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At least 50 indigenous groups spread across lowland South America remain isolated and have only intermittent and mostly hostile interactions with the outside world. Except in emergency situations, the current policy of governments in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru towards isolated tribes is a “leave them alone” strategy, in which isolated groups are left uncontacted. However, these no-contact policies are based on the assumption that isolated populations are healthy and capable of persisting in the face of mounting external threats, and that they can maintain population viability in the long-term. Here, we test this assumption by tracking the sizes and movements of cleared horticultural areas made by 8 isolated groups over the last 10–14 years. We used deforestation data derived from remote sensing Landsat satellite sensors to identify clearings, and those were then validated and assessed with high-resolution imagery. We found only a single example of a relatively large and growing population (c. 50 cleared ha and 400 people), whereas all of the other 7 groups exhibited much smaller villages and gardens with no sizable growth through time. These results indicated that the smaller groups are critically endangered, and it prompts an urgent re-thinking of policies toward isolated populations, including plans for well-organized contacts that may help save lives and rescue isolated indigenous populations from imminent extinction.  相似文献   

Predictions based on theory of multiple stable states suggest that larger perturbations should lead to more unpredictable patterns of succession. This prediction was tested in the Gulf of Maine using data from 60 intertidal plots of varying size that were experimentally cleared of the rockweed Ascophyllum nodosum and from 14 benchmark sites from throughout the Gulf. Rockweed was removed from the experimental clearings ranging from 1 to 8 m in diameter in 1996 and data collected in 2004 were used to test effects of clearing size and location on divergence and variability in species composition. Benchmark data were collected in 2005, and the 14 sites were from a dataset on 53 sites throughout the Gulf of Maine. The selected sites were randomly chosen from all sites with > 80% canopy cover by A. nodosum and were expected to be similar to uncleared control plots from the experiment. Experimental removal of A. nodosum resulted in clearings at 12 sites within 4 bays. Abundances of gastropods, barnacles, mussels, and fucoid algae and the percentage cover of barnacles, mussels, fucoid algae, bare space, and other species were sampled. CAP and PERMDISP analyses revealed significant differences in multivariate dispersion and variability with both clearing size and location. Variability generally increased with clearing size and location effects were related to the north-south positioning of the sites. Benchmark sites were similar to the experimental control plots but as variable as the largest clearings. Results suggest that succession in larger clearings has been more unpredictable than in small clearings. The pattern of variability in the experimental clearings is consistent with the predictions of multiple stable states. However, the large amount of variation among the benchmark sites was due to mussels and was unexpected. This unexpected variability underscores the importance of sampling benchmark sites as part of experiments.  相似文献   

Linear clearings, such as roads and tracks, are an obvious anthropogenic feature in many remote environments, even where infrastructure is sparse. Predator species have been shown to prefer moving down linear clearings, and therefore, clearings could increase predation risk for other species. We investigated whether tracks cleared for seismic surveys are preferentially used by predators and herbivores in a landscape inhabited by bilbies (Macrotis lagotis), a vulnerable species of conservation concern. We used a paired camera trap array to investigate the use of cleared seismic lines at four time points after clearing (1 month, 3 months, 7 months, 48 months) by six mammal species. Bilbies, cattle (Bos indicus/B. taurus), dingoes (Canis familiaris), feral cats (Felis catus) and agile wallabies (Macropus agilis) preferred to use seismic lines compared with adjacent undisturbed vegetation for almost all surveys, while spectacled hare wallabies (Lagorchestes conspicillatus) avoided them. Bilbies and agile wallabies showed similar temporal activity patterns on and off seismic lines but feral cats, dingoes and cattle used seismic lines at different times of day to control areas. We also investigated microhabitat selection by spool tracking individual bilbies. Bilbies selected a route through vegetation that was more open than surrounding vegetation. While spatial and temporal funnelling of bilbies and their predators (especially cats) may increase the frequency of encounter between the two, it is important to note that bilbies were active at significantly different times to predators both on and off seismic lines. The identified selection for seismic lines, and changes in spatial and temporal overlap between species, can be used to develop effective management strategies, to minimize potential impacts on native species.  相似文献   

