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Pioneer longitudinal axons grow long distances parallel to the floor plate and precisely maintain their positions using guidance molecules released from the floor plate. Two receptors, Robo1 and Robo2, are critical for longitudinal axon guidance by the Slit family of chemorepellents. Previous studies showed that Robo1−/−;2−/− double mutant mouse embryos have disruptions in both ventral and dorsal longitudinal tracts. However, the role of each Robo isoform remained unclear, because Robo1 or 2 single mutants have mild or no errors. Here we utilized a more sensitive genetic strategy to reduce Robo levels for determining any separate functions of the Robo1 and 2 isoforms. We found that Robo1 is the predominant receptor for guiding axons in ventral tracts and prevents midline crossing. In contrast, Robo2 is the main receptor for directing axons within dorsal tracts. Robo2 also has a distinct function in repelling neuron cell bodies from the floor plate. Therefore, while Robo1 and 2 have some genetic overlap to cooperate in guiding longitudinal axons, each isoform has distinct functions in specific longitudinal axon populations.  相似文献   

In the embryonic forebrain, pioneer axons establish a simple topography of dorsoventral and longitudinal tracts. The cues used by these axons during the initial formation of the axon scaffold remain largely unknown. We have investigated the axon guidance role of Neogenin, a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily that binds to the chemoattractive ligand Netrin-1, as well as to the chemorepulsive ligand repulsive guidance molecule (RGMa). Here, we show strong expression of Neogenin and both of its putative ligands in the developing Xenopus forebrain. Neogenin loss-of-function mutants revealed that this receptor was essential for axon guidance in an early forming dorsoventral brain pathway. Similar mutant phenotypes were also observed following loss of either RGMa or Netrin-1. Simultaneous partial knock downs of these molecules revealed dosage-sensitive interactions and confirmed that these receptors and ligands were acting in the same pathway. The results provide the first evidence that Neogenin acts as an axon guidance molecule in vivo and support a model whereby Neogenin-expressing axons respond to a combination of attractive and repulsive cues as they navigate their ventral trajectory.  相似文献   

Members of the Wnt family and their receptors, the Frizzleds, are key regulators of pivotal developmental processes including embryonic patterning, specification of cell fate, and determination of cell polarity. The versatility and complexity of Wnt signaling has been further highlighted by the emergence of a novel family of Wnt receptors, the Ryk family. In mammals and flies, Ryk is a key chemorepulsive axon guidance receptor responsible for the establishment of important axon tracts during nervous system development. Although the function of Ryk is currently best understood with respect to this role, its widespread expression, both in developing tissues and in the adult, suggests that Ryk may regulate many essential biological processes. This hypothesis is supported by the multiple developmental phenotypes apparent in Ryk loss-of-function mice. These mice display a variety of embryonic abnormalities, including disruption of skeletal, craniofacial and cardiac development. Here we review Ryk structure and function focusing on its activity as an axon guidance receptor.  相似文献   

We have addressed the control of longitudinal axon pathfinding in the developing hindbrain, including the caudal projections of reticular and raphe neurons. To test potential sources of guidance signals, we assessed axon outgrowth from embryonic rat hindbrain explants cultured in collagen gels at a distance from explants of midbrain-hindbrain boundary (isthmus), caudal hindbrain, or cervical spinal cord. Our results showed that the isthmus inhibited caudally directed axon outgrowth by 80% relative to controls, whereas rostrally directed axon outgrowth was unaffected. Moreover, caudal hindbrain or cervical spinal cord explants did not inhibit caudal axons. Immunohistochemistry for reticular and raphe neuronal markers indicated that the caudal, but not the rostral projections of these neuronal subpopulations were inhibited by isthmic explants. Companion studies in chick embryos showed that, when the hindbrain was surgically separated from the isthmus, caudal reticulospinal axon projections failed to form and that descending pioneer axons of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) play an important role in the caudal reticulospinal projection. Taken together, these results suggest that diffusible chemorepellent or nonpermissive signals from the isthmus and substrate-anchored signals on the pioneer MLF axons are involved in the caudal direction of reticulospinal projections and might influence other longitudinal axon projections in the brainstem.  相似文献   

The regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation is recognized as an important developmental mechanism. Both addition and removal of phosphate moieties on tyrosine residues are tightly regulated during development. Originally, most attention focused on the role of tyrosine kinases during development, but more recently, the developmental importance of tyrosine phosphatases has been gaining interest. Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are of particular interest to developmental biologists because the extracellular domains of RPTPs are similar to those of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). This suggests that RPTPs may have functions in development similar to CAMs. This review focuses on the role of RPTPs in development of the nervous system in processes such as axon guidance, synapse formation, and neural tissue morphogenesis.  相似文献   

