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[背景]里氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei)是木霉属中产纤维素酶最具代表性的真菌之一,表观遗传调控是不涉及DNA序列变化的可遗传变化,组蛋白去乙酰化是其中一种。组蛋白去乙酰化酶(histone deacetylase,HDAC)负责脱乙酰化,敲除去乙酰化酶基因可引起菌株孢子、菌丝及纤维素酶活性等的一系列改变。[目的]通过敲除里氏木霉组蛋白去乙酰化酶基因(histone deacetylase,hdac)建立了里氏木霉hdac缺失突变株(T.reesei△hdac),以研究对纤维素酶基因表达的调控作用。[方法]利用Split-Maker技术构建了组蛋白去乙酰化酶基因敲除表达盒,并转化了里氏木霉T.reesei QM9414。经PCR及Southern blotting验证正确后,对突变体T.reesei△hdac连续7 d检测滤纸酶活(filter paper activity,AFP)、羧甲基纤维素钠酶活(carboxymethyl cellulase activity,CMCA),利用RT-qPCR检测纤维素酶及其相关基因cbh1、egl1和xyr1的表达。[结果]突变体T.reesei△hdac两种酶活力均显著高于出发菌株,分别高出8.00、30.00 IU/mL。突变体T.reesei△hdac纤维素酶及其相关基因cbh1、egl1和xyr1的转录水平分别为出发菌株T.reesei QM9414的6.50、6.01和4.51倍。[结论]里氏木霉中纤维素酶的基因表达明显受到组蛋白去乙酰化酶基因(hdac)的调控,这为研究里氏木霉表观遗传调控对纤维素酶的影响提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

Neural crest-derived pigment cell development has been used extensively to study cell fate specification, migration, proliferation, survival and differentiation. Many of the genes and regulatory mechanisms required for pigment cell development are conserved across vertebrates. The zebrafish mutant colgate (col)/histone deacetylase1 (hdac1) has reduced numbers, delayed differentiation and decreased migration of neural crest-derived melanophores and their precursors. In hdac1col mutants normal numbers of premigratory neural crest cells are induced. Later, while there is only a slight reduction in the number of neural crest cells in hdac1col mutants, there is a severe reduction in the number of mitfa-positive melanoblasts suggesting that hdac1 is required for melanoblast specification. Concomitantly, there is a significant increase in and prolonged expression of foxd3 in neural crest cells in hdac1col mutants. We found that partially reducing Foxd3 expression in hdac1col mutants rescues mitfa expression and the melanophore defects in hdac1col mutants. Furthermore, we demonstrate the ability of Foxd3 to physically interact at the mitfa promoter. Because mitfa is required for melanoblast specification and development, our results suggest that hdac1 is normally required to suppress neural crest foxd3 expression thus de-repressing mitfa resulting in melanogenesis by a subset of neural crest-derived cells.  相似文献   

Fgf signaling plays essential roles in many developmental events. To investigate the roles of Fgf4 signaling in zebrafish development, we generated Fgf4 knockdown embryos by injection with Fgf4 antisense morpholino oligonucleotides. Randomized LR patterning of visceral organs including the liver, pancreas, and heart was observed in the knockdown embryos. Prominent expression of Fgf4 was observed in the posterior notochord and Kupffer's vesicle region in the early stages of segmentation. Lefty1, lefty2, southpaw, and pitx2 are known to play crucial roles in LR patterning of visceral organs. Fgf4 was essential for the expression of lefty1, which is necessary for the asymmetric expression of southpaw and pitx2 in the lateral plate mesoderm, in the posterior notochord, and the expression of lefty2 and lefty1 in the left cardiac field. Fgf8 is also known to be crucial for the formation of Kupffer's vesicle, which is needed for the LR patterning of visceral organs. In contrast, Fgf4 was required for the formation of cilia in Kupffer's vesicle, indicating that the role of Fgf4 in the LR patterning is quite distinct from that of Fgf8. The present findings indicate that Fgf4 plays a unique role in the LR patterning of visceral organs in zebrafish.  相似文献   

