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Inflammasomes are cytosolic protein complexes that form in response to pathogen or damage signals and initiate inflammation. Signal transduction in the inflammasome pathway occurs via protein–protein interaction, protein conformational change, and oligomerization. Recent advances in structural biology have provided multiple insights in inflammasome regulation that are both biologically intriguing and therapeutically valuable. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of three most studied inflammasome complexes: the NAIP/NLRC4, NLRP1, and NLRP3 inflammasomes. We discuss the general mechanisms and unique features of their regulation and how investigating these systems may contribute to therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Resolution of the crystal structure of the banana fruit endo-beta-1,3-glucanase by synchrotron X-ray diffraction at 1.45-A resolution revealed that the enzyme possesses the eightfold beta/alpha architecture typical for family 17 glycoside hydrolases. The electronegatively charged catalytic central cleft harbors the two glutamate residues (Glu94 and Glu236) acting as hydrogen donor and nucleophile residue, respectively. Modeling using a beta-1,3 linked glucan trisaccharide as a substrate confirmed that the enzyme readily accommodates a beta-1,3-glycosidic linkage in the slightly curved catalytic groove between the glucose units in positions -2 and -1 because of the particular orientation of residue Tyr33 delimiting subsite -2. The location of Phe177 in the proximity of subsite +1 suggested that the banana glucanase might also cleave beta-1,6-branched glucans. Enzymatic assays using pustulan as a substrate demonstrated that the banana glucanase can also cleave beta-1,6-glucans as was predicted from docking experiments. Similar to many other plant endo-beta-1,3-glucanases, the banana glucanase exhibits allergenic properties because of the occurrence of well-conserved IgE-binding epitopes on the surface of the enzyme. These epitopes might trigger some cross-reactions toward IgE antibodies and thus account for the IgE-binding cross-reactivity frequently reported in patients with the latex-fruit syndrome.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of negatively stained isolated restriction enzyme EcoRI revealed particle projections with triangular or square outlines, indicating that the enzyme, in its tetrameric state, is tetrahedron-like. The two dimers making up the tetramer appear to be arranged in two planes orthogonal to each other. Complexes formed by EcoRI with the plasmids pBR322 or pGW10 were investigated by electron microscopic spreading techniques. In the presence of Mg2+, EcoRI was bound to the DNA molecules to form pearl necklace-like aggregates. The number of bound EcoRI particles was much higher as the sum of EcoRI-and 5..AATT..3 sites (with exceptions, the 5..AATT..3 sites may function as one type of EcoRI* sites) along the DNAs, indicating unspecific binding. In the absence of Mg2+, EcoRI was bound to the DNA only at the recognition site for EcoRI and the sites where the tetranucleotide sequence 5..AATT..3 was present. A direct correlation of the local concentrations of the bases A and T within the flanking sequences of the binding sites with the frequency of EcoRI to the DNA was observed. Dimers and tetramers of the enzyme was found to bind to the DNA. Tetramers occasionally exhibited two binding sites for DNA as indicated by the observation of DNA loops originating at the sites of bound tetrameric EcoRI particles.Abbreviations BAC Benzyldimethylalkylammoniumchloride - bp base pairs - Kb kilobases - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate Enzymes (EC Restrictionendonuclease EcoRI - (EC Restrictionendonuclease HindIII - (EC Restrictionendonuclease SalGI Dedicated Professor H. G. Schlegel on occasion of this 60th birthday  相似文献   

