAST searches using the MBP sequence, no significant matches were retrieved. The most striking feature of the Acanthamoeba MBP sequence is the presence of a cysteine-rich region containing 14 CXCXC motifs within the extracellular domain. In summary, we have isolated, cloned, and characterized a novel MBP from Acanthamoeba. Because the presence of antibodies to MBP in tears provides protection against infection, the availability of the MBP cDNA sequence and rMBP should help develop: (i). a tear-based test to identify individuals who are at risk of developing the keratitis and (ii). strategies to immunize high-risk individuals.  相似文献   

In the course of characterizing proteins present in a preparation of vesicles from rat adipocytes containing glucose transporters, we examined a protein that migrated at 115 kDa upon SDS gel electrophoresis (designated vp115). Sequences of tryptic peptides were obtained, and from this information the cDNA for rat vp115 was cloned. The cDNA encodes an open reading frame for a protein of 121 kDa. Computer-aided sequence analysis predicted that vp115 has a potential membrane-inserted or membrane-spanning domain toward its amino terminus, followed by five C2 domains. Immunoblotting revealed that vp115 was not actually a component of the glucose transporter-containing vesicles, was most abundant in the plasma membranes and high density microsome fractions of rat adipocytes, and was expressed in all the major rat tissues.  相似文献   

A novel CBL-interacting protein kinase (CIPK) gene, ZmCIPK16, was isolated from maize (Zea mays), which has been certified to have two copies in the genome. The ZmCIPK16 is strongly induced in maize seedlings by PEG, NaCl, ABA, dehydration, heat and drought, but not by cold. A yeast two-hybrid assay demonstrated that ZmCIPK16 interacted with ZmCBL3, ZmCBL4, ZmCBL5, and ZmCBL8. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays prove that ZmCIPK16 can interact with ZmCBL3, ZmCBL4, ZmCBL5, and ZmCBL8 in vivo. Subcellular localization showed that ZmCIPK16 is distributed in the nucleus, plasma membrane and cytoplasm; this is different from the specific localization of ZmCBL3, ZmCBL4, and ZmCBL5, which are found in the plasma membrane. The results also showed that overexpression of ZmCIPK16 in the Arabidopsis sos2 mutant induced the expression of the SOS1 gene and enhanced salt tolerance. These findings indicate that ZmCIPK16 may be involved in the CBL-CIPK signaling network in maize responses to salt stress. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Jinfeng Zhao and Zhenfei Sun are contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

During Drosophila embryogenesis, Smaug protein represses translation of Nanos through an interaction with a specific element in its 3(')UTR. The repression occurs in the bulk cytoplasm of the embryo; Nanos is, however, successfully translated in the specialized cytoplasm of the posterior pole. This generates a gradient of Nanos emanating from the posterior pole that is essential for organizing proper abdominal segmentation. To understand the structural basis of RNA binding and translational control, we have crystallized a domain of Drosophila Smaug that binds RNA. The crystals belong to the space group R3 with unit cell dimensions of a=b=129.3A, c=33.1A, alpha=beta=90 degrees, gamma=120 degrees and diffract to 1.80A with synchrotron radiation. Initial characterization of this domain suggests that it encodes a novel RNA-binding motif.  相似文献   

Herein we present the cloning and molecular characterization of CD300d, a member of the human CD300 family of immune receptors. CD300d cDNA was cloned from RNA obtained from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and RT-PCR revealed the gene to be expressed in cells of myeloid lineage. The cloned cDNA encoded for a type I protein with a single extracellular Ig V-type domain and a predicted molecular mass of 21.5 kDa. The short cytoplasmic tail is lacking in any known signaling motif, but there is a negatively charged residue (glutamic acid) within the transmembrane domain. CD300d forms complexes with the CD300 family members, with the exception of CD300c. Contrary to other activating members of the CD300 family of receptors, surface expression of CD300d in COS-7-transfected cells required the presence of an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activating motif-bearing adaptor (FcεRγ). Accordingly, we found that CD300d was able to recruit FcεRγ. Unexpectedly, we could not detect CD300d on the surface of cells expressing FcεRγ, suggesting the existence of unknown mechanisms regulating the trafficking of this molecule. The presence of other CD300 molecules also did not modify the intracellular expression of CD300d. In fact, the presence of CD300d decreased the levels of surface expression of CD300f but not CD300c. Our data suggest that the function of CD300d would be related to the regulation of the expression of other CD300 molecules and the composition of CD300 complexes on the cell surface.  相似文献   

