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The development of the vertebrate dorsal midline (floor plate, notochord, and hypochord) has been an area of classical research and debate. Previous studies in vertebrates have led to contrasting models for the roles of Shh and Notch signaling in specification of the floor plate, by late inductive or early allocation mechanisms, respectively. Here, we show that Notch signaling plays an integral role in cell fate decisions in the dorsal midline of Xenopus laevis, similar to that observed in zebrafish and chick. Notch signaling promotes floor plate and hypochord fates over notochord, but has variable effects on Shh expression in the midline. In contrast to previous reports in frog, we find that Shh signaling is not required for floor plate vs. notochord decisions and plays a minor role in floor plate specification, where it acts in parallel to Notch signaling. As in zebrafish, Shh signaling is required for specification of the lateral floor plate in the frog. We also find that the medial floor plate in Xenopus comprises two distinct populations of cells, each dependent upon different signals for its specification. Using expression analysis of several midline markers, and dissection of functional relationships, we propose a revised allocation mechanism of dorsal midline specification in Xenopus. Our model is distinct from those proposed to date, and may serve as a guide for future studies in frog and other vertebrate organisms.  相似文献   

Cells receive and interpret extracellular signals to regulate cellular responses such as proliferation, cell survival and differentiation. However, proper inactivation of these signals is critical for appropriate homeostasis. Cbl proteins are E3-ubiquitin ligases that restrict receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling, most notably EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor), via the endocytic pathway. Consistently, many mutant phenotypes of Drosophila cbl (D-cbl) are due to inappropriate activation of EGFR signaling. However, not all D-cbl phenotypes can be explained by increased EGFR activity. Here, we report that D-Cbl also negatively regulates Notch activity during eye and wing development. D-cbl produces two isoforms by alternative splicing. The long isoform, D-CblL, regulates the EGFR. We found that the short isoform, D-CblS, preferentially restricts Notch signaling. Specifically, our data imply that D-CblS controls the activity of the Notch ligand Delta. Taken together, these data suggest that D-Cbl controls the EGFR and Notch/Delta signaling pathways through production of two alternatively spliced isoforms during development in Drosophila.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(11):967-980.e4
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Here, we review recent studies that suggest that Notch signaling has two roles during neural crest development: first in establishing the neural crest domain within the ectoderm via lateral induction and subsequently in diversifying the fates of cells that arise from the neural crest via lateral inhibition. The first of these roles, specification of neural crest via lateral induction, has been explored primarily in the cranial neural folds from which the cranial neural crest arises. Evidence for such a role has thus far only been obtained from chick and frog; results from these two species differ, but share the feature that Notch signaling regulates genes that are expressed by cranial neural crest through effects on expression of Bmp family members. The second of these roles, diversification of neural crest progeny via lateral inhibition, has been identified thus far only in trunk neural crest. Evidence from several species suggests that Notch-mediated lateral inhibition functions in multiple episodes in this context, in each case inhibiting neurogenesis. In the 'standard' mode of lateral inhibition, Notch promotes proliferation and in the 'instructive' mode, it promotes specific secondary fates, including cell death or glial differentiation. We raise the possibility that a single molecular mechanism, inhibition of so-called proneural bHLH genes, underlies both modes of lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signaling.  相似文献   

