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Abundant isolated remains of stylophoran echinoderms (cornutes and mitrates) are reported for the first time in the late Tremadocian (Asaphellus Zone) Tumugol Formation of Korea. Mitrate remains include numerous adorals of Kirkocystidae. Several new important anatomical features have been observed on these adorals, as an internal calcitic layer that is associated to s2 and possibly also to the palmar complex. This observation suggests that the palmar complex would be present not only in mitrocystitid mitrates, but also in peltocystitids. For the first time, several morphometric analyses have been undertaken based on isolated kirkocystid adorals, so as to explore the morphological diversity displayed by Korean adorals, but also in order to compare their morphology with that of other Gondwanan kirkocystids. Morphometric analyses indicate the occurrence of two contrasted morphologies within Korean adorals (morphotypes A and B), and of three distinct morphologies within European and North African forms (“Anatifopsis”, “Balanocystites”, and “escandei” morphotypes). Comparison of Korean adorals with those from Europe and North Africa shows that: (1) morphotypes B and “Anatifopsis” are equivalent; consequently, the two Korean specimens referred to morphotype B are assigned to the genus Anatifopsis; (2) morphology of most Korean adorals, which belong to morphotype A, is clearly distinct from that of all other described kirkocystids from Europe and North Africa. The small size, juvenile morphology, and great morphological variability observed in the morphotype A of the Korean adorals are suggestive of possible heterochronic processes (peramorphosis).  相似文献   

The fossil cercopithecoid material from South Africa has been reviewed according to sites and species. The 722 specimens considered comprise 6 genera including 16 taxa and come from 16 sites. Aspects of taxonomic controversy and interest are discussed. In particular, the Parapapio material from Makapansgat has been re-evaluated and the taxonomy of the genus Simopithecus is reconsidered. A number of proposals are put forward. Four new specimens from Makapansgat and one from Sterkfontein are described; a previously partially described specimen from Taung is re-described in detail.  相似文献   

This study presents the discovery of a right cercopithecine calcaneus from the site of ‘Ubeidiya, Israel, dated to ca. 1.6 Ma. The fossil is described and statistically compared to bones of modern and fossil cercopithecids. The specimen can be attributed to a large-bodied cercopithecine and represents a new primate taxon previously unidentified in the Early Pleistocene of the Southern Levant. Among extant genera, it is most clearly similar to calcanei of Theropithecus. However, it could also represent Paradolichopithecus, but this alternative is unlikely due to the morphological uniqueness of the latter taxon.The finding of an African taxon in the Levant suggests a circum-Mediterranean dispersal route for the taxon out of Africa, and emphasizes the importance of the Levantine corridor as a biogeographic dispersal route between Africa and Eurasia during the Early Pleistocene. Evidence for the biogeography of large-bodied primates is essential for the understanding of the dispersal routes of “Out of Africa I” taxa and can help elucidate Homo dispersal patterns in the Early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Mexican material referable to Merychippus from two localities in eastern Oaxaca was described first nearly 50 years ago. Subsequent work there and in Central Oaxaca, spanning some 30 years, has allowed to establish the detail stratigraphy in both regions, and assembled a collection of merychippine material from the Matatlán (Central Oaxaca) and El Camarón (eastern Oaxaca) Formations, both K-Ar dated ~15 Ma (late early Barstovian). Detailed taxonomic analysis of this collection indicate the presence of two subhypsodont horse species referable to “Merychippus” cf. “M.” primus and “M.” cf. “M.” sejunctus in both regions. These records document the coexistence in tropical southern North America of basal and hipparionine affinity merychippine grade species, and provide a glimpse in to the diversity of subhypsodont equids in this region.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will examine the foundations of Western representation of Paleolithic art at the end of the nineteenth century. Taking the period of 1864-1902 into account, we will prove the leading role of analogy between “modern primitive societies” and “prehistoric societies” in the very definition of “primitive art”. According to us, the representation of the “primitive artist” at that time was largely based in comparison between art which came from modern primitive societies living in Africa, Australia or America, and prehistoric art which was authenticated at about 1865. Through this examination, we will show the way in which analogy functions as a main category in the construction of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