roundabout (robo) family genes play key roles in axon guidance in a wide variety of animals. We have investigated the roles of the robo family members, robo, robo2, and robo3, in the guidance of sensory axons in the Drosophila embryo. In robo(-/-), slit(-/-), and robo(-/+) slit(-/+) mutants, lateral cluster sensory neurons misproject to cells and axons in the nearby ventral' (v') cluster. These phenotypes, together with the normal expression pattern of Slit and Robo, suggest that Slit ligand secreted from the epidermis interacts with Robo receptors on lateral cluster sensory growth cones to limit their exploration of nearby attractive substrates. The most common sensory axon phenotype seen in robo2(-/-) mutants was misprojection of dorsal cluster sensory axons away from their normal growth substrate, the transverse connective of the trachea. slit appears to play no role in this aspect of sensory axon growth. Robo2 is expressed, not on the dorsal sensory axons, but on the transverse connective. These results suggest a novel, non-cell-autonomous mechanism for axon guidance by robo family genes: Robo2 expressed on the trachea acts as an attractant for the dorsal sensory growth cones.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) project their axons to second-order neurons in the olfactory bulb (OB) to form a precise glomerular map and these stereotypic connections are crucial for accurate odorant information processing by animals. To form these connections, olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) axons respond to axon guidance molecules that direct their growth and coalescence. We have previously implicated the axon guidance receptor Robo-2 in the accurate coalescence of OSN axons within the dorsal region of the OB (Cho et al., 2011). Herein, we have examined whether Robo-2 and its ligands, the Slits, contribute to the formation of an accurate glomerular map within more ventral regions of the OB. We have ablated expression of Robo-2 in OSNs and assessed the targeting accuracy of axons expressing either the P2 or MOR28 olfactory receptors, which innervate two different regions of the ventral OB. We show that P2-positive axons, which express Robo-2, coalesce into glomeruli more ventrally and form additional glomeruli in the OB of robo-2lox/lox;OMP-Cre mice. We also demonstrate that Robo-2-mediated targeting of P2 axons along the dorsoventral axis of the OB is controlled by Slit-1 and Slit-3 expression. Interestingly, although MOR28-positive OSNs only express low levels of Robo-2, a reduced number of MOR28-positive glomeruli is observed in the OB of robo-2lox/lox;OMP-Cre mice. Taken together, our results demonstrate that Slits and Robo-2 are required for the formation of an accurate glomerular map in the ventral region of the OB.  相似文献   

The developing optic pathway has proven one of the most informative model systems for studying mechanisms of axon guidance. The first step in this process is the directed extension of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons within the optic fibre layer (OFL) of the retina towards their exit point from the eye, the optic disc. Previously, we have shown that the inhibitory guidance molecules, Slit1 and Slit2, regulate two distinct aspects of intraretinal axon guidance in a region-specific manner. Using knockout mice, we have found that both of these guidance activities are mediated via Robo2. Of the four vertebrate Robos, only Robo1 and Robo2 are expressed by RGCs. In mice lacking robo1 intraretinal axon guidance occurs normally. However, in mice lacking robo2 RGC axons make qualitatively and quantitatively identical intraretinal pathfinding errors to those reported previously in Slit mutants. This demonstrates clearly that, as in other regions of the optic pathway, Robo2 is the major receptor required for intraretinal axon guidance. Furthermore, the results suggest strongly that redundancy with other guidance signals rather than different receptor utilisation is the most likely explanation for the regional specificity of Slit function during intraretinal axon pathfinding.  相似文献   

The mesencephalic V neurons and tectobulbar axons in chick embryo project over long distances that appear during the early development of the chick optic tectum. The mesencephalic V neuron and tectobulbar axonal growth begin at Hamburger and Hamilton stage 14 and stage 18, respectively. Both fibers proceed downward from the dorsal to the ventral side of the lateral wall of the optic tectum and then turn caudally and join the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Their axons appear in the most superficial layer of the tectum at early stages and do not cross the dorsal midline of the tectum. Here, we report the role of draxin, a recently identified axon guidance protein, in the formation of the ventrally directed tectum axonal tracts in chicken embryo. draxin is expressed in a high dorsal to low ventral gradient in chick optic tectum. In vitro experiments show that draxin repels neurite outgrowth from dorsal tectum explants. In vivo overexpression resulted in inhibition or misrouting of axon growth in the tectum. Therefore, draxin may be an important member of the collection of repulsive guidance molecules that regulate the formation of the ventrally directed tectum axon tracts.  相似文献   

轴突导向因子协同引导轴突延伸,准确地进行轴突的投射。神经系统损害发生后,这些因子及其各自受体相互作用,通过激活磷酸激酶,影响突触可塑性从而诱发和维持神经病理痛。  相似文献   

