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Here we study the role of Shh signaling in tooth morphogenesis and successional tooth initiation in snakes and lizards (Squamata). By characterizing the expression of Shh pathway receptor Ptc1 in the developing dentitions of three species (Eublepharis macularius, Python regius, and Pogona vitticeps) and by performing gain- and loss-of-function experiments, we demonstrate that Shh signaling is active in the squamate tooth bud and is required for its normal morphogenesis. Shh apparently mediates tooth morphogenesis by separate paracrine- and autocrine-mediated functions. According to this model, paracrine Shh signaling induces cell proliferation in the cervical loop, outer enamel epithelium, and dental papilla. Autocrine signaling within the stellate reticulum instead appears to regulate cell survival. By treating squamate dental explants with Hh antagonist cyclopamine, we induced tooth phenotypes that closely resemble the morphological and differentiation defects of vestigial, first-generation teeth in the bearded dragon P. vitticeps. Our finding that these vestigial teeth are deficient in epithelial Shh signaling further corroborates that Shh is needed for the normal development of teeth in snakes and lizards. Finally, in this study, we definitively refute a role for Shh signaling in successional dental lamina formation and conclude that other pathways regulate tooth replacement in squamates.  相似文献   

Sicyopterus japonicus (Teleostei, Gobiidae) possesses a unique upper jaw dentition different from that known for any other teleosts. In the adults, many (up to 30) replacement teeth, from initiation to attachment, are arranged orderly in a semicircular-like strand within a capsule of connective tissue on the labial side of each premaxillary bone. We have applied histological, ultrastructural, and three-dimensional imaging from serial sections to obtain insights into the distribution and morphological features of the dental lamina in the upper jaw dentition of adult S. japonicus. The adult fish has numerous permanent dental laminae, each of which is an infolding of the oral epithelium at the labial side of the functional tooth and forms a thin plate-like structure with a wavy contour. All replacement teeth of a semicircular-like strand are connected to the plate-like dental lamina by the outer dental epithelium and form a tooth family; neighboring tooth families are completely separated from each other. The new tooth germ directly buds off from the ventro-labial margin of the dental lamina, whereas no distinct free end of the dental lamina is present, even adjacent to this region. Cell proliferation concentrated at the ventro-labial margin of the dental lamina suggests that this region is the site for repeated tooth initiation. During tooth development, the replacement tooth migrates along a semicircular-like strand and eventually erupts through the dental lamina into the oral epithelium at the labial side of the functional tooth. This unique thin plate-like permanent dental lamina and the semicircular-like strand of replacement teeth in the upper jaw dentition of adult S. japonicus probably evolved as a dental adaptation related to the rapid replacement of teeth dictated by the specialized feeding habit of this algae-scraping fish.  相似文献   

Most dentate vertebrates, from fish to humans, replace their teeth and yet the molecular basis of tooth replacement is poorly understood. Canonical Wnt signaling regulates tooth number in mice and humans, but it is unclear what role it plays in tooth replacement as it naturally occurs. To clarify this, we characterized Wnt signaling activity in the dental tissues of the ball python Python regius. This species replaces teeth throughout life (polyphyodonty) and in the same manner as in humans, i.e., sequential budding of teeth from the tip of the dental lamina. From initiation stage onwards, canonical Wnt read-out genes (Lef1 and Axin2) are persistently expressed by cells in the dental lamina tip and surrounding mesenchyme. This implies that molecular signaling at work during dental initiation carries over to tooth replacement. We show that canonical Wnt signaling promotes cell proliferation in python dental tissues and that by confining Wnt activity in the dental lamina the structure extends instead of thickens. Presumably, lamina extension creates space between successive tooth buds, ensuring that tooth replacement occurs in an ordered manner. We suggest that hedgehog signaling confines Wnt activity in the dental epithelium by direct planar repression and, during tooth replacement stages, by negatively regulating BMP levels in the dental mesenchyme. Finally, we propose that Wnt-active cells at the extending tip of the python dental lamina represent the immediate descendents of putative stem cells housed in the lingual face of the lamina, similar to what we have recently described for another polyphyodont squamate species.  相似文献   

