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Summary The localization and distribution of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the guinea-pig heart were studied by use of immunohistochemical methods. A widespread distribution of immunoreactive processes was observed in all regions of the heart. They occur either singly or together with several other immunoreactive processes and are most often aligned parallel to the myocardial bundles. A dense network of processes is present in the region of both the sinuatrial and atrioventricular nodes and single fibers are occasionally observed to be closely associated with nodal ganglion cells. Positive cell bodies were not seen within the heart. All small, medium and large coronary vessels are surrounded by a dense network of immunoreactive processes. A rich innervation at the media-adventitia junction of the aorta, pulmonary trunk, superior and inferior vena cava was also observed. Comparison of adjacent sections stained with antisera directed to avian pancreatic polypeptide, carboxyl-terminal hexapeptide of pancreatic polypeptide or neuropeptide Y demonstrated a very similar immunoreactive pattern, suggesting that these antisera are reacting with the same or a closely related substance. Likewise, the same immunoreactive patterns were observed in adjacent sections incubated in antiserum to neuropeptide Y or tyrosine hydroxylase, and analysis of elution-restained sections demonstrated that the same processes contain both neuropeptide Y- and tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity. Neuropeptide Y- and tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity was reduced by the same magnitude after treatment with the sympathetic neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine, but it was not affected by the primary sensory neurotoxin capsaicin. Furthermore, the pattern of neuropeptide Y- and tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity did not match the staining patterns observed with antisera to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide or substance P or with the acetylcholinesterase staining pattern. In conclusion, neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the heart and great vessels coexists with that for catecholamines and is likely to originate from sympathetic ganglia.  相似文献   

Distribution of pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreactivity in rat tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-like immunoreactivity (LI) in rat tissue was determined by a specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) after extraction with boiling 1 N acetic acid. The concentration of PP-LI in the ventral area of the pancreas (0.917 +/- 0.106 micrograms/g tissue) was about 10 times greater than that in the dorsal area of the pancreas (0.085 +/- 0.006 micrograms/g tissue). Extrapancreatic PP-LI was present in the colon (0.034 +/- 0.010 micrograms/g tissue) and rectum (0.019 +/- 0.001 micrograms/g tissue). The remainder of the gastrointestinal tract, the lung, kidney, liver, spleen, heart, adrenal gland, and central nervous system contained no measurable PP-LI. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography analysis of the PP-LI materials from the pancreas, colon, and rectum revealed one peak which corresponds to the rat PP standard, under conditions of elution which clearly separated PP, NPY, PYY. These results show that distribution of PP-LI in the rat is different from other known distributions in the PP family of peptides.  相似文献   

The rat central and peripheral nervous system contains a widespread distribution of BPP-like immunoreactive neurons. Some of these neurons coexist with a catecholamine, probably mostly NE. This peptide appears to be releaseable by nerve stimulation. Catecholamine releasing agents such as reserpine do not appear to deplete the BPP. This extensive distribution and unique coexistence of a peptide with peripheral sympathetic nerves suggests a neuromodulatory role of BPP in autonomic functions.  相似文献   

Summary In the teleost fish, Gillichthys mirabilis, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-like immunoreactivity is present in some nerve fibres of the principal pancreatic islet and surrounding tissues, the vagus and splanchnic nerves, the coeliac ganglion and the wall of the intestine. The nerves of the pancreatic islet that contain VIP-like immunoreactivity probably correspond to one of the two types of non-cholinergic, non-adrenergic (peptidergic) nerve previously described in this fish. Similarities in the localisation of hormonal peptides in fish and mammals suggest that the regulation of gastroenteropancreatic physiology in fish may resemble that of mammals.This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Great Britain and the National Institutes of Health, USA (Grant No. AM 17161)  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies have accomplished the establishment of a collagenous fiber-fringe matrix upon dental root surfaces in vitro. The present study was undertaken to follow the development of such a matrix in vitro and to test the possible effects of root surface treatments upon this matrix. Periodontal ligament cells, 0.1 to 0.2-mm thick dental root discs, and alveolar bone cells were derived after extraction from four partially erupted third molars and the accompanying interradicular bony septa of 1 male patient. Autologous serum was obtained by venipuncture. Cultures were initiated by delivering a 1-ml suspension of 50000 tritiated thymidine-labeled periodontal ligament cells and 50000 alveolar bone cells onto each of 42 culture sets. The following day, demineralized or non-demineralized root discs treated with autologous serum, fibronectin or complete medium were placed in pairs, separated by a 0.1–1.0 mm gap, upon the initial cell layer. Representative cultures were terminated after 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks, and processed for light- and electron microscopy, morphometric analysis and autoradiography. An outstanding feature of the early cultures (2, 3 and 4 weeks) was a patchwise, random distribution of matrix making a precise developmental study impossible, although collagen fibrils were produced within the first 2 weeks. Some 3-week cultures already demonstrated a mature fiber-fringe characterized electron-microscopically as oriented, densely packed collagen fibrils closely abutting the cementum-lined root discs. The treatments (including autologous serum) used in this study had no appreciable morphologic or morphometric effect upon the fiber-fringe formed. Because none of the cultures in the present or past studies have demonstrated a true cementoid matrix, this model may not be suitable for the in-vitro study of cementum formation.  相似文献   