Repulsive guidance molecule A (RGMa) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol‐anchored plasma membrane protein that was originally identified based on its chemorepulsive activity during axon navigation in the developing nervous system. Knock down of RGMa has previously shown to perturb axon navigation in the developing Xenopus forebrain (Wilson and Key, 2006). In order to further understand the in vivo role of RGMa in axon guidance, we have adopted an in vivo gain‐of‐function approach. RGMa was mosaically overexpressed in the developing Xenopus embryo by the injection of mRNA into single blastomeres. Ectopic expression of RGMa affected the morphology and the topography of developing axon tracts in vivo. Pioneer axons misrouted or aberrantly projected in response to ectopic RGMa in the developing Xenopus forebrain, confirming the in vivo chemorepulsive activity of this ligand. In addition, we show here for the first time that overexpression of RGMa acts cell‐autonomously to generate ectopic neurons in the developing embryonic brain. Taken together, the current study reveals a pleiotropic role of RGMa in early vertebrate embryonic brain in the spatial organization of axon tracts, pioneer axon guidance, and neural cell differentiation. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2012  相似文献   

Axon guidance is influenced by the presence of heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycans (HSPGs) on the surface of axons and growth cones (Hu, [2001]: Nat Neurosci 4:695-701; Irie et al. [2002]: Development 129:61-70; Inatani et al. [2003]: Science 302:1044-1046; Johnson et al. [2004]: Curr Biol 14:499-504; Steigemann et al. [2004]: Curr Biol 14:225-230). Multiple HSPGs, including Syndecans, Glypicans and Perlecans, carry the same carbohydrate polymer backbones, raising the question of how these molecules display functional specificity during nervous system development. Here we use the Drosophila central nervous system (CNS) as a model to compare the impact of eliminating Syndecan (Sdc) and/or the Glypican Dally-like (Dlp). We show that Dlp and Sdc share a role in promoting accurate patterns of axon fasciculation in the lateral longitudinal neuropil; however, unlike mutations in sdc, which disrupt the ability of the secreted repellent Slit to prevent inappropriate passage of axons across the midline, mutations in dlp show neither midline defects nor genetic interactions with Slit and its Roundabout (Robo) receptors at the midline. Dlp mutants do show genetic interactions with Slit and Robo in lateral fascicle formation. In addition, simultaneous loss of Dlp and Sdc demonstrates an important role for Dlp in midline repulsion, reminiscent of the functional overlap between Robo receptors. A comparison of HSPG distribution reveals a pattern that leaves midline proximal axons with relatively little Dlp. Finally, the loss of Dlp alters Slit distribution distal but not proximal to the midline, suggesting that distinct yet overlapping pattern of HSPG expression provides a spatial system that regulates axon guidance decisions.  相似文献   

Drosophila ELAV is the founding member of an evolutionarily conserved family of RNA-binding proteins considered as key inducers of neuronal differentiation. Although several ELAV-specific targets have been identified, little is known about the role of elav during neural development. Here, we report a detailed characterization of the elav mutant commissural phenotype. The reduced number of commissures in elav mutant embryos is not due to loss or misspecification of neural cells but results from defects in commissural axon projections across the midline. We establish a causal relationship between the elav mutant commissural phenotype and a reduction in the expression of commissureless, a key component of the Robo/Slit growth cone repulsive signalling pathway. In the nerve cord of elav mutant embryos, comm mRNA expression is strongly reduced in neurons, but not in midline glial cells. Furthermore, specific expression of an elav transgene in posterior neurons of each segment of an elav mutant nerve cord restores comm mRNA expression in these cells, as well as the formation of posterior commissures. Finally, forced expression of comm in specific commissural neuron subsets rescues the midline crossing defects of these neurons in elav mutant embryos, further indicating that elav acts cell autonomously on comm expression.  相似文献   

Searches of zebrafish EST and whole genome shotgun sequence databases for sequences encoding the sterol-sensing domain (SSD) protein motif identified two sets of DNA sequences with significant homology to the Drosophila dispatched gene required for release of secreted Hedgehog protein. Using morpholino antisense oligonucleotides, we found that inhibition of one of these genes, designated Disp1, results in a phenotype similar to that of the "you-type" mutants, previously implicated in signalling by Hedgehog proteins in the zebrafish embryo. Injection of disp1 mRNA into embryos homozygous for one such mutation, chameleon (con) results in rescue of the mutant phenotype. Radiation hybrid mapping localised disp1 to the same region of LG20 to which the con mutation was mapped by meiotic recombination analysis. Sequence analysis of disp1 cDNA derived from homozygous con mutant embryos revealed that both mutant alleles are associated with premature termination codons in the disp1 coding sequence. By analysing the expression of markers of specific cell types in the neural tube, pancreas and myotome of con mutant and Disp1 morphant embryos, we conclude that Disp1 activity is essential for the secretion of lipid-modified Hh proteins from midline structures.  相似文献   

Mutant analysis in the zebrafish is revealing the genes that are expressed in the early neuroepithelium and that regulate factors responsible for the guidance of commissural axons. We review work on the developing zebrafish brain illustrating the way in which territories of regulatory gene expression influence the formation and positioning of axon pathways. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 9 June 1997  相似文献   

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