The TAR RNA-binding Protein (TRBP) is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-binding protein, which binds to Dicer and is required for the RNA interference pathway. TRBP consists of three dsRNA-binding domains (dsRBDs). The first and second dsRBDs (dsRBD1 and dsRBD2, respectively) have affinities for dsRNA, whereas the third dsRBD (dsRBD3) binds to Dicer. In this study, we prepared the single domain fragments of human TRBP corresponding to dsRBD1 and dsRBD2 and solved the crystal structure of dsRBD1 and the solution structure of dsRBD2. The two structures contain an α-β-β-β-α fold, which is common to the dsRBDs. The overall structures of dsRBD1 and dsRBD2 are similar to each other, except for a slight shift of the first α helix. The residues involved in dsRNA binding are conserved. We examined the small interfering RNA (siRNA)-binding properties of these dsRBDs by isothermal titration colorimetry measurements. The dsRBD1 and dsRBD2 fragments both bound to siRNA, with dissociation constants of 220 and 113 nM, respectively. In contrast, the full-length TRBP and its fragment with dsRBD1 and dsRBD2 exhibited much smaller dissociation constants (0.24 and 0.25 nM, respectively), indicating that the tandem dsRBDs bind simultaneously to one siRNA molecule. On the other hand, the loop between the first α helix and the first β strand of dsRBD2, but not dsRBD1, has a Trp residue, which forms hydrophobic and cation-π interactions with the surrounding residues. A circular dichroism analysis revealed that the thermal stability of dsRBD2 is higher than that of dsRBD1 and depends on the Trp residue.  相似文献   

Annexin A2 is a novel RNA-binding protein   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

This study reports cloning and characterization of a human cDNA encoding a novel human zinc finger protein, ZFD25. ZFD25 cDNA is 6118 bp long and has an open reading frame of 2352 bp that encodes a 783 amino acid protein with 25 C2H2-type zinc fingers. The ZFD25 cDNA also contains a region with high sequence similarity to the Krüppel-associated box A and B domain in the 5'-untranslated region, suggesting that ZFD25 belongs to the Krüppel-associated box zinc finger protein family. The ZFD25 gene was localized to chromosome 7q11.2. Northern blot analysis showed that ZFD25 was expressed in a wide range of human organs. In cultured endothelial cells, the mRNA level was decreased upon serum starvation.  相似文献   

GABA(B) receptors are heterodimeric G protein-coupled receptors that mediate slow synaptic inhibition in the central nervous system. Whereas heterodimerization between GABA(B) receptor GABA(B)R1 and GABA(B)R2 subunits is essential for functional expression, how neurons coordinate the assembly of these critical receptors remains to be established. Here we have identified Marlin-1, a novel GABA(B) receptor-binding protein that associates specifically with the GABA(B)R1 subunit in yeast, tissue culture cells, and neurons. Marlin-1 is expressed in the brain and exhibits a granular distribution in cultured hippocampal neurons. Marlin-1 binds different RNA species including the 3'-untranslated regions of both the GABA(B)R1 and GABA(B)R2 mRNAs in vitro and also associates with RNA in cultured neurons. Inhibition of Marlin-1 expression via small RNA interference technology results in enhanced intracellular levels of the GABA(B)R2 receptor subunit without affecting the level of GABA(B)R1. Together our results suggest that Marlin-1 functions to regulate the cellular levels of GABA(B) R2 subunits, which may have significant effects on the production of functional GABA(B) receptor heterodimers. Therefore, our observations provide an added level of regulation for the control of GABA(B) receptor expression and for the efficacy of inhibitory synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

The EF-hand proteins, containing conserved Ca2+ binding motifs, play important roles in many biological processes. Through data mining, a novel human gene, CAGLP (calglandulin-like protein) was predicted and subsequently isolated from human skeleton muscle. The open reading frame of CAGLP is 543 bp in length, coding a putative Ca2+ binding protein with four EF-hand motifs. The deduced amino acid sequence of CAGLP displays high similarity with Bothrops insularis snake protein calglandulin (80%). The results of PCR amplification using cDNA from 17 human tissues indicated that human CAGLP is expressed in prostate, thymus, heart, skeleton muscle, bone marrow and ovary. Functional CAGLP::EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) fusion protein revealed that CAGLP accumulated through-out Hela cells. Western blot using anti-EGFP antibodies indicated that the CAGLP protein has a molecular weight of about 19 kD. A phylogenetic tree showed that CAGLP and calglandulin may be orthologous proteins representing a distinct group in the EF-hand proteins.  相似文献   