Reiterative signaling and patterning during mammalian tooth morphogenesis   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
Mammalian dentition consists of teeth that develop as discrete organs. From anterior to posterior, the dentition is divided into regions of incisor, canine, premolar and molar tooth types. Particularly teeth in the molar region are very diverse in shape. The development of individual teeth involves epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that are mediated by signals shared with other organs. Parts of the molecular details of signaling networks have been established, particularly in the signal families BMP, FGF, Hh and Wnt, mostly by the analysis of gene expression and signaling responses in knockout mice with arrested tooth development. Recent evidence suggests that largely the same signaling cascade is used reiteratively throughout tooth development. The successional determination of tooth region, tooth type, tooth crown base and individual cusps involves signals that regulate tissue growth and differentiation. Tooth type appears to be determined by epithelial signals and to involve differential activation of homeobox genes in the mesenchyme. This differential signaling could have allowed the evolutionary divergence of tooth shapes among the four tooth types. The advancing tooth morphogenesis is punctuated by transient signaling centers in the epithelium corresponding to the initiation of tooth buds, tooth crowns and individual cusps. The latter two signaling centers, the primary enamel knot and the secondary enamel knot, have been well characterized and are thought to direct the differential growth and subsequent folding of the dental epithelium. Several members of the FGF signal family have been implicated in the control of cell proliferation around the non-dividing enamel knots. Spatiotemporal induction of the secondary enamel knots determines the cusp patterns of individual teeth and is likely to involve repeated activation and inhibition of signaling as suggested for patterning of other epithelial organs.  相似文献   

Tooth replacement poses many questions about development, pattern formation, tooth attachment mechanisms, functional morphology and the evolution of vertebrate dentitions. Although most vertebrate species have polyphyodont dentitions, detailed knowledge of tooth structure and replacement is poor for most groups, particularly actinopterygians. We examined the oral dentition of the bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, a pelagic and coastal marine predator, using a sample of 50 individuals. The oral teeth are located on the dentary and premaxillary bones, and we scored each tooth locus in the dentary and premaxillary bones using a four-part functional classification: absent (A), incoming (I), functional (F=fully ankylosed) or eroding (E). The homodont oral teeth of Pomatomus are sharp, deeply socketed and firmly ankylosed to the bone of attachment. Replacement is intraosseus and occurs in alternate tooth loci with long waves of replacement passing from rear to front. The much higher percentage of functional as opposed to eroding teeth suggests that replacement rates are low but that individual teeth are quickly lost once erosion begins. Tooth number increases ontogenetically, ranging from 15–31 dentary teeth and 15–39 premaxillary teeth in the sample studied. Teeth increase in size with every replacement cycle. Remodeling of the attachment bone occurs continuously to accommodate growth. New tooth germs originate from a discontinuous dental lamina and migrate from the lingual (dentary) or labial (premaxillary) epithelium through pores in the bone of attachment into the resorption spaces beneath the existing teeth. Pomatomus shares unique aspects of tooth replacement with barracudas and other scombroids and this supports the interpretation that Pomatomus is more closely related to scombroids than to carangoids.  相似文献   

