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The effects of 4 Ni compounds, nickel chloride, nickel acetate, potassium cyanonickelate, and nickel sulfide were studied in a line of mammary carcinoma cells from the C3H mouse. All 4 were easily taken up by the cells and reacted with protein, RNA, and possibly DNA. Measurements of leucine, uridine, and thymidine uptake during exposure showed that the syntheses of protein and DNA were more sensitive than RNA. Chromosomal aberrations were observed during the recovery period following the end of the treament with Ni. The implications of these results were discussed with respect to the carcinogenicity of the compounds and to the recommended protocols for mutagenicity testing by chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

Inducibility of chromosomal aberrations, cell survival, and mutation to 8-azaguanine (8AG) resistance in cultured V79 cells by 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazene (PDMT), 1-phenyl-3,3-diethyltriazene (PDET), and 1-(pyridyl-3)-3,3-diethyltriazene (PyDET) were examined with or without metabolic activation. Chromosomal aberrations were induced in a dose-dependent manner by all 3 triazenes in a direct treatment for 24 h.Chromosomal aberrations were also induced by PDMT with metabolic activation system for 3 h, and little differences in the incidences were observed compared with those obtained by a direct treatment. All 3 triazenes were slightly mutagenic in a direct treatment for 24 h. In metabolic activation experiments, however, PDMT and PyDET were highly mutagenic. The mutagenicity, when compared with the cytotoxicity, was significantly higher in a metabolic activation system than in a direct treatment.  相似文献   


• Induction of gene mutations by SV40 was studied in aneuploid human and Chinese hamster cells. In Chinese hamster cells SV40-induced chromosome aberrations were also studied.

• SV40 penetrated into the cells of both lines and induced synthesis of the T antigen. The efficiency of infection in Chinese hamster cells was tested additionallby their ability to form colonies in medium lacking the serum growth factor. The maximal number of cells with growth factor independence was observed on the first day after infection. When hamster cells had been maintained in “factor-free medium” for the first two passages after infection a sub-line was isolated, which synthesized T antigen 60 days after exposure to SV40. This was considered to be an indirect proof of the integration of viral genome into host chromosome.

• A significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations was detected in SV40-infected Chinese hamster cells. It was observed on the first and second days after treatment. The most numerous were the chromosome and chromatid breaks, which were distributed randomly in 5 morphological groups according to the chromosome length.

• SV40-induced mutations of resistance to 8-AG and 6-MP in human and Chinese hamster cells respectively were detected, when cells were plated in selective medium one to five days after infection. Induction was detected in all the 4 experiments with human cells and in 9 out of 11 experiments with Chinese hamsters cells. Induction was highly significant according to the Wilcoxon test (P>0.99), when the results of all experiments carried out in human and Chinese hamster cells were summarized. Resistance was stable after prolonged cultivation of 13 isolated clones under non-selective conditions.

• It is suggested that viral genome integration, gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations may have common molecular mechanisms. The role of gene mutations in virus-induced carcinogenesis is discussed.

Abbreviations: 8-AG, 8-azaguanine; FFM, factor-free medium; 6-MP, mercaptopurine; HGRT, hypoxantine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase  相似文献   

Experimental evidence is presented for the involvement of DNA double-strand breaks in the formation of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations. When X-irradiated cells were post-treated with single-strand specific Neurospora crassa endonuclease (NE), the frequencies of all classes of aberration increased by about a factor 2. Under these conditions, the frequencies of DNA double-strand breaks induced by X-rays (as determined by neutral sucrose-gradient centrifugation), also increased by a factor of 2. The frequency of chromosomal aberrations induced by fast neutrons (which predominantly induce DNA double-strand breaks) was not influenced by post-treatment with NE. Inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, an enzyme that uses DNA with double-strand breaks as an optimal template, by 3-aminobenzamide also increased the frequencies of X-ray-induced chromosomal aberrations, which supports the idea that DNA double-strand breaks are important lesions for the production of chromosomal aberrations induced by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