Although a subpopulation of mRNAs has been identified as translocated to the dendrites or the synaptic regions of neurons, the translocational mechanism has not been elucidated. To find mRNAs enriched in synapses, we compared the synaptosomal mRNAs with those from whole forebrain using differential display (DD). We cloned one of these mRNAs, which encoded a novel 31 kDa protein (PMES-2). PMES-2 mRNA was specifically transcribed in the brain and was present in the dendrites of the hippocampal neurons. PMES-2 protein was partly localized in the postsynaptic density. Although this protein is very similar to human NABC1 protein, its function is still unknown.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel protein (BERP) that is a specific partner for the tail domain of myosin V. Class V myosins are a family of molecular motors thought to interact via their unique C-terminal tails with specific proteins for the targeted transport of organelles. BERP is highly expressed in brain and contains an N-terminal RING finger, followed by a B-box zinc finger, a coiled-coil (RBCC domain), and a unique C-terminal beta-propeller domain. A yeast two-hybrid screening indicated that the C-terminal beta-propeller domain mediates binding to the tail of the class V myosin myr6 (myosin Vb). This interaction was confirmed by immunoprecipitation, which also demonstrated that BERP could associate with myosin Va, the product of the dilute gene. Like myosin Va, BERP is expressed in a punctate pattern in the cytoplasm as well as in the neurites and growth cones of PC12 cells. We also found that the RBCC domain of BERP is involved in protein dimerization. Stable expression of a mutant form of BERP lacking the myosin-binding domain but containing the dimerization domain resulted in defective PC12 cell spreading and prevented neurite outgrowth in response to nerve growth factor. Our studies present a novel interaction for the beta-propeller domain and provide evidence for a role for BERP in myosin V-mediated cargo transport.  相似文献   

We report here the identification and characterization of VIGG, a novel virus-induced grapevine protein. Analysis of VIGG expression in grapevine demonstrated that VIGG was constitutively expressed in leaves and stems in virus-infected grapevine, and that VIGG expression was induced by grapevine virus A (GVA) infection, but not by infection with other viruses. The virus-induced expression profile of VIGG was supported by the finding that virus-free meristem cultures prepared from virus-infected grapevines did not express VIGG. An experiment using GFP–VIGG fusion protein demonstrated that VIGG might be localized in or around the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Treatment of grapevine cells with ER stress inducers resulted in the induction of VIGG expression. Berries from VIGG-expressing grapevines had higher organic acid and phenolic contents than those from control grapevines that did not express VIGG. Interestingly, fruit composition of a grapevine that was simultaneously infected by GVA and grapevine virus B (GVB), which did not express VIGG, was significantly different from that of GVA-infected grapevines expressing VIGG, suggesting that the effector of fruit composition alteration might be VIGG expression, but not GVA infection. Taken together, VIGG expression might suppress the decrease in organic acid content and increase phenol content in berries. Further investigation of the biological function of VIGG is expected to provide new information on the fruit quality of grapevines.  相似文献   

The c-Cbl protooncogene product is a prominent substrate of protein tyrosine kinases and is rapidly tyrosine-phosphorylated upon stimulation of a wide variety of cell-surface receptors. We have identified a novel c-Cbl-interacting protein termed CIN85 with a molecular mass of 85 kDa which shows similarity to adaptor proteins, CMS and CD2AP. CIN85 mRNA is expressed ubiquitously in normal human tissues and cancer cell lines analyzed. CIN85 was basally associated with c-Cbl. For interaction of CIN85 with c-Cbl, the second SH3 domain of CIN85 was shown to serve as a central player. The CIN85-c-Cbl association was enhanced shortly after stimulation of 293 cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and gradually diminished to a basal level, which correlated with a tyrosine phosphorylation level of c-Cbl. Our results suggest that CIN85 may play a specific role in the EGF receptor-mediated signaling cascade via its interaction with c-Cbl.  相似文献   

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