We have investigated fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling during the development of the zebrafish pharyngeal dentition with the goal of uncovering novel roles for FGFs in tooth development as well as phylogenetic and topographic diversity in the tooth developmental pathway. We found that the tooth-related expression of several zebrafish genes is similar to that of their mouse orthologs, including both epithelial and mesenchymal markers. Additionally, significant differences in gene expression between zebrafish and mouse teeth are indicated by the apparent lack of fgf8 and pax9 expression in zebrafish tooth germs. FGF receptor inhibition with SU5402 at 32 h blocked dental epithelial morphogenesis and tooth mineralization. While the pharyngeal epithelium remained intact as judged by normal pitx2 expression, not only was the mesenchymal expression of lhx6 and lhx7 eliminated as expected from mouse studies, but the epithelial expression of dlx2a, dlx2b, fgf3, and fgf4 was as well. This latter result provides novel evidence that the dental epithelium is a target of FGF signaling. However, the failure of SU5402 to block localized expression of pitx2 suggests that the earliest steps of tooth initiation are FGF-independent. Investigations of specific FGF ligands with morpholino antisense oligonucleotides revealed only a mild tooth shape phenotype following fgf4 knockdown, while fgf8 inhibition revealed only a subtle down-regulation of dental dlx2b expression with no apparent effect on tooth morphology. Our results suggest redundant FGF signals target the dental epithelium and together are required for dental morphogenesis. Further work will be required to elucidate the nature of these signals, particularly with respect to their origins and whether they act through the mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Microglia are tissue-resident macrophages residing in the central nervous system(CNS) and play critical roles in removing cellular debris and infectious agents as well as regulating neurogenesis and neuronal activities. Yet, the molecular basis underlying the establishment of microglia pool and the maintenance of their homeostasis in the CNS remain largely undefined. Here we report the identification and characterization of a mutant zebrafish, which harbors a point mutation in the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain(NOD) like receptor gene nlrc3-like, resulting in the loss of microglia in a temperature sensitive manner. Temperature shift assay reveals that the late onset of nlrc3-like deficiency leads to excessive microglia cell death. Further analysis shows that the excessive microglia death in nlrc3-like deficient mutants is attributed, at least in part, to aberrant activation of canonical inflammasome pathway. Our study indicates that proper regulation of inflammasome cascade is critical for the maintenance of microglia homeostasis.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitions are known to elicit anticancer effects. We designed and synthesized several HDAC inhibitors. Among these compounds, compound 40 exhibited a more than 10-fold stronger inhibitory activity compared with that of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) against each human HDAC isozyme in vitro (IC50 values of 40: HDAC1, 0.0038 μM; HDAC2, 0.0082 μM; HDAC3, 0.015 μM; HDAC8, 0.0060 μM; HDAC4, 0.058 μM; HDAC9, 0.0052 μM; HDAC6, 0.058 μM). The dose of the administered HDAC inhibitors that contain hydroxamic acid as the zinc-binding group may be reduced by 40. Because the carbostyril subunit is a time-tested structural component of drugs and biologically active compounds, 40 most likely exhibits good absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET). Thus, compound 40 is expected to be a promising therapeutic agent or chemical tool for the investigation of life process.  相似文献   

Gelatinase A, also called matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), belongs to the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family. MMP-2 cleaves type IV collagen, denatured collagen (gelatin), and other extracellular matrix (ECM) components. MMP-2 has been reported to be involved in a number of biological and pathological processes, but previous studies have not indicated that its expression is essential for early embryogenesis. In the current study, we have utilized zebrafish as a developmental model to study the role of MMP-2 during embryogenesis. We have successfully isolated a zebrafish MMP-2 (zMMP-2) homologue showing over 80% identity and over 90% similarity to its human counterpart. In situ analysis showed that zMMP-2 was expressed as early as the one-cell stage implying a maternal origin during oogenesis, and embryos continued to express zMMP-2 through at least the 72-h stage of development. RT-PCR analysis confirmed the in situ expression pattern and gelatin zymography indicated that a metalloproteinase with the same gel mobility as vertebrate MMP-2 was present in zebrafish embryos. Injection of zMMP-2 antisense morpholino oligonucleotides into 1- to 4-cell embryos resulted in a truncated axis, monitored through 72 h of development indicating that this metalloproteinase plays an important role in zebrafish embryogenesis. Monpholino-induced alterations in development began to be observed at 12 h of embryogenesis based on morphological and axis marker studies. The results obtained in zebrafish are in contrast to murine knockout studies that indicate that MMP-2 does not have a major role in mouse embryogenesis.Edited by D. Tautz  相似文献   