Large areas of rainforests in Australia and other tropical regions have been extensively cleared since the mid‐19th century. As abandoned agro‐pastoral land becomes increasingly prominent, there is an ongoing need to identify cost‐effective approaches to reinstate forest on these landscapes. Assisted regeneration is a potentially lower cost restoration approach which aims to accelerate forest recovery by removing barriers to natural regeneration. However, despite being widely used its ecological benefits are poorly quantified, particularly on long cleared and grazed land. This study quantified the benefits of assisted regeneration on previously cleared land in a subtropical rainforest ecosystem within eastern Australia. Three different site types were used (grazed, grazing excluded and grazing excluded plus assisted regeneration, each with a maximum distance of 120 m to remnant forest) to compare forest recovery up to 10 years after grazing was relieved with and without 4–6 years of assisted regeneration. Assisted regeneration sites showed a threefold increase in canopy cover, fourfold increase in native tree and shrub species richness and over 40 times greater native stem density compared to nonassisted regeneration sites. Stimulation of native recruitment appears dependent on the simultaneous removal of multiple barriers to regeneration, with the exclusion of grazing alone insufficient. This demonstrates the additional ecological benefits arising from investment in assisted regeneration. It offers considerable promise as a cost‐effective tool for accelerating and improving reinstatement of forest on retired agro‐pastoral land in the humid subtropics.  相似文献   

During 1970s and 1980s, a large area of mountains in the Czech Republic was influenced by long-term industrial air pollution. Among the most degraded areas were the peaks of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts, where vast clearings resulted from emissions and subsequent forest destruction. This study is aimed at determining the degree of deforestation that is necessary to cause changes in structure and species diversity of small mammal communities that were observed previously. Communities of rodents and insectivores were monitored for a minimum of 3 years at two mountain ranges of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts (Czech Republic) by standard mouse snap-traps. The localities (Smrk and Kněhyně) differ by the degree of human disturbance. Clearings on Smrk Mt are very large (> 30 ha) with no remaining original forest growth as a result of intensive air pollution, unlike the same habitat type at Kněhyně Mt, where the clearings are minor (< 3 ha) and contain living solitary trees. Structure and diversity of small mammal communities in clearings were compared with those from original forests and other mountain habitats. Communities of small mammals at clearings in Smrk Mt (with dominatingMicrotus agrestis) are structurally very different from all other habitats, while structure of communities at Kněhyně clearings are very similar to those of original mountain forest (Complete linkage clustering based on Renkonen index). The community of the original mountain spruce forest at Kněhyně had the highest species diversity (according to Shannon-Weaver, Brillouin, and Simpson indices, Shannon evenness, and rarefaction), while species diversity at clearings of Smrk was the lowest. Shannon diversity of community at Kněhyně primeval forest is similar to that of Kněhyně clearings, while at Smrk Mt the forest diversity is higher than that of clearings. The species diversity of mountain forest and clearings at Kněhyně Mt was significantly higher than that in the same habitats at Smrk Mt. Our results obtained in disturbed habitats at Kněhyně and Smrk Mts suggest that the degree of deforestation may influence the presence and/or the degree of community changes. If the forest destruction is relatively small (clearings < 3 ha), the structure and diversity of small mammal communities do not differ from those of original forest.  相似文献   

Vertebrate fauna was studied over 10 years following revegetation of a Eucalyptus tereticornis ecosystem on former agricultural land. We compared four vegetation types: remnant forest, plantings of a mix of native tree species on cleared land, natural regeneration of partially cleared land after livestock removal, and cleared pasture land with scattered paddock trees managed for livestock production. Pasture differed significantly from remnant in both bird and nonbird fauna. Although 10 years of ecosystem restoration is relatively short term in the restoration process, in this time bird assemblages in plantings and natural regeneration had diverged significantly from pasture, but still differed significantly from remnant. After 10 years, 70 and 66% of the total vertebrate species found in remnant had been recorded in plantings and natural regeneration, respectively. Although the fauna assemblages within plantings and natural regeneration were tracking toward those of remnant, significant differences in fauna between plantings and natural regeneration indicated community development along different restoration pathways. Because natural regeneration contained more mature trees (dbh > 30 cm), native shrub species, and coarse woody debris than plantings from the beginning of the study, these features possibly encouraged different fauna to the revegetation areas from the outset. The ability of plantings and natural regeneration to transition to the remnant state will be governed by a number of factors that were significant in the analyses, including shrub cover, herbaceous biomass, tree hollows, time since fire, and landscape condition. Both active and passive restoration produced significant change from the cleared state in the short term.  相似文献   