Mutations in the NOTCH3 gene are the cause of cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), a hereditary angiopathy leading to strokes and dementia. Pathogenic mutations remove or insert cysteine residues within epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats in the extracellular domain of the Notch3 receptor (N3ECD). Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) are the predominant site of Notch3 expression in adults. In CADASIL patients, VSMC degenerate and N3ECD is deposited within the vasculature. However, the mechanisms underlying VSMC degeneration and N3ECD accumulation are still unknown. In this study, we investigated the consequences of three pathogenic Notch3 mutations on the biological activity of the receptor by analyzing ligand (Delta-/Jagged-)-induced signaling via RBP-Jk. Two mutations (R133C and C183R) that are located outside the putative ligand binding domain (LBD) of the receptor were found to result in normal Jagged1-induced signaling in A7r5 VSMC, whereas the third mutation (C455R located within the putative LBD) showed strongly reduced signaling activity. Ligand binding assays with soluble Delta1 and Jagged1 revealed that C455R interferes with ligand binding through disruption of the LBD which, as we show here, is located in EGF repeats 10/11 of Notch3. All mutant receptors including Notch3C455R were targeted to the cell surface but showed an elevated ratio between the unprocessed full-length 280-kDa receptor and S1-cleaved receptor fragments. Taken together, these data indicate that CADASIL-associated Notch3 mutations differ with respect to their consequences both on ligand binding and ligand-induced signaling through RBP-Jk, whereas they have similar effects on receptor maturation. Moreover, the data suggest that ligand-induced receptor shedding may not be required for N3ECD deposition in CADASIL.  相似文献   

SMAD4 serves as a common mediator for signaling of TGF-β superfamily. Previous studies illustrated that SMAD4-null mice die at embryonic day 6.5 (E6.5) due to failure of mesoderm induction and extraembryonic defects; however, functions of SMAD4 in each germ layer remain elusive. To investigate this, we disrupted SMAD4 in the visceral endoderm and epiblast, respectively, using a Cre-loxP mediated approach. We showed that mutant embryos lack of SMAD4 in the visceral endoderm (Smad4(Co/Co);TTR-Cre) died at E7.5-E9.5 without head-fold and anterior embryonic structures. We demonstrated that TGF-β regulates expression of several genes, such as Hex1, Cer1, and Lim1, in the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE), and the failure of anterior embryonic development in Smad4(Co/Co);TTR-Cre embryos is accompanied by diminished expression of these genes. Consistent with this finding, SMAD4-deficient embryoid bodies showed impaired responsiveness to TGF-β-induced gene expression and morphological changes. On the other hand, embryos carrying Cre-loxP mediated disruption of SMAD4 in the epiblasts exhibited relatively normal mesoderm and head-fold induction although they all displayed profound patterning defects in the later stages of gastrulation. Cumulatively, our data indicate that SMAD4 signaling in the epiblasts is dispensable for mesoderm induction although it remains critical for head patterning, which is significantly different from SMAD4 signaling in the AVE, where it specifies anterior embryonic patterning and head induction.  相似文献   

Suppression of wing fate and specification of haltere fate in Drosophila by the homeotic gene Ultrabithorax is a classical example of Hox regulation of serial homology (Lewis, E.B. 1978. Nature 276, 565-570) and has served as a paradigm for understanding homeotic gene function. We have used DNA microarray analyses to identify potential targets of Ultrabithorax function during haltere specification. Expression patterns of 18 validated target genes and functional analyses of a subset of these genes suggest that down-regulation of both anterior-posterior and dorso-ventral signaling is critical for haltere fate specification. This is further confirmed by the observation that combined over-expression of Decapentaplegic and Vestigial is sufficient to override the effect of Ubx and cause dramatic haltere-to-wing transformations. Our results also demonstrate that analysis of the differential development of wing and haltere is a good assay system to identify novel regulators of key signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The cranial base exerts a supportive role for the brain and includes the occipital, sphenoid and ethmoid bones that arise from cartilaginous precursors in the early embryo. As the occipital bone and the posterior part of the sphenoid are mesoderm derivatives that arise in close proximity to the notochord and floor plate, it has been assumed that their development, like the axial skeleton, is dependent on Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and modulation of bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) signalling. Here we examined the development of the cranial base in chick and mouse embryos to compare the molecular signals that are required for chondrogenic induction in the trunk and head. We found that Shh signalling is required but the molecular network controlling cranial base development is distinct from that in the trunk. In the absence of Shh, the presumptive cranial base did not undergo chondrogenic commitment as determined by the loss of Sox9 expression and there was a decrease in cell survival. In contrast, induction of the otic capsule occurred normally demonstrating that induction of the cranial base is uncoupled from formation of the sensory capsules. Lastly, we found that the early cranial mesoderm is refractory to Shh signalling, likely accounting for why development of the cranial base occurs after the axial skeleton. Our data reveal that cranial and axial skeletal induction is controlled by conserved, yet spatiotemporally distinct mechanisms that co-ordinate development of the cranial base with that of the cranial musculature and the pharyngeal arches.  相似文献   