T Ochi  M Mogi  M Watanabe  M Ohsawa 《Mutation research》1984,137(2-3):103-109
Inducibility of chromosomal aberrations and cytotoxicity in cultured Chinese hamster cells by cadmium chloride (CdCl2) was investigated under 3 different treatment conditions: (i) 2-h treatment in MEM medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (MEM + 10% FBS) or (ii) in HEPES-buffered Hanks' solution (HEPES-Hanks), and (iii) continuous treatment for 24 h in MEM + 10% FBS. Two-h treatment with CdCl2 in HEPES-Hanks or continuous treatment for 24 h in MEM + 10% FBS was respectively 2 or 3 times more cytotoxic than 2-h treatment with the metal in MEM + 10% FBS. Continuous treatment for 24 h with a CdCl2 concentration in excess of 5 X 10(-6) M was too toxic to the cells to allow chromosomal analysis, and moreover, only a slight increase in incidence of chromosomal aberrations was observed at a concentration of 5 X 10(-6) M CdCl2. In contrast, a marked and concentration-dependent increase in incidence of chromosomal aberrations was observed after post-treatment culture for 22 h follows 2-h treatment with 1 X 10(-6) M to 5 X 10(-5) M of CdCl2 in both MEM + 10% FBS and HEPES-Hanks. Two-h treatment with cadmium in HEPES-Hanks was approximately 3 times more potent for the induction of chromosomal aberrations than that in MEM + 10% FBS. Types of aberrations induced by CdCl2 mainly consisted of chromatid gaps and breaks, although a few exchanges, dicentrics and fragmentations were observed at high concentrations of cadmium. Increase in incidence of tetraploidy was also observed with a concentration dependency after 2-h treatment with CdCl2. Potency of CdCl2 to induce chromosomal aberrations after 2-h exposure was comparable to that of benzo[a]pyrene activated with S9 at equitoxic concentrations. Two-h treatment with cadmium markedly inhibited incorporation of [3H]thymidine, even at concentrations at which incorporation of [3H]uridine or [3H]leucine was less inhibited. However, the inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation by cadmium was reversible and the incorporation restored to the control level during 2-6 h of post-treatment incubation. These findings suggest that restoration of DNA synthesis after cadmium exposure is required for the efficient detection of chromosomal aberrations induced by the metal.  相似文献   

The effect of novobiocin (an inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase and polymerase) on the frequency of chromosomal aberrations was examined in Chinese hamster V79 cells irradiated with gamma-rays in the plateau phase of growth and subcultured in the presence of novobiocin until the first mitosis after irradiation. Novobiocin alone affected cell survival, DNA synthesis and the mitotic frequency of unirradiated cells in a dose-dependent manner, without causing any significant increase in the frequency of chromosome- or chromatid-type aberrations. The frequency of chromosome-type aberrations induced by gamma-radiation was not influenced by novobiocin at 200 microM, but the frequency of chromosome deletions (but not rings and dicentrics) showed a two-fold increase when 300 microM novobiocin was present. Irradiation produced a low level of chromatid-type aberrations and post-treatment with novobiocin at concentrations greater than 100 microM significantly increased the frequency of chromatid gaps and breaks. The results support the idea that different radiation-induced lesions lead to chromosome- as opposed to chromatid-type aberrations.  相似文献   

A gas exposure system using rotating vessels was improved for exposure of cultured mammalian cells to gaseous compounds in the chromosomal aberration assay. This system was composed of 12 square culture vessels, a device for preparation of air containing test gas, and positive and negative control gases at target concentrations and for supplying these gases to the culture vessels, and a roller apparatus in an incubator. Chinese hamster lung cells (CHL/IU) were grown on one side of the inner surface of the square culture vessel in the MEM medium. Immediately prior to exposure, the medium was changed to the modified MEM. Air in the culture vessel was replaced with air containing test gas, positive or negative control gas. Then, the culture vessels were rotated at 1.0 rpm. The monolayered culture cells were exposed to test gas during about 3/4 rotation at upper positions and alternatively immersed into the culture medium during about 1/4 rotation at lower positions. This system allowed the chromosomal aberration assay simultaneously at least at three different concentrations of a test gas together with positive and negative control gases with and without metabolic activations, and duplicate culture at each exposure concentration. Seven gaseous compounds, 1,3-butadiene, chlorodifluoromethane, ethyl chloride, methyl bromide, methyl chloride, propyne, and vinyl chloride, none of which has been tested to date, were tested on CHL/IU for the chromosomal aberration assay using this gas exposure system. All the compounds except chlorodifluoromethane showed positive responses of the structural chromosomal aberrations, whereas polyploidy was not induced by any of these gases. This improved gas exposure system proved to be useful for detecting chromosomal aberrations of gaseous compounds.  相似文献   