Mangroves of the semiarid Caatinga region of northeastern Brazil are being rapidly converted to shrimp pond aquaculture. To determine ecosystem carbon stocks and potential greenhouse gas emissions from this widespread land use, we measured carbon stocks of eight mangrove forests and three shrimp ponds in the Acaraú and Jaguaribe watersheds in Ceará state, Brazil. The shrimp ponds were paired with adjacent intact mangroves to ascertain carbon losses and potential emissions from land conversion. The mean total ecosystem carbon stock of mangroves in this semiarid tropical landscape was 413 ± 94 Mg C/ha. There were highly significant differences in the ecosystem carbon stocks between the two sampled estuaries suggesting caution when extrapolating carbon stock across different estuaries even in the same landscape. Conversion of mangroves to shrimp ponds resulted in losses of 58%–82% of the ecosystem carbon stocks. The mean potential emissions arising from mangrove conversion to shrimp ponds was 1,390 Mg CO2e/ha. Carbon losses were largely from soils which accounted for 81% of the total emission. Losses from soils >100 cm in depth accounted for 33% of the total ecosystem carbon loss. Soil carbon losses from shrimp pond conversion are equivalent to about 182 years of soil carbon accumulation. Losses from mangrove conversion are about 10‐fold greater than emissions from conversion of upland tropical dry forest in the Brazilian Caatinga underscoring the potential value for their inclusion in climate change mitigation activities.  相似文献   

In a radiotelemetric study, we analysed space use of 24 female specimens (14 family groups and 14 nonreproductive yearling females) out of 23 wild boar groups for periods between 3 and 39 months. Generally, wild boar used relatively small areas, showed high site fidelity but also a strong individual variation of home ranges, indicating a high flexibility in space use. Although age-specific differences were not statistically significant, female yearlings tended to have larger mean annual home ranges (1,185 ha MCP) than animals ranging in family groups (771 ha). Yearlings also showed a stronger shifting from spring to summer home ranges (2,345 m) and a tendency towards larger home range sizes in summer (791 ha MCP), compared to family groups (shift 1,766 m, MCP 461 ha). Yearlings displayed a dislocation of about 1 km of the annual centre in the first year after dividing from the mother. In contrast, in adults older than 2 years, the dislocation of the annual center was only 240 m.  相似文献   

Indicator classifications help us to focus on the most relevant groups of species in monitoring the effects of land use changes on biodiversity. We studied changes in distribution area of 74 butterfly species preferring one of the three common habitats of boreal agricultural landscapes: semi-natural grasslands (35 species), arable field margins (7) and forest edges (32). Using extensive atlas data from four time periods during the last 50 years in Finland, we quantified trends in the occupancy of the species in 10 km grid squares, and classified them into four classes: declining (23), stable (17), increasing (27) and fluctuating (7) species. Trends among the species favouring three habitats were different: 60% of the species of semi-natural grasslands had declined, whereas 86% of the species typical of open field margins had increased. An increase also predominated in species associated with forest edges. Declining and increasing species differed in three ecological characteristics: increasing species were more mobile, utilized a wider range of habitats and, based on their larval host plants, lived in more eutrophic habitats than declining species. Species overwintering as adults showed more positive trends in occupancy than species overwintering as eggs, larvae or pupae. Observed trends in occupancy are in good agreement with long-term changes in land use and habitat availability in Finland: a long-continued decrease in the area of semi-natural grasslands and an increased amount of open forest edges and clearings due to modern forestry during the past 50 years.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2000,21(1):13-20
The natural, postfire regeneration of Pinus brutia forests has been studied in two 40–60-year-old forests of Thasos island, North Aegean sea, Greece, burned in the summers of 1985 and 1989. Within the latter burned area (5 700 ha), forty experimental sites of various aspects and site index values were established and successively monitored for 5 years, at 6-month intervals. Pine seedling emergence took place late in spring (due to a long drought in that particular year) but exclusively during the first postfire year. By the end of the recruitment period (May 1990), mean pine seedling density was considerably high (2–6 seedlings.m–2) while a significant drop in the first summer was observed. Thereafter, a relatively smooth decline was obtained and the density was almost stabilized to about 0.6–2 seedlings.m–2 after 5 years: the kinetics of survival was found to follow a rectangular hyperbola. Significant differences in seedling density values were detected among site groups of varying aspect or site index: north-facing and index I sites showed the highest density values while south-facing and index V ones the lowest. Similarly, height kinetics showed a significant divergence among site groups; again, the north-facing and the index I sites were the fastest growing. Annual height growth showed a linear regression kinetics throughout the 5- (and conceivably 9-) year-long postfire period of study, with a yearly increment of 17 cm. Starting at an age of 4–6 years, an increasing fraction of the sapling population became reproductive so that after 9 years a considerable portion (5–15 %) had already produced cones with fully germinable seeds.  相似文献   