The cells that are normally fated to form notochord occupy a region at the rostral tip of the primitive streak at late gastrula/early neurula stages of avian and mammalian development. If these cells are surgically removed from avian embryos in culture, a notochord will nonetheless form in the majority of cases. The origin of this reconstituted notochord previously had not been investigated and was the objective of this study. Chick embryos at late gastrulal early neurula stages were cultured, and the rostral tip of the primitive streak including Hensen's node was removed and replaced with non-node cells from quail epiblast to ensure that the cells normally fated to be notochord would be absent and that healing of the blastoderm would occur. Embryos were allowed to develop for 24 hr, and the presence and origin (host or graft) of the notochord were assessed using antibodies against notochord or quail cells. Two notochords typically developed; both were almost exclusively of host origin. The primitive streak, and in some cases adjacent tissues, was removed from another group of embryos in an attempt to estimate the mediolateral position and extent of the cells required to form reconstituted notochord. Additional experimental embryos with and without grafts were transected at various rostrocaudal levels in an attempt to estimate the rostrocaudal extent of the cells required to form reconstituted notochord. Finally, various levels of the primitive streak either were placed in a neutral environment (the germ cell crescent) or were grafted in place of the node. Collective results from all experiments indicate that the areas lateral to the rostral portion of the primitive streak, estimated to have a rostrocaudal span of less than 500 μm and a mediolateral extent of less than 250 μm, are critical for formation of the reconstituted notochord. Fate mapping and histological examination of this region identify 4 possible precursor cell populations. Further studies are underway to determine which of the 4 possible precursor cell types forms or induces the reconstituted notochord, and which tissue interactions underlie this change in cell fate. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Laterality is fundamental to the vertebrate body plan. Here, we investigate the roles of fgf8 signaling in LR patterning of the zebrafish embryo. We find that fgf8 is required for proper asymmetric development of the brain, heart and gut. When fgf8 is absent, nodal signaling is randomized in the lateral plate mesoderm, leading to aberrant LR orientation of the brain and visceral organs. We also show that fgf8 is necessary for proper symmetric development of the pharyngeal skeleton. Attenuated fgf8 signaling results in consistently biased LR asymmetric development of the pharyngeal arches and craniofacial skeleton. Approximately 1/3 of zebrafish ace/fgf8 mutants are missing Kupffer's vesicle (KV), a ciliated structure similar to Hensen's node. We correlate fgf8 deficient laterality defects in the brain and viscera with the absence of KV, supporting a role for KV in proper LR patterning of these structures. Strikingly, we also correlate asymmetric craniofacial development in ace/fgf8 mutants with the presence of KV, suggesting roles for KV in lateralization of the pharyngeal skeleton when fgf8 is absent. These data provide new insights into vertebrate laterality and offer the zebrafish ace/fgf8 mutant as a novel molecular tool to investigate tissue-specific molecular laterality mechanisms.  相似文献   

During vertebrate retinogenesis, the precise balance between retinoblast proliferation and differentiation is spatially and temporally regulated through a number of intrinsic factors and extrinsic signaling pathways. Moreover, there are complex gene regulatory network interactions between these intrinsic factors and extrinsic pathways, which ultimately function to determine when retinoblasts exit the cell cycle and terminally differentiate. We recently uncovered a cell non-autonomous role for the intrinsic HLH factor, Id2a, in regulating retinoblast proliferation and differentiation, with Id2a-deficient retinae containing an abundance of proliferative retinoblasts and an absence of terminally differentiated retinal neurons and glia. Here, we report that Id2a function is necessary and sufficient to limit Notch pathway activity during retinogenesis. Id2a-deficient retinae possess elevated levels of Notch pathway component gene expression, while retinae overexpressing id2a possess reduced expression of Notch pathway component genes. Attenuation of Notch signaling activity by DAPT or by morpholino knockdown of Notch1a is sufficient to rescue both the proliferative and differentiation defects in Id2a-deficient retinae. In addition to regulating Notch pathway activity, through a novel RNA-Seq and differential gene expression analysis of Id2a-deficient retinae, we identify a number of additional intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory pathway components whose expression is regulated by Id2a. These data highlight the integral role played by Id2a in the gene regulatory network governing the transition from retinoblast proliferation to terminal differentiation during vertebrate retinogenesis.  相似文献   

