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The developing pancreatic epithelium gives rise to all endocrine and exocrine cells of the mature organ. During organogenesis, the epithelial cells receive essential signals from the overlying mesenchyme. Previous studies, focusing on ex vivo tissue explants or complete knockout mice, have identified an important role for the mesenchyme in regulating the expansion of progenitor cells in the early pancreas epithelium. However, due to the lack of genetic tools directing expression specifically to the mesenchyme, the potential roles of this supporting tissue in vivo, especially in guiding later stages of pancreas organogenesis, have not been elucidated. We employed transgenic tools and fetal surgical techniques to ablate mesenchyme via Cre-mediated mesenchymal expression of Diphtheria Toxin (DT) at the onset of pancreas formation, and at later developmental stages via in utero injection of DT into transgenic mice expressing the Diphtheria Toxin receptor (DTR) in this tissue. Our results demonstrate that mesenchymal cells regulate pancreatic growth and branching at both early and late developmental stages by supporting proliferation of precursors and differentiated cells, respectively. Interestingly, while cell differentiation was not affected, the expansion of both the endocrine and exocrine compartments was equally impaired. To further elucidate signals required for mesenchymal cell function, we eliminated β-catenin signaling and determined that it is a critical pathway in regulating mesenchyme survival and growth. Our study presents the first in vivo evidence that the embryonic mesenchyme provides critical signals to the epithelium throughout pancreas organogenesis. The findings are novel and relevant as they indicate a critical role for the mesenchyme during late expansion of endocrine and exocrine compartments. In addition, our results provide a molecular mechanism for mesenchymal expansion and survival by identifying β-catenin signaling as an essential mediator of this process. These results have implications for developing strategies to expand pancreas progenitors and β-cells for clinical transplantation.  相似文献   

The nature and even existence of adult pancreatic endocrine stem or progenitor cells is a subject of controversy in the field of beta-cell replacement for diabetes. One place to search for such cells is in the nonendocrine fraction of cells that remain after islet isolation, which consist of a mixture of epithelia and mesenchyme. Culture in G418 resulted in elimination of the mesenchymal cells, leaving a highly purified population of nonendocrine pancreatic epithelial cells (NEPECs). To evaluate their differentiation potential, NEPECs were heritably marked and transplanted under the kidney capsule of immunodeficient mice. When cotransplanted with fetal pancreatic cells, NEPECs were capable of endocrine differentiation. We found no evidence of beta-cell replication or cell fusion that could have explained the appearance of insulin positive cells from a source other than NEPECs. Nonendocrine-to-endocrine differentiation of NEPECs supports the existence of endocrine stem or progenitor cells within the epithelial compartment of the adult human pancreas.  相似文献   