Focusing on the Orchids, this article aims at disentangling the concepts of teleology, design and natural theology. It refers to several contemporary critics of Darwin (Kölliker, Argyll, Royer, Candolle, Delpino) to challenge Huxley's interpretation that Darwin's system was “a deathblow” to teleology. The Orchids seem rather to be a “flank-movement” (Gray): it departs from the Romantic theories of transmutation and the “imaginary examples” of the Origin; it focuses on empirical data and on teleological structures. Although Darwin refers to natural selection, his readers mock him for his fascination for delicate morphological contrivances and co-adaptations – a sign that he was inescapably lured to finality. Some even suggested that his system was a “theodicy”. In the history of Darwinism, the Orchids reveal “another” quite unexpected and heterodox Darwin: freed from the hypothetical fancies of the Origin, and even suggesting a new kind of physico-theology.  相似文献   

New taxonomic study of the “old collection” of Carnivora from Petralona Cave, associated to the well-known hominid skull, housed in the Geology School of the Thessaloniki Aristotle University since 1960, revealed 11 species (Canis arnensis, Lycaon lycaonoides, Vulpes praeglacialis, Ursus deningeri, U. spelaeus, U. arctos, Pliocrocuta perrieri, Pachycrocuta brevirostris, Crocuta crocuta, Panthera leo spelaea, and Felis silvestris), which are described in detail. The species composition is typical of the eastern part of the European Mediterranean and may be divided into three biostratigraphic assemblages: early Middle Pleistocene, late Middle Pleistocene and Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

We obtained several structural features of an NK fitness landscape by analytical approach. Particularly, we focused on spatial distributions of “ascending slopes”, “highlands”, “nearly neutral networks”, and “local optima” along the fitness coordinate W, from the viewpoint of adaptive walks with step-width d , where d is the number of mutated sites (Hamming distance) after a generation. The parameter k governs the degree of the ruggedness on the NK landscape, and we handled cases where k is moderate against the sequence length. From the foot up to the middle region on the landscape, many ascending slopes exist (high evolvability) and these slopes extend up near the “highland”, which is mathematically defined as the specific region where the expectation of the fitness increment becomes zero. Denoting the standard deviation of the fitness change at by SD*, we considered the existence of “nearly neutral networks”, which percolate in the fitness band between W-SD* and W+SD*. Our results suggest that the highland corresponds to a phase-transition threshold of the formation of the nearly neutral networks. Near or over the highland, “local optima at the dth order” appear drastically (low evolvability), where d means the radius of their basins. The value of increases with d increasing. Then, as the fitness (=altitude) becomes higher, the basin size of the local optima increases. This leads to a conclusion that it is very hard or impossible for walkers with step-width d to reach near the global peak when d is a realistic large value: d=1-6, and suggests that the region over the middle in real landscapes may be considerably smooth with small k-values to maintain high evolvability.  相似文献   

The multi-gram scale preparation of halide free lipophilic borate salts from inexpensive precursor compounds 3,3′,5,5′-tetra-tert-butyl-2,2′-biphenol and tetrahydridoboranate salts is reported. The so-called “bortebate” anion is more stable against water and bases than its aluminum analog “altebate”, but bortebate formation is significantly slower. Bortebate salts are highly soluble in hydrocarbon solvents, e.g. >35 mmol/L lithium bortebate in pentane at 20 °C. Quantitative salt metathesis reactions between sodium bortebate and halide salts can be easily achieved by precipitation of the sodium halide in methylene chloride.  相似文献   

Excavations at Liang Bua, on the Indonesian island of Flores, have yielded a stratified sequence of stone artifacts and faunal remains spanning the last 95 k.yr., which includes the skeletal remains of two human species, Homo sapiens in the Holocene and Homo floresiensis in the Pleistocene. This paper summarizes and focuses on some of the evidence for Homo floresiensis in context, as presented in this Special Issue edition of the Journal of Human Evolution and elsewhere. Attempts to dismiss the Pleistocene hominins (and the type specimen LB1 in particular) as pathological pygmy humans are not compatible with detailed analyses of the skull, teeth, brain endocast, and postcranium. We initially concluded that H. floresiensis may have evolved by insular dwarfing of a larger-bodied hominin species over 880 k.yr. or more. However, recovery of additional specimens and the numerous primitive morphological traits seen throughout the skeleton suggest instead that it is more likely to be a late representative of a small-bodied lineage that exited Africa before the emergence of Homo erectus sensu lato. Homo floresiensis is clearly not an australopithecine, but does retain many aspects of anatomy (and perhaps behavior) that are probably plesiomorphic for the genus Homo. We also discuss some of the other implications of this tiny, endemic species for early hominin dispersal and evolution (e.g., for the “Out of Africa 1” paradigm and more specifically for colonizing Southeast Asia), and we present options for future research in the region.  相似文献   