A gas exposure system using rotating vessels was improved for exposure of cultured mammalian cells to gaseous compounds in the chromosomal aberration assay. This system was composed of 12 square culture vessels, a device for preparation of air containing test gas, and positive and negative control gases at target concentrations and for supplying these gases to the culture vessels, and a roller apparatus in an incubator. Chinese hamster lung cells (CHL/IU) were grown on one side of the inner surface of the square culture vessel in the MEM medium. Immediately prior to exposure, the medium was changed to the modified MEM. Air in the culture vessel was replaced with air containing test gas, positive or negative control gas. Then, the culture vessels were rotated at 1.0 rpm. The monolayered culture cells were exposed to test gas during about 3/4 rotation at upper positions and alternatively immersed into the culture medium during about 1/4 rotation at lower positions. This system allowed the chromosomal aberration assay simultaneously at least at three different concentrations of a test gas together with positive and negative control gases with and without metabolic activations, and duplicate culture at each exposure concentration. Seven gaseous compounds, 1,3-butadiene, chlorodifluoromethane, ethyl chloride, methyl bromide, methyl chloride, propyne, and vinyl chloride, none of which has been tested to date, were tested on CHL/IU for the chromosomal aberration assay using this gas exposure system. All the compounds except chlorodifluoromethane showed positive responses of the structural chromosomal aberrations, whereas polyploidy was not induced by any of these gases. This improved gas exposure system proved to be useful for detecting chromosomal aberrations of gaseous compounds.  相似文献   

The carcinogenic activity of crystalline NiS has been attributed to phagocytosis and intracellular dissolution of the particles to yield Ni2+ which is thought to enter the nucleus and damage DNA. In this study the extent and type of DNA damage in Chinese hamster ovary CHO cells treated with various nickel compounds was assessed by alkaline elution. Both insoluble (crystalline NiS) and soluble (NiCl2) nickel compounds induced single strand breaks and DNA protein cross-links. The single strand breaks were repaired relatively quickly but the DNA-protein cross-links were present and still accumulating 24 h after exposure to nickel. Single strand breakage occurred at both non-cytotoxic and cytotoxic concentrations of nickel, however, DNA-protein cross-linking was absent when cells were exposed to toxic nickel levels. The concentration of nickel that induced DNA-protein cross-linking correlated with those metal concentrations that reversibly inhibited cellular replication.  相似文献   

The induction of chromosomal aberrations in a superoxide-generating system using xanthine oxidase and hypoxanthine was investigated in cultured Chinese hamster cells. The production of chromosomal aberations in this system was inhibited by the addition of cytochrome C. This finding indicates that the generation of superoxide was the primary requirement for induction of chromosomal aberrations. On the other hand, superoxide dismutase showed no effect on the frequency of chromosomal aberrations, whereas catalase was effective in preventing the aberrations. It is conceivable, therefore, that the induction of chromosomal aberrations in the superoxide-generating system may be directly or indirectly due to hydrogen peroxide formed in the cultured medium as a result of the spontaneous dismutation reaction of superoxide.  相似文献   