Dental patterns in vertebrates range from absence of teeth to multiple sets of teeth that are replaced throughout life. Despite this great variation, most of our understanding of tooth development is derived from studies on just a few model organisms. Here we introduce the reptile as an excellent model in which to study the molecular basis for early dental specification and, most importantly, for tooth replacement. We review recent snake studies that highlight the conserved role of Shh in marking the position of the odontogenic band. The distinctive molecular patterning of the dental lamina in the labial-lingual and oral-aboral axes is reviewed. We explain how these early signals help to specify the tooth-forming and non-tooth forming sides of the dental lamina as well as the presumptive successional lamina. Next, the simple architecture of the reptilian enamel organ is contrasted with the more complex, mammalian tooth bud and we discuss whether or not there is an enamel knot in reptilian teeth. The role of the successional lamina during tooth replacement in squamate reptiles is reviewed and we speculate on the possible formation of a vestigial, post-permanent dentition in mammals. In support of these ideas, we present data on agamid teeth in which development of a third generation is arrested. We suggest that in diphyodont mammals, similar mechanisms may be involved in reducing tooth replacement capacity. Finally, we review the location of label-retaining cells and suggest ways in which these putative dental epithelial stem cells contribute to continuous tooth replacement.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of tooth development in the main vertebrate lineages is needed to determine the various evolutionary routes leading to current dentition in living vertebrates. We have used light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy to study tooth morphology and the main stages of tooth development in the scincid lizard, Chalcides viridanus, viz., from late embryos to 6-year-old specimens of a laboratory-bred colony, and from early initiation stages to complete differentiation and attachment, including resorption and enamel formation. In C. viridanus, all teeth of a jaw have a similar morphology but tooth shape, size and orientation change during ontogeny, with a constant number of tooth positions. Tooth morphology changes from a simple smooth cone in the late embryo to the typical adult aspect of two cusps and several ridges via successive tooth replacement at every position. First-generation teeth are initiated by interaction between the oral epithelium and subjacent mesenchyme. The dental lamina of these teeth directly branches from the basal layer of the oral epithelium. On replacement-tooth initiation, the dental lamina spreads from the enamel organ of the previous tooth. The epithelial cell population, at the dental lamina extremity and near the bone support surface, proliferates and differentiates into the enamel organ, the inner (IDE) and outer dental epithelium being separated by stellate reticulum. IDE differentiates into ameloblasts, which produce enamel matrix components. In the region facing differentiating IDE, mesenchymal cells differentiate into dental papilla and give rise to odontoblasts, which first deposit a layer of predentin matrix. The first elements of the enamel matrix are then synthesised by ameloblasts. Matrix mineralisation starts in the upper region of the tooth (dentin then enamel). Enamel maturation begins once the enamel matrix layer is complete. Concomitantly, dental matrices are deposited towards the base of the dentin cone. Maturation of the enamel matrix progresses from top to base; dentin mineralisation proceeds centripetally from the dentin–enamel junction towards the pulp cavity. Tooth attachment is pleurodont and tooth replacement occurs from the lingual side from which the dentin cone of the functional teeth is resorbed. Resorption starts from a deeper region in adults than in juveniles. Our results lead us to conclude that tooth morphogenesis and differentiation in this lizard are similar to those described for mammalian teeth. However, Tomes processes and enamel prisms are absent.  相似文献   