Few studies have suggested that neuropeptide Y (NPY) could play an important role in skin functions. However, the expression of NPY, the related peptides, peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and their receptors have not been investigated in human skin. Using specific antisera directed against NPY, PYY, PP and the Y1, Y2, Y4 and Y5 receptor subtypes, we investigated here the expression of these markers. NPY-like immunoreactivity (ir) in the epidermal skin could not be detected. For the first time we report the presence of positive PP-like ir immunofluorescent signals in epidermal cells, i.e. keratinocytes of skin from three areas (abdomen, breast and face) obtained as surgical left-overs. The immunofluorescent signal of PP-like ir varies from very low to high level in all three areas. In contrast, PYY-like ir is only expressed in some cells and with varied level of intensity. Furthermore and for the first time we observed specific Y1 and Y4 receptor-like ir in all epidermal layers, while the Y2 and Y5 subtypes were absent. Interestingly, as seen in human epidermis, in Episkin, a reconstituted human epidermal layer, we detected the presence of PP-like as well as Y1-like and Y4-like ir. These data have shown the presence and distribution of PYY, PP and Y1 and Y4 receptors in the human skin and Episkin, suggesting possible novel roles of NPY related peptides and their receptors in skin homeostasis.  相似文献   

Summary The pathway of nerves with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide(VIP)-like immunoreactivity to the major cerebral arteries was studied in rats by means of the indirect immunofluorescent method. The fibers are densely distributed in the ethmoidal nerves and in the adventitia of both the external and internal ethmoidal arteries. Section of both ethmoidal nerves and external ethmoidal arteries before they enter the cranial cavity induced a marked reduction of VIP-like immunoreactive fibers in the walls of the vessels of the circle of Willis and its major branches. However, section of the external ethmoidal artery alone did not result in visible changes of the nerves around major cerebral arteries. The present study suggests that VIP-like immunoreactive fibers surrounding major cerebral arteries of the rat arise from fibers in the ethmoidal nerve showing immunoreactivity to VIP.  相似文献   

