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Host-parasite interactions are among the most important biotic relationships. Host species should evolve mechanisms to detect their enemies and employ appropriate counterstrategies. Parasites, in turn, should evolve mechanisms to evade detection and thus maximize their success. Females of the European beewolf (Philanthus triangulum, Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) hunt exclusively honeybee workers as food for their progeny. The brood cells containing the paralyzed bees are severely threatened by a highly specialized cuckoo wasp (Hedychrum rutilans, Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Female cuckoo wasps enter beewolf nests to oviposit on paralyzed bees that are temporarily couched in the nest burrow. The cuckoo wasp larva kills the beewolf larva and feeds on it and the bees. Here, we investigated whether H. rutilans evades detection by its host. Since chemical senses are most important in the dark nest, we hypothesized that the cuckoo wasp might employ chemical camouflage.


Field observations suggest that cuckoo wasps are attacked by beewolves in front of their nest, most probably after being recognized visually. In contrast, beewolves seem not to detect signs of the presence of these parasitoids neither when these had visited the nest nor when directly encountered in the dark nest burrow. In a recognition bioassay in observation cages, beewolf females responded significantly less frequently to filter paper discs treated with a cuticular extract from H. rutilans females, than to filter paper discs treated with an extract from another cuckoo wasp species (Chrysis viridula). The behavior to paper discs treated with a cuticular extract from H. rutilans females did not differ significantly from the behavior towards filter paper discs treated with the solvent only. We hypothesized that cuckoo wasps either mimic the chemistry of their beewolf host or their host's prey. We tested this hypothesis using GC-MS analyses of the cuticles of male and female beewolves, cuckoo wasps, and honeybee workers. Cuticle extracts of Hedychrum nobile (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) and Cerceris arenaria (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) were used as outgroups. There was little congruence with regard to cuticular compounds between H. rutilans females and honeybees as well as females of C. arenaria and H. nobile. However, there was a considerable similarity between beewolf females and H. rutilans females. Beewolf females show a striking dimorphism regarding their cuticular hydrocarbons with one morph having (Z)-9-C25:1 and the other morph having (Z)-9-C27:1 as the major component. H. rutilans females were more similar to the morph having (Z)-9-C27:1 as the main component.


We conclude that H. rutilans females closely mimic the composition of cuticular compounds of their host species P. triangulum. The occurrence of isomeric forms of certain compounds on the cuticles of the cuckoo wasps but their absence on beewolf females suggests that cuckoo wasps synthesize the cuticular compounds rather than sequester them from their host. Thus, the behavioral data and the chemical analysis provide evidence that a specialized cuckoo wasp exhibits chemical mimicry of the odor of its host. This probably allows the cuckoo wasp to enter the nest with a reduced risk of being detected by olfaction and without leaving traitorous chemical traces.  相似文献   

Cleptoparasitic wasps and bees smuggle their eggs into the nest of a host organism. Here the larvae of the cleptoparasite feed upon the food provision intended for the offspring of the host. As cleptoparasitism incurs a loss of fitness for the host organism (offspring of the host fail to develop), hosts of cleptoparasites are expected to exploit cues that alert them to potential cleptoparasite infestation. Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) could serve as such cues, as insects inevitably leave traces of them behind when entering a nest. By mimicking the host''s CHC profile, cleptoparasites can conceal their presence and evade detection by their host. Previous studies have provided evidence of cleptoparasites mimicking their host''s CHC profile. However, the impact of this strategy on the evolution of the host''s CHC profile has remained unexplored. Here, we present results from our investigation of a host–cleptoparasite system consisting of a single mason wasp species that serves syntopically as the host to three cuckoo wasp species. We found that the spiny mason wasp (Odynerus spinipes) is able to express two substantially different CHC profiles, each of which is seemingly mimicked by a cleptoparasitic cuckoo wasp (i.e. Chrysis mediata and Pseudospinolia neglecta). The CHC profile of the third cuckoo wasp (Chrysis viridula), a species not expected to benefit from mimicking its host''s CHC profile because of its particular oviposition strategy, differs from the two CHC profiles of its host. Our results corroborate the idea that the similarity of the CHC profiles between cleptoparasitic cuckoo wasps and their hosts are the result of chemical mimicry. They further suggest that cleptoparasites may represent a hitherto unappreciated force that drives the evolution of their hosts'' CHCs.  相似文献   

The cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles of insects are well known to be variable. This variation may be due to genetic influences, environmental influences, or both. Most prior studies have focused on social insects, mainly those in the Hymenoptera, and have shown that hydrocarbons play an important role mediating social behaviour, particularly via kin recognition. Here, we assess the CHC profiles of three species of parasitoid wasps in the genus Goniozus (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), some of which are known to attune their behaviour according to both environmentally based and genetically based recognition of kin. We find that CHC profiles vary according to both the genetic background (wasp species) and the developmental environment (host species) of individual parasitoids. This indicates that kin recognition could be based on CHC profiles in these parasitoids, as it is in social Hymenoptera. Because the CHC profiles of species within the genus Goniozus are dissimilar, we also conclude that chemical analysis could be used as a taxonomic tool alongside morphological and molecular genetic identification for Goniozus and other species.  相似文献   

Parasites and parasitoids exert an important selection pressure on organisms and, thus, play an important role for both population dynamics and evolutionary responses of host species. We investigated host-parasite interactions in a brood-caring wasp, the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), and asked whether females of this species might employ temporal or spatial strategies to reduce the rate of attack by a specialised brood parasitoid, the cuckoo wasp Hedychrum rutilans (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Females of the host species might shift their activity to periods of low parasitoid activity both in the course of the season and in the course of the day. On a spatial scale, aggregated or dispersed nesting might be favoured depending on the form of the density dependence of parasitism. The beginning and end of the flight season of host and parasitoid were nearly identical. Activity of chrysidids relative to beewolves did not change significantly during the flight season. However, relative parasitoid activity declined in the course of the day, suggesting the existence of temporal enemy-free space in the evening hours. Shifting the main activity to the evening hours might be a flexible response of beewolves to the presence of chrysidids. Activity of cuckoo wasps per nest was independent of nest density but the actual rate of parasitism as revealed by nest excavations indicated direct density dependence. Total mortality, however, was inversely density dependent. Thus, in the study population aggregated nesting did not reduce parasitism but minimised total mortality.  相似文献   

Cerceris fumipennis Say (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) uses a wide range of adult buprestid beetles to provision nests. Wasps seldom make ‘mistakes’ and attack beetles in other families. Bioassays showed that the wasps use contact chemical cues in the beetles’ epicuticle to discriminate buprestids from other beetles. Wasps rejected buprestids that had their cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) removed by being washed in solvents. The washed, rejected buprestids became acceptable to 70% of wasps when they were coated with an extract of buprestids’ own CHC. Washed buprestids coated with extracts of non‐buprestid beetle CHC were not accepted. Analyses of buprestid CHC profiles showed that they are relatively simple, consisting of five classes. Other coleopteran families that may co‐occur in the arboreal hunting habitat of C. fumipennis have a broader range of CHC classes. Experiments adding buprestid hydrocarbons to a non‐buprestid beetle, unwashed Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), suggested that wasps may be deterred by the presence of CHC classes not found in Buprestidae. Adding a synthesized dimethyl‐branched hydrocarbon, a class of CHC found in Chrysomelidae but not Buprestidae, to the cuticle of unwashed buprestid beetles, caused wasps to reject the buprestid beetles. We propose that CHC act as a kairomone for C. fumipennis, triggering attack, whereas classes of CHC not found in Buprestidae disrupt this response, and thus help to determine the prey range of the wasp.  相似文献   