The cordon-bleu (Cobl) gene is widely conserved in vertebrates, with developmentally regulated axial and epithelial expression in mouse and chick embryos. In vitro, Cobl can bind monomeric actin and nucleate formation of unbranched actin filaments, while in cultured cells it can modulate the actin cytoskeleton. However, an essential role for Cobl in vivo has yet to be determined. We have used zebrafish as a model to assess the requirements for Cobl in embryogenesis. We find that cobl shows enriched expression in ciliated epithelial tissues during zebrafish organogenesis. Cobl protein is enriched in the apical domain of ciliated cells, in close proximity to the apical actin cap. Reduction of Cobl by antisense morpholinos reveals an essential role in development of motile cilia in organs such as Kupffer's vesicle and the pronephros. In Kupffer's vesicle, the reduction in Cobl coincides with a reduction in the amount of apical F-actin. Thus, Cobl represents a molecular activity that couples developmental patterning signals with local intracellular cytoskeletal dynamics to support morphogenesis of motile cilia.  相似文献   

Although the development of the digestive system of humans and vertebrate model organisms has been well characterized, relatively little is known about how the zebrafish digestive system forms. We define developmental milestones during organogenesis of the zebrafish digestive tract, liver, and pancreas and identify important differences in the way the digestive endoderm of zebrafish and amniotes is organized. Such differences account for the finding that the zebrafish digestive system is assembled from individual organ anlagen, whereas the digestive anlagen of amniotes arise from a primitive gut tube. Despite differences of organ morphogenesis, conserved molecular programs regulate pharynx, esophagus, liver, and pancreas development in teleosts and mammals. Specifically, we show that zebrafish faust/gata-5 is a functional ortholog of gata-4, a gene that is essential for the formation of the mammalian and avian foregut. Further, extraembryonic gata activity is required for this function in zebrafish as has been shown in other vertebrates. We also show that a loss-of-function mutation that perturbs sonic hedgehog causes defects in the development of the esophagus that parallel those associated with targeted disruption of this gene in mammals. Perturbation of sonic hedgehog also affects zebrafish liver and pancreas development, and these effects occur in a reciprocal fashion, as has been described during mammalian liver and ventral pancreas development. Together, these data define aspects of digestive system development necessary for the characterization of zebrafish mutants. Given the similarities of teleost and mammalian digestive physiology and anatomy, these findings have implications for developmental and evolutionary studies as well as research of human diseases, such as diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and cancer.  相似文献   

The histone demethylase Jmjd3 plays a critical role in cell lineage specification and differentiation at various stages of development. However, its function during normal myeloid development remains poorly understood. Here, we carried out a systematic in vivo screen of epigenetic factors for their function in hematopoiesis and identified Jmjd3 as a new epigenetic factor that regulates myelopoiesis in zebrafish. We demonstrated that jmjd3 was essential for zebrafish primitive and definitive myelopoiesis, knockdown of jmjd3 suppressed the myeloid commitment and enhanced the erythroid commitment. Only overexpression of spi1 but not the other myeloid regulators rescued the myeloid development in jmjd3 morphants. Furthermore, preliminary mechanistic studies demonstrated that Jmjd3 could directly bind to the spi1 regulatory region to alleviate the repressive H3K27me3 modification and activate spi1 expression. Thus, our studies highlight that Jmjd3 is indispensable for early zebrafish myeloid development by promoting spi1 expression.  相似文献   