Forest regeneration and expansion are occurring in many countries, with 80 million ha established from 2000 to 2012 under the Bonn accord and 17.5 million ha established from 1990 to 2005 according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation. Multiple reviews have linked increasing forest cover with reduced river flow and potentially detrimental effects downstream. Previous reviews have investigated trends in river flow response over time, but the influence of forest age remains uncertain. Partial river flow recovery (towards non‐forested conditions) has been reported in decades following forest establishment, but the role of climate in driving these trends has not been explored. Here, we evaluate river flow trends in 43 studies following forest establishment, which provide sufficient information to distinguish the effects of ageing forests from variable climate. Our meta‐analysis supports previous findings showing that forestation reduces annual river flow (by 23% after 5 years and 38% after 25 years) with greater reductions in catchments with higher mean annual precipitation, larger increases in forest cover, and which were idle, rather than agricultural land, prior to forestation. The impact of forests on river flow is sensitive to annual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, but responses are highly variable. Forests affect river flow less when annual precipitation is low, and sensitivity to precipitation decreases as catchment aridity increases. The majority of catchments demonstrated persistent river flow declines after forest establishment. However, nine catchments showed partial flow recovery after an initial decrease, with peak flow reductions at an average age of 15 and across a range of tree species. The mean rate of recovery was 34 mm/year over 5 years. Partial flow recovery with forest age cannot be commonly expected, however, and forestation programmes should take into account that changes to annual river flow are likely to persist for up to five decades.  相似文献   

The carabid beetle species assemblages (14 sample sites) of a 238 ha urban oak forest in Trieste, Italy, studied in 1983–84 with pitfall traps, were compared with an historic list of 57 species hand collected by entomologists in the same forest before it was logged in 1944.Trap data have been improved by hand collections to get a species list as complete as the historic one. Multivariate analysis was used to group the sites (14 plus the historic list) into three assemblages of brooks, clearings and forests. After the Second World War logging, the secondary ecological succession resulted in a lower species number, with a trend to a new equilibrium. Some important forest specialists, such as Laemostenus venustus, have been lost. Human pressure and recolonisation by carabids are still occurring. The in situ extinction of ground beetles near the end of the last century reached values between 57 and 64% of the species historically recorded. Consequently, urgent restoration measures are required for waterside habitats, forest and land management, to maintain small open areas or clearings. The study of carabid species assemblages and habitat affinities seems a useful tool for adaptive management of forests affected by human activities, because changes in carabid species number and type can be easily related to human disturbance.  相似文献   

Use of Terra Firme Forest by Caicubi Caboclos, Middle Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil. A Quantitative Study. An ethnobotanical study was carried out with caboclos from the village of Caicubi, Roraima State, Brazil. This village is located between the Rio Negro and Rio Branco. The data were collected in 1 ha of terra firme forest and involved caboclo knowledge of the tree species with individuals dbh ≥ 10 cm. A total of 11 informants between 34 to 74 years of age were interviewed. The caboclos used 185 (98%) of the 189 species analyzed. The family with the highest use value for the community was Arecaceae. The species with the highest use value was Bertholletia excelsa. Arecaceae, Lecythidaceae, and Sapotaceae showed a wide variety of uses. The uses were grouped into eight categories; those with the highest use values were firewood, technology, and construction. The mean use value for species was 1.6. The most intensely used resources in the forest were wood, leaves, spines, and exudates.  相似文献   