Molecular structure of serum transferrin at 3.3-A resolution   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Serum transferrin is a metal-binding glycoprotein, molecular weight ca. 80,000, whose primary function is the transport of iron in the plasma of vertebrates. The X-ray crystallographic structure of diferric rabbit serum transferrin has been determined to a resolution of 3.3 A. The molecule has a beta alpha structure of similar topology to human lactoferrin and is composed of two homologous lobes that each bind a single ferric ion. Each lobe is further divided into two dissimilar domains, and the iron-binding site is located within the interdomain cleft. The iron is bound by two tyrosines, a histidine, and an aspartic acid residue. The location of the 19 disulfide bridges is described, and their possible structural roles are discussed in relation to the transferrin family of proteins. Mapping of the intron/exon splice junctions onto the molecule provides some topological evidence in support of the putative secondary role for transferrin in stimulating cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The enzyme cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase is closely related to alpha-amylases but has the unique ability to produce cyclodextrins (circular alpha(1-->4)-linked glucoses) from starch. To characterize this specificity we determined a 1.8-A structure of an E257Q/D229N mutant cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase in complex with its product gamma-cyclodextrin, which reveals for the first time how cyclodextrin is competently bound. Across subsites -2, -1, and +1, the cyclodextrin ring binds in a twisted mode similar to linear sugars, giving rise to deformation of its circular symmetry. At subsites -3 and +2, the cyclodextrin binds in a manner different from linear sugars. Sequence comparisons and site-directed mutagenesis experiments support the conclusion that subsites -3 and +2 confer the cyclization activity in addition to subsite -6 and Tyr-195. On this basis, a role of the individual residues during the cyclization reaction cycle is proposed.  相似文献   

Genome level information coupled with phylogenetic analysis of specific genes and gene families allow for a better understanding of the structure and function of their protein products. In this study, we examine the mammalian uroplakins (UPs) Ia and Ib, members of the tetraspanin superfamily, that interact with uroplakins UPII and UPIIIa/IIIb, respectively, using a phylogenetic approach of these genes from whole genome sequences. These proteins interact to form urothelial plaques that play a central role in the permeability barrier function of the apical urothelial surface of the urinary bladder. Since these plaques are found exclusively in mammalian urothelium, it is enigmatic that UP-like genomic sequences were recently found in lower vertebrates without a typical urothelium. We have cloned full-length UP-related cDNAs from frog (Xenopus laevis), chicken (Gallus gallus), and zebrafish (Danio rerio), and combined these data with sequence information from their orthologs in all the available fully sequenced and annotated animal genomes. Phylogenetic analyses of all the available uroplakin sequences, and an understanding of their distribution in several animal taxa, suggest that: (i) the UPIa/UPIb and UPII/UPIII genes evolved by gene duplication in the common ancestor of vertebrates; (ii) uroplakins can be lost in different combinations in vertebrate lineages; and (iii) there is a strong co-evolutionary relationship between UPIa and UPIb and their partners UPII and UPIIIa/IIIb, respectively. The co-evolution of the tetraspanin UPs and their associated proteins may fine-tune the structure and function of uroplakin complexes enabling them to perform diverse species- and tissue-specific functions. The structure and function of uroplakins, which are also expressed in Xenopus kidney, oocytes and fat body, are much more versatile than hitherto appreciated.  相似文献   