Nest-mate recognition is fundamental for protecting social insect colonies from intrusion threats such as predators or social parasites. The aggression of resident females towards intruders is mediated by their cuticular semiochemicals. A positive relation between the amount of cues and responses has been widely assumed and often taken for granted, even though direct tests have not been carried out. This hypothesis has important consequences, since it is the basis for the chemical insignificance strategy, the most common explanation for the reduction in the amount of semiochemicals occurring in many social parasites. Here we used the social wasp Polistes dominulus, a model species in animal communication studies and host of three social parasites, to test this hypothesis. We discovered that different amounts of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) of a foreign female evoke quantitatively different behavioural reactions in the resident foundress. The relation between CHC quantity and the elicited response supports the idea that a threshold exists in the chemical recognition system of this species. The chemical insignificance hypothesis thus holds in a host–parasite system of Polistes wasps, even though other explanations should not be discarded.  相似文献   

In social insects, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) play an important role in nestmate discrimination processes, but young individuals are usually not discriminated. We studied CHC changes in young workers of the social wasp Polistes dominulus. A quantitative estimation demonstrated that total quantities of CHCs increased after emergence, with branched alkanes increasing drastically when compared with other classes of hydrocarbons. The relative quantity of longer-chain compounds increased with respect to shorter ones; unsaturated compounds decreased. These changes might reduce the capacity of the cuticle to acquire compounds of environmental origin. We then tested whether individuals acquire hydrocarbons from the environment, and whether this capability equally characterises newly emerged and mature wasps. We exposed wasps of two age classes (adults younger or older than 24 h) to four linear hydrocarbons in turn, and observed how nestmates reacted to their re-introduction into the natal colony. Exposed young wasps elicited significantly more aggressive responses than control sisters; but treated wasps older than 24 h were generally accepted by nestmates. Chemical assays showed that exposed young wasps readily absorbed hydrocarbons; older ones did not incorporate hydrocarbons, suggesting that the chemical profiles of mature wasps are less prone to chemical shifts than those of newly emerged wasps.  相似文献   

Communication in ants is based to a great extent on chemical compounds. Recognition of intruders is primarily based on cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profile matching but is prone to being cheated. Eucharitid wasps are specific parasitoids of the brood of ants; the immature stages are either well integrated within the colony or are protected within the host cocoons, whereas adult wasps at emergence must leave their host nest to reproduce and need to circumvent the ant recognition system to escape unscathed. The behavioral interactions between eucharitid wasps and workers of their host, the Neotropical ant Ectatomma tuberculatum, are characterized. In experimental bioassays, newly emerged parasitoids were not violently aggressed. They remained still and were grabbed by ants upon contact and transported outside the nest; host workers were even observed struggling to reject them. Parasitoids were removed from the nest within five minutes, and most were unharmed, although two wasps (out of 30) were killed during the interaction with the ants. We analyzed the CHCs of the ant and its two parasitoids, Dilocantha lachaudii and Isomerala coronata, and found that although wasps shared all of their compounds with the ants, each wasp species had typical blends and hydrocarbon abundance was also species specific. Furthermore, the wasps had relatively few CHCs compared to E. tuberculatum (22–44% of the host components), and these were present in low amounts. Wasps, only partially mimicking the host CHC profile, were immediately recognized as alien and actively removed from the nest by the ants. Hexane-washed wasps were also transported to the refuse piles, but only after being thoroughly inspected and after most of the workers had initially ignored them. Being recognized as intruder may be to the parasitoids’ advantage, allowing them to quickly leave the natal nest, and therefore enhancing the fitness of these very short lived parasitoids. We suggest that eucharitids take advantage of the hygienic behavior of ants to quickly escape from their host nests.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Females of the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum F. (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), embalm the provisions of their larvae, paralyzed honeybees, with a secretion from a postpharyngeal gland prior to oviposition. This food wrapping is known to delay fungus infestation of the prey. In the present study, the hypothesis that the food wrapping has an additional function, namely the prevention of prey desiccation, is tested. Water loss of paralyzed but unembalmed honeybees and embalmed honeybees is measured and the composition and quantity of their cuticular hydrocarbons analyzed by coupled gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Water loss is significantly lower in embalmed compared with unembalmed bees. This might have important advantages for the larvae under the warm and dry conditions that prevail in some brood cells. The embalming by beewolf females increases the total amount of hydrocarbons on the surface of the bees by almost ten-fold. Moreover, the proportion of unsaturated and short-chained hydrocarbons is significantly increased. Unsaturated and short-chain hydrocarbons are usually less effective against water loss, so the increased protection against water loss appears to be mediated mainly by the thickness of the hydrocarbon layer.  相似文献   