We have studied the expression patterns of the newly isolated homeobox gene, Hox-8 by in situ hybridisation to sections of the developing heads of mouse embryos between E9 and E17.5, and compared them to Hox-7 expression patterns in adjacent sections. This paper concentrates on the interesting expression patterns of Hox-8 during initiation and development of the molar and incisor teeth. Hox-8 expression domains are present in the neural crest-derived mesenchyme beneath sites of future tooth formation, in a proximo-distal gradient. Tooth development is initiated in the oral epithelium which subsequently thickens in discrete sites and invaginates to form the dental lamina. Hox-8 expression in mouse oral epithelium is first evident at the sites of the dental placodes, suggesting a role in the specification of tooth position. Subsequently, in molar teeth, this patch of Hox-8 expressing epithelium becomes incorporated within the buccal aspect of the invaginating dental lamina to form part of the external enamel epithelium of the cap stage tooth germ. This locus of Hox-8 expression becomes continuous with new sites of Hox-8 expression in the enamel navel, septum, knot and internal enamel epithelium. The transitory enamel knot, septum and navel were postulated, long ago, to be involved in specifying tooth shape, causing the inflection of the first buccal cusp, but this theory has been largely ignored. Interestingly, in the conical incisor teeth, the enamel navel, septum and knot are absent, and Hox-8 has a symmetrical expression pattern. Our demonstration of the precise expression patterns of Hox-8 in the early dental placodes and their subsequent association with the enamel knot, septum and navel provide the first molecular clues to the basis of patterning in the dentition and the association of tooth position with tooth shape: an association all the more intriguing in view of the evolutionary robustness of the patterning mechanism, and the known role of homeobox genes in Drosophila pattern formation. At the bell stage of tooth development, Hox-8 expression switches tissue layers, being absent from the differentiating epithelial ameloblasts and turned on in the differentiating mesenchymal odontoblasts. Hox-7 is expressed in the mesenchyme of the dental papilla and follicle at all stages. This reciprocity of expression suggests an interactive role between Hox-7, Hox-8 and other genes in regulating epithelial mesenchymal interactions during dental differentiation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Wnt/beta-catenin signaling plays key roles in tooth development, but how this pathway intersects with the complex interplay of signaling factors regulating dental morphogenesis has been unclear. We demonstrate that Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is active at multiple stages of tooth development. Mutation of beta-catenin to a constitutively active form in oral epithelium causes formation of large, misshapen tooth buds and ectopic teeth, and expanded expression of signaling molecules important for tooth development. Conversely, expression of key morphogenetic regulators including Bmp4, Msx1, and Msx2 is downregulated in embryos expressing the secreted Wnt inhibitor Dkk1 which blocks signaling in epithelial and underlying mesenchymal cells. Similar phenotypes are observed in embryos lacking epithelial beta-catenin, demonstrating a requirement for Wnt signaling within the epithelium. Inducible Dkk1 expression after the bud stage causes formation of blunted molar cusps, downregulation of the enamel knot marker p21, and loss of restricted ectodin expression, revealing requirements for Wnt activity in maintaining secondary enamel knots. These data place Wnt/beta-catenin signaling upstream of key morphogenetic signaling pathways at multiple stages of tooth development and indicate that tight regulation of this pathway is essential both for patterning tooth development in the dental lamina, and for controlling the shape of individual teeth.  相似文献   

Tooth replacement poses many questions about development, pattern formation, tooth attachment mechanisms, functional morphology and the evolution of vertebrate dentitions. Although most vertebrate species have polyphyodont dentitions, detailed knowledge of tooth structure and replacement is poor for most groups, particularly actinopterygians. We examined the oral dentition of the bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, a pelagic and coastal marine predator, using a sample of 50 individuals. The oral teeth are located on the dentary and premaxillary bones, and we scored each tooth locus in the dentary and premaxillary bones using a four-part functional classification: absent (A), incoming (I), functional (F=fully ankylosed) or eroding (E). The homodont oral teeth of Pomatomus are sharp, deeply socketed and firmly ankylosed to the bone of attachment. Replacement is intraosseus and occurs in alternate tooth loci with long waves of replacement passing from rear to front. The much higher percentage of functional as opposed to eroding teeth suggests that replacement rates are low but that individual teeth are quickly lost once erosion begins. Tooth number increases ontogenetically, ranging from 15–31 dentary teeth and 15–39 premaxillary teeth in the sample studied. Teeth increase in size with every replacement cycle. Remodeling of the attachment bone occurs continuously to accommodate growth. New tooth germs originate from a discontinuous dental lamina and migrate from the lingual (dentary) or labial (premaxillary) epithelium through pores in the bone of attachment into the resorption spaces beneath the existing teeth. Pomatomus shares unique aspects of tooth replacement with barracudas and other scombroids and this supports the interpretation that Pomatomus is more closely related to scombroids than to carangoids.  相似文献   