The development of all vertebrate embryos requires the establishment of a three-dimensional coordinate system in order to pattern embryonic structures and create the complex shape of the adult organism. During the process of gastrulation, the three primary germ layers are created under the guidance of numerous signaling pathways, allowing cells to communicate during development. Cell-cell communication, mediated by receptors of the Notch family, has been shown to be involved in mediating diverse cellular behaviors during development and has been implicated in the regulation of cell fate decisions in both vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. In order to investigate a role for Notch signaling during boundary formation between the mesoderm and endoderm during gastrulation, we manipulated Notch signaling in gastrula stage embryos and examined gene expression in resultant tissues and organs. Our findings demonstrate a much broader role for Notch signaling during germ layer determination than previously reported in a vertebrate organism. Activation of the Notch pathway, specifically in gastrula stage embryos, results in a dramatic decrease in the expression of genes necessary to create many different types of mesodermal tissues while causing a dramatic expansion of endodermal tissue markers. Conversely, temporally controlled suppression of this pathway results in a loss of endodermal cell types and an expansion of molecular markers of mesoderm. Thus, our data are consistent with and significantly extend the implications of prior observations suggesting roles for Notch signaling during germ layer formation and establish an evolutionarily conserved role for Notch signaling in mediating mesoderm-endoderm boundaries during early vertebrate development.  相似文献   

Stress-activated protein (SAP) kinases and the mitochondrial pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein Bak are important regulators of apoptosis. Reduced expression of Bak increases cellular resistance to the anticancer agent cisplatin, and we report here that mouse embryo fibroblasts deficient in the SAP kinase jnk1 are highly resistant to apoptosis induced by cisplatin. When human melanoma cells were treated with cisplatin, Bak function was found to be regulated in two distinct steps by two SAP kinases, MEKK1 and JNK1. The first of these steps involves MEKK1-controlled conformational activation of Bak. The second step leads to formation of 80-170 kDa Bak complexes correlating with apoptosis, and is controlled by JNK1. Inhibition of MEKK1 blocked the initial Bak conformational activation but did not block JNK1 activation, and deficiency in, or inhibition of, JNK1 did not prevent conformational activation of Bak. Furthermore, inducible expression of a constitutively active form of MEKK1 led to Bak conformational activation, but not to 80-170 kDa complexes. Consequently, apoptosis was delayed unless JNK was exogenously stimulated, indicating that Bak conformational activation is not necessarily an apoptotic marker. The two-step regulation of Bak revealed here may be important for tight control of mitochondrial factor release and apoptosis.  相似文献   

 Proteins encoded by the Wnt family of genes act as signals and have been shown to play important roles in a wide variety of developmental processes. Here we describe the cloning of three Wnt family members from the zebrafish, Danio rerio, which encode proteins with homology to murine Wnt-2, -4 and -5A/B. The expression patterns of the latter two zebrafish genes, designated ZfWnt4 and ZfWnt5 show considerable similarity with their homologues in other vertebrates; ZfWnt2, however, is expressed in the developing viscera in a pattern distinct from its closest murine homologue. In the light of the similarities and differences in the patterns of expression of these genes relative to their homologues in other vertebrates, we speculate on their possible functions. Received 24 October 1995 / Accepted in revised form: 16 January 1996  相似文献   