Mammalian nephrons form as a result of a complex morphogenesis and patterning of a simple epithelial precursor, the renal vesicle. Renal vesicles are established from a mesenchymal progenitor population in response to inductive signals. Several lines of evidence support the sequential roles of two Wnt family members, Wnt9b and Wnt4, in renal vesicle induction. Using genetic approaches to specifically manipulate the activity of beta-catenin within the mesenchymal progenitor pool in mice, we investigated the potential role of the canonical Wnt pathway in these inductive events. Progenitor-cell-specific removal of beta-catenin activity completely blocked both the formation of renal vesicles and the expected molecular signature of an earlier inductive response. By contrast, activation of stabilized beta-catenin in the same cell population causes ectopic expression of mesenchymal induction markers in vitro and functionally replaces the requirement for Wnt9b and Wnt4 in their inductive roles in vivo. Thus, canonical Wnt signaling is both necessary and sufficient for initiating and maintaining inductive pathways mediated by Wnt9b and Wnt4. However, the failure of induced mesenchyme with high levels of beta-catenin activity to form epithelial structures suggests that modulating canonical signaling may be crucial for the cellular transition to the renal vesicle.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily signaling has been implicated in many developmental processes, including pancreatic development. Previous studies are conflicting with regard to an exact role for TGF-beta signaling in various aspects of pancreatic organogenesis. Here we have investigated the role of TGF-beta isoform signaling in embryonic pancreas differentiation and lineage selection. The TGF-beta isoform receptors (RI, RII and ALK1) were localized mainly to both the pancreatic epithelium and mesenchyme at early stages of development, but then with increasing age localized to the pancreatic islets and ducts. To determine the specific role of TGF-beta isoforms, we functionally inactivated TGF-beta signaling at different points in the signaling cascade. Disruption of TGF-beta signaling at the receptor level using mice overexpressing the dominant-negative TGF-beta type II receptor showed an increase in endocrine precursors and proliferating endocrine cells, with an abnormal accumulation of endocrine cells around the developing ducts of mid-late stage embryonic pancreas. This pattern suggested that TGF-beta isoform signaling may suppress the origination of secondary transition endocrine cells from the ducts. Secondly, TGF-beta isoform ligand inhibition with neutralizing antibody in pancreatic organ culture also led to an increase in the number of endocrine-positive cells. Thirdly, hybrid mix-and-match in vitro recombinations of transgenic pancreatic mesenchyme and wild-type epithelium also led to increased endocrine cell differentiation, but with different patterns depending on the directionality of the epithelial-mesenchymal signaling. Together these results suggest that TGF-beta signaling is important for restraining the growth and differentiation of pancreatic epithelial cells, particularly away from the endocrine lineage. Inhibition of TGF-beta signaling in the embryonic period may thus allow pancreatic epithelial cells to progress towards the endocrine lineage unchecked, particularly as part of the secondary transition of pancreatic endocrine cell development. TGF-beta RII in the ducts and islets may normally serve to downregulate the production of beta cells from embryonic ducts.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling has been shown to regulate lung epithelial development but its influence on mesenchymal differentiation has been poorly investigated. To study the role of mesenchymal FGF signaling in the differentiation of the mesenchyme and its impact on epithelial morphogenesis, we took advantage of Fgfr2c(+/Delta) mice, which due to a splicing switch express Fgfr2b in mesenchymal tissues and manifest Apert syndrome-like phenotypes. Using a set of in vivo and in vitro studies, we show that an autocrine FGF10-FGFR2b signaling loop is established in the mutant lung mesenchyme, which has several consequences. It prevents the entry of the smooth muscle progenitors into the smooth muscle cell (SMC) lineage and results in reduced fibronectin and elastin deposition. Levels of Fgf10 expression are raised within the mutant mesenchyme itself. Epithelial branching as well as epithelial levels of FGF and canonical Wnt signaling is dramatically reduced. These defects result in arrested development of terminal airways and an "emphysema like" phenotype in postnatal lungs. Our work unravels part of the complex interactions that govern normal lung development and may be pertinent to understanding the basis of respiratory defects in Apert syndrome.  相似文献   

Periosteum provides a major source of mesenchymal progenitor cells for bone fracture repair. Combining cell-specific targeted Cox-2 gene deletion approaches with in vitro analyses of the differentiation of periosteum-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells (PDMPCs), here we demonstrate a spatial and temporal role for Cox-2 function in the modulation of osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of periosteal progenitors in fracture repair. Prx1Cre-targeted Cox-2 gene deletion in mesenchyme resulted in marked reduction of intramembraneous and endochondral bone repair, leading to accumulation of poorly differentiated mesenchyme and immature cartilage in periosteal callus. In contrast, Col2Cre-targeted Cox-2 gene deletion in cartilage resulted in a deficiency primarily in cartilage conversion into bone. Further cell culture analyses using Cox-2 deficient PDMPCs demonstrated reduced osteogenic differentiation in monolayer cultures, blocked chondrocyte differentiation and hypertrophy in high density micromass cultures. Gene expression microarray analyses demonstrated downregulation of a key set of genes associated with bone/cartilage formation and remodeling, namely Sox9, Runx2, Osx, MMP9, VDR and RANKL. Pathway analyses demonstrated dysregulation of the HIF-1, PI3K-AKT and Wnt pathways in Cox-2 deficient cells. Collectively, our data highlight a crucial role for Cox-2 from cells of mesenchymal lineages in modulating key pathways that control periosteal progenitor cell growth, differentiation, and angiogenesis in fracture repair.  相似文献   

FGF10 plays an important role in the morphogenesis of several tissues by control of mesenchymal-to-epithelial signaling. In the pancreas, mesenchymal FGF10 is required to maintain the Pdx1-expressing epithelial progenitor cell population, and in the absence of FGF10 signaling, these cells fail to proliferate. Ectopic expression of FGF10 in the pancreatic epithelium caused increased proliferation of pancreatic progenitor cells and abrogation of pancreatic cell differentiation of all cell types. A hyperplastic pancreas consisting of undifferentiated cells expressing Pdx1, Nkx6.1, and cell adhesion markers normally characterizing early pancreatic progenitor cells resulted. Differentiation was attenuated even as proliferation of the pancreatic cells slowed during late gestation, suggesting that the trophic effect of FGF10 was independent of its effects upon cell differentiation. The FGF10-positive pancreatic cells expressed Notch1 and Notch2, the Notch-ligand genes Jagged1 and Jagged2, as well as the Notch target gene Hes1. This activation of Notch is distinct from the previously recognized mechanism of lateral inhibition. These data suggest that FGF10 signaling serves to integrate cell growth and terminal differentiation at the level of Notch activation, revealing a novel second role of this key signaling system during pancreatic development.  相似文献   

Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are crucial for the proper development of many organs, including the pancreas. Within the pancreas, the ducts are thought to harbor stem/progenitor cells, and possibly to give rise to pancreatic ductal carcinoma. Little is known about the mechanism of formation of pancreatic ducts in the embryo. Pancreatic mesenchyme contains numerous soluble factors which help to sustain the growth and differentiation of exocrine and endocrine structures. Here, we report that one such morphoregulatory mesenchymal protein, epimorphin, plays an important role during pancreatic ductal proliferation and differentiation. We found that epimorphin is expressed in pancreatic mesenchyme during early stages of development, and at mesenchymal-epithelial interfaces surrounding the ducts at later stages. Strong upregulation of epimorphin expression was seen during in vitro pancreatic duct differentiation. Similarly, in vitro pancreatic duct formation was inhibited by a neutralizing antibody against epimorphin, whereas addition of recombinant epimorphin partially rescued duct formation. Together, our study demonstrates the role of epimorphin in pancreatic ductal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Defects of the ventral body wall are prevalent birth anomalies marked by deficiencies in body wall closure, hypoplasia of the abdominal musculature and multiple malformations across a gamut of organs. However, the mechanisms underlying ventral body wall defects remain elusive. Here, we investigated the role of Wnt signaling in ventral body wall development by inactivating Wls or β-catenin in murine abdominal ectoderm. The loss of Wls in the ventral epithelium, which blocks the secretion of Wnt proteins, resulted in dysgenesis of ventral musculature and genito-urinary tract during embryonic development. Molecular analyses revealed that the dermis and myogenic differentiation in the underlying mesenchymal progenitor cells was perturbed by the loss of ectodermal Wls. The activity of the Wnt-Pitx2 axis was impaired in the ventral mesenchyme of the mutant body wall, which partially accounted for the defects in ventral musculature formation. In contrast, epithelial depletion of β-catenin or Wnt5a did not resemble the body wall defects in the ectodermal Wls mutant. These findings indicate that ectodermal Wnt signaling instructs the underlying mesodermal specification and abdominal musculature formation during ventral body wall development, adding evidence to the theory that ectoderm-mesenchyme signaling is a potential unifying mechanism for the origin of ventral body wall defects.  相似文献   

Accumulating data suggest the existence of a link between hypoxia and maintenance of the undifferentiated cell state, but little is known about the cellular signaling mechanisms underlying this process. Recent reports reveal a direct link between components of the hypoxia signaling pathway and Notch pathway in maintaining precursor cells in an undifferentiated state. Here, we report that in the developing mouse pancreas, Hif2-α is expressed in pancreatic progenitor cells, but its expression is lost in committed endocrine progenitors as well as in differentiated endocrine and exocrine cells. In an attempt to analyze the function of HIF2-α in the developing pancreas, we studied Hif2-α−/− pancreas. Our analyses revealed that in addition to the decreased size and branching, the Hif2-α deficient pancreas also displayed impaired notch signaling and cell differentiation. Finally, we found that HIF2-α binds directly to Notch-IC and that the responsible site for this interaction is within the RAM domain of Notch protein. These results suggest that HIF2-α is required for normal mouse pancreatic development.  相似文献   

Tooth morphogenesis is initiated by reciprocal interactions between the ectoderm and neural crest-derived mesenchyme, and the Wnt signaling pathway is involved in this process. We found that Plakophilin (PKP)1, which is associated with diseases such as ectodermal dysplasia/skin fragility syndrome, was highly expressed in teeth and skin, and was upregulated during tooth development. We hypothesized that PKP1 regulates Wnt signaling via its armadillo repeat domain in a manner similar to β-catenin. To determine its role in tooth development, we performed Pkp1 knockdown experiments using ex vivo organ cultures and cell cultures. Loss of Pkp1 reduced the size of tooth germs and inhibited dental epithelial cell proliferation, which was stimulated by Wnt3a. Furthermore, transfected PKP1-emerald green fluorescent protein was translocated from the plasma membrane to the nucleus upon stimulation with Wnt3a and LiCl, which required the PKP1 N terminus (amino acids 161 to 270). Localization of PKP1, which is known as an adhesion-related desmosome component, shifted to the plasma membrane during ameloblast differentiation. In addition, Pkp1 knockdown disrupted the localization of Zona occludens 1 in tight junctions and inhibited ameloblast differentiation; the two proteins were shown to directly interact by immunoprecipitation. These results implicate the participation of PKP1 in early tooth morphogenesis as an effector of canonical Wnt signaling that controls ameloblast differentiation via regulation of the cell adhesion complex.  相似文献   