In order to test whether the formation of a replacement tooth bud in a continuously replacing dentition is linked to the functional state of the tooth predecessor, I examined the timing of development of replacement teeth with respect to their functional predecessors in the pharyngeal dentition of the zebrafish. Observations based on serial semithin sections of ten specimens, ranging in age from four week old juveniles to adults, indicate that (i) a replacement tooth germ develops at the distal end of an epithelial structure, called the successional dental lamina, budding off from the crypt epithelium surrounding the erupted part of a functional tooth; (ii) there appears to be a developmental link between the eruption of a tooth and the formation of a successional dental lamina and (iii) there can be a time difference between successional lamina formation and initiation of the new tooth germ, i.e., the successional dental lamina can remain quiescent for some time. The data suggest that the formation of a successional lamina and the differentiation of a replacement tooth germ from this lamina, are two distinct phases of a process and possibly under a different control. The strong spatio-temporal coincidence of eruption of a tooth and development of a successional dental lamina is seen as evidence for a local control over tooth replacement.  相似文献   

Development of the upper dentition in Alligator mississippiensis was investigated using a close series of accurately staged and aged embryos, hatchlings, and young juveniles up to 11 days posthatching, as well as some young and old adult specimens. Studies from scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, acetate and computer reconstructions, radiography and macroscopy were combined to elucidate the details of embryonic dental development, tooth initiation pattern, dentitional growth, and erupted functional dentition. The results were compared with those from the lower jaw and related to the development of other craniofacial structures. Approximately 17 early teeth in each jaw half develop as surface teeth, of which 13 project for 1 to 12 days before sinking into the mesenchyme. The first three teeth initiate directly from the oral epithelium at Ferguson stages 14-15 (days 15-19 after egg laying), before there is any local trace of dental lamina formation. All other teeth develop from a dental prolamina or lamina; and with progressive lamina development, submerged teeth initiate from the aboral end leading to the formation of replacement teeth. All teeth form dentin matrix, but 12 early teeth do not form enamel. Approximately 20 embryonic teeth are resorbed, 6 are transitional, and 42 function for longer periods after hatching. The embryonic tooth initiation pattern (illustrated by defining a tooth position formula) does not support the previous models of Odontostichi, Zahnreihen, and Tooth Families, each of which postulates perfect regularity. Up to three interstitial tooth positions develop between sites of primary tooth initiation, and families with up to five generations at hatching are at first arbitrarily defined.  相似文献   

The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as a developmental model surpasses both zebrafish and mouse for a more widespread distribution of teeth in the oro-pharynx as the basis for general vertebrate odontogenesis, one in which replacement is an essential requirement. Studies on the rainbow trout have led to the identification of the initial sequential appearance of teeth, through differential gene expression as a changing spatio-temporal pattern, to set in place the primary teeth of the first generation, and also to regulate the continuous production of replacement tooth families. Here we reveal gene expression data that address both the field and clone theories for patterning a polyphyodont osteichthyan dentition. These data inform how the initial pattern may be established through up-regulation at tooth loci from a broad odontogenic band. It appears that control and regulation of replacement pattern resides in the already primed dental epithelium at the sides of the predecessor tooth. A case is presented for the developmental changes that might have occurred during vertebrate evolution, for the origin of a separate successional dental lamina, by comparison with an osteichthyan tetrapod dentition (Ambystoma mexicanum). The evolutionary origins of such a permanent dental lamina are proposed to have occurred from the transient one demonstrated here in the trout. This has implications for phylogenies based on the homology of teeth as only those developed from a dental lamina. Utilising the data generated from the rainbow trout model, we propose this as a standard for comparative development and evolutionary theories of the vertebrate dentition.  相似文献   