Summary The localization and origin of substance P (SP)-, neuropeptide Y (NPY)-, and noradrenaline/tyrosine hydroxylase (NA/TH)-immunoreactive (IR) nerves in the guinea-pig heart were investigated by means of immunohistochemistry; quantitative analysis was performed by radioimmunoassay (NPY) and high performance liquid chromatography (NA). Both untreated animals and animals subjected to stellatectomy, combined stellatectomy and local capsaicin pretreatment of the vagal nerves or systemic application of capsaicin were studied. A dense network of SP-IR nerves was observed in the right atrium in different locations: (1) around local cardiac ganglion cells, (2) close to blood vessels, (3) within the myocardium, and (4) close to and within peri and endocardium.A moderately dense SP-innervation, mainly related to blood vessels, was found in the ventricles. Very dense networks of NPY and TH-IR nerve fibers with an overlapping distributional pattern around blood vessels and in the myocardium were seen in both the atria and the ventricles. In addition, some cell bodies in local cardiac ganglia were NPY-IR. Bilateral stellatectomy resulted in a reduction of SP-IR in the right atrium (55% of control), which was more pronounced after additional capsaicin pretreatment of the vagal nerves (44% of control).In the left ventricle no significant depletion of SP-IR was seen by either stellatectomy or combined stellatectomy and capsaicin treatment of the vagal nerves. It was not possible to establish any defined target areas within the heart for vagal or spinal SP-IR afferents by use of immunohistochemical methods. Systemic capsaicin treatment caused a total loss of SP-IR nerves in the heart. After bilateral stellatectomy the levels of NPY-IR and NA were reduced to about 10% of control in both the right atrium and left ventricle. In accordance, NPY and TH-IR nerves were also almost totally absent in the heart after bilateral stellatectomy.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) immunoreactivity has been studied in the mammalian heart and compared with that of neurotensin and substance P by use of light-microscopic peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemistry. VIP-immunoreactive cell bodies are present in intracardiac ganglia in various locations. VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibers predominate in the atria and the conduction system but are rare in the ventricles and occur in cardiac ganglia, endocardium, and epicardium. VIP-ergic nerves supply the coronary vasculature having a preference for the microvasculature and the nodal cells of the sinuatrial node. The large vessels of the heart and periarterial cardiac glomera also receive a VIP-immunoreactive nerve supply. There is partial co-distribution with neurotensin- and substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibers but no co-location in identical nerve fibers is detectable. The VIP-ergic cardiac innervation, which is probably predominantly intrinsic, may stem from postganglionic parasympathetic neurons and is less substantial than the more homogeneous neurotensin-ergic and substance P-ergic nervous supply which is probably extrinsic. The occurrence of an extrinsic VIP-ergic cardiac innervation cannot be excluded however. The differential histotopography of the multitarget cardiac nerves containing the cardiovascular active peptides VIP, neurotensin and substance P may suggest multiple and complex peptide-peptide and peptide-classical transmitter interactions. These may contribute to the regulation of various cardiac functions.  相似文献   

M R Brown  J W Crim  A O Lea 《Tissue & cell》1986,18(3):419-428
Immunocytochemical surveys of midguts from female mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti, reveal that half of the estimated 500 endocrine cells in a midgut contain a substance recognized by antisera to bovine pancreatic polypeptide and a molluscan peptide, FMRFamide (phenylalanine-methionine-arginine-phenylalanine-amide). With light microscopy the cells resemble an endocrine type because of their basal position in the epithelium, conical shape, and, in some instances, apical extensions to the lumen. At the ultrastructural level, the immunoreactive substance is contained specifically within the secretory granules of such cells. Immunoreactive cells are distributed exclusively in the midgut region where blood is stored, and ingestion of vertebrate blood reduces the number of such cells and the intensity of reaction in others. These two facts suggest that a blood meal stimulates release of the immunoreactive substance from the cells. Since the immunocytochemical localization is supplemented by a demonstrated secretory response, the cells are considered to be peptidergic endocrine cells.  相似文献   

1. A pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-immunoreactive neuropeptide has been isolated and partially sequenced from the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica.2. Gel permeation chromatography of an acid ethanol extract of cattle flukes showed that the peptide is similar in size to mammalian (bovine) PP.3. The Fasciola peptide was purified to homogeneity by means of reverse-phase HPLC, employing different column chemistries.4. The purified peptide was sequenced using automated gas-phase Edman degradation and the first 24 amino acid residues determined.  相似文献   

1. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactivity has been localised cytochemically in neuronal somata and fibres in rainbow trout brain, nerve fibres and mucosal epithelial endocrine cells within the gastrointestinal tract and in endocrine cells within pancreatic islets.2. Using a C-terminal specific NPY radioimmunoassay, immunoreactivity was detected in extracts of brain (519 pmol/g), cardiac stomach (37.9 pmol/g), pyloric stomach plus pancreas (37.9 ol/g) and intestine (29.2 pmol/g).3. Gel permeation and reverse-phase HPLC analysis of brain and intestinal extracts resolved a single NPY immunoreactive peptide.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenylyl cyclase activating peptide (PACAP) is a novel hypothalamic peptide that is widely distributed in neurons, including those of the gastrointestinal tract. In this study, a polyclonal antiserum directed against PACAP-27 was used to investigate the localisation of PACAP throughout the gut and to determine the projections of PACAP-immunoreactive (IR) neurons in the guinea-pig small and large intestines. PACAP-IR fibres were seen in the myenteric and submucous plexuses, in the longitudinal and circular muscle layers and around blood vessels of the submucosa throughout the gut. In both the small and large intestine, PACAP-IR cell bodies, most with Dogiel type-I morphology, were seen in the myenteric ganglia following colchicine treatment. Lesion studies (myotomy and myectomy operations) revealed that PACAP-IR interneurons projected anally in the ileum and colon. Myectomy operations resulted in a loss of PACAP-IR fibres in the circular muscle under the operation, whereas PACAP-IR fibres remained in the submucosa and around blood vessels. Following extrinsic denervation of the ileum, the number of PACAP-IR fibres in the submucosal ganglia and around blood vessels decreased. This suggests that a portion of PACAP-IR fibres supplying the submucosal ganglia and blood vessels have an extrinsic source. To investigate this, immunohistochemical studies were performed on sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia. Numerous reactive cells were seen in the dorsal root ganglia, but none was seen in sympathetic pre- or paravertebral ganglia.  相似文献   