When root-tip cells of Vicia faba were exposed during early and middle interphase to camptothecin (Cpt), the aberrations obtained were exclusively of the chromatid type and tended to be localized in late replicating heterochromatic regions of the chromosomes. In these respects the clastogenic effect of Cpt resembles that of agents that act by an S-phase-dependent mechanism. In contrast to typical S-phase-dependent agents, Cpt produced lesions capable of giving rise to aberrations only in S-phase cells that were synthesizing DNA at the time of treatment. The dependence on ongoing DNA synthesis was suggested in autoradiographic experiments and by the fact that the clastogenic effect of Cpt was strongly suppressed by hydroxyurea, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis. After Cpt treatments, there were many more cells with 3-12 aberrations and far fewer cells with 0, 1 or 2 aberrations than expected on the basis of a Poisson distribution. Cpt further differed from typical S-phase-dependent agents by being capable of inducing lesions in the G2 phase that give rise to chromosomal aberrations in the first mitosis after treatment. This effect was obtained at Cpt concentrations around 10 microM, whereas only 0.03 microM Cpt was required to produce chromatid aberrations in the S phase. Results of G2-phase experiments with Cpt and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, suggest that DNA synthesis is required for the clastogenic effect of Cpt not only during the S phase, but also during the G2 phase, although the DNA syntheses involved are both quantitatively and qualitatively different.  相似文献   

E Gebhart 《Mutation research》1992,267(2):211-220
Basic and applied research on anticlastogenicity has not only revealed valuable evidence on the mechanisms governing the induction of chromosomal aberrations by environmental mutagens, but also contributed effective ideas on a practical employment of this knowledge for the protection of individuals at risk. Considering the basic role played by chromosomal anomalies in oncogenesis, additional weight must be attributed to studies on anticlastogenicity. The employment of human cells in this kind of study dates back to 1969/70, while classical mammalian cell systems were used only later on. Various modes of application of both clastogens and anticlastogens (AC) were examined, but simultaneous addition to the cultures of both reagents was the most favored way. A wide spectrum of cytogenetic endpoints can be studied, but differences can be demonstrated with regard to efficacy of inhibitors on different types of cytogenetic changes, e.g., open breaks vs. rearrangements, but also vs. SCEs. Depending on their mode of influence on this spectrum, ACs can be arranged in various categories which are of practical importance, for instance, with regard to their oncogenic potential. A wide variety of factors was shown to influence AC action, e.g., time and mode of application of the test substances, physiologic and metabolic features of the cell types studied, type and mechanism of the clastogen used, etc. The addition of S9 mix can drastically change the patterns of efficacy of the ACs. The combined application of two or more ACs, as far as investigated, apparently neither potentiates nor even merely adds their effects.  相似文献   

Organolead compounds enter the environment primarily through the combustion of leaded gasoline and industrial discharge. Lead and lead-containing compounds have been shown to induce a broad spectrum of toxic effects, including hematopoietic, renal, neurologic, and carcinogenic effects. In this study, the mutagenic activity of triethyllead acetate (Et3PbAc) was determined by measuring the induction of chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The results indicate that Et3PbAc is very cytotoxic and a potent clastogen. In preliminary cytotoxicity studies used to determine appropriate test concentrations for chromosomal aberration analysis, the LC50 of Et3PbAc was approximately 10 microM in the absence of metabolic activation, and 80 microM in the presence of metabolic activation. The maximal response was greater with metabolic activation than without. However, a much higher dose was required to elicit a significant response in the presence of metabolic activation than in its absence.  相似文献   

Radiosensitization of cultured mammalian cells was studied with halogenated pyrimidines, such as 5-iodouridine or 6-chloropurine, which have been shown to promote bacterial cell lethality when combined with gamma-irradiation. When Chinese hamster cells were exposed to gamma-rays to acidic pH values and the number of colonies was scored after 6 to 11 days of incubation, many more cells were inactivated in the presence of the drug than in its absence. This may be due to radiation-induced cytotoxic iodine radicals from the reagent in the case of 5-iodouridine, because the cells were inactivated efficiently only be contact with the previously-irradiated drug solution. The toxicity of the irradiated drug solution increased remarkably when the pH shifted to acidic side. The radiosensitization and the cytotoxic effects of gamma-irradiated drug solution were not found with 6-chloropurine. This may be the first observation on the lethal effect of chemical radicals on mammalian cells, and it is concluded that radiosensitization with 5-iodouridine does not require the drug incorporation into cellular DNA, at least under the conditions adopted in the present studies.  相似文献   

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