Applying biochar to agricultural soils has been proposed as a means of sequestering carbon (C) while simultaneously enhancing soil health and agricultural sustainability. However, our understanding of the long‐term effects of biochar and annual versus perennial cropping systems and their interactions on soil properties under field conditions is limited. We quantified changes in soil C concentration and stocks, and other soil properties 6 years after biochar applications to corn (Zea mays L.) and dedicated bioenergy crops on a Midwestern US soil. Treatments were as follows: no‐till continuous corn, Liberty switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), and low‐diversity prairie grasses, 45% big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), 45% Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans), and 10% sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula), as main plots, and wood biochar (9.3 Mg/ha with 63% total C) and no biochar applications as subplots. Biochar‐amended plots accumulated more C (14.07 Mg soil C/ha vs. 2.25 Mg soil C/ha) than non‐biochar‐amended plots in the 0–30 cm soil depth but other soil properties were not significantly affected by the biochar amendments. The total increase in C stocks in the biochar‐amended plots was nearly twice (14.07 Mg soil C/ha) the amount of C added with biochar 6 years earlier (7.25 Mg biochar C/ha), suggesting a negative priming effect of biochar on formation and/or mineralization of native soil organic C. Dedicated bioenergy crops increased soil C concentration by 79% and improved both aggregation and plant available water in the 0–5 cm soil depth. Biochar did not interact with the cropping systems. Overall, biochar has the potential to increase soil C stocks both directly and through negative priming, but, in this study, it had limited effects on other soil properties after 6 years.  相似文献   

The impact of alien tree clearing on soil and vegetation recovery remains largely understudied. This study focused on changes in soil and vegetation properties following Acacia removal. The aim was to quantify the long‐term consequences of alien clearing. Paired cleared (old – 15 years; medium – 11 years; recent – 6 years) and uncleared sites were selected along the Palmiet catchment in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Various soil physico‐chemical properties (soil moisture, pH, P, N, C, K, Na, Ca, Mg and soil repellency) and vegetation diversity measures were studied on 10 m × 10 m plots. Results indicate that measured soil nutrients are significantly (P < 0.05) lower in cleared than in uncleared sites. However, comparisons among cleared sites alone indicate that soil properties are recovering with older cleared sites having higher (P < 0.05) nutrients than recent cleared sites. Soils in uncleared sites are more repellent than soil in cleared sites. Vegetation recovery in cleared sites was taking place with older cleared sites having higher native species diversity than recently cleared site. We conclude that the removal of alien plants could have caused a reduction in soil nutrients. However, as native vegetation recovers on cleared sites, soil nutrients are gradually improving.  相似文献   

Many researchers assume that until 10–12,000 years ago, humans lived in small, mobile, relatively egalitarian bands. This “nomadic-egalitarian model” suffuses the social sciences. It informs evolutionary explanations of behavior and our understanding of how contemporary societies differ from those of our evolutionary past. Here, we synthesize research challenging this model and articulate an alternative, the diverse histories model, to replace it. We review the limitations of using recent foragers as models of Late Pleistocene societies and the considerable social variation among foragers commonly considered small-scale, mobile, and egalitarian. We review ethnographic and archaeological findings covering 34 world regions showing that non-agricultural peoples often live in groups that are more sedentary, unequal, large, politically stratified, and capable of large-scale cooperation and resource management than is normally assumed. These characteristics are not restricted to extant Holocene hunter-gatherers but, as suggested by archaeological findings from 27 Middle Stone Age sites, likely characterized societies throughout the Late Pleistocene (until c. 130 ka), if not earlier. These findings have implications for how we understand human psychological adaptations and the broad trajectory of human history.  相似文献   