Peculiar associations of small, solitary, deep-water rugose corals are described from the Middle Devonian buildups situated in the easternmost part of Hamar Laghdad area of southern Morocco. The most of them are monospecific and consist of simplified taxon “Amplexusflorescens but one is polyspecific and composed of specimens belonging to four different species representing three families. These rugosan associations form isolated nest-like aggregations where numerous densely packed specimens are arranged mostly in life position. The polyspecific and two monospecific associations are interpreted as growing in close proximity to venting fields. They reveal a unique “calice-in-calice” recolonization pattern expressed by successive settlement of juvenile specimens in the calice of dead individuals. This pattern was presumably a consequence of selective survival of coral larvae settling in extreme vent habitats. Although, the “calice-in-calice” pattern is common in both, mono- and polyspecific associations, there are differences expressed in the character of larval attachments and various types of the calice fillings. The trophic interaction between corals and ostracods is discussed. Additionally, associations of “Amplexusflorescens, not displaying “calice-in-calice” pattern of growth have been found within the mound where polyspecific association occurs. These are interpreted as growing away from venting fields. Comparisons of Amplexus-type coral faunas with the other North African and European corals allow the classification of these ampleximorph rugosan taxa as characteristic biotic components of the Middle Devonian mound environments influenced by venting activity. Two new genera and species, Weyeraia prima and Vesiculolasma erfoudi, are introduced.  相似文献   

Six Pragian-Emsian boundary sections in the Barrandian area, western of Prague, provided evidence of well detectable entries of Latericriodus fauna probably at the earliest Emsian beds (particularly Latericriodus bilatericrescens gracilis Bultynck). The chance to find icriodontid conodonts increases with latest part of Praha Fm., which is apparently of Emsian age, whereas polygnathids are sparsely preserved to absent. The high icriodontid/polygnathid ratio links together all these Barrandian sections, although their open-sea depositional environments range widely from deep troughs with rapid calciturbidite accumulation (Pod Barrandovem section) to relatively starving slope environments on elevations (Na Po?árech sections). The reports on polygnathid occurrences around the Pragian-Emsian boundary beds of the Barrandian area are much biased by poor reproducibility of the results (the conodonts cannot be found again) as well as by different levels where they were randomly found and/or by major taxonomic problems with the “kitabicus” and “dehiscens” definitions and their stratigraphic use. Apart from the GSSP in the Zinzilban Gorge (Uzbekistan) and its “kitabicus” boundary, the newly introduced “gracilis” biostratigraphic-marker concept preserves the major volume of the Pragian and respects also approximately the base of the traditional Emsian. These “gracilis” entries are clustered around the dark-colored “graptolite-bearing interval” beds, which largely form a prominent lithological marker within the latest, light gray-colored Dvorce-Prokop Limestone of the Barrandian area. This “gracilis” biostratigraphic marker has a promising correlation potential relative to Spanish and Moroccan sections.  相似文献   

We compared aspects of the thermal biology of two groups of small parrots, of similar body mass, each derived from a range of habitat types, varying in aridity, but indigenous to either southern Africa or Australia. By accounting for phylogenetic differences, we were able to question whether arid zone species have lower metabolic rates and greater thermal tolerances than mesic species in relation to the “pre-adapted” and “post-arrival adaptation” hypotheses. Four species of African lovebird (Agapornis) and four species of Australian grass parakeet (one Neopsephotus and three Neophema species) were investigated. The Rosy-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis), Bourke's Parakeet (Neopsephotus bourkii) and the Scarlet-chested Parakeet (Neophema splendida) were categorised as arid zone species, Fischer's Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri), the Black-masked Lovebird (Agapornis personatus) and the Elegant Parakeet (Neophema elegans) as semi-arid zone species, and the Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis) and the Turquoise Parakeet (Neophema pulchella) as mesic zone species. Conventional and phylogenetically independent statistical methods yielded no significant differences in the basal metabolic rates of birds from different habitats or between the species assemblages from Africa and Australia.  相似文献   