Vaults are the largest known cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein structures and may function in innate immunity. The vault shell self-assembles from 96 copies of major vault protein and encapsulates two other proteins and a small RNA. We crystallized rat liver vaults and several recombinant vaults, all among the largest non-icosahedral particles to have been crystallized. The best crystals thus far were formed from empty vaults built from a cysteine-tag construct of major vault protein (termed cpMVP vaults), diffracting to about 9-A resolution. The asymmetric unit contains a half vault of molecular mass 4.65 MDa. X-ray phasing was initiated by molecular replacement, using density from cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Phases were improved by density modification, including concentric 24- and 48-fold rotational symmetry averaging. From this, the continuous cryo-EM electron density separated into domain-like blocks. A draft atomic model of cpMVP was fit to this improved density from 15 domain models. Three domains were adapted from a nuclear magnetic resonance substructure. Nine domain models originated in ab initio tertiary structure prediction. Three C-terminal domains were built by fitting poly-alanine to the electron density. Locations of loops in this model provide sites to test vault functions and to exploit vaults as nanocapsules.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of ribonuclease B at 2.5-A resolution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The glycosylated form of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease, RNase B, was crystallized from polyethylene glycol 4000 at low ionic strength in space group C2 with unit cell dimensions of a = 101.81 A, b = 33.36 A, c = 73.60 A, and beta = 90.4 degrees. The crystals, which contained two independent molecules of RNase B as the asymmetric unit, were solved by a combination of multiple isomorphous replacement and molecular replacement approaches. The structures of the two molecules were refined to 2.5-A resolution and a conventional R factor of 0.22 using a constrained-restrained least squares procedure (CORELS). Complexes were also investigated of RNase B plus ruthenium pentaamine and between RNase B and a substrate analogue iodouridine. The polypeptide backbones of the two molecules of RNase B in the asymmetric unit were found to be statistically identical and their differences from RNase A to be statistically insignificant. The carbohydrate chains of both molecules extended into solvent cavities in the crystal lattice and appear to be disordered for the most part. The oligosaccharides appear to exert no influence on the structure of the protein. Iodouridine was observed to bind identically in the pyrimidine site of both RNase B molecules and in a way apparently the same as that previously observed for RNase A. Ruthenium pentaamine bound at histidine 105 of both RNase B molecules in the asymmetric unit, but at a number of secondary sites as well. An array of bound ions was observed by Fo-Fc difference Fourier syntheses. These ions were proximal to lysine and arginine residues at the surface of the proteins while a pair of strong ion binding sites were seen to fall exactly in the active site clefts of both RNase B molecules in the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant rabbit interferon-gamma was solved by the multiple isomorphous replacement technique at 2.7-A resolution and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 26.2%. The interferon crystallizes with one-half of the functional dimer in the asymmetric unit, with the two polypeptide chains of the dimer related by a crystallographic 2-fold symmetry axis. The structure is predominantly alpha-helical with extensive interdigitation of the alpha-helical segments of the two polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of erabutoxin a at 2.0-A resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The three-dimensional structure of erabutoxin a, a single-chain, 62-residue protein neurotoxin from snake venom, has been determined to 2.0-A resolution by x-ray crystal structure analysis. Molecular replacement methods were used, and the structure refined to a residual R = 0.17. The sites of 62 water molecules and 1 sulfate ion have been located and refined. The structure of erabutoxin a is very similar to that established earlier for erabutoxin b. These toxins from venom of the same snake differ in sequence only at residue 26, which is Asn in erabutoxin a and His in erabutoxin b. The substitution leads to only minor variations in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. Furthermore, the distribution of thermal parameters and the implied regional mobilities are similar in the two structures. In particular, the highly mobile character of the peripheral segment Pro44-Gly49 in both structures supports the specific role proposed for this segment in neurotoxin binding to the acetylcholine receptor. Forty-eight of the solvent sites determined are first surface positions; approximately one-half of these are equivalent to solvent sites in erabutoxin b.  相似文献   