1. A pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-immunoreactive neuropeptide has been isolated and partially sequenced from the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica. 2. Gel permeation chromatography of an acid ethanol extract of cattle flukes showed that the peptide is similar in size to mammalian (bovine) PP. 3. The Fasciola peptide was purified to homogeneity by means of reverse-phase HPLC, employing different column chemistries. 4. The purified peptide was sequenced using automated gas-phase Edman degradation and the first 24 amino acid residues determined.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) immunoreactive nerves were demonstrated in 21-day-old embryonic pancreatic tissue fragments transplanted into the anterior eye chamber of rats for 22, 45 and 109 days and in 60-day-old normal adult pancreas using immunohistochemical technique. In normal adult tissue, NPY-positive neurons lie close to the basal and lateral walls of the acinar cells. NPY-containing nerve fiber plexuses were found around blood vessels. VIP-immunopositive nerves were also discernible in the outer parts of the islets of Langerhans and on pancreatic ducts. In the transplants, it is not only the neural elements that survived but also the pancreatic ducts and the endocrine cells. VIP- and NPY-positive neurons were found in the stroma of the surviving pancreatic tissue. The distribution of these neural elements is similar to that of normal tissue in the surviving pancreatic ducts but different with regards to the acinar tissue. This study confirms that intrinsic nerves can survive and synthesize polypeptides even after 109 days of transplantation into the anterior eye chamber.  相似文献   

The distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) like immunoreactivity was investigated in the forebrain of the rat with immunohistochemical methods. Specificity of the antisera was established by the absence of all immunoreactive staining in tissue incubated in antisera which had been preabsorbed with the pure NPY antigen. NPY containing cells were distributed widely in the forebrain. These included neocortex, basal forebrain, septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, neostratium, hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, and intergeniculate leaflet. This study also demonstrated an extensive network of NPY fibers in various areas of the forebrain such as the prepotic area, the hypothalamus and the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus. The distribution of avian pancreatic polypeptide and NPY was compared, and the possible importance of NPY is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Substance P-like immunoreactivity in the alimentary canal of the frogRana esculenta L. was studied by means of the indirect immunoperoxidase method. In all segments of the gastrointestinal tract, immunoreactivity was revealed in both the myenteric and the submucosa plexus. Stained nerve cells were observed in the myenteric plexus but not in the submucous plexus. The proximal part of the oesophagus and hindgut were free of immunoreactive perkarya. The stained nerve cells were of the Dogiel type I category in the foregut, and type II in the midgut. Both the musculature and gastrointestinal glands were supplied with immune-positive fibres. These results indicate that substance P may play similar roles in the frog gut, as described previously in mammals and fish.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, substance P-, [met]enkephalin- and somatostatin-like immunoreactive nerves was studied in the caecum from foetal guinea-pigs of 6–9 weeks gestation (i.e., approximately 1–4 weeks before birth) and 4–5-day-old guinea-pigs. Peptide-immunoreactive nerves were first detected in the myenteric and submucous plexuses and circular muscle layer at 6 weeks of gestation and in the mucosa at 7 weeks of gestation. The density of fibres in these layers increased during prenatal development until, by 9 weeks of gestation, their distribution resembled that seen in the postnatal animals. This distribution was similar to that described previously in adult animals. A different pattern of development was observed in the caecal taenia coli muscle. Peptide-immunoreactive fibres were not detected until 8 weeks of gestation in this tissue layer, and were then only sparsely distributed. A dramatic increase in the number of labelled fibres, however, occurred between 8 and 9 weeks of gestation. Further, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide- and substance P-immunoreactive fibres were more numerous in the taeniae coli of 9-week-old embryos than in those of postnatal animals. Thus, the guinea-pig enteric nervous system, which in many respects is well-developed at the time of birth, may still be undergoing developmental changes at this time.  相似文献   

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