The canonical Wnt signal pathway is a key regulator of self-renewal and cell fate determination in various types of stem cells. The total pool of β-catenin consists of two different forms: the signaling form of the protein transmits the Wnt signals from the cell membrane to the target genes, whereas the membrane β-catenin is involved in formation of cell-to-cell contact at cadherin junctions. Earlier we developed an in vitro model of epithelial differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) co-cultured with epithelial A-549 cells. The purpose of the present work was to study the role of Wnt2 secreted by the A-549 cells in paracrine induction of β-catenin in co-cultured MSCs. Using the somatic gene knockdown technique, we obtained A-549 cell cultures with down-regulated WNT2. The MSCs co-cultured with the control A-549 cells displayed an increase in the levels of total cellular and signaling β-catenin and transactivation of a reporter construction containing the Lef/Tcf protein family binding sites. In contrast, β-catenin was not induced in the MSCs co-cultured with the A-549 cells with down-regulated WNT2 expression, but the total protein level was increased. We suggest that Wnt2 secreted by A-549 cells induces in co-cultured MSCs the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, whereas the associated increase in total β-catenin level should be due to another mechanism.  相似文献   

Wnt signalling is involved in many developmental processes such as proliferation, differentiation, cell fate decisions, and morphogenesis. However, little is known about Wnt signalling during pancreas development. Multiple Wnt ligands and Frizzled receptors are expressed in the embryonic mouse pancreas, the surrounding mesenchyme, and have also been detected in the chicken endoderm during development. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of canonical Wnt signalling on endocrine cell development by use of the in ovo electroporation of the chicken endoderm. Overexpression with a constitutive active form of beta-catenin in combination with Ngn3 resulted in reduced numbers of glucagon cells. dnLEF-1 or naked-1 did not alter endocrine cell differentiation when co-expressed with Ngn3, but dnLEF-1 appeared to have some potential for inhibiting delamination of Ngn3 cells. In addition, neuronal beta-III-tubulin, which had previously been considered a specific marker for neuronal cells, was observed in the pancreas and was upregulated in the electroporated Ngn3 cells and thus may be a new endocrine marker in the chicken.  相似文献   

During pancreas development, endocrine and exocrine cells arise from a common multipotent progenitor pool. How these cell fate decisions are coordinated with tissue morphogenesis is poorly understood. Here we have examined ductal morphology, endocrine progenitor cell fate and Notch signaling in Ngn3−/− mice, which do not produce islet cells. Ngn3 deficiency results in reduced branching and enlarged pancreatic duct-like structures, concomitant with Ngn3 promoter activation throughout the ductal epithelium and reduced Notch signaling. Conversely, forced generation of surplus endocrine progenitor cells causes reduced duct caliber and an excessive number of tip cells. Thus, endocrine progenitor cells normally provide a feedback signal to adjacent multipotent ductal progenitor cells that activates Notch signaling, inhibits further endocrine differentiation and promotes proper morphogenesis. These results uncover a novel layer of regulation coordinating pancreas morphogenesis and endocrine/exocrine differentiation, and suggest ways to enhance the yield of beta cells from stem cells.  相似文献   

The effects of Wnt7b on lung development were examined using a conditional Wnt7b-null mouse. Wnt7b-null lungs are markedly hypoplastic, yet display largely normal patterning and cell differentiation. In contrast to findings in prior hypomorphic Wnt7b models, we find decreased replication of both developing epithelium and mesenchyme, without abnormalities of vascular smooth muscle development. We further demonstrate that Wnt7b signals to neighboring cells to activate both autocrine and paracrine canonical Wnt signaling cascades. In contrast to results from hypomorphic models, we show that Wnt7b modulates several important signaling pathways in the lung. Together, these cascades result in the coordinated proliferation of adjacent epithelial and mesenchymal cells to stimulate organ growth with few alterations in differentiation and patterning.  相似文献   

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