Functional implications of primate enamel thickness.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent evolutionary interpretations of Hominoidea have postulated functional relationships between tooth form, diet and masticatory biomechanics. A major consideration is the durability of the tooth under certain dietary conditions. Teeth with low cusps and thicker enamel are able to withstand heavy mastication of abrasive food bolus for a longer period. When comparisons are made between species of higher primates the variables of tooth size, cusp morphology, and enamel thickness appear to be related but until now no systematic analysis has been made to determine the functional relevance of several dental dimensions. This study provides data gained from comparisons of dentition of nine species of primates. Histological sections were made of the post canine teeth and 21 dimensions were compared. The relevant dimensions identified serve to withstand dental wear. The distribution of thicker enamel corresponded to the observed wear planes. Humans had thicker enamel than pongids while the macaque had the thinnest. These preliminary results tend to support theories which explain low, thick, enameled cusps in hominids.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(7):407-417
Notosuchia is a large and diverse group of Crocodyliforms, characterized, among other features, by a heterodont dentition. New information on the tooth anatomy of Notosuchus terrestris is presented, based on well-preserved specimens from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia (southern Argentina). This allows a complete characterization of its dental anatomy (composed by incisiviform, caniniform, and molariform teeth) that includes autapomorphic features and derived features shared with Sphagesaurus and Mariliasuchus. This includes the extensive wear facets in molariforms, indicative of tooth–tooth occlusion and a sharp keel that bears rounded denticles. Notosuchus also shares with Mariliasuchus the presence of a tooth with a transitional morphology located at the premaxilla–maxilla contact and the absence of interalveolar septa in the entire premaxillary and maxillary dentition.  相似文献   

In classical theory, teeth of vertebrate dentitions evolved from co-option of external skin denticles into the oral cavity. This hypothesis predicts that ordered tooth arrangement and regulated replacement in the oral dentition were also derived from skin denticles. The fossil batoid ray Schizorhiza stromeri (Chondrichthyes; Cretaceous) provides a test of this theory. Schizorhiza preserves an extended cartilaginous rostrum with closely spaced, alternating saw-teeth, different from sawfish and sawsharks today. Multiple replacement teeth reveal unique new data from micro-CT scanning, showing how the ‘cone-in-cone’ series of ordered saw-teeth sets arrange themselves developmentally, to become enclosed by the roots of pre-existing saw-teeth. At the rostrum tip, newly developing saw-teeth are present, as mineralized crown tips within a vascular, cartilaginous furrow; these reorient via two 90° rotations then relocate laterally between previously formed roots. Saw-tooth replacement slows mid-rostrum where fewer saw-teeth are regenerated. These exceptional developmental data reveal regulated order for serial self-renewal, maintaining the saw edge with ever-increasing saw-tooth size. This mimics tooth replacement in chondrichthyans, but differs in the crown reorientation and their enclosure directly between roots of predecessor saw-teeth. Schizorhiza saw-tooth development is decoupled from the jaw teeth and their replacement, dependent on a dental lamina. This highly specialized rostral saw, derived from diversification of skin denticles, is distinct from the dentition and demonstrates the potential developmental plasticity of skin denticles.  相似文献   

Lysine methyltransferase 2D (KMT2D), as one of the key histone methyltransferases responsible for histone 3 lysine 4 methylation (H3K4me), has been proved to be the main pathogenic gene of Kabuki syndrome disease. Kabuki patients with KMT2D mutation frequently present various dental abnormalities, including abnormal tooth number and crown morphology. However, the exact function of KMT2D in tooth development remains unclear. In this report, we systematically elucidate the expression pattern of KMT2D in early tooth development and outline the molecular mechanism of KMT2D in dental epithelial cell line. KMT2D and H3K4me mainly expressed in enamel organ and Kmt2d knockdown led to the reduction in cell proliferation activity and cell cycling activity in dental epithelial cell line (LS8). RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis screened out several important pathways affected by Kmt2d knockdown including Wnt signaling. Consistently, Top/Fop assay confirmed the reduction in Wnt signaling activity in Kmt2d knockdown cells. Nuclear translocation of β-catenin was significantly reduced by Kmt2d knockdown, while lithium chloride (LiCl) partially reversed this phenomenon. Moreover, LiCl partially reversed the decrease in cell proliferation activity and G1 arrest, and the down-regulation of Wnt-related genes in Kmt2d knockdown cells. In summary, the present study uncovered a pivotal role of histone methyltransferase KMT2D in dental epithelium proliferation and cell cycle homeostasis partially through regulating Wnt/β-catenin signaling. The findings are important for understanding the role of KMT2D and histone methylation in tooth development.  相似文献   

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