The structure of prothrombin fragment 1 at 3.5-A resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of prothrombin fragment 1 has been determined at 3.5-A resolution by multiple isomorphous replacement methods with four heavy atom derivatives. The final average figure of merit is 0.72. There is a large cylindrical solvent region with an average diameter of 35-40 A along the entire length of the c axis (85 A) centered at about x = y = 1/2. The connected density forming the wall of this channel is not of sufficient extent to account for the 156 residues of fragment 1 and the two accompanying carbohydrate chains totaling 5000 in molecular weight. Deglycosylated fragment 1 crystallizes isomorphously with fragment 1, and a difference map between the two revealed that the sugar chains are severely disordered and reside in the solvent channel. Although the disordered carbohydrate and the complexity of five disulfides in a 126-residue sequence have hampered the complete tracing of the peptide chain, two-thirds of the molecule has been accounted for in the form of an unusually oblate ellipsoid of about 15 X 30 X 35 A. The folding of the molecule has little secondary structure (one alpha-helix (7%), 20% beta-structure) in agreement with dichroism measurements and one of the points of carbohydrate attachment is suggested from the deglycosylated difference map.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of pea lectin at 3.0-A resolution   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The structure of pea lectin has been determined to 3.0-A resolution based on multiple isomorphous replacement phasing to 6.0-A resolution and a combination of single isomorphous replacement, anomalous scattering, and density modification to 3.0-A resolution. The pea lectin model has been optimized by restrained least squares refinement against the data between 7.0- and 3.0-A resolution. The final model at 3.0 A gives an R factor of 0.24 and a root mean square deviation from ideal bond distances of 0.02 A. The two monomers in the asymmetric unit are related by noncrystallographic 2-fold symmetry to form a dimer. Monomers were treated independently in modeling and refinement, but are found to be virtually identical at this resolution. The molecular structure of the pea lectin monomer is very similar to that of concanavalin A, the lectin from the jack bean. Similarities extend from secondary and tertiary structures to the occurrence of a cis-peptide bond and the pattern of coordination of the Ca2+ and Mn2+ ions. Differences between the two lectin structures are confined primarily to the loop regions and to the chain termini, which are different and give rise to the unusual permuted relationship between the pea lectin and concanavalin A protein sequences.  相似文献   

X-ray crystal structure of D-xylose isomerase at 4-A resolution   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The structure of D-xylose isomerase from Streptomyces rubiginosus has been determined at 4-A resolution using multiple isomorphous phasing techniques. The folding of the polypeptide chain has been established and consists of two structural domains. The larger domain consists of eight beta-strand alpha-helix (beta alpha) units arranged in a configuration similar to that found for triose phosphate isomerase, 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase, and pyruvate kinase. The smaller domain forms a loop away from the larger domain but overlapping the larger domain of another subunit so that a tightly bound dimer is formed. The tetramer then consists of two such dimers. The location of the active site in the enzyme has been tentatively identified from studies using a crystal grown from a solution containing the inhibitor xylitol.  相似文献   

Molecular structure of an apolipoprotein determined at 2.5-A resolution   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The three-dimensional structure of an apolipoprotein isolated from the African migratory locust Locusta migratoria has been determined by X-ray analysis to a resolution of 2.5 A. The overall molecular architecture of this protein consists of five long alpha-helices connected by short loops. As predicted from amino acid sequence analyses, these helices are distinctly amphiphilic with the hydrophobic residues pointing in toward the interior of the protein and the hydrophilic side chains facing outward. The molecule falls into the general category of up-and-down alpha-helical bundles as previously observed, for example, in cytochrome c'. Although the structure shows the presence of five long amphiphilic alpha-helices, the alpha-helical moment and hydrophobicity of the entire molecule fall into the range found for normal globular proteins. Thus, in order for the amphiphilic helices to play a role in the binding of the protein to a lipid surface, there must be a structural reorganization of the protein which exposes the hydrophobic interior to the lipid surface. The three-dimensional motif of this apolipoprotein is compatible with a model in which the molecule binds to the lipid surface via a relatively nonpolar end and then spreads on the surface in such a way as to cause the hydrophobic side chains of the helices to come in contact with the lipid surface, the charged and polar residues to remain in contact with water, and the overall helical motif of the protein to be maintained.  相似文献   