Lrrc10 is required for early heart development and function in zebrafish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leucine-rich Repeat Containing protein 10 (LRRC10) has recently been identified as a cardiac-specific factor in mice. However, the function of this factor remains to be elucidated. In this study, we investigated the developmental roles of Lrrc10 using zebrafish as an animal model. Knockdown of Lrrc10 in zebrafish embryos (morphants) using morpholinos caused severe cardiac morphogenic defects including a cardiac looping failure accompanied by a large pericardial edema, and embryonic lethality between day 6 and 7 post fertilization. The Lrrc10 morphants exhibited cardiac functional defects as evidenced by a decrease in ejection fraction and cardiac output. Further investigations into the underlying mechanisms of the cardiac defects revealed that the number of cardiomyocyte was reduced in the morphants. Expression of two cardiac genes was deregulated in the morphants including an increase in atrial natriuretic factor, a hallmark for cardiac hypertrophy and failure, and a decrease in cardiac myosin light chain 2, an essential protein for cardiac contractility in zebrafish. Moreover, a reduced fluorescence intensity from NADH in the morphant heart was observed in live zebrafish embryos as compared to control. Taken together, the present study demonstrates that Lrrc10 is necessary for normal cardiac development and cardiac function in zebrafish embryos, which will enhance our understanding of congenital heart defects and heart disease.  相似文献   

Our understanding of how complex carbohydrates function during embryonic development is still very limited, primarily due to the large number of glycosyltransferases now known to be involved in their synthesis. To overcome these limitations, we have taken advantage of the zebrafish system to analyze the function of complex carbohydrates during development by down-regulating the expression of specific glycosyltransferases. Herein, we report the identification of the zebrafish ortholog of mammalian beta1,4-galactosyltransferase I, beta4GalT1, and its requirement for proper convergent extension movements during gastrulation. beta4GalT1 is expressed in the oocyte and throughout the embryo during the first 24 h of development. Knockdown of zebrafish beta4GalT1 by two independent morpholino oligonucleotides results in embryos with a truncated anterior-posterior axis, as well as elongated somites and moderate defects in the patterning of the head mesenchyme. Co-injection of zebrafish beta4GalT1 mRNA returns galactosyltransferase activity to control levels and rescues the defects produced by morpholino oligonucleotides. In situ hybridizations of various molecular markers reveal that the axial mesoderm of epiboly stage embryos is abnormally widened in beta4GalT1 morphants, indicative of abnormal convergent extension. Consistent with this, the rate of anterior-posterior axis elongation is reduced relative to control-injected embryos, similar to that seen in known convergent extension mutants. Among the many potential substrates for beta4GalT1 is laminin, a principle component of the extracellular matrix that supports cell movements such as those that occur during convergent extension. Previous in vitro studies have shown that the galactosylation status of laminin directly influences its ability to support cell spreading and migration. In this regard, laminin isolated from beta4GalT1 morphant embryos is poorly galactosylated, which may contribute to defective cell migration during convergent extension movements. This work demonstrates that zebrafish can be used to identify critical developmental roles for specific glycosyltransferases that would not be obvious otherwise, such as an absolute requirement for beta4GalT1 during convergent extension movements.  相似文献   

Dendritic spine defects are found in a number of cognitive disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Amyloid beta (Aβ) toxicity is mediated not only by the fibrillar form of the protein, but also by the soluble oligomers (Aβ-derived diffusible ligands, ADDLs). Drebrin is an actin-binding protein that is located at mature dendritic spines. Because drebrin expression is decreased in AD brains and in cultured neurons exposed to Aβ, it is thought that drebrin is closely associated with cognitive functions. Recent studies show that histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity is elevated in the AD mouse model, and that memory impairments in these animals can be ameliorated by HDAC inhibitors. In addition, spine loss and memory impairment in HDAC2 over-expressing mice are ameliorated by chronic HDAC inhibitor treatment. Therefore, we hypothesized that the regulation of histone acetylation/deacetylation is critical to synaptic functioning. In this study, we examined the relationship between HDAC activity and synaptic defects induced by ADDLs using an HDAC inhibitor, suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA). We show that ADDLs reduce the cluster density of drebrin along dendrites without reducing drebrin expression. SAHA markedly increased the acetylation of histone proteins, and it simultaneously attenuated the ADDL-induced decrease in drebrin cluster density. In comparison, SAHA treatment did not affect the density of drebrin clusters or dendritic protrusions in control neurons. Therefore, SAHA likely inhibits ADDL-induced drebrin loss from dendritic spines by stabilizing drebrin in these structures, rather than by increasing drebrin clusters or dendritic protrusions. Taken together, our findings suggest that HDAC is involved in ADDL-induced synaptic defects, and that the regulation of histone acetylation plays an important role in modulating actin cytoskeletal dynamics in dendritic spines under cellular stress conditions, such as ADDL exposure.  相似文献   

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