Two Drosophila myosin II point mutations (D45 and Mhc(5)) generate Drosophila cardiac phenotypes that are similar to dilated or restrictive human cardiomyopathies. Our homology models suggest that the mutations (A261T in D45, G200D in Mhc(5)) could stabilize (D45) or destabilize (Mhc(5)) loop 1 of myosin, a region known to influence ADP release. To gain insight into the molecular mechanism that causes the cardiomyopathic phenotypes to develop, we determined whether the kinetic properties of the mutant molecules have been altered. We used myosin subfragment 1 (S1) carrying either of the two mutations (S1(A261T) and S1(G200D)) from the indirect flight muscles of Drosophila. The kinetic data show that the two point mutations have an opposite effect on the enzymatic activity of S1. S1(A261T) is less active (reduced ATPase, higher ADP affinity for S1 and actomyosin subfragment 1 (actin · S1), and reduced ATP-induced dissociation of actin · S1), whereas S1(G200D) shows increased enzymatic activity (enhanced ATPase, reduced ADP affinity for both S1 and actin · S1). The opposite changes in the myosin properties are consistent with the induced cardiac phenotypes for S1(A261T) (dilated) and S1(G200D) (restrictive). Our results provide novel insights into the molecular mechanisms that cause different cardiomyopathy phenotypes for these mutants. In addition, we report that S1(A261T) weakens the affinity of S1 · ADP for actin, whereas S1(G200D) increases it. This may account for the suppression (A261T) or enhancement (G200D) of the skeletal muscle hypercontraction phenotype induced by the troponin I held-up(2) mutation in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Developmental gradients play a central role in axial patterning in hydra. As part of the effort towards elucidating the molecular basis of these gradients as well as investigating the evolution of the mechanisms underlying axial patterning, genes encoding signaling molecules are under investigation. We report the isolation and characterization of HyBMP5-8b, a BMP5-8 orthologue, from hydra. Processes governing axial patterning are continuously active in adult hydra. Expression patterns of HyBMP5-8b in normal animals and during bud formation, hydra's asexual form of reproduction, were examined. These patterns, coupled with changes in patterns of expression in manipulated tissues during head regeneration, foot regeneration as well as under conditions that alter the positional value gradient indicate that the gene is active in two different processes. The gene plays a role in tentacle formation and in patterning the lower end of the body axis.  相似文献   

Different types of placodes originate at the anterior border of the neural plate but it is still an unresolved question whether individual placodes arise as distinct ectodermal specializations in situ or whether all or a subset of the placodes originate from a common preplacodal field. We have analyzed the expression and function of the homeoprotein Iro1 in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos, and we have compared its expression with several preplacodal and placodal markers. Our results indicate that the iro1 genes are expressed in the preplacodal region, being one of the earliest markers for this area. We show that an interaction between the neural plate and the epidermis is able to induce the expression of several preplacodal markers, including Xiro1, by a similar mechanism to that previously shown for neural crest induction. In addition, we analyzed the role of BMP in the specification of the preplacodal field by studying the expression of the preplacodal markers Six1, Xiro1, and several specific placodal markers. We experimentally modified the level of BMP activity by three different methods. First, we implanted beads soaked with noggin in early neurula stage Xenopus embryos; second, we injected the mRNA that encodes a dominant negative of the BMP receptor into Xenopus and zebrafish embryos; and third, we grafted cells expressing chordin into zebrafish embryos. The results obtained using all three methods show that a reduction in the level of BMP activity leads to an expansion of the preplacodal and placodal region similar to what has been described for neural crest regions. By using conditional constructs of Xiro1, we performed gain and loss of function experiments. We show that Xiro1 play an important role in the specification of both the preplacodal field as well as individual placodes. We have also used inducible dominant negative and activator constructs of Notch signaling components to analyze the role of these factors on placodal development. Our results indicate that the a precise level of BMP activity is required to induce the neural plate border, including placodes and neural crest cells, that in this border the iro1 gene is activated, and that this activation is required for the specification of the placodes.  相似文献   

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