Treatment of bovine aortic microsomes containing active prostacyclin synthase (PGI(2) synthase) with increasing concentrations of peroxynitrite (PN) up to 250 microm of PN yielded specific staining of this enzyme on Western blots with antibodies against 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT), whereas above 500 microm PN staining of additional proteins was also observed. Following treatment of aortic microsomes with 25 microm PN, PGI(2) synthase was about half-maximally nitrated and about half-inhibited. It was then isolated by gel electrophoresis and subjected to proteolytic digestion with several proteases. Digestion with thermolysin for 24 h provided a single specific peptide that was isolated by high performance liquid chromatography and identified as a tetrapeptide Leu-Lys-Asn-Tyr(3-nitro)-COOH corresponding to positions 427-430 of PGI(2) synthase. Its structure was established by precise mass determination using Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance-nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry and Edman microsequencing and ascertained by synthesis and mass spectrometric characterization of the authentic Tyr-nitrated peptide. Complete digestion by Pronase to 3-nitrotyrosine was obtained only after 72 h, suggesting that the nitrated Tyr-430 residue may be embedded in a tight fold around the heme binding site. These results provide evidence for the specific inhibition of PGI(2) synthase by nitration at Tyr-430 that may occur already at low levels of PN as a consequence of endothelial co-generation of nitric oxide and superoxide.  相似文献   

In eubacteria, termination of translation is signaled by any one of the stop codons UAA, UAG, and UGA moving into the ribosomal A site. Two release factors, RF1 and RF2, recognize and bind to the stop codons with different affinities and trigger the hydrolysis of the ester bond that links the polypeptide with the P-site tRNA. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) results obtained in this study show that ribosome-bound RF1 is in an open conformation, unlike the closed conformation observed in the crystal structure of the free factor, allowing its simultaneous access to both the decoding center and the peptidyl-transferase center. These results are similar to those obtained for RF2, but there is an important difference in how the factors bind to protein L11, which forms part of the GTPase-associated center of the large ribosomal subunit. The difference in the binding position, C-terminal domain for RF2 versus N-terminal domain for RF1, explains a body of L11 mutation studies that revealed differential effects on the activity of the two factors. Very recent data obtained with small-angle X-ray scattering now reveal that the solution structure of RF1 is open, as here seen on the ribosome by cryo-EM, and not closed, as seen in the crystal.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase (PAE) is a zinc metalloprotease with 301 amino acids. We have crystallized and solved the three-dimensional structure of PAE, using data to 1.5-A resolution, and have refined the native molecular structure to R = 0.188. The overall tertiary structure of the PAE molecule is similar to that of thermolysin, with which it shares 28% amino acid sequence identity. Nearly all of the active site residues that might potentially interact with substrates are identical in the two proteins. However, the active site cleft is significantly more "open" in PAE than in thermolysin.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate binding site of concanavalin A has been identified in crystals of the concanavalin A-methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside complex and is 35 A from the iodophenol binding site (K. D. Hardman and C. F. Ainsworth (1973), Biochemistry 12,4442), which has been postulated to be adjacent to the carbohydrate-specific binding site (Edelman et al. (1972), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 69, 2580). The crystals are orthorhombic in space group C222(1) and crystal denisty measurements indicate a protein mass of four monomers (molecular weight of 104 000) per asymmetric unit. However, the electron density map contains eight monomers/asymmetric unit, revealing lattice disorder. The electron density map with a nominal resolution of 6 A has been solved using three heavy-atom derivatives and the position and orientation of each monomer established. Atomic coordinates of the native protein which has previously been determined (K. D. Hardman (1973), Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 40, 103) were transposed into this new space group and the gross conformations of the monomers, dimers, and tetramers were found to be very similar to the previous structure. However, some minor differences were apparent even at this resolution. After crystal growth, the methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside was replaced by o-iodophenyl beta-D-glucopyranoside or methyl 2-iodoacetimido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside in separate experiments, and difference electron density maps were calculated. The highest peaks for both iodinated sugar derivatives associated with each monomer agreed within a few angstroms of each other and were found near side chains Tyr-12 and -100 and Asp-16 and -208. This region is 10-14 A from the manganese, in good agreement with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies in solution (C. F. Brewer et al. (1973), Biochemistry 12, 4448) and with the site predicted from crosslinked 1222 crystal studies (K. D. Hardman (1973), Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 40, 103).  相似文献   

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