The cuticle of insects is covered by a layer of hydrocarbons (CHC), whose original function is the protection from desiccation and pathogens. However, in most insects CHC profiles are species specific. While this variability among species was largely linked to communication and recognition functions, additional selective forces may shape insect CHC profiles. Here, we show that in Philanthinae digger wasps (Crabronidae) the CHC profile coevolved with a peculiar brood‐care strategy. In particular, we found that the behavior to embalm prey stored in the nest with hydrocarbons is adaptive to protect larval food from fungi in those species hunting for Hymenoptera. The prey embalming secretion is identical in composition to the alkene‐dominated CHC profile in these species, suggesting that their profile is adaptively conserved for this purpose. In contrast, prey embalming is not required in those species that switched to Coleoptera as prey. Released from this chemical brood‐care strategy, Coleoptera‐hunting species considerably diversified their CHC profiles. Differential needs to successfully protect prey types used as larval food have thus driven the diversification of CHCs profiles of female Philanthinae wasps. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence of a direct link between selection pressure for food preservation and CHC diversity.  相似文献   

Caterpillars of the parasitic lycaenid butterfly are often adopted by host ants. It has been proposed that this adoption occurs because the caterpillars mimic the cuticular hydrocarbons of the host ant. This study aimed to examine whether caterpillars of the Japanese lycaenid butterfly Niphanda fusca induce adoption by mimicking their host ant Camponotus japonicus. Behavioral observations conducted in the laboratory showed that most second‐instar caterpillars were not adopted, whereas most third‐instar caterpillars were successfully adopted by host workers. A chemical comparison detected no characteristic differences in the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles between second‐ and third‐instar caterpillars. However, morphological features of the caterpillars differed between the second and third instars; third‐instar caterpillars developed exocrine glands (ant organs) such as tentacle organs and a dorsal nectary organ. These results suggest that multiple chemical signatures, not only cuticular hydrocarbons, may be important for invasion of the host ant nest.  相似文献   

The postpharyngeal gland (PPG) was thought to be restricted to ants where it serves a crucial function in the generation of the colony odour. Recently, head glands that closely resemble the PPG of ants were discovered in females of a solitary digger wasp, the European beewolf. The function of this gland necessarily differs from ants: beewolf females apply the secretion of their PPG onto the bodies of paralysed honeybees that serve as larval provisions in order to delay fungus growth. Since ants and digger wasps are not closely related, the occurrence of this gland in these two taxa might either be due to convergent evolution or it is a homologous organ inherited from a common ancestor. Here we test the hypothesis that the PPGs of both taxa are homologous by comparing characteristics of chemical composition and physiology of the PPG of beewolves and ants. Based on reported characteristics of the PPG content of ants, we tested three predictions that were all met. First, the PPG of beewolves contained mainly long-chain hydrocarbons and very few compounds with functional groups. Second, the composition of hydrocarbons in the beewolf PPG was similar to that of the hemolymph. Taking the structure of the gland epithelium and the huge requirements of beewolf females for gland secretion into account this result suggests that the content of the PPG is also sequestered from the hemolymph in beewolves. Third, the chemical composition of the PPG and the cuticle was similar in beewolves since cuticular hydrocarbons derive either from the hemolymph or the PPG. Taking the considerable morphological similarities into account, our results support the hypothesis of a homologous origin of the PPG in beewolves and ants.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies contain attractive resources for many organisms. Cleptoparasites sneak into their nests and steal food resources. Social parasites sneak into their social organisations and exploit them for reproduction. Both cleptoparasites and social parasites overcome the ability of social insects to detect intruders, which is mainly based on chemoreception. Here we compared the chemical strategies of social parasites and cleptoparasites that target the same host and analyse the implication of the results for the understanding of nestmate recognition mechanisms. The social parasitic wasp Polistes atrimandibularis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), and the cleptoparasitic velvet ant Mutilla europaea (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), both target the colonies of the paper wasp Polistes biglumis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). There is no chemical mimicry with hosts in the cuticular chemical profiles of velvet ants and pre-invasion social parasites, but both have lower concentrations of recognition cues (chemical insignificance) and lower proportions of branched alkanes than their hosts. Additionally, they both have larger proportions of alkenes than their hosts. In contrast, post-invasion obligate social parasites have proportions of branched hydrocarbons as large as those of their hosts and their overall cuticular profiles resemble those of their hosts. These results suggest that the chemical strategies for evading host detection vary according to the lifestyles of the parasites. Cleptoparasites and pre-invasion social parasites that sneak into host colonies limit host overaggression by having few recognition cues, whereas post-invasion social parasites that sneak into their host social structure facilitate social integration by chemical mimicry with colony members.  相似文献   