Lippia javanica and Lippia scaberrima are used as herbal remedies and are commercially traded as health teas in southern Africa under the brands “Mosukujane” and “Musukudu”, respectively. This study evaluates the relationship between the presence of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activities of infusions prepared from four Lippia species (L. javanica, L. scaberrima, L. rehmannii and L. wilmsii) indigenous to South Africa. The antioxidant activities of the infusions, determined by the 2,2-diphenylpycrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method, were also compared to those of popular black, green and herbal tea brands. Of the four indigenous species, infusions of L. javanica and L. wilmsii exhibited the highest antioxidant activities (EC50: 358 and 525 µg/ml, respectively) and contained the most phenolic compounds (14.8 and 14.5 mg/ml of dry weight gallic acid equivalent, respectively). Antibacterial activities of methanolic extracts of the four Lippia species were determined against four human pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The extract of L. javanica was the most active against all the pathogens tested. Those Lippia species (L. javanica and L. wilmsii) previously reported to produce higher levels of the pharmacologically active phenylethanoid glycosides verbascoside and isoverbascoside, portrayed stronger antioxidant and antibacterial activities. This study gives credence to the use of infusions of these Lippia species for their general health benefits.  相似文献   

Laboratory crosses among wild caught individuals of the chromosomal races “atticus” and “thomasi”, were performed to analyze the degree of interracial reproductive isolation. The fertility of the studied specimens was evaluated by taking into consideration the reproductive success, the litter size and performing comparative histological examination of the testicular material. All studied populations were submitted to classical cytogenetic and mitochondrial analysis (cytochrome b gene), providing new evidences to the potential phylogenetic relations and taxonomical status of the two chromosomal races. The previously described “atticus” populations are divided in two genetically distinct, geographically and reproductively isolated lineages (2.9% total and 2.4% net divergence), which probably derived from different glacial refugia of Southern Greece. Here, we suggest that the lineage, consisting of the populations from Attiki and Evia Island, should be distinguished as a valid species, named Microtus atticus, including the two chromosomal races “atticus” and “evia”. On the contrary, the ex-“atticus” populations from North Peloponnesus belong to the same mitochondrial lineage with the other Microtus thomasi populations and should be considered as a chromosomal polymorphism inside the chromosomal race “thomasi”.  相似文献   

Lycaon pictus has been named by a variety of common names, such as “African Wild Dog”, “African Hunting Dog” and their adequates in other languages. The article summarizes the history of naming in that species concluding with a new recommendation by the SSP as well as the EEP for that species to rename it as Painted Dog. As the translation of that name into German is an unhandy term it is suggested to name it “Picasso-Hund” in that language.  相似文献   

In many cytochrome c oxidases glutamic acid 242 is required for proton transfer to the binuclear heme a3/CuB site, and for proton pumping. When present, the side chain of Glu-242 is orientated “down” towards the proton-transferring D-pathway in all available crystal structures. A nonpolar cavity “above” Glu-242 is empty in these structures. Yet, proton transfer from Glu-242 to the binuclear site, and for proton-pumping, is well established, and the cavity has been proposed to at least transiently contain water molecules that would mediate proton transfer. Such proton transfer has been proposed to require isomerisation of the Glu-242 side chain into an “up” position pointing towards the cavity. Here, we have explored the molecular dynamics of the protonated Glu-242 side chain. We find that the “up” position is preferred energetically when the cavity contains four water molecules, but the “down” position is favoured with less water. We conclude that the cavity might be deficient in water in the crystal structures, possibly reflecting the “resting” state of the enzyme, and that the “up/down” equilibrium of Glu-242 may be coupled to the presence of active-site water molecules produced by O2 reduction.  相似文献   

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