Throughout the arid regions of Africa formerly mobile pastoral populations are becoming sedentary. Although pastoral sedentarization is encouraged by international development agencies and national governments as solutions to food insecurity, poor health care, and problems of governance, it has not been demonstrated that abandoning the pastoral way of life, and particularly childrens access to milk and other livestock products, is beneficial to the health and well-being of pastoral populations. This paper reports the results of a 3-year study of one pastoral and four settled Rendille communities of northern Kenya based on data from 17 repeated bimonthly surveys of childhood dietary, growth, and morbidity patterns and household level economic strata. Bivariate analysis of 5,535 measurements from 488 children from birth to 9 years revealed that age-specific height and weight measurements for the pastoral community are uniformly heavier and taller than children from the sedentary villages. Multivariate analysis using Generalized Estimating Equations methodology showed that the amount of milk consumed was always a statistically significant determinant of child weight and height growth, regardless of drought or non-drought times and breastfeeding status. Other significant determinants of child growth include morbidity and poverty, both associated with sedentary communities. These results indicate that international development assistance should not neglect improvements in livestock production and support of pastoral movements in Africas arid lands.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological mechanisms that allow a species to transition from an occasional understory component to the dominant type in the forest canopy is essential for predicting future shifts in the distribution of species. We investigated this issue with regard to yew, also because mature yew trees have been reported to inhibit self-regeneration and seedling survival, prompting concerns for the long-term preservation of the species. Our objectives were (a) to quantify spatial patterns of yew (Taxus baccata L.) populations near the southern limit of the species’ ecological distribution, (b) to determine the relationships between yew presence and topographic gradients, and (c) to answer the question of how yew regeneration is affected by such patterns and relationships. We analyzed three extensive yew populations (90–165 ha, including 3–12 thousand established individuals) that mostly occupy the understory of beech forests located in protected areas of the central Apennines (Italy). Overall, the realized niche of yew (either as established trees, saplings, or seedlings) followed the expected bell-shaped curve of a species response to an environmental gradient. Yew was mainly found at 1,000–1,600 m elevation on mesic exposures (north and west) and intermediate slopes (30–60%). Geostatistical analysis revealed that yew occurred in patches, as shown by variogram ranges of 40–110 m for yew tree basal area and regeneration abundance. Yew regeneration over the landscape was directly related to basal area of yew trees. At local scales (~10 m), presence of established trees favored regeneration in relatively less developed stands, whereas high density of mature yews suppressed regeneration. Healthy yew populations in beech forests had a minimum size of 0.5–3 ha. As yew density increased within these patches, regeneration dropped, so that yew conservation cannot be limited to presently occurring populations, despite the longevity and potential for vegetative reproduction of the species. Disturbance from grazing and wildfire was also found to impact yew survival. Long-term existence of yew in the Italian Apennines depends on maintaining and expanding old-growth beech forests that incorporate yew patches, and have a minimum continuous cover equivalent to a relatively undisturbed regime (10–50 ha).  相似文献   

Biomass has gained prominence in the last few years as one of the most important renewable energy sources. In Brazil, a sugarcane ethanol program called ProAlcohol was designed to supply the liquid gasoline substitution and has been running for the last 30 yr. The federal government’s establishment of ProAlcohol in 1975 created the grounds for the development of a sugarcane industry that currently is one of the most efficient systems for the conversion of photosynthate into different forms of energy. Improvement of industrial processes along with strong sugarcane breeding programs brought technologies that currently support a cropland of 7 million hectares of sugarcane with an average yield of 75 tons/ha. From the beginning of ProAlcohol to the present time, ethanol yield has grown from 2,500 to around 7,000 l/ha. New technologies for energy production from crushed sugarcane stalk are currently supplying 15% of the electricity needs of the country. Projections show that sugarcane could supply over 30% of Brazil’s energy needs by 2020. In this review, we briefly describe some historic facts of the ethanol industry, the role of sugarcane breeding, and the prospects of sugarcane biotechnology  相似文献   

A recent survey for onchocerciasis conducted among the Yanomami Indians living on the middle reaches of the Mucajaí and Catrimani Rivers (Territory of Roraima) has failed to show any alteration in the local pattern of the disease. In fact, after a decade from the first surveys in these areas located at the periphery of the Yanomami focus, the prevalence and the intensity of infection have not experienced a significant change. Considering only the residents in the villages inside the surveyed areas, the prevalence varied from zero in the neighbourhood of the Catrimani mission to 3.1 per cent near the Mucajaí mission. Had there been a competent vector of Onchocerca volvulus in the region higher rates might be expected due to the Yanomami custom of periodic visits among the groups of the tribe. In some of these visits, numbers of highly infected Indians from the central and mountainous part of the Yanomami territory--where more than 90 per cent of the adults have onchocerciasis--come to the villages in the lowland area, attracted by the facilities offered by the mission posts. As the visitors stay in the host villages for several days or weeks, the residents could become exposed to the disease. Simulium oyapockense s.1., a man-biting species of black fly, widely distributed in Northern Brazil, is the only possible vector of O. volvulus in the investigated areas, on the grounds of its local abundance.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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