In French Guiana, the arboreal nests of the swarm-founding social wasp Protopolybia emortualis (Polistinae) are generally found near those of the arboreal dolichoderine ant Dolichoderus bidens. These wasp nests are typically protected by an envelope, which in turn is covered by an additional carton ‘shelter’ with structure resembling the D. bidens nests. A few wasps constantly guard their nest to keep D. bidens workers from approaching. When alarmed by a strong disturbance, the ants invade the host tree foliage whereas the wasps retreat into their nest. Notably, there is no chemical convergence in the cuticular profiles of the wasps and ants sharing a tree. The aggressiveness of D. bidens likely protects the wasps from army ant raids, but the ants do not benefit from the presence of the wasps; therefore, this relationship corresponds to a kind of commensalism.  相似文献   

The role of nest paper hydrocarbons in nest and nestmate recognition for the social waspPolistes metricus was examined. Newly emergedP. metricus workers maintained in the laboratory spent four days alone on a fragment of nest paper that was subjected to one of the following tretments: untreated, extracted with hexane to remove surface hydrocarbons, or extracted with extract reapplied. Test wasps were returned to their natal nest with nestmates and observed for 1 h. Time spent on nest by test wasp and its behaviors were recorded. Wasps exposed to untreated and reapplied nest fragments spent an average of 34.13 and 31.75 min on their nests, respectively, while wasps from extracted fragments averaged 17.19 min. Behavior of wasps exposed to extracted paper differed significantly from wasps exposed to paper with hydrocarbons. These results suggest that exposure to nest paper hydrocarbons is important for both nest and nestmate recognition.  相似文献   

Host-searching behavior in insects generally varies among individuals. A number of physiological and environmental factors can be involved in such individual variation. Here, a series of behavioral observations were made to highlight the importance of physiological state (i.e., number of mature eggs a female carries, amount of nutrient reserves, etc.) and learning state (i.e., prior host experience) on host-approaching behavior of parasitoids. Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a solitary endoparasitoid wasp attacking lepidopteran pupae and prepupae, was used as a test insect. The results show that female wasps with experience ovipositing on hosts 2 days before the test found hosts more quickly than did naïve wasps. Prior experience of host odor itself did not affect host-finding behavior, however. A single oviposition was enough for wasps to shorten time to find a host; additional experience had no significant effect on the efficiency of searching. The number of mature eggs a female carried had no effect on the time required to find a host regardless of prior host experience. The size of wasps, instead, was a significant factor when wasps had no prior host experience, and larger wasps found hosts more rapidly than did smaller wasps. Searching activity was not affected by how many hosts a female wasp had fed on before testing.  相似文献   

Convergence of chemical mimicry in a guild of aphid predators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. A variety of insects prey on honeydew-producing Homoptera and many do so even in the presence of ants that tend, and endeavour to protect, these trophobionts from natural enemies. Few studies have explored the semiochemical mechanisms by which these predators circumvent attack by otherwise aggressive ants.
2. Ants use specific mixtures of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) as recognition labels, but this simple mechanism is frequently circumvented by nest parasites that engage in 'chemical mimicry' of their host ants by producing or acquiring a critical suite of these CHCs.
3. Analysis of the CHCs from the North American woolly alder aphid, Prociphilus tessellatus (Homoptera: Aphididae), their tending ants, and aphid predators from three insect orders, Feniseca tarquinius (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), Chrysopa slossonae (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), and Syrphus ribesii (Diptera: Syrphidae), showed that while the CHC profile of each predatory species was distinct, each was chemically more similar to the aphids than to either tending ant species. Further, the CHCs of each predator species were a subset of the compounds found in the aphids' profile.
4. These results implicate CHCs as a recognition cue used by ants to discriminate trophobionts from potential prey and a probable mechanism by which trophobiont predators circumvent detection by aphids and their tending ants.
5. Although several features of the aphids' CHC profile are shared among the chemically mimetic taxa, variation in the precision of mimicry among the members of this predatory guild demonstrates that a chemical mimic need not replicate every feature of its model.  相似文献   

Reproductive conflicts within animal societies occur when all females can potentially reproduce. In social insects, these conflicts are regulated largely by behaviour and chemical signalling. There is evidence that presence of signals, which provide direct information about the quality of the reproductive females would increase the fitness of all parties. In this study, we present an association between visual and chemical signals in the paper wasp Polistes satan. Our results showed that in nest-founding phase colonies, variation of visual signals is linked to relative fertility, while chemical signals are related to dominance status. In addition, experiments revealed that higher hierarchical positions were occupied by subordinates with distinct proportions of cuticular hydrocarbons and distinct visual marks. Therefore, these wasps present cues that convey reliable information of their reproductive status.  相似文献   

We examined the rate of parasitism and sex ratio of the cuckoo wasp Chrysura hirsuta (Gerstaecker) (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) that emerged from nests of the mason bee Osmia orientalis Benoist (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Nara, Japan. Nests of O. orientalis were found in empty shells of two snail species, Satsuma japonica (Pfeiffer) and Euhadra amaliae (Kobelt). The percentage of parasitism by cuckoo wasps per all collected cocoons tended to be high (20–50%) even though interannual variation and the average number of cocoons per nest did not differ across snail shell species within each year. Our results from three years of observation, combined with previous reports, showed that the adult sex ratio of C. hirsuta was strongly female‐biased, which suggests that the species reproduces by thelytokous parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

Symbiotic associations between different organisms are of great importance for evolutionary and ecological processes [1-4]. Bacteria are particularly valuable symbiotic partners owing to their huge diversity of biochemical pathways that may open entirely new ecological niches for higher organisms [1-3]. Here, we report on a unique association between a new Streptomyces species and a solitary hunting wasp, the European beewolf (Philanthus triangulum, Hymenoptera, Crabronidae). Beewolf females cultivate the Streptomyces bacteria in specialized antennal glands and apply them to the brood cell prior to oviposition. The bacteria are taken up by the larva and occur on the walls of the cocoon. Bioassays indicate that the streptomycetes protect the cocoon from fungal infestation and significantly enhance the survival probability of the larva, possibly by producing antibiotics. Behavioral observations strongly suggest a vertical transmission of the bacteria. Two congeneric beewolf species harbor closely related streptomycetes in their antennae, indicating that the association with protective bacteria is widespread among philanthine wasps and might play an important role in other insects as well. This is the first report on the cultivation of bacteria in insect antennae and the first case of a symbiosis involving bacteria of the important antibiotic-producing genus Streptomyces.  相似文献   

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